December 2017, Volume 73, Issue 4
- 454-471 The AU’s Progress and Achievements in the Realm of Peace and Security
by Segun Joshua & Faith Olanrewaju - 472-475 Book Review: Harsh Pant (Ed.), India’s Foreign Policy: Selected Writings Prof. Manohar Lal Sondhi
by Ajay Darshan Behera - 475-480 Book Review: Tilak Devasher, Pakistan: Courting the Abyss
by Satish Kumar - 481-484 Book Review: Paul T.V., Accommodating Rising Powers: Past, Present and Future
by Rajesh Rajagopalan - 485-487 Book Review: Jeremy Richardson and Sonia Mazey (Eds), European Union: Power and Policy Making
by Sanghamitra Sarma - 488-488 List of Contributors
by N/A
September 2017, Volume 73, Issue 3
- 1-1 Editorial
by Madhu Bhalla - 273-291 India, Non-alignment and Emerging Global Governance
by Anwar Alam - 292-311 Analysing India’s Soft Power Functioning in the Twenty-first Century: Possibilities and Challenges
by Shrey Khanna & P. Moorthy - 312-326 South–South Migration and Security Risks: Political Islam and Violent Extremism in the Shadow of Globalisation in Bangladesh
by Mubashar Hasan - 327-341 Risk Sensitivity and the Sikh Uprising in the Punjab
by James M. Lutz - 342-356 India–Canada Relations: The Nuclear Energy Aspect
by Stuti Banerjee - 357-360 Book Review: George Perkovich and Toby Dalton, Not War, Not Peace: Motivating Pakistan to Prevent Cross-border Terrorism
by Sushant Sareen - 360-363 Book Review: Rajen Harshe and Dhananjay Tripathi (Ed.), Afghanistan Post 2014: Power Configurations and Evolving Trajectories
by Raghav Sharma - 364-366 Book Review: Nehginpao Kipgen, Democratisation of Myanmar
by T. T. Haokip - 367-369 Book Review: Sasanka Perera, Warzone Tourism in Sri Lanka: Tales from Darker Places in Paradise
by N. Manoharan & Riya Bawa - 369-372 Book Review: Laxman Kumar Behera, Indian Defence Industry: An Agenda for Making in India
by Rahul Bhonsle - 373-373 List of Contributors
by N/A
June 2017, Volume 73, Issue 2
- 1-1 Editorial
by Madhu Bhalla (Professor) - 145-179 The Vicissitudes of the Arab States System: From its Emergence to the Arab Spring
by Avraham Sela - 180-195 Searching a Political Solution for Syria
by Saroj Kumar Rath - 196-209 Social Media and Social Mobilisation in the Middle East: A Survey of Research on the Arab Spring
by Adam Smidi & Saif Shahin - 210-226 Post-rentier Economic Challenges
by Kristian Coates Ulrichsen - 227-240 Water Scarcity as a Non-traditional Threat to Security in the Middle East
by Mustapha Kamel El-Sayed & Rasha Soheil Mansour - 241-250 The Obama Legacy in the Middle East and the Trump Challenge
by Robert O. Freedman - 251-258 Russia in Middle East: Playing the Long Game?
by Nandan Unnikrishnan & Uma Purushothaman - 259-264 Islamism and Political Challenges in the Middle East
by Md. Muddassir Quamar - 265-268 Book Review: Simon Mabon, Saudi Arabia and Iran Power and Rivalry in the Middle East
by Prem Anand Mishra - 269-271 Book Review: Zakir Hussain, Saudi Arabia in a Multipolar World: Changing Dynamics
by Andrea Wright - 272-272 List of Contributors
by N/A
March 2017, Volume 73, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editorial
by Madhu Bhalla - 1-20 The African Mission in Burundi (AMIB): A Study of the African Union’s Peacekeeping Success and ‘Triangular Area of Tension in African Peacekeeping’
by Isiaka Alani Badmus - 21-35 Iran–India Relations: The Unfulfilled Strategic Partnership
by Mohammad Soltaninejad - 36-52 India–Russia Relations in a Changing Eurasian Perspective
by Nirmala Joshi & Raj Kumar Sharma - 53-76 Doing Both Harm and Good: The Nature, Dynamics and Implications of the Niger Delta Development Commission’s (NDDC) Interventions in Odi, Bayelsa State, Nigeria
by Demola Akinyoade - 77-98 Riding with the Devils: China’s Role in the Cambodian and Sri Lankan Conflicts
by Patrick Hein - 99-113 The Political Economy of Renewable Energy: Prospects and Challenges for the Renewable Energy Sector in India Post-Paris Negotiations
by Niharika Tagotra - 114-128 Regional Approaches to Crisis Response, the African Union (AU) Intervention in African States: How Viable Is It?
by Seun Bamidele - 129-131 Book Review: Mohan K. Tikku, After the Fall: Sri Lanka in Victory and War
by M. Samatha - 132-135 Book Review: Chris Ogden (Ed.), New South Asian Security: Six Core Relations Underpinning Regional Security
by S.D. Muni - 135-137 Book Review: Aman M. Hingorani, Unravelling the Kashmir Knot
by Chandrashekhar Dasgupta - 137-141 Book Review: Akihiro Iwashita, Japan’s Border Issues: Pitfalls and Prospects
by Shamshad Ahmad Khan - 142-143 Contributors
by N/A
December 2016, Volume 72, Issue 4
- 1-1 Editorial
by Madhu Bhalla - 317-329 From Paris to Marrakech: Global Politics around Loss and Damage
by Julia Taub & Naznin Nasir & M. Feisal Rahman & Saleemul Huq - 330-342 Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose: Adaptation in the Paris Agreement
by Vikrom Mathur & Aniruddh Mohan - 343-360 Commitments Inked in Paris: Can India Deliver by 2020?
by Montgomery Blah - 361-374 Paris Accord and China’s Climate Change Strategy: Drivers and Outcomes
by Avinash Godbole - 375-394 India, China and Climate Cooperation
by Robert Mizo - 395-409 Addressing Climate Change in Southern Africa: Any Role for South Africa in the Post-Paris Agreement?
by Lere Amusan & Oluwole Olutola - 410-422 Low Carbon Technologies for Our Cities of Future: Examining Mechanisms for Successful Transfer and Diffusion
by Chandrika Mehta & Uday Shankar & Tapas K. Bandopadhyay - 423-425 Book Review: Sanjay Chaturvedi and Timothy Doyle, Climate Terror: A Critical Geopolitics of Climate Change
by Sasanka Perera - 425-428 Book Review: Harinder S. Kohli (Ed.), The World In 2050: Striving for a More Just, Prosperous, and Harmonious Global Community
by Madhu Bhalla - 428-430 Book Review: Jeffrey D. Sachs (2015). The Age of Sustainable Development
by Abhishek Jain - 431-432 Contributors
by N/A
September 2016, Volume 72, Issue 3
- 1-1 Editorial
by Madhu Bhalla - 209-215 21st Sapru House Lecture
by K. P. Sharma - 216-234 Federalism and Foreign Policy in India—Experiences of UPA and NDA-II Regimes
by Partha Pratim Basu - 235-249 Locating Northeast in India’s Neighbourhood Policy: Transnational Solutions to the Problems of a Periphery
by Rubul Patgiri & Obja Borah Hazarika - 250-267 Narendra Modi’s Bangladesh Policy and India–Bangladesh Relations: Challenges and Possible Policy Responses
by Md. Abul Kashem & Md. Shariful Islam - 268-277 Ayub Khan’s Basic Democracy and Political Continuity in Contemporary Pakistan
by Kunal Mukherjee - 278-289 Space Exploration by India and Socio-economic Cooperation with SAARC Countries
by Biswanath Gupta & Raju KD - 290-303 Explaining the Turmoil at the Top of Australian Politics and the Implications for India
by Alan Bloomfield - 304-305 Book Review: Andrew Small (2015). The China–Pakistan Axis: Asia’s New Geopolitics
by Avinash Godbole - 305-309 Book Review: Sujata Ashwarya, India–Iran Relations, Progress, Problems and Prospects
by I.P. Khosla - 309-312 Book Review: Preet Malik, My Myanmar Years: A Diplomat’s Account of India’s Relations with the Region
by Rahul Mishra - 312-315 Book Review: G. S. Iyer, A China Primer: An Introduction to a Culture and a Neighbour
by Somya Nayak
June 2016, Volume 72, Issue 2
- 107-119 Challenges of Democratic Consolidation in Africa: Implications for India’s Investment Drive
by Alex Mwamba Ng’oma - 120-131 The Political and Economic Instability of Dilma Rousseff’s Second Government in Brazil: Between Impeachment and the Pragmatic Turn
by Gisela Pereyra Doval & Esteban Actis - 132-145 Bangladesh Liberation War of 1971: Narratives, Impacts and the Actors
by Amit Ranjan - 146-162 Countering Bioterrorism Threat to India: Employing Global Best Practices and Technology as Force Multiplier
by Sumeet Abrol - 163-176 Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank: An Assessment
by Rahul Mishra - 177-191 Smart Cities: A Global Perspective
by Parvez Hayat - 192-199 Which Way India?
by Shalendra D. Sharma - 200-202 Book Review: U.R. Rao, Inside the ISRO: Narrating the Indian Space Odyssey
by Shounak Set - 202-204 Book Review: Maidul Islam, Limits of Islamism: Jamaat-e-Islami in Contemporary India and Bangladesh
by Md. Mizanur Rahman - 205-207 Book Review: Shebonti Ray Dadwal and Uttam Kumar Sinha (Eds), Non-Traditional Security Challenges in Asia: Approaches and Responses
by Smita Tiwary
March 2016, Volume 72, Issue 1
- 1-15 Central Asia and South Asia: Opportunities and Challenges
by K. Warikoo - 16-29 The Dynamics of Pakistan’s Intra-national Security: The Role of the New Provinces
by Moonis Ahmar - 30-49 Decoding Japan’s Security Discourse: Diverse Perspectives
by Titli Basu - 50-74 New Zealand–India Trade Relations and Growth Potential: An Empirical Analysis
by Sayeeda Bano & Nawal K. Paswan - 75-92 Reforming Nigeria’s Federal Civil Service: Problems and Prospects
by John Olushola Magbadelo - 93-95 Book Review: Rajiv Bhatia, India Myanmar Relations—Changing Contours
by Preet Malik (Retd.) - 95-98 Book Review: Subash C. Kashyap (Ed.), The Political Philosophy of the Dalai Lama: Selected Speeches and Writings
by Dagmar Bernstorff - 98-100 Book Review: Joseph S. Nye Jr., Is the American Century Over
by Vikash Chandra - 101-102 Book Review: Nina Hachigian (Ed.), Debating China: The U.S.–China Relationship in Ten Conversations
by Gunjan Singh - 102-105 Book Review: Henry Kissinger, World Order: Reflections on the Character of Nations and the Course of History
by Md. Abdul Gaffar
December 2015, Volume 71, Issue 4
- 287-299 India in a Future World: Reflections of an Indian Diplomat
by Eric Gonsalves - 300-317 Dynamics of Pakistan’s Disintegration: The Case of East Pakistan 1947–1971
by Jagmohan Meher - 318-334 ‘Good Policy’ Gone Bad: Institutionalised Ranking of Citizens and Identity Conflicts in Nigeria
by Surulola James Eke - 335-347 Theatre for Community Development: Street Theatre as an Agent of Change in Punjab (Pakistan)
by Tahmina Rashid - 348-364 Deconstructing ‘Emerging Powers’ and ‘Emerging Markets’: India and the United States in Global Governance
by Laura Carsten Mahrenbach - 365-366 Book Review: Deepak Bhojwani, Latin America, the Caribbean and India: Promise and Challenge
by Carlos Duarte - 366-368 Book Review: Kadloor Savitri. Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding: UN Engagement in Cambodia
by Shubhamitra Das - 369-371 Book Review: Antara Datta, Refugees and Borders in South Asia: The Great Exodus of 1971
by Amit Ranjan - 371-373 Book Review: Amitav Acharya, Civilizations in Embrace—The Spread of Ideas and the Transformation of Power; India and Southeast Asia in the Classic Age
by Rahul Mishra - 373-376 Book Review: Dietmar Rothermund, Violent Traders: Europeans in Asia in the Age of Mercantilism
by Saagar Tewari - 376-378 Book Review: Amita Batra, Regional Economic Integration in South Asia: Trapped in Conflict?
by Maria Khan
September 2015, Volume 71, Issue 3
- 187-205 India’s Military: Evolution, Modernisation and Transformation
by Rajat Ganguly - 206-220 Australia–India Strategic Relations: From Estrangement to Engagement
by Darvesh Gopal & Dalbir Ahlawat - 221-238 The Advocacy of Democratic Governance by India and China: Patterns of Consistency/Inconsistency between Declaratory and Operational Practices
by Andrew F. Cooper & Asif B. Farooq - 239-254 International Trade in Health Care Services: Prospects and Challenges for India
by T.P. Bhat - 255-271 Islamic Movements Engaging with Democracy: Front Islamique Du Salut (FIS) and the Democratic Experiment in Algeria
by Sebastian N. - 272-274 Book Review: Frenz, Margaret, Community, Memory, and Migration in a Globalizing World. The Goan Experience, c. 1890–1980
by Dietmar Rothermund - 274-276 Book Review: Harsh, V.P., India’s Afghan Muddle: A Lost Opportunity
by Nirmala Joshi - 276-278 Book Review: Thakur, Atul Kumar (Ed.), India since 1947: Looking Back at a Modern Nation
by Rajeev Ranjan Chaturvedy - 278-281 Book Review: Nikolaos, Biziouras, The Political Economy of Ethnic Conflict in Sri Lanka: Economic Liberalisation, Mobilisational Resources and Ethnic Collective Action
by M. Samatha - 281-283 Book Review: Bajpai, Kanti P, Saira Basit and V. Krishnappa, India’s Grand Strategy: History, Theory, Cases
by Chandra Moni Bhattarai & Raj Kumar Verma - 283-285 Book Review: Palit, Amitendu and Gloria Spittel (Eds), South Asia in the New Decade: Challenges and Prospects
by Abhimanyu Behera
June 2015, Volume 71, Issue 2
- 95-109 Washington’s India Pivot
by Walter Andersen & Shrey Verma - 110-125 India, Central Asia and the Eurasian Union
by Lavina Lee & Graeme Gill - 126-145 Interethnic Violence, Separatism and Political Reconciliation in Turkey and Indonesia
by Sumanto Al Qurtuby - 146-159 China in the Indian Ocean Region
by Eryan Ramadhani - 160-173 India and Democracy Promotion
by Yeshi Choedon - 174-176 Book Review: Beckert, Sven, Empire of Cotton: A New History of Capitalism
by Dietmar Rothermund - 176-179 Book Review: Rajurkar, N.G., Nehru: Utopian or a Statesman
by Sudhir Jacob George - 179-181 Book Review: Chari, P.R. and Vyjyanti Raghavan, Sino-Indian and Sino-South Korean Relations: Compulsions, Comparisons and Contrasts
by JI Yeon-Jung - 181-183 Book Review: Sjostedt, Gunnar and Ariel Macaspac Penetrante (Eds), Climate Change Negotiations: A Guide to Resolving Disputes and Facilitating Multilateral Cooperation
by Dinoj Kumar Upadhyay - 183-185 Book Review: Kumar, A. Vinod,India and the Non-proliferation Regime: The Perennial Outlier
by Kapil Patil
March 2015, Volume 71, Issue 1
- 1-15 Jawaharlal Nehru and the European Economic Community
by Rajendra K. Jain - 16-36 Youth Bulge
by Narottam Gaan - 37-52 The ‘Third Neighbour’ Approach of Mongolia’s Diplomacy of External Relations
by Sharad K. Soni - 53-66 Forced Migration of the Tamils
by Maitrayee Guha - 67-79 Imposed Socially Responsible Pricing on HIV/AIDS Drugs in Developing Areas
by Lere Amusan
December 2014, Volume 70, Issue 4
- 283-297 ‘India Rising’ and the Mixed Blessings of Globalisation
by Shalendra D. Sharma - 299-311 Border Economy and the Production of Collective Subjects in India’s East and the North East
by Samir Kumar Das - 313-325 Contending Views on Nigeria’s Diplomatic Missions
by Hassan A. Saliu - 327-340 Making Sense of India–Bangladesh Relations
by Anindya Jyoti Majumdar - 341-357 Advent of a ‘Game Changer’?: India’s Economic, Political and Strategic Engagement in Sub-Saharan Africa from 1991 until 2014
by Arndt Michael
September 2014, Volume 70, Issue 3
- 187-205 Liberal Peace and South Asia
by Bhumitra Chakma - 207-224 BIMSTEC at 17: An Assessment of its Potential
by Sampa Kundu - 225-240 Mediating War and Peace: Mass Media and International Conflict
by Teresa Joseph - 241-256 Coping with Climate Change: India–EU Cooperation on Renewable Energy and Clean Technology
by Dinoj Kumar Upadhyay - 257-270 Utilisation of Natural Resources in Nigeria: Human Right Considerations
by Oyeniyi O. Abe
June 2014, Volume 70, Issue 2
- 87-104 The Al-Qaeda and the Lashkar-e-Toiba: A Case of Growing Ideological Homogeneity?
by Riddhi K. Shah - 105-122 Green Ships Fuelled by LNG: Stimulus for Indian Coastal Shipping
by Mazyar Ahmad - 123-137 Iraq War 2003 and the Issue of Pre-emptive and Preventive Self-defence: Implications for the United Nations
by Rajeesh Kumar - 139-152 From Land Wars to Gas Wars: Chile–Bolivia Relations and Globalisation
by Aparajita Gangopadhyay - 153-172 The Concentric Circles of South Africa’s Foreign Policy under Jacob Zuma
by Chris Landsberg
March 2014, Volume 70, Issue 1
- 1-14 The Economics of Pakistan–Afghanistan Relations: Implications for the Region
by Wolfgang-Peter Zingel - 15-31 Strategies for Countering Somalian Piracy: Responding to the Evolving Threat
by Probal Kumar Ghosh - 33-46 India and Latin America: Looking Ahead
by Deepak Bhojwani - 47-58 The Limits of Globalisation: Unveiling Resilience and the Primacy of the Nation State in World Politics
by Rajen Harshe - 59-70 Memories of Post-imperial Nations: Silences and Concerns
by Dietmar Rothermund
December 2013, Volume 69, Issue 4
- 317-333 India–New Zealand Relations in the New Century: A Historical Narrative of Changing Perceptions and Shifting Priorities
by Sekhar Bandyopadhyay - 335-350 Australia’s Engagement with Asia: Strategic or Transactional?
by Ramesh Thakur - 351-366 India and ASEM: The Quest for Membership
by Rajendra K. Jain - 367-381 India’s Internal Security Situation: Threats and Responses
by N. Manoharan - 383-400 Energy Security: A Multivariate Analysis of Emerging Trends and Implications for South Asia
by Anju Lis Kurian & C. Vinodan - 401-402 Book Review: The Great Powers versus the Hegemon
by Ishtiaq Ahmed - 403-405 Book Review: Sudan’s Oil Diplomacy, 1991–2003
by Vijay Kumar Badetia - 405-407 Book Review: Is China Buying the World?
by Gunjan Singh - 407-409 Book Review: The Unfinished Memoirs
by Atul K. Thakur - 409-412 Book Review: What Future for Human Rights in a Non-Western World?
by Spandana Battula - 412-414 Book Review: Youth Gangs and Street Children: Culture, Nurture and Masculinity in Ethiopia
by Puthem Jugeshor Singh
September 2013, Volume 69, Issue 3
- 211-227 Of Democracies, Wars and Responses to War: A Comparative Perspective on War and Security in India and the United States
by Sanjukta Banerji Bhattacharya - 229-247 Attracting Indian Outbound Tourists to South Africa: A BRICS Perspective
by Unathi Sonwabile Henama - 249-263 Yuan: Towards an International Reserve Currency
by T.P. Bhat - 265-282 Muslim Immigrants in Europe: The Changing Realities
by Ishtiaq Ahmed - 283-298 The Poet as Vanguard: Pablo Neruda and the Politics of the Global South
by Jorge Heine - 299-301 Book Review: Diplomatic Channels
by Ambassador Ashok Sajjanhar - 301-305 Book Review: India’s Foreign and Security Policy in South Asia: Regional Power Strategies
by Arundhati Sharma - 305-308 Book Review: Pax Indica: India and the World of the 21st Century
by Simi Mehta & Obja Borah Hazarika - 308-312 Book Review: The Future of Power
by Yogesh Joshi - 312-315 Book Review: The Group of Twenty (G20)
by Sreeram Chaulia
June 2013, Volume 69, Issue 2
- 99-116 Kautilya’s Relevance for India Today
by Michael Liebig - 117-131 Democratic Transition in Myanmar: Challenges Ahead
by Baladas Ghoshal - 133-157 Migration and Its Impact on Security of Central Asia
by Nalin Kumar Mohapatra - 159-177 A Critical Analysis of the Structural Adjustments and Economic Reform in India
by Dipak Basu & Victoria Miroshnik - 179-191 Quest for Universal Standards of Judicial Integrity: Some Reflections on the Bangalore Principles
by Dejo Olowu - 193-199 Book Review: From Hindi to Urdu: A Social and Political History
by Arjumand Ara - 200-202 Book Review: Aftermath of a Nuclear Attack: A Case Study of Post-strike Operations
by Arun Vishwanathan - 202-205 Book Review: Two Decades of India’s Look East Policy—Partnership for Peace, Progress and Prosperity
by Tridib Chakraborti - 205-207 Book Review: India and New Zealand in a Rising Asia: Issues and Perspectives
by Vineet Thakur - 207-210 Book Review: International Relations, Perspectives for the Global South
by Dipti Tamang & Obja Borah Hazarika
March 2013, Volume 69, Issue 1
- 1-12 United States in India’s Changed Strategic Perspective in the Post–Cold War Era
by Shrikant Paranjpe - 13-33 Investment Cooperation in Central Asia: Prospects and Challenges
by Nawal K. Paswan - 35-50 Tracing the Pakistan–Terrorism Nexus in Indian Security Perspectives: From 1947 to 26/11
by Chris Ogden - 51-64 Liberal Approaches to the Study of Interconnection between Freshwater Scarcity and Security: Case Studies of India and Malaysia
by Sharifah Munirah Alatas - 65-82 Drug Trafficking and Narco-terrorism as Security Threats: A Study of India’s North-east
by Ningthoujam Koiremba Singh & William Nunes - 83-88 Book Review: Ahmed, Ishtiaq, The Punjab Bloodied, Partitioned and Cleansed: Unravelling the 1947 Tragedy through Secret British Reports and First-person Accounts
by Dipak Malik - 88-90 Book Review: Laruelle, Marlène and Peyrouse, Sébastien (Eds), Mapping Central Asia: Indian Perceptions and Strategies
by Sharad K. Soni - 90-92 Book Review: Slate, Nico, Colored Cosmopolitanism: The Shared Struggle for Freedom in the United States and India
by Arvind Kumar - 93-94 Book Review: Kondapalli, Shrikanth (Ed.), China’s Military and India
by Gunjan Singh - 94-97 Book Review: Mulligan, Martin and Nadarajah, Yaso, Rebuilding Communities in the Wake of Disaster: Social Recovery in Sri Lanka and India
by Ram Pravesh Sah
December 2012, Volume 68, Issue 4
- 315-330 Counterterrorism Cooperation in the Context of the Indo-US Strategic Partnership: An Appraisal
by Ashok Sharma - 331-343 The Public Attitudes and Images of the European Union in India
by Rajendra Kumar Jain & Shreya Pandey - 345-362 Pakistan’s Strategic Obsession and the Road to Catastrophe: Is There a Way Out?
by Jagmohan Meher - 363-384 BRICS: Advancing Cooperation and Strengthening Regionalism
by P.A. Jayan - 385-405 Russia–Japan Relations: Politico-strategic Importance of the Disputed Southern Kurile Islands/Northern Territories
by K.D. Kapur - 407-409 Book Reviews
by N/A - 409-412 Book Reviews
by N/A - 412-414 Book Reviews
by N/A - 415-416 Book Reviews
by N/A - 416-418 Book Reviews
by N/A
September 2012, Volume 68, Issue 3
- 215-230 Grameen and the Politics of Development in Bangladesh
by Tahmina Rashid - 231-250 China’s Policy for Special Economic Zone
by Malini L. Tantri - 251-266 Defence Transformation in Nigeria
by John Olushola Magbadelo