October 2012, Volume 2, Issue 3-4
- 166-178 Reframing the governance challenge for sustainable investment
by Heather Hachigian & Sarah M. McGill - 179-197 Corporate governance and active engagement in Japan: transformation in the face of incremental shareholder value?
by Yukie Saito - 198-221 How can we know if investors are coherently linking sustainability concepts?
by Dane P. Rook - 222-239 ‘Peak’ phosphorus? The implications of phosphate scarcity for sustainable investors
by Sarah M. McGill - 240-256 Corporate foundations in the mining industry: the relationship between responsible investment and social investment
by Caitlin A. McElroy - 257-274 The role of climate finance in innovation systems
by J. Ryan Hogarth - 275-286 Reconciling transparency and long-term investing within sovereign funds
by Adam D. Dixon & Ashby H.B. Monk - 287-302 Developing a self-sustaining protected area system: a feasibility study of national tourism fee and green infrastructure in the Solomon Islands
by Hoasiuhu Francis - 303-317 Sustainable stock indices and long-term portfolio decisions
by Robert J. Bianchi & Michael E. Drew - 318-337 Sustainability indices in emerging markets: impact on responsible practices and financial market development
by Antonio Vives & Baljit Wadhwa - 338-375 The drivers of the relationship between corporate environmental performance and stock market returns
by Marien de Haan & Lammertjan Dam & Bert Scholtens
June 2012, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 119-135 Fiduciary finance ≠ stakeholder management: a reply to Cadman's governance theory
by Matthew Haigh
April 2012, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 85-87 Connecting sustainability goals to financing activity
by Matthew Haigh - 88-94 Publishing and defining sustainable finance and investment
by Matthew Haigh - 95-118 Responsible lending: credit may precipitate firm failure in volatile macroeconomic environments
by Janvier D. Nkurunziza
May 2012, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 136-151 What matters for socially responsible investment (SRI) in the natural resources sectors? SRI mutual funds and forestry in North America
by William Nikolakis & David H. Cohen & Harry W. Nelson
February 2012, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 152-161 Dear Sir, we are not an NGO
by Wim Vandekerckhove & Jos Leys
2012, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-2 SRI and extractive industries
by Benjamin Richardson - 3-25 Shareholder engagement in the extractive sector
by Rupert Allen & Hugues Letourneau & Tessa Hebb - 26-43 Political action through environmental shareholder resolution filing: applicability to Canadian Oil Sands?
by Jackie Cook - 44-63 Mining, human rights and the socially responsible investment industry: considering community opposition to shareholder resolutions and implications of collaboration
by Catherine Coumans - 64-81 Corporate sustainability assessment in financing the extractive sector
by Olaf Weber & Yolanda Banks - 82-82 Climate change and human rights
by The Editors - 83-84 Financialization in an era of globalization
by The Editors
October 2011, Volume 1, Issue 3-4
- 179-179 Dialectics in sustainability
by Matthew Haigh - 180-194 Shareholder passivity: a viable explanation for corporate governance failures at NewsCorp?
by Gabriel A. Huppé & Priya Bala-Miller - 195-208 Establishing a corporate sustainability monitoring tool using the shareholder engagement commitment indicator
by Christine Chow - 209-221 CSR and mainstream investing: a new match? -- an analysis of the existing ESG integration methods in theory and practice and the way forward
by Kristina Praestbro Nielsen & Rikke Winther Noergaard - 222-229 Role of sustainable development in Bilateral Investment Treaties: recent trends and developments
by Yulia Levashova - 230-240 Trust in money: hard, soft and idealistic factors in Euro, gold and German community currencies
by Erhard Theophil Wonneberger & Harald A. Mieg - 241-250 Would we have had this crisis if women had been running the financial sector?
by Ricardo F. Crespo & Irene van Staveren - 251-260 The ‘Governance Gap’, or missing links in transnational chains of accountability for extractive industry investment
by Carole Biau
April 2011, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 91-92 The Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment
by Matthew Haigh - 93-102 Preferences of retail investors and institutions for corporate social performance
by Michel T. J. Rakotomavo - 103-120 Hardwiring green: how banks account for biodiversity risks and opportunities
by Ivo Mulder & Thomas Koellner - 121-137 Sustainable and responsible investment in emerging markets: integrating environmental risks in the South African investment industry
by Stéphanie Giamporcaro - 138-155 Peer-to-peer financing mechanisms to accelerate renewable energy deployment
by K. Branker & E. Shackles & J. M. Pearce - 156-158 The knowledge gap between investors and companies
by Eleanor Bloxham - 159-177 A conceptual framework for changes in fund management and accountability relative to ESG issues
by John Holland
February 2011, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 3-4 The Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment
by Matthew Haigh - 5-19 From fiduciary duties to fiduciary relationships for socially responsible investing: responding to the will of beneficiaries
by Benjamin J. Richardson - 20-29 Evaluating the governance of responsible investment institutions: an environmental and social perspective
by Timothy Cadman - 30-43 Mapping a corporate governance exchange: a survey of Canadian shareholder resolutions 2000--2009
by Taylor R. Gray - 44-61 Influence strategies in shareholder engagement: a case study of all Swedish national pension funds
by Ian Hamilton & Jessica Eriksson - 62-76 The virtue of CalPERS' Emerging Equity Markets Principles
by Gabriel A. Huppé & Tessa Hebb - 77-80 Corporate governance and sustainability: new and old models of thinking
by Eleanor Bloxham - 81-87 How do the capital markets undermine sustainable development? What can be done to correct this?
by Steve Waygood