October 2023, Volume 75, Issue 9
- 1429-1452 Competitive Authoritarianism and Populism in Serbia Under Vučić in Political Cartoons
by Nebojša Vladisavljević & Aleksandra Krstić - 1453-1474 Restitutio Interruptus: Minority Churches, Property Rights and Europeanisation in Romania
by Beáta Huszka - 1475-1493 A Society of Unstable Well-Being: Income Mobility and Immobility in Russia
by Svetlana V. Mareeva & Ekaterina D. Slobodenyuk - 1494-1515 Civic Urban Expertise in St Petersburg (2012–2019)
by Svetlana Moskaleva - 1516-1534 Governors and the Ruling Party Vote Shares in Armenia
by Hasmik Grigoryan - 1535-1559 Russian Anti-Western Disinformation, Media Consumption and Public Opinion in Georgia
by Ralph S. Clem & Erik S. Herron & Ani Tepnadze - 1560-1578 The Role of Discursive Practices in Public Diplomacy and International Relations: The Case of Russia–Japan Relations
by Ignat Vershinin - 1579-1580 Why Communism Failed
by Gareth Breen - 1580-1582 From State Socialism to Post-Communist Capitalism. Critical Perspectives
by Bálint Madlovics - 1582-1584 Making and Breaking the Yugoslav Working Class. The Story of Two Self-Managed Factories
by Menta Mora - 1584-1585 The Routledge Handbook of Gender in Central-Eastern Europe and Eurasia
by Sabrina P. Ramet - 1585-1587 European Identities During Wars and Revolutions. Change Under Crises in Georgia and Ukraine
by Clara Weller - 1587-1588 Putin’s War on Ukraine. Russia’s Campaign for Global Counter-Revolution
by Mahmoud Javadi - 1588-1590 Russia Rising. Putin’s Foreign Policy in the Middle East and North Africa
by Hasan Selim Özertem - 1590-1591 On the Edge. Life along the Russia–China Border
by Anastasiia Akulich - 1592-1593 Outsourcing Repression. Everyday State Power in Contemporary China
by Kristy Bryant - 1593-1594 China–GDR Relations from 1949 to 1989. The (Bad) Company You Keep
by Hanzhi Dai - 1595-1596 Books Received
by The Editors
September 2023, Volume 75, Issue 8
- 1-1 Correction
by The Editors - 1241-1265 The EU’s Tripartite Approach Towards Belarus and the Limits of Resilience
by Serena Giusti - 1266-1285 Understanding the Immortal Regiment: Memory Dualism in a Social Movement
by Ivan Kurilla - 1286-1310 Principal–Agent Problems with EU Funds: A Case Study of Patronage in Hungary
by Kevin Aslett & Beatrice Magistro - 1311-1335 The EU Accession Process, Chinese Finance and Rising Corruption in Western Balkan Stabilitocracies: Serbia and Montenegro
by Digdem Soyaltin-Colella - 1336-1359 The De Facto State of Nagorno-Karabakh: Historical and Geopolitical Perspectives
by Galina M. Yemelianova - 1360-1383 Sino–Russian Cooperation in Arctic Maritime Development: Expectations and Contradictions
by Arild Moe & Gørild Heggelund & Kathinka Fürst - 1384-1407 German and Russian Public Diplomacy Efforts in Kyrgyzstan: A Comparative Study of Norm Entrepreneurship
by Chiara Pierobon & Aijan Sharshenova - 1408-1410 In Opposition, Repression, and Cold War. The Case of the 1956 Student Movement in Timişoara
by Glenn Wasson - 1410-1411 The Performative State. Public Scrutiny and Environmental Governance in China
by Irna Hofman - 1412-1414 Hybrid Warriors, Proxies, Freelancers and Moscow’s Struggle for Ukraine; Ukraine’s Revolt. Russia’s Revenge
by Taras Kuzio - 1414-1416 Socialist Yugoslavia and the Non-Aligned Movement. Social, Cultural, Political, and Economic Imaginaries
by Mirko Savković - 1416-1417 The Bleeding Wound. The Soviet War in Afghanistan and the Collapse of the Soviet System
by Vassily A. Klimentov - 1417-1419 The Putin Predicament. Problems of Legitimacy and Succession in Russia
by Julian G. Waller - 1419-1421 Revolution and Political Violence in Central Europe. The Deluge of 1919
by Stefan Gužvica - 1421-1422 Red Chamber, World Dream. Actors, Audience, and Agendas in Chinese Foreign Policy and Beyond
by Tomasz Kamiński - 1422-1423 Before and After the Fall. World Politics and the End of the Cold War
by Chi Zhang - 1424-1425 Politics of Control. Creating Red Culture in the Early People’s Republic of China
by Konrad Szatters - 1426-1428 Books Received
by The Editors
August 2023, Volume 75, Issue 7
- 1069-1093 Asymmetric Cold War Trade: Romania and the Generalized System of Preferences (1968–1979)
by Elena Dragomir - 1094-1120 Tribal Politics in the Balkans: Elections and Nation-Building in Montenegro
by Nemanja Batrićević - 1121-1144 The European Commission Against Gazprom: The Geo-Economic Conflict Over the Gas Market Regime in Europe
by Nikita Odintsov - 1145-1169 The West in Russian Discourses of Sovereignty During the 2014 Ukraine Crisis: Between ‘Compatriot Protection’ and ‘Non-Interference’
by Kalina Zhekova - 1170-1193 Rent Distribution Modes in Azerbaijan and Belarus: Implications for the Opposition
by Leila Alieva & Alexei Pikulik - 1194-1221 Skyrise, Smog and Seismic Menace. In the El Dorado of Bishkek's Elite Housing
by David Leupold - 1222-1223 Spatial Revolution. Architecture and Planning in the Early Soviet Union
by Sofia Borushkina - 1223-1225 Imagining the World from Behind the Iron Curtain. Youth and the Global Sixties in Poland
by Johana Kłusek - 1225-1226 The Symbolic State. Minority Recognition, Majority Backlash, and Secession in Multinational Countries
by Patrizia John - 1226-1228 Church Reckoning with Communism in Post-1989 Romania
by Dragoș Șamșudean - 1228-1229 The Sources of Russian Foreign Policy Assertiveness
by Zerrin Torun - 1230-1231 Black Garden Aflame. The Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict in the Soviet and Russian Press
by Vicken Cheterian - 1231-1233 Political Opposition in Authoritarianism. Exit, Voice and Loyalty in Kazakhstan
by Heiko Pleines - 1233-1234 Modernity, Development and Decolonization of Knowledge in Central Asia. Kazakhstan as a Foreign Aid Provider
by Lamine Balde - 1234-1236 Hostile Forces. How the Chinese Communist Party Resists International Pressure on Human Rights
by Christelle Genoud - 1236-1238 Memories of Tiananmen. Politics and Processes of Collective Remembering in Hong Kong, 1989–2019
by Andrew M. Law - 1239-1239 Books Received
by The Editors
July 2023, Volume 75, Issue 6
- 907-924 ‘We Have Conversations’: The Gangster as Actor and Agent in Russian Foreign Policy
by Mark Galeotti - 925-946 Church and State in a Time of Crisis: The Belarusian Orthodox Church’s Response to the 2020 Elections and Political Protests
by Sergei A. Mudrov - 947-971 Community of Fate? Visegrád Cooperation Viewed from Bratislava and Prague
by Pavlína Janebová & Vít Hloušek - 972-988 Explaining Russia’s Inertia in the Azerbaijan–Armenia Dispute: Reward and Punishment in an Asymmetric Alliance
by Cenap Çakmak & M. Cüneyt Özşahin - 989-1013 Reforming Housing and Utilities Services in Russia: Obstacles to Making Residents and Agencies Play by the New Rules
by Jørn Holm-Hansen & Radik Sadykov - 1014-1040 Like Cooking Plov with Hoja Nasreddin: Recalculating Financial Transfers to Tajikistan, 1971–1989
by Isaac Mckean Scarborough - 1041-1047 Whither Family History? The View from Russian/Soviet History
by Orel Beilinson - 1048-1049 The Future of the Soviet Past. The Politics of History in Putin’s Russia
by Jón Ólafsson - 1049-1051 The Political Economy of Eastern Europe 30 Years into the ‘Transition’. New Left Perspectives from the Region
by Nina Krienke - 1051-1053 Fluid Russia. Between the Global and the National in the Post-Soviet Era
by Maria Chiara Franceschelli - 1053-1054 Lakes and Empires in Macedonian History. Contesting the Waters
by Jonathan Parker - 1054-1055 Klimat. Russia in the Age of Climate Change
by Franco Galdini - 1056-1057 Digital Activism in Russia. The Communication Tactics of Political Outsiders
by Sven Daniel Wolfe - 1057-1059 Russia, Chechnya, and the West, 2000–2006
by Rick Fawn - 1059-1060 Galvanizing Nostalgia? Indigeneity and Sovereignty in Siberia
by Aleksandr Korobeinikov - 1061-1063 Stalin’s Library. A Dictator and His Books
by William A. Clark - 1063-1065 Reenacting the Enemy. Collective Memory Construction in Russian and US Media
by Tingting Hu - 1066-1067 Books Received
by The Editors
May 2023, Volume 75, Issue 5
- 721-741 The Queer Life of Lieutenant Petrenko: The KGB and Male Homosexuality in the Ukrainian SSR of the 1960s
by Rustam Alexander - 742-768 The Transversal Political Logic of Populism: Framing the ‘Refugee Crisis’ in Slovenian Parliamentary Debates
by Mojca Pajnik & Emanuela Fabijan - 769-795 ‘A Defender of Christendom’? The Inner Logic of Hungary’s Humanitarian Aid Policy
by Beata Paragi - 796-819 Trusting the Untrustworthy: An Exploration of Attitudes Towards the Populist Government in Poland Using Survey Data
by Paulina Lenik - 820-841 Coordinated Voting Against the Autocracy: The Case of the ‘Smart Vote’ Strategy in Russia
by Mikhail Turchenko & Grigorii V. Golosov - 842-864 Strategic Comrades? Russian and Chinese Media Representations of NATO
by Lutgard Lams & Hedwig de Smaele & Fien De Coninck & Charlotte Lippens & Lisbeth Smeyers - 865-888 Voting from Abroad in the Postcommunist World: Elections and Labour Migration in Kyrgyzstan
by Eugene Huskey - 889-890 The Soviet Passport. The History, Nature and Uses of the Internal Passport in the USSR
by Lidia Kuzemska - 890-892 State Laughter. Stalinism, Populism, and Origins of Soviet Culture
by Yejun Zou - 892-893 Dynamics of an Authoritarian System. Hungary, 2010–2021
by Sabrina P. Ramet - 893-895 White But Not Quite. Central Europe’s Illiberal Revolt
by Krzysztof Jaskulowski - 895-896 Party Politics in Russia and Ukraine. Electoral System Change in Diverging Regimes
by Ivan Sumaneev - 896-898 The Cinema of Soviet Kazakhstan 1925–1991. An Uneasy Legacy
by Rico Isaacs - 898-899 Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Central Asia
by Fiona Katherine Smith - 900-901 The China-led Belt and Road Initiative and its Reflections. The Crisis of Hegemony and Changing Global Orders
by Laurids S. Lauridsen - 901-903 China’s Leaders. From Mao to Now
by Zerrin Torun - 903-904 Made in China. Wuhan, Covid and the Quest for Biotech Supremacy
by Kristy Bryant - 905-906 Books Received
by The Editors
April 2023, Volume 75, Issue 4
- 545-563 Electoral Campaigns in Times of Lockdown: Post-Soviet Experiences
by Victoria Leukavets & Andrey Makarychev & Giorgi Beridze - 564-582 Conflicts and Shifts in the Kremlin’s Political Discourse since the Start of the Putin Presidency (2000–2019)
by Martin Mölder & Eiki Berg - 583-605 China's Normative Power in Central and Eastern Europe: ‘16/17 + 1’ Cooperation as a Tale of Unfulfilled Expectations
by Jeremy Garlick & Fangxing Qin - 606-624 Neoliberalism Ingrained. The Rise and Consolidation of Neoliberalism in Estonia
by Robert Mikecz - 625-648 There Is No Free Lunch: The Cost of Informal Networking for Entrepreneurs in Southeast Europe
by Alena Ledeneva & Adnan Efendic - 649-674 Opportunities Matter: The Evolution of Far-Right Protest in Georgia
by Tamta Gelashvili - 675-699 A Return to Prometheanism: The Space of Opinion on Polish–Russian Relations in Postcommunist Poland
by Andrzej Turkowski - 700-701 Global Easts. Remembering, Imagining, Mobilizing
by Nigel Swain - 702-703 Regional Security Governance in Post-Soviet Eurasia. The History and Effectiveness of the Collective Security Treaty Organization
by Ekaterina Muslimova - 703-705 Meanwhile, In Russia … Russian Internet Memes and Viral Video
by Jonathan Z. Ludwig - 705-706 Conflict Areas in the Caucasus and Central Asia
by Patrick Hein - 706-708 A Taste for Oppression. A Political Ethnography of Everyday Life in Belarus
by Anna Shadrina - 708-709 Post-Soviet Secessionism. Nation-Building and State-Failure after Communism
by Ohannes Geukjian - 710-710 Greece and the New Balkans. Themes and Histories
by Sabrina P. Ramet - 711-712 The Spectre of War. International Communism and the Origins of World War II
by Michael Jabara Carley - 712-714 The Culture of Samizdat. Literature and Underground Networks in the Late Soviet Union
by Margarita Pavlova - 714-716 Black Earth, White Bread. A Technopolitical History of Russian Agriculture and Food
by Alexander Vorbrugg - 716-718 Soviet Nightingales. Care under Communism
by Garret J. McDonald - 719-719 Books Received
by The Editors
March 2023, Volume 75, Issue 3
- 373-398 ‘Every Log a Blow to the Enemy!’ Women in the Soviet Wartime Timber Industry, 1941–1945
by Roger D. Markwick - 399-421 To Comply or Evade? Direct Taxes, Private Entrepreneurship and the Institutionalisation of Informal Practices in Hungary, 1945–1956
by Szinan Radi - 422-445 Dimensions of Social Cohesion in a Transitional Society: The Case of Ukraine
by Aadne Aasland & Olga Filippova & Oleksandra Deineko - 446-467 Back to ‘Traditional’ Family Values? Trends in Gender Ideologies in Russia, 1994–2012
by Daria Ukhova - 468-490 The Construction of Masculinity in Dagestani Male Youth Communities
by Sviatoslav Poliakov - 491-508 Tourism, Memory Production and Contested Ethnic Hierarchies in Post-Soviet Almaty
by Guzel Yusupova & Alena Pfoser - 509-524 Beyond the Coffee Cup: The Functions of Cafés in Bishkek
by Paulina Simkin & Matthias Schmidt - 525-526 Comrade Kerensky. The Revolution against the Monarchy and the Formation of the Cult of ‘The Leader of the People’ (March–June 1917)
by Samantha Lomb - 526-528 A Loss. The Story of a Dead Soldier Told by His Sister
by George O. Liber - 528-529 The Shortest History of the Soviet Union
by Jonathan Z. Ludwig - 529-531 Blood of Others. Stalin’s Crimean Atrocity and the Poetics of Solidarity
by Filiz Tutku Aydın - 531-532 A Neglected Right. Prospects for the Protection of the Right to be Elected in Bosnia and Herzegovina
by Davide Denti - 532-534 Central & East European Politics. Changes and Challenges
by Philipp Köker - 534-536 The Scent of Empires. Chanel No. 5 and Red Moscow
by Natalia Kovalyova - 536-537 The Russian Orthodox Community in Hong Kong. Religion, Ethnicity, and Intercultural Relations
by Filiz Coban Oran - 537-539 The Making of Eurasia. Competition and Cooperation Between China’s Belt and Road Initiative and Russia
by Oksana Morgunova (Petrunko) & Nurzhan Ismagulov Nurlankeldiuly - 539-540 The World According to China
by Mahmoud Javadi - 540-541 China Unbound. A New World Disorder
by Preksha Shree Chhetri - 542-543 Books Received
by The Editors
February 2023, Volume 75, Issue 2
- 173-185 Welfare Reforms in Post-Soviet States: Current Issues and Research Highlights
by Linda J. Cook & Elena Iarskaia-Smirnova - 186-207 Deaf Youth in Contemporary Russia: Barriers to Inclusion in Education and the Labour Market
by Nikita Bolshakov & Charlie Walker - 208-231 Communicating the Social Responsibility of Big Business in Russia: Assessing How Large Companies Report Their Engagement in Social Welfare for People with Disabilities
by Christian Fröhlich & Viktoria Antonova & Anna Sinelnikova - 232-251 A Critical Analysis of the Disability Movement in Kyrgyzstan: Trying To Be Heard
by Rakhat Orozova & Alfiya Battalova & Nina Bagdasarova - 252-270 The Fragmented Deinstitutionalisation of Russian Child Welfare
by Meri Kulmala & Anna Tarasenko & Maija Jäppinen & Anna Pivovarova - 271-289 Multicultural Ideology in the Hidden Curriculum of Schoolbooks for Migrant Children
by Maria Kozlova & Tatiana Ryabichenko - 290-308 ‘Dignified Ageing’: Entrepreneurs of Long-Term Care Reform in Russia
by Aliia Nizamova & Elena Zdravomyslova - 309-329 Active Ageing and Social Services: The Paradox of Empowerment in Russia
by Daria Prisiazhniuk & Arturs Holavins - 330-348 Healthcare in Russia and Latvia: Revealing Public Attitudes and Institutional Prerequisites
by Daria Salnikova - 349-365 Welfare in Russia and Eurasia in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic
by Charlie Walker - 366-371 List of Contributors
by The Editors
January 2023, Volume 75, Issue 1
- 1-27 The End of Adaptive Authoritarianism in Belarus?
by Stephen Hall - 28-46 From Monopsony to Monopoly: Russia’s Opening to China as a Stabilising Factor in the Eurasian Energy Trade
by Stylianos A. Sotiriou - 47-72 All Rise for the Leaders? Leader Characteristics and the Personalisation of Electoral Politics in Central and Eastern European Democracies
by Andrei GheorghiȚă & Mircea ComȘa - 73-87 The Myth of the Great Patriotic War in Kaliningrad Oblast’
by Monika Wójcik-Żołądek - 88-109 Identity and Trust in Bosnia & Hercegovina: Redrawing Broader Boundaries Through Meaningful Experiences
by Geneviève Parent - 110-130 Economic Growth and the Feminisation of Political Science in Kazakhstan: A Leaky Pipeline?
by Adil Rodionov & Zhaxylyk Sabitov & Jason Gainous & Kevin M. Wagner & Amanzhol Bekmagambetov & Kamilya Rodionova - 131-153 Revisiting the ‘Transcaspian Episode’: British Intervention and Turkmen Statehood, 1918–1919
by Alun Thomas - 154-155 Ukrainian Dissidents. An Anthology of Texts
by Taras Kuzio - 155-157 Ukraine vs. Darkness. Undiplomatic Thoughts
by Louise Amoris - 157-159 Central Peripheries. Nationhood in Central Asia
by V. Vijaya Chamundeswari - 159-160 Defending the Faith. The Russian Orthodox Church and the Demise of Religious Pluralism
by Dragoș Șamșudean - 161-162 The Dynamics of Russia’s Geopolitics. Remaking the Global Order
by Iren Marinova - 162-164 Russian Energy Chains. The Remaking of Technopolitics from Siberia to Ukraine to the European Union
by Andrei Belyi - 164-165 The Alphabet of Discord. The Ideologization of Writing Systems on the Balkans since the Breakup of Multiethnic Empires
by Victoria Clement - 166-167 Public Policy and Politics in Georgia. Lessons from Post-Soviet Transition
by Levan Kakhishvili - 167-169 Mobilizing in Uncertainty. Collective Identities and War in Abkhazia
by Vassily A. Klimentov - 169-170 China’s Civilian Army. The Making of Wolf Warrior Diplomacy
by Falk Hartig - 171-172 Books Received
by The Editors
November 2022, Volume 74, Issue 10
- 1769-1792 Moscow is Far Away: Peasant Communal Traditions in the Expulsion of Collective Farm Members in the Vyatka–Kirov Region 1932–1939
by Samantha Lomb - 1793-1815 Sanitising Sex in the USSR: State Approaches to Sexual Health in the Brezhnev Era
by Siobhán Hearne - 1816-1845 Provincial Apparatchiks as Investment Supervisors: The Polish Economic Boom of the Early 1970s
by Maciej Tymiński - 1846-1870 The European Union as a Recognised Energy Actor in Relations with the Russian Federation, 2014–2019
by Zbyněk Dubský & Lukáš Tichý - 1871-1894 Capture Me If You Can: The Road to the Political Colonisation of Business in Post-Milošević Serbia
by Miloš Resimić - 1895-1914 ‘Out-Europeanising’ the Competition: Armenian Genocide Recognition in Bulgaria
by Daniel Fittante - 1915-1936 Ukraine’s 2019 Elections: Pro-Russian Parties and The Impact of Occupation
by Paul D’Anieri - 1937-1964 A Home Away from Home: Migration, Identity and ‘Sojourning’ in the Life of Uzbekistanis in Japan
by Timur Dadabaev & Mukaddam Akhmedova - 1965-1966 The Workers’ Opposition in the Russian Communist Party. Documents 1919–1930
by Geoffrey Swain - 1967-1968 Our Man in Warszawa. How the West Misread Poland
by Krzysztof Jaskulowski - 1968-1970 Principled Pragmatism in Practice. The EU’s Policy towards Russia after Crimea
by Ayşe Gülce Uygun - 1970-1972 Russian Conservatism. Managing Change under Permanent Revolution
by Burcu Degirmen Dysart - 1972-1973 Russia Today and Conspiracy Theories. People, Power and Politics on RT
by Muhammed Onur Çöpoğlu - 1973-1975 Oil in Putin’s Russia. The Contests over Rents and Economic Policy
by Halil Burak Sakal - 1975-1977 Russia and the 2018 FIFA World Cup
by Vitaly Kazakov - 1977-1978 Revealing Schemes. The Politics of Conspiracy in Russia and the Post-Soviet Region
by Dima Kortukov - 1979-1980 Rentier Capitalism and Its Discontents. Power, Morality and Resistance in Central Asia
by Assel Tutumlu - 1980-1982 China’s Political Worldview and Chinese Exceptionalism. International Order and Global Leadership
by Zerrin Torun - 1982-1984 Human Security in China. A Post-Pandemic State
by Xuechen Chen - 1985-1986 Books Received
by The Editors
October 2022, Volume 74, Issue 9
- 1529-1550 Near Abroad: Russia’s Role in Post-Soviet Eurasia
by Elias Götz - 1551-1573 Russia, Eurasia and the Meaning of Crimea
by Andrei Tsygankov - 1574-1595 Does Integration Rhetoric Help? Eurasian Regionalism and the Rhetorical Dissonance of Russian Elites
by Alexander Libman - 1596-1615 Russia and the South Caucasus: The China Challenge
by Tracey German - 1616-1639 The East Wind Prevails? Russia’s Response to China’s Eurasian Ambitions
by Jeffrey Mankoff - 1640-1656 ‘Steppe-ing’ Out of Russia’s Shadow: Russia’s Changing ‘Energy Power’ in Post-Soviet Eurasia
by Morena Skalamera - 1657-1675 Managed Regional Rivalry Between Russia and Turkey After the Annexation of Crimea
by Seçkin Köstem - 1676-1699 Why Did Russia and the EU Clash Over Ukraine in 2014, But Not Over Armenia?
by Tom Casier - 1700-1728 Belarus, Kazakhstan and Alliance Security Dilemmas in the Former Soviet Union: Intra-Alliance Threat and Entrapment After the Ukraine Crisis
by Thomas Ambrosio - 1729-1763 Taking the Longer View: A Neoclassical Realist Account of Russia’s Neighbourhood Policy
by Elias Götz - 1764-1767 List of Contributors
by The Editors
September 2022, Volume 74, Issue 8
- 1325-1349 ‘Global Russians’: A Case Study of Transnational Actors in World Politics
by Vera Ageeva & Sergei Akopov - 1350-1384 State Corporate Governance in Russia
by Nicole Krome - 1385-1412 Framing Different Groups of Immigrants in Central Europe Before and During the 2015–2017 EU Refugee Crisis
by Jan Kovář - 1413-1432 What Makes Social Movements Successful: The Case of Gudiashvili Square
by Salome Dundua & Tamar Amashukeli & Sandro Tabatadze - 1433-1458 Supporting Democratic Policing in Central Asia: Limitations of the OSCE
by Cornelius Friesendorf - 1459-1482 Chinese Media Delegations to Europe and the Reconstruction of Media Discourse on Europe in Post-Mao China (1978–1992)
by Chun Gan - 1483-1506 Networks as Political Tools in the Western Balkans: From the ‘Brotherhood and Unity’ Highway to the Transport Community
by Michael Charokopos - 1507-1508 Navalny. Putin’s Nemesis, Russia’s Future?
by Anders Åslund - 1508-1510 Europe, Russia and the Liberal World Order. International Relations After the Cold War
by Taylan Özgür Kaya - 1511-1512 Freedom of Expression in Russia’s New Mediasphere
by Alexandra Brankova