October 1987, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 363-375 Countertrade
by Bibek Debroy
July 1987, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 117-134 India's Recent Link Deals
by Bibek Debroy - 135-146 Dynamic Competitive Position between the Foreign Joint Venture and NICs’ Indigenous Firms
by Yung Chul Kwon & John K. Ryans Jr. - 147-163 How to Measure and Compare Export Incentives
by Garry Pursell - 164-174 International Lenders and Country Risk Assessment
by R.S. Nigam & Geeta Lakshmi - 175-185 Indian Shipping Perspectives (XI)
by H.B. Desai - 186-225 Final Act of UNCTAD-VII
by N/A - 226-241 Book Reviews
by R.S. Nigam & Sumitra Chishti & Bibek Debroy & S. Rathore
April 1987, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 37-50 Changes in British Trade and Specialization since 1950
by Lynden Moore - 51-59 Swinging Foreign Exchange and Changing Role of Corporate Treasurer
by R.S. Nigam - 60-82 Processing Primary Products
by David Wall - 83-94 Case for A New Foreign Investment Statute
by Kavita A. Sharma - 95-106 Indian Shipping Perspectives (X)
by H.B. Desai - 107-113 Prospects for Gulf Economies
by S.S. Mehta - 114-116 Book Reviews
by R.S. Nigam & R. Anantharaman
January 1987, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 343-368 South Asian-ASEAN Trade
by Suman Kumar Modwel & R.K. Pandey - 369-377 Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations
by Arthur Dunkel - 378-397 TPM Impact on US Steel Imports from the European Community
by Harold R. Williams & Aspy P. Palia - 398-410 Indian Shipping Perspectives (IX)
by H.B. Desai - 411-421 ICSID An International Method for Handling Foreign Investment Disputes in LDCs
by James C. Baker - 422-436 Industrial Cooperation in Regional Economic Groupings among Developing Countries and Lessons for SAARC
by S.S. Mehta - 437-468 Foreign Trade and Balance of Payments
by N/A - 469-472 Book Reviews
by R.L. Varshney & H.L. Sharma - 473-478 Index to Vol. XXI
by N/A
October 1986, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 236-265 US Trade Policy Changes: Implications for India
by Suman Kumar Modwel & M.L. Varma & V. Ramachandriah & R. Jaikumar - 266-276 Growth and Debt in Latin America
by J. de Larosierc - 277-291 Trade, Jobs and Technology in the World Market: The Demands of Change
by Walter Goldstein - 309-317 Import Substitution in Petrochemicals
by N.C. Gupta & Rajesh Mehta - 318-341 New International Economic Order and the North-South Dialogue—In Retrospect
by A.K. Koul
July 1986, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 93-110 Globalisation of Financial Flows and Trends in International Capital Market
by R.S. Nigam - 111-122 Some Thoughts on India's Export Strategies
by Eric Gonsalves - 123-134 The Bank/Business Firm Relationship in a Developing Country
by James C. Baker & John M. Abraham & James D’Mello - 148-156 Tourism as A Factor in the Planning of Third World Infrastructures
by David L. McKee - 157-167 Indian Shipping Perspectives (VIID)
by H.B. Desai - 168-182 Worldwide Unitary Taxation: Nature and Alternative Solutions
by Harold R. Williams & Stephen V. Senge - 183-192 Exchange Volatility and Forward Market Mechanism
by Geeta Lakshmi - 193-204 Balance-of-Payments Adjustment and Financing in Developing Countries
by Rameshwar Tandon - 205-217 Book Reviews
by R.L. Varshney & Sumitra Chishti & Rameshwar Tandon
April 1986, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by Suman Kumar Modwel - 1-9 Behavioural Aspects of Commercial Negotiations
by Suman Kumar Modwel - 10-17 Commercial Negotiations in STC
by T. Prakash - 18-23 Salient Aspects of International Commercial Negotiations
by R. Ganapathy - 24-28 HMT(I) Participation in Indonesian Tender Involving Counter Purchase
by C.R. Nagendran - 29-36 Cross-Cultural Dimensions of International Commercial Negotiations
by N. Sengupta & S.B. Kulkarni - 37-58 Techniques and Tools for Financial Negotiations
by G.J. Bulsara - 59-62 International Commercial Negotiations
by S.K. Bakshi - 63-66 Negotiations for Export of Turnkey Projects
by N.K. Sharma - 67-71 Negotiating with the East European Countries including the Soviet Union
by Sumitra Chishti - 72-75 International Commercial Negotiations
by K.N. Mehrotra - 76-85 Legal Dimensions of International Commercial Negotiations
by B. Bhattacharyya - 86-91 Index to Vol. XX
by N/A
January 1986, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 3-7 Inaugural Address
by R. Venkataraman - 8-11 Address
by Khurshid Alam Khan - 12-20 Keynote Address
by Prem Kumar - 21-77 Summary Record of Proceedings
by N/A - 78-84 Summing Up
by Prem Kumar - 85-119 Special and Differential (S&D) Treatment to Developing Countries
by Mahmoud Abdel-Bari Hamza - 120-123 The Need for and the Feasibility of an International Regime in Services Sector
by Suman Kumar Modwel - 124-143 Dispute Settlement Procedure under GATT
by R.K. Pandey - 144-149 A Special and Differential Treatment for Developing Countries
by Paulo Nogueira Batista - 150-165 Special and Differential Treatment for Developing Countries in Historical Perspective
by R.K. Pandey - 166-188 Multilateral Trade Negotiations and the Developing Countries
by A.R. Bhuyan - 189-197 Multilateral Safeguard System
by R.K. Pandey - 198-204 Transnational Economics, Trade & Service Flows
by K. Subramanian - 205-209 Need and Suggestions for Modifications of Codes/Agreements/Arrangements Evolved during the Tokyo Round
by R.K. Pandey - 210-224 World Trade in Textiles and Clothing
by B. Ramamurthy - 225-231 World Trade Environment
by Virendra P. Punj - 232-234 World Trade and Protectionism
by D.N. Patodia - 235-240 Foreign Delegates & Participants
by N/A - 241-248 Indian Delegates and Participants
by N/A
October 1985, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 1-69 GATT Multilateral Trade Negotiations: A Review of Developments after Tokyo Round
by R.K. Pandey - 70-87 Protectionism and the Bilateral Option*: Shadows on the New Multilateral Trade Round
by Suman Kumar Modwel - 88-93 New Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations
by V.L. Rao - 94-122 World Economic Environment, Developing Countries and the New Round of Multilateral Negotiations
by Sumitra Chishti - 123-146 Should Services Be Included in the Proposed New Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations?
by Suman Kumar Modwel - 147-161 International Trading Environment
by R.L. Varshney
July 1985, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 141-162 Unctad Code on Transfer of Technology
by A.K. Koul - 163-172 Tourism as A Vehicle for Third
by David L. McKee - 173-179 Relief through Double Tax Avoidance Agreements
by B.B. Goenka - 180-186 India's Fertiliser Imports, 1985
by B. Bhattacharyya - 187-198 Indian Shipping Perspectives (VII)
by H.B. Desai - 199-213 Export Potential of Orissa
by M.L. Varma - 214-224 North-South Dialogue on Norms Governing Nationalisation of Foreign Assets
by P.S. Sangal - 225-225 Book Review
by M.S. Lakshmi
April 1985, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 1-14 World Trade Trends
by R.L. Varshney - 15-26 Neo-Protectionism
by R.K. Pandey - 27-31 Development of Container Technology in the Indian Context
by H.B. Desai - 32-51 Global Counter-Trading Phenomenon
by S.K. Ghosh - 52-58 International Trading Environment
by Sumitra Chishti - 59-64 Developments in International Monetary System
by K.N. Mehrotra - 65-69 International Economic Environment
by S.S. Mehta - 70-76 South-South Cooperation in the Context of Changing International Trading Environment
by J.C. Srivastava - 77-91 Global Economic Environment
by M.L. Varma - 92-95 International Trading Environment in Textiles and Clothing
by G.N. Nagar - 96-101 World Economic Recovery
by B. Bhattacharyya - 102-107 Oil Deceleration Impact on India's Exports
by M.S. Lakshmi - 108-115 Commodity Issues
by V. Ramachandriah - 116-123 Changing Technological Environment and India's Engineering Exports
by D.S. Arora - 124-133 India's Agricultural Exports
by M. Dattatreyulu - 134-140 Changing International Trading Environment
by L. Sahoo
January 1985, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 489-500 Global System of Trade Preferences
by S.K. Modwel - 501-539 International Capital Movements and Developing Countries
by R.S. Nigam & V.K. Bhalla & S. Bhashyam - 540-550 BalanceÂofÂPayments Effect of Foreign Investment in India
by B.P. Mathur - 551-558 Indian Shipping Perspectives (VI)
by H.B. Desai - 559-577 IndoÂNepal Trade
by N. Parthasarathy - 578-586 Indian Engineering Exports
by A.P. Singh - 587-594 New and Emerging Technologies
by N/A - 595-614 Import and Export Policy of India (April 1985ÂMarch 1988)
by N/A - 615-622 Index to Vol. XIX
by N/A
October 1984, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 367-389 Africa's Commodity Trade and Structure of Marketing and Distribution of Primary Commodities
by Liaqat Ali - 390-396 Hindustan Intercrafts Limited
by S.K. Modwel & P.K. Saxena - 397-408 Tax Planning in Foreign Collaborations
by B.B. Goenka - 409-416 Unitary Tax and Multinational Corporations
by M.S.V. Subrahmanyam - 417-425 Product Invention, Foreign Ownership and Welfare
by Tran Huu Dung & Rishi Kumar - 426-436 Problems of Indian Cashew Industry
by K.C. Ananth - 437-440 GATT Valuation Code: An Appraisal
by S. Basu - 441-447 India's Foreign Trade
by P.K. Saha - 448-456 Indian Shipping Perspectives (V)
by H.B. Desai - 457-478 Foreign Trade and Balance of Payments
by N/A - 479-488 Problems of Commodity Marketing
by N/A
July 1984, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 157-171 Two Decades of UNCTAD
by James C. Baker & Edward R. Bruning - 172-181 UNCTAD—An Assessment
by G. Sundaram - 182-195 Twenty Years of UNCTAD
by S. Narasimhan - 196-208 Dimensions of Trade Liberalisation
by Ramkrishna Bajaj - 209-222 NIEO and Role of UNCTAD for the Coming Decades
by W.N. Talwar - 223-231 Slowdown in Developing Countries
by J. de Larosiere - 232-241 Imperatives for Global Economic Recovery and Growth
by Pushpa Nand Schwartz - 242-253 Strengthening the International Trade and Financial Systems
by Emile van Lennep - 270-281 Role of Asia in International Economic Relations
by Masao Fujioka - 282-297 Shipping on the UNCTAD forum
by H.B. Desai - 298-304 Issues in International Service Transactions
by Andre Sapir - 305-312 Some Pitfalls in the International Comparison of Service Activities
by David L. McKee & Richard E. Bennett - 313-319 Services, Developing Countries and Role of GATT vis-a-vis UNCTAD
by Neela Sengupta-Mukherjee - 320-328 US Perspective on New Non-Tariff Barriers
by Dara M. Khambata - 329-346 Foreign Exchange Crisis in the Third World
by George B.N. Ayittey - 347-353 World Economy
by M.L. Varma - 354-365 UNCTAD Trade and Development Report, 1984
by N/A
April 1984, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 1-48 Exchange Rate Regimes in Developing Countries: Experience of India
by V.R. Panchamukhi - 49-64 The International Finance Corporation
by Gurudutt M. Baliga & James C. Baker - 65-84 The Global Debt Crisis: The Uncertain ’Eighties
by Dara M. Khampata - 85-101 Constraints of Developing Countries in Trade Promotion (II)
by M.L. Varma - 102-121 Some Aspects of Export Marketing Strategy Formulation at the Undertaking Level
by Bidhi Chand - 122-142 Indian Shipping Perspectives (IV)
by H.B. Desai - 143-150 Instability in Export Earrings, Export Concentration and India
by Vyuptakesh Sharan - 151-156 Agarbatti Exports—Prospects and Problems
by S. Lakshmikanthan & J.D. Singh
January 1984, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 395-407 Choice of Foreign Collaborator
by R.S. Nigam & Muneesh Kumar - 408-417 The Role of Service Activities in the World Economy
by David L. McKee - 418-435 IMF Second Amendment and LDCs
by Autar S. Dhesi & Gulshan Kumar - 436-448 Public Sector EntErprises in International Business
by Sumitra Chishti - 449-460 Economic Cooperation between India and Pakistan
by S.S. Mehta - 461-473 Constraints of Developing Countries in Trade Promotion (I)
by M.L. Varma - 474-477 Export Promotion versus Import Substitution
by Marias Bhattacharyya - 478-488 Towards A New Economic Order
by G. Chandrakant - 489-498 Hindustan Industries LimitEd (A)
by Rajan Saxena - 499-514 India's Exports of Engineering Goods
by K.S. Dhindsa & Maninder - 515-525 European Economic Community and the Third World
by V.K. Bhalla - 526-529 Index to Vol. XVIII
by N/A
October 1983, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 257-275 IMF Financing Facilities and LDCs: A Critical Appraisal
by Autar S. Dhesi & Gulshan Kumar - 276-289 Possibilities of Trade Cooperation between India and Japan in the Field of Small and Medium Industries
by T.N. Jaitle - 290-298 GSP Concessions to Textiles in EEC and USA
by V.K. Pande - 299-318 An Integrated Approach to Export Pricing
by B. Bhattacharyya - 319-326 Commodity and Geographic Concentration in Indo-Nepalese Trade
by Vijaya Katti - 327-344 Indo-African Trade (1970-1982)—An Analysis
by M.J. Mathew - 345-360 Sectoral Terms of Trade and Their Impact on National Income (1957-58 to 1978-79)
by Amitava Mukherjee - 361-375 Indian Shipping Perspectives (III)
by H.B. Desai - 376-388 Economic Cooperation and Trade Expansion between India and Scandinavia
by D.S. Arora - 389-394 Import Substitution, Exchange Rate and Economic Development
by R.S. Nigam
July 1983, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 133-146 Complementarity and Economic Cooperation
by V.R. Panchamukhi - 147-154 Managed Trade and Protectionism
by R.S. Nigam - 155-171 Indo-Pak Trade: Retrospect and Prospects
by Mani Shankar Aiyar & R. Viswanathan - 172-195 Trade and Investment Possibilities in Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka
by N. Parthasarathy - 196-212 Theories of Direct Foreign Investment: A Review (II)
by Narayan Datt - 213-223 The Dutch Clothing Industry
by Frans Schuurs - 224-232 Balance-of-Payments Problems of Developing Economies
by Neela Mukherjee - 233-246 Indian Shipping Perspectives-II
by H.B. Desai - 247-251 EEC and Indo-British Trade Relations
by V.K. Bhalla - 252-255 Book Reviews
by R.L. Varshney & D.S. Arora
April 1983, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 1-20 India's Trade and Economic Relations with Eastern Europe
by K.N. Mehrotra - 21-27 India's Trade and Economic Ties with East Europe
by S.N. Yadav - 28-34 Indo-Polish Trade
by S. Ganapathi - 35-42 Export Prospects for Indian Marine Products to East European Countries
by Ousep D. Attokaren - 51-63 Trading with East Europe—Scope for Trade Expansion
by Chandrika Shah - 64-69 CMEA—Its Role and Significance in World Economy
by V. Zikeev - 70-78 India's Trade with USSR
by Victor P. Senin - 80-83 Indo-Soviet Economic Cooperation
by Nikolai D. Rodionov - 84-87 Economic and Trade Relations between Bulgaria and India
by Nicolai Kalinov - 88-96 Czechoslovakia's Foreign Trade System
by Vladimir Kirsbaum - 97-102 Economic Relations between GDR and India
by D. Becker - 103-107 Hungary's Foreign Trade System
by Pal Barkoczi - 108-112 Trade and Economic Relations between Poland and India: Prospects
by S. Stanislawski - 113-117 Trade and Economic Cooperation between Socialist Countries of East Europe and Developing Countries—Long-Term Perspective
by S.K. Sarkar
January 1983, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 337-348 Recent Trends in the World Trading System
by Vijay L. Kelkar - 349-361 Observations on Import Licensing Schemes for Exporters
by Charles P. Staelin - 362-381 Made in India vs. Hong Kong/Korea/Taiwan
by Inder Khera & Beverlee Anderson & Young Kim - 382-400 India's Foreign Trade Data—Various Sources: A Detailed Study
by K.K. Bajaj & S.P. Rastogi - 401-408 Performance Guarantee in Technical Collaborations—Indian Experience
by R.S. Nigam & Muneesh Kumar - 409-422 Indian Shipping Perspectives
by H.B. Desai - 423-429 Indo-EEC Economic Relations: A New Scenario
by Frans Schuurs