February 2008, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 51-67 Assessing the role of consumers in sustainable product policies
by Edwin Zaccaï - 69-88 Institutions for a sustainable development—experiences from EU-countries
by Edgar Göll & Sie Thio - 89-106 Framing environmental indicators: moving from causal chains to causal networks
by David Niemeijer & Rudolf Groot - 107-127 Perspectives for sustainable management of cedar forests in Lebanon: situation analysis and guidelines
by E. Sattout & P. Caligari & S. Talhouk
November 2007, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 355-368 Assessing of Environmental Quality in Six Areas in India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh
by Helvi Heinonen-Tanski & Mariëlle SNEL & Christine Wijk-Sijbesma & Avizit Quazi & Kochurani Mathew & Induka Werellagama & Mujibur Rahman & S.M.A. Rashid & Palitha Jayaweera & Helen Judith - 369-385 The Forest–Hydrology–Poverty Nexus In Central America: An Heuristic Analysis
by Andrew Nelson & Kenneth Chomitz - 387-411 Sustainability At The Local Level: Management Tools And Municipal Tax Incentive Model
by Ricardo Braun - 413-426 Estimating The Local Cost Of Protecting Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve, Nepal: A Contingent Valuation Approach
by Ram Shrestha & Janaki Alavalapati & Andrew Seidl & Karl Weber & Tri Suselo - 427-454 Economic Growth And The Quality Of The Environment: Taking Stock
by Marzio Galeotti - 455-464 Snakes Used In Ethnomedicine In Northeast Brazil
by Rômulo Alves & Gentil Filho & Yuri Lima - 465-479 Barriers Beyond the Partners: Bureaucratic and Political Constraints to Implementing Joint Forest Management in Tamil Nadu, India
by Jagannadha Matta & John Kerr - 481-499 Valuing Ecosystem Services Of Chilean Temperate Rainforests
by Laura Nahuelhual & Pablo Donoso & Antonio Lara & Daisy Núñez & Carlos Oyarzún & Eduardo Neira - 501-521 Anaerobic digestion and community development: A case study from Hainan province, China
by Lei Bi & Murray Haight
August 2007, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 203-228 The Role of Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) in␣Promoting the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) in Africa
by Patrick Karani & Mandla Gantsho - 229-239 The Economic and Environmental Outcomes of Microfinance Projects: An Indian Case Study
by S. Jha & K.S. Bawa - 241-261 Household water in rural asia: a case study of the construction of a piped water system in Bangui, Ilocos Norte, Philippines
by Mark Phillips - 263-281 Managing Watershed Externalities in India: Theory and Practice
by John Kerr & Grant Milne & Vasudha Chhotray & Pari Baumann & A.J. James - 283-303 Contribution of small-scale mining to employment, development and sustainability – an Indian scenario
by Mrinal K. Ghose & Surendra Roy - 305-324 Human use and conservation planning in Alpine areas of Northwestern Yunnan, China
by Mark Buntaine & Renée Mullen & James Lassoie - 325-354 Innovative solutions for averting a potential resource crisis—the case of one-person households in England and Wales
by Jo Williams
May 2007, Volume 9, Issue 2
by Vinish Kathuria - 131-142 Assessment Of Anthropogenic Loads On Landscapes As A Tool To Determine The Potential For Sustainable Regional Development: Case Study From Azerbaijan
by Ramiz Mamedov & Boyukagha Mustafayev - 143-161 A Framework For Process Indicators To Monitor For Sustainable Development: Practice To An Urban Water System
by Ali Bagheri & Peder Hjorth - 163-185 Waste Management And Sustainable Development In South Africa
by Patrick Karani & Stan Jewasikiewitz - 187-201 Environmental Damage, Abandoned Treaties, and Fossil-Fuel Dependence: The Coming Costs of Oil-and-Gas Exploration in the “1002 Area” of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
by Benjamin Sovacool
February 2007, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-19 Voluntary Agreements In Watershed Protection Experiences From Costa Rica
by Miriam Miranda & Carel Dieperink & Pieter Glasbergen - 21-32 Aboriginal People’S Attitudes Towards Paying For Water In A Water-Scarce Region Of Australia
by Meryl Pearce & Eileen Willis & Tom Jenkin - 33-48 CDM Projects under the Kyoto Protocol: A Methodology for Sustainability Assessment – Experiences from South Africa and Uruguay
by Renat Heuberger & Alan Brent & Luis Santos & Christoph Sutter & Dieter Imboden - 49-78 Perceptions toward stewardship among residents living near U.S. Department of Energy Nuclear Facilities
by Bryan Williams & Melina Magsumbol - 79-90 Homophily and Agency: Creating Effective Sustainable Development Networks
by Lenore Newman & Ann Dale - 91-106 International Trade, Eco-Labelling, And Sustainable Fisheries – Recent Issues, Concepts And Practices
by Tavis Potts & Marcus Haward
November 2006, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 465-466 Preface
by Farid Dahdouh-Guebas - 467-493 Ethnosciences––A step towards the integration of scientific and indigenous forms of knowledge in the management of natural resources for the future
by Stephan Rist & Farid Dahdouh-Guebas - 495-506 Using the useful: characteristics of used palms in south-eastern Ecuador
by Anja Byg & Jaana Vormisto & Henrik Balslev - 507-517 Describing and measuring ethno-entomological knowledge of rice pests: tradition and change among Asian rice farmers
by Lisa Price & Astrid Björnsen Gurung - 519-533 Seeing the wood for the trees: the role of woody resources for the construction of gender specific household cultural artefacts in non-traditional communities in the Eastern Cape, South Africa
by M. Cocks & L. Bangay & K. Wiersum & A. Dold - 535-552 Social and environmental trade-offs in tree species selection: a methodology for identifying niche incompatibilities in agroforestry
by Laura A. German & Berhane Kidane & Riziki Shemdoe - 553-567 Woody vegetation change in Sahelian West Africa: evidence from local knowledge
by A. Wezel & A. Lykke - 569-583 Redressing cultural erosion and ecological decline in a far North Queensland aboriginal community (Australia): the Aurukun ethnobiology database project
by S. Edwards & M. Heinrich - 585-595 An attempt to recover economic losses from decadal changes in two lagoon systems of Sri Lanka through a newly patented mangrove product
by L. Jayatissa & S. Hettiarachi & F. Dahdouh-Guebas - 597-608 Cacao in Eastern Guatemala––a sacred tree with ecological significance
by J. Kufer & N. Grube & M. Heinrich - 609-625 Biocultural diversity in traditional rice-based agroecosystems: indigenous research and conservation of mavo (Oryza sativa L.) upland rice landraces of eastern Indonesia
by Jeanine Pfeiffer & Sisilia Dun & Bonafantura Mulawarman & Kevin Rice - 627-639 Making a Living from the Sea: Fishery Activities Development and Local Perspective on Sustainability in Bahari Village (Buton island, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia)
by Daniel Vermonden
August 2006, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 313-349 Optimum Supportable Global Population: Water Accounting and Dietary Considerations
by Gundo Susiarjo & Sree Sreenath & Ali Vali - 351-373 A Multi-Criteria Analysis of Sustainability Effects of Increasing Concentrate Intensity in Swedish Milk Production 1989–1999
by Stefan Hellstrand - 375-389 Drivers for Corporate Environmental Responsibility (CER)
by Kel Dummett - 391-411 Costs of the Wastewater Standard in Pig Production in Mexico
by Rosario Espejo - 413-424 Sustaining the Gains Made in Ecological Restoration: Case Study Collingwood Harbour, Ontario
by Gail Krantzberg - 425-443 Economic Growth and Sustainable Development: Could Multicriteria Analysis be used to Solve this Dichotomy?
by Nolberto Munier - 445-463 Green Composites as Panacea? Socio-Economic Aspects of Green Materials
by Alexander Bismarck & Alexis Baltazar-Y-Jimenez & Katharine Sarikakis
May 2006, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 217-227 The ‘Greening’ of Industry and Development in Southeast Asia: Perspectives on Industrial Transformation and Environmental Regulation; Introduction
by Peter Oosterveer & Somporn Kamolsiripichaiporn & Rajah Rasiah - 229-249 Greening Food Processing Industries In Vietnam: Opportunities And Constraints
by Tran Dieu - 251-269 Environmental performance improvement for small and medium-sized slaughterhouses in Vietnam
by Pham Nhat - 271-287 Options For Environmental Sustainability Of The Crude Palm Oil Industry In Thailand Through Enhancement Of Industrial Ecosystems
by O. Chavalparit & W.H. Rulkens & A.P.J. Mol & S. Khaodhair - 289-311 An analysis of the environmental pressure exerted by the eucalyptus-based kraft pulp industry in Thailand
by Warit Jawjit & Carolien Kroeze & Wit Soontaranun & Leen Hordijk
February 2006, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-17 Public–Private Governance Patterns and Environmental Sustainability
by Eero Palmujoki - 19-53 Integrating Concepts and Models from Development Econoimcs with Land use Change in the Tropics
by Charles Hall - 55-68 Economic Growth and Environmental Degradation in a Global Context
by A. Kahuthu - 69-84 Linking Conservation and Development: An Analysis of Local People’s Attitude Towards Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve, Nepal
by Ram Shrestha & Janaki Alavalapati - 85-97 A Systems Based Framework to Examine The Multi-contextural Application of the Sustainability Concept
by Andrew Manderson - 99-118 Questioning Community Based Coral Reef Management Systems: Case Study of Awig-Awig in Gili Indah, Indonesia
by Arif Satria & Yoshiaki Matsuda & Masaaki Sano - 119-137 Soil Erosion: A Food and Environmental Threat
by David Pimentel - 139-156 Water, Workfare and Poverty: The Impact of the Working for Water Programme on Rural Poverty Reduction
by R. Hope - 157-183 Water Resource Management in Botswana: Balancing Sustainability and Economic Development
by Dianne Rahm & Larry Swatuk & Erica Matheny - 185-195 Climate Change in Southern and Eastern Africa During the Past Millennium and its Implications for Societal Development
by Karin Holmgren & Helena Öberg - 197-215 Drastic Reductions in Utilizable Fossil Fuel Reserves: An Environmental Imperative
by Geoffrey Glasby
December 2005, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 417-431 Public Participation and Effective Water Governance at the Local Level: A Case Study from a Small Under-Developed Area in Chile
by Tarisai Garande & Suzan Dagg - 433-452 Consensus Building and Sustainability: Some Lessons From an Adverse Local Experience in Greece
by Kalliopi Sapountzaki & Louis Wassenhoven - 453-464 Physical and Economic Sustainability of Water: New Approach Using the Case of the Big Lost River, Idaho
by Ahmed Said & David Stevens & Gerald Sehlke - 465-500 Urbanisation Without Development: Environmental and Health Implications in African Cities
by Kwasi Boadi & Markku Kuitunen & Kolawole Raheem & Kari Hanninen - 501-518 Debates on Sustainable Development: Towards a Holistic View of Reality
by Leonardo Osorio & Manuel Lobato & Xavier Castillo - 519-536 Land Cover Changes Between 1968 and 2003 In Cai Nuoc, Ca Mau Peninsula, Vietnam
by T. Binh & Nico Vromant & Nguyen Hung & Luc Hens & E. Boon
September 2005, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 291-302 Perceived Impacts of Ecotourism on Environmental Learning and Conservation: Turtle Watching as a Case Study
by Clem Tisdell & Clevo Wilson - 303-318 Tourists‘ and Locals‘ Preferences Toward Ecotourism Development in the Maya Biosphere Reserve, Guatemala
by Robert Hearne & C. Santos - 319-336 Ethanol From Corn: Clean Renewable Fuel for the Future, or Drain on Our Resources and Pockets?
by Tad Patzek & S.-M. Anti & R. Campos & K. ha & J. Lee & B. Li & J. Padnick & S.-A. Yee - 337-361 Resource Potentials and Limitations of A Nicaraguan Agricultural Region
by Franziska Pfister & Peter Baccini - 363-376 Environmental Optimisation in Fractionating Industrial Wastes Using Contribution Margin Analysis as a Sustainable Development Tool
by Jan Stenis - 377-400 Economic Modelling in Sustainability Science: Issues, Methodology, and Implications
by Sardar Islam - 401-415 Discussion
by Sergio Madrid
June 2005, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 185-208 An Assessment of the Valuation Methods Used to Calculate the Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare (ISEW), Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI), and Sustainable Net Benefit Index (SNBI)
by Philip Lawn - 209-227 On Sustainable Development of Social Forestry in Bangladesh: Experiences from Sal (Shorea Robusta) Forests
by MD. Salam & Toshikuni Noguchi - 229-252 ‘Environmental and Economic Costs of the Application of Pesticides Primarily in the United States’
by David Pimentel - 253-270 Sustainable Agriculture in the UK
by Joy Ogaji - 271-289 The Environmental Effects of New Zealand’s Free-Market Reforms
by Jon Barnett & Jonathan Pauling
January 2005, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-8 The Literature Aftermath Of The Brundtland Report ‘Our Common Future’. A Scientometric Study Based On Citations In Science And Social Science Journals
by András Schubert & István Láng - 9-21 The Orthodoxy And Sustainable Development A Potential For Broader Involvement Of The Orthodox Churches In Ethiopia And Russia
by Valery Votrin - 23-49 Population, Land Use and Deforestation in the Pan Amazon Basin: a Comparison of Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Perú and Venezuela
by Stephen Perz & Carlos Aramburú & Jason Bremner - 51-69 Multiscale Methodological Framework to Derive Criteria and Indicators for Sustainability Evaluation of Peasant Natural Resource Management Systems
by S. lópez-ridaura & H. Keulen & M. Ittersum & P. Leffelaar - 71-93 Land Cover and Use Changes in Relation to the Institutional Framework and Tenure of Land and Resources in Eastern Tanzania Miombo Woodlands
by E. Luoga & E. Witkowski & K. Balkwill - 95-115 Economic Underdevelopment And Sustainable Development In The World:Conditioning Factors, Problems And Opportunities
by Francisco Ayala-carcedo & Manuel González-Barros - 117-134 “Measuring Sustainability”: A Multi-Criterion Framework
by Giuseppe Munda - 135-151 The Scene Model: Getting A Grip On Sustainable Development In Policy Making
by Jasper Grosskurth & Jan Rotmans - 153-160 Distribution Of Cadmium And Nickel Among Various Forms In Natural And Contaminated Soils Amended With Edta
by B. Panwar & K. Ahmed & D. Sihag & A. Patel - 161-184 The Potential of Soil Carbon Sequestration Through Improved Management Practices in Norway
by Bal Singh & Rattan Lal
January 2005, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 379-392 Re-emphasizing sustainable development — The concept of ‘Evolutionability’
by Marco Keiner - 393-413 Equity and sustainability over the next fifty years: An exercise in economic visioning
by Gary Yohe & Emily Engel - 415-427 Deforestation in the drylands of Africa: Quantitative modelling approach
by E. Abdelgalil - 429-451 Rethinking the contribution of indigenous management in small-scale water provision among selected rural communities in Cameroon
by Lotsmart Fonjong & Ngwa Emmanuel & Charles Fonchingong - 453-471 Analysis of availability and accessibility of hydrogen production: An approach to a sustainable energy system using methane hydrate resources
by Ryunosuke Kikuchi - 473-486 Rural women and agrotourism in the context of sustainable rural development: A case study from Turkey
by Nevin Akpinar & İlkden Talay & Coşkun Ceylan & Sultan Gündüz
September 2004, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 279-305 US Energy Conservation and Efficiency: Benefits and Costs
by D. Pimentel & A. Pleasant & J. Barron & J. Gaudioso & N. Pollock & E. Chae & Y. Kim & A. Lassiter & C. Schiavoni & A. Jackson & M. Lee & A. EATON - 307-316 Popular Use, Chemical Composition and Trade of Cerrado's Medicinal Plants (Goiás, Brazil)
by A.R. Carvalho - 317-336 Study on Assessing Economic Vulnerability of Small Island Regions
by L. Adrianto & Y. Matsuda - 337-353 Informal Waste Management
by Peter Nas & Rivke Jaffe - 355-366 Proposal of Indicators to Assess Urban Sustainability in Brazil
by M. Fehr & K.A. Sousa & A.F.N. Pereira & L.C. Pelizer - 367-378 Some of the Nineteenth Century Origins of the Sustainability Concept
by Sarah Lumley & Patrick Armstrong
March 2004, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-9 Mitigating Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Tropical Agriculture: Scope and Research Priorities
by Reiner Wassmann & Paul Vlek - 11-49 Methane and Nitrogen Oxide Fluxes in Tropical Agricultural Soils: Sources, Sinks and Mechanisms
by Arvin Mosier & Reiner Wassmann & Louis Verchot & Jennifer King & Cheryl Palm - 51-63 Greenhouse Gas Fluxes in Tropical and Temperate Agriculture: The need for a Full-Cost accounting of Global Warming Potentials
by G. Robertson & Peter Grace - 65-90 Mitigating Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Rice-Wheat Cropping Systems in Asia
by R. Wassmann & H.U. Neue & J.K. Ladha & M.S. Aulakh - 91-109 Is it possible to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions in pastoral ecosystems of the tropics?
by Robin Reid & Philip Thornton & Graeme McCrabb & Russell Kruska & Fred Atieno & Peter Jones - 111-131 Implications of Land use Change to Introduced Pastures on Carbon Stocks in the Central Lowlands of Tropical South America
by Myles Fisher & Richard Thomas - 133-143 Estimation of Soil Carbon Gains Upon Improved Management within Croplands and Grasslands of Africa
by Niels Batjes - 145-162 Mitigating GHG Emissions in the Humid Tropics: Case Studies from the Alternatives to Slash-and-Burn Program (ASB)
by Cheryl Palm & Tom Tomich & Meine Van Noordwijk & Steve Vosti & James Gockowski & Julio Alegre & Lou Verchot - 163-174 AN Amazon Perspective on the Forest-Climate Connection: Opportunity for Climate Mitigation, Conservation and Development?
by Georgia Carvalho & Paulo Moutinho & Daniel Nepstad & Luciano Mattos & Márcio Santilli - 175-182 Soil Respiration and Carbon Storage of an Acrisol Under Forest and different Cultivations in rio de Janeiro State, Brazil
by John Maddock & Maria Dos Santos & Sonia Alves de Sá & Pedro Machado - 183-211 THE Clean Development Mechanism: Making it Operational
by Matthew Mendis & Keith Openshaw - 213-233 Energy Use and CO 2 Production in Tropical Agriculture and Means and Strategies for Reduction or Mitigation
by Paul Vlek & Gabriela Rodríguez-Kuhl & Rolf Sommer - 235-260 GHG Mitigation Potential and Cost in Tropical Forestry - Relative Role for Agroforestry
by Willy Makundi & Jayant Sathaye - 261-277 Climate Variability and Deforestation—Reforestation Dynamics in the Philippines
by Tolentino Moya & Ben Malayang
September 2003, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 5-6 Preface
by S. Horton & S. Kant & Ä.P. Grima & A. Fenech - 297-314 Introduction: Natural Capital, Poverty and Development
by Ä.P. Lino Grima & Susan Horton & Shashi Kant - 317-332 The Role of Institutions and Policy in Enhancing Sustainable Development and Conserving Natural Capital
by T.S. Veeman & J. Politylo - 333-351 Building Institutions for Markets: Experiences and Lessons from China's Rural Forest Sector
by Runsheng Yin & Jintao Xu & Zhou Li - 353-367 Institutions, Forest Management, and Sustainable Human Development – Experiences from India
by Ram Prasad & Shashi Kant - 371-382 Alleviating Poverty Through Ecotourism: Promises and Reality in the Monarch Butterfly Reserve of Mexico
by David Barkin - 383-400 Market Integration and Ecosystem Degradation: Is Sustainable Tourism Development in Rural Communities a Contradiction in Terms?
by Stefan Gössling - 403-418 Measuring Asset Values and Flow Benefits of Non-Traded Products and Ecosystems Services of Forest and Woodland Resources in South Africa
by Rashid Hassan - 419-436 Sustaining Economic Welfare: Estimating Changes in Total and Per Capita Wealth
by Kirk Hamilton - 437-458 Explaining Agricultural Expansion, Resource Booms and Growth in Latin America
by Edward Barbier - 461-476 Land use Systems and Erosion in the Uplands of the Central Coast, Vietnam
by Bui The - 477-490 Poverty and the Deterioration of Natural Soil Capital in the Peruvian Altiplano
by Scott Swinton & Roberto Quiroz - 491-510 Policies for Livestock Development in the Ethiopian Highlands
by Samuel Benin & Simeon Ehui & John Pender
March 2003, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-5 Foreword
by Bhaskar Nath & Luc Hens & David Pimentel - 7-39 The Johannesburg Conference
by L. Hens & B. Nath - 41-61 Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Development
by Francine Mestrum - 63-93 Production, Consumption and the World Summit on Sustainable Development
by Jeffrey Barber - 95-115 Water for Sustainable Development in Africa
by Dennis Mwanza - 117-138 Energy and Sustainable Development at Global Environmental Summits: An Evolving Agenda
by Adil Najam & Cutler Cleveland - 139-165 Sustainable Development in Small Island Developing States
by Fathimath Ghina - 167-178 Sustainable Development – A New Challenge for the Countries in Central and Eastern Europe
by István Láng - 179-195 WSSD 2002, Latin America and Brazil: Biodiversity and Indigenous People
by Alpina Begossi & Fernando Dias de Ávila-pires - 197-230 Sustainable Development and the Role of the Financial World
by Herwig Peeters - 231-254 Education for Sustainable Development: The Johannesburg Summit and Beyond
by Bhaskar Nath - 255-273 Science, Research, Knowledge and Capacity Building
by Alfred Strigl - 275-295 Is Multilateralism the Future? Sustainable Development or Globalisation as ‘A Comprehensive Vision of the Future of Humanity’
by Marc Pallemaerts
December 2002, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 333-345 Sustainable Development: The Need for a New Paradigm
by Geoffrey Glasby - 347-360 Prioritization of Sustainable Groundwater Management Needs: The Case of the Israel's Stressed Coastal Aquifer
by Abraham Melloul & Martin Collin - 361-369 The Polluter-Pays Principle and its Environmental Consequences for Industrial Waste Management
by Jan Stenis & William Hogland - 371-390 Reaching National Kyoto Targets in Germany and Sustainable Development
by Stefan Bayer & Claudia Kemfert - 391-402 Assessment of the Hygiene and Sanitation Campaign in Cameroon
by Charles Eyong & Oben Mbuagbo
September 2002, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 237-251 The Spatial Dimension of Landscape Sustainability
by Robert Backhaus & Michael Bock & Stefan Weiers - 253-278 Assessing Tourists' Preferences for Recreational and Environmental Management Programs Central to the Sustainable Development of a Tourism Area in the Dominican Republic
by Leida Mercado & James Lassoie - 279-297 The Role of Foreign Direct Investment in Urban Environmental Management: Some Evidence from Hanoi, Vietnam
by Thi Minh Nguyen & A.T.M. Nurul Amin - 299-314 Evaluation of Urban Sustainability in Specific Sectors in Latvia
by Kristine Abolina & Andis Zilans - 315-331 The Impact of Development and Privatization on Environmental Protection: An International Perspective
by Ross Prizzia
June 2002, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 93-112 The Use of Remote Sensing and GIS in the Sustainable Management of Tropical Coastal Ecosystems
by Farid Dahdouh-Guebas - 113-133 High-Resolution Vegetation Data for Mangrove Research as Obtained From Aerial Photography
by Anouk Verheyden & Farid Dahdouh-Guebas & Katrien Thomaes & William De Genst & Sanath Hettiarachchi & Nico Koedam - 135-152 Mangrove Mapping Using Landsat Imagery and Aerial Photographs: Kemaman District, Terengganu, Malaysia
by I. Sulong & H. Mohd-Lokman & K. Mohd-Tarmizi & A. Ismail - 153-166 Application of Remote Sensing and GIS in the Management of Mangrove Forests Within and Adjacent to Kiunga Marine Protected Area, Lamu, Kenya
by J.G. Kairo & B. Kivyatu & N. Koedam - 167-183 Changes in Vegetation Cover and Socio-Economic Transitions in a Coastal Lagoon (Kalametiya, Sri Lanka), As Observed by Teledetection and Ground Truthing, Can be Attributed to an Upstream Irrigation Scheme
by L.P. Jayatissa & M.-C. Guero & S. Hettiarachchi & N. Koedam - 185-200 Recent Changes in Land-Use in the Pambala–Chilaw Lagoon Complex (Sri Lanka) Investigated Using Remote Sensing and GIS: Conservation of Mangroves vs. Development of Shrimp Farming
by F. Dahdouh-Guebas & T. Zetterström & P. Rönnbäck & M. Troell & A. Wickramasinghe & N. Koedam - 201-219 Monitoring a Recent Delta Formation in a Tropical Coastal Wetland Using Remote Sensing and GIS. Case Study: Guapo River Delta, Laguna de Tacarigua, Venezuela
by A. Calzadilla Pérez & M.C.J. Damen & D. Geneletti & T.W. Hobma - 221-229 Remote Sensing and GIS Technologies as Tools to Support Sustainable Management of Areas Devastated by Landslides
by Noemi De La Ville & Alejandro Chumaceiro Diaz & Denisse Ramirez
March 2002, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-6 Phytoremediation of Nickel-Contaminated Soils by Brassica Species
by B.S. Panwar & K.S. Ahmed & S.B. Mittal - 7-20 Sustainable Tourism and the Touristic Ecological Footprint
by Colin Hunter - 21-50 Confronting a Surfeit of People: Reducing Global Human Numbers to Sustainable Levels An Essay on Population Two Centuries after Malthus
by J. Kenneth Smail - 51-67 Towards Rio + 10 – Trend of Environmentalism and Implications for Sustainable Livelihoods in the 21st Century, The Context of Southern African Region
by Delali Dovie - 69-86 The Social Meaning of Carbon Dioxide Emission Trading Institutional Capacity Building for a Green Market in Costa Rica
by Miriam Miranda & Carel Dieperink & Pieter Glasbergen
December 2001, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 265-274 Effects of Land Use Changes on the Landscape Composition: A Comparison Between Finnish and Russian Karelia
by Kimmo Saarinen & Juha Jantunen & Sanna Saarnio & Karri Kuitunen & Olli Marttila - 275-307 Multiple-Scale Integrated Assessment of Societal Metabolism: An Analytical Tool to Study Development and Sustainability
by Mario Giampietro & Kozo Mayumi & Sandra Bukkens - 309-322 Combining Conservation and Development on Private Lands: Lessons from Costa Rica
by Jeff Langholz & James Lassoie - 323-341 Forging New Directions in Science and Environmental Politics and Policy: How Can Co-operation, Deliberation and Decision be Brought Together?
by Steven Albrecht - 343-360 Co-Partnership in Forest Management: The Gwira-Banso Joint Forest Management Project in Ghana
by Mark Appiah - 361-362 Book Review
by David Pimentel
September 2001, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 185-198 International Legal Instruments and Regional Environmental Protection
by Jochen Gassner & Michael Narodoslawsky - 199-215 HDPI: A Framework for Pollution-Sensitive Human Development Indicators
by M.C. de la Vega & A.M. Urrutia - 217-227 The Northwest U.S. Dam Breaching Decision: Factors, Costs and Benefits
by Michael Tucker - 229-251 A Framework for Assessing Carbon Flow in Indian Wood Products
by Haripriya Gundimeda - 253-263 Measurement of Fruit and Vegetable Losses in Brazil: A Case Study
by M. Fehr & D.C. Romão
June 2001, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 93-108 Integrated Simulation and Modelling Approach to Decision Making and Environmental Protection
by H.H. Khoo & T.A. Spedding & L. Tobin & D. Taplin - 109-126 Energy Analysis of Sugarcane Production in Morocco
by Mohamed Mrini & Faouzi Senhaji & David Pimentel - 127-143 Duty and Standards of Care for Drinking Water Regulation in Australia
by Jennifer Mckay & Anthony Moeller - 145-168 The Economic Consequences of Alien Plant Invasions: Examples of Impacts and Approaches to Sustainable Management in South Africa
by B.W. van Wilgen & D.M. Richardson & D.C. Le Maitre & C. Marais & D. Magadlela - 169-183 A Survey of Perception, Knowledge, Awareness, and attitude in Regard to Environmental Problems in a Sample of two Different Social Groups in Jakarta, Indonesia
by Sigit Sudarmadi & Shosuke Suzuki & Tomoyuki Kawada & Herawati Netti & Soeharsono Soemantri & A. Tri Tugaswati
March 2001, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-15 Human Population Numbers as a Function of Food Supply
by Russell Hopfenberg & David Pimentel - 17-29 Environmental Impacts of the Akosombo Dam and Effects of Climate Change on the Lake Levels
by P. Gyau-Boakye - 31-43 Soil Fertility Quality and Agricultural Sustainable Development in the Black Soil Region of Northeast China
by Dazhong Wen & Wenju Liang - 45-59 A Hierarchy of Groundwater Management, Land-Use, and Social Needs Integrated for Sustainable Resource Development
by Abraham Melloul & Martin Collin - 61-81 Sustainable Health Risk Management and the Role of Cross-Disciplinary Professionals in Developing Countries: Mexican Experience
by Timothy Downs - 83-85 A Água e o Homem na Várzea do Careiro (second edition) (Water and Man in the Careiro Floodplain) Volume I(text, 330 pp.) Volume II (maps) , by Hilgard O'Reilly Sternberg
by B.I. Kronberg
September 2000, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 173-176 Introduction and Acknowledgements
by Alpina Begossi & Luc Hens - 177-193 Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity in Brazilian Hot Spots
by Alpina Begossi & Natalia Hanazaki & Nivaldo Peroni - 195-225 Edible Invertebrates Among Amazonian Indians: A Critical Review of Disappearing Knowledge
by Maurizio Paoletti & Erika Buscardo & Darna Dufour - 227-234 Ethnobotany in Cabo Delgado, Mozambique: Use of Medicinal Plants
by Joaquim Matavele & Mohamed Habib - 235-252 Land Cover Changes in the Extended HA Long City Area, North-Eastern Vietnam During the Period 1988-1998
by Luc Hens & Eddy Nierynck & Tran Van Y & Nguyen Quyen & Le Hien & Le An - 253-376 Using Local Knowledge as a Research Tool in the Study of River Fish Biology: Experiences from the Mekong
by John Valbo-Jørgensen & Anders Poulsen - 277-304 Systems of Knowledge: Dialogue, Relationships and Process
by Kenneth Ruddle