January 1968, Volume 10, Issue 1-2
- 163-180 Bokaro: the Politics of American Aid
by B. Maheshwari - 181-190 Seminar On "Some Issues in American Foreign Policy": a Report
by Manoranjan Jha - 191-218 Bibliography Indo-Us Relations, 1960-1967
by V. Machwe - 219-219 Reviews: INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS Derek H. Hene. What the Common Market Really Means. London, Jordan and Sons, 1967. Pp. xvii+ 198. Price 18s. 6d
by N/A - 219-220 Reviews: K. L. Seth. The Pattern of Economic Development in Pakistan. Delhi, Sterling Publishers, 1967. Pp. x + 170. Price Rs 20.00
by S.V. Bokil - 220-221 Reviews: INTERNATIONAL POLITICS AND ORGANIZATION Mahendra Kumar. Theoretical Aspects of International Politics. Agra, Shiva Lal Agarwala and Company, 1967. Pp. 487. Price Rs 32.00
by Mohammed Ayoob - 221-223 Reviews: EAST ASIA The Developing Economies: Modernization of Japan — II. Vol. 4, No 4, Special Issue. Tokyo, Institute of Asian Economic Affairs, 1966. Pp. 419- 653. Price $3.50
by N/A - 224-225 Bertrand Russell. The Problem of China. London, George Allen and Unwin, 1966. Pp. 260. Price 25s
by P.A. Narasimha Murthy - 225-226 Reviews: Helen Foster Snow. Women in Modern China. The Hague, Mouton, 1967. Pp. 264. Price 18 Dutch Guilders
by Gargi Dutt - 227-228 Reviews: SOUTH ASIA Chaudhri Mohamad Ali. The Emergence of Pakistan. New York, N.Y., Columbia University Press, 1967. Pp. 418. Price $II.00
by Bimla Prasad - 228-230 Reviews: Lorne J. Kavic. India's Quest for Security: Defence Policies, 1947-1965. Berkeley and Los Angeles, Calif., University of California Press, 1967. Pp. 263 + maps. Price $7.95
by M.S. Venkataramani - 230-230 Reviews: Dev Sharma. Tashkent: A Study in Foreign Relations, with Documents. Allahabad, Central Book Depot, 1966. Pp. 247. Price Rs 8.00
by N/A - 231-232 Reviews: Mohammad Ayub Khan. Friends Not Masters: A Political Autobio graphy. London, Oxford University Press, 1967. Pp. 275. Price Rs 50.00
by Mohammed Ayoob - 232-233 Reviews: Tara Chand. History of the Freedom Movement in India, Volume Two. New Delhi, Publications Division, 1967. Pp. 629. Price Rs 13.50
by Bimla Prasad - 233-235 Reviews: K. L. Kamal. Spotlight on Rajasthan Politics: Traditional Challenge in an Indian State. Jaipur, Prakash Publishers, 1967. Pp. I55. Price Rs 12.50
by Urmila Phadnis - 235-235 Reviews: K. Satchidananda Murty, ed. Readings in Indian History, Politics and Philo sophy. London, George Allen and Unwin, 1967. Pp. 392. Price 60s
by M.S. Agwani - 236-238 South-East Asia
by N/A - 238-239 Reviews: Pierre Boulle. The Source of the River Kwai. London, Secker and War burg, 1967. Pp. 214. Price 25s
by N/A - 239-240 Reviews: The Americas
by M.S. Venkataramani - 240-241 Reviews: Frank H. Golay, ed. The United States and the Philippines. Englewood Cliffs, N. J., Prentice Hall, 1966. Pp. 179. Price $1.95
by B.K. Shrivastava - 241-244 Reviews: Mary Grigg. The White Question: A Personal View of Racialism in Britain and America. London, Secker and Warburg, 1967. Pp. 192. Price 30s
by H.S. Takulia
October 1967, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 389-403 India's Foreign Economic Policy: a Theoretical Framework
by Ashok Guha - 404-430 India and Canada: a Decade of Co-Operation 1947-1957
by Dale C. Thomson - 431-451 Sabah's Political Parties and the 1967 State Election
by Margaret Roff - 457-470 Seminar On India and East Asia
by P.A. Narasimha Murthy - 471-480 Survey of Source Material and Recent Research
by S. Krishnamurthy - 481-484 Review Article
by A. Appadorai - 485-486 Reviews: INTERNATIONAL POLITICS AND ORGANIZATION Motilal C. Setalvad. The Role of the United Nations in the Maintenance of World Peace. Bombay, Asia Publishing House, 1967. Pp. 79. Price Rs 10
by R.P. Anand - 486-488 Reviews: David W. Wainhouse and associates. International Peace Observation. Baltimore, Md, Johns Hopkins Press, 1966. Pp. xvi +633. Price $10
by Rahmatullah Khan - 488-489 Reviews: Tom Little. Modern Egypt. London, Ernest Benn, 1967. Nations of the Modern World Series. Pp. 300. Price 42s
by N/A - 489-490 Reviews: J. E. Hartshorn. Oil Companies and Governments: An Account of the Inter national Oil Industry in Its Political Environment. London, Faber and Faber, 1967. Revd edn 2. Pp. 410. Price 50s
by M.S. Agwani - 490-491 Reviews: Harrison E. Salisbury. Orbit of China. London, Seeker and Warburg, 1967. Pp. 222, Index. Price 30s
by Vishal Singh - 491-493 Reviews: Frank N. Trager. Why Vietnam? New York, N.Y., Frederick A. Praeger, 1966. Pp. 238, Index. Price $4.95
by Parimal Kumar Das - 493-494 Reviews: MISCELLANEOUS Joseph LaPalombara and Myron Weiner, eds. Political Parties and Political Development. Princeton, N. J., Princeton University Press, 1966. Studies in Political Development Series. Pp. 487. Price $8.50
by M.S. Agwani - 494-495 Reviews: Peter Sager. Moscow's Hand in India. Berne, Swiss Eastern Institute, 1966. Pp. 224. Price not indicated
by R. Vaidyanath - 495-495 Reviews: Scientific Research in British Universities and Colleges 1966-67—Vol. III, Social Sciences. London, Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1967. Pp. xxvii + 272. Price £ 1. 12s. 6d
by A. Gupta
July 1967, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 241-278 The Emergence of the Demand for India's Partition
by Bimla Prasad - 279-300 India as a Factor in Sino- Pakistani Relations
by Mohammed Ayoob - 301-331 The Commonwealth Secretariat
by B. Vivekanandan - 332-339 The Korean War and Us-Pakistani Relations
by Harish Chandra Arya - 340-370 Commonwealth Africa, From Colonial Status To Independence: a Bibliography of Source Material
by S. Ansari - 371-372 Reviews : International Politics and Organization
by Rahmatullah Khan - 372-373 Reviews : VON KNUD KRAKAU. Die Harmon Doktrin : Eine These der Vereinigten Staaten zum internationalen Flubrecht. Hamburg, Institut für Auswärtige Politik, 1966. Pp. 139. Price not indicated
by H.S. Chopra - 373-374 Reviews : The Commonwealth
by S.C. Gangal - 374-375 Reviews : South Asia
by Vishal Singh - 375-376 Reviews : BISHESHWAR PRASAD. Changing Modes of Indian National Movement. New Delhi, People's Publishing House, 1966. Pp. 147. Price Rs 12.50
by Bimla Prasad - 376-378 Reviews : ALASTAIR LAMB. The Crisis in Kasbmir 1947-1966. London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1966. Pp. 163. Price 23s
by M. Ayoob - 378-378 Reviews : PANCHANAND MISRA. The Making of the Indian Republic. Calcutta, Scientific Book Agency, 1966. Pp. 255. Price Rs 12
by N/A - 378-379 Reviews : B. S. SHARMA. The Political Philosophy of M. N. Roy. Delhi, National Publishing House, 1965. Pp. 147. Price not indicated
by Bimla Prasad - 379-380 Reviews : H. S. GURURAJ RAO. Legal Aspects of the Kashmir Problem. Bombay, Asia Publishing House, 1967. Pp. 379. Price Rs 30
by M. Ayoob - 380-381 Reviews : American Studies
by M.S. Venkataramani - 382-382 Reviews : C. P. HILL. The U.S.A. since the First World War. London, George Allen and Unwin, 1967. Pp. 142. Price not indicated
by B.K. Shrivastava - 382-383 Reviews : International Economics
by N/A - 384-385 Reviews : KURT MARTIN and JOHN KNAPP, eds. The Teaching of Development ECO nomics : Its Position in the Present State of Knowledge. London, Frank Cass, 1964. Pp. xv, 238. Price 45s
by N/A - 385-386 Reviews : MICHAEL IVENS and REGINALD DUNSTAN, eds. The Case for Capitalism. London, Michael Joseph, 1967. Pp. 264. Price 63s
by N/A - 387-388 Reviews : NOEL BRANTON. Economic Organization of Modern Britain. London, English Universities Press, 1966. Pp. viii, 213. Price 25s
by Y.C. Devadhar
April 1967, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 103-127 Guerrilla Warfare and International Law
by Rahmatullah Khan - 128-150 Sectoral Allocation in the Plans of Pakistan: an Approach
by K.L. Seth - 151-182 Seminar On Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy
by M.L. Sondhi - 185-220 Part I: Foreign Relations of India Generalia
by N/A - 221-222 Reviews: SOUTH ASIA SISIR GUPTA. Kashmir: A Study in India-Pakistan Relations. Bombay, Asia Publishing House, 1966. Pp. 5II. Price Rs 48
by Bimla Prasad - 222-223 Reviews: MICHAEL BRECHER. Succession in India. London, Oxford University Press, 1966. Pp. 269. Price Rs 30
by Sisir Gupta - 223-224 Reviews: S. U. KODIKARA. Indo-Ceylon Relations since Independence. Colombo, Ceylon Institute of World Affairs, 1965. Pp. 262. Price not indicated
by Urmila Phadnis - 224-226 Reviews: BHUWAN L. JOSHI and LEO E. ROSE. Democratic Innovations in Nepal: A Case Study of Political Acculturation. Berkeley and Los Angeles, Calif., University of California Press, 1966. Pp. 55I. Price $ 10.75
by Satish Kumar - 226-227 Reviews: A. H. HANSON. The Process of Planning: A Study of India's Five Year Plans 1950-1964. London, Oxford University Press, 1966. Pp. xiii, 538. Price £5.5s
by N/A - 228-228 Reviews: ASHOKA MEHTA. The Economic Revolution of Our Time. Chandigarh, Punjab University Publication Bureau, 1966. Pp. 56. Price Rs 2.40
by Y.C. Devadhar - 228-230 Reviews: M. MUJEEB. The Indian Muslims. London, George Allen and Unwin, 1967. Pp. 590. Price 75 s
by M.S. Agwani - 230-231 Reviews: COMMONWEALTH OF NATIONS GRANVILLE AUSTIN. The Indian Constitution: Cornerstone of a Nation. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1966. Pp. 390. Price 45s
by N/A - 231-232 Reviews: SIR ALAN BURNS AND OTHERS. Parliament as an Export. London, George Allen and Unwin, 1966. Pp. 271. Price 37s. 6d
by S.C. Gangal - 232-234 Reviews: W. E. F. WARD. Government in West Africa. London, George Allen and Unwin, 1966. Revd edn. Pp. 269. Price $ 4.25. OBAFEMI AWOLOWO. Thoughts on Nigerian Constitution. Ibadan, Oxford University Press, 1966. Pp. 196. Price not indicated
by Anirudha Gupta - 234-235 Reviews: WEST ASIA RAVINDER KUMAR. India and the Persian Gulf Region, 1858-1907: A Study in British Imperial Policy. Bombay, Asia Publishing House, 1965. Pp. 259. Price Rs 25
by N/A - 235-236 Reviews: ANDREAS M. KAZAMIAS. Education and the Quest for Modernity in Turkey. London, George Allen and Unwin, 1966. Pp. 304. Price 45s
by M.S. Agwani - 236-237 Reviews: INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS ALAN GILPIN. Dictionary of Economic Terms. London, Butterworths, 1966. Pp. 222. Price 20s
by Y.C. Devadhar - 237-238 Reviews: SOUTH-EAST ASIA G. E. HARVEY. History of Burma from the Earliest Times to 10 March 1824: The Beginning of the English Conquest. London, Frank Cass, 1967. New impression. Pp. 415. Price 84 s
by Vishal Singh - 238-239 Reviews: INTERNATIONAL POLITICS AND ORGANIZATION ARTHUR LALL. Modern International Negotiation: Principles and Practice. New York, N.Y. and London, Columbia University Press, 1966. Pp. 404. Price $ 8.95
by A. Appadorai
January 1967, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-12 The Commonwealth and the Future
by P.N.S. Mansergh - 13-54 China's "Cultural Revolution"
by S.H. Ahmad - 55-64 The Rhodesian Crisis and the Organization of African Unity
by Anirudha Gupta - 65-86 Notes and Memoranda
by Kernial Singh Sandhu - 87-88 Reviews: South-East Asia
by Vishal Singh - 89-91 Reviews: South-East Asia
by S. Krishnamurthy - 91-91 Reviews: South-East Asia
by Vishal Singh - 91-93 Reviews: East Asia
by N/A - 93-94 Reviews: East Asia
by N/A - 95-95 Reviews: East Asia
by P.A. Narasimha Murthy - 96-97 Reviews: International Economics
by N/A - 97-98 Reviews: International Economics
by Y.C. Devadhar - 98-100 Reviews: International Law
by R.P. Anand - 100-101 Reviews: International Law
by Rahmatullah Khan
October 1966, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 386-421 Sovereign Equality of States in International Law—II
by R.P. Anand - 422-443 Maoism
by K.N. Ramachandran - 444-456 The Algerian Experiment in Socialism
by K.R. Singh - 457-500 Survey of Source Material
by Nagendra Singh & P. Sreenivasa Rao
July 1966, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 213-241 Sovereign Equality of States in International Law—I
by R.P. Anand - 242-276 The Role of Foreign Private Capital in India's Economic Development: an Assessment of Policy and Performance
by Y.C. Devadhar - 277-299 A Fresh Look At India's Foreign Policy
by Bimla Prasad - 300-310 Zambia
by Anirudha Gupta - 313-360 Part I: Foreign Relations of India
by N/A
January 1966, Volume 8, Issue 1-2
- 1-28 The Tashkent Declaration: Retrospect and Prospect
by M.S. Rajan - 29-48 India's Policy Towards Pakistan
by Sisir Gupta - 49-63 India and Pakistan as Factors in Each Other's Foreign Policies
by Jayanta Kumar Ray - 64-72 Foreign Military Aid and the Defence Strength and Policies of India and Pakistan: a Comparative Study
by D. Som Dutt - 73-125 America's Military Alliance With Pakistan: the Evolution and Course of an Uneasy Partnership
by M.S. Venkataramani & Harish Chandra Arya - 126-133 China and Indo-Pakistani Relations
by Vidya Prakash Dutt - 134-149 The Commonwealth and Indo-Pakistani Relations
by S.C. Gangal - 150-157 The Soviet Union and Indo-Pakistani Relations
by Harish Kapur - 158-166 India, Pakistan, and West Asia
by M.S. Agwani - 167-176 India, Pakistan, and South-East Asia
by Vishal Singh - 177-212 Bibliography
by R.K. Barman & J.C. Tandon & Dalip Singh
October 1965, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 515-536 New Trends in Canadian Foreign Policy?
by F.H. Soward - 537-567 Britain and the Indian Problem September 1939—May 1940
by K. Veerathappa - 568-588 A Review of Oil Contract Negotiations By Saudi Arabia With Aramco
by R. Narayanan - 589-594 Disturbances in Oman
by Hans Kruse - 595-606 The Sino-Soviet Conflict
by S.H. Ahmad
July 1965, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 401-418 The Future of British Foreign Policy
by P.A. Reynolds - 419-428 Lawyers and the Law of Nations
by P.E. Corbett - 429-447 Some Recent Trends in Soviet Policies Towards India and Pakistan
by R. Vaidyanath - 448-456 Parliamentary Government in Uganda
by B.S. Sharma - 457-467 The Decline of Parliamentary Democracy in Burma and Indonesia: a Preliminary Note
by S. Krishnamurthy - 470-492 Part I: Foreign Relations of India
by N/A - 492-514 Part II : Indian Opinion On World Affairs
by N/A
April 1965, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 135-168 The United Nations: Problems and Prospects
by S.C. Tiwari - 169-204 Peace-Keeping Operations of the United Nations
by Quincy Wright - 205-209 The Organization of an International Force: the Indian View
by Swadesh Mehta - 210-227 India and the Forces Established By the United Nations
by N/A - 228-261 The International Court of Justice and the Development of International Law
by R.P. Anand - 262-278 The Promotion of Inter National Protection of Human Rights: Problems and Prospects
by Surya P. Sharma - 279-310 Judicial Control of the Un Secretary-General's Discretionary Powers in Personnel Matters
by Rahmatullah Khan - 311-336 Committee On Information From Non-Self-Governing Territories: Its Role in the Promotion of Self-Deter Mination of Colonial Peoples
by Usha Sud - 337-353 Effectiveness of the Resolu Tions of the General Assembly : Peace and Security, I95I-I960
by I.N. Tewary - 354-362 The Role of a Neutral State in the United Nations: the Austrian Case
by Nalini Rewadikar - 363-400 India and the United Nations : a Select Bibliography, I945-I963
by Shaukat Ashraf
January 1965, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-19 Japan's Changing Relations With People's China and the Soviet Union
by P.A. Narasimha Murthy - 20-65 The 1964 General Elections in Malaya
by R.K. Vasil - 66-97 The Point Four Programme: a Critical Study
by Tarun C. Bose - 98-109 The Prospects of International Private Capital Movements
by K. Mathew Kurian - 110-119 Seminar On Asian Studies
by Bimla Prasad - 120-127 The Sino-Indian Border Dispute
by Purushottam Prabhakar - 128-134 Selected Source Material for the Modern Political History of Sa'udi Arabia
by Sheikh Mohd. Iqbal
October 1964, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 345-366 The Soviet Union, China and West Asia
by M.S. Agwani - 367-420 The Centre Versus the Fringe: the 1964 American Presidential Election
by B. Ramesh Babu - 421-439 Economic Development of Afghanistan—1929-196I
by Amalendu Guha - 440-453 The Attitude of Some Commonwealth Countries To Chinese Intervention in Korea
by B.N. Gos Wamt - 454-463 Ceylon's Foreign Policy
by Urmila Phadnis
July 1964, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 217-253 The Kashmir Question Today
by Sisir Gupta - 254-284 The United States and the World Court
by R.P. Anand - 285-309 The Attitude of the Indian National Congress To Dominion Status, 1930-1947
by Balram Singh Pavadya - 310-317 West and Non-West
by S.C. Tiwari - 317-332 Peace-Keeping Powers of the Un General Assembly: Advisory Opinion of the ICJ
by Rahmatullah Khan - 333-344 India and the Commonwealth
by S.C. Gangal
April 1964, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 117-132 Present Trends in U.S.-Soviet Relations
by Philip E. Mosely - 133-152 The Panchayat Constitution of Nepal and Its Operation
by Satish Kumar - 153-174 The Contemporary Practice of India in the Field of International Law (1962)—Ii
by Nagendra Singh & M.K. Nawaz - 175-184 A Critique of an Evolutionist's View of International Organization
by T.V. Sathyamurthy - 185-202 India and World Affairs: an Annual Bibliography, 1963
by Shaukat Ashraf & V.K. Arora & A. Chaya Devi - 203-216 Bibliography
by N/A
January 1964, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-48 America and the Indian Political Crisis, July-August 1942
by M.S. Venkataramani & B.K. Shrivastava - 49-68 India as a Factor in United States Foreign Policy
by Norman D. Palmer - 69-86 The Contemporary Practice of India in the Field of International Law (1962)—I
by Nagendra Singh & M.K. Nawaz - 87-99 The Significance of the Franco-German Co-Operation Treaty (1963) in French Foreign Policy
by H.S. Chopra - 99-112 Current Research On International Affairs
by M.S. Agwani - 113-116 The Problem of Building a General Theory of International Politics
by Mahendra Kumar
December 1963, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 353-365 The Role of the United Nations in the Development of Less Developed Countries
by B.N. Ganguli & S.R. Sen - 366-376 Foreign Aid and Technical Assistance
by B.K. Nehru - 377-400 Trade Relations Between Developed and Developing Economies in the Context of Economic Development
by A.G. Chandavarkar - 401-423 Essentials of Mao's Strategy I927-34
by Shanti Swarup - 424-434 The Problem of the People of Indian Origin in Ceylon: Issues and Possible Solutions
by Urmila Phadnis - 435-449 Studies On India's Foreign Policy and Relations
by Bimla Prasad
July 1963, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 221-239 The Struggle for Malaysia
by Vishal Singh - 240-258 China and the United States I958-I962
by Vidya Prakash Dutt - 259-280 The Soviet-Japanese Fisheries Problem in the North-West Pacific, I945-I956
by George Ginsburgs & Scott Shrewsbury - 281-295 The Japanese Left and the Anti-Nuclear Movement
by P.A. Narasimha Murthy - 296-303 The Commonwealth and the United Nations Trusteeship of Non-Self- Governing Peoples
by L.P. Singh - 304-312 Select Russian Source Material On Soviet Nationalities Policy in Central Asia Up To I936
by R. Vaidyanath - 313-351 India and World Affairs: an Annual Bibliography, I962
by Shaukat Ashraf & V.K. Arora & A. Chaya Devi
January 1963, Volume 5, Issue 1-2
- 1-18 Chinese Aggression and India: an Introductory Essay
by A. Appadorai - 20-32 Sino-Indian Relations 1950-59
by Mahendra Kumar - 33-42 The India-China Boundary Question
by K. Gopalachari - 43-49 China's Militarism
by S.L. Poplai - 50-53 Chinese Aggression and After
by K.S. Thimayya - 56-63 The United States' Reaction
by Sisir Gupta - 64-69 The Reaction of the Commonwealth of Nations
by Parimal Kumar DAS - 70-74 The Reaction of the Soviet Union and Other Communist States
by R. Vaidyanath - 75-79 The Reactions of West Asia and the Uar
by M.S. Agwani - 80-84 The Reactions of Soiuth-East Asian Countries
by Vishal Singh - 85-89 Pakistan's Reaction
by Susheela Kaushik - 90-95 Chinese Invasion: the West European View
by Girija K. Mookerjee - 98-105 Impact of the Sino-Indian Conflict On the Indian Political Scene
by K.P. Karunakaran - 106-111 Impact of Chinese Aggression On India's Economy
by A.K. Das Gupta - 114-132 Chinese Aggression and the Future of India's Non- Alignment Policy
by M.S. Rajan - 133-143 India and the United States: Some Issues Posed By Recent Developments
by M.S. Venkataramani - 144-150 India and the Commonwealth
by M.S. Rajan - 151-155 India's Relations With the Soviet Union
by K.P.S. Menon - 156-168 India and Eastern Europe
by M.L. Sondhi - 169-171 India and West Asia
by M.S. Agwani - 172-173 India and South-East Asia
by Vishal Singh - 174-179 Indo-Pakistan Relations
by Sisir Gupta - 180-187 Japan and the India-China Border Conflict
by P.A. Narasimha murthy