February 2013, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 50-60 A framework for specifying a discrete-event simulation conceptual model
by L Chwif & J Banks & J P de Moura Filho & B Santini - 61-67 An investigation into heuristics for alternative worker selection in discrete event simulation
by B Kernan & C Sheahan
November 2012, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 215-226 A multi-agent simulation of the pharmaceutical supply chain
by G Jetly & C L Rossetti & R Handfield - 227-236 Model and simulation of exascale communication networks
by N Liu & C Carothers & J Cope & P Carns & R Ross - 237-252 An HLA-based distributed simulation for networked manufacturing systems analysis
by G Pedrielli & M Sacco & W Terkaj & T Tolio - 253-266 Credit risk: an agent-based model of post-credit decision actions and credit losses in banks
by S Jonsson - 267-278 Improving container terminal efficiency through emulation
by C A Boer & Y A Saanen - 279-293 Supports for transparent object-migration in PDES systems
by S Peluso & D Didona & F Quaglia
August 2012, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 141-151 Pseudo-random streams for distributed and parallel stochastic simulations on GP-GPU
by J Passerat-Palmbach & C Mazel & D R C Hill - 152-163 An analysis of the cost of validating semantic composability
by C Szabo & Y M Teo - 164-178 Loss-aware DR-based update scheduling for improving consistency in DVEs
by Z Li & W Cai & X Tang & S Zhou - 179-192 PrimoGENI for hybrid network simulation and emulation experiments in GENI
by N Van Vorst & M Erazo & J Liu - 193-204 On computation and synchronization costs in spatial distributed simulation
by R Zunino - 205-213 A virtual time system for virtualization-based network emulations and simulations
by Y Zheng & D M Nicol & D Jin & N Tanaka
May 2012, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 71-80 A stopping rule using the quasi-independent sequence
by E J Chen - 81-91 Evaluating production improvement opportunities in a chemical plant: a case study using discrete event simulation
by B Sharda & S J Bury - 92-102 Modelling patient choice in healthcare systems: development and application of a discrete event simulation with agent-based decision making
by V A Knight & J E Williams & I Reynolds - 103-111 An approach for generic sensor models
by P D Allen & A Cullington - 112-124 Ontology-centred integration for space operations
by L Rabelo & P Fishwick & Z Ezzell & L Lacy & N Yousef - 125-140 Model enrichment: concept, measurement, and application
by E Yavari & T Roeder
February 2012, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-1 Reflections on JOS: 5 years on
by S Robinson - 2-8 Hypermodelling: an integrated approach to dynamic system modelling
by P A Fishwick - 9-20 Integrated simulation combining process-driven and event-driven models
by V S Kesaraju & F W Ciarallo - 21-32 A discrete event simulation tool for performance management of web-based application systems
by F M Alam & S Mohan & J W Fowler & M Gopalakrishnan - 33-42 An agent simulation study of a unified mechanism on individual foraging behaviour with individual scalar expectancies
by J F Magnotti & L Yilmaz - 43-55 A dynamic game theory approach to solve the free riding problem in the peer-to-peer networks
by J-S Hua & S-M Huang & D C Yen & C-W Chena - 56-66 Using genetic algorithms and an indifference-zone ranking and selection procedure under common random numbers for simulation optimisation
by D Nazzal & M Mollaghasemi & H Hedlund & A Bozorgi - 67-70 Are we there yet? Simulation modellers on what needs to be done to involve agent-based simulation in practical decision making
by K Hoad & C Watts
November 2011, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 247-265 Towards the development of a simulator for investigating the impact of people management practices on retail performance
by P O Siebers & U Aickelin & H Celia & C W Clegg - 266-278 High performance spreadsheet simulation on a desktop grid
by J Pichitlamken & S Kajkamhaeng & P Uthayopas & R Kaewpuang - 279-291 Warnings about simulation
by J Banks & L Chwif - 292-300 The range statistic and procedures to select the best systems
by E J Chen
August 2011, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 133-134 Enhancing simulation composability and interoperability using conceptual/semantic/ontological models
by A Tolk & J A Miller - 135-146 Epistemic and normative aspects of ontologies in modelling and simulation
by M Hofmann & J Palii & G Mihelcic - 147-156 An ontology-enabled user interface for simulation model construction and visualization
by Z Ezzell & P A Fishwick & B Lok & A Pitkin & S Lampotang - 157-165 Achieving reusability and composability with a simulation conceptual model
by O Balci & J D Arthur & W F Ormsby - 166-189 A knowledge-driven framework for simulation application integration
by P Benjamin & K Akella & A Verma & B Gopal & R Mayer - 190-201 Ontologies and simulation: a practical approach
by L McGinnis & E Huang & K S Kwon & V Ustun - 202-216 A formal framework for capturing knowledge to transform structural models into analysis models
by A A Kerzhner & J M Jobe & C J J Paredis - 217-229 Towards interoperable and composable trajectory simulations: an ontology-based approach
by U Durak & H Oğuztüzün & C Köksal Algin & Ö Özdikiş - 230-245 Ontologies and tools for analysing and composing simulation confederations for the training and testing domains
by R Ford & D Martin & D Elenius & M Johnson
May 2011, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 69-76 Case study: modelling passenger flows in Heathrow Terminal 5
by A Beck - 77-88 Towards collaborative component-based modelling
by H S Sarjoughian & J J Nutaro & G Joshi - 89-100 A simulation model for policy decision analysis: a case of pandemic influenza on a university campus
by O M Araz & T Lant & J W Fowler & M Jehn - 101-110 Using simulation to model and optimize acute care access in relation to hospital bed count and bed distribution
by Y Wang & W L Hare & L Vertesi & A R Rutherford - 111-122 Modelling and simulation of a real Internet radio service
by D Melendi & R García & X G Pañeda & V García - 123-131 Marketing health care simulation modelling: towards an integrated service approach
by E Altsitsiadis
February 2011, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-2 Introduction to Part Special Issue of JOS—simulation: at the interface of modelling and analysis
by M E Kuhl & J Flower & L H Lee - 3-8 Modelling and simulating non-stationary arrival processes to facilitate analysis
by B L Nelson & I Gerhardt - 9-24 AutoSimOA: a framework for automated analysis of simulation output
by K Hoad & S Robinson & R Davies - 25-43 Multiple orders per job formation and release strategies in large-scale wafer fabs: a simulation study
by L Mönch & J Zimmermann & S J Mason & J W Fowler - 44-57 Effects of bed configurations at a hospital emergency department
by M Diefenbach & E Kozan - 58-68 The Hybrid War Model: a complex adaptive model of complex urban conflict
by James Moffat & Michael Bathe & Lorna Frewer
December 2010, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 213-221 Sustainable supply chain design: capturing dynamic input factors
by P J Byrne & C Heavey & P Ryan & P Liston - 222-231 Soft Constraint-based simulation of execution strategies in building engineering
by U Beißert & M König & H-J Bargstädt - 232-241 Design and implementation of an MDA interface for flexible data capturing
by M Aufenanger & A Blecken & C Laroque - 242-254 Generating CT-TH-PM surfaces using EPT-based aggregate modelling
by C P L Veeger & L F P Etman & J van Herk & J E Rooda - 255-259 Life-cycle of simulation models: requirements and case studies in the automotive industry
by G Mayer & S Spieckermann - 260-267 Impact of ageing workforces on long-term efficiency of manufacturing systems
by G Zülch & M Becker - 268-272 The problem of the initial transient (again), or why MSER works
by K P White & S Robinson
September 2010, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 149-150 Introduction to the special issue
by R R Hill - 151-162 Tutorial on agent-based modelling and simulation
by C M Macal & M J North - 163-169 Some insights into the emergence of agent-based modelling
by B L Heath & R R Hill - 170-180 INSIGHT: understanding unexpected behaviours in agent-based simulations
by R Gore & P F Reynolds - 181-195 Virtual EP: a simulator of multi-agents-based virtual plant growth in response to environmental heterogeneity
by H Qu & Q Zhu & H Fu & Z Lu - 196-203 Learning from multi-level behaviours in agent-based simulations: a Systems Biology application
by C-C Chen & D R Hardoon - 204-210 Discrete-event simulation is dead, long live agent-based simulation!
by P O Siebers & C M Macal & J Garnett & D Buxton & M Pidd - 211-212 Managing business complexity: discovering strategic solutions with agent-based modelling and simulation
by R R Hill
June 2010, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 81-97 Univariate input models for stochastic simulation
by M E Kuhl & J S Ivy & E K Lada & N M Steiger & M A Wagner & J R Wilson - 98-108 Development of model categories for performance improvement studies related to airport terminal operations
by K C James & M Bhasi - 109-115 Information acquisition for modelling and simulation of logistics networks
by S Kuhnt & S Wenzel - 116-127 Restricted subset selection and its application
by E J Chen - 128-142 Sensitivity analysis in discrete-event simulation using fractional factorial designs
by J A B Montevechi & R G de Almeida Filho & A P Paiva & R F S Costa & A L Medeiros - 143-148 Alpha mistake of Taguchi method with L18 array for STB type QCH using simulation
by A Al-Refaie & M-H Li
March 2010, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-1 Simulation in healthcare — Part 2
by H Pilgrim - 2-13 RIGHT: A toolkit for selecting healthcare modelling methods
by A Naseer & T Eldabi & T P Young - 14-23 A review of discrete event simulation in National Coordinating Centre for Health Technology Assessment-funded work and a case study exploring the cost-effectiveness of testing for thrombophilia in patients presenting with an initial idiopathic venous thromboembolism
by M D Stevenson & E L Simpson & A C Rawdin & D E Papaioannou - 24-33 Cluster-randomized design for simulation-based evaluation of complex healthcare interventions
by B Sobolev & L Kuramoto - 34-41 Simulation and enhancement of a cardiovascular device test rig
by S D Gregory & N Greatrex & D Timms & N Gaddum & M J Pearcy & J F Fraser - 42-51 Discrete event simulation for performance modelling in health care: a review of the literature
by M M Günal & M Pidd - 52-59 A simulation model of bed-occupancy in a critical care unit
by J D Griffiths & M Jones & M S Read & J E Williams - 60-67 An application of agent-based simulation to the management of hospital-acquired infection
by Y Meng & R Davies & K Hardy & P Hawkey - 68-80 Simulations for epidemiology and public health education
by C-Y Huang & Y-S Tsai & T-H Wen
December 2009, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 191-201 Improved energy-efficient production using discrete event simulation
by P Solding & P Thollander & P R Moore - 202-210 Subset selection procedures
by E J Chen - 211-219 Using simulation and goal programming to reschedule emergency department doctors’ shifts: case of a Tunisian hospital
by B Jerbi & H Kamoun - 220-234 Simulating hospital evacuation—the influence of traffic and evacuation time windows
by E Tayfur & K Taaffe - 235-247 Optimization of ship evacuation procedures as part of tsunami preparation
by T Pitana & E Kobayashi - 248-249 Crowd Simulation
by Vassilis Zachariadis & James Amos
September 2009, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 129-129 Simulation in healthcare — Part 1
by Hazel Pilgrim - 130-140 An analysis of the academic literature on simulation and modelling in health care
by S C Brailsford & P R Harper & B Patel & M Pitt - 141-149 Developing model requirements for patient flow simulation studies using the Unified Modelling Language (UML)
by C Vasilakis & D Lecznarowicz & C Lee - 150-162 Service optimization with patient satisfaction in healthcare systems
by T Gonsalves & K Itoh - 163-170 Application of synthetic patient data in the assessment of rapid rule-out protocols using Point-of-Care testing during chest pain diagnosis in a UK emergency department
by S Robinson & F FitzGibbon & J Eatock & T Hunniford & D Dixon & B J Meenan - 171-178 Success and failure in the simulation of an Accident and Emergency department
by J Bowers & M Ghattas & G Mould - 179-188 Incorporating remote visits into an outpatient clinic
by J Eatock & T Eldabi - 189-190 Operations research and health care: a handbook of methods and applications
by Martin Pitt
June 2009, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 69-83 Simulation-based cycle-time quantile estimation in manufacturing settings employing non-FIFO dispatching policies
by J M Bekki & J W Fowler & G T Mackulak & M Kulahci - 84-94 An integrated supply chain model with dynamic flow and replenishment requirements
by G M Magableh & S J Mason - 95-106 Method for assessing and selecting discrete event simulation software applied to the analysis of logistic systems
by A K da Silva & R C Botter - 107-113 Modelling, simulation and analyses of systems with breakdown imposed scrapping
by T Ilar & J Powell & A Kaplan - 114-128 Generic interface specifications for integrating distributed discrete-event simulation models
by A K Garg & J Venkateswaran & Y-J Son
March 2009, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-2 Simulation software: evolution or revolution?
by S J E Taylor & S Robinson - 3-16 A survey on distributed simulation in industry
by C A Boer & A de Bruin & A Verbraeck - 17-28 Simulation as a tool for gaming and training in operations management—a case study
by D-J van der Zee & J Slomp - 29-39 A fast computational algorithm for simulating round-robin service
by D Finley & J R Ramos & V Rego & J Sang - 40-49 Towards a unified conceptual model representation: a case study in healthcare
by B S S Onggo - 50-60 Effective design of an assembly line using modelling and simulation
by F Longo & G Mirabelli - 61-68 A conceptual model for carpooling systems simulation
by G Correia & J M Viegas
November 2008, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 127-127 Celebrating 50 years of simulation software
by S Robinson & S J E Taylor - 128-137 Intelligence, innovation and integrity— KD Tocher and the dawn of simulation
by B W Hollocks - 138-142 Techniques for the application of computers to industrial simulation
by K D Tocher - 143-152 The automatic programming of simulations
by K D Tocher & D G Owen - 153-154 The Art of Simulation
by Ruth Davies - 155-161 The seven habits of highly defective simulation projects
by J D Salt - 162-169 Cross-trained versus specialized agents in an inbound call centre: a simulation-based methodology for trade-off analysis
by J Chung & K P White - 170-185 SBatch: A spaced batch means procedure for steady-state simulation analysis
by E K Lada & N M Steiger & J R Wilson - 186-194 Selecting designs with the smallest variance of normal populations
by E J Chen
July 2008, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 69-80 Variance-based sampling for simulating cycle time—throughput curves using simulation-based estimates
by J W Fowler & S E Leach & G T Mackulak & B L Nelson - 81-89 A prescriptive technique for V&V of simulation models when no real-life data are available: results from a real-life project
by L Chwif & P S Muniz & L M Shimada - 91-102 Software process simulation modelling: A survey of practice
by R Ahmed & T Hall & P Wernick & S Robinson & M Shah - 103-116 An object-oriented framework for simulating supply systems
by M D Rossetti & M Miman & V Varghese - 117-126 A sensitivity analysis tool for improving the capacity of amusement rides
by S S Desai & J L Hunsucker
March 2008, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-2 The Journal of Simulation is one year old!
by S J E Taylor & S Robinson - 3-17 Taming the Complexity Dragon
by J O Henriksen - 19-27 Simulation experiments in practice: statistical design and regression analysis
by J P C Kleijnen - 29-40 On the interaction between stratification and control variates, with illustrations in a call centre simulation
by P L'Ecuyer & E Buist - 41-52 Managing airport operations using simulation
by M S Fayez & A Kaylani & D Cope & N Rychlik & M Mollaghasemi - 53-60 Is prevention better than cure?
by J Crocker & Q Sheng - 61-65 Bounds for simulation
by N M van Dijk & E van der Sluis - 67-67 Simulation: the practice of model development and use
by Andrew Beck
August 2007, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 149-152 The future's bright the future's…Conceptual modelling for simulation!
by Stewart Robinson - 153-158 Improving the understanding of conceptual modelling
by W Wang & R J Brooks - 159-174 Investigating the use of software requirements engineering techniques in simulation modelling
by J D Arthur & R E Nance - 175-186 Conceptual modelling for designing large-scale simulations
by O Balci & W F Ormsby - 187-202 Developing participative simulation models—framing decomposition principles for joint understanding
by D-J van der Zee - 203-213 Development of a process modelling tool for simulation
by J Ryan & C Heavey - 215-222 Using soft systems methodology to determine the simulation study objectives
by K Kotiadis - 223-223 Discrete-Event System Simulation (International Edition)
by Adam Brentnall
May 2007, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 67-67 Editorial
by S J E Taylor - 69-79 An integrated and adaptive decision-support framework for high-tech manufacturing and service networks
by P Lendermann & S J Turner & M Y H Low & B P Gan & N Julka & L P Chan & W T Cai & L H Lee & E P Chew & S Y Teng & L F McGinnis - 81-96 Discrete event modelling and simulation in systems biology
by R Ewald & C Maus & A Rolfs & A Uhrmacher - 97-107 Bayesian methodology for dynamic modelling
by C S M Currie - 109-119 Simulation of passenger vehicle order fulfilment processes
by P G Brabazon & B L MacCarthy & R W Hawkins - 121-130 Modelling human performance within manufacturing systems design: from a theoretical towards a practical framework
by T S Baines & O Benedettini - 131-135 Stream correlations in multiple recursive and congruential generators
by R Davies & R J Brooks - 137-145 Efficiency of importance sampling estimators
by W Sandmann - 147-148 Discrete-Event Simulation: A First Course
by Raymond Hill
December 2006, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-6 So where to next? A survey of the future for discrete-event simulation
by S J E Taylor & S Robinson - 7-20 Simulation software: not the same yesterday, today or forever
by M Pidd & A Carvalho - 21-28 Six ways to improve a simulation analysis
by S E Chick - 29-38 Using agent-based simulation to empirically examine search theory using a historical case study
by R R Hill & R G Carl & L E Champagne - 39-52 Input modelling for financial simulations using the bootstrap
by H Huang & T R Willemain - 53-63 Validating and comparing simulation models using resampling
by R C H Cheng - 65-66 Computer simulation in management science
by K Kotiadis