June 2019, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 109-153 Logistics Hubs in Oman and Political Uncertainty in the Gulf
by Mahmood Humaiyid Hamed Al-Wahaibi - 154-171 Turkey and South Africa: A Relationship of Regional Powers
by Michael B. Bishku - 172-190 Demographic Engineering and Population Alteration in Iranian Kurdistan
by Allan Hassaniyan - 191-208 Modern Universities and Establishment: The Interactions of Islamic Azad University and Iran’s Power Centers
by Abdollah Rasekhi - 209-211 Book Review
by Hazal Muslu El Berni - 212-215 Shah of Iran and the Baha’is: The Importance of Transparency
by Ardavan Khoshnood & Ankita Sanyal - 216-216 Erratum
by N/A
March 2019, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-2 Dateline MEI
by P. R. Kumaraswamy - 3-15 Religion, Religiosity, and World Order
by Md. Hamid Ansari - 16-43 Social Policy Under Sociopolitical Changes in the Post-revolutionary Iran, 1979–2013
by Kamran Rabiei - 44-57 The Significant Role of Oman in China’s Maritime Silk Road Initiative
by Mordechai Chaziza - 58-74 Baha’is in Post-revolution Iran: Perspectives of the Ulema
by Ankita Sanyal - 75-87 The Kuwait Crisis of 1990–1991: The Turning Point in India’s Middle East Policy
by Md Muddassir Quamar & P. R. Kumaraswamy - 88-98 India in the Libyan Conundrum
by Anil Trigunayat - 99-100 Election Schedule 2018
by Minakshi Sardar - 101-103 Sanjay Singh (2018). West Asia in Transition Volume II
by Priyanka Chandra - 103-105 Greg Ryan (2017). US Foreign Policy Towards China, Cuba and Iran: The Politics of Recognition
by Behzad Abdollahpour
December 2018, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 289-290 Professor M. S. Agwani 1928–2018
by Gulshan Dietl - 291-293 Dateline MEI
by P. R. Kumaraswamy - 294-307 Casting off the Shackles: Re-narrativizing Discrepant Terrains of Memories with Lived Experiences in A. B. Yehoshua’s Facing the Forests
by Anam - 308-326 Iran’s Aid Diplomacy in Afghanistan: The Role of Imam Khomeini Relief Committee
by Abdol Moghset Bani Kamal & Wahabuddin Ra’ees - 327-348 Islam and the Question of Confessional Religious Identity: The Islamic State, Apostasy, and the Making of a Theology of Violence
by Sanjeev Kumar H. M. - 349-364 Transforming Dubai: Oasis to Tourist’s Paradise
by Bikramaditya K. Choudhary & Nian Paul - 365-386 Mixed Messages: Iran versus Saudi Arabia and GCC
by Debbie Abuelghanam & Naser Tahboub - 387-415 A New Regional Approach toward the Israeli–Palestinian Peace Process
by Sherif A. Eissa - 416-418 Antonio Perra (2017). Kennedy and the Middle East: The Cold War, Israel and Saudi Arabia
by Md. Muddassir Quamar
September 2018, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 179-180 Dateline MEI
by N/A - 181-198 Japan and the Middle East: An Overview
by Srabani Roy Choudhury - 199-214 Implications of China’s Belt and Road Initiative for Japan’s Involvement in the Middle East
by Yoram Evron - 215-231 Japan–Iran Relations since the 2015 Iran Nuclear Deal
by Mari Nukii - 232-240 From Alienation to Partnership: Israel–Japan Relation
by Meron Medzini - 241-257 The Diversity of Japan’s Overseas Development Assistance to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan: A Case Study of the Role of Security
by Takuro Kikkawa - 258-274 Geopolitics of Conflicts and Refugees in the Middle East and North Africa
by AKM Ahsan Ullah - 275-284 Japan and the Middle East: A Select Bibliography
by Swati Arora - 285-287 Book Review: Asif Shuja (2018). India–Iran Relations: Under the Shadow of the Iranian Nuclear Issue Challenges for India’s Diplomacy
by Rachit Kumar Murarka
June 2018, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 95-101 Dateline MEI
by N/A - 102-115 From Khrushchev and Brezhnev to Putin: Has Moscow’s Policy in the Middle East Come Full Circle?
by Robert O. Freedman - 116-136 United Nations and the Arab Spring: Role in Libya, Syria, and Yemen
by C.S.R. Murthy - 137-155 Survival of OPEC and Saudi–Iran Relations—A Historical Overview
by Hamid Elyassi - 156-169 The Kaka‘i: A Religious Minority in Iraq
by Seyedehbehnaz Hosseini - 170-174 Zionism and the Arabs
by Benny Morris - 175-178 Book Review: Trita Parsi (2017). Losing an Enemy: Obama, Iran and the Triumph of Diplomacy
by Hazal Muslu El Berni
March 2018, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-4 Dateline
by N/A - 5-29 Lebanon Confronts Partition Fears: Has Consociationalism Benefitted Minorities?
by Francisco Salvador Barroso Cortés & Joseph A. Kéchichian - 30-45 Israel–China Relations Enter a New Stage: Limited Strategic Hedging
by Mordechai Chaziza - 46-64 Malaysia’s Relations with Saudi Arabia and Iran: Juggling the Interests
by Mohd Fauzi Abu–Hussin & Asmady Idris & Mohd Afandi Salleh - 65-67 Article Commentary: Squaring the Circle
by Shri. M. Hamid Ansari - 68-73 Oral History: India and Israel
by Ranjit Gupta - 74-86 Parliamentary Elections in Algeria, 2017
by Minakshi Sardar - 87-89 Book Review: Ibrahim Fraihat (2016). Unfinished Revolutions: Yemen, Libya, and Tunisia after the Arab Spring
by Ashiya Parveen - 89-92 Book Review: Neşecan Balkan, Erol Balkan, and Ahmet Öncü (Eds) (2015). The Neoliberal Landscape and the Rise of Islamist Capital in Turkey
by Chetna Kuanr - 92-94 Book Review: Imad Salamey (2017). The Decline of Nation-states after the Arab Spring: The Rise of Communitocracy
by Lakshmi Priya
December 2018, Volume 4, Issue 5
- 418-421 Tahia Abdel Nasser (2017). Literary Autobiography and Arab National Struggles
by Hiyem Cheurfa
December 2017, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 333-334 Dateline MEI
by N/A - 335-355 Clash of National Narratives and the Marginalization of Kurdish-Iranian History
by Marouf Cabi - 356-384 Cultural Concordance and Health Accessibility Differentials in Israel: Field Survey in Tel Aviv
by Divya Malhotra - 385-390 Municipal Council Elections in Oman, 2016
by Jatin Kumar - 391-392 Middle East Elections Schedule, August 2017
by Minakshi Sardar - 393-418 Charters of Hamas
by N/A - 419-421 Book Review: Gulshan Dietl (2017). India and the Global Game of Gas Pipelines
by Prasanta Kumar Pradhan
September 2017, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 233-234 Dateline MEI
by N/A - 235-253 Fragile State in Iraq and Women Security
by Elaheh Koolaee & Ziba Akbari - 254-277 Challenges to Democratization Process in Algeria
by Arshad - 278-296 An Analysis of Personal Financial Literacy among Expatriates in the United Arab Emirates
by Amjad Khan Suri & Sonal Purohit - 297-318 Parliamentary Election in Jordan, 2016
by Manjari Singh - 319-327 The Turkish Referendum, 2017
by Md Muddassir Quamar - 328-331 Book Review: Agata Schindler (2016). A Tiny Teardrop: The Devastating Impact of Nazism on the Lives of Musicians in Central Europe (1933–1945)
by Shalva Weil
June 2017, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 125-126 Dateline MEI
by N/A - 127-148 Educational Obstacles Faced by Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon
by Mariam Salim Hammoud - 149-167 Turkey’s “Zero Problems with the Neighbors†Policy: Was It Realistic?
by Ali Askerov - 168-192 Israel–South Korea Relations: The Military Dimension
by Alvite Singh Ningthoujam - 193-210 National Assembly Elections in Kuwait, 2016
by Hirak Jyoti Das - 211-223 UNESCO Resolutions Concerning Jewish Historic Linkage to Jerusalem
by N/A - 224-226 Book Review: Uri Bar-Joseph (2016). The Angel: The Egyptian Spy Who Saved Israel
by Prem Anand Mishra - 226-229 Book Review: Sujata Ashwarya (2016). India–Iran Relations: Progress, Problems and Prospects
by Surajit Mahalunobis - 229-230 Book Review: Milani Commett, Ishac Diwan, Alan Richards, and John Waterbury (2015). A Political Economy of the Middle East
by Mohammad Hassani - 230-232 Book Review: Mujib Alam (ed.) (2016). Perspectives on Turkey’s Multi-regional Role in the 21st Century
by Prem Anand Mishra
March 2017, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-2 Dateline
by N/A - 3-17 Reframing India’s Palestine Policy
by P.R. Kumaraswamy - 18-49 Islamic State: Understanding the Nature of the Beast and Its Funding
by Michaela Martin & Hussein Solomon - 50-66 Failure of Peace Talks between Turkey and the PKK: Victim of Traditional Turkish Policy or of Geopolitical Shifts in the Middle East?
by Cemal Ozkahraman - 67-83 Economic, Political, and Strategic Issues in Iran–Turkey Relations, 2002–2015
by Mansoureh Ebrahimi & Kamaruzaman Yusoff & Mir Mohamadali Seyed Jalili - 84-118 Post-2003 Iran–Iraq Cooperation in the Oil and Gas Sector: Initiatives, Challenges, and Future Scenarios
by Sujata Ashwarya - 119-121 Book Review: Joseph A. Kéchichian (2016). From Alliance to Union: Challenges Facing Gulf Cooperation Council States
by Md. Muddassir Quamar - 121-124 Book Review: Hamed Abdel-Samad (2016). Islamic Fascism
by Premanand Mishra
December 2016, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 361-362 Dateline
by N/A - 363-386 From the Arab Spring to the Damascus Winter: The United States, Russia, and the New Cold War
by Antonio Perra - 387-404 Saudi Arabia and the Iranian Nuclear Deal
by A. K. Pasha - 405-421 Iran Oil Production, Investment Policy, International Sanctions and P5 + 1 Deal with Iran, 2006–2015
by Mohammad Hassani - 422-432 Arab Factor as a Part of the Iranian–Israeli Conflict: An Israeli Perspective
by Ehud Eilam - 433-444 Municipal Elections in Saudi Arabia, 2015
by Md. Muddassir Quamar - 445-454 Parliamentary Elections in Egypt, 2015
by Paulami Sanyal - 455-462 Majlis al-Shura Elections in Oman, 2015
by Jatin Kumar - 463-464 Middle East Elections Schedule, September 2016
by Dipanwita Chakravortty - 465-467 Book Review: Stéphanie Latte Abdallah and Cédric Parizot (Eds) (2015). Israelis and Palestinians in the Shadows of the Wall: Spaces of Separation and Occupation
by Mushtaq Hussain - 467-469 Book Review: Saba Bebawi (2016). Media Power and Global Television News: The Role of Al-Jazeera
by Priyanka Mittal
September 2016, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 227-230 Dateline MEI
by N/A - 231-236 Holocaust Education and Displaced Persons (DP) Camps
by Irene Eber - 237-249 Teaching about the Holocaust in Israel: A Pedagogical Approach Adopted by the Israeli Ministry of Education
by Eyal Kaminka - 250-265 Holocaust Education in Turkey: Past, Present, and Future
by Pınar Dost-Niyego & İlker Aytürk - 266-278 Holocaust Education in a Country without Holocaust Experience: Facing Burdensome Past with Rescuer Stories in South Korea
by Ho-Keun Choi - 279-315 Conceptual and Methodological Clues for Approaching the Connections between Mexico and the Holocaust: Separate or Interconnected Histories?
by Judit Bokser Liwerant & Daniela Gleizer & Yael Siman - 316-328 Comparative Analysis of the Genocidal Process: Holocaust and the Genocide against the Tutsi
by Donatien Nikuze - 329-345 Teaching about the Holocaust and Genocide in Rwanda
by Jean-Damascène Gasanabo & Freddy Mutanguha & Aimable Mpayimana - 346-359 Annexure
by Md. Muddassir Quamar
June 2016, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 123-123 Dateline MEI
by N/A - 124-146 State-sponsored Persecution of Baha’is in the Islamic Republic of Iran
by Siyamak Zabihi-Moghaddam - 147-161 China–Pakistan Relationship: A Game-changer for the Middle East?
by Mordechai Chaziza - 162-178 The Evolution of Lebanese and Syrian State-to-State Relations
by Eduardo Wassim Aboultaif - 179-200 The Calcutta Jewish Community and the Jewish Diaspora during the Inter-war Years
by Kaustav Chakrabarti - 201-218 Gendering ISIS and Mapping the Role of Women
by Debangana Chatterjee - 219-222 Book Review: Emma Lundgren Jörum (2014). Beyond Syria’s Borders: A History of Territorial Disputes in the Middle East
by Abdul Rahman Ansari - 223-225 Book Review: Suzanne Maloney (2015). Iran Political Economy since the Revolution
by Dr. Mohammad Hassani
March 2016, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-2 Dateline MEI
by N/A - 3-22 Iranian Nuclear Agreement: Understanding the Nonproliferation Paradigm
by Arun Vishwanathan - 23-35 Iran Returns to Global Energy Market: Issues and Prospects
by Girijesh Pant - 36-46 US–Iran Nuclear Deal: Cohorts and Challenger
by Chintamani Mahapatra - 47-62 Deep Disquiet: Israel and the Iran Nuclear Deal
by S. Samuel C. Rajiv - 63-76 China and the Iranian Nuclear Issue—Converting Challenges into Opportunities
by Srikanth Kondapalli - 77-94 The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action: Impacts on Pakistan–Iran Relations
by Savita Pande - 95-110 The JCPOA and Changing Dimensions of the Russia–Iran Relations
by Nansi Paulraj - 111-122 Iranian Nuclear Program: A Chronology
by Alvite Singh Ningthoujam
December 2015, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 311-312 Dateline MEI
by N/A - 313-327 Assad’s Strategic Narrative: The Role of Communication in the Syrian Civil War
by Cesare Marco Scartozzi - 328-338 Political Rhetoric, Fictional Narrative, and Construction of Arab Muslims in the United States: A Critique of Updike’s Terrorist
by Mubarak Altwaiji - 339-365 Turkey: Presidential Elections, 2014
by Indrani Talukdar - 366-367 Middle East Elections Schedule, December 2015
by Dipanwita Chakravortty - 368-378 Book Review: Arundhati Ghose (Ed.) (2015). West Asia in Transition
by Manjari Singh - 379-381 Book Review: Christopher K. Lamont, Jan Van Der Harst, & Frank Gaenssmantel (Eds) (2015). Non-Western Encounters with Democratization: Imagining Democracy after the Arab Spring
by Mushtaq Hussain - 381-383 Book Review: Mark C. Thompson (2014). Saudi Arabia and the Path to Political Change: National Dialogue and Civil Society
by Md. Muddassir Quamar
September 2015, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 173-175 Dateline MEI
by N/A - 176-191 Choosing the Right Strategy: Why the Palestinians Were More Successful in the First Intifada than in the Second?
by Hillel Frisch - 192-219 “Sharing is Caring†: Online Self-disclosure, Offline Social Support, and Social Network Site Usage in the UAE
by Azza Abdel-Azim Mohamed Ahmed - 220-237 Dismantling Kurdish Texts: An Orientalist Approach
by Jalil Karimi & Ahmad Mohammadpur & Karim Mahmoodi - 238-268 The Needs and Priorities of Women in the UAE: Identifying Struggles and Enhancing Satisfaction of Employment, Education, Health Care, and Rights
by Badreya Al-Jenaibi - 269-288 Tunisia: Presidential and Parliamentary Elections, 2014
by Md. Muddassir Quamar - 289-307 Egypt: Presidential Elections, 2014
by Paulami Sanyal - 308-310 Book Review: Alexander Koensler (2015). Israeli-Palestinian Activism: Shifting Paradigms
by Dipanwita Chakravortty
March 2015, Volume 2, Issue 1-2
- 1-1 Dateline MEI
by N/A - 2-13 Introduction
by Sreeradha Datta - 14-30 The Islamic Principles of Social Justice: Maulana Abul Kalam Azad and Nonviolent Civil Disobedience
by Hayat Alvi - 31-54 From Revolution to Political Participation: Institutionalization of Militant Islamic Movements
by Avraham Sela - 55-70 Legitimizing Transformation without Calling it Change: TajdÄ«d, Iá¹£lÄ á¸¥, and Saudi Arabia’s Place in the Contemporary World
by Sean Foley - 71-87 Islamic Modernism and Saudi Arabia: Confluence or Conflict?
by Md. Muddassir Quamar - 88-103 Political Islam: An African Perspective
by Hussein Solomon - 104-118 Muslim in Australia: Celebrating National Days
by Samina Yasmeen - 119-134 Arab Awakening and Its Impact on Bangladesh
by Imtiaz Ahmed - 135-142 Ennahda Movement in Power: A Long Path to Democracy
by Farida Ayari - 143-163 The Syrian Opposition: Salafi and Nationalist Jihadism and Populist Idealism
by Sherifa Zuhur - 164-166 Book Review: Samuel Jacob Kuruvilla (2015). U.S. Diplomacy in Israel–Palestine Conflict
by Dipanwita Chakravortty - 166-169 Book Review: Gerald Russell (2013). Heirs to Forgotten Kingdoms: Journeys into the Disappearing Religions of the Middle East
by Nagothu Naresh Kumar - 169-171 Book Review: Kayhan Delibas (2015). The Rise of Political Islam in Turkey: Urban Poverty, Grassroots Activism and Islamic Fundamentalism
by Ramazan ErdaÄŸ
December 2014, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 351-353 Dateline MEI
by P. R. Kumaraswamy - 355-370 Israel’s Perceptions of the PLO: From Recognition to the ‘No Partner’ Paradigm
by Yoram Meital - 371-389 How the Armenian Genocide Forced a Loyal Ottoman Officer to Espouse the Arab Revolt
by Joseph A. Kéchichian - 391-410 State-led Change in Qatar in the Wake of Arab Spring: Monarchical Country, Democratic Stance?
by Mustafa Yetim - 411-439 The Nexus between Economic Freedom and Islamic Bank Performance: Empirical Evidence from the MENA Banking Sectors
by Fadzlan Sufian - 441-450 A Century of Turmoil in Western Asia: Some Pitfalls of Nationalism
by M. Hamid Ansari - 451-452 Middle East Elections Schedule
by Dipanwita Chakravortty - 453-457 Book Review: Emile Hokayem (2013). Syria’s Uprising and the Fracturing of the Levant
by Md. Muddassir Quamar - 457-461 Book Review: Rumel Dahiya (ed.) (2014). Developments in the Gulf Region: Prospects and Challenges for India in the Next Two Decades
by Manjari Singh - 461-467 Book Review: Sujata Ashwarya Cheema (2014). Essays on Iran and Israel: An Indian Perspective
by Alvite Singh Ningthoujam
September 2014, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 241-242 Dateline MEI
by P.R. Kumaraswamy - 243-252 US Policy in the Middle East: Breakthrough or Breakdown?
by Robert O. Freedman - 253-268 Can Hassan Rouhani Succeed where Muhammad Khatami Failed? Internal and International Politics of Reform in Iran
by Shireen T. Hunter - 269-333 The PLO at Fifty: A Historical Perspective
by Avraham Sela - 335-345 Review Article: Ibrahim M. Abu-Rabi (Ed.) (2010). The Contemporary Arab Reader on Political Islam and Robin Wright (Ed.) (2012). The Islamists Are Coming: Who They Really Are
by Priyanka Chandra - 347-349 Book Review: Talmiz Ahmad (2013). The Islamist Challenge in West Asia: Doctrinal and Political Competitions after the Arab Spring
by Md. Muddassir Quamar
June 2014, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 125-126 Dateline MEI
by P.R. Kumaraswamy - 127-140 The Ties that Do Not Bind
by Jean-Loup Samaan - 141-163 Managing the Arab Spring
by Md. Muddassir Quamar - 165-188 Martyrdom and Legacy of Blood
by Negar Partow - 189-206 Hezbollah and the Arab Spring
by Joseph Alagha - 207-230 Examining AKP’s Impact on Turkey’s Domestic and Foreign Policy
by Leslie Keerthi Kumar S.M. - 231-234 Book Review: Efraim Inbar (Ed.) (2013). The Arab Spring, Democracy and Security: Domestic and International Ramifications
by Nagothu Naresh Kumar - 234-237 Book Review: Sudhir T. Devare, Swaran Singh, and Reena Marwah (Eds) (2013). India and GCC Countries Iran and Iraq, Emerging Security Perspectives
by Melissa S. Cyrill - 237-239 Book Review: Alan Dowty (2012). Israel/Palestine
by Shubhda Chaudhary
March 2014, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-2 Dateline MEI
by P. R. Kumaraswamy - 3-24 Prelude to the Arab–Israel Conflict
by Alan Dowty - 25-51 The Human Rights and Development Impetuses for Tunisia’s Jasmine Revolution
by Hayat Alvi - 53-74 When Collision Emerges as Unexpected Harmony
by Sean Foley - 75-94 Hybridity and Israel’s Democratic Order
by Ayelet Harel-Shalev & Ilan Peleg - 95-110 Sites of Power and Resistance or Melting Pots? A Gendered Understanding of Islam through Sufi Shrines in Turkey
by Sebnem Koser Akçapar & Smita Tewari Jassal - 111-117 Book Review: Christopher M. Davidson (2012). After the Sheikhs: The Coming Collapse of the Gulf Monarchies
by Joseph Kéchichian - 117-119 Book Review: Joseph A. Kéchichian (2013). Legal and Political Reforms in ‘Sa’udi’ Arabia
by Md. Muddassir Quamar - 120-123 Book Review: Lin Noueihed & Alex Warren (2012). The Battle for the Arab Spring: Revolution, Counter-revolution and the Making of a New Era
by Melissa M. Cyrill