Undated material is presented at the end, although it may be more recent than other items
- 202502 Asset Management Companies and the Global Financial Crisis in Ireland and Spain
by Ciara Reynolds & Micheál L. Collins - 202501 Pathways Through Housing Precarity: suburbanisation, sharing and self-sacrifice among low-income Bangladeshi Migrants in Dublin
by M. Altaf Hossain & Michelle Norris
- 202408 Diminished Home Advantage in Chinese Basketball during COVID-19: The Role of Team Strength and Local Temperature
by Zilong Li & Xidong Guo & Zuzanna Studnicka & Jiming Zhu - 202407 Land Policy’s Influence on the Resilience and Fragility of Social Housing Systems: comparing active and passive, targeted and generalist land management strategies in Austria, England and the Netherlands
by Michelle Norris - 202406 Liquidity in the euro-area sovereign bond market during the “dash for cash” driven by the COVID-19 crisis
by Vassilios G. Papavassilioua & Fan Dora Xiab - 202405 Policy and Political Responses to Ireland’s Refugee Crisis
by Byran Fanning - 202404 Market Power and Structure in the Retail Motor Fuel Market
by Harry O'Rahilly & Patrick Paul Walsh - 202403 The More Private Patients, the Fewer Public Patients? Evaluating the 2014 Hospitals Reform in Ireland
by Xidong Guo & Eóin T. Flaherty & Huihui Li & Jiming Zhu - 202402 Well-Being in the Post-COVID-19 Era: The Impact of COVID-19 on Palestinian Refugees and Bedouins in the West Bank
by Ahmad Amro & Sarah Carol & Birte Freer - 202401 The Consequences of Miscarriage on Parental Investments
by Aline Bütikofer & Deirdre Coy & Orla Doyle & Rita Ginja
- 202304 International Migration in Ireland, 2022
by Philip J. O’Connell - 202303 Inheriting the Royals: Royal Chartered Bodies in Ireland after 1922
by John Biggins - 202301 Private Practice in Public Hospitals: Should Senior Consultants Be Prioritized?
by Xidong Guo & Sarah Parlane
- 202302 On the solution of games with arbitrary payoffs: An application to an over-the-counter financial market
by Iraklis Kollias & John Leventides & Vassilios G. Papavassiliou - 202210 Co-skewness across Return Horizons
by Chenglu Jin & Thomas Conlon & John Cotter - 202209 Ethical Considerations when using Behavioural Insights to Reduce Peoples Meat Consumption
by Leonhard Lades & Federica Nova - 202208 Nudging in the workplace: increasing participation in employee EDI wellness events
by Diane Pelly & Orla Doyle - 202207 Poisoning the Well? The "Last Mile" Politics of Donor Control and Elite Capture in Bangladesh's Arsenic Mitigation
by Samuel Brazys & Minhaj Mahmud - 202206 Does Distance Matter? Proximity to Exporting Firms on Child Labour and Education Rates: Evidence from Bangladesh
by Aubrey Keeler Saunders & Samuel Brazys - 202205 Revealing a Hidden Cost: determining the public service cost of poverty in Ireland
by Micheál L. Collins - 202204 Worker well-being and quit intentions: is measuring job satisfaction enough?
by Diane Pelly - 202203 The non-linear trade-off between return and risk and its determinants
by John Cotter & Enrique Salvador - 202202 Everyday Administrative Burdens and Inequality
by Lucie Martin & Liam Delaney & Orla Doyle - 202201 The impact of adolescent psychological distress on access and participation in employer sponsored pension plans in the US
by Karen Arulsamy
- 202113 Counting contexts that count: An exploration of the contextual correlates of meat consumption in three Western European countries
by Kate Laffan - 202112 The micro-politics of Traveller accommodation and housing provision: sites of conflict, ambiguous implementation and symbolic policy making
by Michelle Norris & Eoin O'Sullivan & Anna Visser - 202111 Machine Learning and Factor-Based Portfolio Optimization
by Thomas Conlon & John Cotter & Iason Kynigakis - 202110 The SDGs as an Integrative Framework to Assess Coherence of Transnational Multistakeholder Partnerships for SIDS
by David Horan - 202109 Experiences of 'home' in the Irish private rental sector: a qualitative research study of the experience of tenants during the COVID-19 pandemic
by Michael Byrne & Juliana Sassi - 202108 Too Many Cooks or too many Recipes? An analysis of the institutional landscape and proliferation of proposals for Global Vaccine Equity for COVID-19
by Susi Geiger & Aisling McMahon - 202107 Dark Passage: Mental Health Consequences of Parental Death
by Petri Bockerman & Mika Haapanen & Christopher Jepsen - 202106 Sustainable community development: Integrating social and environmental sustainability for sustainable housing and communities
by Nessa Winston - 202105 Achievement Rank Affects Performance and Major Choices in College
by Benjamin Elsner & Ingo E. Isphording & Ulf Zoelitz - 202104 International Migration in Ireland, 2020. Report to the OECD Expert Group on Migration
by Philip J. O'Connell - 202103 Alternative EU CAP Tools for Stabilising Farm Incomes in the Era of Climate Change
by Ole Boysen & Kirsten Boysen-Urban & Alan Matthews - 202102 Basic Stata graphics for social science students
by Kevin Denny - 202101 Worker well-being before and during the COVID-19 restrictions: A longitudinal study in the UK
by Diane Pelly & Michael Daly & Liam Delaney & Orla Doyle
- 202014 Separating Left from Right in Eastern Europe: Re-examining Attitudes Towards Inequality
by Jesper Lindqvist - 202013 Hops, Skip & a Jump - The Regional Uniqueness of Beer Styles
by Ryan M. Hynes & Bernardo S. Buarque & Ronald B. Davies & Dieter F. Kogler - 202012 When one side stays home: A joint model of turnout and vote choice
by Johan A Elkink & Sarah Parlane & Thomas Sattler - 202011 Commodity Futures Return Predictability and Intertemporal Asset Pricing
by John Cotter & Emmanuel Eyiah-Donkor & Valerio Potì - 202010 Gender Stereotyping in Parents' and Teachers' Perceptions of Boys' and Girls' Mathematics Performance in Ireland
by Selina McCoy & Delma Byrne & Pat O Connor - 202009 Drugs on the Web, Crime in the Streets. The impact of Dark Web marketplaces on street crime
by Diego Zambiasi - 202008 Immigration and Redistribution
by Benjamin Elsner & Jeff Concannon - 202007 Sludge and Transaction Costs
by Sina Shahab & Leonhard K. Lades - 202006 Should Early Health Investments Work? Evidence from an RCT of a Home Visiting Programme
by Deirdre Coy & Orla Doyle - 202005 Macro-Financial Spillovers
by John Cotter & Mark Hallam & Kamil Yilmaz - 202004 The Impact of Automatic Enrolment on the Mental Health Gap in Pension Participation: Evidence from the UK
by Karen Arulsamy & Liam Delaney - 202003 Do economic preferences predict pro-environmental behaviour?
by Leonhard K. Lades & Kate Laffan & Till O. Weber - 202002 Parental Unemployment During the Great Recession and Childhood Adiposity
by Jonathan Briody - 202001 Can Early Intervention have a Sustained Effect on Human Capital?
by Orla Doyle
- 201914 International Migration in Ireland, 2019
by Philip J O'Connell - 201913 Integration Among US Banks
by Abhinav Anand & John Cotter - 201912 The Effect of the Great Recession on Health: A longitudinal study of Irish Mothers 2001-2011
by Jonathan Briody & Orla Doyle & Cecily Kelleher - 201911 The Death of Conservative Ireland? The 2018 Abortion Referendum
by Johan A. Elkink & David M. Farrell & Sofie Marien & Theresa Reidy & Jane Suiter - 201910 Co-skewness across Return Horizons
by Thomas Conlon & John Cotter & Chenglu Jin - 201909 Nowhere to Run, Nowhere to Hide - Asset Diversification in a Flat World
by John Cotter & Stuart Gabriel & Richard Roll - 201908 Key words: Oil wealth, oil price, Dutch disease, forex reserves, political unrest Oil Price Volatility and Political Unrest: Prudence and Protest in Producer and Consumer Societies, 1980-2013
by Samuel Brazys & Krishna Chaitanya Vadlamannati & Indra de Soysa - 201907 Which Wheel Gets the Grease? Constituent Agency and Sub-national World Bank Aid Allocation
by Samuel Brazys & Krishna Chaitanya Vadlamannati & Tianyang Song - 201906 Building Bridges or Breaking Bonds? The Belt and Road Initiative and Foreign Aid Competition
by Krishna Chaitanya Vadlamannati & Yuanxin Li & Samuel Brazys & Alexander Dukalskis - 201905 Ireland’s paternity benefit: belated social investment
by Stephan Köppe - 201904 The Role of the Media in Shaping Attitudes Toward Corporate Tax Avoidance: Experimental Evidence from Ireland
by Liam Kneafsey & Aidan Regan - 201903 Severe housing deprivation: Addressing the social sustainability challenge in the EU
by Nessa Winston & Patricia Kennedy - 201902 The financialization of housing and the growth of the private rental sector in Ireland, the UK and Spain
by Michael Byrne
- 201901 Financing the Golden Age of Irish Social Housing, 1932-1956 (and the dark ages which followed)
by Michelle Norris - 201825 International Migration in Ireland, 2018
by Philip J. O'Connell - 201824 An Honours System for Ireland
by David Barrett - 201823 Hazard Model Analysis of Community College Outcomes
by Darshak Patel & Christopher Jepsen - 201822 Funding Council Housing Provision, Management and Maintenance: An analysis of the financial sustainability of local authority provided social housing
by Michelle Norris & Aideen Hayden - 201821 The Great Recession and Mental Health: the Effect of Income Loss on the Psychological Health of Young Mothers
by Fiona Kiernan - 201820 Immigrant Voters, Taxation and the Size of the Welfare State
by Arnaud Chevalier & Benjamin Elsner & Andreas Lichter & Nico Pestel - 201819 Air pollution and health - A provincial level analysis of China
by Wei Zheng & Patrick Paul Walsh - 201818 Urbanization, trade openness, and air pollution: a provincial level analysis of China
by Wei Zheng & Patrick Paul Walsh - 201817 Economic growth, urbanization and energy consumption
by Wei Zheng & Patrick Paul Walsh - 201816 Why Are So Few Africans at Work in Ireland? Immigration Policy and Labour Market Disadvantage
by Philip J O'Connell - 201815 The Great Recession, Household Income, and Children’s Test Scores
by Mark McGovern & Slawa Rokicki - 201814 Where is the Destination? Understanding the Determinants of International Students’ Destination Choices upon Graduation in Ireland
by Zizhen Wang & Philip J O'Connell - 201813 Basic Stata graphics for economics students
by Kevin Denny - 201812 Taxing Highly Processed Foods - Impacts on Obesity and Underweight in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Ole Boysen & Kirsten Boysen-Urban & Harvey Bradford & Jean Balié - 201811 Tax Refunds and Income Manipulation Evidence from the EITC
by Florian Buhlmann & Benjamin Elsner & Andreas Peichl - 201810 Taking the Skill Bias out of Global Migration
by Costanza Biavaschi & Michal Burzynski & Benjamin Elsner & Joël Machado - 201809 International Migration in Ireland, 2017
by Philip J O'Connell - 201808 A Distributional Analysis of Upper Secondary School Performance
by John Cullinan & Kevin Denny & Darragh Flannery - 201807 Bringing the Household Back in. Comparative Capitalism and the Politics of Housing Markets
by Greg Fuller & Alison Johnston & Aidan Regan - 201806 Beyond Common Equity - The Influence of Secondary Capital on Bank Insolvency Risk
by Thomas Conlon & John Cotter & Philip Molyneux - 201805 Spillovers in Risk of Financial Institutions
by John Cotter & Anita Suurlaht - 201804 Are equity market anomalies disappearing? Evidence from the U.K
by John Cotter & Niall McGeever - 201803 Skills for the 21st Century: Findings and Policy Lessons from the OECD Survey of Adult Skills
by John P. Martin - 201802 Inference with difference-in-differences with a small number of groups: a review, simulation study and empirical application using SHARE data
by Slawa Rokicki & Jessica Cohen & Günther Fink & Joshua A. Salomon & Mary Beth Landrum - 201801 Tenure Mixing to Combat Public Housing Stigmatization: external benefits, internal challenges and contextual influences in three Dublin neighbourhoods
by Anna Carnegie & Michelle Norris & Michael Byrne
- 201711 The Troika’s variations on a trio: Why the loan programmes worked so differently in Greece, Ireland, and Portugal
by Niamh Hardiman & Joaquim Filipe Araújo & Muiris MacCarthaigh & Calliope Spanou - 201710 How do ideas shape national preferences? The Financial Transaction Tax in Ireland
by Niamh Hardiman & Saliha Metinsoy - 201709 Balance sheet strength and the bank-lending channel: evidence from an emerging market
by Supriya Kapoor - 201708 The Impact of Terrorism on Well-being: Evidence from the Boston Marathon Bombing
by Andrew E Clark & Orla Doyle & Elena Stancanelli - 201707 International Migration in Ireland, 2016
by Philip J. O'Connell - 201706 The First 2,000 Days and Child Skills: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment of Home Visiting
by Orla Doyle - 201705 Housing Market Volatility,Stability and Social Rented Housing: comparing Austria and Ireland during the global financial crisis
by Michelle Norris & Michael Byrne - 201704 Mixed-frequency macro-financial spillovers
by John Cotter & Mark Hallam & Kamil Yilmaz - 201703 Heterogeneity in Early Life Investments: A Longitudinal Analysis of Children’s Time Use
by Mark E. McGovern & Slawa Rokicki - 201702 Impact of a text messaging program on adolescent reproductive health: A cluster–randomized trial in Ghana
by Slawa Rokicki & Jessica Cohen & Joshua A. Salomon & Günther Fink - 201701 Celtic phoenix or leprechaun economics? The politics of an FDI led growth model in Europe
by Aidan Regan & Samuel Brazys
- 201615 Social housing's role in the Irish property boom and bust
by Michelle Norris & Michael Byrne - 201614 Childhood obesity and maternal education in Ireland
by David Madden - 201613 Economic stress and the great recession in Ireland:- the erosion of social class advantage
by Christopher T Whelan & Brian Nolan & Bertrand Maître - 201612 Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide: asset diversification in a flat world
by John Cotter & Stuart Gabriel & Richard Roll - 201611 Phonological awareness, vocabulary and internalizing behavior. A closer look at the associations in preschoolers using a structural equation modeling approach
by Lisa-Christine Girard & Luigi Girolametto - 201610 Self-reported health in good times and in bad: Ireland in the 21st century
by Kevin Denny & Patricia Franken - 201609 International Migration in Ireland, 2015
by Philip J. O’Connell & Corona Joyce & Susan Whelan - 201608 Prioritizing the “worse off” under attainability constraints: An indeterminacy problem for distributive fairness
by Anders Herlitz & David Horan - 201607 Employment and the Risk of Domestic Violence: Does the Breadwinner’s Gender Matter?
by César Alonso-Borrego & Raquel Carrasco - 201606 Non-cognitive development in infancy: the influence of maternal employment and the mediating role of childcare
by Thérèse McDonnell - 201605 Privatising Public Housing Redevelopment: grassroots resistance, co-operation and devastation in three Dublin neighbourhoods
by Michelle Norris & Rory Hearne - 201604 Austerity in the European periphery: the Irish experience
by Niamh Hardiman & Spyros Blavoukos & Sebastian Dellepiane-Avellaneda & George Pagoulatos - 201603 The Great Recession and the Changing Distribution of Economic Stress across Income Classes and the Life Course in Ireland: A Comparative Perspective
by Christopher T. Whelan & Brian Nolan & Bertrand Maítre - 201602 The Intervaling Effect on Higher-Order Co-Moments
by Thomas Conlon & John Cotter & Chenglu Jin - 201601 Credit Default Swaps as Indicators of Bank financial Distress
by Davide Avino & Thomas Conlon & John Cotter - 201517 These Little PIIGS Went to Market: Enterprise Policy and Divergent Recovery in European Periphery
by Samuel Brazys & Aidan Regan - 201512 Polarization or “Squeezed Middle” in the Great Recession?: A Comparative European Analysis of the Distribution of Economic Stress
by Christopher T. Whelan & Brian Nolan & Bertrand Maítre
- 201523 Family Patterns and Social Inequality among Children in the United States 1940-2012: A Re-assessment
by Tony Fahey - 201522 Are the effects of height on well-being a tall tale?
by Kevin Denny - 201521 Understanding the 2015 Marriage Referendum in Ireland: Constitutional Convention, Campaign, and Conservative Ireland
by Johan A. Elkink & David M. Farrell & Theresa Reidy & Jane Suiter - 201520 Paying for the Welfare State in the European Periphery
by Sebastian Dellepiane-Avellaneda & Niamh Hardiman - 201519 Job Loss by Wage Level: Lessons from the Great Recession in Ireland
by Brian Nolan & Sarah Voitchovsky - 201518 Capital controls, financial crisis and the investment saving nexus:Evidence from Iceland
by Hamid Raza & Gylfi Zoega & Stephen Kinsella - 201516 Differences in Borrowing Behaviour between Core and Peripheral Economies — Economic Environment versus Financial Perceptions
by Weiou Wu & Apostolos Fasianos & Stephen Kinsella - 201515 Multifamily Housing and Resident Life Satisfaction: Evidence from the European Social Survey
by Nessa Winston - 201514 Asset Price Keynesianism, Regional Imbalances and the Irish and Spanish Housing Booms and Busts
by Michelle Norris & Michael Byrne - 201513 How did Immigrants fare in the Irish Labour Market over the Great Recession?
by Elish Kelly & Seamus McGuinness & Philip J. O'Connell & Alberto González Pandiella & David Haugh - 201511 A model supporting research on children growing up in asylum systems
by Robert Mooney - 201510 The Exchange Motive in Intergenerational Transfers
by Sanna Nivakoski - 201509 Wealth and the Effect of Subjective Survival Probability
by Sanna Nivakoski - 201508 Second Chance for High-School Dropouts? A Regression Discontinuity Analysis of Postsecondary Educational Returns to General Educational Development Certification
by Christopher Jepsen & Peter Mueser & Kenneth Troske - 201507 International migration in Ireland, 2014
by Philip J O'Connell & Corona Joyce - 201506 Economic Uncertainty, Parental Selection and Children’s Educational Outcomes
by Arnaud Chevalier & Olivier Marie - 201505 Early intervention and child health: Evidence from a Dublin-based randomized controlled trial
by Orla Doyle & Nick Fitzpatrick & Judy Lovett & Caroline Rawdon - 201504 Public service activities among University staff
by Sanna Nivakoski & Philip O'Connell & Mark Hargaden - 201503 Subject specific league tables and students'application decisions
by Arnaud Chevalier & Xiaoxuan Jia - 201502 Long-run international diversification
by Thomas Conlon & John Cotter & Ramazan Gençay - 201501 Subordinate Resolution - An Empirical Analysis of European Union Subsidiary Banks
by Thomas Conlon & John Cotter - 201415 International migration in Ireland, 2013
by Philip J O'Connell & Corona Joyce
- 201414 The non-linear trade-off between return and risk: a regime-switching multi-factor framework
by John Cotter & Enrique Salvador - 201413 Family Size as a Social Leveller for Children in the Second Demographic Transition
by Tony Fahey - 201412 Can housing risk be diversified? A cautionary tale from the housing boom and bust
by John Cotter & Stuart Gabriel & Richard Roll - 201411 Maternal Employment, childcare and childhood overweight during infancy
by Thérèse McDonnell & Orla Doyle - 201410 Can early intervention policies improve wellbeing? Evidence from a randomized controlled trial
by Michael Daly & Liam Delaney & Orla Doyle & Nick Fitzpatrick & Christine O'Farrelly - 201409 Activation and Active Labour Market Policies in OECD Countries:Stylized Facts and Evidence on their Effectiveness
by John P. Martin - 201408 The effects of cancer in the English labour market
by David Candon - 201407 Economic stress and the great recession in Ireland: polarization, individualization or ‘middle class squeeze’?
by Bertrand Maître & Helen Russell & Christopher T Whelan - 201406 A formal investigation of inequalities in health behaviours after the age 50 on the island of Ireland
by Eibhlin Hudson & David Madden & Irene Mosca - 201405 Anatomy of a Bail-In
by Thomas Conlon & John Cotter - 201404 Performance of Utility Based Hedges
by John Cotter & Jim Hanly - 201403 The Conditional Pricing of Systematic and Idiosyncratic Risk in the UK Equity Market
by John Cotter & Niall O'Sullivan & Francesco Rossi - 201402 Sovereign and bank CDS spreads: two sides of the same coin?
by John Cotter & Davide Avino - 201401 From the Great Lakes to the Great Rift Valley: Does Strategic Economic Policy Explain the 2009 Malawi Election?
by Samuel Brazys & Peter Heaney & Patrick Paul Walsh
- 201323 Discrimination in the Irish Labour Market: Nationality, Ethnicity and the Recession
by Gillian Kingston & Frances McGinnity & Philip J. O’Connell - 201322 Irish Attitudes To Immigration During And After The Boom
by Kevin Denny & Cormac Ó Gráda - 201321 The politics of fiscal effort in Spain and Ireland: Market credibility versus political legitimacy
by Sebastian Dellepiane & Niamh Hardiman - 201320 Divorce Trends and Patterns in the Western World: A socio-legal overview
by Tony Fahey - 201319 Social Relationships in Later Life: The Role of Childhood Circumstances
by Sarah Gibney & Mark E. McGovern & Erika Sabbath - 201318 Building on easy money:The political economy of housing bubbles in Ireland and Spain
by Sebastian Dellepiane & Niamh Hardiman & Jon Las Heras - 201316 Rethinking the political economy of fiscal consolidation in two recessions in Ireland
by Niamh Hardiman - 201316 From Tiger to PIIGS: Ireland and the use of heuristics in comparative political economy
by Samuel Brazys & Niamh Hardiman - 201315 How Governments Retrench In Crisis: The Case of Ireland
by Niamh Hardiman & Muiris MacCarthaigh - 201314 The ex-ante effects of non-contributory pensions in Colombia and Peru
by Javier Olivera & Blanca Zuluaga - 201313 Measuring Investment in Human Capital Formation: An Experimental Analysis of Early Life Outcomes
by Orla Doyle & Colm Harmon & James J. Heckman & Caitríona Logue & Seong Hyeok Moon - 201312 The Great Recession and the Changing Distribution of Economic Vulnerability by Social Class: The Irish Case
by Christopher T. Whelan & Bertrand Maítre - 201311 Property-led Urban, Town and Rural Regeneration in Ireland: positive and perverse outcomes in different implementation contexts
by Michelle Norris & Menelaos Gkartzios & Dermot Coates - 201310 Revisiting the Antisocial Punishment across Societies Experiment
by Pablo Lucas & Issam Malki - 201309 A Critical Evaluation of the EU 2020 Poverty and Social Exclusion Target: An Analysis of EU-SILC 2009
by Bertrand Maître & Brian Nolan & Christopher T. Whelan - 201308 Carrots, No Stick, No Driver: The Employment Impact of Job Search Assistance in a Regime with Minimal Monitoring and Sanctions
by Seamus McGuinness & Philip J. O’Connell & Elish Kelly - 201307 Old-age Support and Demographic Transition in Developing Countries. A Cultural Transmission Model
by Javier Olivera - 201306 Varieties of Home Ownership: Ireland’s transition from a socialised to a marketised policy regime
by Michelle Norris - 201305 Multi-dimensional Deprivation in Ireland Among 9-Year Olds in Ireland: An Analysis of the Growing Up in Ireland Survey
by James Williams & Aisling Murray & Christopher Whelan - 201304 International Migration in Ireland, 2012
by Philip J. O’Connell & Corona Joyce - 201303 Absent fathers, absent siblings: Two sides of lone parenthood for children
by Tony Fahey & Patricia Keilthy - 201302 The Impact of Income Inequality on the Family: A test of a thesis
by Emma Calvert & Tony Fahey - 201301 On changes in general trust in Europe
by Javier Olivera
- 201228 Fiscal Politics In Time: Pathways to Fiscal Consolidation, 1980-2012
by Sebastian Dellepiane & Niamh Hardiman - 201227 Non-Technical Skills (NTS) for Enhancing Patient Safety: Achievements and Future Directions
by Naonori Kodate & Alastair J. Ross & Janet E. Anderson & Rhona Flin - 201226 Modelling Downturn Loss Given Default
by Raffaella Calabrese - 201225 Preferences for Redistribution in Europe
by Javier Olivera - 201224 Estimating bank loans loss given default by generalized additive models
by Raffaella Calabrese - 201223 Don't stress: early life conditions, hypertension and selection into associated risk factors
by Mark E. McGovern - 201222 Still unequal at birth: birth weight, socioeconomic status and outcomes at age 9
by Mark E. McGovern - 201221 Classification-JEL The labor-market returns to community college degrees, diplomas and certificates
by Christopher Jepsen & Kenneth Troske & Paul Coomes - 201220 The division of parental transfers in Europe
by Javier Olivera Angulo - 201219 Downside risk and the energy hedger's horizon
by Thomas Conlon & John Cotter - 201218 Commodity futures hedging, risk aversion and the hedging horizon
by Thomas Conlon & John Cotter & Ramazan Gencay - 201217 Can metropolitan housing risk be diversified? A cautionary tale from the recent boom and bust
by John Cotter & Stuart Gabriel & Richard Roll - 201216 Uniform correlation structure and convex stochastic ordering in the PÓlya urn scheme
by Raffaella Calabrese - 201215 Estimators of Binary Spatial Autoregressive Models: A Monte Carlo Study
by Raffaella Calabrese & Johan A. Elkink - 201214 Single-name concentration risk in credit portfolios: a comparison of concentration indices
by Raffaella Calabrese & Francesco Porro - 201213 Reassessing the EU 2020 Poverty Target an Analysis of EU-SILC 2009
by Bertrand Maître & Brian Nolan & Christopher T. Whelan - 201212 Breaking the Cycle of Deprivation: An Experimental Evaluation of an Early Childhood Intervention
by Orla Doyle - 201211 Multidimensional Poverty Measurement in Europe: An Application of the Adjusted Headcount Approach
by Christopher T. Whelan & Brian Nolan & Bertrand Maître - 201210 SCHOOLING AND VOTER TURNOUT: Is there an American Exception?
by Arnaud Chevalier & Orla Doyle - 201209 Regression Model for Proportions with Probability Masses at Zero and One
by Raffaella Calabrese - 201208 Organisational Change in Irish Public Administration
by Muiris MacCarthaigh - 201207 The New Politics of Austerity: Fiscal Responses to the Economic Crisis in Ireland and Spain
by Sebastian Dellepiane & Niamh Hardiman