December 2011, Volume 84, Issue 4
- 673-684 Simulating feedback and reversibility in substrate-enzyme reactions
by D. Zwieten & J. Rooda & D. Armbruster & J. Nagy - 685-689 Nonequilibrium stationary states of harmonic chains with bulk noises
by C. Bernardin & V. Kannan & J. Lebowitz & J. Lukkarinen - 691-697 Mean first-passage time for random walks on undirected networks
by Zhongzhi Zhang & Alafate Julaiti & Baoyu Hou & Hongjuan Zhang & Guanrong Chen - 699-705 Nonlinear interference in a mean-field quantum model
by Gilbert Reinisch & Vidar Gudmundsson - 707-711 Peer-review in a world with rational scientists: Toward selection of the average
by S. Thurner & R. Hanel - 713-718 A time-discrete harmonic oscillator model of human car-following
by P. Wagner
December 2011, Volume 84, Issue 3
- 351-355 Non-trivial Berry phase for an asymmetric one-dimensional potential in the free electron limit
by W. Hodge & E. Welchman & M. Rave - 357-364 Theoretical study on the electronic and magnetic properties of double perovskite La 2−x Sr x MnCoO 6 (x = 0,1,2)
by X. Lan & S. Kong & W. Zhang - 365-370 Thermodynamic studies of the two dimensional Falicov-Kimball model on a triangular lattice
by U. Yadav & T. Maitra & I. Singh - 371-379 Quantum tricriticality in transverse Ising-like systems
by M. Mercaldo & I. Rabuffo & A. Naddeo & A. Caramico D’Auria & L. Cesare - 381-384 Optical polariton properties in ZnSe-based planar and pillar structured microcavities
by K. Sebald & A. Trichet & M. Richard & L. Dang & M. Seyfried & S. Klembt & C. Kruse & D. Hommel - 385-390 Modulation of specific heat in graphene by uniaxial strain
by M. Xia & S. Zhang - 391-395 Magnetization and specific heat of the dimer system CuTe 2 O 5
by R. Eremina & T. Gavrilova & A. Günther & Z. Wang & R. Lortz & M. Johnsson & H. Berger & H. Krug von Nidda & J. Deisenhofer & A. Loidl - 397-408 Localized states on triangular traps and low-temperature properties of the antiferromagnetic Heisenberg and repulsive Hubbard models
by M. Maksymenko & O. Derzhko & J. Richter - 409-417 Anharmonic properties of TmTe
by Krishna Raju - 419-424 Electronic and magnetic properties of SiC nanoribbons by F termination
by D. Lu & Y. Song & Z. Yang & H. Xu & C. Wang & Z. Gao - 425-429 Raman theory of quantum wires. Evidence of ripples in Raman spectra of thin wall Si nanotubes
by G. Faraci & C. Faraci - 431-438 Optical absorption and refraction index change of a confined exciton in a spherical quantum dot nanostructure
by K. Mathan Kumar & A. John Peter & C. Lee - 439-449 Size effect in spin-crossover systems investigated by FORC measurements, for surfacted [Fe(NH 2 -trz) 3 ](Br) 2 ·3H 2 O nanoparticles: reversible contributions and critical size
by A. Rotaru & F. Varret & A. Gindulescu & J. Linares & A. Stancu & J. Létard & T. Forestier & C. Etrillard - 451-457 Correlated nucleation model for simulating nanocluster pattern formation on Si(111)7 × 7 surface
by D. Wang & Y. Wu & Y. Huang & S. Wu - 459-466 Superconducting state evolution with applied magnetic flux in mesoscopic rings
by G. Zha - 467-474 Non-equilibrium entangled steady state of two independent two-level systems
by S. Camalet - 475-490 Hole dispersions for antiferromagnetic spin-\hbox{$\frac{1}{2}$}12 two-leg ladders by self-similar continuous unitary transformations
by S. Duffe & G. Uhrig
November 2011, Volume 84, Issue 2
- 161-165 Population difference study of few-cycle laser pulse propagating in near-resonant two-level atom medium
by R. Zhang & D. Yao & Q. Xu & X. Liu - 167-171 Effect of partial Nd-substitution on the magnetic and magnetocaloric properties in spin-reorientation PrCo 4 Al alloy
by S. Ma & D. Wang & Z. Zhong & L. Shen & H. Xuan & Q. Cao & Y. Du - 173-176 Composition-controlled exchange bias training effect in FeCr/IrMn bilayers
by Z. Shi & X. Qiu & J. Zhu & R. Chantrell & S. Mangin & S. Zhou - 177-181 Thermal transport in the intermetallic compound CeNi 4 Cr
by T. Toliński - 183-195 Ion distribution preferences in ternary crystals Zn x Cd 1−x Te, Zn 1−x Hg x Te and Cd 1−x Hg x Te
by B. Robouch & I. Kutcherenko & M. Cestelli Guidi & A. Kisiel & A. Marcelli & P. Robouch & M. Piccinini & A. Nucara & R. Triboulet & E. Burattini & J. Cebulski & E. Sheregii & J. Polit - 197-202 Nonautonomous helical motion of magnetization in ferromagnetic nanowire driven by spin-polarized current and magnetic field
by F. Zhao & Z. Li & P. He & Q. Li & W. Liu - 203-217 Electron correlation in Sr(Ca)RuO 3 by GWA and LSDA+U
by H. Hadipour & M. Akhavan - 219-225 Effect of chirality on domain wall dynamics in molecular ferrimagnet [Mn II (HL-pn)(H 2 O)][Mn III (CN) 6 ]·2H 2 O
by F. Mushenok & O. Koplak & R. Morgunov - 227-233 Electronic transmission through a ladder with a single side-attached impurity
by R. Farchioni & G. Grosso & G. Parravicini - 235-239 Atomic structures beyond the spherical approximation along with PNC as conjectured explanations to Urbach tailing in neutral isolated ytterbium
by K. Boubaker - 241-247 Linear and nonlinear optical absorption coefficients in inverse parabolic quantum wells under static external electric field
by S. Baskoutas & C. Garoufalis & A. Terzis - 249-253 Theoretical calculation of excitonic binding energies and optical absorption spectra for Armchair graphene nanoribbons
by L. Mohammadzadeh & A. Asgari & S. Shojaei & E. Ahmadi - 255-264 Electronic structure of disclinated graphene in a uniform magnetic field
by J. Smotlacha & R. Pincak & M. Pudlak - 265-271 Hydrostatic pressure, impurity position and electric and magnetic field effects on the binding energy and photo-ionization cross section of a hydrogenic donor impurity in an InAs Pöschl-Teller quantum ring
by M. Barseghyan & M. Mora-Ramos & C. Duque - 273-281 Numerical calculation of the fidelity for the Kondo and the Friedel-Anderson impurities
by G. Bergmann & R. Thompson - 283-287 The effect of the energy bias on self-trapping of Fermi superfluid gases in deep BEC regime
by W. Wang & W. Duan & J. Sun & Y. Yang - 289-297 Monte Carlo study of one-dimensional confined fluids with Gay-Berne intermolecular potential
by M. Moradi & S. Hashemi - 299-305 Spatiotemporal stochastic resonance in a bistable FitzHugh-Nagumo ring with phase-repulsive coupling
by Q. Zhao & C. Yao & M. Yi - 307-315 Amplitude death in systems of coupled oscillators with distributed-delay coupling
by Y. Kyrychko & K. Blyuss & E. Schöll - 317-322 Slow relaxation in microcanonical warming of a Ising lattice
by E. Agliari & M. Casartelli & A. Vezzani - 323-329 The role of soft versus hard bistable systems on stochastic resonance using average cycle energy as a quantifier
by S. Rana & S. Lahiri & A. Jayannavar - 331-338 Role of fractal dimension in random walks on scale-free networks
by Zhongzhi Zhang & Yihang Yang & Shuyang Gao - 339-350 Investigation of major international and Turkish companies via hierarchical methods and bootstrap approach
by E. Kantar & B. Deviren & M. Keskin
November 2011, Volume 84, Issue 1
- 1-9 Effect of lattice relaxation on spin density of nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond and oscillator strength calculations
by M. Babamoradi & M. Heidari Saani & A. Ranjbar & M. Vesaghi & Y. Kawazoe - 11-16 Phase stability and elasticity of Sc 2 O 3 at high pressure
by Q. Zhang & J. Yang & X. Wu & S. Qin - 17-24 Magnetoexcitons in nanostructures exhibiting cylindrical symmetry
by P. Schillak - 25-28 Effect of misfit strain on the electrocaloric effect of P(VDF-TrFE) copolymer thin films
by J. Qiu & J. Ding & N. Yuan & X. Wang & J. Yang - 29-35 A matrix method for the calculation of nonlocal exchange potential and spin-orbit coupling in the first-principles calculation method
by M. Tsai - 37-45 Green’s function approach to the low temperature properties of Cs 2 CuCl 4 : anisotropy effects
by H. Rezania & A. Langari - 47-51 DSC and elastic moduli studies on tellurite-vanadate glasses containing antimony oxide
by D. Souri - 53-58 Magnetic properties of the ordered and disordered double perovskite Sr 2 Fe 1+x Mo 1−x O 6 (−1 ≤ x ≤ 1/3)
by J. Suárez & F. Estrada & O. Navarro & M. Avignon - 59-67 Simultaneous effects of dielectric mismatch and electric field on the electronic properties in Si nanodots
by E. Niculescu & M. Cristea - 69-77 Carbon nanotubes adhesion and nanomechanical behavior from peeling force spectroscopy
by J. Buchoux & L. Bellon & S. Marsaudon & J. Aimé - 79-82 Influence of weak nonlinearity on the 1D Anderson model with long-range correlated disorder
by B. Nguyen & Kihong Kim - 83-88 Spin-switch effect in a graphene d-wave superconductor spin-valve
by C. Bai & J. Wang & H. Tang & Y. Yang - 89-97 Time-dependent transport through a quantum dot: influence of the Coulomb interaction on the quantum dot charge states
by R. Taranko & P. Parafiniuk - 99-108 High pressure phase transition and elastic behaviour of lanthanum monochalcogenides
by D. Gupta & G. Raypuria - 109-113 Simulation of the thermally induced austenitic phase transition in NiTi nanoparticles
by D. Mutter & P. Nielaba - 115-120 A dissipative network model with neighboring activation
by Fei Xiong & Yun Liu & Jiang Zhu & Zhen Zhang & Yan Zhang & Ying Zhang - 121-129 The virial equation of fluid state and non-classical criticality
by V. Bondarev - 131-136 Exactly solvable Fokker-Planck equation with time-dependent nonlinear drift and diffusion coefficients – the Lie-algebraic approach
by C. Lo - 137-145 Coherence resonances in excitable thermochemical systems induced by scaled reaction heat
by B. Nowakowski & A. Kawczyński & A. Kolbus & A. Lemarchand - 147-159 Communication activity in social networks: growth and correlations
by D. Rybski & S. Buldyrev & S. Havlin & F. Liljeros & H. Makse
October 2011, Volume 83, Issue 4
- 415-421 Generalized inverse participation numbers in metallic-mean quasiperiodic systems
by S. Thiem & M. Schreiber - 423-428 Study of the in-plane and c-axis fluctuation conductivity of melt-textured YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7 under hydrostatic pressure
by L. Mendonça-Ferreira & F. Dias & P. Pureur & H. Borges & P. Rodrigues & X. Obradors - 429-435 Heating liquid dielectrics by time dependent fields
by A. Khalife & U. Pathak & R. Richert - 437-443 Sulphur overlayers on Ir(100) and its effect on the adsorption of CO: a DFT study
by S. Ma & Z. Jiao & X. Dai & Z. Yang - 445-450 BCS-BEC crossover in mix-dimensional Fermi gases
by X. Yang & B. Huang & S. Wan - 451-455 Exciton effects in armchair graphene nanoribbons
by Y. Jia & X. Geng & H. Sun & Y. Luo - 457-463 Entanglement of electronic subbands and coherent superposition of spin states in a Rashba nanoloop
by R. Safaiee & M. Golshan - 465-474 Controllable coupling and quantum correlation dynamics of two double quantum dots coupled via a transmission line resonator
by Q. Wu & Q. Tan & L. Kuang - 475-479 Mott insulator-superfluid phase transition in p-band triangle optical lattices with on-site rotation
by B. Huang & S. Wan - 481-486 Confined and interface polarons in cylindrical nanowires in an electric field
by A. Vartanian - 487-492 Electronic transport properties of junctions between carbon nanotubes and graphene nanoribbons
by K. Ma & X. Yan & Y. Guo & Y. Xiao - 493-497 Spin triplet Andreev reflection induced by interface spin-orbit coupling in half-metal/superconductor junctions
by B. Lv - 499-505 Melting properties of two-dimensional multi-species colloidal systems in a parabolic trap
by W. Yang & K. Nelissen & M. Kong & Y. Li & Y. Tian - 507-518 Social dynamics with peer support on heterogeneous networks
by M. Balbás Gambra & E. Frey - 519-524 Topological phase transition in a network model with preferential attachment and node removal
by H. Bauke & C. Moore & J. Rouquier & D. Sherrington - 525-529 Virtual communities? The Middle East revolutions at the Guardian forum: Comment Is Free
by B. Kujawski & P. Abell
October 2011, Volume 83, Issue 3
- 301-317 Klein tunneling in graphene: optics with massless electrons
by P. Allain & J. Fuchs - 319-323 Electronic structure and half-metallic property of Si 3 CaC 4
by H. Huang & K. Yao - 325-328 ESR study of the ferrimagnetic spinel selenide CuCr 2 Se 4
by Lei Zhang & Wei Tong & Jiyu Fan & Changjin Zhang & Renwen Li & Yuheng Zhang - 329-335 Concurrence and entanglement entropy in a dimerised spin-1/2 two-leg ladder
by S. Nemati & S. Batebi & S. Mahdavifar - 337-342 Hartman effect in one-dimensional photonic crystals with a three-level atomic defect layer
by M. Sahrai & S. Aas & M. Aas & M. Mahmoudi - 343-348 Reflective optical bi-stability of antiferromagnetic films
by J. Bai & S. Fu & S. Zhou & X. Wang - 349-356 Influence of a random telegraph process on the transport through a point contact
by F. Hassler & G. Lesovik & G. Blatter - 357-367 Dynamics of transient metastable states in mixtures under coupled phase ordering and chemical demixing
by E. Soulé & A. Rey - 369-373 Power-law temperature dependence of thermally excited transport in one-dimensional systems from Monte Carlo simulation
by J. Cao & S. Xiong - 375-380 Velocity autocorrelation function of a Brownian particle
by D. Chakraborty - 381-389 Work fluctuation theorem for coloured noise driven open systems
by M. Sen & A. Baura & B. Bag - 391-400 Dynamics of a deformable self-propelled particle under external forcing
by M. Tarama & T. Ohta - 401-407 Modified Langevin approach for a stochastic calcium puff model
by Y. Huang & S. Rüdiger & J. Shuai - 409-414 Effects on generalized growth models driven by a non-Poissonian dichotomic noise
by M. Bologna & H. Calisto
September 2011, Volume 83, Issue 2
- 115-132 Two-dimensional atom-phonon coupling model for spin conversion: role of metastable states
by J. Nasser & S. Topçu & L. Chassagne & M. Wakim & B. Bennali & J. Linares & Y. Alayli - 133-141 Structure-properties changes in ZnO-PbO-GeO 2 glasses
by E. Mansour & G. El-Damrawi & R. Fetoh & H. Doweidar - 143-146 Investigation of optically generated kink effect in GaAs-based heterojunction phototransistors
by H. Khan & A. Rezazadeh - 147-155 Antiferromagnetic order and phase coexistence in a model of antisite disordered double perovskites
by V. Singh & P. Majumdar - 157-165 Electrode polarization effects in broadband dielectric spectroscopy
by S. Emmert & M. Wolf & R. Gulich & S. Krohns & S. Kastner & P. Lunkenheimer & A. Loidl - 167-172 Magnetic and structural properties of Pd–Mn–Sn intermetallics compounds
by F. Rocha & E. Kakuno & E. Kinast & I. Mazzaro & G. Fraga - 173-179 Transport properties of orbitally hybridized organic semiconductors
by S. Sun & C. Lin & C. Yu - 181-189 The quantum compass chain in a transverse magnetic field
by M. Motamedifar & S. Mahdavifar & S. Farjami Shayesteh - 191-195 Dynamics of the two-dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnet in an external magnetic field
by L. Lima & A. Pires - 197-201 Biexcitonic absorption in a disk-shaped GaN quantum dot
by S. Shojaei - 203-214 Assortativity of complementary graphs
by H. Wang & W. Winterbach & P. Mieghem - 215-221 Thermally activated fracture of porous media
by A. Guarino & S. Ciliberto - 223-233 Hyperbolic diffusion in chaotic systems
by P. Borys & Z. Grzywna & J. Łuczka - 235-243 Symmetry breakdown of stochastic potential by noise cross-correlations among colored noise sources
by I. Knyaz’ - 245-249 Scaling behaviour of lattice animals at the upper critical dimension
by C. Ferber & D. Foster & H. Hsu & R. Kenna - 251-261 Lognormal distribution in the digg online social network
by P. Mieghem & N. Blenn & C. Doerr - 263-269 Gaussian models for the distribution of Brownian particles in tilted periodic potentials
by D. Kulikov & N. Agudov & B. Spagnolo - 271-282 Generating functions and stability study of multivariate self-excited epidemic processes
by A. Saichev & D. Sornette - 283-287 The accelerating growth of online tagging systems
by L. Wu - 289-299 Merger dynamics in three-agent games
by T. Rador & R. Derici
September 2011, Volume 83, Issue 1
- 1-5 Reduced fidelity, entanglement and quantum phase transition in the one-dimensional bond-alternating S=1 Heisenberg chain
by J. Jiang & Y. Liu & F. Tang & C. Yang - 7-13 First principle study of Li-intercalated (5, 5) ZnO nanotube bundles
by A. Fathalian & S. Valedbagi & J. Jalilian - 15-22 Solving dislocation equation for the dislocation with complex core
by S. Wang & S. Li & R. Wang - 23-28 Structural phase transition and elastic properties of cerium chalcogenides at high pressure
by K. Kholiya & S. Verma - 29-37 Exact steady states to a nonlinear surface growth model
by M. Guedda & M. Benlahsen & C. Misbah - 39-45 Acoustic properties of multiferroic BiFeO 3 over the temperature range 4.2–830 K
by E. Smirnova & A. Sotnikov & S. Ktitorov & N. Zaitseva & H. Schmidt & M. Weihnacht - 47-52 Structural organization of silanol and silicon hydride groups in the amorphous silicon dioxide network
by E. Vella & G. Buscarino & G. Vaccaro & R. Boscaino - 53-56 Quasiparticles relaxation processes in Nb/CuNi bilayers
by E. Ilyina & C. Cirillo & C. Attanasio - 57-61 Interplay of Curie-type and Pauli-type magnetic susceptibilities in HCl-doped polyaniline pellets
by M. Novak & I. Kokanović & M. Baćani & D. Babić - 63-67 Quantum-classical crossover of the escape rate in the biaxial nanomagnets with a higher order symmetry
by G. Kim & D. Kang & M. Shin - 69-75 Nearly noninvasive readout and manipulation of spin in double quantum dot using spin bias
by Hai-Zhou Lu & Rong Lü & Shun-Qing Shen - 77-82 Electronic transport properties of helical macromolecular chains using dihedral orbital model
by G. Sun - 83-91 Statistics of irreversible displacements of domain walls in nanowires
by A. Ivanov & V. Orlov & M. Erementchouk & N. Podolsky - 93-105 Static and dynamic behaviours of multivortex states in a superconducting sample with mesoscopic pinning sites
by H. Yetis - 107-113 Monte-Carlo study of scaling exponents of rough surfaces and correlated percolation
by I. Mandre & J. Kalda
August 2011, Volume 82, Issue 3
- 197-206 Radiative entropy balance and vertical stability of a gray atmosphere
by R. Feistel - 207-218 Asymptotics of work distributions: the pre-exponential factor
by D. Nickelsen & A. Engel - 219-225 Statistical characteristics of the Poincaré return times for a one-dimensional nonhyperbolic map
by V. Anishchenko & M. Khairulin & G. Strelkova & J. Kurths - 227-234 How coupling determines the entrainment of circadian clocks
by G. Bordyugov & A. Granada & H. Herzel - 235-244 Testing an agent-based model of bacterial cell motility: How nutrient concentration affects speed distribution
by V. Garcia & M. Birbaumer & F. Schweitzer - 245-255 Agent-based modeling of intracellular transport
by M. Birbaumer & F. Schweitzer - 257-269 The Lehman Brothers effect and bankruptcy cascades
by P. Sieczka & D. Sornette & J. Holyst - 271-293 Time scale bridging in atomistic simulation of slow dynamics: viscous relaxation and defect activation
by A. Kushima & J. Eapen & Ju Li & S. Yip & T. Zhu - 295-301 Spin dynamics in the stripe phase of high-T c cuprates with the modulation of superconducting order
by J. Zhou & J. Guo & H. Jiang & J. Li - 303-311 Finite vortex numbers and symmetric vortex structures in a rotating trapped Fermi gas in the BCS-BEC crossover
by T. Song & Y. Ma - 313-318 Dependence of impurity binding energy on nitrogen and indium concentrations for shallow donors in a GaInNAs/GaAs quantum well under intense laser field
by F. Ungan & E. Kasapoglu & H. Sari & I. Sökmen - 319-327 Nonmonotonic inelastic tunneling spectra due to surface spin excitations in ferromagnetic junctions
by G. Tkachov - 329-333 Multiharmonic fields driven adiabatic quantum pumps in nanowire structures
by R. Zhu & X. Zhang & X. Chen - 335-340 Direct evidence of Cd vacancies in CdSe nanoparticles: positron annihilation studies
by S. Sharma & K. Sudarshan & P. Maheshwari & D. Dutta & P. Pujari & C. Shah & M. Kumar & P. Bajaj - 341-347 Revisiting surface diffusion in random deposition
by Baisakhi Mal & Subhankar Ray & J. Shamanna - 349-359 The Swiss board directors network in 2009
by F. Daolio & M. Tomassini & K. Bitkov - 361-366 Critical transition induced by neighbourhood size in evolutionary spatial games
by D. Hernández & D. Zanette
July 2011, Volume 82, Issue 2
- 107-112 Anderson localization in 1D systems with correlated disorder
by A. Croy & P. Cain & M. Schreiber - 113-121 Physical properties, crystal and magnetic structure of layered Fe 1.11 Te 1- x Se x superconductors
by Y. Xiao & Y. Su & C. Kumar & C. Ritter & R. Mittal & S. Price & J. Perßon & Th. Brückel - 123-131 Universal low-temperature properties of frustrated classical spin chain near the ferromagnet-helimagnet transition point
by D. Dmitriev & V. Krivnov - 133-141 Molecular dynamics simulations of Ni/NiAl interfaces
by S. Hocker & S. Schmauder & P. Kumar - 143-146 Interaction between stacking faults in pure Mg
by T. Fan & Q. Zhang & B. Tang & L. Peng & W. Ding - 147-152 A DFT study of carbon nanobuds
by A. Seif & E. Zahedi & T. Ahmadi - 153-158 Thermoelectric effects in a double-dot Aharonov-Bohm interferometer with Rashba spin-orbit interaction
by Z. Niu - 159-166 Magnetization structure of a Bloch point singularity
by R. Elías & A. Verga - 167-171 Quantum coherent effect of spins in magnetic nanodots
by F. Peng - 173-178 Offsprings of a point vortex
by X. Leoncini & A. Barrat & C. Josserand & S. Villain-Guillot - 179-187 Arrays of noisy bistable elements with nearest neighbor coupling: equilibrium and stochastic resonance
by J. Gómez-Ordóñez & J. Casado & M. Morillo - 189-195 Truncated Lévy flights and generalized Cauchy processes
by I. Lubashevsky
July 2011, Volume 82, Issue 1
- 1-6 Theoretical investigation of the hydrogenation induced atomic rearrangements in palladium rich intermetallic compounds MPd 3 (M=Mg, In, Tl)
by N. Kunkel & J. Sander & N. Louis & Y. Pang & L. Dejon & F. Wagener & Y. Zang & A. Sayede & M. Bauer & M. Springborg & H. Kohlmann - 7-12 Electric field-induced rearrangement of charged species in metal oxide devices with resistive change: thermodynamic limitations
by I. Kiselev & M. Sommer & V. Sysoev - 13-17 Intense laser field effects on the linear and nonlinear intersubband optical properties of a semi-parabolic quantum well
by E. Kasapoglu & C. Duque & H. Sari & I. Sökmen - 19-27 Domain wall dynamics of the spin- $\frac{1}{2}$ Ising-like antiferromagnetic chain in presence of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions
by Asim Ghosh - 29-35 Controlled cavity-assisted generation of single and entangled photons in semiconductor quantum dots
by G. Jaritz & U. Hohenester - 37-46 Spin-flip assisted tunneling through quantum dot based magnetic tunnel junctions
by M. Ma & M. Jalil & S. Tan & D. Koh - 47-52 Thermodynamic properties of the superconductivity in quasi-two-dimensional Dirac electronic systems
by O. Abah & M. Kiselev - 53-61 Magnons coherent transmission and heat transport at ultrathin insulating ferromagnetic nanojunctions
by A. Khater & B. Bourahla & M. Abou Ghantous & R. Tigrine & R. Chadli - 63-67 Wigner crystal in snaked nanochannels
by O. Zhirov & D. Shepelyansky - 69-82 Effect of noise on generalized synchronization of chaos: theory and experiment
by O. Moskalenko & A. Hramov & A. Koronovskii & A. Ovchinnikov - 83-89 Self organized criticality in a modified Olami-Feder-Christensen model
by G. Zhang & U. Tirnakli & L. Wang & T. Chen - 91-96 Random walks on dual Sierpinski gaskets
by Shunqi Wu & Zhongzhi Zhang & Guanrong Chen - 97-105 Coexistence in the two-dimensional May-Leonard model with random rates
by Q. He & M. Mobilia & U. Täuber
June 2011, Volume 81, Issue 4
- 381-386 Spin-polarized first-principles study of ferromagnetism in zinc-blende In 1−x Mn x Sb
by U. Verma & N. Devi & S. Sharma & P. Jensen - 387-392 Numerical study of metamaterial absorber and extending absorbance bandwidth based on multi-square patches
by H. Luo & Y. Cheng & R. Gong - 393-398 Novel effects of localization due to intrinsic disorder in manganites
by P. Sanyal & V. Shenoy & H. Krishnamurthy & T. Ramakrishnan - 399-403 Influence of elastic scattering on the measurement of core-level binding energy dispersion in X-ray photoemission spectroscopy
by E. Schwier & C. Monney & N. Mariotti & Z. Vydrovà & M. García-Fernández & C. Didiot & M. Garnier & P. Aebi - 405-409 Magnetic spin excitations in Mn doped GaAs: a model study
by A. Chakraborty & R. Bouzerar & G. Bouzerar - 411-418 Imma phase of Si: phase transitions and stability
by S. Qiu & P. Marcus - 419-424 Quantum correlations in the dimerized spin chain at zero and finite temperatures
by J. Jiang & Y. Liu & F. Tang & C. Yang - 425-430 Electronic structures of alloy quantum dots with nonuniform composition
by H. Ye & P. Lu & Z. Yu & D. Wang & Y. Liu - 431-439 Edge states and distributions of edge currents in semi-infinite graphene
by W. Wang & Z. Ma - 441-449 Intense laser field effect on impurity states in a semiconductor quantum well: transition from the single to double quantum well potential
by C. Duque & M. Mora-Ramos & E. Kasapoglu & H. Sari & I. Sökmen - 451-457 Quantum beats of magnetization generated by a standing acoustic wave in molecular magnets
by G. Kim - 459-465 Structural, electronic and magnetic properties of hcp Fe, Co and Ni nanowires encapsulated in zigzag carbon nanotubes
by Y. Xie & J. Zhang & Y. Huo - 467-473 The exchange interaction effect in the scanning tunneling spectroscopy of a two-orbital Anderson impurity on metallic surface
by G. Ding & F. Ye & B. Dong - 475-479 An ab initio study on gas sensing properties of graphene and Si-doped graphene
by Y. Zou & F. Li & Z. Zhu & M. Zhao & X. Xu & X. Su - 481-487 X-ray coherent diffraction interpreted through the fractional Fourier transform
by D. Bolloc’h & J. Sadoc
June 2011, Volume 81, Issue 3
- 263-268 Characterization and electromagnetic response of a ϕ-shaped metamaterial
by N. Tung & J. Park & V. Thuy & P. Lievens & Y. Lee & V. Lam - 269-274 Band structure of two-dimensional square lattice photonic crystals of circular dispersive metamaterial rods
by A. Soltani Vala & S. Roshan Entezar & A. Sedghi - 275-281 Thermostatistical properties of a q-deformed bosonic exciton gas
by Q. Zeng & Z. Cheng & J. Yuan - 283-290 Solid phase epitaxy amorphous silicon re-growth: some insight from empirical molecular dynamics simulation
by C. Krzeminski & E. Lampin - 291-302 Force-induced desorption of self-avoiding walks on Sierpinski gasket fractals
by I. Vidanović & S. Arsenijević & S. Elezović-Hadžić - 303-307 Percolation of randomly distributed growing clusters: the low initial density regime
by N. Tsakiris & M. Maragakis & K. Kosmidis & P. Argyrakis - 309-319 Dynamics of systems with isotropic competing interactions in an external field: a Langevin approach
by R. Díaz-Méndez & A. Mendoza-Coto & R. Mulet & L. Nicolao & D. Stariolo - 321-326 Analysis of a spatial Lotka-Volterra model with a finite range predator-prey interaction
by E. Brigatti & M. Núñez-López & M. Oliva - 327-339 Statistical physics approach to graphical games: local and global interactions
by A. Ramezanpour & J. Realpe-Gomez & R. Zecchina - 341-344 Weblog patterns and human dynamics with decreasing interest
by J. Guo & C. Fan & Z. Guo