2011, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 57-82 An Analysis of Trends in Spatial Mobility of Dutch Graduates
by Viktor Venhorst & Jouke Van Dijk & Leo Van Wissen - 83-109 Modelling Quality of Life and Population Growth. The Case of the Barcelona Metropolitan Area
by Vicente Royuela - 111-131 Long and Short Distance Migration in Italy: The Role of Economic, Social and Environmental Characteristics
by Bianca Biagi & Alessandra Faggian & Philip McCann
December 2010, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 271-290 Cross-national Neighbouring Effects on European Regional Specialization
by Toni Mora & Patricia Garcia-Duran & Montserrat Millet
2010, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 355-361 Editorial
by B. Fingleton & P. Cheshire & H. Garretsen & D. Igliori & J. Le Gallo & P. McCann & J. McCombie & V. Monastiriotis & B. Moore & M. Roberts - 363-388 Combined and Uneven Development: Reflections on the North–South Divide
by Robert Rowthorn - 389-398 Spatial Allocation of Capital: The Role of Risk Preferences
by Udo Broll & Antonio Roldán-Ponce & Jack Wahl - 399-440 Testing for Spatial Effects in Seemingly Unrelated Regressions
by Jesús Mur & Fernando López & Marcos Herrera - 441-461 Explaining Inter-Provincial Inequality in Productivity Growth in Crop Production in Pakistan
by Mahboob Ellahi & Euan Fleming & Renato Villano - 463-482 Regional Imbalances and Market Potential in Brazil
by Pedro Amaral & Mauro Lemos & Rodrigo Simões & Flávia Chein
2010, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 257-262 Editorial
by B. Fingleton & P. Cheshire & H. Garretsen & D. Igliori & J. Le Gallo & P. McCann & J. McCombie & V. Monastiriotis & B. Moore & M. Roberts - 263-275 Trade Openness and City Size with Taste Heterogeneity
by Mauricio Ramírez Grajeda & Willy Cortez Yactayo - 277-298 Interregional Inequality Dynamics in Mexico
by Sergio Rey & Myrna Sastré-Gutiérrez - 299-316 A Spatial Multilevel Analysis of Italian SMEs' Productivity
by Giorgio Fazio & Davide Piacentino - 317-338 Developing a Continuous Space Representation of a Simulated Population
by John Cullinan - 339-354 Conditional Variances in UK Regional House Prices
by Geoff Willcocks
2010, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 121-125 Editorial
by B. Fingleton & P. Cheshire & H. Garretsen & D. Igliori & J. Le Gallo & P. McCann & J. McCombie & V. Monastiriotis & B. Moore & M. Roberts - 127-160 Rethinking (New) Economic Geography Models: Taking Geography and History More Seriously
by Harry Garretsen & Ron Martin - 161-179 Valuing Access to Water—A Spatial Hedonic Approach, with an Application to Bangalore, India
by Luc Anselin & Nancy Lozano-Gracia & Uwe Deichmann & Somik Lall - 181-203 The Spatial Structure of Financial Development in Brazil
by Marco Crocco & Fabiana Santos & Pedro Amaral - 205-227 Estimation Strategies for a Spatial Dynamic Panel using GMM. A New Approach to the Convergence Issue of European Regions
by Salima Bouayad-Agha & Lionel Védrine - 229-255 Bringing Regional Detail to a CGE Model using Census Data
by Glyn Wittwer & Mark Horridge
2010, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-7 Editorial
by B Fingleton & P Cheshire & H Garretsen & D Igliori & J Le Gallo & P McCann & John McCombie & V Monastiriotis & B Moore & M Roberts - 9-28 Applied Spatial Econometrics: Raising the Bar
by J. Elhorst - 29-41 A Dynamic Origin-constrained Spatial Interaction Model Applied to Poland's Inter-provincial Migration
by Anna Sarra & Mariarosaria Del Signore - 43-72 Agglomeration, Agriculture, and the Perspective of the Periphery
by Stefan Gruber & Anna Soci - 73-91 Increasing Returns and the Spatial Structure of French Wages
by Sylvain Barde - 93-119 Bootstrap Inference in Spatial Econometrics: the J-test
by Peter Burridge & Bernard Fingleton
2009, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 377-390 Centres and Peripheries in Finland: Granger Causality Tests Using Panel Data
by Hannu Tervo - 391-425 The Producer Service Sector in Italy: Long-term Growth and its Local Determinants
by Giacinto Micucci & Valter di Giacinto - 427-446 Sectoral Productivity, Density and Agglomeration in the Wider Europe
by Neil Foster & Robert Stehrer - 447-465 Onward the Spatial: an Essay on the Nature and Relevance of Regional Economics
by Colin Wren - 467-483 Maximum Likelihood Estimation of a General Unbalanced Spatial Random Effects Model: a Monte Carlo Study
by Michael Pfaffermayr
2009, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 243-248 Editorial
by B. Fingleton & P. Cheshire & H. Garretsen & D. Igliori & J. Le Gallo & P. McCann & J. McCombie & V. Monastiriotis & B. Moore & M. Roberts - 249-274 A Generalized Goals-achievement Model in Data Envelopment Analysis: an Application to Efficiency Improvement in Local Government Finance in Japan
by Peter Nijkamp & Soushi Suzuki - 275-300 Bank Branch Location: a Count Analysis
by Charles Okeahalam - 301-327 Spatial Nonstationarity and Spurious Regression: the Case with a Row-normalized Spatial Weights Matrix
by Lung-Fei Lee & Jihai Yu - 329-341 Returns to Scale and the Economic Impact of Migration: Some New Considerations
by R. E. Rowthorn - 343-370 Growth and Convergence in Income Per Capita and Income Inequality in the Regions of the EU
by Vassilis Tselios
2009, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 121-125 Editorial
by B. Fingleton & P. Cheshire & H. Garretsen & D. Igliori & J. Le Gallo & P. McCann & J. McCombie & V. Monastiriotis & B. Moore & M. Roberts - 127-148 Increasing Returns and the Growth of Industries in the EU Regions: Paradoxes and Conundrums
by Alvaro Angeriz & John McCombie & Mark Roberts - 149-166 Outsourcing vs FDI in Oligopoly Equilibrium
by Dermot Leahy & Catia Montagna - 167-190 On the Specification of the Gravity Model of Trade: Zeros, Excess Zeros and Zero-inflated Estimation
by Martijn Burger & Frank van Oort & Gert-Jan Linders - 191-211 Spatial Aspects of Contagion among Emerging Economies
by George Hondroyiannis & Harry Kelejian & George Tavlas - 213-239 The Economic Impacts of a Terrorist Attack on the Downtown Los Angeles Financial District
by Qisheng Pan & Harry Richardson & Peter Gordon & James Moore
2009, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-4 Editorial
by B. Fingleton & P. Cheshire & H. Garretsen & D. Igliori & J. Gallo & P. McCann & J. McCombie & V. Monastiriotis & B. Moore & M. Roberts - 5-23 Trade and Geography: Paul Krugman and the 2008 Nobel Prize for Economics
by Steven Brakman & Harry Garretsen - 25-51 A Spatial Model of the Impact of Bankruptcy Law on Entrepreneurship
by Aparna Mathur - 53-72 A Spatial Quantile Regression Hedonic Model of Agricultural Land Prices
by Philip Kostov - 73-102 The International Economic Order and Trade Architecture
by Javier Reyes & Martina Garcia & Ralph Lattimore - 103-120 Spanish Internal Migration: Is there Anything New to Say?
by Alan Mulhern & John Watson
2008, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 269-273 Editorial
by B. Fingleton & P. Cheshire & H. Garretsen & D. Igliori & J. Le Gallo & P. McCann & J. McCombie & V. Monastiriotis & B. Moore & M. Roberts - 275-304 Spatial Growth Regressions: Model Specification, Estimation and Interpretation
by James Lesage & Manfred Fischer - 305-319 Small-sample Properties of Panel Spatial Autoregressive Models: Comparison of the Bayesian and Maximum Likelihood MethodsAn earlier version of this paper was presented at the 2007 Fall meeting of Japanese Economic Association at Nihon University
by Kazuhiko Kakamu & Hajime Wago - 321-342 Development Accounting with Spatial Effects
by Wilfried Koch - 343-360 Employment Growth in Italian Local Labour Systems: Issues of Model Specification and Sectoral Aggregation
by Francesca Mameli & Alessandra Faggian & Philip McCann - 361-372 Laboratory Testing of Spurious Spatial Structure in Trip Distribution Models
by Jan Ubøe & Jens Petter Gitlesen & Inge Thorsen
2008, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 145-149 Editorial
by B. Fingleton & P. Cheshire & H. Garretsen & D. Igliori & J. Le Gallo & P. McCann & J. McCombie & V. Monastiriotis & B. Moore & M. Roberts - 151-158 Returns to Scale and the Economic Impact of Migration
by Robert Rowthorn - 159-194 Innovation and Co-location
by Satyasiba Das & Håkon Finne - 195-207 A Dynamic Panel Data Approach to the Forecasting of the GDP of German Länder
by Konstantin Arkadievich Kholodilin & Boriss Siliverstovs & Stefan Kooths - 209-224 Does Evidence on Regional Economic Convergence Depend on the Estimation Strategy? Outcomes from Analysis of a Set of NUTS2 EU Regions
by Giuseppe Arbia & Julie Le Gallo & Gianfranco Piras - 225-245 Incorporating Transportation Network Structure in Spatial Econometric Models of Commodity Flows
by James Paul Lesage & Wolfgang Polasek - 247-268 Do Small Town Development Projects Matter, and Can CGE Help?
by Hannu Törmä
2008, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-5 Editorial
by B. Fingleton & P. Cheshire & H. Garretsen & D. Igliori & J. Le Gallo & P. McCann & J. McCombie & V. Monastiriotis & B. Moore & M. Roberts - 7-25 The European Regional Growth Process Revisited
by Sandy Dall'Erba & Marco Percoco & Gianfranco Piras - 27-44 A Generalized Method of Moments Estimator for a Spatial Panel Model with an Endogenous Spatial Lag and Spatial Moving Average Errors
by Bernard Fingleton - 45-87 A Top-down Framework for Regional Historical Analysis
by James Giesecke - 89-114 Analysis of the Vocational and Residential Preferences of a Rural Population: Application of an Experimental Technique to Rural Slovenia
by Alberto Zanni & Alastair Bailey & Sophia Davidova - 115-141 Footloose Entrepreneurs, Taxes and Subsidies
by Pasquale Commendatore & Martin Currie & Ingrid Kubin
2007, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 215-218 Editorial
by B. Fingleton & P. Cheshire & H. Garretsen & D. Igliori & J. Le Gallo & P. McCann & John McCombie & V. Monastiriotis & B. Moore & M. Roberts - 219-236 Spatial Dispersion of Interconnection Clusters in the European Internet
by Alessio D'Ignazio & Emanuele Giovannetti - 237-257 Competing Networks, Spatial and Industrial Concentration in the US Airline Industry
by Aisling Reynolds-Feighan - 259-280 How Globalized Really is European Trade?
by T. Huw Edwards - 281-296 An Aggregated Regional Economic Input–Output Analysis within a Fuzzy Environment
by Malcolm James Beynon & Max Munday - 297-316 A Spatial Modelling Framework for Income Estimation
by Stamatis Kalogirou & Thomas Hatzichristos
2007, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 111-115 Editorial
by B. Fingleton & S. Brakman & P. Cheshire & H. Garretsen & D. Igliori & J. Le Gallo & P. McCann & J. McCombie & V. Monastiriotis & M. Roberts - 117-134 Sketching Out a Model of Innovation, Face-to-face Interaction and Economic Geography
by Philip McCann - 135-156 The Role of Built, Human, Social, and Natural Capital in Determining Land Values, and the Influence of Demographics upon this Relationship
by Kenneth Mulder & Austin Troy & Roelof Boumans - 157-166 Dynamic Spatial Monopoly with Product Development
by Luca Lambertini - 167-196 Spatial Vector Autoregressions
by Michael Beenstock & Daniel Felsenstein - 197-214 Low Pay, Higher Pay and Job Satisfaction in Wales
by Richard Jones & Peter Sloane
2007, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-5 Editorial
by B. Fingleton & P. Cheshire & H. Garretsen & D. Igliori & P. McCann & J. McCombie & V. Monastiriotis & B. Moore & M. Roberts - 7-22 Spatial Interdependence in a Metropolitan Setting
by Geoffrey Hewings & John Parr - 23-44 Regional Heterogeneity in the Private and Social Returns to Human Capital
by Enrique López-Bazo & Rosina Moreno - 45-64 Regional Convergence in Germany: a Geographically Weighted Regression Approach
by Hans-Friedrich Eckey & Reinhold Kosfeld & Matthias Türck - 65-90 Local Economic Structure and Growth
by Rita Almeida - 91-100 Growth, Agglomeration and Convergence: a Space-time Analysis for European Regions
by Maarten Bosker
2006, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 147-153 Editorial
by B. Fingleton & P. Cheshire & H. Garretsen & D. Igliori & P. McCann & J. McCombie & V. Monastiriotis & B. Moore & M. Roberts - 155-174 Does Accessibility to Higher Education Matter? Choice Behaviour of High School Graduates in the Netherlands
by Carla Sá & Raymond Florax & Piet Rietveld - 175-185 Prediction in the Panel Data Model with Spatial Correlation: the Case of Liquor
by Badi Baltagi & Dong Li - 187-205 Wage Spillovers, Inter-regional Effects and the Impact of Inward Investment
by Nigel Driffield & Karl Taylor - 207-226 The Spatial Durbin Model and the Common Factor Tests
by Jesús Mur & Ana Angulo - 227-235 The Fading Attraction of Central Regions: an Empirical Note on Core–Periphery Gradients in Western Europe
by Marius Brülhart
2006, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 7-30 New Neural Network Methods for Forecasting Regional Employment: an Analysis of German Labour Markets
by Roberto Patuelli & Aura Reggiani & Peter Nijkamp & Uwe Blien - 31-52 Interpolation of Air Quality Measures in Hedonic House Price Models: Spatial Aspects This paper is part of a joint research effort with James Murdoch (University of Texas, Dallas) and Mark Thayer (San Diego State University). Earlier versions were presented at the 51st North American Meeting of the Regional Science Association International, Seattle, WA, November 2004, the Spatial Econometrics Workshop, Kiel, Germany, April 2005, and at departmental seminars at the University of Illinois, Ohio State University, the University of California, Davis, and the University of Pennsylvania. Comments by participants are greatly appreciated. The usual disclaimer holds
by Luc Anselin & Julie Le Gallo - 53-99 Dynamic Spatial Discrete Choice Using One-step GMM: An Application to Mine Operating Decisions
by Joris Pinkse & Margaret Slade & Lihong Shen - 101-126 Agglomeration and Trade with Input–Output Linkages and Capital Mobility
by Frédéric Robert-Nicoud - 127-146 Modelling the Socio-economic Impacts of Major Job Loss or Gain at the Local Level: a Spatial Microsimulation Framework
by Dimitris Ballas & Graham Clarke & John Dewhurst