July 1955, Volume 300, Issue 1
- 139-140 HUSBAND E. KIMMEL. Admiral Kimmel's Story. Pp. xvi, 207. Chicago: Henry Regnery Company, 1955. $3.75
by W.D. Puleston - 140-141 HAROLD L. ICKES. Secret Diary. Vol. III: The Lowering Clouds. Pp. 695. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1954. $6.00
by G.C. Osborn - 141-141 DONALD G. MORGAN. Justice William Johnson, The First Dissenter. Pp. xv, 326. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 1954. $6.50
by Paul L. Murphy - 141-142 JOHN CHALMERS VINSON. The Parchment Peace: The United States Senate and the Washington Conference, 1921-1922. Pp. xi, 259. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1955. $4.50
by Bradford Perkins - 142-143 ROBERT K. MURRAY. Red Scare: A Study in National Hysteria, 1919-1920. Pp. xii, 337. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1955. $4.75
by Arthur S. Link - 143-143 NEWBOLD MORRIS in collaboration with ANA LEE THOMAS. Let the Chips Fall: My Battle Against Corruption. Pp. xiii, 308. New York: Appleton-Century- Crofts, 1955. $4.00
by Wallace S. Sayre - 143-144 CARL CARMER. The Susquehanna. Pp. 493. New York: Rinehart and Com pany, 1955. $5.00
by Ralph Adams Brown - 144-145 SAUL K. PADOVER (Ed.). The Washington Papers: Basic Selections from the Public and Private Papers of George Washing ton. Pp. 430. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1955. $5.00
by Cecil Johnson - 145-146 Economics and Industry
by W.W. Hewett - 146-146 SAMUEL LUBELL. The Revolution in World Trade and American Economic Policy. Pp. xvi, 143. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1955. $2.50
by Amos E. Taylor - 146-147 SIGMUND DIAMOND. The Reputation of the American Businessman. Pp. 209. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1955. $4.00
by Harold F. Williamson - 147-148 IRVING BERNSTEIN. Arbitration of Wages. Pp. xiii, 125. Berkeley and Los An geles: University of California Press, 1954. $3.50
by John R. Abersold - 148-149 THE EDITORS OF FORTUNE. The Changing American Market. Pp. 304. Garden City, N. Y.: Hanover House, 1955. $4.50
by Margaret G. Reid - 149-150 Sociology and Education
by Elmo C. Wilson - 150-151 F. STUART CHAPIN, JR., and others. In the Shadow of a Defense Plant : A Study of Urbanization in Rural South Carolina. Pp. xvi, 260. Chapel Hill: Institute for Research in Social Science, University of North Carolina, 1954. $2.50. THE INSTITUTE FOR URBAN STUDIES, Uni versity of Pennsylvania, with the co operation of the Bureau of Urban Re search, Princeton University. Acceler ated Urban Growth in a Metropolitan Fringe Area: A Study of Urbanization, Suburbanization and the Impact of the U. S. Steel Plant in Lower Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Vol. I, Summary Report, Vol. II, Project Report. Pp. ix, 63, xx; xxv, 262. Vol. I, $2.00; Vol. II, $4.00; Two vols., $5.00
by Charles S. Ascher - 151-152 ROBERT MOORE FISHER (Ed.). The Me tropolis in Modern Life. (Columbia Uni versity Bicentennial Conference Series.) Pp. xiii, 401. Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday and Company, 1955. $6.00
by Maurice R. Davie - 152-153 RUPERT B. VANCE and NICHOLAS J. DEMERATH (Eds.). The Urban South. Pp. xii, 307. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1955. $5.00
by Noel P. Gist - 153-154 O. A. OESER and S. B. HAMMOND (Eds.). Social Structure and Personality in a City. (Studies of Social Behaviour, Vol. I.) Pp. xxii, 344. $4.50. Social Structure and Personality in a Rural Community. (Studies of Social Be haviour, Vol. II.) Pp. xiii, 279. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1954. $3.75
by Thomas O. Wilkinson - 154-154 CHARLES ABRAMS. Forbidden Neighbors: A Study of Prejudice in Housing. Pp. xi, 404. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1955. $5.00
by Frank S. Loescher - 155-155 MICHAEL M. DAVIS. Medical Care for To morrow. Pp. x, 497. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1955. $6.50
by Franz Goldmann - 155-156 JOSEPH FLETCHER. Morals and Medicine. Pp. xvii, 243. Princeton, N. J.: Prince ton University Press, 1954. $4.50
by Richard H. Shryock - 156-157 HAROLD A. BONER. Hungry Generations: The Nineteenth Century Case Against Malthusianism. Pp. viii, 234. New York: King's Crown Press, 1955. $3.75
by Frank H. Hankins - 157-158 RALPH LINTON. The Tree of Culture. Pp. xiv, 692, xvi. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1955. $5.75
by Cora Dubois - 158-158 W. F. OGBURN and M. F. NIMKOFF. Tech nology and the Changing Family. Pp. v, 329. Boston; New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1955. $3.75
by Clifford Kirkpatrick - 158-159 FRANK LORIMER and others. Culture and Human Fertility. Pp. 514. Paris : UNESCO, 1954. (Distributed by Co lumbia University Press, New York.) $4.50
by Bryce Ryan - 159-160 NATIONAL MANPOWER COUNCIL. A Policy for Skilled Manpower. Pp. xxv, 299. New York: Columbia University Press, 1954. $4.50
by Sar A. Levitan - 160-160 JOHN SPENCER. Crime and the Services. Pp. xii, 306. London: Routledge, and Kegan Paul, 1954. $6.00
by Hans Von Hentig - 160-161 Philosophy and Religion
by Louis L. Snyder - 161-162 JOSEPH H. BRADY. Confusion Twice Con founded : The First Amendment and the Supreme Court. Pp. 192. South Or ange, N. J.: Seton Hall University Press, 1954. $3.00
by J. Warren Madden - 162-163 JAMES STREET FULTON. Science and Man's Hope. Pp. 179. New York: Bookman Associates for the Rice Institute, 1954. $3.25
by Ernest Nagel - 163-164 The Social Sciences in Historical Study: A Report of the Committee for His toriography. (Bulletin No. 64.) Pp. x, 181. New York: Social Science Re search Council, 1954. $2.25 cloth, $1.75 paper
by Willson H. Coates - 164-164 Commonwealth of Nations
by Henry M. Wriston - 164-165 GEORGE HARRIS HEALEY (Ed.). The Let ters of Daniel Defoe. Pp. xxii, 506. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1955. (Distributed by the Oxford University Press, New York.) $6.75
by John J. Murray - 165-166 J. D. B. MILLER. Australian Government and Politics: An Introductory Survey. Pp. 240. London: Gerald Duckworth and Company, 1954. 15 s
by Mary E. Murphy - 166-167 Slavic Countries
by William B. Ballis - 167-168 HANS KOHN (Ed.). The Mind of Modern Russia: Historical and Political Thought of Russia's Great Age. Pp. xii, 298. New Brunswick, N. J.: Rutgers Univer sity Press, 1955. $5.50
by Arthur Prudden Coleman - 168-169 MARSHALL MACDUFFIE. The Red Carpet: 10,000 Miles Through Russia on a Visa from Khrushchev. Pp. xiv, 330. New York: W. W. Norton and Company, 1955. $4.50
by George Denicke - 169-170 DONALD R. HODGMAN. Soviet Industrial Production, 1928-1951. Pp. 241. Cam bridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1954. $5.00
by P.J.D. Wiles - 170-170 HENRYK PASZKIEWICZ. The Origin of Rus sia. Pp. xii, 556. New York: Philo sophical Library, 1954. $10.00
by Anatole G. Mazour - 170-171 Western Continental Europe
by Franklin D. Scott - 171-172 Germany Reports. Pp. 367. Germany: Press and Information Office of the Ger man Federal Government (original publi cation date, 1953). No date for English translation. $3.00
by Eli E. Nobleman - 172-173 GEORGE G. WINDELL. The Catholics and German Unity, 1866-1871. Pp. xii, 312. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1954. $5.00
by Garland Downum - 173-174 EUGENE N. ANDERSON. The Social and Political Conflict in Prussia, 1858-1864. (University of Nebraska Studies, New Series, No. 12.) Pp. x, 445. Lincoln: University of Nebraska, 1954. $5.00
by Robert Mueller - 174-174 Other Countries
by Russell H. Fitzgibbon - 174-175 CHARLES ROBEQUAIN. Malaya, Indonesia, Borneo, and the Philippines. Translated by E. D. Laborde. Pp. xi, 456. London ;New York; Toronto: Longmans, Green, and Company, 1954. $6.00
by Ernest Schein - 175-176 MARIUS B. JANSEN. The Japanese and Sun Yat-sen. Pp. viii, 274. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1954. $4.00
by Herbert Passin - 176-177 GAMAL ABDUL NASSER. Egypt's Libera tion : The Philosophy of the Revolution. Pp. 119. Washington, D. C.: Public Af fairs Press, 1955. $2.00
by Emil Lengyel - 177-178 BARNET LITVINOFF. Ben-Gurion of Israel. Pp. xii, 273. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1954. $4.00
by Henrik F. Infield - 178-178 JOHN F. CADY. The Roots of French Im perialism in Eastern Asia. Pp. xii, 322. Ithaca, N. Y.: Cornell University Press, 1954. $5.00
by William C. Johnstone JR - 178-179 WENDELL PHILLIPS. Qataban and Sheba: Exploring the Ancient Kingdoms on the Biblical Spice Routes of Arabia. Pp. xvi, 362. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1955. $5.00
by Emil Lengyel
May 1955, Volume 299, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by Robert Strausz-Hupé - 1-11 The Geography of the Air
by Stefan T. Possony & Leslie Rosenzweig - 12-24 Some Fallacies Concerning Air Power
by Eugene M. Emme - 25-29 The Scope of United States Air Strategy
by Thomas D. White General - 30-37 Air Strength of the United States
by Elton C. Fay - 38-48 The Foundations of Soviet Air Power: A Historical and Managerial Interpretation
by Ramsay D. Potts Jr. - 49-57 A Steel Ring for the Iron Curtain: An Appraisal of Air Power in Other Nations
by Edward W.S. Hull - 58-66 The Psychological Impact of Air Power
by Lewis S. Thompson - 67-75 Obstacles to the Development of American Air Power
by W. Barton Leach - 76-86 Air Power and Foreign Policy, Especially in the Far East
by Thomas K. Finletter - 87-94 Collective Security in the Air Age
by Robert D. Murphy - 95-101 Europe and Air Power
by Raymond Aron - 102-108 The Role of NATO's Air Forces
by Alvin J. Cottrell - 109-117 Air Power in the Modern Middle East
by Paul M.A. Linebarger - 118-127 Strategic Concepts for the Nuclear Age
by T.F. Walkowicz - 128-133 Dropping the Pilot
by Donald T. Perkins - 134-140 Aviation and International Co-operation
by Robert Strausz-Hupé - 141-143 Report of the Board of Directors to the Members of The American Academy of Political and Social Science for the Year 1954
by N/A - 144-146 International Relations and World Government
by Pitirim A. Sorokin - 146-147 LOUIS J. HALLE. Civilization and Foreign Policy: An Inquiry for Americans. Pp. xxviii, 277. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1955. $3.75
by Lawrence H. Chamberlain - 147-147 ALFRED H. KELLY (Ed.). American Foreign Policy and American Democracy. Pp. 170. Detroit, Mich.: Wayne University Press, 1954. $3.50
by Louis J. Halle - 147-148 JACQUES FREYMOND. De Roosevelt à Eisenhòwer: La politique étrangère américaine, 1945-1952. Pp. 154. Geneva : Librairie E. Droz, 1953. No price
by Uliver Benson - 148-149 THOMAS I. COOK and MALCOLM MOOS. Power Through Purpose: The Realism of Idealism as a Basis for Foreign Policy. Pp. 216. Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins Press, 1954. $4.00
by Richard W. Van Alstyne - 149-149 ARTHUR P. WHITAKER. The Western Hemisphere Idea: Its Rise and Decline. Pp. x, 194. Ithaca, N. Y.: Cornell University Press, 1954. $3.00
by J. Fred Rippy - 150-150 JEAN-BAPTISTE DUROSELLE and others. Les relations Germano-Soviétiques de 1933 à 1939. (Cahiers de la Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques, No. 58.) Pp. 279. Paris: Librairie Armand Colin, 1954. No price
by Harry R. Rudin - 150-151 QUINCY WRIGHT and others. Research for Peace. Pp. xii, 296. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Company, 1954. $3.50
by Frank M. Russell - 151-152 J. F. C. FULLER. A Military History of the Western World: From the Earliest Times to the Battle of Lepanto. Pp. xiii, 602. New York: Funk and Wagnalls Company, 1954. $6.00
by A.E.R. Boak - 152-152 AMELIA C. LEISS and RAYMOND DENNETT (Eds.). European Peace Treaties After World War II. Pp. xvi, 341. Boston, Mass.: World Peace Foundation, 1954. $4.75
by Gerhart Niemeyer - 152-153 United States Government and History
by George C. Osborn - 153-153 EDGAR EUGENE ROBINSON. The Roosevelt Leadership, 1933-1945. Pp. 491. Philadelphia ; New York: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1955. $6.00
by Louis B. Wehle - 153-154 WILLIAM FRANK ZORNOW. Lincoln and the Party Divided. Pp. xi, 264. Norman : University of Oklahoma Press, 1954. $4.00
by Frank L. Owsley - 154-155 ROBERT J. MORGAN. A Whig Embattled: The Presidency Under John Tyler. Pp. xiii, 199. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1954. $3.50
by Charles M. Thomas - 155-156 LEONARD D. WHITE. The Jacksonians: A Study of Administrative History, 1829-1861. Pp. xii, 593. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1954. $8.00
by Ralph Adams Brown - 156-157 LAWRENCE HENRY GIPSON. The Coming of the Revolution, 1763-1775. Pp. xiv, 287. New York: Harper and Brothers. 1954. $5.00
by Clinton Rossiter - 157-157 LINCOLN LORENZ. The Admiral and the Empress: John Paul Jones and Catherine the Great. Pp. 194. New York: Bookman Associates, 1954. $3.50
by Sidney Harcave - 157-158 ANTHONY HARRIGAN (Ed.). The Editor and the Republic, Papers and Addresses of William Watts Ball. Pp. xxii, 209. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1954. $5.00
by Frederic E. Merwin - 158-159 FREDERICK SHAW. The History of the New York City Legislature. Pp. vi, 300. New York: Columbia University Press, 1954. $4.50
by Wallace S. Sayre - 159-159 MILTON SYDNEY HEATH. Constructive Liberalism: The Role of the State in Economic Development in Georgia to 1860. Pp. xi, 448. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1954. $7.50
by George B. Tindall - 159-160 DEAN R. CRESAP. Party Politics in the Golden State. Pp. xi, 126. Los Angeles: Haynes Foundation, 1954. $2.50 cloth; $2.00 paper
by Dean E. McHenry - 160-161 EDWIN C. MCREYNOLDS. Oklahoma: A History of the Sooner State. Pp. xii, 461. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1954. $4.95
by Frederick D. Kershner JR - 161-162 CLYDE E. JACOBS. Law Writers and the Courts. Pp. vii, 223. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1954. $3.50
by Robert J. Harris - 162-163 MAURICE J. GOLDBLOOM. American Security and Freedom. Pp. vii, 84. Boston : Beacon Press, 1954. $1.50
by Rubin Gotesky - 163-163 Economics and Industry
by Broadus Mitchell - 164-164 J. D. GLOVER. The Attack on Big Business. Pp. xvi, 375. Boston: Division of Research, Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University, 1954. $4.00
by Robert A. Brady - 164-165 MARTIN V. MARSHALL. Automatic Merchandising. Pp. xi, 275. Boston: Division of Research, Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University, 1954. $3.50
by Theodore N. Beckman - 165-166 The Nation Looks at Its Resources: Report of the Mid-Century Conference on Resources for the Future, Washington, D. C., December 2, 3, 4, 1953. Pp. 418. Washington, D. C.: Resources for the Future, 1954. $5.00
by J. Russell Whitaker - 166-166 CLARENCE B. RANDALL. A Foreign Economic Policy for the United States. Pp. vii, 83. Chicago, Ill.: University of Chicago Press, 1954. $1.95
by William C. Hawkins - 166-167 ALBERT LAUTERBACH. Man, Motives, and Money: Psychological Frontiers of Economics. Pp. xiv, 366. Ithaca, N. Y.: Cornell University Press, 1954. $5.00
by George Soule - 167-168 The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, 1946-1953. Pp. 273. Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins Press for the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, 1954. $4.00
by Raymond Vernon - 168-169 Sociology and Education
by Dorothy Rudy - 169-169 JACOBUS TEN BROEK, EDWARD N. BARNHART, and FLOYD W. MATSON. Prejudice, War, and the Constitution. Pp. ix, 408. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1954. $5.00
by Donald P. Kent - 169-170 ANDREW F. HENRY and JAMES F. SHORT, JR: Suicide and Homicide: Some Economic, Sociological, and Psychological Aspects of Aggression. Pp. 214. Glencoe, Ill.: Free Press, 1954. $4.00
by Austin L. Porterfield - 170-171 CECIL G. SHEPS and EUGENE E. TAYLOR. Needed Research in Health and Medical Care: A Bio-Social Approach. Pp. ix, 216. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1954. $5.00
by Charles A. Metzner - 171-172 HERBERT PARNES. Research on Labor Mobility : An Appraisal of Research Findings in the United States. (Bulletin No. 65.) Pp. xi, 205. New York: Social Science Research Council, 1954. $1.75
by Carroll R. Daugherty - 172-172 WILLIAM HABER and others. Manpower in the United States: Problems and Policies. (Industrial Relations Research Association, Publication No. 11.) Pp. xi, 225. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1954. $3.00
by Selig Perlman - 172-173 PHILIP TAFT. The Structure and Government of Labor Unions. Pp. xix, 312. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1954. $6.00
by Herbert J. Lahne - 174-174 KATE H. MUELLER. Educating Women for a Changing World. Pp. ix, 302. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1954. $4.75
by Althea K. Hottel - 174-175 Philosophy and Religion
by Helmut Kuhn - 175-176 W. MACNEILE DIXON. The Human Situation: The Gifford Lectures Delivered in the University of Glasgow, 1935-1937. Pp. 448. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1954. $3.50
by Henry Nelson Wieman - 176-176 E. A. PARSONS. The Alexandrian Library: Glory of the Hellenic World. Pp. xii, 468. London: Clever-Hume Press; Houston, Tex.: Elsevier Press, 1952. $7.50
by Morton S. Enslin - 176-177 LIONEL KOCHAN. Acton on History. Pp. 184. London: André Deutsch; New York: British Book Centre, 1954. $3.00
by Crane Brinton - 177-178 WILLIAM O. SHANAHAN. German Protestants Face the Social Question: Volume I: The Conservative Phase, 1815-1871. Pp. xii, 434. Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press, 1954. $6.75
by Conrad H. Moehlman - 178-178 CHARLES C. COLE, JR. The Social Ideas of the Northern Evangelists, 1826-1860. Pp. vii, 268. New York: Columbia University Press, 1954. $4.25
by Albert Post - 178-179 Commonwealth of Nations
by R.G. Cowherd - 179-180 GEORGE HILTON JONES. The Main Stream of Jacobitism. Pp. x, 275. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1954. $4.50
by Norman Victor Hope - 180-181 KENNETH GRANT CRAWFORD. Canadian Municipal Government. (Canadian Government Series, No. 6.) Pp. xii, 407. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1954. $7.50. S. J. FRANKEL and R. C. PRATT. Municipal Labour Relations in Canada. Pp. v, 87. Montreal: Published jointly by The Canadian Federation of Mayors and Municipalities, and The Industrial Relations Centre, McGill University, 1954. $2.50
by Maurice W. Armstrong - 181-181 Slavic Countries
by Thomas I. Cook - 182-182 W. W. KULSKI. The Soviet Regime: Communism in Practice. Pp. xiv, 807. Syracuse, N. Y.: Syracuse University Press, 1954. $8.00
by Frederick L. Schuman - 182-183 TIMOTHY SOSNOVY. The Housing Problem in the Soviet Union. Edited by David I. Goldstein. Foreword by Gregory Gross-man. Pp. xviii, 300. New York: Research Program on the U.S.S.R., 1954. $4.25
by Harold C. Hinton - 183-184 JOHANNES KAPS (Ed.). The Tragedy of Silesia, 1945-1946: A Documentary Account with a Special Survey of the Archdiocese of Breslau. Translated by Gladys H. Hartinger. Pp. 576. Munich: "Christ Unterwegs," 1952/53. No price. Documents on the Expulsion of the Sudeten Germans. Compilation and Introduction by Wilhelm K. Turnwald. Translated by Gerda Johannsen. Pp. xxix, 308. Munich: Association for the Protection of Sudeten German Interests, 1953. No price
by Carl G. Anthon - 184-184 ALEX N. DRAGNICH. Tito's Promised Land: Yugoslavia. Pp. xii, 337. New Brunswick, N. J.: Rutgers University, 1954. $5.75
by Joseph S. Roucek - 184-185 FREE EUROPE PRESS. The Research Staff. Satellite Agriculture in Crisis: A Study of Land Policy in the Soviet Sphere. Pp. 130. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1954. $2.50
by Ernest F. Winter - 185-186 Western Continental Europe
by Johannes Mattern - 186-187 VAL R. LORWIN. The French Labor Movement. Pp. xiii, 346. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1954. $6.00
by W. Henry Cooke - 187-187 LORD RUSSELL OF LIVERPOOL. The Scourge of the Swastika. Pp. xii, 259. New York: Philosophical Library, 1954. $4.50
by Boris Erich Nelson - 187-188 ALFRED GROSSER and others. Administration et politique en Allemagne occidentale. Pp. xxi, 247. Paris: Librairie Armand Colin, 1954. No price
by Henry L. Bretton - 188-189 Other Countries
by Paul M.A. Linebarger - 189-190 E-TU ZEN SUN. Chinese Railways and British Interests 1898-1911. Pp. viii, 230. New York: King's Crown Press, Columbia University, 1954. $4.00
by Charles F. Remer - 190-191 WILLIAM W. LOCKWOOD. The Economic Development of Japan, Growth and Structural Change, 1868-1938. Pp. xiv, 603. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, 1954. $10.00
by Allan B. Cole - 191-192 DELMER BROWN. Nationalism in Japan: An Introductory Historical Analysis. Pp. viii, 336. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1955. $5.00
by Albert E. Kane - 192-193 A. CURTIS WILGUS (Ed.). The Caribbean: Its Economy. Pp. xix, 286. Gainesville : University of Florida Press, 1954. $4.50
by Harvey S. Perloff - 193-194 EARL PARKER HANSON. Transformation: The Story of Modern Puerto Rico. Pp. xxiii, 416. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1955. $5.00
by Otto Tod Mallery - 194-197 Letters to the Editor
by George W.F. Hallgarten
March 1955, Volume 298, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by William O. Brown - 1-10 Africa: The Environmental Setting
by Robert W. Steel - 11-20 Peoples and Cultures of Sub-Saharan Africa
by Melville J. Herskovits - 21-29 Peoples and Cultures of North Africa
by Philippe W. Marçais - 30-38 Past and Present Role of Africa in World Affairs
by Harry R. Rudin - 39-51 African Economies: Basic Characteristics and Prospects
by Frank R. La macchia - 52-61 The Changing Economic Structure of French West Africa
by Jo W. Saxe - 62-70 Economic Planning and Development in the Belgian Congo
by J. Huge - 71-83 The Union of South Africa: Economic Problems in a Multiracial Situation
by Sheila T. Van der horst - 84-94 Colonial Issues and Policies with Special Reference to Tropical Africa
by Kenneth Robinson - 95-108 Current Political Movements in Africa
by James S. Coleman - 109-116 Context and Sources of Political Tensions in French North Africa
by Benjamin Rivlin - 117-129 British West Africa: Patterns of Self- Government
by David E. Apter - 130-141 British Central Africa: Politics Under Federation
by Kenneth Kirkwood - 142-150 Union of South Africa: Politics of White Supremacy
by Gwendolen M. Carter - 151-160 Dynamics of Urbanization in Africa
by Daniel F. Mccall - 161-169 Impact of Christianity in Africa
by Emory Ross - 170-179 Education in Africa: Its Pattern and Role in Social Change
by Margaret H. Read - 180-182 Bylaws of The American Academy of Political and Social Science
by N/A - 183-184 LIE, TRYGVE. In the Cause of Peace: Seven Years with the United Nations. Pp. xii, 473. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1954. $6.00
by Henry R. Winkler - 184-185 BOWIE, ROBERT R., and CARL J. FRIEDRICH (Eds.). Studies in Federalism. Pp. xlii, 885. Boston; Toronto: Little, Brown & Company, 1954. $15.00
by J. Eugene Harley - 185-185 HART, B. H. LIDDELL. Strategy: The In direct Approach. Pp. 404. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1954. $5.95
by Eustace M. Peixotto - 185-186 GROSS, FELIKS. Foreign Policy Analysis. Pp. xxiv, 179. New York: Philosophical Library, 1954. $3.75
by Norman L. Hill - 186-187 EUROPEAN MOVEMENT. The Economic Fu ture of Europe. Pp. 188. New York : Frederick A. Praeger, 1954. $3.50
by Norman S. Buchanan - 187-188 WARBURG, JAMES P. The United States in a Changing World: An Historical Analysis of American Foreign Policy. Pp. xv, 496. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1954. $5.75
by Louis Martin Sears - 188-188 PROUDFOOT, MARY. Britain and the United States in the Caribbean: A Comparative Study in Methods of Development. Pp. xii, 434. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1954. $8.50
by Robert E. Scott - 188-189 BROWN, STUART GERRY. The First Re publicans: Political Philosophy and Pub lic Policy in the Party of Jefferson and Madison. Pp. 250. Syracuse, N. Y.: University of Syracuse Press, 1954. $3.00
by Claude G. Bowers - 189-190 KONVITZ, MILTON R. Bill of Rights Reader. (Cornell Studies in Civil Lib erty.) Pp. xix, 591. Ithaca, N. Y.: Cornell University Press, 1954. $6.50
by Leo Pfeffer - 190-191 DE GRAZIA, ALFRED. The Western Public, 1952 and Beyond. Pp. ix, 226. Stan ford, Cal.: Stanford University Press, 1954. $3.00
by Thomas C. Donnelly - 191-192 WILLCOX, WILLIAM B. (Ed.). The Ameri can Rebellion: Sir Henry Clinton's Nar rative of his Campaigns, 1775-1782. Pp. li, 658. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1954. $7.50
by Ralph Adams Brown - 192-193 DAY, DONALD, and HARRY HERBERT ULLOM (Eds.). The Autobiography of Sam Houston. Pp. xviii, 298. Norman: Uni versity of Oklahoma Press, 1954. $5.00
by George D. Harmon - 193-193 TODD, RICHARD CECIL. Confederate Fi nance. Pp. x, 258. Athens, Ga.: Uni versity of Georgia Press, 1954. $5.00
by James A. Durham - 193-194 HOBBS, EDWARD H. Behind the President, A Study of Executive Office Agencies. Pp. vi, 248. Washington, D. C. : Public Affairs Press, 1954. $4.50
by John H. Ferguson - 194-195 POTTER, DAVID M. People of Plenty: Eco nomic Abundance and the American Character. Pp. xxvii, 219. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1954. $3.50
by Alice Felt Tyler - 195-196 STURM, ALBERT M. Methods of State Con stitutional Reform. (University of Mich igan, Michigan Governmental Studies, No. 28.) Pp. xii, 175. Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan Press, 1954. $2.50
by Roy V. Peel - 196-196 BURTON, HAL (Ed.). The City Fights Back. Pp. 318. New York: Citadel Press, 1954. $5.00
by Francis J. Brown - 196-197 LUTHIN, REINHARD H. American Dema gogues : The 20th Century. Pp. xv, 368. Boston: Beacon Press, 1954, $5.00
by Peter H. Odegard - 197-198 LUNDBERG, FERDINAND. The Treason of the People. Pp. 370. New York : Harper & Brothers, 1954. $4.50
by Henry Wells - 198-199 BRIGHT, ARTHUR A., JR., and GEORGE H. ELLIS (Eds.). The Economic State of New England. Pp. xii, 738. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1954. $6.00
by Edward C. Kirkland - 199-200 OSBORN, RICHARDS C. Corporate Profits: War and Postwar. (Bureau of Economics and Business Research, Bulletin Series, No. 77.) Pp. 79. Urbana: University of Illinois, 1954. No price
by Adolf A. Berle JR - 200-201 TROMBLEY, KENNETH E. The Life and Times of a Happy Liberal. A Biography of Morris Llewellyn Cooke. Pp. 262. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1954. $4.00
by Otto T. Mallery - 201-201 PALMER, GLADYS L., with the assistance of CAROL P. BRAINERD. Labor Mobility in Six Cities: A Report on the Survey of Patterns and Factors in Labor Mobility, 1940-1950. Pp. xiv, 177. New York: Social Science Research Council, 1954. $2.75 cloth; $2.25 paper
by Witt Bowden - 201-202 LOWIE, ROBERT H. Indians of the Plains. (Anthropological Handbook Number One.) Pp. xiii, 222. New York: Mc- Graw-Hill Company (for the American Museum of Natural History), 1954. $4.75
by Edward H. Spicer - 202-203 LA PIERE, RICHARD T. A Theory of Social Control. Pp. xi, 568. New York: Mc- Graw-Hill Book Company, 1954. $7.50
by W. Rex Crawford - 203-204 MILES, ARTHUR P. American Social Work Theory: A Critique and a Proposal. Pp. ix, 246. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1954. $3.00
by W.I. Newstetter - 204-205 SIMMONS, LEO W., and HAROLD G. WOLFF. Social Science in Medicine. Pp. iv, 254. $3.50
by Francis J. Brown - 205-205 DUVALL, EVELYN MILLIS. In-Laws: Pro and Con: An Original Study of Inter Personal Relations. Pp. viii, 400. New York: Association Press, 1954, $3.95
by Eleanor S. Boll - 205-206 KEVE, PAUL W. Prison, Probation, or Parole? Pp. 263. Minneapolis: The University of Minnesota Press, 1954. $3.75
by Ralph W. England JR - 206-207 WOLFLE, DAEL. America's Resources of Specialized Talent: A Current Appraisal and a Look Ahead. Pp. xx, 332. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1954. $4.00
by Claude E. Hawley - 207-207 DRESSEL, PAUL L., and LEWIS B. MAY- HEW. General Education, Explorations in Evaluation: The Final Report of the Cooperative Study of Evaluation in Gen eral Education of the American Council on Education. Pp. xxiii, 302. Washing ton, D. C.: American Council on Edu cation, 1954. $3.50
by I.B. Berkson - 207-208 AMERICAN COUNCIL ON EDUCATION. Uni versity Education for Administration in Hospitals. Pp. xix, 199. Washington, D. C.: American Council on Education, 1954. $3.00
by James A. Norton - 208-209 HODGSON, KENNETH W. The Deaf and Their Problems: A Study in Special Education. Preface by Sir Richard Paget, Bart. Pp. xx, 364. New York: Philosophical Library, 1954. $6.00
by Maxine Tull Boatner - 209-210 PEARSON, GERALD H. J. Psychoanalysis and the Education of the Child. Pp. x, 357. New York: W. W. Norton and Company, 1954. $5.00
by John E. Anderson - 210-210 SILVERMAN, HIRSCH LAZAAR. Education Through Psychology: A Subjectivist- Idealist Format for Education. Pp. 58. New York: Exposition Press, 1954. $3.00
by John E. Anderson - 210-211 MEYER, ALFRED G. Marxism: The Unity of Theory and Practice. Pp. xx, 181. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1954. $3.50
by J. Plamenatz - 211-212 HAZARD, PAUL. European Thought in the Eighteenth Century: From Montesquieu to Lessing. Pp. xx, 477. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1954. $6.00
by John Bowle - 212-212 BOLGAR, R. R. The Classical Heritage and its Beneficiaries. Pp. viii, 592. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1954. $8.50
by Sidney Painter - 212-213 MONTGOMERY, JOHN D. (Ed.). The State versus Socrates. Pp. vi, 247. Boston : Beacon Press, 1954. $3.50
by Ronald B. Levinson - 213-214 BENTLEY, ARTHUR F. Inquiry into In quiries : Essay in Social Theory. Edited with an Introduction by Sidney Ratner. Pp. xvi, 365. Boston: Beacon Press, 1954. $6.00
by J.R. Kantor - 214-215 MUMFORD, LEWIS. In the Name of Sanity. Pp. vii, 244. New York: Harcourt, Brace, and Company, 1954. $3.75
by Mason W. Gross - 215-216 OPPENHEIMER, J. ROBERT. Science and the Common Understanding. Pp. 120. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1954. $2.75
by Henry A. Finch - 216-216 KIRK, RUSSELL. A Program for Conserva tives. Pp. ix, 325. Chicago: Henry Regnery Company, 1954. $4.00
by James Burnham - 216-217 HARKNESS, GEORGIA. The Sources of Western Morality: From Primitive So ciety Through the Beginnings of Christi anity. Pp. xi, 257. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1954. $3.50
by Irl G. Whitchurch - 217-218 BODO, JOHN R. The Protestant Clergy and Public Issues, 1812-1848. Pp. 291. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, 1954. $5.00
by Don E. Smucker - 218-219 EPSTEIN, LEON D. Britain—Uneasy Ally. Pp. 279. Chicago: University of Chi cago Press, 1954. $4.00
by G. Kitson Clark