- tecipa-587 More Unequal Yet More Alike: The Changing Anatomy of Constituent Canadian Income Distributions in the 21st Century
by Gordon Anderson & Jasmin Thomas - tecipa-586 Vulnerability and Clientelism
by Gustavo Bobonis & Paul Gertler & Marco Gonzalez-Navarro & Simeon Nichter - tecipa-585 Is Uber a substitute or complement for public transit?
by Jonathan D. Hall & Craig Palsson & Joseph Price - tecipa-584 Technology Adoption, Capital Deepening, and International Productivity Differences
by Chaoran Chen - tecipa-583 Discriminatory Information Disclosure
by Hao Li & Xianwen Shi - tecipa-582 Revealed Price Preference: Theory and Stochastic Testing
by Rahul Deb & Yuichi Kitamura & John Quah & Joerg Stoye - tecipa-581 The Causes and Costs of Misallocation
by Diego Restuccia & Richard Rogerson - tecipa-580 Empirical Models of Firms and Industries
by Victor Aguirregabiria & Margaret Slade - tecipa-579 Policy Distortions and Aggregate Productivity with Endogenous Establishment-Level Productivity
by Jose-Maria Da-Rocha & Marina Mendes Tavares & Diego Restuccia - tecipa-578 Evaluating Strategic Forecasters
by Rahul Deb & Mallesh Pai & Maher Said - tecipa-577 Occupational Choice and Matching in the Labor Market
by Eric Mak & Aloysius Siow - tecipa-576 Complex-Task Biased Technological Change and the Labor Market
by Colin Caines & Florian Hoffmann & Gueorgui Kambourov - tecipa-575 Land Misallocation and Productivity
by Diego Restuccia & Raul Santaeulalia-Llopis - tecipa-574 Misallocation, Selection and Productivity: A Quantitative Analysis with Panel Data from China
by Tasso Adamopoulos & Loren Brandt & Jessica Leight & Diego Restuccia
- tecipa-573 Untitled Land, Occupational Choice, and Agricultural Productivity
by Chaoran Chen - tecipa-572 Firing Costs, Misallocation, and Aggregate Productivity
by Jose-Maria Da-Rocha & Marina Mendes Tavares & Diego Restuccia - tecipa-571 Idiosyncratic Distortions and Technology Adoption
by Stephen Ayerst - tecipa-570 On The Motivation and Power of Stochastic Dominance Techniques for Multiple Wellbeing Comparisons
by Gordon Anderson & Thierry Post - tecipa-569 Peer Effects in Credit Ratings
by Jingzhi Huang & Yao Luo & Ruoyu Shao & Haiqing Xu - tecipa-568 Somewhere Between Utopia and Dystopia: Choosing From Incomparable Prospects
by Gordon Anderson & Thierry Post & Yoon-Jae Whang - tecipa-567 Misallocation, Establishment Size, and Productivity
by Pedro Bento & Diego Restuccia - tecipa-566 Inattentive Importers
by Kunal Dasgupta & Jordi Mondria - tecipa-565 Information aggregation with costly reporting
by Martin J. Osborne & Jeffrey S. Rosenthal & Colin Stewart - tecipa-564 Are Automated Vehicles Coming at the Right Speed?
by Donald N. Dewees - tecipa-563 Income Inequality, Family Formation and Generational Mobility in Urban China
by Gordon Anderson & Tongtong Hao & Maria Grazia Pittau - tecipa-562 Solution and Estimation of Dynamic Discrete Choice Structural Models Using Euler Equations
by Victor Aguirregabiria & Arvind Magesan - tecipa-561 Firing Costs, Misallocation, and Aggregate Productivity
by Jose-Maria Da-Rocha & Marina Mendes Tavares & Diego Restuccia - tecipa-560 Identification of Biased Beliefs in Games of Incomplete Information Using Experimental Data
by Victor Aguirregabiria & Erhao Xie - tecipa-559 Rational Inattention Dynamics: Inertia and Delay in Decision-Making
by Jakub Steiner & Colin Stewart & Filip Matejka - tecipa-558 Policy Distortions and Aggregate Productivity with Endogenous Establishment-Level Productivity
by Jose-Maria Da-Rocha & Marina Mendes Tavares & Diego Restuccia - tecipa-557 Misallocation, Establishment Size, and Productivity
by Pedro Bento & Diego Restuccia - tecipa-556 Distribution Costs, Product Quality, and Cross-Country Income Differences
by Bernardo Blum & Sebastian Claro & Kunal Dasgupta & Ignatius Horstmann - tecipa-555 Relative Prices and Sectoral Productivity
by Margarida Duarte & Diego Restuccia - tecipa-554 Financial Frictions and the Rule of Law
by Ashantha Ranasinghe & Diego Restuccia
- tecipa-553 Politico-economic Regimes and Attitudes: Female Workers under State-socialism
by Pamela Campa & Michel Serafinelli - tecipa-552 Evaluating Progress Toward an Equal Opportunity Goal: Assessing the German Educational Reforms of the First Decade of the 21st Century
by Gordon Anderson & Thomas Fruehauf & Maria Grazia Pittau & Roberto Zelli - tecipa-551 Optimal Adaptive Testing: Informativeness and Incentives
by Rahul Deb & Colin Stewart - tecipa-550 Optimal Fiscal Policy in a Model with Uninsurable Idiosyncratic Shocks
by Sebastian Dyrda & Marcelo Pedroni - tecipa-548 Pareto Improvements from Lexus Lanes: The effects of pricing a portion of the lanes on congested highways
by Jonathan D. Hall - tecipa-547 Measuring Polarization and Convergence as Transitional Processes in the Absence of a Cardinal Ordering
by Gordon Anderson - tecipa-546 Identification of Counterfactuals and Payoffs in Dynamic Discrete Choice with an Application to Land Use
by Myrto Kalouptsidi & Paul T. Scott & Eduardo Souza-Rodrigues - tecipa-545 Inclusive versus Exclusive Markets: Search Frictions and Competing Mechanisms
by Xiaoming Cai & Pieter Gautier & Ronald Wolthoff - tecipa-544 Multidimensional Skill Mismatch
by Fatih Guvenen & Burhan Kuruscu & Satoshi Tanaka & David Wiczer - tecipa-543 Relationship Skills in the Labor and Marriage Markets
by Gueorgui Kambourov & Aloysius Siow & Laura Turner - tecipa-542 Trade, Migration and Productivity: A Quantitative Analysis of China
by Trevor Tombe & Xiaodong Zhu - tecipa-541 Land Misallocation and Productivity
by Diego Restuccia & Raul Santaeulalia-Llopis - tecipa-540 Land Reform and Productivity: A Quantitative Analysis with Micro Data
by Tasso Adamopoulos & Diego Restuccia - tecipa-539 Integrated-quantile-based estimation for first price auction models
by Yao Luo & Yuanyuan Wan - tecipa-538 Good Firms, Worker Flows and Local Productivity
by Michel Serafinelli - tecipa-537 Misallocation, Establishment Size, and Productivity
by Pedro Bento & Diego Restuccia - tecipa-536 Obituary: Gary Becker and the Art of Economics
by Aloysius Siow - tecipa-534 Empirical Games of Market Entry and Spatial Competition in Retail Industries
by Victor Aguirregabiria & Junichi Suzuki - tecipa-533 Land Misallocation and Productivity
by Diego Restuccia & Raul Santaeulalia-Llopis - tecipa-532 (Partially) Identifying potential outcome distributions in triangular systems
by Ismael Mourifie & Yuanyuan Wan - tecipa-531 Cohabitation versus marriage: Marriage matching with peer effects
by Ismael Mourifie & Aloysius Siow - tecipa-530 Relative Prices and Sectoral Productivity
by Margarida Duarte & Diego Restuccia - tecipa-529 A quantitative review of Marriage Markets: How Inequality is Remaking the American Family by Carbone and Cahn
by Kirsten Cornelson & Aloysius Siow - tecipa-527 Search Costs and Efficiency: Do Unemployed Workers Search Enough?
by Pieter Gautier & Jose L Moraga-Gonzalez & Ronald Wolthoff - tecipa-526 Gains from Trade under Quality Uncertainty
by Kunal Dasgupta & Jordi Mondria
- tecipa-525 Land Reform and Productivity: A Quantitative Analysis with Micro Data
by Tasso Adamopoulos & Diego Restuccia - tecipa-524 Multi-Dimensional Wellbeing Assessment: A General Method for Index Construction with an Application to Multivariate Deprivation
by Gordon Anderson & Teng Wah Leo & Paul Anand - tecipa-523 Policy Distortions and Aggregate Productivity with Endogenous Establishment-Level Productivity
by Jose Maria Da-Rocha & Marina Mendes Tavares & Diego Restuccia - tecipa-522 Applications and Interviews: Firms' Recruiting Decisions in a Frictional Labor Market
by Ronald Wolthoff - tecipa-521 A new approach to measuring and studying the characteristics of class membership: The progress of poverty, inequality and polarization of income classes in urban China
by Gordon Anderson & Alessio Farcomeni & Grazia Pittau & Roberto Zelli - tecipa-520 Ranking Alternative Non-Combinable Prospects: A Stochastic Dominance Based Route to the Second Best Solution
by Gordon Anderson & Teng Wah Leo - tecipa-519 A Nonparametric Test of Exogenous Participation in First-Price Auctions
by Nianqing Liu & Yao Luo - tecipa-518 Structural Analysis of Nonlinear Pricing
by Yao Luo & Isabelle Perrigne & Quang Vuong - tecipa-517 Misallocation, Establishment Size, and Productivity
by Pedro Bento & Diego Restuccia - tecipa-516 Towards a Micro-Founded Theory of Aggregate Labor Supply
by Andres Erosa & Luisa Fuster & Gueorgui Kambourov - tecipa-515 Tightening Bounds In Triangular Systems
by Desire Kedagni & Ismael Mourifie - tecipa-514 Testing Local Average Treatment Effect Assumptions
by Ismael Mourifie & Yuanyuan Wan - tecipa-513 Untitled Land, Occupational Choice, and Agricultural Productivity
by Chaoran Chen - tecipa-512 Inattentive Importers
by Kunal Dasgupta & Jordi Mondria - tecipa-510 Multiplicity of Equilibria and Information Structures in Empirical Games: Challenges and Prospects
by Ron N. Borkovsky & Paul B. Ellickson & Brett R. Gordon & Victor Aguirregabiria & Gardete Pedro - tecipa-509 Land Reform and Productivity: A Quantitative Analysis with Micro Data
by Tasso Adamopoulos & Diego Restuccia - tecipa-508 Meeting Technologies and Optimal Trading Mechanisms in Competitive Search Markets
by Benjamin Lester & Ludo Visschers & Ronald Wolthoff - tecipa-507 Explaining Educational Attainment across Countries and over Time
by Diego Restuccia & Guillaume Vandenbroucke - tecipa-506 Sharp Bounds in the Binary Roy Model
by Marc Henry & Ismael Mourifie
- tecipa-505 Explaining Educational Attainment across Countries and over Time
by Diego Restuccia & Guillaume Vandenbroucke - tecipa-504 Auctions with Limited Commitment
by Qingmin Liu & Konrad Mierendorff & Xianwen Shi - tecipa-503 A note on the identification in two equations probit model with dummy endogenous regressor
by Romuald Meango & Ismael Mourifie - tecipa-502 Factor Misallocation and Development
by Diego Restuccia - tecipa-501 Financial Frictions, Investment Delay and Asset Market Interventions
by Shouyong Shi & Christine Tewfik - tecipa-500 Nonparametric Sharp Bounds For Payoffs In 2 × 2 Games
by Marc HENRY & Ismael MOURIFIÉ - tecipa-499 My Friend Far Far Away: Asymptotic Properties of Pairwise Stable Networks
by Vincent BOUCHER & Ismael MOURIFIÉ - tecipa-498 Sharp Bounds On Treatment Effects In A Binary Triangular System
by Ismael MOURIFIÉ - tecipa-497 Discriminatory Information Disclosure
by Hao Li & Xianwen Shi - tecipa-496 Information Externalities and Intermediaries in Frictional Search Markets
by Xianwen Shi & Aloysius Siow - tecipa-495 A Monetary Theory with Non-degenerate Distributions
by Guido Menzio & Shouyong Shi & Hongfei Sun - tecipa-494 The Size Distribution of Farms and International Productivity Differences
by Tasso Adamopoulos & Diego Restuccia - tecipa-493 Optimal Voting Rules
by Alex Gershkov & Benny Moldovanu & Xianwen Shi - tecipa-492 Inference in Semiparametric Binary Response Models with Interval Data
by Yuanyuan Wan & Haiqing Xu - tecipa-491 Tariffs and the Organization of Trade in China
by Peter M. Morrow & Loren Brandt - tecipa-490 Customer Relationship and Sales
by Shouyong Shi - tecipa-489 Euler Equations for the Estimation of Dynamic Discrete Choice Structural Models
by Victor Aguirregabiria & Arvind Magesan - tecipa-487 The Dual Crises of the Late-Medieval Florentine Cloth Industry, c. 1320 - c. 1420
by John H. Munro - tecipa-486 Symmetric Auctions
by Rahul Deb & Mallesh Pai - tecipa-485 Dynamic Screening with Limited Commitment
by Rahul Deb & Maher Said - tecipa-484 Implementation with Securities
by Rahul Deb & Debasis Mishra - tecipa-481 Optimal Mechanism Design without Money
by Alex Gershkov & Benny Moldovanu & Xianwen Shi - tecipa-480 The Size Distribution of Farms and International Productivity Differences
by Tasso Adamopoulos & Diego Restuccia - tecipa-479 Roads and Trade: Evidence from the U.S
by Gilles Duranton & Peter Morrow & Matthew Turner - tecipa-478 The Economics of Renewable Electricity Policy in Ontario
by Donald N. Dewees - tecipa-476 It's About Time: Implications of the Period Length in an Equilibrium Search Model
by Ronald Wolthoff - tecipa-475 Identification and Counterfactuals in Dynamic Models of Market Entry and Exit
by Victor Aguirregabiria & Junichi Suzuki - tecipa-474 Identification of Games of Incomplete Information with Multiple Equilibria and Common Unobserved Heterogeneity
by Victor Aguirregabiria & Pedro Mira - tecipa-473 Copula Based Factorization in Bayesian Multivariate Infinite Mixture Models
by Martin Burda & Artem Prokhorov - tecipa-472 Modernization of Agriculture and Long-Term Growth
by Dennis Tao Yang & Xiaodong Zhu - tecipa-471 Competing with Asking Prices
by Benjamin Lester & Ludo Visschers & Ronald Wolthoff - tecipa-470 Market Structure and Cost Pass-Through in Retail
by Nicholas Li & Gee Hee Hong - tecipa-469 Explaining Educational Attainment across Countries and over Time
by Diego Restuccia & Guillaume Vandenbroucke
- tecipa-468 Misallocation and Productivity
by Diego Restuccia & Richard Rogerson - tecipa-467 Liquidity, Innovation and Growth
by Aleksander Berentsen & Mariana Rojas Breu & Shouyong Shi - tecipa-466 The Latin American Development Problem: An Interpretation
by Diego Restuccia - tecipa-465 Diversification of Geographic Risk in Retail Bank Networks: Evidence from Bank Expansion after the Riegle-Neal Act
by Victor Aguirregabiria & Robert Clark & Hui Wang - tecipa-464 The Evolution of Education: A Macroeconomic Analysis
by Diego Restuccia & Guillaume Vandenbroucke - tecipa-463 Money Matters: A Critique of the Postan Thesis on Medieval Population, Prices, and Wages
by John H. MUNRO - tecipa-462 Quality Uncertainty and Intermediation in International Trade
by Kunal Dasgupta & Jordi Mondria - tecipa-461 Evaluating the impact of a targeted land distribution program: Evidence from Vietnam
by Dwayne Benjamin & Loren Brandt & Brian McCaig & Nguyen Le Hoa - tecipa-460 A Century of Human Capital and Hours
by Diego Restuccia & Guillaume Vandenbroucke - tecipa-459 Liquidity, Assets and Business Cycles
by Shouyong Shi - tecipa-458 Bayesian semiparametric multivariate GARCH modeling
by Mark J Jensen & John M Maheu - tecipa-457 Dynamic Spatial Competition Between Multi-Store Firms
by Victor Aguirregabiria & Gustavo Vicentini - tecipa-456 The Technology and Economics of Coinage Debasements in Medieval and Early Modern Europe: with special reference to the Low Countries and England
by John H. Munro - tecipa-455 Pricing and Signaling with Frictions
by Alain Delacroix & Shouyong Shi - tecipa-454 Becker Meets Ricardo: Multisector Matching with Social and Cognitive Skills
by Robert J. McCann & Xianwen Shi & Aloysius Siow & Ronald Wolthoff - tecipa-453 Estimating a Semiparametric Asymmetric Stochastic Volatility Model with a Dirichlet Process Mixture
by Mark J Jensen & John M Maheu - tecipa-452 Sovereign Debt Restructuring Mechanisms--Unintended Consequences of the 2002 IMF Proposal
by John F Crean - tecipa-451 Design and Implementation of a Common Currency Area in the East African Community
by Thomas Kigabo RUSUHUZWA & Paul Robert MASSON - tecipa-450 A Century of Human Capital and Hours
by Diego Restuccia & Guillaume Vandenbroucke - tecipa-449 Identification and estimation of dynamic games when players' beliefs are not in equilibrium
by Victor Aguirregabiria & Arvind Magesan - tecipa-448 A New Structural Break Model with Application to Canadian Inflation Forecasting
by John M Maheu & Yong Song - tecipa-447 Sequential Innovation and Optimal Patent Design
by Christian Riis & Xianwen Shi - tecipa-446 The Evolution of Education: A Macroeconomic Analysis
by Diego Restuccia & Guillaume Vandenbroucke - tecipa-445 On the Equivalence of Bayesian and Dominant Strategy Implementation
by Alex Gershkov & Jacob Goeree & Alexey Kushnir & Benny Moldovanu & Xianwen Shi - tecipa-444 Occupational Mobility and the Returns to Training
by Gueorgui Kambourov & Iourii Manovskii & Miana Plesca
- tecipa-443 Towards a Micro-Founded Theory of Aggregate Labor Supply
by Andres Erosa & Luisa Fuster & Gueorgui Kambourov - tecipa-442 Labor Supply and Government Programs: A Cross-Country Analysis
by Andres Erosa & Luisa Fuster & Gueorgui Kambourov - tecipa-441 The Size Distribution of Farms and International Productivity Differences
by Tasso Adamopoulos & Diego Restuccia - tecipa-440 The Rise, Expansion, and Decline of the Italian Wool-Based Textile Industries, 1100-1730: a study in international competition, transaction costs, and comparative advantage
by John H. Munro - tecipa-439 Usury, Calvinism, and Credit in Protestant England: from the Sixteenth Century to the Industrial Revolution
by John H. Munro - tecipa-438 Bayesian Adaptive Hamiltonian Monte Carlo with an Application to High-Dimensional BEKK GARCH Models
by Martin Burda & John Maheu - tecipa-437 Efficient Search on the Job and the Business Cycle
by Guido Menzio & Shouyong Shi - tecipa-435 Canadian Monetary Policy and Real and Nominal Exchange Rates [Revised]
by John E. Floyd - tecipa-434 Liquidity, Assets and Business Cycles
by Shouyong Shi - tecipa-433 Explaining Educational Attainment across Countries and over Time
by Diego Restuccia & Guillaume Vandenbroucke - tecipa-432 The Latin American Development Problem
by Diego Restuccia - tecipa-431 Venezuela's Growth Experience
by Omar D Bello & Juan S Blyde & Diego Restuccia - tecipa-430 Canadian Monetary Policy and Real and Nominal Exchange Rates
by John E. Floyd - tecipa-429 Customer Relationship and Sales
by Shouyong Shi - tecipa-428 The Dynamic Effects of Information on Political Corruption: Theory and Evidence from Puerto Rico
by Gustavo J Bobonis & Luis R Cámara Fuertes & Rainer Schwabe - tecipa-427 Modelling Regime Switching and Structural Breaks with an Infinite Dimension Markov Switching Model
by Yong Song - tecipa-426 Search Intermediaries
by Xianwen Shi & Aloysius Siow - tecipa-425 A Monetary Theory with Non-Degenerate Distributions
by Guido Menzio & Shouyong Shi & Hongfei Sun - tecipa-424 From Gutsherrschaft to Grundherrschaft: Demographic, Monetary, and Fiscal Factors in the Late-Medieval Decline of English Manorial Desmesne Agriculture
by John H. Munro - tecipa-423 The effects of land transfer taxes on real estate markets: Evidence from a natural experiment in Toronto
by Ben Dachis & Gilles Duranton & Matthew A. Turner - tecipa-422 Bayesian and Dominant Strategy Implementation Revisited
by Alex Gershkov & Benny Moldovanu & Xianwen Shi - tecipa-421 Partially Identified Poverty Status: A New Approach to Measuring Poverty and the Progress of the Poor
by Gordon Anderson & Maria Grazia Pittau & Roberto Zelli
- tecipa-419 Recent Developments in Empirical IO: Dynamic Demand and Dynamic Games
by Victor Aguirregabiria & Victor Aguirregabiria & Aviv Nevo & Aviv Nevo - tecipa-418 Applications and Interviews: A Structural Analysis of Two-Sided Simultaneous Search
by Ronald P. Wolthoff - tecipa-417 The Coinages and Monetary Policies of Henry VIII (r. 1509-1547): Contrasts between Defensive and Aggressive Debasements
by John H. Munro - tecipa-416 The Missing Food Problem: How Low Agricultural Imports Contribute to International Income and Productivity Differences
by Trevor Tombe - tecipa-415 Specification Analysis of Structural Quantile Regression Models
by Juan Carlos Escanciano & Chuan Goh - tecipa-414 Polarization Measurement and Inference in Many Dimensions: A Note
by Gordon Anderson - tecipa-413 Search Committees
by Benny Moldovanu & Xianwen Shi - tecipa-412 Land Use Regulation as a Barrier to Entry: Evidence from the Texas Lodging Industry
by Junichi Suzuki - tecipa-411 Inequality and Growth in a Knowledge Economy
by Kunal Dasgupta - tecipa-410 Learning and Knowledge Diffusion in a Global Economy
by Kunal Dasgupta - tecipa-409 Emission Tax or Standard? The Role of Productivity Dispersion
by Zhe Li & Shouyong Shi - tecipa-408 Modelling Realized Covariances and Returns
by Xin Jin & John M Maheu - tecipa-407 The Impact of Sub-Metering on Condominium Electricity Demand
by Donald N. Dewees & Trevor Tombe - tecipa-406 Management Matters
by Michelle Alexopoulos & Trevor Tombe - tecipa-405 Unemployment Insurance Eligibility, Moral Hazard and Equilibrium Unemployment
by Min Zhang - tecipa-404 Labor Market Cycles and Unemployment Insurance Eligibility
by Miquel Faig & Min Zhang - tecipa-403 Influential Opinion Leaders
by Jakub Steiner & Colin Stewart - tecipa-402 Components of bull and bear markets: bull corrections and bear rallies
by John M Maheu & Thomas H McCurdy & Yong Song - tecipa-401 Intraday Dynamics of Volatility and Duration: Evidence from the Chinese Stock Market
by Chun Liu & John M Maheu - tecipa-400 Land Use Regulation as a Barrier to Entry: Evidence from the Texas Lodging Industry
by Junichi Suzuki - tecipa-399 Carrots and Sticks: Prizes and Punishments in Contests
by Benny Moldovanu & Aner Sela & Xianwen Shi - tecipa-398 Information Externalities and Intermediaries in Frictional Search Markets
by Xianwen Shi & Aloysius Siow - tecipa-396 Influenza Immunization Campaigns: Is an Ounce of Prevention Worth a Pound of Cure?
by Courtney J. Ward - tecipa-395 The Fight for the Middle: Upgrading, Competition, and Industrial Development in China
by Loren Brandt & Eric Thun - tecipa-394 Accounting for China's Growth
by Loren Brandt & Xiaodong Zhu - tecipa-393 Asymmetric Information, Portfolio Managers, and Home Bias
by Wioletta Dziuda & Jordi Mondria - tecipa-392 Volumes of Evidence - Examining Technical Change Last Century Through a New Lens
by Michelle Alexopoulos & Jon Cohen - tecipa-391 Read All About it!! What happens following a technology shock?
by Michelle Alexopoulos - tecipa-390 Directed Search on the Job, Heterogeneity, and Aggregate Fluctuations
by Guido Menzio & Shouyong Shi - tecipa-389 Communication, Timing, and Common Learning
by Jakub Steiner & Colin Stewart - tecipa-388 The Evolution of Education: A Macroeconomic Analysis
by Diego Restuccia & Guillaume Vandenbroucke - tecipa-387 Making Inferences About Rich Country - Poor Country Convergence: The Polarization Trapezoid and Overlap measures
by Gordon Anderson & Teng Wah Leo & Oliver Linton - tecipa-386 Welfare Rankings From Multivariate Data, A Non-Parametric Approach
by Gordon Anderson & Ian Crawford & Andrew Leicester
- tecipa-385 A General Equilibrium Analysis of Parental Leave Policies
by Andres Erosa & Luisa Fuster & Diego Restuccia - tecipa-384 An Equilibrium Theory of Learning, Search and Wages
by Francisco M. Gonzalez & Shouyong Shi - tecipa-383 How Important is the Currency Denomination of Exports in Open-Economy Models?
by Michael Dotsey & Margarida Duarte - tecipa-382 Modelling Realized Covariances
by Xin Jin & John M Maheu - tecipa-381 A Method for Implementing Counterfactual Experiments in Models with Multiple Equilibria
by Victor Aguirregabiria - tecipa-380 Robustness of Level-k Reasoning in Generalized Beauty Contest Games
by Dmitry Shapiro & Xianwen Shi & Artie Zillante - tecipa-379 A Dynamic Game of Airline Network Competition: Hub-and-Spoke Networks and Entry Deterrence
by Victor Aguirregabiria & Chun-Yu Ho