September 2022, Volume 74, Issue 8
- 1512-1514 Voluntery: Syla nebayduzhykh
by Taras Kuzio - 1514-1516 Analysing Kazakhstan’s Foreign Policy. Regime Neo-Eurasianism in the Nazarbaev Era
by Anastasia Vishnevskaya-Mann - 1516-1518 Borders on the Move. Territorial Change and Ethnic Cleansing in the Hungarian–Slovak Borderlands, 1938–1948
by Jonathan R. Parker - 1518-1520 Exporting Virtue? China’s International Human Rights Activism in the Age of Xi Jinping
by Axel Dessein - 1520-1521 The Communist Judicial System in China, 1927–1976
by Guilherme Vargas Castilhos - 1521-1523 Soviet Policy in Xinjiang. Stalin and the National Movement in Eastern Turkistan
by Mohammed Alrmizan - 1523-1525 Journeys Through the Russian Empire. The Photographic Legacy of Sergey Prokudin-Gorsky
by Yelizaveta Raykhlina - 1525-1526 Esperanto and Languages of Internationalism in Revolutionary Russia
by Giustina Selvelli - 1527-1528 Books Received
by The Editors
August 2022, Volume 74, Issue 7
- 1105-1122 A Sign of Things to Come? Youth and Politics: Regimes, Values and Agency
by Félix Krawatzek - 1123-1146 Apathy is not Enough: Changing Modes of Student Management in Post-Mao China
by Jérôme Doyon & Konstantinos Tsimonis - 1147-1165 From Peasants to Builders of Socialism: The Mobilisation of Young Workers in Socialist Yugoslavia (1945–1965)
by Ivana Dobrivojević Tomić - 1166-1189 Russia's Vigilante YouTube Stars. Digital Entrepreneurship and Heroic Masculinity in the Service of Flexible Authoritarianism
by Anna Schwenck - 1190-1209 Attitudes to Putin-Era Patriotism Amongst Russia’s ‘In Between’ Generation
by Jussi Lassila & Anna Sanina - 1210-1230 From Demobilisation to Civic Engagement: The Post-2014 Remodelling of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union
by Ryhor Nizhnikau & Kristiina Silvan - 1231-1253 Anti-Corruption Mobilisation in Siberia: The Role of Universities
by Olena Nikolayenko - 1254-1277 Internationalist Nation-Builders: Youth under Brezhnev in the Soviet South
by Stefan B. Kirmse - 1278-1299 Transnational Links and Political Attitudes: Young People in Russia
by Félix Krawatzek & Gwendolyn Sasse - 1300-1321 ‘People Were Waiting for That’: Protest Rap and Public Mood in Bishkek
by Florian Coppenrath - 1322-1324 List of Contributors
by The Editors
July 2022, Volume 74, Issue 6
- 897-918 Socialist Yugoslavism and National Minorities in a Contested Borderland: Rijeka 1953–1961
by Marco Abram - 919-944 Legitimising Surveillance in Low-Trust Postcommunist Societies
by Fredrika Björklund & Ola Svenonius - 945-967 Legitimacy, Independence and Impartiality: How do Serbian and Croatian Legal Professionals Assess Their Judiciaries?
by Danilo Vuković & Marko Mrakovčić - 968-989 Russia's Actually (Non-)Existent Neoliberalism: The Development of the Russian Far East as Discourse and Practice
by Anna Kuteleva & Klavdiya Chernilevskaya & Polina Salnikova & Egor Shevchuk - 990-1005 Double Standards as Modus Operandi: Mixing Business and Politics in Russia
by Svetlana Barsukova & Elena Denisova-Schmidt - 1006-1027 Religious Narratives and Russia’s Soft Power in the Middle East
by Natalia Timuș - 1028-1050 ‘Nobody Goes to Another Monastery with their Own Charter’: The EU’s Promotion of ‘European Values’ as Perceived in Central Asia
by Zhanibek Arynov - 1051-1081 Geopolitics in Glass Cases: Nationalist Narratives on Sino–Russian Relations in Chinese Border Museums
by Iacopo Adda & Yuexin Rachel Lin - 1082-1083 Taking Stock of Shock. Social Consequences of the 1989 Revolutions
by Anders Åslund - 1083-1085 The Soviet Myth of World War II. Patriotic Memory and the Russian Question in the USSR
by Dmitry Halavach - 1085-1087 Making the World Safe for Dictatorship
by Chi Zhang - 1087-1088 Tito’s Secret Empire. How the Maharaja of the Balkans Fooled the World
by James Dunne - 1088-1090 The Cold War from the Margins. A Small Socialist State on the Global Cultural Scene
by Catherine Baker - 1090-1091 Beyond the Protest Square. Digital Media and Augmented Dissent
by Mesut Aslan - 1091-1093 Russia’s Interventions in Ethnic Conflicts. The Case of Armenia and Azerbaijan
by Lance Davies - 1093-1095 Nested Nationalism. Making and Unmaking Nations in the Soviet Caucasus
by Vicken Cheterian - 1095-1096 Law and the Party in China. Ideology and Organisation
by Samir Forić - 1097-1098 Crisis in Russian Studies? Nationalism (Imperialism), Racism and War
by Tingting Hu - 1098-1099 The Chinese Communist Youth League. Juniority and Responsiveness in a Party Youth Organization
by Zheyu Shang - 1100-1101 Putin Confronts the West. The Logic of Russian Foreign Relations, 1999–2020
by Aleksandra Raspopina - 1102-1103 Books Received
by The Editors
May 2022, Volume 74, Issue 5
- 709-733 When Lenin Becomes Lennon: Decommunisation and the Politics of Memory in Ukraine
by Maksym Kovalov - 734-759 Civil Society, Rights and Welfare: Exploring the Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in the Commonwealth of Independent States
by Paul Chaney - 760-788 Managing Dissent in Post-Soviet Authoritarianism. New Censorship of Protest Music in Belarus and Russia, 2000–2018
by Yauheni Kryzhanouski - 789-808 Have They Already Emerged? Mapping the Population of National Interest Organisations in Post-Communist Poland
by Patrycja Rozbicka & Paweł Kamiński - 809-831 From Future Scenarios to Sovereignty Declarations: Estonian Cyberspeak and the Breakup of the Soviet Union
by Juhan Saharov - 832-856 The 2013 Brussels Agreement and the Political Discourse of the Serbian Leadership: Pro-EU Adaptation with Anti-EU Rhetoric
by Nikola Mladenović - 857-871 Rethinking Transfers of Power and Public Protest in Kazakhstan, 1959–1989
by Nari Shelekpayev - 872-873 The Volga. A History of Russia’s Greatest River
by Stefan B. Kirmse - 873-875 The Life of Permafrost. A History of Frozen Earth in Russian and Soviet Science
by Samantha Lomb - 875-877 Ukrainian Nationalism in the Age of Extremes. An Intellectual Biography of Dmytro Dontsov
by Taras Kuzio - 877-879 The EU’s Impact on Identity Formation in East-Central Europe Between 2004 and 2013. Perceptions of the Nation and Europe in Political Parties of the Czech Republic, Poland, and Slovakia
by Tabitha A. Baker - 879-880 European–Russian Power Relations in Turbulent Times
by Büşra Bayramoğlu - 880-882 Football Politics in Central Europe and Eastern Europe. A Study on the Geopolitical Area’s Tribal, Imaginal and Contextual Politics
by Michael Cole - 882-883 The Causes of Post-Mobilization Leadership Change and Continuity. A Comparative Analysis of Post-Color Revolution in Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, and Georgia
by Halil Ibrahim Buyukmehmetoglu - 883-885 Russia Resurrected. Its Power and Purpose in a New Global Order
by Michael Coffey - 885-886 The Russian State and Russian Energy Companies, 1992–2018
by Tiziana Melchiorre - 886-888 Russian Conflict Management and European Security Governance. Policy and Practice
by Ohannes Geukjian - 888-890 A History of Eastern Europe 1918 to the Present. Modernisation, Ideology and Nationality
by Martin J. Kozon - 890-892 China
by Zerrin Torun - 892-893 The Women’s International Democratic Federation, the Global South, and the Cold War. Defending the Rights of Women of the ‘Whole World’?
by Tetiana Havlin - 893-895 The People’s Health. Health Intervention and Delivery in Mao’s China, 1949–1983
by Hu Yun - 896-896 Books Received
by The Editors
April 2022, Volume 74, Issue 4
- 523-544 Stalin and the Generals: Reconstructing Trust during World War II
by Oleg Khlevniuk - 545-568 Computers for the Planned Economy: Franco–Soviet Scientific–Technical Cooperation during the Cold War
by Isabelle Gouarné & Olessia Kirtchik - 569-597 Prewar Public Discourse: Letters to Politika, Belgrade, 1988–1991
by Josip Glaurdić & Michal Mochtak - 598-619 Russia and its Allies in Three Strategic Environments
by Nikolai Silaev - 620-641 How Does the Politics of Fear in Russia Work? The Case of Social Mobilisation in Support of Minority Languages
by Guzel Yusupova - 642-659 Abkhazia: Recasting ‘Ethnic’ War
by Marc Dorpema - 660-682 The Power of Ambiguity: National Symbols, Nation-Building and Political Legitimacy in Kazakhstan
by Sabina Insebayeva & Nafissa Insebayeva - 683-684 Queer Budapest, 1873–1961
by Catherine Baker - 684-686 Faster, Higher, Stronger, Comrades! Sports, Art, and Ideology in Late Russian and Early Soviet Culture
by Natalia Kovalyova - 686-687 The Hungarian Agricultural Miracle? Sovietization and Americanization in a Communist Country
by Eszter Bartha - 688-689 Historical Legacies of Communism. Modern Politics, Society, and Economic Development
by Liu Peng - 689-691 Belarus. The Last European Dictatorship. New edition
by George O. Liber - 691-692 Civil War? Interstate War? Hybrid War? Dimensions and Interpretations of the Donbas Conflict in 2014–2020
by Yuriy Savelyev - 693-694 Russia and the Right to Self-Determination in the Post-Soviet Space
by Taras Kuzio - 695-697 The Red Mirror. Putin’s Leadership and Russia’s Insecure Identity; Between Two Fires. Truth, Ambition, and Compromise in Putin’s Russia
by Matthew Blackburn - 697-698 In Search of the True Russia. The Provinces in Contemporary Nationalist Discourse
by Fengfeng Zhang - 699-700 Pharmapolitics in Russia. Making Drugs and Rebuilding the Nation
by Oktay F. Tanrısever - 700-701 Pussy Riot. Speaking Punk to Power
by Sona Singh - 701-703 The Role of Regions in EU–China Relations
by Ayşe Gülce Uygun - 703-704 Unending Capitalism. How Consumerism Negated China’s Communist Revolution
by Yuanbo Qi - 705-706 China Goes Green. Coercive Environmentalism for a Troubled Planet
by Ekaterina Muslimova - 707-708 Books Received
by The Editors
March 2022, Volume 74, Issue 3
- 337-359 Making Sense of the News in an Authoritarian Regime: Russian Television Viewers’ Reception of the Russia–Ukraine Conflict
by Maxim Alyukov - 360-381 A New Look at Region, Language, Ethnicity and Civic National Identity in Ukraine
by Lowell Barrington - 382-401 Russia’s Architecture of Hegemony: Christian Orthodox Subordination Strategies in Russia’s Peripheral Zone
by Maximilian Ohle & Richard J. Cook & Srðan M. Jovanović & Zhaoying Han - 402-425 Minilateral Cooperation in the EU’s Post-Brexit Common Security and Defence Policy: Germany and the Visegrád Countries
by Jana Urbanovská & Martin Chovančík & Stanislava Brajerčíková - 426-448 Inclusive Education in Today’s Russia: Room for Manoeuvre
by Elena Iarskaia-Smirnova & Aleksandra Goriainova - 449-480 The Sinking of the Armada: Problems for the Three ‘Flagship’ Foreign Investment Agroholdings in Russia and Ukraine
by Christopher Lander & Brian Kuns - 481-498 Economic Strategies and Immigration in the Soviet Union’s Western Borderlands: Lithuania, Latvia and Belorussia in the 1950s and 1960s
by Saulius Grybkauskas - 499-500 Weak Strongman. The Limits of Power in Putin’s Russia
by Anders Åslund - 500-502 Novyi balans sil. Rossiya v poiskakh vneshnepoliticheskogo ravnovesiya
by Georgi Asatryan - 502-503 Protestbewegungen im langen Schatten des Kreml. Aufbruch und Resignation in Russland und der Ukraine
by Tetiana Havlin - 504-505 Routledge Handbook of the Caucasus
by Vassily A. Klimentov - 505-506 Shadow Exchanges Along the New Silk Roads
by Xiaoguang Wang - 507-508 Convenient Criticism. Local Media and Governance in Urban China
by Ong Thao - 508-510 Beyond the Steppe Frontier. A History of the Sino–Russian Border
by Henryk Alff - 510-511 Before Tito. The Communist Party of Yugoslavia during the Great Purge (1936–1940)
by Ioannis Lainas - 512-513 Soviet Defectors. Revelations of Renegade Intelligence Officers, 1924–1954
by Chi Zhang - 513-515 Remaking Ukraine after World War II. The Clash of Local and Central Soviet Power
by Christopher Gilley - 515-517 Substate Dictatorship. Networks, Loyalty, and Institutional Change in the Soviet Union
by Natalia Kovalyova - 518-521 Books Received
by The Editors
February 2022, Volume 74, Issue 2
- 1-1 Correction
by The Editors - 179-193 Understanding the Post-Imperial Politics of Security, Stability and Ordering in Central Asia: An Introduction
by Philipp Lottholz & Thorsten Bonacker - 194-218 Securitising HIV/AIDS in Tajikistan: Framings, Policies and Practices
by Karolina Kluczewska & Oleg Korneev - 219-236 The USSR is Dead: Long Live the USSR? Tajikistan’s Inconclusive Transition to Security (In)dependence, 1991–1992
by Isaac McKean Scarborough - 237-265 Authoritarianism, Ethnic Management and Non-Securitisation: The Kyrgyz Minority in Uzbekistan
by Nick Megoran & Shavkat Rakhmatullaev - 266-287 The Politics of Stability in Kazakhstan: Depoliticising Participation Through Consultative Ideology?
by Sebastian Schiek - 288-309 Where Did All the Wahhabis Go? The Evolution of Threat in Central Asian Scholarship
by Hélène Thibault - 310-334 The Post-Imperial Politics of Security and Depoliticisation: Comparing Discourses and Practices of Ordering Across Central Asia
by Thorsten Bonacker & Philipp Lottholz - 335-336 List of Contributors
by The Editors
January 2022, Volume 74, Issue 1
- 1-30 Authoritarian Cooptation of Civil Society: The Case of Belarus
by Anastasiya Astapova & Vasil Navumau & Ryhor Nizhnikau & Leonid Polishchuk - 31-49 Maly Traścianiec in the Context of Current Narratives on the Holocaust in the Republic of Belarus
by David R. Marples & Veranika Laputska - 50-71 Welfare Restructuring in Russia since 2012: National Trends and Evidence from the Regions
by Ilya Matveev & Anastasia Novkunskaya - 72-100 Les enfants terribles de l’Europe? The ‘Sovereigntist’ Role of the Visegrád Group in the Context of the Migration Crisis
by Vladislav Strnad - 101-124 Social Capital and Subjective Well-Being in Central Asia
by Alma Kudebayeva & Alma Sharipova & Dina Sharipova - 125-139 A Christmas Ceasefire: Jimmy Carter’s Peace Mission to Bosnia in 1994
by Hamza Karčić - 140-158 Selective Equality: Social Democratic Parties and the Referendums on Same-Sex Marriage in Eastern Europe
by Sergiu Gherghina & Nanuli Silagadze - 159-160 Russian Politics and Response to Globalization
by Dragoș Șamșudean - 160-161 Russian Modernization. A New Paradigm
by Christine Engel - 162-163 Politics for Profit. Business, Elections, and Policymaking in Russia
by Isabelle DeSisto - 163-165 Russia as Civilization. Ideological Discourses in Politics, Media, and Academia
by Patricia Salas Sanchez - 165-166 The Bridge. Natural Gas in a Redivided Europe
by Taylan Özgür Kaya - 166-168 The Autocratic Middle Class. How State Dependency Reduces the Demand for Democracy
by Zuzanna Brunarska - 168-170 Conspiracy Theories in Eastern Europe. Tropes and Trends
by Natasza Styczyńska - 170-171 Brave New Hungary. Mapping the ‘System of National Cooperation’
by Max Steuer - 172-173 Transitional Justice in Poland. Memory and the Politics of the Past
by Anthony Kemp-Welch - 173-174 Revising History in Communist Europe. Constructing Counter-Revolution in 1956 and 1968
by Pinar Uz-Hançarli - 174-176 Islam in Post-Communist Eastern Europe. Between Churchification and Securitization
by Ivan Ulises Kentros Klyszcz - 177-177 Books Received
by The Editors
November 2021, Volume 73, Issue 10
- 1771-1796 The Limits of Tolerance for Intolerance. Young Democracy and Skinhead Violence in Czechia in the 1990s
by Vendula Prokůpková - 1797-1831 Electoral Turnout in Central and Eastern Europe: The Legacies of Communist Socialisation
by Piotr Zagórski - 1832-1856 Why the Difference? Donbas, Kharkiv and Dnipropetrovsk After Ukraine’s Euromaidan Revolution
by Silviya Nitsova - 1857-1875 Russia's Law on Refugees: Particularities, Historical Changes, and Limitations
by Lee Moonyoung - 1876-1907 Building the Nation Through Celebrating the Nation: A Comparison of Holidays in Russia’s Regions
by Katie L. Stewart - 1908-1936 Playing Russia Wisely? The Institutional Leverage of Smaller States in the EAEU
by Irina V. Bolgova & Igor A. Istomin - 1937-1961 Nomadic Hearths of Soviet Culture: ‘Women’s Red Yurt’ Campaigns in Kazakhstan, 1925–1935
by Rebekah Ramsay - 1962-1963 Antisemitism and the Russian Revolution
by James Dunne - 1963-1965 Dissident Histories in the Soviet Union. From De-Stalinization to Perestroika
by Vicken Cheterian - 1965-1966 Graphic Satire in the Soviet Union. Krokodil’s Political Cartoons
by Samantha Lomb - 1967-1969 Social Policy, Poverty, and Inequality in Central and Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union. Agency and Institutions in Flux
by Terry Cox - 1969-1970 Mobility in the Russian, Central and East European Past
by Anna Isaieva - 1971-1973 The Rise of Populist Nationalism. Social Resentments and the Anti-Constitutionalist Turn in Hungary
by George Kordas - 1973-1974 Energy Cultures. Technology, Justice, and Geopolitics in Eastern Europe
by Margarita M. Balmaceda - 1974-1976 Regions without Regionalism. Reconceptualizing Ukraine’s Heterogeneity
by Roman Solchanyk - 1976-1977 Developments in Russian Politics 9
by Julian G. Waller - 1978-1979 The Energy of Russia. Hydrocarbon Culture and Climate Change
by Diana Bozhilova - 1979-1981 Rekindling the Strong State in Russia and China. Domestic Dynamics and Foreign Policy Projections
by R. Craig Nation - 1981-1982 Pipe Dreams. Water and Empire in Central Asia’s Aral Sea Basin
by Niccolò Pianciola - 1982-1984 Women’s Everyday Lives in War and Peace in the South Caucasus
by Nina Lutterjohann - 1984-1986 China Tomorrow. Democracy or Dictatorship?
by Michael Rochlitz - 1987-1992 Books Received
by The Editors
October 2021, Volume 73, Issue 9
- 1555-1568 Neoliberal Capitalism and Visegrád Countermovements
by Chris Hann & Gábor Scheiring - 1569-1595 Varieties of Dependency, Varieties of Populism: Neoliberalism and the Populist Countermovements in the Visegrád Four
by Gábor Scheiring - 1596-1621 The Dialectics of Disembedding and Civil Society in Provincial Hungary
by Chris Hann - 1622-1640 Domesticating Neoliberalism: ‘Domification’ and the Contradictions of the Populist Countermovement in Poland
by Stuart Shields - 1641-1657 Countermovements: Rural Social Imaginaries Confronting Neoliberal Economics and Politics in Southern Poland
by Anna Malewska-Szałygin - 1658-1682 Village Fascists and Progressive Populists: Two Faces of the Countermovement in Slovakia
by Juraj Buzalka - 1683-1702 Exploring Populism Through the Politics of Commemoration
by Johana Wyss - 1703-1725 The Consolidation of Authoritarian Rule in Rural Hungary: Workfare and the Shift from Punitive Populist to Illiberal Paternalist Poverty Governance
by Kristóf Szombati - 1726-1747 The Emasculation of Trade Unions and Workers’ Drift to Neonationalism in Hungary
by Eszter Bartha & András Tóth - 1748-1767 Postsocialist Dialectics or Postindustrial Critique? On Discomfort in a Former Socialist Model City in East Germany
by Felix Ringel - 1768-1770 List of Contributors
by The Editors
September 2021, Volume 73, Issue 8
- 1407-1417 Culture Wars in the Post-Soviet Space
by Rico Isaacs & Jonathan Wheatley & Sarah Whitmore - 1418-1440 Conceptualising Culture Wars in the Post-Communist Space: Latvia, the Istanbul Convention and the Struggle for Power
by Rico Isaacs & Liga Rudzite - 1441-1466 Fighting Empire, Weaponising Culture: The Conflict with Russia and the Restrictions on Russian Mass Culture in Post-Maidan Ukraine
by Tatiana Zhurzhenko - 1467-1486 ‘Better to be a Dictator than Gay’: Homophobic Discourses in Belarusian Politics
by Matthew Frear - 1487-1507 Russian Cultural Conservatism Critiqued: Translating the Tropes of ‘Gayropa’ and ‘Juvenile Justice’ in Everyday Life
by Jeremy Morris & Masha Garibyan - 1508-1530 The Politics of Culture and Identity in Postcommunist States: A New Political Cleavage in Georgia?
by Jonathan Wheatley - 1531-1551 Patriots or World Citizens: The Identity of Post-Soviet People in a Globalised World
by Jasmin Dall’Agnola - 1552-1554 List of Contributors
by The Editors
August 2021, Volume 73, Issue 7
- 1215-1235 Security, Civilisation and Modernisation: Continuity and Change in the Russian Foreign Policy Discourse
by Matthew Frear & Honorata Mazepus - 1236-1256 Who are the ‘Don’t Knows’? Missing Data in Surveys of Post-Soviet Conflict-affected Regions
by Francis Naylor & John O’loughlin - 1257-1278 Does Abolishing Tariffs in Bilateral Trade Matter for a Country’s Economic Growth? The Impact of the EU–Ukraine DCFTA
by Olexandr Nekhay & M. Carmen Delgado & M. Alejandro Cardenete - 1279-1302 Small State Status-Seeking: Lithuania’s Foreign Policy Status Aspirations
by Ausra Park & Gerda Jakstaite-Confortola - 1303-1329 Uzbekistan’s Development Experiment: An Assessment of Karimov’s Economic Legacy
by Kobil Ruziev - 1330-1354 The Internationalisation of Higher Education and Identity Construction in Azerbaijan
by Ayça Ergun & Yasar Kondakci - 1355-1384 Perceptions of Globalisation in Mongolia: Social and Economic Crossroads
by Cynthia M. Horne & Undrakh Davaadorj - 1385-1386 The Anatomy of Post-Communist Regimes. A Conceptual Framework
by Chi Zhang - 1386-1388 The Silk Road Trap. How China’s Trade Ambitions Challenge Europe
by Wonhee Lee - 1388-1389 Central and Southeast European Politics since 1989. Second Edition
by Jonathan Millins - 1389-1391 Eurasian Integration and the Russian World. Regionalism as an Identitary Enterprise
by Shuhrat Baratov - 1391-1393 Party Leaders in Eastern Europe. Personality, Behavior and Consequences
by Máté Mátyás - 1393-1394 Russian Women and the End of Soviet Socialism. Everyday Experiences of Economic Change
by Tetiana Havlin - 1395-1396 Plots Against Russia. Conspiracy and Fantasy After Socialism
by Magda Dolińska-Rydzek - 1396-1398 Invisible China. How the Urban–Rural Divide Threatens China’s Rise
by Wai Fong Chau - 1398-1399 Roses Down the Barrel of a Gun. Georgia: Love and Revolution
by Michael Cole - 1399-1401 Buddhists, Shamans, and Soviets. Rituals of History in Post-Soviet Buryatia
by Vassily A. Klimentov - 1401-1402 The History of the Civil War in Tajikistan
by Halil Burak Sakal - 1402-1404 Empire and Belonging in the Eurasian Borderlands
by Kimberly St. Julian-Varnon - 1405-1406 Books Received
by The Editors
July 2021, Volume 73, Issue 6
- 971-988 Exploring Varieties of Governance in Russia: In Search of Theoretical Frameworks
by Vladimir Gel’man & Margarita Zavadskaya - 989-1009 Can Russian Research Policy be Called Neoliberal? A Study in the Comparative Sociology of Quantification
by Mikhail Sokolov - 1010-1036 Evaluating the Evaluators in Russia: When Academic Citizenship Fails
by Katerina Guba & Angelika Tsivinskaya - 1037-1059 Providing Goods and Votes? Federal Elections and the Quality of Local Governance in Russia
by Margarita Zavadskaya & Lev Shilov - 1060-1079 ‘No Time for Quality’: Mechanisms of Local Governance in Russia
by Aleksei Gilev & Daria Dimke