2007, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 97-98 Introduction: Italy in the international arena: between the EU and the US?
by Maurizio Carbone - 99-115 Europe, the USA and the ‘policy of the pendulum’: the importance of foreign policy paradigms in the foreign policy of Italy (1989–2005)
by Elisabetta Brighi - 117-131 Italian foreign policy after the end of the cold war: the issue of continuity and change in Italian–US relations
by Osvaldo Croci - 133-148 The role of Italy in the European Union: between continuity and change
by Lucia Quaglia - 149-168 Italy's security and defence policy: between EU and US, or just Prodi and Berlusconi?
by Antonio Missiroli - 169-182 Holding Europe back: Italy and EU development policy
by Maurizio Carbone - 183-196 Italy, the USA and the reform of the UN Security Council
by Marco Pedrazzi - 197-211 Book Reviews
by Jo Laycock
2007, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-14 History, cultural identity and difference: the issue of Turkey's accession to the European Union in the French national press
by Rabah Aissaoui - 15-27 Japan and Southeastern Europe
by Asteris C. Huliaras - 29-45 Spanish foreign policy: party alternatives or the pursuit of consensus?
by Richard Gillespie - 47-64 EU's region-building and boundary-drawing policies: the European approach to the Southern Mediterranean and the Western Balkans
by Nikolaos Tzifakis - 65-78 The Palestinian parliamentary legislative elections 25 January 2006
by Salih Biçakci - 79-81 The poet of Turkish communism
by Vassilis K. Fouskas - 83-96 Book Reviews
by Jasna Dragović-Soso
2006, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 271-278 The culture of the Europeans: an interview with Donald Sassoon
by Vassilis Fouskas - 279-298 Turkey's encounters with the new Europe: multiple transformations, inherent dilemmas and the challenges ahead
by Ziya ÖniŞ - 299-311 The ‘sick man’ paradox: history, rhetoric and the ‘European character’ of Turkey
by Dimitris Livanios - 313-325 Victims and avengers of the nation: the politics of refugee legacy in the Southern Balkans
by Basil C. Gounaris - 327-341 The Second Berlusconi government, the parties and the president: a new European policy?
by Paolo Morisi - 343-362 Determinants of foreign direct investment in Bulgaria
by Assia Hadjit & Edward Moxon-Browne - 363-367 , a people on the move?
by Stevan K. Pavlowitch - 369-379 Book Reviews
by Mehmet Ugur
2006, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 133-143 Introduction: One step forward or two steps back?—assessing the Italian transition
by Stefano Fella - 145-161 The Italian case of a transition within democracy
by Sergio Fabbrini - 163-178 The nature of Forza Italia and the Italian transition
by Caterina Paolucci - 179-200 Changing political opportunities and the re-invention of the Italian right
by Stefano Fella & Carlo Ruzza - 201-215 Whither the Democratici di Sinistra?
by Bruno Mascitelli & Emiliano Zucchi - 217-233 Party conflict over European integration in Italy: a new dimension of party competition?
by Nicolò Conti - 235-253 Managing the political field: Italian regions and the territorialisation of politics in the second republic
by Simon Parker - 255-265 Book Reviews
by Paola Mattei - 267-270 MSc in International Conflict and Cooperation, University of Stirling
by The Editors
2006, Volume 8, Issue 01
- 1-5 Introduction: The Next Wave of Enlargement: The European Union and Southeast Europe after 2004
by Graham Timmins & Dejan Jović - 7-26 Beyond 25—the changing face of EU enlargement: commitment, conditionality and the Constitutional Treaty
by David Phinnemore - 27-43 Carrots, sticks and norms: the EU and regional cooperation in Southeast Europe
by Dimitar Bechev - 45-64 The business sector in Southeast Europe–stimulating activity vs. conforming to EU norms
by Paul G. Hare - 65-83 Turkey's long and winding road to the EU: implications for the Balkans
by Gülnur Aybet - 85-103 Croatia and the European Union: a long delayed journey
by Dejan Jović - 105-107 Why is so annoying to some: a response to Bruce Kuniholm and others
by Vassilis K. Fouskas - 109-112 Doubtful revolutions and counter-revolutions deconstructed
by Alina Mungiu-Pippidi - 113-127 Book Reviews
by Katherine Verdery - 129-131 MSc in International Conflict and Cooperation
by The Editors
2005, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 279-282 Introduction: the Europeanisation of Southern Europe
by Iosif Botetzagias - 283-298 Social movements in Italy: which kind of Europeanisation?
by Massimiliano Andretta & Manuela Caiani - 299-314 European policies and domestic reform: a case study of structural fund management in Italy
by Joerg Baudner & Martin Bull - 315-334 Administrative adaptation in Southern regions: the emergence of a ‘Europeanised’ bureaucratic elite?
by Silvia Bolgherini - 335-349 Territorial identities and institutional building: strengths and weaknesses of EU policies for territorial cooperation in Southern regions
by Clementina Casula - 351-366 Europeanisation and domestic territorial change: the Spanish and Romanian cases of territorial adaptation in the context of EU enlargement
by Ana Maria Dobre - 367-385 The Europeanisation of the Cyprus central government administration: the impact of EU membership negotiations
by Angelos Sepos - 387-402 EU political conditionality and parties in government: human rights and the quest for Turkish transformation
by Erol Kulahci - 403-407 Across the Aegean: a scholarly dialogue on the great demographic transfer
by Stevan K. Pavlowitch - 409-415 Spain and Portugal in the European Union: assessing the impact of regional integration
by Mary Farrell - 417-429 Book Reviews
by Lidia Santarelli
2005, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-17 The great game of Caspian energy: ambitions and realities
by Alec Rasizade - 19-33 A tale of two towns: human security and the limits of post-war normalization in Bosnia-Herzegovina
by Timothy Donais - 35-55 Religion and national identity in post-communist Romania
by Gavril Flora & Georgina Szilagyi & Victor Roudometof - 57-74 National interpretations in Bulgarian writings on the Pomaks from the communist period through the present
by Dia Anagnostou - 75-96 Policy-Making: EU trade links with developing neighbours: the case of SEECs, CEECs and the Mediterranean countries
by Giuseppe De Arcangelis & Giovanni Ferri & Marzio Galeotti & Giorgia Giovannetti - 97-101 Review Articles: Milošević: malicious lunatic, faulty product, or baffling enigma?
by Eric Gordy - 103-108 Review Article: Islamists to the fore in Turkey's pursuit of EU membership
by Robert McDonald - 109-115 Review Article: Turkey's entry into the EU: national identity, collective memory and the haunting ghost of the Armenian genocide
by Marcello Flores - 117-131 Book Reviews
by Anna Triandafyllidou
2004, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 209-210 Editorial
by The Editors - 211-225 Balkan communist leaders
by R.J. Crampton - 227-243 Media, ethnicity and patriotism—the Balkans ‘unholy war’ for the appropriation of Mother Teresa
by Gëzim Alpion - 245-257 The Greek dictatorship, the USA and the Arabs, 1967–1974
by John Sakkas - 259-273 Fighting for revolution? The life and death of Greece's revolutionary organization 17 November, 1975–2002
by George Kassimeris - 275-297 Multi‐level networks as a threat to democracy? The case of Portugal's Vasco da Gama bridge
by Jeanie Bukowski - 299-306 Why did Yugoslavia disintegrate? Is there a conclusive answer?
by Aleksandar Pavković - 307-324 Book reviews
by The Editors
2004, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 91-95 Introduction
by The Editors - 97-108 ‘Official memories’ in post‐authoritarianism: an analytical framework
by Dejan Jović - 109-123 From persecutors to saviours: the Italian occupation forces of the Second World War in post‐1989 Serbian historiography
by Miloš Ković - 125-144 Italian soldiers in the Balkans. The experience of the occupation (1941–1943)
by Davide Rodogno - 145-159 Exhumed histories: Trieste and the politics of (exclusive) victimhood
by Pamela Ballinger - 161-181 Italy, EU enlargement and the ‘reinvention’ of Europe between historical memories and present representations
by Ilaria Favretto - 183-204 Beyond the powder keg? Representations of the former Yugoslav countries in Italian history textbooks of the 1990s
by Sabine Rutar
2004, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 5-6 Editorial
by The Editors - 7-12 Themes
by Lord Hannay & Chiswick Gcmg, ch - 13-26 The Turkish–Georgian partnership and the pipeline factor
by Emmanuel Karagiannis - 27-39 Possible impacts of Turkish application of Schengen visa standards
by Mehmet Ali Tuğtan - 41-55 Religion, civil society, and democracy in Orthodox Greece
by Constantine P. Danopoulos - 57-62 Review article
by Andrew Wachtel - 63-68 History education in the Balkans: how bad is it?
by Stevan K. Pavlowitch - 69-88 Book reviews
by The Editors
2003, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 277-277 Editorial
by Vassilis Fouskas - 279-297 Light weapons, long reach: Bulgaria's role in the global spread and control of small arms
by Suzette R. Grillot & Dessie Apostolova - 299-314 Structural constraints: implications of economic dualism for the development and international integration of South Eastern Europe
by Paul Dragos Aligica - 315-335 Rearranging solidarity: conspiracy and world order in Greek and Macedonian commentaries on Kosovo
by Keith Brown & Dimitrios Theodossopoulos - 337-354 The international relations of the Cypriot Parliament
by Stelios Stavridis - 355-373 The fate of Bosnia and Herzegovina: an exclusive interview of Christophe Solioz with Wolfgang Petritsch
by Christophe Solioz & Wolfgang Petritsch - 375-380 Spain, from liberalism to Fascism, 1808-1977
by Paco Romero - 381-386 Minorities and the making of the nation-state in 20th century Greece
by Dia Anagnostou - 387-402 Book Reviews
by The Editors
2003, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 133-135 Introduction
by Christopher Brewin & Bülent Gökay - 137-145 A changing Turkey: Europe's dilemma
by Christopher Brewin - 147-163 Turkey after Copenhagen: walking a tightrope
by Bülent Aras & Bülent Gökay - 165-183 Testing times in EU_Turkey relations: the road to copenhagen and beyond
by Mehmet Ugur - 185-203 Mapping the Turkish political landscape through November 2002 elections
by Fethi Açikel - 205-222 From Euro-scepticism to Turkey-scepticism: changing political attitudes on the European Union in Turkey
by Ayse Günes-Ayata - 223-240 Crypto-optimism in Turkish-Greek relations. What is next?
by Mustafa Aydin - 241-245 Cyprus: a new and more hopeful step in the struggle to free the tempting morsel from the net of entanglement in the rivals' aspirations of its neighbours to dominate and devour
by Martin Dent - 247-250 Review Article
by Marios L. Evriviades - 251-267 Book Reviews
by The Editors
2003, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 5-7 Editorial
by The Editors - 9-24 Themes
by Antoine Roger - 25-38 'All that is, is nationalist': Western imaginings of the Balkans since the Yugoslav wars
by Pavlos Hatzopoulos - 39-51 Approaches to political violence and terrorism in former Yugoslavia 1
by Florian Bieber - 53-69 The Albanians in Great Britain: Diasporic identity and experience in the educational perspective since 1990
by Denisa Kostovicova - 71-81 Debates
by Vassilis Fouskas - 83-86 'Pax Americana'. Is it all about oil?
by Bulent Go¨KAY - 87-89 Review Article
by Stevan Pavlowitch - 91-97 Why nationalist discourse really matters: Two studies of Serbian nationalism
by Veljko Vujacčić - 99-122 Book Reviews
by The Editors
2002, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 117-125 Histories behind names: An interview with Stevan K. Pavlowitch
by The Editors - 127-140 The Second World War II: Discourses of reconciliation in Serbia and Croatia in the late 1980s and early 1990s
by Dejan Djokić - 141-156 The Bosniaks: From nation to threat
by Lily Hamourtziadou - 157-170 Germany and the Balkans: Reflections on an uneasy relationship
by Wolfgang Deckers - 171-189 Meeting the conditions of monetary union: The challenge to the Spanish model of regionalization
by Mary Farrell - 191-206 Barriers to the transition of enterprises from central plan to market economy: The Balkan case
by Panayiotis Liargovas & Dionysios Chionis - 207-208 Debates
by The Editors - 209-214 Lessons to be learned from the Portuguese experience with the European Union (1985-2000). Reviewing a Rich Manual for Practitioners of European Integration in the Candidate Countries
by José Magone - 215-240 Book Reviews
by The Editors - 241-241 Erratum
by The Editors
2002, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 5-13 Oil, war and geopolitics from Kosovo to Afghanistan
by Bulent Gokay - 15-27 Actors of the new 'Great Game', Caspian oil politics
by Hasene Karasac - 29-35 The political role of oil in Azerbaijan, 1989-1994
by Angeliki Spatharou - 37-45 The transportation of Caspian oil and regional stability
by Kamer Kasim - 47-55 Turkey's energy market--issues in reform
by Mina Toksoz - 57-74 From oil pipelines to oil Straits: The Caspian pipeline politics and environmental protection of the Istanbul and the Canakkale Straits
by Ahmet Ozturk - 75-89 A meeting of blood and oil: The Balkan factor in Western energy security
by Keith Fisher - 91-94 Kosovo: Unanswered questions
by Peter Gowan - 95-112 Book Reviews
by The Editors
2001, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 109-110 Editorial
by The Editors - 111-130 A comparison of Catalan and 'Padanian' nationalism: More similarities than differences?
by Benito Giordano & Elisa Roller - 131-143 Multiculturalism as a prelude to state fragmentation: The case of Yugoslavia
by Aleksandar Pavković - 145-151 Macedonia at the crossroads
by Spyros Sofos - 153-170 Bulgaria's Macedonian dilemma
by Symeon Giannakos - 171-192 Albania's relations with the EU: On the road to Europe?
by Ailish Johnson - 193-196 Post-communist societies: Between ethnicity and globalization
by Daniele Conversi - 197-199 The Balkans: Explaining the present through history
by Stefan Troebst - 201-218 Book Reviews
by The Editors
2001, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 5-9 Introduction
by Philippe Marlière - 11-24 The path of modernization: PASOK and European integration
by Gerassimos Moschonas - 25-35 From 'Third Wave' to 'Third Way': Europe and the Portuguese Socialists (1975–1999)
by Marina Lobo & Pedro Magalhães - 37-47 Europeanization and French social democracy
by Robert Ladrech - 49-59 Spain's 'Third Way'?: The Spanish Socialist Party's utilization of European integration
by Paul Kennedy - 61-74 From PCI to DS: How European integration accelerated the 'social democratization' of the Italian Left
by Tobias Abse - 75-82 The first one hundred years of socialism
by Ton Notermans - 83-104 Book Reviews
by The Editors
2000, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 139-140 Editorial
by The Editors - 141-148 Europe and the Balkans in a historical perspective, 1804-1945
by Stevan Pavlowitch - 149-162 Power politics and nationalist discourse in the struggle for 'Northern Epirus': 1919-1921
by Triadafilos Triadafilopoulos - 163-176 The Balkans and international politics in the 1940s: On the Eden‐Gusev Pre-Percentages Agreement
by Gavin Scrase - 177-195 Alternatives to marginalization: New forms of social action in Mediterranean towns
by Giulio Sapelli - 197-212 Seat/vote proportionality in Romanian and Spanish parliamentary elections
by John Hickman & Chris Little - 213-233 Cyprus, the European Union and the Search for a New Constitution
by Andreas Theophanous - 235-239 NATO: Growing pains or early retirement?
by Charles Silva - 241-260 Book Reviews
by The Editors
2000, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 5-10 Introduction
by The Editors - 11-23 Industrial policy and industrial restructuring in Slovenia
by Will Bartlett - 25-37 Small firms and local economic development in Poland: Limits and possibilities
by Ewa Piasecka & Al Rainnie - 39-55 Property rights, managerial strategies and enterprise adjustment: Bulgaria in transition
by Evgeni Peev & Colin Simmons - 57-73 International competitiveness and inter-firm co-operation in the footwear industry of Southern Italy
by Pietro Evangelista - 75-87 The labour regime under conditions of globalization in the Cypriot garment industry
by Prodromos Panayiotopoulos - 89-103 Organizational and individual identities in transition: The case of Romanian small and medium-sized enterprises
by Mihaela Kelemen & Geoff Lightfoot - 105-120 The transformation of Turkish retailing: Survival strategies of small and medium-sized retailers
by Gul Ozcan - 121-124 Debate: Response to Thomas Emmert
by Noel Malcolm - 125-133 Book Reviews
by The Editors - 135-135 Profile
by The Editors
1999, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 1-1 Editorial board
by The Editors - 117-118 Editorial
by Vassilis Fouskas - 119-136 Peace moves in the Basque country
by Richard Gillespie - 137-148 Globalization via ethnocratic ‘ghettoization’: Post‐historical myths on Yugoslavia
by Tolis Malakos - 149-162 The Turkish minority under communist Bulgaria—politics of ethnicity and power
by Milena Mahon - 163-170 Yugoslavia: The failure of a success
by Stevan Pavlowitch - 171-182 Placing Serbia in context
by Peter Gowan - 183-184 A response to Giulio Sapelli
by Jane Schneider - 185-198 Poverty in the Balkans and the issue of reconstruction: Bulgaria and Yugoslavia compared
by Constantine Danopoulos & Emilia Ianeva - 199-215 Gender relations and changing forms of employment in Spain
by Christine Cousins - 217-221 Challenging myth in a short history of Kosovo
by Thomas Emmert - 223-238 Book reviews
by Tobias Abse & Marina Lobo & Gül Özcan & Alan Sked & Lucio Sponza & Jordi Domenech & Milena Mahon & Dominic Keown & David Felsen - 239-240 Profiles
by The Editors
1999, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editorial board
by The Editors - 5-6 Editorial
by Vasillis Fouskas - 7-14 European modernity and Greek national identity
by Constantine Tsoukalas - 15-31 The struggle for hegemony in Turkey: Turkish nationalism as a contemporary force
by Hugh Poulton - 33-38 Togliatti, Stalin, Hungary and the tasks of historians
by Donald Sassoon - 39-48 Togliatti and 1956: A response to Sassoon
by Tobias Abse - 49-63 European integration and the development of trade union strategies in Spain
by Frank Brouwer - 65-76 Financial liberalization or financial repression? The case of the Greek equity market
by Spyros Spyrou - 77-80 Pervasive and post‐modern modernization
by Giulio Sapelli - 81-100 Book reviews
by Mehmet Ugur & Dejan Jovic & Sheila Lecoeur & John Foot & Vassilis Fouskas & Carrie Hamilton & Gaia Danese & Paul Rochford & Dejan Djokic & Patrick Baker & Stevan Pavlowitch & Christos Mylonas - 101-105 Southern Europe and the Balkans research events forum
by The Editors