August 2015, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 575-592 Migrant Employment in the Ethnic Economy: Why Do Some Migrants Become Ethnic Entrepreneurs and Others Co-Ethnic Workers?
by Julie Knight - 593-606 Migration Intentions of Nursing Students in Ghana: Implications for Human Resource Development in the Health Sector
by Aaron Asibi Abuosi & Patience Aseweh Abor - 607-624 “I Am Standing Still”: The Impact of Immigration Regulations on the Career Aspirations of Wives of International Students in the USA
by Samit Dipon Bordoloi - 625-638 Values, Behaviour and Identity: Acculturation of Indian Immigrant Men in Australia
by Vijayasarathi Ramanathan - 639-660 Family Reunification and Integration Policy in the EU: Where Are the Women?
by Eleanor Morris - 661-677 Offloading Migration Management: The Institutionalized Authority of Non-State Agencies over the Guatemalan Temporary Agricultural Worker to Canada Project
by Giselle Valarezo - 679-699 The Challenge of Resilience: Migrant-Led Organisations and the Recession in Ireland
by Theophilus Ejorh - 701-716 Spatial-Temporal Analysis on Migration of Chinese Registered in Japan
by Changping Zhang - 717-741 Defending National Identity and National Interests: The Limits of Citizenship Transnationalism in Germany and China
by Choo Chin Low - 743-759 International Medical Graduates (IMGs) in the UK—a Systematic Review of Their Acculturation and Adaptation
by Farooq Ahmed Khan & Shivaram Chikkatagaiah & Mohammed Shafiullah & Mahmood Nasiri & Anoop Saraf & Tarun Sehgal & Ashish Rana & George Tadros & Paul Kingston - 761-781 One Dollar, One Bank Account: Remittance and Bank Breadth in Nigeria
by Efobi Uchenna & Osabuohien S. Evans & Oluwatobi Stephen - 783-798 Home Without Security and Security Without Home
by Kathy Hogarth - 799-817 Karen Resettlement: A Participatory Action Research Project
by Daniel Gilhooly & C. Allen Lynn - 819-840 Does Compliance with the Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights Improve State Treatment of Migrants and Asylum Seekers? A Critical Appraisal of Aliens’ Rights in Greece
by Evangelia Psychogiopoulou - 841-844 Matthias Weinreich: “We Are Here to Stay”—Pashtun Migrants in the Northern Areas of Pakistan
by Caspar Dam - 845-846 Junaid Rana, Terrifying Muslims: Race and Labor in the South Asian Diaspora
by Beesan Sarrouh - 847-848 Evangelia Tastsoglou and Peruvemba S. Jaya (Eds.): Immigrant Women in Atlantic Canada: Challenges, Negotiations, Re-constructions
by Randean Kopytko - 849-850 Susan Ossman, Moving Matters: Paths of Serial Migration (Stanford University Press, 2013)
by Benoît Mayer
May 2015, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 205-224 The Social Rate of Return to Investing in Character: An Economic Evaluation of Alberta’s Immigrant Access Fund Microloan Program
by J. C. Herbert Emery & Ana Ferrer - 225-236 Human Resource Deficit in Atlantic Canada: A Challenge for Regional Economic Development
by Ather H. Akbari - 237-248 Searching for Joy: The Importance of Leisure in Newcomer Settlement
by Lisa Quirke - 249-263 Employment Rights for Migrant Workers in Ireland: Towards A Human Rights Framework
by Deirdre Toomey - 265-278 Knowledge Mobilization/Transfer and Immigration Policy: Forging Space for NGOs—the Case of CERIS—The Ontario Metropolis Centre
by John Shields & Valerie Preston & Ted Richmond & Yuko Sorano & Erika Gasse-Gates & Debbie Douglas & John Campey & Lesley Johnston - 279-297 Healthy Enough to Get In: The Evolution of Canadian Immigration Policy Related to Immigrant Health
by Robert Vineberg - 299-315 Voices Unheard: Stories of Immigrant Teachers in Alberta
by Sandra Janusch - 317-332 The Healthy Immigrant Effect: Patterns and Evidence from Four Countries
by Steven Kennedy & Michael P. Kidd & James Ted McDonald & Nicholas Biddle - 333-353 Do Tied Movers Get Tied Down? The Occupational Displacement of Dependent Applicant Immigrants in Canada
by Rupa Banerjee & Mai B. Phan - 355-376 “We Do Not Own Our Children”: Transformation of Parental Attitudes and Practices in Two Generations of Russian Israelis
by Larissa Remennick - 377-395 Immigrant Incorporation, Technology, and Transnationalism Among Korean American Women
by Juyeon Son - 397-413 Cultural Adaptation as a Sense-Making Experience: International Students in China
by Shiao-Yun Chiang - 415-429 Return Migration as Failure or Success?
by Hein Haas & Tineke Fokkema & Mohamed Fassi Fihri - 431-436 Book Review: Us, Them, and Others and the Missing Cornerstone of Colonization
by Jeffrey S. Denis - 437-443 Debating Us, Them, and Others: A Research Framework
by Elke Winter - 445-449 How New Models Can Rejuvenate Established Insights: Reaction to and Critique of Elke Winter’s Us, Them, and Others
by Howard Ramos - 451-454 Not Quite Us, Not Quite Them
by Stephen Harold Riggins
February 2015, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 1-25 Expanding the Electorate: Comparing the Noncitizen Voting Practices of 25 Democracies
by David C. Earnest - 27-42 Local Voting Rights for Non-Nationals: Experience in Sweden, the Netherlands and Belgium
by F. Leslie Seidle - 43-60 Reform, Counter-Reform and the Politics of Citizenship: Local Voting Rights for Third-Country Nationals in Greece
by Anna Triandafyllidou - 61-80 Voting Participation of Immigrants in Sweden—a Cohort Analysis of the 2002, 2006 and 2010 Elections
by Pieter Bevelander - 81-97 Non-Citizen Voting Rights and Urban Citizenship in Toronto
by Myer Siemiatycki - 99-118 Political Rights in the Age of Migration: Lessons from the United States
by Ron Hayduk - 119-132 Residence and the Right to Vote
by Patti Tamara Lenard - 133-151 Voting Rights for Non-citizens: Treasure or Fool’s Gold?
by Avigail Eisenberg - 153-172 Migrant Workers and the Problem of Social Cohesion in Canada
by Alison Taylor & Jason Foster - 173-186 Religiosity and Migration Aspirations among Mexican Youth
by Steven Hoffman & Flavio Francisco Marsiglia & Stephanie L. Ayers - 187-204 Perceptions of Discrimination as a Marker of Integration Among Muslim-Canadians: The Role of Religiosity, Ethnic Identity, and Gender
by Rashelle V. H. Litchmore & Saba Safdar