July 1896, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 188-190 Miscellany
by L.S. Rowe - 191-200 Notes on Municipal Government
by N/A - 201-209 Sociological Notes
by N/A
March 1896, Volume 7, Issue 11_suppl
- 9-14 The Constitution of Belgium
by J.M. Vincent - 15-39 The Constitution of Belgium
by N/A - 40-40 Bibliography
by N/A
January 1896, Volume 7, Issue 10_suppl
- 5-6 The Theory of Social Forces
by N/A - 7-17 Chapter I
by N/A - 18-48 Chapter II
by N/A - 49-74 Chapter III
by N/A - 75-108 Chapter IV
by N/A - 109-151 Chapter V
by N/A
May 1896, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 1-34 Bryce's "American Commonwealth."
by Edmund J. James - 35-49 Political and Municipal Legislation in I895
by E. Dana Durand - 50-73 The Formulation of Normal Laws
by Simon N. Patten - 74-85 The Recognition of Cuban Belligerency
by Amos S. Hershey - 85-88 Adam Smith and James Anderson
by J.H. Hollander - 89-92 Personal Notes
by N/A - 93-98 Notes
by N/A - 98-99 Reviews
by Roland P. Falkner - 99-101 Hand-Book of American Constitutional Law. By HENRY CAMP- BELL BLACK, M. A. Pp. xxiv, 627. Price, $3.75. St. Paul, Minn.: West Publishing Company., I895
by Edmund J. James - 101-104 Economic History of Virginia in the Seventeenth Century. An in quiry into the material condition of the people based upon origi nal and contemporaneous records. By PHILTP ALEXANDER BRUCE. Two Vols. Pp. xix, 634, 647. Price, $6.00. London and New York: Macmillan & Co., I896
by Henry R. Seager - 104-105 The Constitutional History and Constitutional Law of the Church of England. Translated from the German of FELIX MAKOWFR. Pp. 555. Price, $3.75. London and New York: Macmillan & Co., I895
by Richard Hudson - 105-106 Nuovi limiti e freni nelle istituzioni Politiche Americane. By FRANCESCO RACIOPPI. Pp. xii and 376. Price, $I.00. Milan: Ulrico Hoepli
by Frank J. Goodnow - 106-109 Appenzell: Pure Democracy and Pastoral Life in Inner-Rhoden. A Swiss Study. By IRVING B. RICHMAN, Consul-General of the United States to Switzerland. Pp. 206. Price $I.50. London and New York : Longmans, Green & Co., I895
by Jesse Macy - 110-112 Buckle and His Critics: A Study in Sociology. By JOHN MACKIN- NON ROBERTSON. Pp. 565. Price, IOS. 6d., paper. London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., I895
by Cheesman A. Hurrick - 112-114 The Tribal System in Wales. By FREDERIC SEEBOHM, LL. D., F. S. A. Pp. 238, I06. Price, $4.00. London and New York: Longmans, Green & Co., I895
by E.P. Cheyney - 114-116 Zur Frage der Arbeitslosen-Versicherung. By Dr. GEORG SCHANZ. Pp. 384. Bamberg: C. C. Buchner, I895
by Emily Grebne Balch - 116-120 Municipal Government in Continental Europe.* By ALBERT SHAW. Pp. 505. Price, $2.00. New York : Century Company, I895
by L.S. Rowe - 120-121 Geschichte des Socialismus und Communismus im I9 ten Jahrhundert. III. Abteilung : Louis Blanc. By Professor Dr. WARSCHAUER. Pp. I63. Price, 2 marks. Berlin : Hermann Bahr, I894
by Merrick Whitcomb - 122-127 Classified Bibliography
by N/A - 128-135 Notes on Municipal Government
by N/A - 136-142 Sociological Notes
by N/A
March 1896, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 1-60 The Multiple Money Standard
by J. Allen Smith - 61-80 An Early Essay on Proportional Representation
by N/A - 81-97 Rudolf Von Gneist
by Conrad Bornhak - 98-113 Individual Determinism and Social Science
by N/A - 114-118 Briefer Communications
by C.W.A. Veditz - 119-125 Personal Notes
by N/A - 126-133 Notes
by N/A - 133-136 Reviews
by Joseph French Johnson - 136-138 Souveraineté du peuple et Gouvernement. Par EUGÈNE D'EICHTHAL. Price, 3 fr. 50. Paris : Félix Alcan, I895
by Henry E. Bourne - 138-141 A Scientific Solution of the Money Question. By ARTHUR KITSON. Pp. viii, 4I8, with appendix. Price, $I.25. Boston : Arena Publish ing Company, I895
by Lindley M. Kgasbey - 141-143 Historical Essays. By J. B. LIGHTFOOT. Pp. 245. Price, $I.50. London and New York : Macmillan & Co., I895
by J.M. Vincent - 143-145 Higher Education in Tennessee. By LUCIUS SALISBURY MERRIAM, Ph. D. Contributions to American Educational History, No. I6, edited by Herbert B. Adams ; Bureau of Education, Circular of In formation, No. 5. Pp. 287. Washington: Government Printing Office, I893. Blount College and the University of Tennessee. An Historical Ad dress. By EDWARD T. SANFORD, A. M. Pp. II9. Published by the University, Knoxville, Tenn., I895
by Frederick W. Moore - 145-146 An Advanced History of England. By CYRIL RANSOME, M. A. Pp. xviii, I069. Price, $2.25. London and New York: Macmillan & Co., I895
by Rufus M. Jones - 146-149 Essays in Taxation. BY EDWIN R. A. SELIGMAN. Pp. 434. Price, $3.00. New York and London: Macmillan & Co., I895
by Henry C. Adams - 149-155 Studies in Economics. By WILLIAM SMART, M. A., LL. D. Lec turer on Political Economy in the University of Glasgow. Pp. x, 34I. Price, $2.75. London and New York: Macmillan & Co., I895
by Sidney Sherwood - 155-159 Money and Banking. Illustrated by American History. By HORACH WHITE. Pp. 488. Price, $I.50. Boston: Ginn & Co., I895
by Joseph French Johnson - 160-161 The Mississippi Basin : The Struggle in America between England and France, I697-I763. With full cartographical illustrations from contemporary sources. By JUSTIN WINSOR. Pp. ix, 464. Price, $4.00. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., I895
by George H. Haynes - 161-163 The Poor in Great Cities, Their Problems and What is Doing to Solve Them. By ROBKRT A. WOODS, W. T. ELSING, JACOB A. RIIS, WILLARD PARSONS, EVERETT J. WENDELL, ERNEST FLAGG, WIL LIAM JEWETT TUCKER, JOSEPH KIRKLAND, SIR WALTER BESANT, EDMUND R. SPEARMAN, JESSIE WHITE MARIO and OSCAR CRAIG. Pp. xxi, 400. Price, $3.00. New York : Charles Scribner's Sons, I895
by Frank I. Hbrmott - 164-171 Classified Bibliography
by N/A - 172-176 Miscellany
by Henry R. Seager - 177-188 Notes on Municipal Government
by N/A - 189-203 Sociological Notes
by N/A
January 1896, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-31 The Nicaragua Canal and the Monroe Doctrine
by Lindley M. Keasbey - 32-37 The Advantages of the Nicaragua Route
by J.W. Miller - 38-48 The Nicaragua Canal and the Economic Development of the United States
by Emory R. Johnson - 49-57 Proceedings of the Academy
by N/A - 58-63 The Musée Social in Paris
by W.F. Willoughby - 63-69 The History of a Municipal Charter in Kentucky
by Edward J. McDermott - 69-73 Vacation Course of the Verein Für Social Politik
by N/A - 74-77 Editorial
by Roland P. Falkner - 78-98 Personal Notes
by N/A - 99-113 Notes
by N/A - 113-120 Reviews
by H. Morse Stephens - 120-122 Études et portraits politiques. Par NUMA DROZ, Ancien Président de la Confédération Suisse. Pp. 5I9. Geneva: Ch. Eggimann et Cie. Paris: Felix Alcan, I895
by A. Lawrence Lowell - 122-124 Outlines of English Industrial History. By W. CUNNINGHAM, D.D. and ELLEN A. McARTHUR. Pp. xii, 274. Price, $I.50. London and New York: Macmillan & Co., I895
by Henry R. Seager - 124-126 Benjamin Franklin as an Economist. By W. A. WETZEL, A. M. Pp. 58. Price, 50 cents. Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science. September, I895. Baltimore
by Francis N. Thorpe - 126-128 Sir William Petty, a Study in English Economic Literature. By WILSON LLOYD BEVAN. Pp. I05. Price, 75 cents. Publications of the American Economic Association. Vol. IX, No. 4, August, I894. New York : Macmillan & Co. The Life of Sir William Petty; chiefly derived from Private Docu ments hitherto Unpublished. By Lord EDMOND FITZMAURICE. London: John Murray, I895
by Charles H. Hull - 129-131 The History of Currency, I252-I894. Being an Account of the Gold and Silver Moneys and Monetary Standards of Europe and America, together with an Examination of the Effects of Currency and Exchange Phenomena on Commercial and National Progress and Well-being. By W. A. SHAW. [Second Edition.] Pp. xxx, 437. Price, $3.50. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. London: Wilson & Milne, I896
by Frank I. Harriott - 131-136 Statistics and Sociology. (Science of Statistics, Part I.) By RICH- MOND MAYO-SMITH. Pp. 400. Price, $3.00. New York : Macmil lan & Co. , 1895
by Roland P. Falkner - 136-137 Vergil in the Middle Ages. By DOMENICO COMPARETTI. Trans lated by E. F. L. BENECKE. Pp. xvi, 376. Price, $2.50. New York : Macmillan & Co., I895
by Dana C. Munro - 137-139 Histoire des institutions monarchiques dans le royaume latin de Jerusalem, I099-I29I. Par GASTON DODU. Pp. xiv., 38I. Paris : Hachette et Cie. I894
by Dana C. Munro - 139-141 A History of Slavery and Serfdom. By JOHN KELLS INGRAM, LL. D. Pp. 285. Price, $I.60. London: Adam and Charles Black ; New York : Macmillan & Co., I895
by John Haynes - 141-143 The Origin and Development of the United States Senate. By CLARA HANNAH KERR, Ph. D. Pp. I97. Ithaca, N. Y. Andrus & Church, I895
by John Haynes - 144-161 Notes on Municipal Government
by N/A - 162-172 Sociological Notes
by N/A
November 1895, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 1-20 Recent Political Experiments in the Swiss Democracy
by Louis Wuarin - 21-36 The Social Basis of Proportional Representation
by Jeremiah W. Jenks - 37-45 The Custody of State Funds
by E.R. Buckley - 52-63 The Problem of Sociology
by Georg Simmel - 64-108 Railway Departments for the Relief and Insurance of Employes
by Emory R. Johnson - 109-117 The Railroad Commission of California. a Study in Irresponsible Government
by S.E. Moffett - 118-127 Personal Notes
by N/A - 128-131 Reviews
by Edmund J. James - 131-133 Life and Labour of the People in London. Vols. V and VI. Edited by CHARLES BOOTH. Pp. 4I6. Price, $3 each. London and New York: Macmillan & Co., I895
by David I. Green - 133-135 Aspects of the Social Problem. By Various Writers. Edited by BERNARD BOSANQUET. Pp. 334. Price, $I.00. London and New York : Macmillan & Co., I895
by S.M. Lindsay - 135-140 The Writings of Thomas Paine, collected and edited by MONCURE D. CONWAY, with introduction and notes. Vol. I, I774-I779, pp. vii, 445; Vol. II, 1779-1792, pp. 523; Vol. III, I79I-I804, pp. xv, 436. Price, per volume, $2.50. New York and London: G. P. Putnam's Sons, I894, 1895
by Frank I. Herriott - 140-142 Studies in American Education. By ALBERT BUSHNELL HART, Ph. D. Pp. I50. Price, $I.25. New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1895. Essays in American History. By HENRY FURGUSON, M. A. Pp. 2II. New York: Tames Pott & Co., I894
by J.A. James - 142-144 Evolution and Effort and their Relation to Religion and Politics. By EDMOND KELLY, M. A., F. G. S. Pp. ix, 297. Price, $I.25. New York : D. Appleton & Co., I895
by S.M. Lindsay - 144-147 The Winning of the West. By THEODORE ROOSEVELT. Pp. 339. Price, $2.50. New York and London: G. P. Putnam's Sons, I894
by Stephen B. Weeks - 147-153 The Life and Writings of Turgot. By W. WALKER STEPHENS. Pp. xiv, 33I. Price, $4.50. New York and London: Longmans, Green & Co., I895. Life of Adam Smith. By JOHN RAE. Pp. xv, 449. Price, $4.00. New York and London : Macmilian & Co., I895
by Hunry R. Seager - 154-155 Journal of Colonel George Washington, commanding a detachment of Virginia troops sent by Robert Dinwiddie, Lieutenant-Governor of Virginia, across the Alleghany mountains, in I754, etc. Edited with notes by J. M. TONER, M. D. Pp. 273. Price, $5.00. Albany, N. Y.: Joel Munsell's Sons, I893
by Herbert Friedenwald - 155-156 English History in Shakespeare's Plays. By BEVERLEY E. WARNTR. Pp. x, 32I. Price, $I.75. New York and London: Longmans, Green &. Co., 1894
by George H. Haynes - 156-158 Punishment and Reformation, an Historical Sketch of the Rise of the Penitentiary System. By FREDERICK HOWARD WINES, LL. D. Pp. 339. Price, $I.75. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell & Co., I895
by Roland P. Falknbr - 158-162 Popular Discussions of the Monsy Question
by Jos. French Johnson - 163-169 Notes
by N/A - 170-190 Miscellany
by F.B. Sanborn - 191-201 Notes on Municipal Government
by N/A - 202-212 Sociological Notes
by N/A - 212-215 Current Bibliography
by N/A
September 1895, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 1-30 The Sources of American Federalism
by William C. Morey - 31-57 The Amendments to the Italian Constitution
by G. Arangio Ruiz - 58-71 Representation in New England Legislatures
by George H. Haynes - 72-83 The Income Tax Decisions as an Object Lesson in Constitutional Construction
by Christopher G. Tiedeman - 84-93 Briefer Communications
by W.A.S. Hewins - 94-109 Personal Notes
by N/A - 110-112 Reviews
by Charges M. Andrews - 112-113 George William Curtis. By EDWARD CARY. Pp. 343. Price, $I.25. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., I894. [American Men of Letters.]
by F.I. Herriott - 113-116 The Organization of Charities : being a report of the Sixth Section of the International Congress of Charities, Correction and Philan thropy. Chicago, June, I893. Edited with an introduction by D. C. GILMAN. Pp. xxxii, 400. Price, $I.50. Baltimore : Johns Hopkins Press, I894
by D.I. Green - 116-117 The Meaning of History, and Other Historical Pieces. By FREDERIC HARRISON. Pp. viii, 482. Price, $2.25. New York : Macmillan & Co., I894
by George H. Haynes - 117-120 Deutsche Geschichte, Von KARL LAMPRECHT. Band IV, Pp. xv, 488. Band V, Theil I, Pp. xiii, 358. Per Band, 6 Marks. Berlin : R. Gaertner's Verlagsbuchhandlung, I894
by R.C. Chapin - 120-121 The Baronage and the Senate, or the House of Lords in the Past, the Present and the Future. By WILLIAM CHARTERIS MACPHERSON. Pp. 370. London: John Murray, I893
by J.Q. Adams - 121-123 Europe 476-9I8. By CHARLES OMAN. (Periods of European His tory.) Pp. 532. Price, $I.75. New York and London: Mac millan & Co., 1893. The City-State of the Greeks and Romans. A Survey Introductory to the Study of Ancient History. By W. WARDE FOWLER. Pp. 332. Price, $I.I0. London and New York : Macmillan & Co., I893
by Charles H. Haskins - 123-124 A Constitutional History of the House of Lords. By LUKE OWEN PIKE. Pp. xxxv and 405. Price, $4.00. London and New York : Macmillan & Co., I894
by W.H. Mace - 124-133 Notes
by N/A - 134-146 Notes on Municipal Government
by N/A - 147-164 Sociological Notes
by N/A
July 1895, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-78 The Development of the Present Constitution of France
by R. Saleilles - 79-99 The Ethical Basis of Distribution and Its Application to Taxation
by T.N. Carver - 100-116 The "Minimum" Principle in the Tariff of I828 and Its Recent Revival
by S.B. Harding - 117-124 The Position of the American Representative in Congress
by C.H. Lincoln - 124-128 A Note on Economic Theory in America Prior to 1776
by C.W. Macfarlane - 128-131 History: a Definition and a Forecast
by Mary Sheldon Barnes - 132-134 Reviews
by George H. Haynes - 134-136 The Theory of Transportation. By CHARLES H. COOLEY, Ph. D. Publications of the American Economic Association, Vol. IX, No. 3, May, I894. Pp. I48. Price, 75 cents. New York : Macmillan & Co
by Emory R. Johnson - 136-137 Three Months in a Workshop: a Practical Study. By PAUL GÖHRE, General Secretary of the Evangelical Social Congress. Translated from the German, by A. B. CARR, with a prefatory note by Pro fessor Richard T. Ely. Pp. 2I9. Price, 2s. 6d. London: Swan, Sonnenschein & Co., I895
by William Harbutt Dawson - 137-140 Town Life in the Fifteenth Century. By Mrs. J. R. GREEN. 2 vols. Pp. 44I and 476. Price, $5.00. New York and London : Macmillan & Co., I894
by Edward P. Cheyney - 140-142 Co-operative Production. By BENJAMIN JONES, with prefatory note by the Rt. Hon. A. H. Dyke Acland, M. P., Vice-president of the Com mittee of Council on Education. Pp. viii and 839. Price, $3.50. Oxford: Clarendon Press ; New York : Macmillan & Co., I894
by Leo G. Bernheimer - 142-145 Bimetalism. By HENRY DUNNING MACLEOD. Pp. I38. Price, $I.75. London and New York: Longmans, Green & Co., I894. Honest Money. By ARTHUR F. FONDA. Pp. 209. Price, $I.00. New York and London : Macmillan & Co., I895. Common Sense Currency. A Practical Treatise on Money in its Rela tions to National Wealth and Prosperity. Intended for the Use of the Common People. By JOHN PHIN. Pp. 244. Price, $I.00. New York : The Industrial Publication Company, I894
by Jos. French Johnson - 145-146 Natural Rights: a Criticism of Some Political and Ethical Concep tions. By DAVID G. RITCHIE, Professor of Logic and Meta physics in the University of St. Andrews. Pp. xvi, 304. Price, $2.75. London: Swan, Sonnenschein & Co. New York: Macmillan & Co., 1895
by William Harbutt Dawson - 146-151 L'Europe et la Révolution Française. Par ALBERT SOREL. Pre mière partie, Les moeurs politiques et les traditions ; Deuxième partie, La Chute de la Royauté; Troisième partie, La Guerre aux rois, I792-I793; Quatrieme partie, Les limites naturelles, I794- I795. Pp. 562, 574, 556 and 492. Price, 8 fr. per vol. Paris : Plon, Nourrit et Cie, I885-I893
by James Harvey Robinson - 151-153 Chapters on the Principles of International Law. By JOHN WEST- LAKE, Q. C., LL. D. Pp. 275. Price, $2.60 Cambridge : University Press ; New York : Macmillan & Co., I894
by J.S. Reeves - 153-155 Elementary Textbooks on Commercial Geography
by Emory R. Johnson - 155-164 Notes
by N/A - 165-180 Notes on Municipal Government
by N/A - 181-196 Sociological Notes
by N/A
May 1895, Volume 5, Issue 6
- 1-36 Uniform State Legislation
by Frederic Jesup Stimson - 37-53 State Supervision for Cities
by J.R. Commons - 54-68 The Exploitation of Theories of Value in the Discussion of the Standard of Deferred Payments
by Frank Fetter - 69-86 The Industrial Services of the Railways
by Emory R. Johnson - 87-113 The Units of Investigation in the Social Sciences
by Arthur F. Bentley - 114-120 The Relation of Abstract to Concrete Sciences
by Simon N. Pattsn - 120-125 Social" Vs. " Societary.
by Albion W. Small - 126-130 Personal Notes
by N/A - 131-137 Reviews
by Raphael Georges Lévy - 137-138 Proceedings of the National Conference of Charities and Correction at the Twentieth Annual Session held in Chicago, Ill., June 8-II, I893. By ISABEL C. BARROWS. Pp. xiv, 498. Price, $I.50. Boston: Geo. H. Ellis, 1893
by David I. Green - 139-140 Brook Farm: Historical and Personal Memoirs. By JOHN THOMAS CODMAN. Pp. viii, 335. Price, $2.00. Boston : Arena Publishing Company, I894
by George H. Haynes - 140-142 The Unemployed. By GEOFFREY DRAGE, Secretary to the Labor Commission. Pp. xiv, 277. Price, $I.50. London and New York : Macmillan & Co., I894
by S.M. Lindsay - 142-144 The Ills of the South ; or related causes hostile to the general pros perity of the Southern people. By CHARLES H. OTKEN, LL. D. Pp. xii, 277. Price, $I.50. New York and London : G. P. Putnam's Sons, I894
by Stephen B. Weeks - 144-145 Kleingewerbe und Hausindustrie in Oesterreich. Von Dr. EUGEN SCHWIEDLAND. 2 Vols. Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot, I894
by Ludwig Gumplowicz - 145-149 Municipal Covernment in Great Britain. By ALBERT SHAW. Pp. 375. Price, $2.00. New York: Century Company, I895
by L.S. Rowe - 149-150 Roger Williams, the Pioneer of Religious Liberty. By OSCAR S. STRAUS. Pp. 257. Price, $I.25. New York: Century Company, I894
by W.H. Mace - 150-151 Cases on Constitutional Law. By JAMES BRADLEY THAYER, LL. D. Parts III and IV. Pp. 945-2434. Price, $7.50. Cambridge, Mass. : C. W. Sever, 1894, 1895
by Charles F.A. Currier - 151-154 Auguste Comte und seine Bedeutung für die Ertwicklung der Social wissenschaft. Von Dr. H. WARNTIG. Staats- und socialwissenschaft liche Beiträge, herausgegeben von A. von Miaskowski. Vol. II, No. I, Pp. 393. Leipzig : Duncker & Humblot, I894
by Ludwig Gumplowicz & Ellen C. Semple - 154-156 American Charities. By AMOS G. WARNER. Pp. 430. Price, $I.75. New York and Boston. T. Y. Crowell & Co., I894
by H.H. Powers - 156-157 Sam Houston and the War of Independence in Texas. By ALFRED M. WILLIAMS. Pp. vii, 405. Price, $2.00. Boston and New York : Houghton, Mifflin & Co., I893
by George P. Garrison - 157-158 Geschichte des deutschen Genossenschaftswesens der Neuzeit. Von Dr. HUGO ZEIDLER. Staats-und socialwissenschaftliche Beiträge, her ausgegeben von A. von Miaskowski. Vol. I, No. 3. Pp. 478. Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot, I894
by Karl Diehl - 158-161 Notes
by N/A - 162-172 Notes on Municipal Government
by N/A - 173-184 Sociological Notes
by N/A - 184-188 Current Bibliography
by N/A
March 1895, Volume 5, Issue 5
- 1-31 Elected or Appointed Officials? A Canadian Question
by N/A - 32-52 The Pacific Railway Debts
by Richard T. Colburn - 53-65 Terminology and the Sociological Conference
by H.H. Powers - 66-87 A Neglected Socialist
by Frederick C. Clark - 88-94 The Organic Concept of Society
by Albion W. Small - 94-101 Sociology and the Abstract Sciences. The Origin of the Social Feelings
by Franklin H. Giddings - 102-106 Personal Notes
by N/A - 107-110 Reviews
by E.R.L. Gould - 110-112 Die Bauernbefreiung und die Auflösung des gutsherrlich-bäuer lichen Verhältnisses in Böhmen, Mähren und Schlesien. Von KARL GRÜNBERG. 2 vols. Pp. 432 and 497. Price, I6 marks. Leipzig: Duncker und Humblot, I894
by Ludwig Gumplowicz - 112-115 Ueber die Entwickelung der australischen Eisenbahnpolitik, nebst einer Einleitung über das Problem der Eisenbahnpolitik in Theorie und Praxis. Von Dr. MORITZ KANDT. Pp. xxxiv and I59. Berlin: Mamroth, I894
by Carl C. Plehn - 115-116 Der Kampf ums Recht des Stärkeren und seine Entwickelung. Von HIROYUKI KATÓ. Pp. I54. Price, 3 marks. Berlin : Friedländer & Son, I894
by Ludwig Gumplowicz - 116-119 Labour and the Popular Welfare. By W. H. MALLOCH. Pp. xi and 336. Price, $2,00. London : Adam and Charles Black
by Henry R. Suager - 119-120 Soziale Kämpfe vor dreihundert Jahren. Von BRUNO SCHOENLAUBE. Leipzig : Duncker und Humblot, I894
by Karl Diehl - 120-123 An Introduction to the Study of Society. By AIBION W. SMALL and GEORGE E. VINCENT. Pp. 384. Price $I.80. New York and Chi cago : American Book Company, I894
by H.H. Powers - 123-124 The Philosophy of Teaching. By ARNOLD TOMPKINS. Pp. xii, 280. Price, 85 cents. Boston : Ginn & Co., I894
by W.H. Mace - 124-126 Die Arbeits-verfassung der englischen Kolonien in Nordamerika. Von A. SARTORIUS FREIHERRN VON WALTERSHAUSEN. Pp. 232. Price, 6 marks. Strassburg : Karl J. Trübner, I894
by E.P. Cheyney - 126-128 Cartier to Frontenac: Geographical Discovery in the Interior of North America in its Historical Relations, I534-I700. With full cartographical illustrations from contemporary sources. By JUSTIN WINSOR. Pp. viii, 366. Price, $4.00. Boston : Houghton, Mifflin & Co., I894
by George H. Haynes - 128-131 Some Works on Economic and Commercial. Geography
by Emory R. Johnson - 131-137 Notes
by N/A - 138-145 Miscellany
by N/A - 146-161 Notes on Municipal Government
by N/A - 162-176 Sociological Notes
by N/A
January 1895, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 1-29 Economics in Elementary Schools
by Simon N. Patten - 30-51 The Break Up of the English Party Systhm
by Edward Porritt - 52-70 Wieser's Natural Value
by David I. Green - 71-96 Money and Bank Credits in the United States
by Henry W. Williams - 97-108 How to Save Bimetallism
by De Noailles - 109-126 Briefer Communications
by Frederick H. Cooke & Jerome Dowd & Simon N. Patten & S.M. Lindsay - 127-130 Personal Notes
by N/A - 131-132 Reviews
by H.H. Powers - 132-133 A History of Germany in the Middle Ages. By ERNEST F. HEN- DERSON. Pp. xxiv, 437. Price, $2.60. New York: Macmillan & Co., I894
by Dana C. Munro - 133-134 An Introduction to the Philosophy of Herbert Spencer, with a Bio graphical Sketch. By WILLIAM HENRY HUDSON. Pp. ix, 234. Price, $I.25. New York: D. Appleton & Co., I894
by Frank I. Herriott - 135-136 Nationale Produktion und nationale Berufsgliederung. By DR. HERMANN LOSCH. Leipzig : Duncker und Humblot, I892
by Karl Diehl - 136-138 A Student's Manual of English Constitutional History. By DUDLEY JULIUS MEDLEY, M. A. Pp. 583. London: Simpkin, Marshall & Co., I894. The Elements of English Constitutional History. By F. C. MON- TAGUE, M. A. Pp. 240. Price, $I.25. London and New York : Longmans, Green & Co., I894
by Jesse Macy - 138-139 Les Luttes entre sociétés humaines et leurs phases successives. Par J. NOVICOW. Price, I0 fr. Paris : Felix Alcan, I893
by Ludwig Gumplowicz