November 1983, Volume 470, Issue 1
- 203-204 International Relations and Politics
by Florence P. Engelhardt - 204-205 International Relations and Politics
by Jerome Segal - 205-205 International Relations and Politics
by Lou Ferleger - 206-207 International Relations and Politics
by Russell Bellico
September 1983, Volume 469, Issue 1
- 9-10 Preface
by Marvin E. Wolfgang & Robert H. Kupperman - 11-22 Opposition to Nuclear Armament
by Admiral Noel Gayler - 23-27 The Nuclear Freeze and the Politics of Illusion
by Joseph D. Lehman - 28-37 America's Nuclear Ferment: Opportunities for Change
by REAR ADMIRAL GENE R. La ROCQUE - 38-45 The Catholic Bishops' Concern with Nuclear Armaments
by John Cardinal Krol - 46-57 Nuclear Arms as a Philosophical and Moral Issue
by Robert P. Churchill - 58-67 Ballistic Missile Defense: Reflections on Current Issues
by David N. Schwartz - 68-76 Here Today, Gone Tomorrow—Nuclear Deterrence in the 1990s?
by ROBERT H. KUPPERMAN & Debra van Opstal - 77-90 Reducing Short-Range Nuclear Systems in Europe: An Opportunity for Stability in the Eighties
by Thomas J. Hirschfeld - 91-103 Western Europe: Cycles, Crisis, and the Nuclear Revolution
by CATHERINE McARDLE KELLEHER - 104-116 West German Perspectives on Nuclear Armament and Arms Control
by Gale A. Mattox - 117-135 The Soviet Approach to Nuclear Weapons: A Historical Review
by Major General William E. Odom - 136-143 The Position of the USSR on Nuclear Weapons and Arms Control
by Yevgeniy N. Kochetkov - 144-154 The Case for Disarmament: Some Personal Reflections on the United States and Disarmament
by Charles C. Price - 155-163 Arms Control Developments
by Senator Arlen Specter - 163-163 Erratum
by N/A - 164-165 International Relations and Politics
by David S. Sorenson - 165-166 International Relations and Politics
by N. Otshchepenets - 166-167 International Relations and Politics
by John C. Cairns - 167-168 International Relations and Politics
by Martin Wolfe - 169-169 International Relations and Politics
by William R. Dougan - 170-170 International Relations and Politics
by Lucy Creevey - 171-172 International Relations and Politics
by Warren Fusfeld - 172-172 International Relations and Politics
by Frederick J. Stefon - 172-173 International Relations and Politics
by Arthur Schmidt - 173-174 International Relations and Politics
by Marjorie M. Farrar - 175-175 International Relations and Politics
by Mary E. Murphy - 175-176 International Relations and Politics
by Elmer N. Lear - 176-177 International Relations and Politics
by L. L. FARRAR Jr. - 177-178 International Relations and Politics
by Ranz Esbenshade - 178-179 International Relations and Politics
by Gerald T. Dunne - 179-180 International Relations and Politics
by Joe P. Dunn - 180-181 International Relations and Politics
by Frederick H. Schapsmeier - 181-181 International Relations and Politics
by Martin J. Schiesl - 182-183 International Relations and Politics
by James Fairbanks - 183-183 International Relations and Politics
by ROBERT McCOLLEY - 183-184 International Relations and Politics
by W. Bruce Allen - 184-185 International Relations and Politics
by Donald H. Stewart - 185-186 International Relations and Politics
by Elizabeth Renaud - 186-187 International Relations and Politics
by Anthony R. Tomazinis - 187-188 International Relations and Politics
by Peter Gran - 188-189 International Relations and Politics
by Jerry L. L. Miller - 189-190 International Relations and Politics
by William M. Bridgeland - 190-191 International Relations and Politics
by Shadia B. Drury - 191-192 International Relations and Politics
by Joseph D. Ben-Dak - 192-193 International Relations and Politics
by Ralph L. Beals - 193-194 International Relations and Politics
by SALVATORE J. LaGUMINA - 194-196 International Relations and Politics
by Andrew W. Dobelstein - 196-197 International Relations and Politics
by Eugene V. Schneider - 197-198 International Relations and Politics
by Michael Margolis - 198-199 International Relations and Politics
by Andrew W. Dobelstein - 199-200 International Relations and Politics
by Peter L. Eisenberg - 200-201 International Relations and Politics
by Nathan Adler - 201-202 International Relations and Politics
by William Wilbanks - 202-203 International Relations and Politics
by Paul G. Schervish - 203-204 International Relations and Politics
by Neal A. Ferguson - 204-205 International Relations and Politics
by Philip A. Viton - 206-207 International Relations and Politics
by P. I. Mathew - 207-208 International Relations and Politics
by Solomon William Polachek
July 1983, Volume 468, Issue 1
- 9-11 Preface
by S. E. Berki - 12-29 Allocative Medicine: Efficiency, Disease Severity, and the Payment Mechanism
by Mark C. Hornbrook - 30-47 The Competition Strategy for Medical Care
by WALTER McCLURE - 48-59 Competition and Health Care Policy: Experience and Expectations
by Lawrence D. Brown - 60-87 Incomplete Vertical Integration in the Health Care Industry: Pseudomarkets and Pseudopolicies
by Robert G. Evans - 88-102 New Federalism and Health Policy
by Philip R. Lee & Carroll L. Estes - 103-121 Health Care for the Poor
by Drew Altman - 122-131 Health Maintenance Organizations as Medicaid Providers
by Marie L.F. Ashcraft & S. E. Berki - 132-148 The Aging of the Population and Health Services
by Bruce C. Vladeck & James P. Firman - 149-164 Financing the Health Care of the Aged
by Judith R. Lave & Herbert A. Silverman - 165-181 Policy Implications of the Diffusion and Control of Medical Technology
by H. David Banta & Anne Kesselman Burns & Clyde J. Behney - 182-195 New Horizons in Pharmaceutical Technology
by Duane M. Kirking - 196-204 Quality, Cost, and Clinical Decisions
by Avedis Donabedian - 205-215 How many Physicians are Enough?
by Eli Ginzberg - 216-230 Industrial Rationalization of a Cottage Industry: Multi-Institutional Hospital Systems
by Howard S. Zuckerman - 231-246 Health Care Policy: Lessons from the Past and Issues of the Future
by S. E. Berki - 247-248 International Relations and Politics
by Edward L. Bernays - 248-248 International Relations and Politics
by Edward L. Farmer - 248-249 Africa, Asia, and Latin America
by Wilson B. Bishai - 249-250 Africa, Asia, and Latin America
by Karl K. Barbir - 250-250 Europe
by David L. Schalk - 250-251 Europe
by Joseph S. Roucek - 251-252 United States
by Roman Hedges - 252-253 United States
by DAVID W. McCONNELL - 253-254 United States
by Kent Morrison - 254-254 United States
by Roman A. Cybriwsky - 254-255 Sociology
by Duncan Holaday - 255-256 Sociology
by John S. Robey - 256-256 Sociology
by Seymour Leventman - 256-257 Sociology
by Miriam Ershkowitz - 257-258 Economics
by Ivar Spector - 258-259 Economics
by Russell Hardin - 259-259 Economics
by Jennings B. Sanders
May 1983, Volume 467, Issue 1
- 9-10 Preface
by Gilburt Loescher - 11-23 Identifying the World's Refugees
by Atle Grahl-Madsen - 24-38 The Formation of New States as a Refugee-Generating Process
by Aristide R. Zolberg - 39-61 The Demography of Refugees
by Earl E. Huyck & Leon F. Bouvier - 62-77 Refugees in Developing Countries and Transnational Organization
by Leon Gordenker - 78-88 Refugees: Goodbye to the Good Old Days
by Ronald S. Scheinman - 89-101 The Palestine Question: Dealing with a Long-Term Refugee Situation
by David P. Forsythe - 102-115 Indochinese Refugees: The Law and Politics of First Asylum
by Astri Suhrke - 116-137 U.S. Foreign Policy, 1959-80: Impact on Refugee Flow from Cuba
by John Scanlan & Gilburt Loescher - 138-150 The Cuban Boatlift of 1980: Strategies in Federal Crisis Management
by Ronald Copeland - 151-162 The Haitians versus the United States: The Courts as Last Resort
by Naomi Flink Zucker - 163-171 The Refugee Act of 1980: Problems and Congressional Concerns
by Arnold H. Leibowitz - 172-186 Refugee Resettlement in the United States: Policy and Problems
by Norman L. Zucker - 187-201 The Commitment to Refugee Resettlement
by Barry N. Stein - 202-203 International Relations and Politics
by Henry S. Albinski - 203-204 International Relations and Politics
by Wayne Patterson - 204-205 International Relations and Politics
by Alan James - 205-205 International Relations and Politics
by Winston E. Langley - 205-206 International Relations and Politics
by Josef Silverstein - 207-207 International Relations and Politics
by David S. Sorenson - 207-208 International Relations and Politics
by Patrick M. Morgan - 208-209 International Relations and Politics
by Anthony Trawick Bouscaren - 209-210 International Relations and Politics
by Robert L. Tignor - 210-210 International Relations and Politics
by Holden Furber - 210-212 International Relations and Politics
by Alexander S. Mitrakos - 212-213 International Relations and Politics
by John B. Adesalu - 213-213 International Relations and Politics
by Warren Fusfeld - 213-214 International Relations and Politics
by Arthur Schmidt - 214-215 International Relations and Politics
by FLOYD McFARLAND - 215-217 International Relations and Politics
by F. G. Notehelfer - 217-217 International Relations and Politics
by Susan Ramirez - 217-218 International Relations and Politics
by Edward L. Farmer - 218-219 International Relations and Politics
by Lyman H. Legters - 219-220 International Relations and Politics
by Robert P. Gardella - 220-221 International Relations and Politics
by Edward L. Jones - 221-222 International Relations and Politics
by Geoffrey Pridham - 222-223 International Relations and Politics
by Robert B. Pettengill - 223-224 International Relations and Politics
by WOODFORD McCLELLAN - 224-225 International Relations and Politics
by Paul Rosenfeld - 225-226 International Relations and Politics
by David L. Schalk - 226-228 International Relations and Politics
by DALE LaBELLE - 228-229 International Relations and Politics
by Heinz F. Mackensen - 229-230 International Relations and Politics
by Bernard P. Herber - 230-230 International Relations and Politics
by John J. Lennon - 231-231 International Relations and Politics
by Philip T. Rosen - 232-232 International Relations and Politics
by Joseph G. Dawson Iii - 232-233 International Relations and Politics
by Roger Daniels - 233-234 International Relations and Politics
by GARY L. McDOWELL - 234-235 International Relations and Politics
by George H. Conklin - 235-236 International Relations and Politics
by Robert G. Sherer - 236-237 International Relations and Politics
by Carl W. Backman - 237-238 International Relations and Politics
by George H. Daniels - 238-239 International Relations and Politics
by Louis Schneiderman - 239-239 International Relations and Politics
by John Weeks - 239-240 International Relations and Politics
by Martin E. Danzig - 240-241 International Relations and Politics
by ALFRED McCLUNG LEE - 241-242 International Relations and Politics
by Sidney Axinn - 242-243 International Relations and Politics
by Rosamund Billington - 243-244 International Relations and Politics
by Joseph F. Zimmerman
March 1983, Volume 466, Issue 1
- 9-21 Preface
by Charles E. Gilbert - 23-41 Politics, Policy, and Bureaucracy at the Top
by James W. Fesler - 43-59 Policy Innovation and the Structure of the State: The Politics-Administration Nexus in France and Britain
by Peter A. Hall - 61-76 The Public-Service Problem
by EUGENE B. McGREGOR Jr. - 77-90 The Management of Executive Departments
by Alan L. Dean - 91-102 Public Management in the 1980s and Beyond
by Fred A. Kramer - 103-118 Program Evaluation and Appropriate Governmental Change
by Eleanor Chelimsky - 119-134 Organizing for Change
by Louis C. Gawthrop - 135-147 Nonhierarchical Approaches to the Organization of Public Activity
by Vincent Ostrom - 149-164 Changing Public-Private Sector Relations: A Look at the United States
by Bruce L.R. Smith - 165-178 Intergovernmental Redirection
by Donald H. Haider - 179-192 The Presidency and Political Change
by Lester G. Seligman - 193-205 Integration and Fragmentation: Key Themes of Congressional Change
by Walter J. Oleszek - 207-208 International Relations And Politics
by James R. Silkenat - 208-209 International Relations And Politics
by Richard E. Johe - 209-210 International Relations And Politics
by Mary A. Holman - 210-210 International Relations And Politics
by David H. Rosenbloom - 211-211 International Relations And Politics
by Ivar Spector - 211-212 Africa, Asia, And Latin America
by Norman D. Palmer - 212-213 Africa, Asia, And Latin America
by J. E. Spencer - 213-214 Africa, Asia, And Latin America
by Donald L. Huddle - 214-215 Africa, Asia, And Latin America
by Surinder K. Mehta - 215-216 Africa, Asia, And Latin America
by Harold L. Johnson - 217-217 Africa, Asia, And Latin America
by David M. Billikopf - 217-218 Africa, Asia, And Latin America
by R. Kent Lancaster - 218-218 Africa, Asia, And Latin America
by Roy M. Melbourne - 219-219 Africa, Asia, And Latin America
by Minoo Adenwalla - 220-220 Europe
by Joseph A. Amato - 221-222 Europe
by William M. Simons - 222-223 Europe
by Carolyn P. Boyd - 223-223 Europe
by Harry N. Howard - 223-224 Europe
by David Hecht - 224-225 United States
by Louis Filler - 225-226 United States
by Robert P. Hay - 226-226 United States
by Walter Licht - 227-228 United States
by Paul Kantor - 228-228 United States
by JACK P. MADDEX Jr. - 229-230 United States
by Sidney Axinn - 230-231 United States
by Louis Filler - 231-231 United States
by Martin E. Danzig - 232-233 United States
by Stephen W. White - 233-233 United States
by Donald T. Critchlow & Michael A. Payne - 233-234 Sociology
by Maureen Searle