January 1971, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 438-443 Are we Really Interested in Exports?
by S. Bhoothalingam - 444-459 Special-Purpose Money: The Exrupee System and Indian Exports
by Irvin M. Grossack - 460-471 Economic Relations Between India and Japan in the ’Seventies
by D.C. Kothari - 472-488 Export Dynamics
by V. Vithal Babu - 489-497 The Challenge of International Markets in the ’Seventies
by Manmohan Singh - 498-509 Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment
by Raymond Vernon - 510-517 Foreign Private Investment and Economic Growth
by Shinzo Ohya - 518-530 International Marketing Channel Decision: a Conceptual Overview
by Gerald Albaum & Gordon Miracle - 531-536 Finance for Expansion of Shipping Tonnage in the Fourth Plan
by T.M. Goculdas - 537-550 The Case of Stagnating Exports—Ananalysis of Transport Problems
by B. Roy - 551-559 Italian Motor Industry in its World-Wide Outlook
by Umberto Agnelli - 560-566 Index Vol. V
by N/A
October 1970, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 237-249 Prospects of Indo-Italian Trade
by G.L. Bansal - 250-263 Overseas Markets: Initial Steps Towards 'Seventies
by Japan Trade Promotion Council (Nihon Boeki Shinkokai) - 264-274 Role of Gati in Promoting Developing Countries' Trade
by M.G. Mathur - 275-287 Export Potential Survey—Approach, Methodology and Follow-Up
by V. Vithal Babu - 288-296 International Commodity Problems
by S. Narasimhan - 299-308 Importance of Banking in Export Promotion
by K.K. Banerji - 309-323 Foreign Trading System of East European Countries
by Sumitra Chishti - 324-333 Trade Shows Need Planning
by Adin Talbar - 334-345 Market for Agricultural Pesticides, Textile Dyes and Selected Chemicals in Taiwan
by H.S. Marwaha - 346-369 Export Potential of Marine Products of India
by N/A - 370-376 Book Reviews
by R.K. Pandey & H.B. Desai & D.S. Arora
July 1970, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 107-128 A Conceptual Framework for Analysing International Marketing Situations
by Lothar G. Winter - 129-139 Export Marketing of Raw Cotton—Some Problems
by P. Ramaswamy - 140-150 Trade and Development Problems of Developing Countries—Brazilian View
by Miguel Ozorio De Almeida - 151-154 India's Public Sector and Its Export Potential: Hindustan Steel's Contribution
by H.R.S. Rao - 157-163 Importance of “International Bank for Economic Cooperation†in International Financial Affairs
by Ivan Wiesel - 164-178 Foreign Trade Management in Hungary's Socialist Economy
by Om Prakash - 179-197 Export Pricing
by R.L. Varshney & R.K. Pandey & V.K. Pande - 198-213 Marketing Opportunities for Selected Engineering Goods in Japan
by K.V. Mani - 214-231 Export Potential Survey of Maharashtra
by N/A - 232-236 Book Reviews
by Hartirath Singh & C. Parthasarathy
April 1970, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-7 Development Aid and Foreign Trade
by Karl Schiller - 8-21 Export Trends and Import Substitution Vis-A-Vis India's Economic Growth
by A.K. Ghosh - 22-46 Export Possibilities of Indian Wood and Wood Products: 1974-75 and 1979-80
by E.P.W. da Costa - 47-68 Port Rates and Export Promotion
by V.V. Ramanadham - 69-76 Export Marketing Operations—A Case Study Approach
by S.S. Mehta - 77-89 Export Potential Survey of Tamil Nadu
by N/A - 90-102 Selected Agricultural Implements and Accessories
by M.S. Sachdeva - 103-106 Book Reviews
by R.K. Pandey & K.N. Mehrotra
January 1970, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 353-364 UNCTAD since the New Delhi Session
by Manuel Perez-Guerrero - 365-374 Some Aspects of Unido's Work in Promoting Supply and Production of Manufactured Goods for Export from Developing Countries
by I.H. Abdel-Rahman - 375-397 Ecafe's Efforts in Promoting Trade Expansion
by U. Nyun - 398-413 Latin American Foreign Trade: Main Issues for the United Nations Second Development Decade
by Carlos Quintana - 414-425 Effects of Latin American Free Trade Association on Member-Countries’ Foreign Trade
by Gustavo Magarinos - 426-432 EFTA Shows the Benefits of Free Trade
by John Coulson - 433-451 Export Outlook for the Fourth Plan
by Ramnath A. Podar - 452-464 Export Houses and their Role in India's Export Effort
by P.A. Narielwala - 465-478 Trade Problems of Developing Countries in the Perspective of Recent Discussions in the GATT
by M.G. Mathur - 479-496 International Marketing Management Information System: A Tool for Increasing Exports
by Lothar G. Winter - 497-508 Aid and Trade: Dilemma of Development
by S.R.K. Rao - 509-519 Modernisation of India
by Manubhai Shah - 520-524 Project Exports
by B.D. Kalelkar - 525-531 British Exports in 1969: A Balance-Sheet
by Frank Broadway - 532-548 Trade Liberalisation as A Form of Asian Economic Cooperation: Myths and Realities
by S.S. Mehta - 549-554 Index to Vol. IV
by N/A
October 1969, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 223-236 Education of International Manager
by Arthur L. Peterson - 237-259 Export Credit and Credit Insurance Facilities in Japan, France, UK & India
by S.K. Verghese - 260-271 Export Marketing Strategy for Manufacturers in Developing Countries
by Franklin R. Root - 272-292 Indo-Yugoslav Trade—Problems and Prospects
by Sumitra Chishti - 293-308 India's Export Trade in Coal Since Independence
by A.B. Ghosh - 309-319 Asian Trade and Development Association: A Proposal for Regional Economic Cooperation
by Edward M. Humberger - 320-335 Customs Valuation as a Barrier to World Trade
by N/A - 336-348 Export Potential Survey of Mysore State
by N/A - 349-352 Book Reviews
by S.S. Mehta & Sumitra Chishti
July 1969, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 99-112 Export Packaging of Processed Foods
by G.L. Bansal - 113-125 Indo-British Trade Relations and Economic Cooperation—Review and Prospects
by J.A. Turpin - 126-142 Export Incentives in Israel
by Harold Lubell - 143-150 Export Duty Clause in Export Contracts
by N/A - 151-169 Export Promotion of Indian Shipping Services—Some Problems
by S.N. Sanklecha - 170-178 Development of Highly Qualified Manpower for International Trade
by Wilfried A. Hoellige - 179-198 Import Possibilities for India Under Rupee Payment Agreements
by Sumitra Chishti & Attam Parkash - 199-206 Marketing Decisions under Uncertainty
by P. Gopalakrishnan - 207-217 Cashewnut Shell Liquid—Problems and Prospects
by S. George - 218-222 Book Reviews
by Hartirath Singh & M.L. Garg
April 1969, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-13 The North-South Problem in the World Economy and the Implications of Unctad 1968
by Harry G. Johnson - 14-24 Depressed Exporters: a Special Case
by Surendra J. Patel - 25-38 Economic Significance of Export Promotion Policy in Developing Countries—Korea's Experience
by Bon Ho Koo & Ernest W. Ogram Jr. - 39-45 Tariffs and Import Control Before and After Devaluation
by S. Subramanian - 46-54 Sweden as a Market for Developing Countries
by Gunnar Heckscher - 55-65 Training of Export Executives
by M.L. Garg - 66-90 Joint Industrial Ventures
by N/A - 91-98 Book Reviews
by H.B. Desai & N. Sengupta & M.L. Garg
January 1969, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 371-399 Prospects of Exports in the Fourth Plan
by Pitambar Pant & K.S. Mehra - 400-410 Indo-Japan Trade and Industrial Collaboration—Possibilities and Prospects
by H.D. Shourie - 411-427 International Business Assistance by State Government in Federal Set-Up
by Gerald Albaum - 428-452 A Critique on Marketing of India Tea in the United States
by Jagjit Singh - 453-467 International Operations of Swiss Banks in the Context of World Trade
by James A. Hart - 468-490 Export Development in Industrial Estates
by Paras Ram - 491-502 Jute Carpet Backing in Australia
by P.N. Kaul - 503-506 Book Reviews
by R.P.S. Verma & M.S. Sachdeva & K.V. Mani - 507-512 Index Vol. III
by N/A
October 1968, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 255-269 A Three-Tier Strategy for the Indian Exporter
by S.P. Godrej - 270-278 Promotion of Foreign Trade through American Society of International Executives—A Case Study
by Roland L. Kramer - 279-288 Export Possibilities for Indian Spices, 1968-76
by E.P.W. da Costa - 289-298 IFC in the Developing Countries: A Method of Indirectly Financing Foreign Trade
by James C. Baker - 299-311 Import Substitution and Foreign Exchange Saving: Case Studies of Primary Aluminium and Rayon
by V.V. Desai - 312-318 Labour-Intensive Exports in Specialty Markets
by Richard N. Farmer - 319-336 Two Years of Devaluation
by S. Hajra - 337-366 Export Potential Survey of Fresh and Processed Fruits and Vegetables
by N/A - 367-370 Book Reviews
by M.L. Garg & H.B. Desai
July 1968, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 141-146 Package Testing for Export Markets
by Arabinda Ray - 147-154 A Comparative Study of the New and Old Income-Tax Incentives for Exports
by Ved P. Gandhi - 155-161 Cost Data—Collection and Utilisation
by S. Subramanian & N. Krishnan - 162-176 Recent Trends in Eec's Trade with African Associates
by Madan M. Sauldie - 177-192 Characteristics of Foreign Trade of Turkey and Prospects of Indo-Turkish Trade
by A.K. Chakraverti - 193-228 An Analysis of Trade Between India and Brazil
by Gian Singh Sahota - 239-241 Shipowners' Problems at the Port of Bombay
by N/A - 242-249 Fabricated and Manufactured Mica
by N/A - 250-254 Book Reviews
by R.N. Shivpuri & M.L. Garg & S.K. Verghese
April 1968, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-11 Import Structure and Policy
by Romesh K. Diwan - 12-26 Cost of Foreign Trade and Exchange Controls in Developing Countries
by D.R. Khatkhate - 27-65 An Analysis of Trade Between India and Brazil
by Gian Singh Sahota - 66-84 The Structure of India's Export Trade
by J.A. Rosario - 85-105 India's Export Trade in Unmanufactured Tobacco—Performance and Problems
by P. Ramaswamy & H.T. Sapra - 106-131 Export Potential Survey of Andhra Pradesh
by N/A - 132-138 Book Reviews
by S.K. Verghese & P. Chattopadhyay & Sumitra Chishti & Attam Parkash
January 1968, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 359-371 Global Strategy of Development and International Cooperation—Programme Before Unctad-II
by Raul Prebisch - 372-392 Africa's Interest in Unctad
by R. K.A. Gardiner - 393-404 The United States and the Developing Countries
by Arthur L. Peterson - 405-419 The Terms of Trade of Less Developed Countries
by Theodore Morgan - 420-429 Imperatives of a Foreign Economic Policy for the Developing Nations
by D.K. Rangnekar - 430-435 Foreign Trade and Economic Growth: Reconsiderations of an Old Theme
by Ignacy Sachs - 436-442 The Role of Trade in Southeast Asian Development
by Benjamin Higgins - 443-450 The Kennedy Round and the Developing Countries
by Ludwig Rudel - 451-462 Role of Ecafe in the Promotion of IntraÂRegional Trade and Economic Cooperation in Asia
by U. Nyun - 463-471 Problems and Prospects of Exports of Manufactures and SemiÂManufactures from the Developing Countries
by H.D. Shourie - 472-479 India's Productive Progress Merits Much Higher Share in World Trade
by Homi J.H. Taleyarkhan - 480-488 Role of Shipping Conferences in Promoting Trade of Developing Countries
by H.B. Desai - 489-500 Unctad—Achievements and Expectations
by S.S. Mehta - 501-506 Index (Vol.II)
by N/A
October 1967, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 242-261 Measures for Creating Quality-Consciousness Among Indian Exporters
by C.N. Modawal - 262-270 Growth Potential of Trade Between Developing and Socialist Countries—An Analysis
by Ashok Rudra - 271-281 Trends in Agricultural Export Earnings since Devaluation
by P.V. John - 282-291 Prospects of Exports and Imports of Petroleum Products
by Sailen Ghosh - 292-311 Indo-West German Trade Relations and Economic Cooperation
by R.C. Ummat - 312-326 Ten Years of Export Credit Insurance in India
by V.S. Raghavan - 327-341 India's Trade Prospects with Sudan
by P.A. Bhaskara Rao - 342-351 Indian Cotton Textile Industry
by K.V. Mani & T.R. Nagi - 352-358 Book Reviews
by P. Chattopadhyay & S.K. Verghese & Sumitra Chishti & Hartirath Singh
July 1967, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 125-140 Export Marketing Groups a Measure for Greater Export Effort
by H.D. Shourie - 141-148 Role of Standardisation in the Maintenance of Quality in Export Trade
by A.N. Ghosh - 149-156 Role of Tariffs in Trade Promotion with Particular Reference to the Problems of Classification
by S. Subramanian & S. Venkatesan - 157-168 The Dynamic Economic Growth of Japan and Indo-Japanese Economic Cooperation
by Badr-ud-Din Tyabji - 169-177 India's Trade Relations with Australia
by D.N. Chatterjee - 178-189 Development of Indian Shipping and Foreign Exchange Earnings
by S.N. Sanklecha - 191-203 Prospects of India's Trade with East African Countries
by Madan M. Sauldie - 204-214 Marketing in the United States
by M.L. Garg - 215-229 Handicraffs Exports in Third Plan and Targets for Fourth Plan
by P.N. Kaul - 230-235 Electric Lamps and Fluorescent Tubes
by M.S. Sachdeva - 236-240 Book Reviews
by N. Sengupta & Y. Chattopadhyay
April 1967, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-28 Prospects of Trade Between the Developing and the Socialist Countries
by Surendra J. Patel - 31-39 Economic Policy Regarding Freight Rates and Foreign Trade in Developing Economies
by L.A. Natesan - 40-48 A Study of Incremental Costs for Selling Better and Cheaper Products in Foreign Markets
by B.N. Bhattasali - 49-66 Export Pricing for India's Export Management
by Mathew Kurian - 67-75 Indo-Nepalese Trade and Economic Cooperation
by Shriman Narayan - 76-85 Indo-Uar Trade Relations and Economic Cooperation
by Apa B. Pant - 86-92 Development of Indian Shipping and the Fourth Five-Year Plan
by Sumati Morarjee - 93-107 Outlook for Indo-Libyan Trade
by P.A. Bhaskara Rao - 108-114 Animal Casings
by T.R. Nagi - 115-124 Book Reviews
by S. Benjamin Prasad & H.B. Desai & P. Chattopadhyay
January 1967, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 329-338 Export Strategy in an Import Sensitive Economy
by Babubhai M. Chinai - 339-348 The Market for Exports
by J.B. Condliffe - 349-365 Joint Ventures as an Instrument of Export Promotion
by Ram Gopal Agrawal - 366-378 Prospects for Export of Engineering Goods
by R.K. Singh - 379-387 Export Finance-Ecgc's Contribution
by S.P. Chablani - 388-396 Strengthening the Export Base of Indian Handicrafts
by D.N. Saraf - 397-423 Problems of Developing Countries in Export Marketing of Agricultural Products with Special Reference to India
by P. Ramaswamy & H.T. Sapra - 424-431 Electric Fans
by N.V.L.N. Balaramdas - 432-440 Book Reviews
by P. Chattopadhyay & Hartirath Singh & Attam Parkash - 441-446 Index Vol. I
by N/A
October 1966, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 219-235 Devaluation and Prospects of India's Exports
by H.D. Shourie - 236-250 African Trade with Asia
by R.K.A. Gardiner - 251-262 Cotton Textile Exports—The Consortium Approach
by Bharat Ram - 263-268 The Regional Approach to Trade Problems of Developing Countries
by Ashok Rudra - 269-282 The Influence of Advertising in International Trade
by Howe Martyn - 283-298 Trading with Americas
by R.P.S. Verma - 299-313 Prospects of India's Trade with Brazil
by K.L.K. Rao & T.R. Nagi - 314-322 Hosiery Goods
by G.N. Nagar - 323-328 Book Reviews
by P. Chattopadhyay & Sumitra Chishti & Y. Irudayam & Paras Ram
July 1966, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 109-122 Towards A Dynamic International Trade Policy
by Manubhai Shah - 123-133 Development Plans and Export Earnings
by Andrew M. Kamarck - 134-145 Exports of Mineral Ores from India —Problems and Prospects
by Govind Narain - 146-162 Gatt and the Expansion of Trade of Less-Developed Countries
by J.A. Lacarte - 163-175 Shifts in India's Foreign Trade Policy
by S.L. Sharma - 176-194 Need for Cost Reduction for Improving the Competitiveness of Indian Goods Abroad
by S.K. Verghese - 195-203 Curry Powder
by N/A - 204-211 Exports of Processed Foods
by N/A - 212-218 Book Reviews
by M.L. Garg
April 1966, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-18 Indian Exports during Three Plan Periods—Retrospect and Prospects
by V.K.R.V. Rao - 19-38 Trading with Resurgent Africa
by G.L. Bansal - 39-45 Role of the Reserve Bank in the Export Effort
by P.C. Bhattacharyya - 46-52 Packaging for Export
by H.K.S. Lindsay - 53-64 Problems of Shipping in the Context of India's Export Efforts
by Nagendra Singh - 65-76 The Financing of Capital Goods Exports in France
by Bernard Prague - 77-92 Prospects for Increased Indo-Nigerian Trade
by Sumitra Chishti - 93-103 Tobacco Manufactures
by R. Anantharaman