September 1941, Volume 217, Issue 1
- 46-57 The Biologist Looks at Crime
by M.F. Ashley Montagu - 58-66 The Psychologist Looks at Crime
by Lloyd N. Yepsen - 67-75 The Psychiatrist Looks at Delinquency and Crime
by William Healy - 76-83 The Sociologist Looks at Crime
by Walter C. Reckless - 84-92 The European Immigrant and His Children
by E.H. Stofflet - 93-104 The Negro and Crime
by Guy B. Johnson - 105-111 Crime in a Competitive Society
by Morris Ploscowe - 112-118 Crime and Business
by Edwin H. Sutherland - 119-127 Organized Crime
by Alfred R. Lindesmith - 128-137 Crime in Wartime England
by Hermann Mannheim - 138-144 Criminals' Views on Crime Causation
by Albert Morris - 145-154 Official Agencies and Crime Prevention
by Elio D. Monachesi - 155-163 Organized Efforts in Crime Prevention
by Nathaniel Cantor - 164-164 MANNHEIM, HERMANN. War and Crime. Pp. x, 208. London: C. A. Watts & Co., Ltd., 1941. 10/6
by Thorsten Sellin - 164-165 BONGER, W. A. Ras en Misdaad. Pp. viii, 110. Haarlem: H. D. Tjeenk Willink en Zoon, 1939. Fl. 1.75
by Thorsten Sellin - 165-166 EXNER, FRANZ. Kriminalbiologie in ihren Grundzügen. Pp. 366. Hamburg : Han seatische Verlagsanstalt, 1939
by Thorsten Sellin - 166-167 WOOD, ARTHUR EVANS, and JOHN BARKER WAITE. Crime and Its Treatment. Pp. ix, 742. New York: American Book Co., 1941. $3.50
by George K. Brown - 167-167 CARR, LOWELL JUILLIARD. Delinquency Control. Pp. xiv, 447. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1941. $3.50
by George K. Brown - 167-168 HEALY, WILLIAM, and BENEDICT S. ALPER. Criminal Youth and the Borstal System. Pp. vii, 251. New York: The Common wealth Fund, 1941. $1.50
by Norman S. Hayner - 168-169 RADZINOWICZ, L., and J. W. CECIL TURNER (Eds.). Penal Reform in England. Pp. 177. London: P. S. King & Son, Ltd., 1940. 10/6
by Thorsten Sellin - 169-170 SMITH, BRUCE. Police Systems in the United States. Pp. xx, 384. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1940. $4.00
by J.P. Shalloo - 170-171 KNELLER, GEORGE FREDERICK. The Edu cational Philosophy of National So cialism. Pp. viii, 299. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1941. $3.50
by Hans Kohn - 171-172 NEILSON, WILLIAM ALLAN (Ed.). We Escaped. Pp. x, 258. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1941. $2.00
by James H. Barnett - 172-172 CARR, ALBERT. America's Last Chance. Pp. 328. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Co., 1940. $2.75
by J.H. Landman - 172-173 KEMLER, EDGAR. The Deflation of Ameri can Ideals. Pp. 184. Washington: American Council on Public Affairs, 1941. Clothbound, $2.50; paperbound, $2.00
by H.M. Kallen - 173-174 ZIPF, GEORGE KINGSLEY. National Unity and Disunity. Pp. xx, 408. Blooming ton : Principia Press, 1941. $3.50
by Frank H. Hankins - 174-174 LASSWELL, HAROLD D. Democracy Through Public Opinion. Pp. 176. Menasha, Wis.: George Banta Publishing Co., 1941. $1.50
by Francis G. Wilson - 175-175 ICKES, HAROLD L. (Ed.). Freedom of the Press Today. Pp. 308. New York: Van guard Press, 1941. $2.50
by Malcolm M. Willey - 175-176 BEARD, CHARLES A., and GEORGE H. E. SMITH. The Old Deal and the New. Pp. 294. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1940. $2.00
by Broadus Mitchell - 176-177 EDDY, SHERWOOD. The Kingdom of God and the American Dream. Pp. xii, 319. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1941. $2.90
by Conrad Bergendoff - 177-177 BROWDER, EARL. The Way Out. Pp. 255. New York: International Publishers, 1941. $1.75
by William N. Loucks - 178-178 AGAR, HERBERT, et al. The City of Man. Pp. 113. New York: The Viking Press, 1940. $1.00
by Roy V. Peel - 178-179 MARCUSE, HERBERT. Reason and Revolu tion : Hegel and the Rise of Social Theory. Pp. xii, 431. New York: Ox ford University Press, 1941. $3.75
by Hans Kohn - 179-179 MORGAN, GEORGE ALLEN, JR. What Nietzsche Means. Pp. xviii, 408. Cam bridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1941. $4.00
by Hans Kohn - 180-180 SAIT, EDWARD MCCHESNEY (Ed.). Mas ters of Political Thought, Vol. I: Plato to Machiavelli, by Michael B. Foster. Pp. xii, 302. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1941. $2.25
by Roy V. Peel - 180-181 NATHANSON, JEROME. Forerunners of Freedom. Pp. 177. Washington: Ameri can Council on Public Affairs, 1941. Paperbound, $2.00; clothbound, $2.50
by Herman Hausheer - 181-182 CHURCHILL, WINSTON S. Blood, Sweat, and Tears. Pp. x, 462. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1941. $3.00
by S. Morley Scott - 182-183 Cambridge History of the British Empire, The, Vol. II: The Growth of the New Empire, 1783-1870. Pp. xii, 1068. Cam bridge : At the University Press; New York: The Macmillan Co., 1941. $10.50
by S. Morley Scott - 183-183 BURT, A. L. The United States, Great Britain, and British North America. Pp. xvi, 448. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1940. $3.25
by Viola F. Barnes - 184-184 TAMAGNA, FRANK M. Italy's Interests and Policies in the Far East. Pp. xiii, 91. New York: Institute of Pacific Relations, 1941. $1.00
by Lennox A. Mills - 184-185 PULESTON, W. D. The Armed Forces of the Pacific. Pp. xv, 273. New Haven : Yale University Press, 1941. $2.75
by Stewart F. Bryant - 185-186 Buss, CLAUDE A. War and Diplomacy in Eastern Asia. Pp. xi, 570. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1941. $5.00
by G. Leighton Lafuze - 186-186 BENHAM, FREDERIC. Great Britain Under Protection. Pp. xvi, 2 71. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1941. $2.50
by Arthur R. Upgren - 186-187 KITAMURA, HIROSI. Zur Theorie des inter nationalen Handels. Pp. 269. Wein felden, Schweiz: Neuenschwander'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1941. Fr. 17.50
by John Donaldson - 187-188 HAIGHT, FRANK ARNOLD. A History of French Commercial Policies. Pp. xviii, 285. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1941. $2.50
by Grayson Kirk - 188-188 FEIS, HERBERT. The Changing Pattern of International Economic Affairs. Pp. x, 132. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1940. $2.00
by John Donaldson - 188-189 REDLICH, FRITZ. History of American Business Leaders, Vol. I: Theory—Iron and Steel, Iron Ore Mining. Pp. viii, 185. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Edwards Broth ers, Inc., 1940
by Ralph C. Epstein - 189-190 MILLER, JOHN PERRY. Unfair Competi tion. Pp. xvi, 438. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1941. $4.00
by E.P. Learned - 190-191 SMITH, FRANK P. Management Trading. Pp. xii, 146. New Haven: Yale Uni versity Press, 1941. $2.50
by G. Wright Hoffman - 191-191 BEARD, WILLIAM. Regulation of Pipe Lines as Common Carriers. Pp. vii, 184. New York: Columbia University Press, 1941. $2.00
by Reford Bond - 191-192 WICKENS, DAVID L. Residential Real Es tate: Its Economic Position as Shown by Values, Rents, Family Incomes, Financ ing, and Construction. Pp. xxii, 305. New York: National Bureau of Eco nomic Research, 1941. $3.50
by David T. Rowlands - 192-193 NUGENT, ROLF. Consumer Credit and Eco nomic Stability. Pp. 420. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1939. $3.00
by Charles O. Hardy - 193-194 JAMES, F. CYRIL. The Economics of Money, Credit and Banking. 3rd Ed. Pp. xxi, 745. New York: Ronald Press, 1940. $4.00
by Arthur R. Upgren - 194-195 LESTER, RICHARD A. Economics of Labor. Pp. xv, 913. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1941. $3.75
by Colston E. Warne - 195-196 VIAU, JOSEPH M. Hours and Wages in American Organized Labor. Pp. 301. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1939. $2.50
by J. Raymond Walsh - 196-197 BAKKE, E. WIGHT. The Unemployed Worker. Pp. xx, 465. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1940. $4.00. —. Citizens Without Work. Pp. xiv, 311. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1940. $3.00
by Colston E. Warne - 197-197 ATKINSON, RAYMOND C. The Federal Role in Unemployment Compensation Ad ministration. Pp. x, 192. Washington: Committee on Social Security, Social Sci ence Research Council, 1941. $2.00
by Charles Aikin - 197-198 MACMAHON, ARTHUR W., JOHN D. MIL LETT, and GLADYS OGDEN. The Ad ministration of Federal Work Relief. Pp. xii, 407. Chicago: Public Administration Service, 1941. $3.75
by Harvey Pinney - 198-199 TWENTIETH CENTURY FUND, THE. Labor and National Defense. Pp. xiii, 130. New York, 1941. $1.00
by Norman J. Ware - 199-199 YOUNG, PAULINE V. Social Case Work in National Defense. Pp. xxx, 292. New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1941. $2.50
by Geoffrey May - 199-200 COIT, ELEANOR G. Government Support of Workers' Education. Pp. 72. New York: American Labor Education Serv ice, Inc., 1940
by Spencer Miller JR - 200-202 MILLETT, JOHN D. The British Unemploy ment Assistance Board. Pp. 300. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1940. $3.00
by E. Wight Bakke - 202-202 RYAN, JOHN A. Social Doctrine in Action. Pp. ix, 297. New York: Harper & Broth ers, 1941. $3.00
by Frank J. Bruno - 202-205 HARRIS, ROBERT J. The Judicial Power of the United States. Pp. ix, 238. Univer sity : Louisiana State University Press, 1940. $2.50
by Edward S. Corwin - 205-206 HOWE, MARK DEWOLFE (Ed.). Holmes- Pollock Letters: The Correspondence of Mr. Justice Holmes and Sir Frederick Pollock, 1874-1932. Vol. I, pp. xxii, 275; Vol. II, pp. 359. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1941. $7.50
by Walter Wheeler Cook - 206-207 NIEMEYER, GERHART. Law Without Force. Pp. xiv, 408. Princeton: Princeton Uni versity Press, 1941. $3.75
by C.G. Fenwick - 207-208 CARR, SIR CECIL THOMAS. Concerning English Administrative Law. Pp. xi, 189. New York: Columbia University Press, 1941. $2.00
by Charles S. Ascher - 208-210 TIMASHEFF, N. S. An Introduction to the Sociology of Law. Pp. xiv, 418. Cam bridge: Harvard University Committee on Research in the Social Sciences, 1939. $4.00
by William Seagle - 210-210 AUMANN, FRANCIS R. The Changing American Legal System: Some Selected Phases. Pp. x, 281. Columbus: Ohio State University, 1940. $2.25
by Clarence N. Callender - 210-211 LITTEN, IRMGARD. Beyond Tears. Pp. xviii, 325. New York: Alliance Book Corp., 1940. $2.75
by Robert M.W. Kempner - 211-212 ROPER, EDITH, and CLARA LEISER. Skele ton of Justice. Pp. 346. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., 1941. $3.00
by Morris Ploscowe - 212-213 McCLURE, WALLACE. International Execu tive Agreements. Pp. xxii, 449. New York: Columbia University Press, 1941. $4.75
by Clyde Eagleton - 213-214 MILLER, JAMES COLLINS. National Gov ernment and Education in Federated De mocracies, Dominion of Canada. Pp. xvi, 676. Lancaster, Penn.: Science Press Printing Co., 1940. $4.50
by Fletcher Harper Swift - 214-214 LAFITTE, F. The Internment of Aliens. Pp. 256. New York: Penguin Books, 1940
by Martin B. Travis JR - 214-215 HANSEN, ALVIN H. Fiscal Policy and Busi ness Cycles. Pp. 462. New York: W. W. Norton & Co., 1941. $3.75
by Simon S. Kuznets - 216-216 WILLCOX, W. R. B. The Curse of Modern Taxation. Pp. 140. New York: For tuny's, 1940. $2.00
by H.R. Enslow - 216-217 WALKER, ROBERT AVERILL. The Planning Function in Urban Government. Pp. xxi, 376. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1941. $3.00
by Roy V. Peel - 217-218 GRAHAM, GEORGE A. Education for Public Administration. Pp. x, 366. Chicago: Public Administration Service, 1941. $3.50
by Harvey Pinney - 218-219 MOSHER, WILLIAM E., and J. DONALD KINGSLEY. Public Personnel Administra tion. Rev. Ed. Pp. x, 671. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1941. $5.00
by Emery E. Olson - 219-219 CURRAN, HENRY H. Pillar to Post. Pp. viii, 387. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1941. $3.00
by Harold F. Gosnell - 219-220 ARENSBERG, CONRAD M., and SOLON T. KIMBALL. Family and Community in Ireland. Pp. xxx, 322. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1940. $3.50
by George Peter Murdock - 220-221 WARNER, W. LLOYD, BUFORD H. JUNKER, and WALTER A. ADAMS. Color and Hu man Nature. Pp. xv, 301. Washington, D. C.: American Youth Commission of the American Council on Education, 1941. $2.25
by John G. Van Deusen - 221-222 WARNER, ROBERT AUSTIN. New Haven Negroes. Pp. xiv, 309. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1940. $3.50
by Hortense Powdermaker - 222-222 FONER, PHILIP S. Business and Slavery. Pp. ix, 356. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1941. $4.00
by Donald L. Kemmer - 222-223 TAYLOR, ALRUTHEUS AMBUSH. The Negro in Tennessee, 1865-1880. Pp. ix, 306. Washington: The Associated Publishers, Inc., 1941. $3.00
by George Snowden - 223-224 PALMER, GEORGE THOMAS. A Conscien tious Turncoat: The Story of John M. Palmer, 1817-1900. Pp. xi, 297. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1941. $3.00
by George Frederick Howe - 224-225 SPERANZA, FLORENCE COLGATE (Ed.). The Diary of Gino Speranza, Italy, 1915- 1919. Vol. I, pp. xxvii, 406; Vol. II, pp. 336. New York: Columbia Uni versity Press, 1941. $6.00
by Constantine Panunzio - 225-225 CARROLL, ROBERT S. What Price Alcohol? Pp. xv, 362. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1941. $3.00
by Edward A. Strecker - 225-226 WIRTH, LOUIS (Ed.). Eleven Twenty-Six: A Decade of Social Science Research. Pp. xvi, 498. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1940. $3.50
by Kimball Young - 226-227 WEBSTER, HUTTON. History of Civiliza tion. Pp. xix, 1051. Boston: D. C. Heath & Co., 1940. $4.50
by Howard Becker - 227-227 Interamerican Statistical Yearbook, 1940. (Edited by Raul C. Migone, et al.) Pp. 612. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1941. $6.00
by Roland L. Kramer
July 1941, Volume 216, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by Thorsten Sellin - 1-8 The Revolution Is On
by M.W. Fodor - 9-15 Can Democracy Survive Total War?
by Freda Utley - 16-23 We Must Face the Issues
by Toni Sender - 24-30 Economic Implications of Defense
by Mordecai Ezekiel - 31-37 What Price Demobilization?
by Leland Rex Robinson - 38-44 History Views the Economic Outlook
by Emily Hickman - 45-51 The Crisis in Our Foreign Trade
by Eugene P. Thomas - 52-57 Why Fight for Democracy?
by Huston Thompson - 58-64 How to Fight for Democracy
by Norman Thomas - 65-72 The Totalitarian War and the Fate of Democracy
by Carlo Sforza - 73-78 Race Problems in America
by Ruth Benedict - 79-87 Development of Military Morale in a Democracy
by R.A. Brotemarkle - 88-94 Liabilities and Assets in Civilian Morale
by Gordon W. Allport - 95-98 The Paradoxical Aspects of the Present-Day Crisis
by Gregory Zilboorg - 99-108 The Bases of American Foreign Policy
by Herbert Wright - 109-116 Power Politics and Democracy
by Esther Caukin Brunauer - 117-124 American Leadership in a Harsh Age
by Max Lerner - 125-134 Economic Union and Enduring Peace
by Otto Tod Mallery - 135-139 Influence of American Economic Policy
by Peter F. Drucker - 140-149 America Seen From Abroad
by Arthur Sweetser - 150-155 American Relations With Britain
by William Hard - 156-162 The Role of Industrial Psychology in Defending the Future of America
by Morris S. Viteles - 163-177 The New World Order
by M.J. Bonn - 178-179 BATES, ERNEST SUTHERLAND. American Faith. Pp. 479. New York: W. W. Norton & Co., 1940. $3.75
by Peter H. Odegard - 179-180 BECKER, CARL L. Modern Democracy. Pp. ix, 100. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1941. $2.00
by Ray F. Harvey - 180-180 HAAS, WILLIAM H. (Ed.). The American Empire. Pp. xi, 408. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1940. $4.00
by J.Fred Rippy - 180-181 LAVES, WALTER H. C. (Ed.). The Foundation of a More Stable World Order. Pp. xiv, 193. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1941. $2.00
by A.O. Sarkissian - 181-181 ROBBINS, LIONEL. The Economic Causes of War. Pp. 124. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1940. $1.35
by Francis A. Linville - 181-182 PIGOU, A. C. The Political Economy of War. Rev. Ed. Pp. viii, 169. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1941. $1.50
by Horace M. Gray - 182-183 SLICHTER, SUMNER H. Economic Factors Affecting Industrial Relations Policy in National Defense. Pp. 112. New York : Industrial Relations Counselors, 1941. $1.50
by Emerson P. Schmidt - 183-183 FRAENKEL, ERNST. The Dual State. Pp. xvi, 248. New York: Oxford University Press, 1941. $3.00
by R.M.W. Kempner - 183-184 BANSE, EWALD. Germany Prepares for War. Pp. xxii, 357, 11 maps. New York: Harcourt, Brace & Co., 1941. $3.00
by Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson - 184-184 ROTH, ANDREW. Japan Strikes South. Pp. 108. New York: Institute of Pacific Relations, 1941. 50¢
by Harley Farnsworth Macnair - 184-185 LANGDON-DAVIES, JOHN. Invasion in the Snow. Pp. 202. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1941. $2.50
by David P. Barrows - 185-186 HALPERIN, S. WILLIAM. Italy and the Vatican at War. Pp. xvii, 483. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1939. $3.00
by Renzo Sereno - 186-187 WHEELER-NICHOLSON, MAJOR MALCOLM. Battle Shield of the Republic. Pp. xviii, 212. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1941. $1.50
by Stewart F. Bryant - 187-187 BIRDSALL, PAUL. Versailles Twenty Years After. Pp. xiv, 350. New York: Reynal & Hitchcock, 1941. $3.00
by James K. Pollock - 187-188 NEHRU, JAWAHARLAL. Toward Freedom. Pp. xviii, 445. New York: The John Day Co., 1941. $4.00
by Jenny F. Poleman - 188-189 FRIEDRICH, CARL J., and EDWARD S. MASON (Eds.). Public Policy. Vol. II, pp. viii, 458. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University, 1941. $4.00
by William J. Ronan - 189-190 MITCHELL, LUCY SPRAGUE, ELEANOR Bow-MAN, and MARY PHELPS. My Country 'Tis of Thee. Pp. xvi, 335. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1940. $3.50
by J.R. Whitaker - 190-191 ANGELL, ROBERT COOLEY. The Integration of American Society. Pp. ix, 228. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1941. $2.50
by Constantine Panunzio - 191-191 ROSEN, S. MCKEE and LAURA. Technology and Society. Pp. xiv, 474. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1941. $4.00
by Eduard C. Lindeman - 191-192 LOGAN, RAYFORD W. Diplomatic Relations of the United States with Haiti, 1776-1891. Pp. xvi, 516. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1941. $5.00
by Dana G. Munro - 192-193 TANSILL, CHARLES CALLAN. The Foreign Policy of Thomas F. Bayard, 1885-1897. Pp. xl, 800. New York: Fordham University Press, 1940. $5.00
by Cromwell A. Riches - 193-193 GORDON, MARGARET S. Barriers to World Trade. Pp. xii, 530. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1941. $4.00
by Alexander V. Dye - 193-194 BECKETT, GRACE. The Reciprocal Trade Agreements Program. Pp. xv, 142. New York: Columbia University Press, 1941. $2.00
by Henry J. Tasca - 194-194 FEUERLEIN, WILLY, and ELIZABETH HAN-NAN. Dollars in Latin America . Pp. x, 102. New York: Council on Foreign Relations, 1941. $1.50
by W.T. Moran - 194-195 WILGUS, A. CURTIS. The Development of Hispanic America. Pp. xviii, 941. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, Inc., 1941. $4.75
by Richard F. Behrendt - 195-196 PREWETT, VIRGINIA. Reportage on Mexico. Pp. 322. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., 1941. $3.00
by Lillian Estelle Fisher - 196-197 UNIVERSIDAD DE BARCELONA. Problemas técnicos de importancia económica en la nueva organización de España. Pp. 602. Barcelona, 1940
by Richard F. Behrendt - 197-198 ELLIS, HOWARD S. Exchange Control in Central Europe. Pp. xviii, 413. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1941. $4.00
by Oscar Gass - 198-199 ESTEY, JAMES ARTHUR. Business Cycles. Pp. xviii, 544. New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1941. School Ed. $3.75; Trade Ed. $5.00
by Abba P. Lerner - 199-200 WERNETTE, JOHN PHILIP. The Control of Business Cycles. Pp. x, 197. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, Inc., 1940. $1.75
by Abba P. Lerner - 200-201 WALLACE, SCHUYLER C. Federal Departmentalization. Pp. xii, 251. New York: Columbia University Press, 1941. $2.75
by Harvey Pinney - 201-202 SCHMECKEBIER, LAURENCE F. Congressional Apportionment. Pp. x, 233. Washington: The Brookings Institution, 1941. $3.00
by W.Brooke Graves - 202-202 SHATTUCK, LEROY A., JR. Municipal Indebtedness. Pp. 145. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1940. $1.25
by H.R. Enslow - 202-203 Municipal Year Book, 1941, The. (Clarence E. Ridley and Orin F. Nolting, Eds.) Pp. x, 662. Chicago: The International City Managers' Association, 1941. $5.00
by Clinton Rogers Woodruff - 203-203 FORD, ROBERT S., and E. FENTON SHEPARD. The Michigan Retail Sales and Use Taxes. Pp. viii, 154. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1941. 75 cents
by Denzel C. Cline - 203-204 STEIN, EMANUEL. Government and the Investor. Pp. xvi, 223. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, Inc., 1941. $1.00. WARREN, ROBERT B. The Search for Financial Security. Pp. viii, 91. New York: Columbia University Press, 1940. $1.25
by G. Heberton Evans JR - 204-205 SAULNIER, RAYMOND J. Industrial Banking Companies and Their Credit Practices. Pp. xxiv, 192. New York: National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 1940. $2.00. COPPOCK, JOSEPH D. Government Agencies of Consumer Instalment Credit. Pp. xxiv, 215. New York: National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 1940. $2.50
by John H. Cover - 205-206 SPIEGEL, HENRY W. Land Tenure Policies at Home and Abroad. Pp. xii, 171. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1941. $3.00
by A.F. Vass - 206-206 NILES, MARY CUSHING HOWARD. Middle Management: The Job of the Junior Administrator. Pp. xiv, 270. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1941. $3.00
by H.S. Person - 206-207 FREY, ALBERT WESLEY. Manufacturers' Product, Package and Price Policies. Pp. xii, 429. New York: The Ronald Press Co., 1940. $4.50
by Corwin D. Edwards - 207-208 ZELOMEK, A. W., and ROBERT C. SHOOK. American Business in a Changing World. Pp. xiv, 264. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1941. $2.50
by Horace M. Gray - 208-209 NEVINS, ALLAN. John D. Rockefeller. Vol. I, pp. xiv, 683; Vol. II, pp. x, 747. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1940. $7.50
by Clinton Rogers Woodruff - 209-210 VAN DER SLICE, AUSTIN. International Labor, Diplomacy , and Peace, 1914-1919. Pp. xii, 408. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1941. $4.00
by John Lindberg - 210-210 WUNDERLICH, FRIEDA. British Labor and the War. Pp. vi, 67. New York: New School for Social Research, 1941. 49¢
by Bjarne Braatoy - 211-212 SLICHTER, SUMNER H. Union Policies and Industrial Management. Pp. xiv, 597. Washington: The Brookings Institution, 1941. $3.50
by Norman J. Ware - 212-212 WIECK, EDWARD A. The American Miners' Association. Pp. 330. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1940. $2.00
by Frederick L. Ryan - 212-213 PIERSON, JOHN H. G. Full Employment. Pp. ix, 297. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1941. $2.50
by Richard A. Lester - 213-214 BELL, HOWARD M. Matching Youth and Jobs. Pp. xiv, 277. Washington: American Youth Commission, 1940. $2.00
by Jerome H. Bentley - 214-214 STAFFORD, PAUL TUTT. Government and the Needy. Pp. xiv, 328. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1941. $3.00
by Robert W. Kelso - 214-215 KLEIN, ALICE CAMPBELL. Civil Service in Public Welfare . Pp. 444. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1940. $2.25
by William E. Mosher - 215-215 DAVIS, MICHAEL M. America Organizes Medicine. Pp. 335. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1941. $3.00
by Alfred Manes - 215-216 KLINEBERG, OTTO. Social Psychology. Pp. xii, 570. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1940. $3.00
by Leonard S. Cottrell JR - 216-217 BRITT, STEUART HENDERSON. Social Psychology of Modern Life. Pp. xviii, 562. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, Inc., 1941. $3.75
by Paul R. Farnsworth - 217-218 WARE, CAROLINE F. (Ed.). The Cultural Approach to History. Pp. x, 359. New York: Columbia University Press, 1940. $3.50
by Melville J. Herskovits - 218-222 Letter To the Editor
by Merle E. Curti & Harold U. Faulkner & Harry J. Carman
May 1941, Volume 215, Issue 1
- 1-6 Japan's Basic Economic Situation
by E.F. Penrose - 7-16 Militarism in Japan's Foreign Policy
by Kenneth Colegrove - 17-23 Japanese War Economy
by Kurt Bloch - 24-28 Elements of Stability: A Japanese View
by Iwao Ayusawa - 29-35 The Yen Bloc: Program and Results
by Elizabeth B. Schumpeter - 36-43 The Status of the China Incident
by Paul M.A. Linebarger - 44-53 Japan's Southward Advance—Economic and Political
by Jack Shepherd - 54-60 A Pan-Asiatic Union: A Japanese Conception
by Shingoro Takaishi - 61-65 Japan's "Monroe Doctrine" Appraised
by Tyler Dennett - 66-73 Our Concern for the Integrity of China
by Paul H. Clyde - 74-79 International Order under Law—A Precept of American Policy
by William C. Johnstone - 80-85 The Far East as a Source of Vital Raw Materials
by William F. Christians & Otis P. Starkey - 86-92 American-Japanese Trade: Its Structure and Significance
by William W. Lockwood - 93-99 The Philippines: Asset or Liability?
by Paul V. McNutt - 100-106 The Philippines at the Threshold of Independence
by Joseph Ralston Hayden - 107-114 Changing Power Relations in the Pacific
by Harold Sprout - 115-121 Cultural Contacts Across the Pacific
by Bruno Lasker - 122-126 Understanding and Misunderstanding Japan
by Galen M. Fisher - 127-132 The Triple-Axis Pact and American Reactions
by Robert Aura Smith - 133-139 American Economic Action Affecting the Orient
by Robinson Newcomb - 140-146 American-Japanese Tensions in Shanghai
by H. Arthur Steiner - 147-153 Changing Far Eastern Policies of the Soviet Union
by Harriet L. Moore - 154-159 America, the British Commonwealth, and the Pacific
by Fred. Alexander - 160-165 American Attitudes Toward Japan
by John W. Masland - 166-170 Japanese Attitudes Toward America
by Toshi Go - 171-175 Conflict?—Aspects of an American-Japanese War
by Stewart F. Bryant - 176-178 As Japan Views the Crisis
by Sekijiro Takagaki - 179-181 An Undeclared Peace ?
by A. Whitney Griswold