- 2409 Allsynth: (Stacked) Synthetic Control Bias-Correction Utilities for Stata
by Justin C. Wiltsire - 2408 Lifting the Cap on Non-Resident University Enrollment: Evidence from Wisconsin
by Justin C. Wiltsire - 2407 Income and Labour Market Consequences of Business Failure
by Herbert Schuetze & Brianna Perry - 2406 Firm Characteristics and Immigrant Wage Outcomes in Canada
by Herbert Schuetze & Jen Baggs - 2405 The Road to Ruin: Parasitic Suburbs and the Fundamental Law of Traffic Congestion
by Martin Farnham & Elisabeth Gugl & Peter W. Kennedy & Levi Megenbir - 2404 Education Policy and Income Inequality When Aptitude Is Innate
by Peter W. Kennedy & Herbert Schuetze - 2403 Economic Size and The Scope Of Control Over Greenhouse Gas Emissions
by Peter W. Kennedy - 2401 An Aggregation-Consistent Implementation of the Hamilton Filter
by Marco Cozzi
- 2304 Walmart Supercenters and Monopsony Power: How A Large, Low-Wage Employer Impacts Local Labor Markets
by Justin C. Wiltshire - 2303 Out-of-State Enrollment, Financial Aid and Academic Outcomes: Evidence from Wisconsin
by Justin C. Wiltshire - 2302 Minimum Wage Effects And Monopsony Expectations
by Justin C. Wiltshire - 2301 The Simple Macroeconometrics of the Quantity Theory And the Welfare Cost of Inflation
by Kenneth G. Stewart
- 2012 Inflation Targets and Policy Horizons
by Graham Voss - 2011 The Adoption Of Cleaner Household Technologies: When Is Backfire Welfare-Improving?
by Peter Kennedy - 2010 Heterogeneity in Macroeconomics and the Minimal Econometric Interpretation for Model Comparison
by Marco Cozzi - 2009 Public Funding of Research and Grant Proposals in the Social Sciences: Empirical Evidence from Canada
by Marco Cozzi - 2008 Institutional Economics and Dewey's Instrumentalism
by Malcolm Rutherford - 2007 Has Public Debt Been Too High in Canada and The U.S.? A Quantitative Assessment
by Marco Cozzi - 2006 Public Debt and Welfare in a Quantitative Schumpeterian Growth Model With Incomplete Markets
by Marco Cozzi
- 2005 Coase and the Scottish Political Economy Tradition
by Alexander Dow & Sheila Dow - 2004 How Important are Land Values in House Price Growth? Evidence from Canadian Cities
by Kenneth G. Stewart
- 2003 The Philosophical Foundation of Mainstream Macroeconomics
by Sheila Dow - 2002 Do Wealth Shocks Matter for the Life Satisfaction of the Elderly? Evidence from the Health and Retirement Study
by Marco Cozzi & Qiushan Li - 2001 Alfred Marshall, Evolutionary Economics and Climate Change: Raffaelli Lecture
by Sheila Dow - 1809 Public Funding of Research and Grant Proposals in the Social Sciences: Empirical Evidence from Canada
by Marco Cozzi
- 1904 Inequalities in Test Scores between Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Youth in Canada
by Maggie Jones & Michael Barber - 1903 Earning Risks, Parental Schooling Investment, and Old-Age Income Support From Children
by Alok Kumar - 1902 Old-Age Income Support, Human Capital Investment, and Efficiency: Rotten-Kid Theorem Meets Samaritan's Dilemma
by Alok Kumar - 1901 Has the Canadian Public Debt Been Too High? A Quantitative Assessment
by Marco Cozzi
- 1808 Are factor biases and substitution identifiable? The Canadian evidence
by Ken Stewart & Jiang Li - 1807 Normalized CES Supply Systems: Replication of Klump, McAdam, and Willman (2007)
by Ken Stewart - 1806 Illuminating Indigenous Economic Development
by Donna Feir & Rob Gillezeau & Maggie Jones - 1805 Monetary Reform, Central Banks and Digital Currencies
by Sheila Dow - 1804 Efficiency Units of Labor: Life-Cycle Profiles Estimates from the CPS 1987-2017
by Marco Cozzi - 1803 Optimal Capital Taxation with Incomplete Markets and Schumpeterian Growth
by Marco Cozzi - 1802 First People Lost: Determining the State of Status First Nations Mortality in Canada Using Administrative Data
by Donna Feir & Randall Akee - 1801 Estimating Institutionalization and Homelessness for Status First Nations in Canada: A Method and Implications
by Donna Feir & Randall Akee
- 1704 Illuminating Economic Development in Indigenous Communities
by Donna Feir & Rob Gillezeau & Maggie Jones - 1703 The Effect of Indian Residential Schools on Height and Body Mass Post-1930
by Donn Feir & M. Chris Auld - 1702 The Impact of Introducing Formal Childcare Services on Labour Force Participation in Inuit Nunangat
by Donn Feir & Jasmin Thomas - 1701 The Slaughter of the North American Bison and Reversal of Fortunes on the Great Plains
by Donn Feir & Rob Gillezeau & Maggie Jones
- 1601 Job Displacement Risk and Severance Pay
by Marco Cozzi
- 1407 Do Fans Care about Compliance to Doping Regulations in Sports? The Impact of PED Suspension in Baseball
by Pascal Courty & Jeffrey Cisyk - 1406 Foreign Aid, Incentives and Efficiency: Can Foreign Aid Lead to Efficient Level of Investment?
by Alok Kumar - 1405 Samaritan's Dilemma, Time-Inconsistency and Foreign Aid: A Review of Theoretical Models
by Alok Kumar - 1404 Education and Cross-Country Productivity Differences
by Alok Kumar & Brianne Kober - 1403 The Dynamics of Rural Non-farm Employment in India: Gender, Agricultural Productivity, and Literacy
by Alok Kumar & Kam Shergill - 1402 Gender Bias and Child Labor in LDCs
by Alok Kumar & Emma Underhill - 1401 The Relationship Between Central Banks And Governments: What Are Central Banks For?
by Sheila Dow
- 1303 Labor Markets, Unemployment and Optimal Inflation
by Alok Kumar - 1302 Inflation, Redistribution, and Real Activities
by Alok Kumar - 1301 The Long Term Effects of Forcible Assimilation Policy: The Case of Indian Boarding Schools
by Donna Feir
- 1204 Uncertainty-Denial
by Sheila Dow - 1203 Winning Hearts and Minds: Public Good Provision in the Shadow of Insurgency
by David Scoones - 1202 Community Preferences, Insurgency, and the Success of Reconstruction Spending
by David Scoones & Travers Barclay Child - 1201 National and Provincial Inflation in Canada: Experiences under Inflation Targeting
by Graham M. Voss & M. Chaban
- 1101 Flexible Inflation Forecast Targeting: Evidence from Canada
by Graham M. Voss & Glenn D. Otto
- 1002 Corruption, development and the Curse of Natural Resources forthcoming Canadian Journal of Political Science
by Shannon M. Pendergast & Judith A. Clarke & G. Cornelis van Kooten - 1001 Healthy Human Development Indices
by Merwan Engineer & Nilanjana Roy & Sari Fink
- 0903 Share the Gain, Share the Pain? Almost Transferable Utility, Changes in Production Possibilities and Bargaining Solutions
by Elisabeth Gugl & Justin Leroux - 0902 Strict and Flexible Inflation Forecast Targets: An Empirical Investigation
by Glenn Otto & Graham Voss - 0901 The USDA Graduate School: Government Training in Statistics and Economics, 1921-1945
by Malcolm Rutherford
- 0802 Why Larger Lenders obtain Higher Returns: Evidence from Sovereign Syndicated Loans
by Issam Hallak & Paul Schure - 0801 The Early Bird gets the Worm? Birth Order Effects in a Dynamic Model of the Family
by Elisabeth Gugl & Linda Welling
- 0710 The Early Bird gets the Worm? Birth Order Effects in a Dynamic Model of the Family
by Elisabeth Gugl & Linda Welling - 0709 Multiagent System Simulations of Treasury Auctions
by Alan Mehlenbacher - 0708 Multiagent System Simulations of Signal Averaging in English Auctions with Two-Dimensional Value Signals
by Alan Mehlenbacher - 0707 Multiagent System Simulations of Sealed-Bid Auctions with Two-Dimensional Value Signals
by Alan Mehlenbacher - 0706 Multiagent System Platform for Auction Simulations
by Alan Mehlenbacher - 0705 Share the Gain, Share the Pain? Almost Transferable Utility, Changes in Production Possibilities, and Bargaining Solutions
by Elisabeth Gugl - 0704 Self-Employment and Labor Market Policies
by Alok Kumar & Herbert J. Schuetze - 0703 When the Powerful Drag Their Feet
by Paul Schure & Francesco Passerelli & David Scoones - 0702 Almost transferable utility, changes in production possibilities, and the Nash Bargaining and the Kalai-Smorodinsky Solutions
by Elisabeth Gugl - 0701 The Impact of Income Splitting on Intrafamily Distribution in a Dynamic Family Bargaining Model
by Elisabeth Gugl
- 0402 Testing for Normality in the Linear Regression Model: An Empirical Likelihood Ratio Test
by Lauren Bin Dong & David E. A. Giles - 0401 Overlapping Generations Models and Graded Age-Set Societies
by Merwan H. Engineer & Linda Welling
- 0104 Walton Hamilton, Amherst, and the Brookings Graduate School: Institutonal Economics and Education
by Malcolm Rutherford - 0103 Institutional Economics at Columbia University
by Malcolm Rutherford - 0102 Overlapping Generations Models of Graded Age-Group Societies: Economics Meets Ethnography
by Merwan Engineer & Linda Welling - 0101 Who's Minding the Kids? An Economic Comparison of Sole and Joint Custody
by Linda Welling & Marci Bearance
- 9901 Institutionalism as "Scientific" Economics
by Malcom Rutherford
- 9803 Modelling the Tax Compliance Profiles of New Zealand Firms: Evidence from Audit Records
by David E. A. Giles - 9802 Testing for Unit Roots With Missing Observations
by Kevin F. Ryan & David E. A. Giles - 9801 The Underground Economy: Minimizing the Size of Government
by David E.A. Giles