March 2025, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 129-148 Anatolian Tigers: A Miracle or a Myth? A Regional Political Economic Analysis
by Ömer Tuğsal Doruk - 149-171 Transformation of Identity among Slavic Muslim Pomaks in Bulgaria and Georgian Muslim Ajarians in Georgia: A Comparative Analysis
by Alter Kahraman & Ayşegül Aydıngün - 172-187 Hegemony, Europeanization, and Migration Diplomacy: Case of the EU-Turkey Statement and Action Plan
by Sefa Mertek - 188-205 The Late 19th Century Liberal Islamist Young Turk Movement in Egypt
by Servet Tiken & Özlem Sürücü - 206-222 China-Central and Eastern Europe Cooperation in a Divided World: Narratives and Scenarios
by Antonina Habova - 223-241 The Role of Republican and AKP Elites in the Construction and Reconstruction of Turkiye’s Foreign Policy Identity: A Critical Narrative Analysis
by Emine Akcadag Alagoz - 242-261 The De-Europeanization of the Kurdish Question in Turkey and the EU
by Hüseyin Kalaycı - 262-281 Beijing Winter Olympics and China’s Middle East Diplomacy in the Xi Era
by Song Niu
January 2025, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 1-12 Introduction: The Burden of History, Image, Geopolitics and Misperception in the Aegean
by Mustafa Aydin & Kostas Ifantis - 13-35 A Historical Materialist Reading of the Contested Relations between Greece and Turkey
by Mustafa Türkeş & Elif Uzgören & Coşkun Soysal - 36-55 Identity, Cultural Heritage and the Politics of Sovereignty: Narrating Turkey and Greece Through Ayasofya
by Fulya Hisarlıoğlu & Chara Karagiannopoulou & Lerna K. Yanık - 56-72 National Role Conceptions of Greek and Turkish Foreign Policies: A Bilateral Assessment
by Andreas Kotelis & Dimitrios Triantaphyllou - 73-90 The Failed Vision of a Greek–Turkish Security Community?
by George Koukoudakis - 91-109 Ontological Insecurity and the Return of the Greek-Turkish Conflicts: Reconfiguring Hagia Sophia as an Ontic Space
by Bahar Rumelili & Nasuh Sofuoglu - 110-127 Enduring Crises and Possibilities for Cooperation in Turkish-Greek Relations: A Feminist Account
by Özlem Tür & Çiğdem Aydın Koyuncu
November 2024, Volume 26, Issue 6
- 793-796 Introduction Turkey 1923-2023 100 Years of the Republic: Foundations and Transformations
by Y. Doğan Çetinkaya - 797-814 A “National Congress” for Economic Sovereignty: The Context and Objective of the Economic Congress of Turkey (1923)
by Y. Doğan Çetinkaya - 815-831 The Turkish Bourgeoisie at the Foundation of the Republic of Turkey: The Case of the Ship Owners
by Neslişah L. Basaran Lotz - 832-850 Sources of Anti-Secularism in Modern Turkey: A Social History Approach
by Murat Metinsoy - 851-870 Stop, in the Name of Law!: The Restructuring of Police Force in the Early Republican Turkey
by Güven Gürkan Öztan - 871-888 Changing Definitions of Turkish Peasantry in a Century-Long History: A Conceptual Framework
by Sinan Yildirmaz - 889-904 From ‘Civil Marriage’ to ‘Imam Marriage’, the Happy Marriage of Capitalism and Patriarchy: Women’s Employment in Turkey
by Demet Özmen Yilmaz - 905-919 The Decline of the Labour Movement in Turkey during the Neoliberal Globalization and the Hope for Revitalization
by Mustafa Görkem Doğan - 920-935 The Decline of Turkey as a Subimperialist Power: Political Economy of the Turkish Foreign Policy under AKP Rule
by Ertan Erol - 936-950 Remaking “Small Business” in Turkey: Critical Assessment of Small Business Politics Under the AKP Rule
by Müge Neda Altınoklu - 951-971 The Century of the Crises, the Century of the Accumulation: Two Sides of the Same Coin
by Koray R. Yılmaz - 972-987 Revisiting the Rise and Decline of Authoritarian Neoliberalism: A Political Economy Analysis of Akp’s Initial Decade
by Ümit Akçay
September 2024, Volume 26, Issue 5
- 593-596 Introduction to the Special Issue “Turkey, Asia, and the EU in a Changing Global Order”
by Qingan Huang & Defne Gönenç & Ceren Ergenç & Sinan Ünlüsoy - 597-620 Linkage Theory and Autocratic Regime-Survival Strategies in a Post-Liberal Order: The Case of Authoritarian Middle Power Turkey (2013–2022)
by Aylin Güney & Emre İşeri - 621-640 Turkey in the Global Political Economy: Technological and Economic Integration
by Leila Simona Talani - 641-658 Italy, Turkey and China in the Eastern Mediterranean: Implications for the EU
by Carola Cerami - 659-680 Nation Building Processes and Bilateral Relations Between China and Türkiye: Comparison of 20th and 21st Centuries
by Jiuzhou Duan & Hasan Aydın - 681-697 Turkey: Swinging Pendulum Away from the European Union, 2005-2022
by Bülent Gökay - 698-715 Turkey’s Balancing Act between East and West: A Russian Perspective
by Pavel Shlykov - 716-731 Turkey’s ‘Return’ to Central Asia in a Shifting Global and Regional Context: New Opportunities and Limitations
by Meliha Benli Altunışık - 732-749 China and Türkiye’s Strategic Cooperation in the 21st Century: A ‘Complex Role’ Prism
by Jinan Wang & Degang Sun - 750-767 Multiscalar Industrial Strategies and Variegated Foreign Investment in China
by Ceren Ergenc & Chaofan Yu - 768-792 Turkey’s Political Parties’ Asia Policies: Visions, Contacts, Issues
by Ecem Evrensel & Defne Gönenç & Sinan Ünlüsoy
July 2024, Volume 26, Issue 4
- 411-431 Neo-Liberalism, Depopulation and Economic Stagnation in the Balkans
by Jadranka Petrović & Jovo Ateljević - 432-451 The Impact of the Minsk Agreements on Ukrainian Sovereignty
by Themistoklis Tzimas - 452-466 Processes of Cohesion and Fragmentation among Arab Tribes During the Syrian Civil War
by Haian Dukhan - 467-485 Analysis of Developmental and Other Aspects of Investments in Research and Development of a Group of Countries in the Southeast Europe
by Jasmin Komić - 486-503 Early Cold War Counterinsurgency: The Romanian Campaign in Comparative Perspective (1944-1962)
by Andrei Miroiu - 504-523 The Confrontation About Enosis (Union) Between Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots in the Legislative Council of Cyprus (1902-1931)
by Spyros Sakellaropoulos - 524-541 Conversion of War Captives in the Ottoman Lands During the Eighteenth Century: Rules, Applications and Abuses
by Fatma Sel Turhan - 542-564 Romanian Grain for Entrepôts in the Netherlands (1883–1914): Productive Structures, Transport Infrastructure and Market Integration
by Cristian Constantin - 565-583 The Strategic Use of Narratives and Governance of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Major Autocratisers in Europe
by Digdem Soyaltin-Colella & Deniz Sert - 584-586 Religious Reform in the Late Ottoman Empire: Institutional Change and the Professionalization of the Ulema
by Ayda Bektaş - 586-587 The Evolution of the Political, Social and Economic Life of Cyprus, 1191–1950
by Ilia Xypolia - 588-590 Turkey in Africa: Turkey’s Strategic Involvement in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Samuele Carlo Ayrton Abrami - 590-592 Social Security in the Balkans—Volume 1. An Overview of Social Policy in Croatia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece, Romania and Bulgaria
by Marina Angelaki
May 2024, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 289-294 Introduction Turkey and Africa: Motivations, Challenges and Future Prospects
by Elem Eyrice Tepeciklioğlu & Francois Vreÿ & Bahar Baser - 295-310 Turkey-Africa Relations and Turkey’s National Role Conception as the Centre Country: Continuity or a Break with the Past?
by Brendon J. Cannon & Federico Donelli - 311-326 Beyond the Soft–Hard Power Binary: Resource Control in Turkey’s Foreign Policy Towards Sub-Saharan Africa
by Jens Heibach & Hakkı Taş - 327-345 Turkish Humanitarian Assistance During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Focus on Africa
by Yunus Turhan - 346-359 Exploring the Maritime Nexus in Turkey’s African Agenda
by Francois Vreÿ & Mark Blaine - 360-377 (Exploring) the Impact of Turkey’s Embassies on Trade with sub-Saharan Africa
by Ali Onur Tepeciklioğlu & Elem Eyrice Tepeciklioğlu & Can Karabıyık - 378-395 No Strings Attached: Understanding Turkey’s Arms Exports to Africa
by Çağlar Kurç - 396-410 Summitry Diplomacy in Turkey–Africa Relations: Statements, (Non-)Accomplishments and Effectiveness
by Mehmet Özkan & Serhat Orakçı
March 2024, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 149-163 The Role of Non-State Actors in Modern Warfare: The Case of Syria and Nagorno-Karabakh
by Margarit Petrosyan - 164-182 The Fate of Armenian and Greek Properties in the Post-First World War Period
by Ümit Kurt - 183-202 Mid-Nineteenth-Century Gemlik and Its Environs: A Survey of a West Anatolian Region and Its Long-Term Economic and Demographic Development
by Akın Sefer & Efe Erünal & M. Erdem Kabadayı - 203-225 The Persian Gulf-Black Sea International Transport and Transit Corridor: Goals and Constraints
by Shabnam Dadparvar & Vali Kaleji - 226-245 Jazz as Soft Power in Turkey–US Relations During the Early Cold War Period
by Elif Çağlı Kaynak - 246-276 Ford’s Scholarships in Yugoslavia During the Cold War: Exposure to Western Ideology and Culture
by Hrustan Šišić - 277-288 The Far-Right Redox Reaction: The Transformation of Populist Radical Right Parties from Marginal ‘Groupuscules’ into Considerable Political Forces
by Petros Papasarantopoulos
January 2024, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 1-22 Ukraine, Europe, and the re-routing of Globalization
by Alan Cafruny & Vassilis K. Fouskas - 23-40 Autonomy and Control in the Gig Economy and Platform Work: Domestic and Home Repair Workers in Turkey
by Kadir Uysal & Cemil Boyraz - 41-62 Multinationals in the Grain Trade: The Louis Dreyfus Company at the Lower Danube, 1889–1948
by Cristian Constantin - 63-80 From East to East: Reconceptualization of NATO’s Eastern Flank Engagement in the Middle East
by Monika Gabriela Bartoszewicz & Kristýna Pavlíčková - 81-102 Betting on Dark Literary Tourism: Exploratory Research on Sulina Town (Romania)
by Viorel Mionel & Oana Mionel & Gabriela Țigu - 103-124 Intra-Party Struggles and the Making of the Cypriot Left
by Yiannos Katsourides - 125-142 Political and Legal Problems of the Soviet–Yugoslav Military Co-Operation During the World War II: The Case of the 1st Yugoslav Rifle Brigade
by Fedor Sinitsyn - 143-146 Erdoğan’s War: A Strongman’s Struggle at Home and in Syria
by Emre İşeri - 146-148 International Intervention and the Problems of Legitimacy: Encounters in Postwar Bosnia-Herzegovina
by Ambreen Yousuf
November 2023, Volume 25, Issue 6
- 945-962 Turkish–Israeli Relations in the 1960s: Trade, Trade Unions, and the Arab–Israeli War
by Efrat Aviv - 963-981 The Political Economy of Passive Revolution in Albania: The Neoliberal Paradox and Transformation-Democratization Nexus
by Jonilda Rrapaj Kolasi & Klevis Kolasi - 982-1001 Beyond Ethnonationalism? Ethnos, Market and Culture in Croatian Policies of Citizenship
by Vedrana Baričević - 1002-1019 Candidate Countries’ Engagement with European Union Agencies – Alternative Modes of EU Integration?
by Michael Kaeding & Marko Milenković - 1020-1036 The Dimensions and Attributes of State Failure in Syria
by Samer Bakkour & Rama Sahtout - 1037-1056 An Island Getting Divided at the Cinema: Transformational Microhistory of Cinemagoing and Nationalism in Cyprus
by Barçın Boğaç - 1057-1074 Back to Basics: The Re-Securitization of Cyprus by Turkey After Crans Montana
by Hüseyin Ergüven & Nur Köprülü - 1075-1097 ‘A Longdrawn-Out Game of Chess’ and the Camouflaged Partition of the Island of Cyprus that followed on 16 August 1960: A Review of Achilles C. Emilianides, A Longdrawn-Out Game of Chess: The Secret Negotiations About the British Bases (1959–1960) (Nicosia: Hippasus Communications & Publishing Ltd., October 2021)
by Klearchos A. Kyriakides - 1098-1102 Greece’s (Un)competitive Capitalism and the Economic Crisis: Critical Thoughts Under the Lens of Social Policy
by Nikos Kourachanis - 1102-1103 Can Nacar, Labor and Power in the Late Ottoman Empire: Tobacco Workers, Managers, and the State, 1872-1912
by Başak Akgül - 1104-1108 Constantinos Adamides, Securitization and Desecuritization Processes in Protracted Conflicts: The Case of Cyprus Rethinking Peace and Conflict Studies
by Pınar Çağlayan - 1108-1110 Hicret, Dîn ü Devlet: Osmanlı Göç Politikası(1856- 1908)[Hegira, the Religion and the State: The Ottoman Policy of Migration(1856- 1908)]
by Erdal Çiftçi - 1111-1114 Review: Communism, Atheism, and the Orthodox Church of Albania: Cooperation, Survival and Repression
by John Henry
September 2023, Volume 25, Issue 5
- 719-736 Constitutions Octroyées And International State-Building: The Macedonian Case in Focus
by Biljana Vankovska - 737-777 Cyprus: Korea by Transposition?
by Panayiotis Papadopoulos - 778-796 The Rise of the Right-Wing Good Party (İYİP) in Turkey: Authoritarian Turn, Anomie, and Regulatory Nostalgia
by Fatih Çağatay Cengiz - 797-810 Polar Silk Road Challenge to Sino-Egyptian Economic Relations in the Belt and Road Era
by Cem Yilmaz - 811-831 The Complexities of Interreligious Dialogue in the Post-Yugoslav Context
by Vladimir Bakrač & Marko Dokić & Branislav Radeljić - 832-849 Sailing Through Totalitarian Regimes. The Profile of a Shipping Company at the Lower Danube: Maritime Intercontinental
by Cristian Constantin - 850-870 Why Decentralization Fails: A Case Study of Turkey
by Galip Emre Yildirim - 871-887 Upgrading Authoritarianism During the Arab Uprisings: Armed Non-State Actors’ Confessional Alliances and Aborted Democratization in Syria
by Shaimaa Magued - 888-905 Bearing the Brunt of Legitimacy and Power Challenges: The Turkish Armed Forces’ Fall from Grace, 1997-2018
by Çetin Önder & Şükrü Özen - 906-922 The Role of Railways in the Ottoman Empire During the First World War
by Nevin Coşar & Ecem Doygun & Sevtap Demirci - 923-943 Analyzing the Mutual Geopolitical and Security Complementarity of Iran and Turkey: Border, Energy, and Water
by Ali Omidi & Hande Orhon Özdağ
July 2023, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 583-585 Balkan’s (Political) Economy: Learning from the Past
by Jovo Ateljevic - 586-603 Serbia in Light of the Global Recomposition
by Mirjana Dokmanović & Neven Cvetićanin - 604-625 Eastern Mediterranean Energy Geopolitics Revisited: Green Economy Instead of Conflict
by Andreas Stergiou - 626-643 The Western Balkans and Geopolitics: Leveraging the European Union and China
by Danijela Jaćimović & Joel I. Deichmann & Kong Tianping - 644-670 Post-Pandemic Inflation and Currency Board Arrangements in the Balkans
by Branka Topić Pavković & Tijana Šoja - 671-682 The New Challenges of the Western Balkan Banking Industry During Ongoing Global Crisis
by Svetlana Sabljic & Tajana Serdar Rakovic & Vladimir Vasic - 683-699 Do Wages Reflect Growth Productivity – Comparing the European East and West?
by Borce Trenovski & Dragan Gligorić & Kristijan Kozheski & Gunter Merdzan - 700-717 From Bosnia and Herzegovina to China in the 21st Century: A Case Study of Personal Migration Histories
by Bojan Ćudić & David Hazemali & Matjaž Klemenčič & Jernej Zupančič
May 2023, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 297-321 The “One Guilty Nation” Myth: Edith Durham, R.W. Seton-Watson and a Footnote in the History of the Outbreak of the First World War
by David Kaufman - 322-339 The Penetration of European Banking into Ottoman Lands During the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century
by Nurhan Davutyan - 340-377 The Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant in Turkey: Some Causes for Concern
by Klearchos A. Kyriakides - 378-398 Informal Application of Islamic Rules in Turkey: The Imposition by RTÜK of Islamic Ethics on Television Broadcasting
by Gokhan Bacik - 399-439 Turkey’s Voting Preferences in the UN General Assembly During the AK Party Era as a Counterchallenge to Its ‘New’ Foreign Policy
by Berdal Aral - 440-457 ‘They Cannot Herd a Sheep’ Populist Politics and Its Struggles for and Against Education in Turkey
by Ezgi Pinar & Axel Gehring - 458-483 Selahattín Ülkümen: The Turkish Righteous Among the Nations
by Yücel Güçlü - 484-505 Another “Third Way” to Narrate the Existing Alliances in the Middle East: Turkey-Qatar, Saudi Arabia-UAE, and Iran-Syria
by Mustafa Yetim & İ̇smail Numan Telci - 506-521 Islam and Politics in Turkey: Alliance and Disunion Between the Fethullah Gülen Movement and the Justice and Development Party of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
by Bayram Balci - 522-539 Turkey’s ‘Soft Power Interventionism’ in the Turkish Cypriot Community: Agents, Objectives, and Implications
by Pavlos I. Koktsidis - 540-557 The Role of Armed Non-State Actors in Iran’s Syria Strategy: A Case Study of Fatemiyoun and Zainabiyoun Brigades
by Hamidreza Azizi & Amir Hossein Vazirian - 558-581 Multidirectionality(ies) in the Turkish Foreign Policy: Compensatory, Complementary and Reactive Multidirectionality
by Betül Özyilmaz Kiraz
March 2023, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 167-184 Introduction to the Special Issue: New Diplomatic Histories of Turkey
by Deniz Kuru & Hazal Papuççular - 185-206 Petitions, Propaganda, and Plots: Transnational Dynamics of Diplomacy During the Turkish War of Independence
by Carolin Liebisch-Gümüş & Alp Yenen - 207-221 Contested Sovereignties: Turkish Diplomacy, the Straits Commission, and the League of Nations (1924–1936)
by Hazal Papuççular - 222-238 Unconventional Diplomatic Initiatives of Nascent Turkish Republic: The Karadeniz Expedition in 1926
by E. Tutku Vardağlı - 239-256 Gendering Public Diplomacy: Turkey and Europe in the 1930s
by Bahar Rumelili & Senem Aydın-Düzgit & Seçkin Barış Gülmez - 257-277 When Diplomats Lead to a War: The Role of the Turkish Diplomatic Bureaucracy in the Military Intervention in Cyprus
by Hüseyin Sert - 278-296 ‘Diplomatic Courage’: A Turkish Ambassador in Sinj
by Deniz Kuru
January 2023, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 1-21 Ukraine, Multipolarity and the Crisis of Grand Strategies
by Alan Cafruny & Vassilis K. Fouskas & William D. E. Mallinson & Andrey Voynitsky - 22-39 Between Europe and Asia: Narrow Spaces for Strategic Hedging in New Europe
by Wenlong Song - 40-47 Editorial to the special issue on ”Asian Powers in the Eastern Mediterranean”
by Defne Gönenç & Emre İşeri & Qingan Huang - 48-64 Russia and China in the Eastern Mediterranean: On Parallel Tracks?
by Pavel Shlykov & Ekaterina Koldunova - 65-81 China’s ‘Silky Involvement’ in the Eastern Mediterranean: A geopolitical upper hand for Greece and Cyprus?
by Hayriye Kahveci-Özgür & Jiuzhou Duan - 82-101 A Greening Dragon in the Desert? China’s Role in the Geopolitical Ecology of Decarbonisation in the Eastern Mediterranean
by Clemens Hoffmann & Ceren Ergenc - 102-117 China’s Belt and Road Initiative and South-South Cooperation
by Yahya Gülseven - 118-135 China’s Seaport Investment in the Mediterranean Region and EU’s Interrogative Approach
by Zhiqiang Zou & Ahmet Faruk Isik - 136-151 Iran’s New Chapter in Cuspness: Linking the Eastern Mediterranean and Asia
by Meliha Benli Altunisik & Derya Göçer - 152-153 Night on Earth
by E. Tutku Vardağlı - 153-156 Greece’s Ostpolitik. Dealing With the ‘‘Devil’’
by Nikos Papanastasiou - 156-158 The rise and fall of peacebuilding in the Balkans
by Damir Kapidžić - 158-160 The ethno-nationality of a modern saint: an interdisciplinary approach
by Arnab Das - 160-165 Digital age: the changes in economy, society, politics
by Vassilis K. Fouskas
November 2022, Volume 24, Issue 6
- 861-878 Religious vs. Secular Discourse and the Change of Political Power in Montenegro
by Milena Dževerdanović Pejović - 879-895 Turkey’s Journey from Democratization to De-democratization: External Democracy Promotion versus Domestic Political Competition
by Murat Coşkun - 896-911 Russia’s Foreign Policy Actions and the Syrian Civil War in the United Nations Security Council
by Ümit Seven - 912-936 From Non-Intervention to Mediation: The Transformation of the US Cyprus Policy (1960–1967)
by Emre Feyzi Çolakoğlu - 937-953 Encountering the Age of Civility: The Late Ottoman Etiquette Literature (1890–1918)
by Fatma Tunç Yaşar - 954-973 A Déjà Vu All over Again? Identifying and Explaining ‘Change’ in Turkey’s Asia Policy
by Ömer Aslan
September 2022, Volume 24, Issue 5
- 733-754 Soft Power and SPPD in China Iran Relationship
by Roie Yellinek - 755-771 An Assessment of Turkey’s Soft Power Resources in Asia: Potential and Limitations
by Necati Anaz - 772-794 Aid, Trade or Faith? Questioning Narratives and Territorial Pattern of Gulf Foreign Aid
by Jaromír Harmáček & Zdeněk Opršal & Pavla Vítová - 795-814 The Changing Security Landscape in South-Eastern Mediterranean: Assessing Turkey’s Strategies as a Rising Power
by Georgios Maris & Floros Flouros & Ioannis Galariotis - 815-835 Who Takes Care of the Children? Albanian Migrant Parents’ Strategies for Combining Work and Childcare in Greece
by Armela Xhaho & Ajay Bailey & Erka Çaro - 836-859 How the EU-induced Institutional Changes Facilitated Patronage over and Capture of Judiciary in North Macedonia
by Islam Jusufi
July 2022, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 595-613 Causes of the Second Karabakh War: Analysis of the Positions and the Strength and Weakness of Armenia and Azerbaijan
by Rovshan Ibrahimov & Mehmet Fatih Oztarsu - 614-639 Educating Masses: The Committee of Union and Progress Clubs and Schools in the Late Ottoman Empire
by Ahmet Erdem Tozoglu - 640-662 Chto Takoe Sovetskaya Diaspora? Is There a Living and Ideologically Sovieticized ‘Soviet Diaspora’?
by Utku Yapıcı - 663-681 Marrying the Enemy? Turkish Nationalism, Citizenship, and the Public Debate over Mixed Marriages in the 1940s Turkish Press
by Nadav Solomonovich - 682-695 The Influence of Corporate Restructuring on the Economic Development of Bosnia and Herzegovina
by Dragan Milovanović - 696-714 Constructing the ‘National Ideal’: The ‘Inclusive’ and ‘Exclusive’ Representations of Syrian Refugees in Turkish Print Media
by Nuray Aridici - 715-732 A House of Many Mansions: Perceptions of Lebanese Political and Intellectual Elites toward Iran
by Zeinab Ghasemi Tari
May 2022, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 429-438 Editorial. Entangled Temporalities of Migration in the Western Balkans. Ethnographic Perspectives on (Im)-mobilities and Reception Governance
by Stefano degli Uberti & Roberta Altin - 439-459 Placed in Time. Migration Policies and Temporalities of (Im)Mobility Across the Eastern European Borders
by Roberta Altin & Stefano degli Uberti - 460-478 Waiting Games: Taming Chance among Afghans in Greece
by Sarah Bittel & Alessandro Monsutti - 479-502 Albanian Returned Asylum-Seekers: Failures, Successes and What Can Be Achieved in a Short Time
by Ilir Gëdeshi & Russell King - 503-519 Solidarity or Crisis? How Personal Migration Experiences Shape Popular Perception on Forced Migrants in Bosnia and Herzegovina?
by Maja Savić-Bojanić & Jana Jevtić - 520-541 Transitional Shelters on a Policy Landslide – Experiencing Displacement on the Frontline in Bosnia and Herzegovina
by Danica Santic & Nermin Oruc & Simona DEgiorgi - 542-556 Populist Variations on Migration: Floating Signifiers of Mobility in the Context of the ‘Balkan Route’ and the COVID-19 Pandemic
by Jelena Tošić - 557-575 The ‘New Normal’ in Migration Management in Serbia in Times of the COVID-19 Crisis
by Danica Šantić & Milica Todorović & Natalija Perišić - 576-593 The Balkan Route (and Its Afterlife): The New Normal in the European Politics of Migration
by Marco Zoppi & Marco Puleri
March 2022, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 193-222 Post-Yugoslav States Thirty Years after 1991: Unfinished Businesses of a Fivefold Transition
by Dejan Jović - 223-239 Constantine Karamanlis and the Cyprus Crisis of July-August 1974: A Re-assessment
by Vassilis K. Fouskas - 240-262 In Byron’s Footsteps, through Byron’s Eyes: Literary Tourism and ‘Imagined Geographies’ of Southern Albania
by David Fermor - 263-284 Water, Sewage and Sanitation: Infrastructure Projects and Public Health in Izmir in the Late Ottoman Empire
by Ufuk Adak - 285-302 German Troops in Afghanistan: Strategic Narratives on German Participation in Resolute Support
by Zdeněk Kříž - 303-322 Litigation as a Strategy for Environmental Movements Questioned: An Examination of Bergama and Artvin-Cerattepe Struggles
by Defne Gönenç - 323-343 Forming Pre-Electoral Coalitions in Competitive Authoritarian Contexts: The Case of the 2018 Parliamentary Elections in Turkey
by Filiz Başkan & Selin Bengi Gümrükçü & F. Orkunt Canyaş - 344-364 Comprehending and Countering Hybrid Warfare Strategies by Utilizing the Principles of Sun Tzu
by Michail Ploumis - 365-385 Politics of Emotions in the Late Ottoman Empire: ‘Our Beloved Crete’
by Pınar Şenışık - 386-402 Rise and Fall of Cultural Policy Participation in Novi Sad, Serbia
by Ivana Volić - 403-427 Representation of Jews in the Media before the Application of the Wealth Tax: A Review on Karikatür Magazine
by Mehmet Ali Gazi & Caner Çakı & Sadık Çalışkan & Özkan Avcı & Tuğba Baytimur & Gül Çakı & Mehmet Ozan Gülada
January 2022, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 1-23 The Paradox of the New Great Game: Do Europe and China Need More Pipelines from Eurasia?
by Ksenia Kirkham - 24-41 The Militarization of Turkish Foreign Policy
by Hakan Mehmetcik & Arda Can Çelik - 42-59 The Political Economy of Turkish Foreign Policy
by Andreas Stergiou & Christos Kollias - 60-77 Past and present financialization in Central Eastern Europe: the case of Western subsidiary banks
by Giulia Dal Maso - 78-96 The New Regime of Free Trade and Transnational Capital in Turkey
by Akif Avci - 97-113 Economic Management under the Presidential System of Government in Turkey: Beyond the Depoliticization versus Repoliticisation Dichotomy
by Pınar Bedirhanoğlu - 114-137 Geopolitical Visions in Turkish Foreign Policy
by Ayşe Ömür Atmaca & Zerrin Torun - 138-157 Culture of Insecurity and Production of Foreign Policy Crises: Turkey’s Sèvres Syndrome and Syrian Support for the PKK during the 1998 October Crisis
by Buğra Sarı - 158-174 The Impact of AKP’s Foreign Policy on the Capital Accumulation Process in Turkey
by İlke Gürdal - 175-178 Review: Working in Greece and Turkey: A Comparative Labour History from Empires to Nation-States, 1840–1940, Leda Papastefanaki and M. Erdem Kabadayı (eds). Berghahn Books. 2020 $179.00/£132.00 / Hb
by Müge Özbek - 178-185 I politiki klironomia tou Eleftheriou Venizelou. Synecheies kai asynecheies [The Political Legacy of Eleftherios Venizelos. Continuities and Discontinuities]
by George Kalpadakis - 185-192 Turkey: The Pendulum between Military Rule and Civilian Authority
by Farooq Sulehria
November 2021, Volume 23, Issue 6
- 819-823 Introduction to the Special Issue: ‘Turkey and Britain in the Second World War’
by William Hale - 824-844 Turkey and Britain in World War II: Origins and Results of the Tripartite Alliance, 1935-40
by William Hale - 845-853 Turkish Neutrality in the Second World War and Relations with the Soviet Union
by Bülent Gökay - 854-871 Turkish Foreign Policy in the Chaos of War, 1939-1945
by Mustafa Aydın - 872-895 ‘A Friendly Neutral’: Churchill and Turkey in the Second World War
by Warren Dockter - 896-913 ‘To accustom Turkish minds to a state of belligerency’: The Delicate Balance of British Propaganda in Turkey during the Second World War
by Edward Corse - 914-917 Türkiye ve Oniki Ada 1912-1947
by Çağdaş Sümer - 918-919 Macedonia & Its Questions. Origins, Margins, Ruptures & Continuity
by Biljana Vankovska