January 1963, Volume 5, Issue 1-2
- 188-197 India and Africa
by S.N. Varma - 200-211 Chinese Aggression On India: a Selected Bibliography
by S. Ansari - 212-220 Chronology of the Sino-Indian Border Dispute
by S.H. Ahmed
October 1962, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 329-348 The Lebanese Crisis of 1958 in Retrospect
by M.S. Agwani - 349-376 The "National Question" in Europe, With Special Reference To the Evolution of the Attitude of the Russian Social Democratic Workers Party
by R. Vaidyanath - 377-394 Herbert Hoover and American Individualism
by A.K. Sita - 395-403 The Soviet Union and the Indian Food Crisis of 1946
by M.S. Venkataram Ani - 403-412 The Search for Constitutionalism in Indonesia
by S. Krishnamurthy - 413-422 Historical and Political Studies On Czechoslovakia Since 1948
by M.L. Sondhi
July 1962, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 241-264 The Roosevelt Administration and the Great Indian Famine
by M.S. Venkataramani - 265-280 National Unity and Political Stability in Nigeria
by S.N. Varma - 281-297 The Contemporary Practice of India in the Field of International Law (1961)—II
by Nagendra Singh & M.K. Nawaz - 298-311 Notes and Memoranda
by Balram Singh Pavadya - 311-316 Protection and Economic Development
by D. Sumitra Bai - 317-328 Survey of Source Material
by A.H.H. Abidi
April 1962, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 133-142 Commercial Policy and Economic Growth
by A.K. Dasgupta - 143-168 Oil Concessions in West Asia and the Problem of Revision
by K.H. Darja - 169-193 The Government of Tibet 1912-1933
by R. Rahul - 194-197 Gendai Shiso Kenkyukai: the Japanese "New Left"
by P.A. Narasimhamurthy - 198-211 Non-Violence in International Relations
by Mahendra Kumar - 212-240 India and World Affairs: an Annual Bibliography, 1961
by Girja Kumar & Shaukat Ashraf & V.K. Arora
January 1962, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-23 Legal Aspects of the Congo Situation
by Quincy Wright - 24-45 Chinese Reaction to British Recognition of the People's Republic of China
by J.P. Jain - 46-73 The Nepalese Monarchy from 1769 to 1951
by Satish Kumar - 74-101 The Contemporary Practice of India in the Field of International Law (1961)—I
by Nagendra Singh & M.K. Nawaz - 102-116 Public Works to Relieve Unemployment : a Study of the WPA in the United States, 1935-1943
by Ramesh Chandra Babu - 116-118 The Buddhist Conception of Pancha-Sheela
by P.V. Bapat - 119-132 Attitude of the “New†Asian-African Countries toward the International Court of Justice
by R. P. Anand
October 1961, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 349-394 India and Pakistan as Factors in Each Other's Foreign Policy and Relations
by M.S. Rajan - 395-424 American Socialists, the Roosevelt Administration, and the Spanish Civil War
by M.S. Venkataramani - 425-442 Non-Alignment as a Factor in Ceylon's Foreign Policy
by Urmila Phadnts - 443-450 Notes and Memoranda
by Ravinder Kumar - 451-460 The Commonwealth and the "Uniting for Peace" Resolution: a Study of the Legal Stand of Some Commonwealth Countries
by B.N. Goswami - 461-474 Survey of Source Material
by Anirudha Gupta
July 1961, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 231-241 International Economic Imbalance
by A.K. Dasgupta - 242-262 Party Politics in Iraq: Post-Revolution Era
by K.R. Singh - 263-298 The Structure of the Government of Tibet: 1644-1911
by R. Rahul - 299-317 The Contemporary Practice of India in the Field of International Law (1960)—III
by Nagendra Singh & M.K. Nawaz - 318-325 International Law in India: Some Notes On Teaching and Research
by E. Lauterpacht - 325-334 The Attitude of the Republican Party Towards the Creation of the United Nations During the Second World War
by S.C. Tiwari - 335-348 Recent Advances in Research On Disarmament
by Mahendra Kumar
April 1961, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 109-132 West New Guinea : an Altstralian View
by Norman Harper - 133-146 The New Rouble and Underdeveloped Countries
by J.D. Sethi - 147-158 Presidential Leadership in the Republic of Viet-Nam
by K.R. Bombwall - 159-180 Alignment and Non-Alignment in Pakistan's Foreign Policy I947-60
by B.C. Rastogi - 181-183 Kashmiri Muslims in Tibet
by R. Rahul - 184-193 The Kashmir Question I947-60
by Sisir Gupta - 194-229 Bibliography
by Girja Kumar & Shaukat Ashraf & Urmila Phadnis
January 1961, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-5 Problems of Research in International Relations
by Arnold Toynbee & Veronica Toynbee - 6-24 The Ba'Th: a Study in Contemporary Arab Politics
by M.S. Agwani - 25-44 The European Free Trade Association and Its Impact on India's Trade
by Jahar Ray - 45-64 The Rural People's Communes of China
by Gargi Dutt - 65-88 The Contemporary Practice of India in the Field of International Law (1960)—I
by Nagendra Singh & M.K. Nawaz - 89-98 Food for Russia: the Story of the American Relief Administration
by Tarun C. Bose - 99-108 Survey of Source Material
by Abid Raza Baidar
October 1960, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 351-377 The Rise of Indonesian Political Parties
by Vishal Singh - 378-391 Decentralization in Indonesia—Financial Aspects
by S. Krishnamoorthy - 392-413 Theodore Roosevelt and the Origins of Contemporary United States Foreign Policy
by B.K. Shrivastava - 414-419 Notes and Memoranda
by Max Lerner - 420-424 Three-Point Agreement Between the Chinese and Tibetans, I2 August I9I2
by R. Rahul - 425-445 Survey of Recent Research
by Fred Alexander
July 1960, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 221-233 The Role of the Armed Forces in Politics in Southeast Asia
by B.R. Chatterjee - 234-251 The Structural Aspects of Planning in China
by Chao Kuo-Chun - 252-286 The Contemporary Practice of India in the Field of International Law (I959)—Ii
by Nagendra Singh & M.K. Nawaz - 287-297 Notes and Memoranda
by Hidajat Moekmin - 298-316 Survey of Source Material
by Rasheeduddin Khan - 317-318 India and World Affairs: an Annual Bibliography, I959
by Girja Kumar & B.C. Tewari - 318-340 A Part I: Foreign Relations of India
by O. Generalia - 341-349 B Part II: Indian Opinion on World Affairs
by N/A
April 1960, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 105-152 Oil and Us Foreign Policy During the Suez Crisis I956-7
by M.S. Venkataramani - 153-189 Stresses and Strains in Indo-British Relations I954-6
by M.S. Rajan - 190-205 A Study of Cambodia's Neutralism
by V.M. Reddi - 206-213 Terms of Trade and Economic Development of Underdeveloped Countries: a Study of the Indian Case
by D. Sumitra Bai - 214-220 Revelations and Reflections On Canadian External Policy
by F.H. Soward
January 1960, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-24 Foreign Relations of Burma's Last King
by W.S. Desai - 25-41 Was the Cold War Inevitable?
by D.F. Fleming - 42-59 The C.R.O. and Commonwealth Relations
by J.D.B. Miller - 60-79 Parliamentary Opinions on the Suez Crisis in Australia and New Zealand
by Jitendra Mohan - 80-92 India and the World Court
by R.P. Anand - 92-96 Agricultural Credit and Insurance in Japan
by P.A. Narasimha Murthy - 97-104 Recent Trends in the Literature of International Law
by Percy E. Corbett
July 1959, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 217-247 The New Constitution of Nepal
by A. Appadorai & L.S. Baral - 248-279 The Question of Defining "Domestic Jurisdiction"
by M.S. Rajan - 280-303 The Contemporary Practice of India in the Field of International Law (I959)—I
by Nagendra Singh & M.K. Nawaz - 304-309 Technique of Tariff Reduction Under Gatt
by Kulwant Rai Gupta - 309-314 Some Legal Aspects of Territorial Asylum
by D.A. Kamat & M.K. Nawaz - 315-319 Modern Indochina
by B.R. Chatterji - 320-349 India and World Affairs: an Annual Bibliography, I958
by Girja Kumar & B.C. Tewari
April 1959, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 117-136 The Communist Party of Indonesia, I949-58
by Vishal Singh - 137-153 British Foreign Policy Since the Second World War
by P.A. Reynolds - 154-183 United Front Tactics of the Communist Party (Usa) and Their Impact On the Socialist Party of America, I932-6
by M.S. Venkataramani - 184-200 The Contemporary Practice of India in the Field of International Law (I958)—Ii
by Nagendra Singh & M.K. Nawaz - 201-203 A Preliminary Note On Libraries1 and Archives in Egypt and Libya
by M.S. Agwani - 203-209 Intervention By Invitation and the United Nations Charter
by M.K. Nawaz - 210-215 Dutch Sources Relating To Indonesian Nationalism
by R.K. Vasil
January 1959, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-27 European Economic Integration and Asia's Trade
by Subimal Mookerjee - 28-50 The Rectification Campaign in China
by Vidya Prakash Dutt - 51-70 Morocco: From Protectorate To Independence
by M.S. Agwani - 71-87 Asian Experience and International Law
by Quincy Wright - 88-104 The Contemporary Practice of India in the Field of Inter National Law (I958)—I
by Nagendra Singh & M.K. Nawaz - 105-109 American Source Materials On Commercial Relations of the United States With the Soviet Union During I92I-33
by Tarun C. Bose - 110-115 Recent Advances in Southeast Asian Studies
by B.R. Chatterji