2015, Volume 34, Issue 4
- 412 Editor’s Pick - Valdai Club 2015
by SZYDLOWSKI, Alexey - 413 Analysis of Scientific Approaches to Evaluation of the Quality of the State Programs Developed in the System of Forecasting of the Social and Economic Development of the Region
by RAGULINA, Yulia & BUTOVA, Tatyana - 414 Identification and Characterization of the Main Development Areas of the Innovation Activity of the Macroregion
by PROKOFYEV, Stanislav & ZAKARYAN, Armen - 415 Basic Characteristics of Contemporary Corporate Environment: Management Problems and Managerial Solutions
by BELYAYEVA, Irina & KLIMKIN, Yury - 416 The System of Corporate Governance in Companies With State Participation
by PETROVA, Yulia - 417 Imitation of Anti-Corruption Activities of the State as a Factor of Political Corruption
by KRYUCHKOV, Alexander - 418 Antimicrobial Activity of Silver Nanoparticles Synthesized Via Green Chemistry
by KAVAZ, Doga & Muhammad, Surayya LAMIDO & UMAR, Huzaifa - 419 Feelings of Burden and Perceived Social Support Among Relatives of Hemodialysis Patients
by SEZEN, Adem & Y.SENYURT, Ahmet & C.DIKMEN, Ahmet & TAPAN, Birkan & SEZEN, Erengül - 420 Customer Loyalty Marketıng in Thermal Tourısm in Turkey
by TUNCER, Orhan - 421 Recovery of the Economy of Donbass as the Main Condition of Decrease in a Conflictness in the Region
by SZYDLOWSKI, Alexey - 422 Two Years of Euromaidan and Strategic Perspective of the Ukrainian Crisis Abstract
by VOLOVOJ, Vadim - 423 The Economic Relations Between Ukraine and Russia at the Present Stage
by GUSEV, Leonid - 424 Islamic State is the Biggest Temptation of the Modern World
by BYSTRICKY, Andrey
2015, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 388 The Hybrid System of Russian Higher Education Turns into the Symbiotic Model of Public-Private Partnership
by FEDOROV, Alexey - 389 Examination of Effects of Stress on Public Offiers
by SAHIN, Osman - 390 In-service Training in Public Administration and it’s Perception by Orhangazi Governorship and the Staff of it’s Affiiated Units
by YURDAER, Mustafa Selman - 391 Complaints From the Patients Rights Unit in Public Hospital and Patient Satisfaction
by ONAT, Bilsen - 392 Life Quality Implementations in World
by TURKMEN, Arzu - 393 Conflct Management/ Methods and Application in Hospital Organization
by MERT, Gulnur - 394 Examining the Mobbing Fact in Health Institutions Bursa Province Memleket Hospital Field Study
by TURKMEN, Arzu - 395 Healthcare Professionals’ Perception and Related Factors About Total Quality Management
by TAPAN, Birkan & GAYEF, Albena & SEZEN, Adem & ALICI, Selin & YILDIRIM, Nurdan - 396 Analysis of Effects of Stress on 112 Emergency Service Medical Staff
by SAHIN, Osman - 397 Cittaslow and Cittaslow Implementations in the World
by TURKMEN, Arzu - 398 Investigation of Management Who of Nurse Leaders Features
by TURGUTOGULLARI, Serkan - 399 Women’s Breast Cancer: Effects of Physicians Service Management on the Level of Awareness
by SARIHAN, Mucize - 400 A Brief Overview of Education Services Presentation for the Disabled in a Sample of University
by BOLAC, Fatma - 401 Examination of Identity Statues of Undergraduate Students According to Different Variables
by BILGIN, Hatice Canatan - 402 Check the Effects of Foreign Language Learning Stress
by SAHIN, Osman - 403 The Diffiulties the Secondary School Leaders Experience in the Curriculum Management Which is one of the Components of Education
by FIDAN, Tahsin - 404 Relationship Between the Spiritual and Organizational Leadership Cynicism: Emotional Intelligence Effect of Vehicle
by YUKSEL, Adnan - 405 Strategic Leadership
by TANDOGAN, Mustafa - 406 Effect of Strategic Change on Leadership Style
by KAYAOZ, Veysel - 407 Development of Managers’ Leadership Standards
by KARA, Nurat - 408 Organizational Climate, Effect of SelfLeadership Research and Development Performance, Job Satisfaction
by OZTURK, Avni - 409 Career Management and Planning
by TOKAY, Ozhan - 410 Research of Moral Consciousness of a Personality in the Light of Strategies of Scientifi and Religious Interaction
by PECHERSKAYA, Nadezhda
2015, Volume 31, Issue 1
- 353 Living Standards of Russians Will Twofold Deteriorate
by Fedorov, Alexey - 354 Continuation of Monetary Crisis of 2014 in Russia is Inevitable
by Fedorov, Alexey - 355 Specification of Bilingual Scenario of Cross-Language Relationship and Its Implementation Problems (Based on the Examples of Canada, Belgium and Spain)
by Zamkovaya, Natalia - 356 Problem Solvıng In Enterprıses, the Importance of Emotıonal Intellıgence and Applıcatıon Process
by Kayaoz, Veysel - 357 Electronıc Document Management System in the Turkısh Publıc Sector and Recommendatıons
by ABACI, Kenan - 358 Qualıty and Worker Satısfactıon in Health Care Servıces: in Dıyarbakır
by Aksoy, Mustafa & Tugba, Asena & Subası, Evren - 360 Effects of Technological Applications on Human Resources
by Kaya, Resul - 361 Investıgatıon of Qualıty of Lıfe in Hıgh Rısk Workıng Unıts in the Bandırma State Hospıtal
by Turkmen, Arzu & Mert, Gulnur & Celik, Sevki & Durak, Dilek & Inam, Serkan & Altintas, Pinar & Tamam, Hasan - 362 New Generatıon Organızed Industrıal Zones for Industrıal Transformatıon
by Civelek, Okay - 363 Stress in the Health Sector and Effect of Optimism on the Job Satisfaction
by Yigıt, Songul - 364 Formation of A Strategy of Industrial Enterprise Financing With the aim of Profitability Increase
by Korolova, Alina - 365 The Sense and Support of a Mechanism of Industrial Enterprise Financial Risk Management
by Osypenko, Galyna - 366 An Integrated Approach to Evaluating the Efficiency of Performance and Development of Regional Food Complex
by Shevchenko, Natalia - 367 Culture of Entrepreneurship and SMEs in Gaziantep
by Sencay, Behzat - 368 Review of Finnish and Turkish Education Systems: PISA Sample
by Turkmen, Arzu & Inam, Serkan & Durak, Dilek & Celik, Sevki & Civelek, Okay & Tamam, Hasan & Altintas, Pinar - 369 Logistic Management and Transportation Security in Northern Nigeria
by Tokay, Ozhan - 370 Peculiarities of Human Capital Competitiveness Establishment in the Context of the Deepening of European Integration
by Martynova, Liliia - 371 Modeling of Region Marketing Research
by Pepchuk, Sergey - 372 Medıcal Records Management and Hospıtal Applıcatıon
by Birkan, Tapan & Yüksel, Balcı & Adem, Sezen & Cenk Dikmen, Ahmet & Davut Cem, Dikmen - 373 Health Workers in Organ Donatıon: Evaluatıon of Informatıon and Approach
by Onat, Bilsen - 374 Determining Levels of Daily Activity and Life Quality of Elder Individuals: Example of the Private Bisev Nursing Home
by Turkmen, Arzu - 375 Spiritual Matter on Television: Organizational Impacts
by Kara, Nurat & Cereci, Sedat & Özdemir, Hayri - 376 Logistic Management and Transportation Security in Northern Nigeria
by Suleiman Purokayo, Gambiyo - 377 Added Value of Health Tourism and its Potential in Bursa
by Erdem, Hasan - 378 Development and Impact of E-Commerce in Turkey
by Demirdogmez, AleMehmet - 379 University – Industry – State R&D Cooperation and Tech-parks
by FINDIK, Samet - 380 Integratıon Wıthin the EU Accountıng Professıon
by Celik, Sevki - 381 The Effects of Employees’ Educatıon for a More Effıcıent Competıtıon in Busınesses
by Koca, Abdullah - 382 E-Munıcıpalıty Brings Local Socıal and Economıc Benefıts for Bursa Metropolıtan Munıcıpalıty
by Yuksel, Adnan - 383 Of 6360 Metropolıtan Law Announcement in Rural Perceptıon And Expectatıons
by Durak, Dilek - 384 Determınatıon of Leadershıp Capacıty Workplaces
by Ozturk, Avni - 385 Targeted Management of the Regional Human Development
by Akperov, Imran - 386 Kyrgyzstan: Internal and External Course of Development
by VOLOVOJ, Vadim - 387 Regional Security and Energy Geopolitics of Central Asia
by Zafar, Javed
2014, Volume 30, Issue 4
- 336 Mobilization Development and Happiness
by Fedorov, Alexey - 337 Questions of Investment Attractiveness of the Housing and Communal Services
by Levchenko, Natalia - 338 The Usage of Program-Target Methods for Small Business Support in the Framework of the Budget Reform
by Maksimov, Dmitriy & Moshkin, Igor - 339 Model of Information Exchange of the Appraisal Center and Certification of Qualifications with Participants of a Control System of an Assessment and Certification of Qualifications of the Personnel of the Sphere of a Recreation and Sports Tourism
by Saveleva, Nelli - 340 Dynamics of Energy Geopolitics of Central Asia1
by Zafar, Javed - 341 Current Status of Civil Society in Russia (on the Example of Novocherkassk, Rostov Region)
by Kobilev, Aleksei & Tihonovskova, Svetlana & Ivanchenko, Olga - 342 The Future Prospects of the SCO in Central Asia in the Context of Strategic Cooperation Between Russia and China
by Khalanskii, Igor - 343 The Essence and Importance of the Marginal Analysis for the Russian Enterprises
by Kobilev, Aleksei & Gurin, Valerii - 344 CRB’s High Interest Rates: Triumph of Market Fundamentalism in Russia
by Karpov, Andrey - 345 Diagnosis of Activities and Analysis of the System of the Additional Sales at the Call Centers Tele2 Russia
by Anopchenko, Tatiana & Kalashnikova, Olga - 346 The use of Natural and Economic Potential of the Region in the Sustainable Development of Enterprises
by Zholobova, Iuliia - 347 The Reasons for the Growth of Extremism in Russia
by Belousov, Viktor & Shevchenko, Andrei - 348 The Main Directions of Improving the Effectiveness of Countering the Ideology and Practice of Extremism and Terrorism
by Vorontsov, Sergey - 349 Some Features of Extremism in the XXI Century
by Ponedelkov, Aleksandr & Mikhailov, Aleksandr - 350 Crimes in High Technology: Cyber-Terrorism as a Global Threat of Modern Society
by Fomenko, Andrei - 351 Problems of Development of the National Security in Modern Russia
by Ovchiev, Ruslan
2014, Volume 29, Issue 3
- 269 The Umbrella Revolution
by Fedorov, Alexey - 271 Editor’s Pick
by Fedorov, Alexey - 272 Securitization Model and Referenda-2014 in Scotland and Catalonia
by Apryshchenko, Victor - 273 Formation of Regional Clusters as a Factor in the Investment Development
by Gusak, Viktor - 274 Theoretical Approaches to the Regional Economy Modernization
by Kaminska, Olena - 275 Human Potential as a Factor of Competitiveness Formation in the New Social-Economic Conditions
by Martynova, Liliia - 276 Geopolitics of Kazakhstan: Theory and Practice
by Ivanov, Igor & Volovoj, Vadim - 277 Tendencies and Features of the Formation of Food Security in the Ukraine
by Kharlan, Yevhenii - 278 Classification of the Factors of Enterprise Financial Security Provision
by Susidenko, Aleksei - 279 Regulation of Structural Changes in the Economy of Ukraine
by Gedz, Mykhailo - 280 Approaches to the Definition of Cross-Border Cooperation: Discussion Points
by Tkachenko, Yuliya & Pustova, Vladislav - 281 The Priorities of Development of Vertically Integrated Structures
by Chorna, Natalja - 282 Approaches how to Define the Concept and Structure of the Innovative Potential in the Region
by Chushenko, Viacheslav - 283 Human Capital a Part of Social Capital
by Fedoryshina, Inna - 285 Functions, Models, and Forms of the Innovative Development of a Company
by Savina, Svetlana - 286 Modern Migration Trend in the South of Russia: a New Challenge?
by Denisova, Galina - 287 About Some Aspects of “Colonial Racism”
by Zamkovaya, Natalja - 288 Evaluation the Indicators of Environmental Capacity of Regional Economic System: Methodic and Practice
by Berezina, Olena & Petrovskiy, Maksim - 289 Peculiarities of Implementation of Environmental Investments in Ukraine
by Melnychenko, Hryhorii - 290 Screening Methodology: Visualization in Digital Humanities
by Shevelev, Egor - 291 Influence of Relationship Between Federal and Regional Elite on Safety of the State
by Mikhaylov, Alexandr & Vorontsov, Sergey - 292 On the Elitological Theory of a Transit Society in Modern Russia
by Plyays, Yakov - 293 Patriotism as a Moral Position of the Political Elite in Modern Russia
by Kusina, Svetlana & Ponedelkov, Alexander & Moiseyev, Vladimir - 294 Leadership and Elite Projection of Regional Political Processes in Russia (Following the Panel Sociological Studies)
by Ponedelkov, Alexander & Starostin, Alexander & Zmiyak, Sergey - 295 The Lines of Interaction Between Civil Society and the State in Forming the Regional Political Elite of the Russian Federation
by Radachinsky, Yury
2014, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 253 Optimization Model of Credit Strategy of Commercial Bank
by Dzyubanovska, Nataliya - 254 Mathematical Models of Dynamics of Indicators of Budgetary and Taxation System
by Bashutska, Oksana - 255 The Major Tendencies in Ukraine’s Labour Market
by Ostapa, Oksana - 256 Regional Marketing: Essence, Content and Ways of Development
by Nadenko, Ilona - 257 Methodological Construct of the Religious Situation Analysis: Administrative and Managerial Framework
by Brezhnev, Vitaliy - 258 The Essence and Main Directions of Human Resource Management in the Russian Organizations
by Trutt, Anna - 259 Dynamics of Ethnic Conflicts in Turkey from the Perspective of Problems
by Kalay, Guler - 260 Problems and Perspectives in Countering Militant’s Threats in Afghanistan and Their Impact to Neighbors
by Makhmudov, Oybek - 261 Evaluation of the Population to the Elites as an Indicator that Reflects the State of the External and Internal Security of the State
by Ponedelkov, Alexandr & Vorontsov, Sergey - 262 Comparative Analysis of the Party Systems Development in Russia and Lithuania
by Ivanov, Igor & Volovoj, Vadim - 263 The Functional and Social Aspects of Organizing Comprehensive Educational Institutions
by Blahun, Nataliia - 264 Quality of education as a key aspect of problem of socialization control of educational process in general educational establishment
by Blahun, Nataliia - 265 Modeling the Assessment of Agricultural Enterprises Headcount Analysis
by Viatkina, Tatyana - 267 Commitment to Asia
by Fedorov, Alexey
2014, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 133 ?????????? ???? ?????????? ? ????? ??????? ??????? ??????? // Foreign expe rience of management in the sphe re of solid househ old waste
by Anopchenko, Tatiana & Kirsanov, Sergey & Chernyshev, Mikhail - 134 ??????? ????????? ? ?? ????????? ??????? ????????????? // Opera director in modern scientific research
by Solovyanenko, Anatoly - 136 ???????? ?????? ???????????????? ????????????? ? ?? ??????????? ? ?????????? ????????? -????????????? ???????? ??????? // The main methods of state regulation and their diagnostics in realization of social an d economic policy of the region
by Bagautdinova, Nailya & Gafurov, Ilshat & Novenkova, Aida & Svirina, Anna - 137 ??????? ???????????? ??????????? ?? ???????-????????????? ???????????? ??????? // Influence of industria l enterprises on ecological and economic safety of a region
by Bezkorovayniy, Aleksandr - 138 ???????????? ????????? ? ?????????? ?????? // Moral economy and liberalism Russia
by Blinov, Andrey - 139 ?????????? ???????????? ????????? ???????? ?????: ???????? ? ???? ??????? // Bank tending of subjects of agricultural services: problems and solutions
by Vdovenko, Larisa & Vdovenko, Olga - 140 ??????????? ?????????????? ??????????? ???????????? ????????????????????? ??????? ?? ?????? ????????? ??? ?????????????? ????????????????? // Substantiation of strategic orientation for forming region’s competitiveness due to improving its investment potential
by Voitsekhivsky, Vitaliy - 141 ?????? ?????????? ?????????????????????? ????????????????? ??????????? // Management model of the pharmaceutical enterprise competitiveness
by Izmailov, Ayrat - 142 ??????????? ????????????? ???????????? ??????, ??? ???????????????? ?????? ?? ???????? // National economic security as a fundamental aspect of development country development
by Kobilev, Aleksej & Ponomarenko, Tatiana - 143 ???????? ????????? ? ???????? ???????? ???????????????? ???????????? ?? ???????????? ???????????? ?????? // The main tendencies and problems of development of corporate planning at the industrial enterprises of Russia
by Kobilev, Aleksej & Shurupova, Oksana - 144 ??????? — ??????? ???????????? ??? ????????? ???????? ???????????????????? ??????? ??????????? ???? // Bitkoin — private cryptocurrency or means of payment of the worldwide after capital ism
by Lskavyan, Julia & Fedorov, Alexey - 145 ?????????????? ????????? ????????? ??????? ?????????????? ? ????????? ????????????????????? ????????? ??????????? // Interaction of component elements of promotion and competitiveness of enterprise personnel
by Mayster, Lyudmila - 146 ??????? ???????????? ???????????? ?????????? ??????????? // Priority competitive advantages of Rostov agglomeration
by Moiseenko, Andrey - 148 ???????? ?????????? ? ????????? ??????????????? ????????????? ???????????? // Specific prob lems of management of so cially oriented innov ative enterprises
by Parakhina, Valentina & Boris, Olga - 149 ???????? ?????????-??????????????? ????????? // Summary financial and investment mechanism
by Prodan, Vasilіy - 150 ??????????? ??????? ? ????????????? ????????????? ?????? // Modern approaches to classification of economic risks
by Radzykhovskaya, Larisa - 151 ??????????? ?????? ?? ???????? ??????? ???????? // The critical view at the Eurozone crisis problem
by Svieshnikova, Kateryna - 152 ????????????? ??????????? ????????????? ??????? ?????????????? ?????? ?? ???????????? ??????? ??????????????? // Economic prerequisites of use of me thods of ecological audit at the enterprises of system of water use
by Sycheva, Margarita - 153 ???????? ?????????? ????????????? ????????????? ? ??????? // Management mechanism of ecological security in the region
by Chubin, Dmytro - 154 ???????????? ??????, ??? ?????? ?????????? ??????????? ????????: ??????? ? ????????????? // Functioning of UN ESCO as a factor of cultural heritage preservation: past and present
by Litovchenko, Vladlena - 155 ????????? ????????? ??????? ??????????? — ?????? ?????? ????????? ??? ???????? // Resource potential of higher education is an important factor of its quality
by Garashchuk, E. B. & Kutsenko, Vera - 156 ????????? ? ??????????-????????? ?????????????? ??????????? // China and Central Asian Energy Geopolitics
by Javed, Zafar - 157 ????????????? ?????????? ???????: ?????????? ? ??????????????? ?????????? // Fictionalization of biblical scenes: spirituality or educational technologies
by Pecherskaya, Nadezhda - 158 ? ????? ?????? ????????? ???????????????? ???????? ?? ??????? ????????? ????????? // The new method of measurement of demographic development for a long time interval
by Bashlachev, Veniamin - 159 ???????? ?????????-???????? ? ???????? ? ???????? ?????????? // The causes and factors of terrorism viewed by the youth of Kabardino-Balkaria
by Denisova, Galina - 160 ??????????? ???????? ? ????????? ?????????? ????? (?? ?????? ???????????????? ??????? 2000-? ??.)1 // Modern youth and the state of the Kalmyk language (accorditg to the results of the sociological analysis the 2000s)
by Namruyeva, Lyudmila
2013, Volume 26, Issue 4
- 1 ???????? ??????????? ????????????????? ?????????????? ????????? ?????????????? ????????????? ??????????????? ? ??????? // The basic directions of perfection of the economic mechanism of stimulation of rational water use in the region
by Aydarkina, Ekaterina - 3 ???????? ?????????? ????????????? ???????? ??? ??????????? ? ?????????? ??????? ???????? ????????? // Value for the development of the corporate culture and modelling for changes
by Arutyunov, Eric & Grigoryan, Svetlana & Koltsova, Alina - 5 ??????????? ?????? ??????????? ????? ??????????? ?????? ??????? ? ?????????? ?? ??????? ????????? // The coming financial crisis of the united states of america and its impact onthe world economy
by Arutyunov, Eric & Takhtadzhyan, Sergey & Koltsova, Alina - 6 ????????????? ?????? ??????????? ??? ????????? ???????? ????????????? ???????? ? ???????????????? ????????? ?????????. // Effectiveness of business as a result of synergy of corporate culture and staff behavior
by Ignatova, Olga & Arutyunov, Eric & Koltsova, Alina - 7 ???????? ??????????? ??????????????????? ? ?????????????? ???????? ???????????????? ???????????? ???????????????????? ??????. // Farmbusiness in principal terms of the regional agricultural markets
by Ionash, Irina - 8 ??????? ???????? ????????????? ??????? ????? ?????????? ???????. // Forecast of development of the regional meat market of the rostov region
by Karakashchyan, Narine - 10 ??????????? ????????? ??????????? ?????????????? ?????????? ?? ?????? ???????????. // Overcoming the paradox payback information technology on the organization level
by Kovalenko, Olena - 11 ???????????? ????????????????? ???????? ??????????? ??????????????????? ???????????? ??????????? «???????» ? ???????? ?????????? ?????? ?????????????????? ?????. // The formation of institutional structure support for internationa lbusinesseuroregion donbass interms of integrationrussia intothe world economy
by Kobilev, Aleksey & Pugacheva, Ludmila - 12 ?????????????? ?????? ???????????? ???????????? ?????? ???????????? ???????????? ? ?????? ???????????? ??????????????? ???????? // Research tools of regional commercial realestate markets via variety of sociocultural factors
by Kosarev, Roman & Olyanich, Dmitriy - 13 ????????????????? ??????? ???????????? ??????????????? // Interdisciplinary approach to health care modernization
by Muravyeva, Natalya & Anopchenko, Tatyana - 14 ???????-????????????? ??????? ????????????? ??????????????? ???????????? ? ???????????? ???????. // Environmentaland economocaspecte of environmental management in oiland gas industry
by Paytayeva, Kometa - 15 ?????????? ?????????????? ?????? ????????? ????????????. // Use of estimates of energy production breeding
by Polevaya, Elena - 16 ???????????? ??????????? ???????? ??? «?? «????????»: ?????????????? ???? ??????? ? ????????. // Prioritydirections of development of jscrosneft: alternative types of fueland ecology
by Pryadko, Irina - 17 ???????????????? ??????? ? ?????? ?????????????? ???????????? ????????????? ??????????????????? // Methodological approaches to assessing the investment activities of the regional business
by Sarana, Lesia - 18 ??????????? ???????????? ???????????????????? ???????? ?????????? ??????? // Features of formation of a biopharmaceutical clusterof therostov region
by Sirotkina, Elena - 19 ?????????????????? ????????? ?????????? ????????????? ?????? ? ??????? ??? ???????????? ? ???????? ??????? ?????????????? ???????????? // Improving management conceptseconomic connections inthe region information and development of the single economic space
by Sorokin, Sergey - 24 ??????????? ?????????????? ??????????? ???????? ????? ??????? // Features innovative software agriculturalareas of ukraine
by Tarasova, Irina - 25 ????????????? ???????????????????? ????????????? ??????? ??????????????????? ????????????? ??????? // Comparative analysis of quantitative and qualitative methods of assessment the effectiveness of marketing solutions
by Tarasova, Natalia & Klyuchko, Dmitry & Volkova, Lubov - 26 ?????????? ?????????? ???????????? ? ????????? ?????????? ?? ?????????? // Saving consumer loyalty to the soviet brands in terms of their extension
by Tarasova, Natalia & Moldovanov, Ruslan & Rusanova, Anastasiia - 27 ???????????? ?????????????? ? ????????? ?????????? ???????????? ???????? // Formation of economicand culturalpotential of the society
by Tkachuk, Olga - 28 ??????????? ???????? ????????????????? ?????????????????????? ???????????? // Organization of cashflow controlat agricultural enterprises
by Tomchuk, Viktor - 29 ????????? ??????????? ?????????? ???????????????? ??????? ??????? // Building concept of transit road transport system region
by Tokhirov, Tokhirzhon - 30 ??????????? ?????????????????? ???????????? ????????????????? ???????????? // Directions in production developmentimprovementof the grain products subcomplex
by Yaremchuk, Nаtalya - 31 Eastphalia: ????????????? ?????????? ???????????? ? ????????? ???? // Eastphalia: building a security community in eastasia
by Tyler J., Garner - 32 ?????????? ? ?????????????????? ???? : ???????????? ????????. // Democracy in central asian states: perspective and development
by Javed, Zafar - 33 ???????? ???????????? ??????? ????? ?????? ??????????????? ????????????? // Problems of modern society through documentary film
by Kikhtan, Valentina & Kachmazova, Zarina - 34 ???? ??? ? ?????????????? ??????????????: ????????????? ?????? // The role of media in idealogical confrontation: the oretical aspect
by Manieva, Bela - 35 ??????? ?????????: ???????? ??? ????????? // Religion andpolitics: theology vs ideology
by Pecherskaya, Nadezhda
2013, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 36 ???????????? ??????? ? ??????????? ????????????? ????????????? ?????????? ?????????? ? ???????????????? ??????? // Methodological approaches near determination of efficiency of the use of resource potential in spatial format
by Bondarenko, Valery - 37 ??????????? ????????? ????????? ??????????? ????? ?????????????? ????? // Features of motivation of the personnel of the enterprise of the sphere of consulting services
by Kolomiyets, Y. & Aydarkina, E. - 38 «??????? ????» ??? ???????? ?????????? ?????????? ????????? ? ???????????? ?????????? ? ?????????? ???????? // «THE FACTORY OF IDIAS» as the main tool of the staff involvement into the activities of russian and foreign companies
by Aydarkina, E. E. & Izbrikova, V. A. - 40 ????????????? ??????????? ? ??????? ???????? ??????????????? ??????????????? ?????????? ?????????????? ??????? // Economic preconditions and factors of development of health care as making social infrastructure of the region
by Anopchenko, T.Y. & Boeva, K.Y. - 41 ????????? ???????????? ? ??????????? ????? ???????????? ? ???????? ????????? // Configuration and coordination strategies of activities in the value chain
by Blagun, I. S. & Il’chuk, P. - 42 ???????? ??????????? ????????????????? ??????? ???????????? ? ???????? ????? ?? ???????????? ????? ????? (??? «??????») // The main directions of improving the communication system and feedback of the service companies (vympel llc)
by Bondarenko, J. - 43 ??????????? ???????? ???????????? ??????????? // Support personnel safety of companies
by Kushcheva, V. - 44 ???????????? ? ?????????? ??????? ??????? ?? ??????? ???????????? ? ?????? ???????-??-???? // Advantages and disadvantages of franchise business opportunities in Rostov-on-don
by Bugayan, S.A. & Filimonenko, I. - 45 ?????????? ??????? ??? ?????????? ???????????? ????????? ???????????????????? ??????????? ?? ?????????? ??????????? // Talent management as the instrument of effective introduction of systems of the environmental management in russian enterprises
by Volodin, R.S. & Dmitrieva, A.A. - 46 ??????? ???????? ??????? ??????? ?????????? ???????????? ????????????? ???????????? ??????????? ??????? ????????? ?????????? ??????? // Resolution of the problem of domestic waste for ecologization of the economic activity of enterprises of stanitsa tatsinskaya of the rostov region
by Volodin, R. S., & Pivovarova, S.A. - 47 ????????? ???????? ???????? ??????????????????? ? ??????????? ?????? // The specific development of women’s entrepreneurship in modern Russia
by Vysotzckaya, M.I. & Chalova, A.I. - 48 ????????????? ???????? ????????????? ??????????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????????? ??????? // The economic mechanism of reproductive efficiency of resource potential of the agricultural sector
by Gorshkov, Maxim - 49 ????????? ???? ???????? ????????????: ??????????? ?????????????????? // Initial registration of real estate: areas of improvement
by Gutsalenko, L.V. & Yaremchuk, N.F. - 51 ?????????????? ??????? ? ???????????? ??????? ?????? ??????????????? ????????? // Conceptual approaches to the formation of the evaluation system of management personnel
by Drach, А. - 52 ???????? ?????????? ??????????????????? ? ????????????? ??????? // Principles of environmental management in the recreational region
by Zhuravel, V.F. - 53 ????????? ?????? ? ??????????????? ??????? ? ??????? ????????? ??????? ????? ?????? // Accounting estimate and forecasting of capacity and saturation degree of wine market in Russia
by Ivanov, A.N. - 54 ??????? ???????????? ????? ???????????? ??????????? ?? ???????????? ?????????????? ?????????? ??????? // Influence of activity of small industrial enterprises on formation of the economical potential of the region
by Kyrylych, Т.Yu. & Shpak, N.E. - 55 ??????????? ? ???????? ????????????? ?????????? // Peculiarities and problems of regional marketing
by Kolomytsev, Artem - 56 ???????? ????????????????? ???????? ??????? (?? ?????????? ?????????? ???????) // Development of recovery medicine of the region (based on materials of the Rostov region)
by Kugusheva, T. V. - 57 ????????????? ??????? ?????????? ?????????????? // The transformation of management models agricultural holdings
by Kukel, G.S. & Moroz, O.V.