March 1951, Volume 274, Issue 1
- 215-216 LASERSON, MAX M. The American Impact on Russia 1784-1917. Pp. xii, 441. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1950. $5.00
by Thomas A. Bailey - 216-217 CRAVEN, WESLEY FRANK, and JAMES LEA CATE (Eds.). The Army Air Forces in World War II. Vol. IV: The Pacific— Guadalcanal to Saipan (August 1942 to July 1944). Pp. xxi, 625. Chicago: University.of Chicago Press for the Air Historical Groups, USAF, 1950. $6.00
by Arthur P. Watts - 217-218 FEIS, HERBERT. The Road to Pearl Harbor. Pp. xii, 356. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1950
by Frank M. Russell - 218-219 SPEIDEL, HANS. Invasion 1944: Rommel and the Normandy Campaign. Pp. xiii, 176. Chicago: Henry Regnery Company, 1950. $2.75
by A.C. Wedemeyer - 219-219 FRADKIN, ELVIRA K. A World Airlift: The United Nations Air Police Patrol. Pp. viii, 216. New York: Funk & Wagnalls Company, 1950. $2.85
by J. Eugene Harley - 220-220 American Government, History, Law, and Political Theory
by Roger V. Shumate - 220-221 EMMERICH, HERBERT. Essays on Federal Reorganization. Pp. x, 159. University, Alabama: University of Alabama Press, 1950. $2.50
by Louis W. Koenig - 221-222 SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH CENTER OF THE GRADUATE SCHOOL, UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. The Welfare State: Menace or Millennium? Pp. vii, 58. Minneapolis, 1950. No price
by J. Roland Pennock - 222-222 AMERICAN POLITICAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATION. Toward a More Responsible Two-party System. A Report of the Committee on Political Parties (supplement to American Political Science Review, September, 1950). Pp. xi, 99. Washington, 1950, and New York: Rinehart & Company, 1950. $1.00
by Arthur Schlesinger JR - 222-223 OGLE, MARBURY BLADEN, JR. Public Opinion and Political Dynamics. Pp. xvi, 362. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1950. $3.50
by Harwood L. Childs - 223-224 POLLARD, FRANCIS E., BEATRICE E. POLLARD, and ROBERT S. W. POLLARD. Democracy and the Quaker Method. Pp. 160. New York: Philosophical Library, 1950. $3.00
by Alfred Haines Cope - 224-224 WAGER, PAUL W. (Ed.). County Government Across the Nation. Pp. xiii, 817. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1950. $7.50
by Dayton D. McKean - 224-225 DAWES, CHARLES G. Journal of the Mc-Kinley Years. Pp. xxiv, 458. Chicago: The Lakeside Press, 1950. $3.00
by Kenneth W. Hechler - 225-227 ELLISON, WILLIAM HENRY. A Self-governing Dominion: California, 1849-1860. Pp. xi, 335. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1950. $4.50
by George D. Harmon - 227-227 MERK, FREDERICK. Albert Gallatin and the Oregon Problem: A Study in Anglo-American Diplomacy. Pp. xi, 97. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1950. $2.50
by Alfred H. Kelly - 227-228 JEFFERSON, THOMAS. The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Vol. I: 1760-1776. Edited by Julian P. Boyd, Lyman H. Butterfield, and Mina R. Bryan. Pp. lviii, 679. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1950. $10.00
by Leslie Lipson - 228-228 GOTTSCHALK, LOUIS. Understanding History ; A Primer of Historical Method. Pp. xix, 290, vii. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1950. Text ed. $2.50; library ed. $3.25
by Richard H. Heindel - 228-229 RENIER, G. N. History, Its Purpose and Method. Pp. 272. Boston: The Beacon Press, 1950. $3.00
by Garland Downum - 229-229 Economics and Industry
by William Fellner - 229-230 BOULDING, KENNETH E. A Reconstruction of Economics. Pp. xiv, 311. New York : John Wiley & Sons, 1950. $4.50
by Fred M. Jones - 230-231 PRATT, WALLACE E., and DOROTHY GOOD (Eds.). World Geography of Petroleum. Pp. 464. Princeton: Princeton University Press for The American Geographical Society, 1950. $7.50
by Lester E. Klimm - 231-232 SORRE, MAX. Les Fondements de la géographie humaine. Tome II: Les Fondements techniques, Part 2. Pp. 430. Paris: Librairie Armand Colin, 1950. 1000 fr
by S. Van Valkenburg - 232-234 NIELSEN, A. M. Economic and Industrial Geography. Pp. xxiii, 728. New York: Pitman Publishing Corporation, 1950. $6.75
by C. Langdon White - 234-234 MEZERIK, A. G. The Pursuit of Plenty: The Story of Man's Expanding Domain. Pp. xi, 209. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1950. $2.50
by Norman Wengert - 234-235 BLACK, JOHN D. The Rural Economy of New England. Pp. xxiv, 796. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1950. $7.50
by Karl Brandt - 235-236 ELLSWORTH, P. T. The International Economy: Its Structure and Operation. Pp. xxi, 922. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1950. $5.50
by Theodore J. Kreps - 236-237 BERNSTEIN, IRVING. The New Deal Collective Bargaining Policy. Pp. xii, 178. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1950. $3.00
by John Newton Thurber - 237-238 DUNLOP, JOHN T., and ARTHUR D. HILL. The Wage Adjustment Board. Pp. xiv, 166. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1950. $3.50
by H.M. Douty - 238-238 Ross, ARTHUR M. Trade Union Wage Policy. Pp. xi, 134. Berkeley, California : University of California Press, for Institute of Industrial Relations, 1948 (Second Printing, 1950). $3.00
by Melvin J. Segal - 238-239 WATKINS, GORDON S., PAUL A. DODD, WAYNE L. McNAUGHTON, and PAUL PRASOW. The Management of Personnel and Labor Relations. New York : McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1950. Pp. xviii, 974. $5.75
by Dale Yoder - 239-240 FLEMING, R. W., and EDWIN E. WITTE. Marathon Corporation and Seven Labor Unions. Pp. xiii, 65. Washington: National Planning Association, 1950. $1.00
by Joel Seidman - 240-240 MASTERS, D. C. The Winnipeg General Strike. Pp. xv, 159. Toronto, Canada: University of Toronto Press, 1950. $3.50
by Sar A. Levitan - 240-241 MILLER, DONALD C. Taxes, the Public Debt, and Transfers of Income. Pp. xi, 153. Urbana: The University of Illinois Press, 1950. $2.00 paper; $3.00 cloth
by Harold M. Groves - 241-242 SIEPMANN, CHARLES A. Radio, Television, and Society. Pp. vii, 410. New York: Oxford University Press, 1950. $4.75
by Kenneth G. Bartlett - 242-243 TENNANT, RICHARD B. The American Cigarette Industry. Pp. xxvi, 411. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1950. $5.00
by George Burton Hotchkiss - 243-244 SAULNIER, R. J. Urban Mortgage Lending by Life Insurance Companies. Pp. xxi, 180. New York: The National Bureau of Economic Research, 1950. $2.50
by James C. Dolley - 244-245 Sociology and Education
by Hans Blumenfeld - 245-245 BECKER, HOWARD. Through Values to Social Interpretation. Pp. xviii, 341. Durham, N. C.: Duke University, 1950. $4.50
by Theodore Abel - 245-246 British Journal of Delinquency, The. The Official Organ of the Institute for the Study and. Treatment of Delinquency. Volume 1, Number 1 (July 1950). Pp. 76. London: Bailliere, Tindall and Cox, 1950. 7s.6d., or annually 27s.6d. or $4.00
by George B. Mangold - 246-247 GLUECK, SHELDON, and ELEANOR GLUECK. Unraveling Juvenile Deliquency. Pp. xv, 399. New York: The Commonwealth Fund, 1950. $5.00
by Douglas H. Macneil - 247-249 ABT, LAWRENCE E., and LEOPOLD BELLAK (Eds.). Projective Psychology: Clinical Approaches to the Total Personality. Pp. xvii, 485, xiv. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., 1950. $6.00
by Manford H. Kuhn - 249-249 FISCHER, SIEGFRIED. Principles of General Psychopathology. Pp. xxi, 327. New York: Philosophical Library, 1950. $4.75
by W. Eliasberg - 249-250 GINZBERG, ELI. A Pattern for Hospital Care. Final Report of the New York State Hospital Study. Pp. xxi, 368. New York: Columbia University Press, 1949. $4.50
by P.F. Lucchesi - 250-250 KLEES, FREDRIC. The Pennsylvania Dutch. Pp. ix, 451. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1950. $5.00
by Cornelius Weygandt - 250-251 MILLS, C. WRIGHT, CLARENCE SENIOR, and ROSE KOHN GOLDSEN. The Puerto Rican Journey: New York's Newest Migrants. Pp. xi, 238. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1950. $3.00
by George E. Simpson - 251-252 SOROKIN, PITIRIM A. (Ed.). Explorations in Altruistic Love and Behavior. Pp. viii, 353. Boston: The Beacon Press, 1950. $4.00
by James H.S. Bossard - 252-252 DONAHUE, WILMA, and CLARK TIBBITTS (Eds.). Planning the Older Years. Pp. viii, 248. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1950. $2.50
by Thomas R. Fisher - 253-253 GINZBERG, ELI. Agenda for American Jews. Pp. x, 90. New York: King's Crown Press, 1950. $2.00
by Carey Mcwilliams - 253-254 Philosophy and Religion
by Thomas I. Cook - 254-255 SOROKIN, PITIRIM A. Social Philosophies of an Age of Crisis. Pp. xi, 345. Boston: The Beacon Press, 1950. $4.00
by Floyd N. House - 255-256 PERSONS, STOW (Ed.). Evolutionary Thought in America. Pp. x, 462. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1950. $5.00
by Robert E. Lane - 256-256 CAIRNS, FRED I. Progress Is Unorthodox. Pp. x, 185. Boston: The Beacon Press, 1950. $2.50
by Jerome Davis - 256-257 KRESGE, E. E. The Search for a Way of Life: A Review of the Major Classical and Contemporary Ethical Systems of the Western World. Pp. xiv, 434. New York: Exposition Press, 1950. $4.00
by Charles Morris - 257-258 DRUMMOND, ANDREW LANDALE. Story of American Protestantism. Pp. xii, 418. Boston: Beacon Press, 1950. $6.00
by William Warren Sweet - 258-259 SPERRY, WILLARD L. (Ed.). Classics of Religious Devotion. Pp. 117. Boston: The Beacon Press, 1950. $2.00
by Conrad Henry Moehlman - 259-259 Partisan Review. Religion and the Intellectuals. A Symposium by James Agee and others. Pp. 139. New York, 1950. 80 cents
by Henry N. Wieman - 260-260 Commonwealth of Nations
by B. Wilkinson - 260-261 LIPSON, E. The Growth of English Society : A Short Economic History. Pp. ix, 467. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1950. $5.00
by Paul Knaplund - 261-262 LIPSET, S. M. Agrarian Socialism, The Coöperative Commonwealth Federation in Saskatchewan: A Study in Political Sociology. Pp. xvii, 315. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1950. $4.50
by John D. Hicks - 262-262 ROSINGER, LAWRENCE K. India and the United States: Political and Economic Relations. Pp. 149. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1950. Price $2.75
by Rajaram V. Gogate - 262-263 NATAL, UNIVERSITY OF, THE DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS, The African Factory Worker. A Sample Study of the Life and Labour of the Urban African Worker. Report No. 2 of the Durban Economic Research Council. Pp. 221. Cape Town: Oxford University Press, 1950. $6.00
by Charles W. Coulter - 263-264 Slavic Countries
by Malcolm W. Davis - 264-265 BERMAN, HAROLD J. Justice in Russia: An Interpretation of Soviet Law. Pp. xii, 322. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1950. $4.75
by Eugene M. Kulischer - 265-265 DEUTSCHER, ISAAC. Soviet Trade Unions: Their Place in Soviet Labor Policy. Pp. ix, 156. London: Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1950. $1.75
by Adolf Sturmthal - 265-266 REDDAWAY, W. F., J. H. PENSON, O. HALECKI, and R. DYBOSKI (Eds.). The Cambridge History of Poland. Vol. I: From the Origins to Sobieski (to 1696). Pp. xiv, 607, illustrations and maps. Cambridge, England: The University Press, 1950. $8.50
by Marion Moore Coleman - 266-267 Western Continental Europe
by Albert Hyma - 267-268 KORDT, ERICH. Nicht aus den Akten. Pp. 441. Stuttgart: Union Deutsche Verlagsgesellschaft, 1950. DM 14
by Louis L. Snyder - 268-269 GEIGER, RUDOLF. The Climate Near the Ground. Translated by Milroy N. Stewart and others from the second German edition. Pp. xxi, 482. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1950. $5.00
by I.R. Tannehill - 269-270 Others
by Taraknath Das - 270-271 NELSON, LOWRY. Rural Cuba. Pp. x, 285. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1950. $3.50
by Raymond E. Crist - 271-272 STOKES, WILLIAM S. Honduras: An Area Study in Government. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1950. Pp. xiv, 451. $6.00
by Robert E. Scott - 272-273 MANACORDA, TELMO. Itinerario y espÃritu de Jacobo Varela. Pp. 347. Montevideo: Impresora Uruguya, S. A., 1950
by Roscoe R. Hill - 273-277 Letters to the Editor
by Joseph S. Roucek
January 1951, Volume 273, Issue 1
- 1-2 The Problem of Medical Care
by Franz Goldmann & Hugh R. Leavell - 3-10 Research in the Service of Health
by T. Duckett Jones - 11-18 Professional Education in the Service of Health
by Raymond B. Allen - 19-24 Essential Local Public Health Services
by Haven Emerson - 25-33 The Medical Care Team
by Frank G. Dickinson - 34-42 Hospitals and Public Health Centers
by V.M. Hoge - 43-52 Group Practice
by Dean A. Clark & Cozette Hapney - 53-61 Regional Organization of Hospitals
by Paul A. Lembcke - 62-68 Public Policy in Organizing Medical Care
by Franz Goldmann - 69-75 Public Medical Care: The Over-all Picture
by Dean W. Roberts - 76-83 Medical Care for Veterans'
by Paul B. Magnuson - 84-92 Medical Care for the Needy and Medically Needy
by Milton Terris - 93-98 Medical Care for Members of the Armed Services
by Richard L. Meiling - 99-105 Voluntary Medical Care Insurance
by Margaret C. Klem - 106-113 Compulsory Medical Care Insurance, 1910-1950
by Odin W. Anderson - 114-121 Health Services, Medical Care Insurance, and Social Security
by I.S. Falk - 122-130 Organized Labor and the Problem of Medical Care
by Harry Becker - 131-137 Dental Service
by Jacob M. Wisan - 138-143 Rehabilitation
by Howard A. Rusk & Eugene J. Taylor - 144-150 Medical Care for Patients with Prolonged Illness
by E.M. Bluestone - 151-159 Medical Care in Industry
by William Alfred Sawyer - 160-168 Rural Programs of Medical Care
by Milton I. Roemer - 169-175 Medical Care for Minority Groups
by W. Montague Cobb - 176-184 Planning for a Broad Health Program
by Edward S. Rogers - 185-191 The Quality of Medical Care
by E. Richard Weinerman - 192-200 International Co-operation in the Service of Health
by C.-E.A. Winslow - 201-302 Book Department
by N/A
November 1950, Volume 272, Issue 1_suppl
- 1-1 Introduction
by Thorsten Sellin & James C. Charlesworth - 1-151 Index To Subjects, Contributors, Titles, and Names
by N/A - 152-195 Index To Book Reviews
by N/A
November 1950, Volume 272, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by James H.S. Bossard - 1-8 The Concept of Family Stability
by Ray H. Abrams - 9-21 Statistical Perspective on Marriage and Divorce
by Kingsley Davis - 22-29 The Family and Social Change
by Carle C. Zimmerman - 30-38 Sociological Differences in Family Stability
by Ray E. Baber - 39-46 Class Differences in Family Stability
by August B. Hollingshead - 47-52 Predictive Methods and Family Stability
by Ernest W. Burgess - 53-58 What Do Modern Inventions Do to Family Life?
by M.F. Nimkoff - 59-67 Family Adjustments to War Separation and Reunion
by Elise Boulding - 68-76 Some Neglected Areas in Family-Life Study
by James H.S. Bossard & Eleanor S. Boll & Winogene P. Sanger - 77-85 Organization of Social Forces to Promote Family Stability
by Evelyn Millis Duvall - 86-94 Social Engineering and the Divorce Problem
by William J. Goode - 95-101 Planned Parenthood
by David Loth - 102-109 The Contemporary Status of Marriage Counseling1
by Emily Hartshorne Mudd & Malcolm G. Preston - 110-116 Private Social Agencies and Family Stability
by Earl Lomon Koos - 117-126 Social Security and Family Stability
by Wilbur J. Cohen - 127-133 The Role of Legal Services in Family Stability
by Charlton Ogburn - 134-147 Divorce Legislation and Family Instability
by Mabel A. Elliott - 148-155 Collegiate Education for Marriage and Family Living
by Henry A. Bowman - 156-162 High School Education for Family Living
by Elizabeth S. Force - 163-170 The Social Hygiene Movement and Family Stability
by Eleanor Shenehon - 171-178 Church Problems in Marriage Education
by Leland Foster Wood - 179-184 Family Life in Britain Since the First World War
by David R. Mace - 185-194 Marriage and Divorce in Sweden
by Torgny T. Segerstedt & Philipp Weintraub - 195-201 Family Stability in Non-European Cultures
by George Peter Murdock - 202-299 International Relations and World Government
by N/A - 299-299 Letter to the Editor
by Feliks Gross
September 1950, Volume 271, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by Joseph S. Roucek - 1-10 Evolution of the Middle Zone
by David Mitrany - 11-19 Geopolitical Trends in Central-Eastern Europe
by Joseph S. Roucek - 20-31 The Changing Role of Iron Curtain Countries
by Ralph Haswell Lutz - 32-42 The Structure of Soviet Power and Expansion
by Dinko Tomasic - 43-54 The Ideological Shadow of the U.S.S.R
by George Waskovich - 55-63 Government in the "People's Democracies"
by Eduard Táborský - 64-67 Constitutions of the Soviet Satellites
by George C. Guins - 68-77 Industrial Changes in Eastern Europe
by Emil Lengyel - 78-93 Changing Status of the Peasant in Eastern Europe
by Irwin T. Sanders - 94-99 Labor's Status in Iron Curtain Countries
by Andrew Halasz - 100-111 Population Changes Behind the Iron Curtain1
by Eugene M. Kulischer - 112-121 Religion Within the Iron Curtain
by Clarence A. Manning - 122-134 The Sovietization of the Satellites
by Bogdan Raditsa - 135-144 The Educational Weapon
by John S. Reshetar - 145-156 Resistance in the Iron Curtain Countries
by Arthur Karasz - 157-164 Use of Satellite Outposts by the U.S. S. R
by George B. De Huszar - 165-174 Bonapartist Unity of Eastern Europe
by Ivo Duchacek - 175-184 Political Emigration from Iron Curtain Countries
by Feliks Gross - 185-186 International Relations and World Government
by Philip E. Mosely - 186-186 NEUMANN, WILLIAM L. Making the Peace, 1941-1945. Pp. 101. Washington: Foundation for Foreign Affairs, 1950. $1.00
by Louis Martin Sears - 186-187 ALMOND, GABRIEL A. The American Peo ple and Foreign Policy. Pp. x, 269. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co. for the Institute of International Studies, Yale University, 1950. $3.75
by Louis Martin Sears - 187-188 DEAN, VERA MICHELES. Europe and the United States. Pp. ix, 349, xiii. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1950. $3.50
by Joseph S. Roucek - 188-189 BENNETT, M. K., and ASSOCIATES. Inter national Commodity Stockpiling as an Economic Stabilizer. Pp. viii, 205. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1949. $3.00
by Paul S. Peirce - 189-190 STRAUSZ-HUPÉ, ROBERT, and STEFAN T. POSSONY. International Relations in the Age of the Conflict between Democracy and Dictatorship. Pp. xiii, 947. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1950. $6.00
by Oliver Benson - 190-191 BROWN, WILLIAM ADAMS, JR. The United States and the Restoration of World Trade. An Analysis and Appraisal of the ITO Charter and the General Agree ment on Tariffs and Trade. Pp. xiii, 572. Washington: The Brookings Insti tution, 1950. $5.00
by Paul S. Peirce - 191-191 REISCHAUER, EDWIN O. The United States and Japan. Pp. xvii, 357. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1950. $4.00
by Thomas E. Ennis - 191-192 SANSOM, G. B. The Western World and Japan: A Study of the Interaction of European and Asiatic Cultures. Pp. xvi, 504, xi. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1950. $6.00
by Oscar G. Darlington - 192-194 BOSCH, K. D. Nederlandse Beleggingen in de Verenigde Staten. Pp. xxii, 701. Amsterdam: Uitgeversmaatschappij El sevier, 1948. fl. 22.50
by Arthur Leon Horniker - 194-194 American Government, His Tory, Law, and Political Theory
by Janet Redman Bishop - 194-195 PINKHAM, SPENCER. Modern Republic. Pp. 137. New York: Corwin Publish ing Co., 1950; distributed by Greenberg, Publisher. $2.50
by Dorothy Axford Shields - 195-196 LABATUT, JEAN, and WHEATON J. LANE (Eds.). Highways in our National Life. Pp. xvi, 506. Princeton: Princeton Uni versity Press, 1950. $7.50
by Thomas Buckley - 196-196 COULTER, E. MERTON. The Confederate States of America, 1861-1865 (A His tory of the South, Volume VII). Pp. x, 644. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State Uni versity Press, 1950. $7.00
by Jennings B. Sanders - 196-197 CRAVEN, WESLEY FRANK. The Southern Colonies in the Seventeenth Century, 1607-1689 (A History of the South, Volume I). Pp. xv, 451. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1949. $6.00
by Jennings B. Sanders - 197-198 PARKS, JOSEPH HOWARD. John Bell of Tennessee. Pp. viii, 435. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1950. $5.00
by George D. Harmon - 198-199 HURST, JAMES WILLARD. The Growth of American Law: The Law Makers. Pp. xiii, 502. Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1950. $5.50
by Robert C. Sorensen - 199-200 KONEFSKY, SAMUEL J. (Ed.). The Consti tutional World of Mr. Justice Frank furter. Pp. xviii, 325. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1949. $4.50
by Elmer D. Graper - 200-201 FILLER, LOUIS. Crusaders for American Liberalism. Pp. xvi, 422. Yellow Springs, Ohio: Antioch Press, 1950. $4.00
by George S. Blair - 201-201 HYNEMAN, CHARLES S. Bureaucracy in a Democracy. Pp. xv, 586. New York: Harper and Bros., 1950. $4.50
by Benjamin Baker - 201-203 EINSTEIN, ALBERT Out of my Later Years. Pp. viii, 282. New York: Philosophical Library, 1950. $4.75
by Sidney Hook - 203-203 DE MILLE, ANNA GEORGE. Henry George: Citizen of the World. Pp. xv, 276. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1950. $3.50
by Mabel Newcomer - 203-204 PARTEN, MILDRED B. Surveys, Polls, and Samples: Practical Procedures. Pp. xvii, 624. New York: Harper and Bros., 1950. $6.00 trade, $5.00 text
by Harwood L. Childs - 204-205 Economics and Industry
by K.C. Cole - 205-206 MUND, VERNON A. Government and Busi ness. Pp. x, 658. New York: Harper and Bros., 1950. $4.75
by Ford P. Hall - 206-207 SMITH, DAN THROOP, and J. KEITH BUT TERS. Taxable and Business Income. Pp. xxv, 342. New York: National Bu reau of Economic Research, Inc., 1949. $4.00
by H.E. Hoagland - 207-207 BACH, G. L. Federal Reserve Policy-Mak ing. Pp. xi, 282, v. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1950. $3.00 trade, $2.20 text
by Frederick A. Bradford - 207-208 ALTMAN, RALPH. Availability for Work. Pp. xv, 350. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1950. $4.50
by C.A. Kulp - 208-209 UNITED NATIONS, DEPARTMENT OF ECO NOMIC AFFAIRS. National and Interna tional Measures for Full Employment. Pp. vii, 104. Lake Success; distributed by Columbia University Press; 1949. 75 cts
by Theodore J. Kreps - 209-209 BELLOWS, ROGER M. Psychology of Per sonnel in Business and Industry. Pp. xii, 499. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1949. $6.00
by Robert N. Mcmurry - 209-210 TURNBULL, JOHN G. Labor-Management Relations: A Research Planning Memo randum. Pp. x, 112. New York: Social Science Research Council (Bulletin 61), 1949. $1.25
by Z. Clark Dickinson - 210-211 INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS RESEARCH ASSOCIA TION. Psychology of Labor-Management Relations. Pp. vi, 122. Champaign, Ill., 1949. IRRA publications. $5.00 per year
by Robert N. Hilkert - 211-212 ROBINSON, DWIGHT EDWARDS. Collective Bargaining and Market Control in the New York Coat and Suit Industry. Pp. xi, 248. New York: Columbia Univer sity Press, 1949. $3.50
by Melvin J. Segal - 212-213 INSTITUTE OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS, UNI VERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. The Economics of Collective Bargaining. Proceedings of a Series of Public Lectures held during 1948 and 1949 in Berkeley and Los An geles. Pp. vii, 108. Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1950. $1.00
by Selig Perlman - 213-213 Sociology and Education
by Robert A. Polson - 213-214 POSTON, RICHARD WAVERLY. Small Town Renaissance: A Story of the Montana Study. Pp. 231. New York: Harper and Bros., 1950. $3.00
by Lowry Nelson - 214-215 JONES, D. CARADOG. Social Surveys. Pp. 232. London: Hutchinson's University Library, 1950. $1.60
by M.C. Elmer - 215-216 UNITED STATES PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. The Chicago-Cook County Health Sur vey. Pp. xlvii, 1317. New York: Co lumbia University Press, 1949. $15.00
by Ralph Carr Fletcher - 216-216 MEERLOO, JOOST A. M. Patterns of Panic. Pp. 120. New York: International Uni versities Press, 1950. $2.00
by Manford H. Kuhn - 216-217 HEBB, D. O. Organization of Behavior: A Neuropsychological Theory. Pp. xix, 335. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1949. $4.00
by Manford H. Kuhn - 217-218 ALLEN, HOLLIS P. The Federal Govern ment and Education. Pp. xvii, 333. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1950. $4.00
by Paul R. Mort - 218-219 BRAMELD, THEODORE. Ends and Means in Education: A Midcentury Appraisal. Pp. xii, 244. New York: Harper and Bros., 1950. $3.00
by I.B. Berkson - 219-219 BRYSON, LYMAN, LOUIS FINKELSTEIN, and R. M. MACIVER (Eds.). Goals for American Education. Pp. xiv, 555. New York: Harper and Bros., 1950. $5.00
by Francis J. Brown - 219-220 FRANK, PHILIPP. Relativity—A Richer Truth. Foreword by Albert Einstein. Pp. xvi, 142. Boston: Beacon Press, 1950. $2.00
by Rubin Gotesky - 220-221 ROTHNEY, JOHN W. M., and BERT A. ROENS. Guidance of American Youth. Pp. xv, 269. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1950. $5.00
by James H.S. Bossard - 221-221 HORCHOW, REUBEN. Careers for Young Americans: In the Army and After. Pp. 226. Washington: Public Affairs Press, 1950. $3.25
by Samuel S. Board - 221-222 Philosophy and Religion
by Irl G. Whitchurch - 222-223 STOKES, ANSON PHELPS. Church and State in the United States. 3 vols. Vol. I, pp. lxix, 936; Vol. II, 799; Vol. III, 1042. New York: Harper and Bros., 1950. $25.00 per set
by William W. Sweet - 223-224 LEUBA, JAMES H. The Reformation of the Churches. Pp. xiii, 219. Boston: Beacon Press, 1950. $2.75
by Louis William Norris