2010, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-27 Composition of the Government Spending and Behaviour of the Real Exchange Rate in a Small Open Economy
by Ibrahim Unalmis - 29-46 Modelling the Daily Currency in Circulation in Turkey
by Halil Guler & Anil Talasli - 47-69 Exchange Rate Pass-Through and Exposure in the Turkish Economy
by Nazli Toraganli
2009, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 1-22 Click to Download Data : An Event Study of Internet Access to Economic Statistics
by O. Emre Tokel & M. Eray Yucel - 23-48 Para Politikasi, Parasal Buyuklukler ve Kuresel Mali Kriz Sonrasi Gelismeler
by K. Azim Ozdemir
2009, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-14 Estimating Value-at-Risk for the Turkish Stock Index Futures in the Presence of Long Memory Volatility
by Adnan Kasman - 15-28 Banka ve Finans Kurumlarinin Ekonomik Krizden Etkilenme Duzeyleri ve Kriz Doneminde Uyguladiklari Yonetsel ve Orgutsel Politikalara Iliskin Yonetici Algilari
by Ozlem Balaban & Elvan Yildirim Okutan - 29-43 Kuresel Kriz Algisinin Kucuk Isletme Sahiplerinin Psikolojik Sagligina Etkisi
by Nihal Sututemiz & Ozlem Balaban & Elvan Yildirim Okutan
2008, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 1-32 Kuresel Isinma, Kuresellesme ve Gida Krizi - Turkiye'de Islenmis Gida Fiyatlari Uzerine Ampirik Bir Calisma
by Yusuf Soner Baskaya & Tugrul Gurgur & Fethi Ogunc - 33-73 Monetary Policy and External Shocks in a Dollarized Economy with Credit Market Imperfections
by Koray Alper
2008, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-16 Turkish Experience With Implicit Inflation Targeting
by A. Hakan Kara - 17-63 Offshoring of Service Jobs
by Ufuk Demiroglu - 65-83 Has the Stability and Growth Pact Changed the Likelihood of Excessive Deficits in the European Union?
by S. Tolga Tiryaki
2007, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 1-12 Are the Transition Stock Markets Efficient? Evidence from Non-Linear Unit Root Tests
by Mubariz Hasanov & Tolga Omay - 13-27 Long Memory in the Turkish Stock Market Return and Volatility
by Adnan Kasman & Erdost Torun - 29-48 Real Exchange Rate Fluctuations and Relative Prices in Turkey
by Ugur Ciplak
2007, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-12 Testing Integration between the Major Emerging Markets
by Pinar Evrim Mandaci & Erdost Torun - 13-26 Evaluating the Maastricht Convergence Criteria for New Prospective European Union Members
by Vesile Kutlu & Nese Kavrukkoca
2006, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 1-10 Predictability of Turkish Foreign Exchange and its Implications to Option Pricing and Arbitrage Opportunities
by Mehmet Horasanli - 11-35 A Structural VAR Analysis of the Determinants of Capital Flows into Turkey
by Ali Askin Culha - 37-58 Macroeconomic Volatility under Alternative Exchange Rate Regimes in Turkey
by Saadet Kasman & Duygu Ayhan
2006, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-36 An Empirical Analysis of Productivity Developments in "Traditional Banks" : The Initial Post-Liberalization Experience
by Ihsan Isik & Emin Akcaoglu - 37-64 Assessing the Currency Crises in Turkey
by Elif Cepni & Nezir Kose - 65-79 Risk Premium and Central Bank Intervention
by Pinar Ozlu
2005, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 1-38 Recent Experiences with Capital Controls : Is There A Lesson for Turkey?
by Melike Altinkemer - 39-71 A Quarterly Macroeconometric Model of the Turkish Economy
by Cem Aysoy & Ahmet N. Kipici - 73-97 Inflation Expectations in Turkey : Statistical Evidence from the Business Tendency Survey
by Yasemin Barlas Ozer & Defne Mutluer
2005, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-8 The Demand for Base Money in Turkey : Implications for Inflation and Seigniorage
by K. Azim Ozdemir & Paul Turner - 9-21 Persistency of Output Fluctuations : The Case of Turkey
by Aslihan Atabek Demirhan - 23-54 Building Up a Real Sector Business Confidence Index for Turkey
by Ece Oral & Dilara Ece & Turknur Hamsici
2004, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 1-40 Relative Price Variability : The Case of Turkey 1994-2002
by Hande Kucuk-Tuger & Burc Tuger - 41-64 Export Dynamics in Turkey
by Cagri Sarikaya - 65-107 The Drivers of The Recent Payment Systems Reforms Globally
by Can Okay
2004, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-30 The Impact of Firm-Specific Characteristics on the Response to Monetary Policy Actions
by Cihan Yalcin & Spiros Bougheas & Paul Mizen - 31-66 Optimal Monetary Policy, Commitment, and Imperfect Credibility
by A. Hakan Kara - 67-105 Electronic Money Free Banking and Some Implications for Central Banking
by Yuksel Gormez & Christopher Houghton Budd
2003, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 1-25 Balance Sheet Exchange Rate Exposure, Investment and Firm Value : Evidence from Turkish Firms
by Halit Gonenc & Goknur Z. Buyukkara & Onur Koyuncu - 27-55 Macroeconomic Performance of Currency Boards in Transition Economies
by I. Anil Talasli - 57-83 An Analysis of Inflation Expectations of the Turkish Private Manufacturing Industry
by Ercan Karadas & Fethi Ogunc - 85-124 Exchange Rate Pass-Through in Turkey : Looking for Asymmetries
by Elif C. Arbatli
2003, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-25 Modeling the Demand for Currency Issued in Turkey
by Ozge Akinci - 27-51 The Inflation-Output Volatility Tradeoff and Exchange Rate Shocks in Mexico and Turkey
by Alfonso Mendoza V. - 53-65 Employing Extended Kalman Filter in a Simple Macroeconomic Model
by Levent Ozbek & Umit Ozlale & Fikri Ozturk - 67-84 Volatility of ISE and Business Cycle
by Saadet Kirbas-Kasman & Adnan Kasman
2002, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 1-18 Measuring Core Inflation for Turkey - Trimmed Means Approach
by Pelin Berkmen - 19-53 Price and Income Elasticities of Turkish Export Demand : A Panel Data Application
by Evren Erdogan Cosar - 55-75 Modeling the Turkish Broad Money Demand
by Defne Mutluer & Yasemin Barlas - 77-90 Day of the Week Effects : Recent Evidence from Nineteen Stock Markets
by Asli Bayar & Ozgur Berk Kan
2002, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-20 Cost Efficiency, Scale Economies, and Technological Progress in Turkish Banking
by Adnan Kasman - 21-37 Seasonal Adjustment Methods : An Application to the Turkish Monetary Aggregates
by Oguz Atuk & Beyza Pinar Ural - 39-64 The Causality Analysis of External Debt Service and GNP : The Case of Turkey
by Erdal Karagol - 65-73 Policy Implications of Solutions of Dynamic Optimal Production Problems for Disinflationary Economic Policies
by Mustafa Akan
2001, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-23 Measuring the Impact of Full Coverage Deposit Insurance Policy in a Probit Model : A Study of the Privately Owned Commercial Banks in Turkey
by Hulya Bayir - 25-47 Investment Decisions under Real Exchange Rate Uncertainty
by Bahar Erdal - 49-68 A Country Risk Assessment Model and the Asian Crisis
by Timur Han Gur - 69-99 Estimates of and Problems with Core Inflation in Hungary
by Sandor Valkovszky & Janos Vincze