November 1901, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 119-132 Book Department
by N/A - 133-154 Reviews
by N/A - 157-165 I. Municipal Government
by N/A - 166-169 V. G. Ellard: The Effect of Woman Suffrage in Colorado. In Lip pincott's Magazine, September, I899. J. C. Dana: Woman Suffrage in Colorado. In The Springfield Republican, March I3, I900. (From the New York Times.) D. W. Working : Is Woman Suffrage a Success in Colorado ? In The Union Signal, August 8, I90I. Ellis Meredith : Woman Suffrage in Colorado. In The News, Denver, Sept. I, I90I
by N/A - 170-172 II. Sociology
by N/A - 173-177 III. Philanthropy, Charities and Social Problems
by N/A - 178-183 IV. Colonies and Colonial Government
by N/A - 184-188 V. Industry and Commerce
by N/A
September 1901, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 1-37 Present Political Tendencies
by Waldo Lincoln Cook - 38-62 The Supreme Court and the Insular Cases
by L.S. Rowe - 63-86 Social Decadence
by Sarah E. Simons - 87-90 Compulsory Voting in Belgium
by A. Nerincx - 90-98 The Importation of Dependent Children
by Carl Kelsey - 98-101 Banking Among the Poor: the Lighthouse Savings Fund Experiment
by F.B. Kirkbride - 102-123 Personal Notes
by N/A - 124-143 Book Department
by N/A - 143-144 Reviews : La Génesis del Crimen en Mexico. Estudio de Psiquiatria Social. By JULIO GUERRERO. Mexico and Paris (Bouret), I90I
by Walter E. Weyl - 144-149 Reviews : Government or Human Evolution, Individualism and Collectivism. By EDMOND KELLY, M. A., F. G. S. Pp. xv, 608. Price, $2.50. New York : Longmans, Green & Co., I90I
by W.G. Langworthy Taylor - 149-152 Reviews : Die Proportionalwahl in der Schweiz; Geschichte, Darstellung und Kritik. Von DR. EMIL KLÖTI. Pp. 480. Price, 6 marks. Berne: Schmid & Francke, I90I
by Ellis P. Oberholtzer - 152-154 Reviews : Histoire de France, depuis les origines jusqu'à la Révolution. Par ERNEST LAVISSE, publiée avec la collaboration de MM. Bayet, Bloch, Carré, Coville, Kleinclausz, Langlois, Lemonnier, Luchaire, Mariéjol, Petit-Dutaillis, Rebelliau, Sagnac, Vidal de la Blache. Paris : Hachette et Cie, I90I
by Dana Carluton Munro - 154-156 Reviews : Life of the Emperor Frederick. Edited from the German of Margaretha von Poschinger, with an Introduction. By SIDNEV WHITMAN. Pp. xiv, 460. Price, $2.50. New York : Harper and Brothers, I90I
by Charms M. Andrews - 156-157 Reviews : The American Slave Trade. An Account of its Origin, Growth and Suppression. By JOHN R. SPEARS. Illustrated by Walter Appleton Clark. Pp. xvi and 232. Price, $2.50. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, I900
by W.E. Burghardt du Bois - 163-177 I. Municipal Government
by N/A - 178-181 II. Sociology
by N/A - 182-194 III. Philanthropy, Charities and Social Problems
by N/A - 195-199 IV. Colonies and Colonial Government
by N/A - 200-202 V. Industry and Commerce
by N/A
July 1901, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 9-17 The Natives of Hawaii: a Study of Polynesian Charm
by Titus Munson Coan - 21-39 The Races of the Philippines-the Tagals
by Charles C. Pierce - 43-63 The Semi-Civiuzhd Tribes of the Philippine Islands
by Oliver C. Miller - 67-89 The Causes of Race Superiority
by Edward A. Ross - 95-101 The Race Problem At the South
by Hilary A. Herbert - 105-118 The Relation of the Whites To the Negroes
by George T. Winston - 121-140 The Relation of the Negroes To the Whites in the South
by W.E. Burghardt Dubois - 145-159 Our Relation To the People of Cuba and Porto Rico
by Orville H. Platt - 163-178 The Spanish Population of Cuba and Porto Rico
by Charles M. Pepper - 181-187 FIFTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE American Academy of Political and Social Science
by N/A
June 1901, Volume 17, Issue 15_suppl
- 5-6 Introduction
by Arthur T. Hadley - 7-7 Preface
by N/A - 9-34 Chapter I. Historical Sketch of the Labor Laws of Massachu Setts
by N/A - 35-69 Chapter II. Economic Effects
by N/A - 70-78 Chapter III. Effects Other Than Economic
by N/A - 79-103 Chapter IV. Massachusetts Labor Legislation Viewed From the Standpoint of Economic Theory
by N/A - 104-106 Chapter V
by N/A - 107-143 Digest of the Labor Laws of Massachu Setts and of Supreme Court Cases Decided Under Them
by N/A - 145-157 Bibliography
by N/A
May 1901, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 1-12 Political and Social Science
by Peter C. Hains - 13-34 The Neutralization of the Suez Canal
by W. Bennett Munro - 35-47 A Municipal Program
by Horace E. Deming - 48-57 The Financial Problems of Porto Rico
by T.S. Adams - 58-70 The Function of Saving
by E. Böhm-Bawerk - 71-73 Communications
by Claude L. Roth - 73-76 Franchise Legislation in Missouri
by Frederic L. Paxson - 76-78 Relation of the State To Municipalities in Rhode Island
by Sidney A. Sherman - 78-84 Mr. Carnegie as Economist and Social Reformer
by Frederick A. Cleveland - 85-88 Proceedings of the Academy
by N/A - 89-114 Book Department
by N/A - 114-115 Reviews : American History Told by Contemporaries. Volume iii. National Expansion, I783-I845. Edited by ALBERT BUSHNELL HART. Pp. xx, 668. Price $2.00. New York: The Macmillan Company, I90I
by George H. Haynes - 116-119 Reviews : The Peace Conference at the Hague, and Its Bearings on International Law and Policy. By FREDERICK W. HOLLS, D. C. L. Pp. 572. Price, $3.00 New York: The Macmillan Company, I900
by William Elliot Griffis - 119-121 Reviews : A History of Colonization, from the Earliest Times to the Present Day. By HENRY C. MORRIS. 2 vols. Pp. xxiv, 459 ; xiii, 383. Price $4.00. New York : The Macmillan Company, I900
by James T. Young - 121-122 Reviews : Law and Policy of Annexation. By CARMAN F. RANDOLPH. Pp. 226. Price, $3.00. New York: Longmans, Green & Co., I90I
by Henry Wolf Biklé - 122-123 Reviews : Factory People and Their Employers. By E. L. SHUEV, M. A. Pp. 224. Price, 75 cents. New York: Lentilhon & Co., I90I
by C.D. Scully - 123-125 Reviews : The Expansion of the American People, Social and Territorial. By EDWIN ERLE SPARKS. Pp. 450. Price, $2.00. Chicago: Scott, Foresman & Co., I900
by Edward Sherwood Meade - 125-126 Reviews : Studien zur Geschichte der Englischen Lohnarbeiter. By GUSTAF F. STEFFEN. Erster Band, erster Teil. Pp. 176. Price, 4 mk. Stutt gart : Hobbing und Büchle, I900
by Ernest L. Bogart - 127-128 Reviews : Le Catholicisme Social. By MAX TURMAN. Pp. 334. Price, 6 fr. Paris: Felix Alcan, I90I
by R.I. Holaind - 132-144 I. Municipal Government
by N/A - 145-149 II. Sociology
by N/A - 150-161 III. Philanthropy, Charities and Social Prolems
by N/A - 162-165 IV. Colonies and Colonial Government
by N/A - 166-173 V. Industry and Commerce
by N/A
March 1901, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 1-24 Election Methods and Reforms in Philadelphia
by Clinton Rogers Woodruff - 25-63 The Reorganization of Railroads
by Edward Sherwood Muadu - 64-79 Political and Municipal Legislation in I900
by Robert H. Written - 80-106 Fraternal Insurance in the United States
by B.H. Meyer - 107-110 Editorial
by Roland P. Falkner - 111-126 Communications
by N/A - 127-137 Proceedings of the Academy and Business Announcements
by N/A - 138-141 Personal Notes
by N/A - 142-164 Book Department
by N/A - 165-166 Books Received From December I, I900, To February I, I90I
by N/A - 167-215 Notes
by N/A
January 1901, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 1-14 The Causes of the Unpopularity of the Foreigner in China
by Ting-Fang Wu - 15-52 The Anthracite Coal Strike
by Frank Julian Warne - 53-73 The Election of 1900
by William H. Allen - 74-91 State Boards of Control with Special Reference to the Experience of Wisconsin
by Samuel E. Sparling - 92-94 Editorial
by Henry R. Ssagbr - 95-99 Communications
by L.G. Bostedo - 100-101 Local Vs. State Constabulary
by William H. Allen - 102-109 Personal Notes
by N/A - 110-120 Notes
by N/A - 120-122 Reviews
by H. Parker Willis - 123-124 History of the Theory of Sovereignty Since Rousseau. By C. E. MURRIAM, JR., Ph. D. Pp. X, 232. Price, $I.50. The Columbia Uni versity Press: Studies in History, Economics and Public Law, Vol. XII, No. 4. New York: The Macmillan Company, I900
by Benj F. Shambaugh - 124-126 The City for the People. By Professor FRANK PARSONS. Pp.597. Paper, 50 cents. Published by Dr. C. F. Taylor, I520 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, I900
by Edward W. Bemis - 126-129 The Races of Europe: A Sociological Study. (Lowell Institute Lectures.) By WILLIAM Z. RIPLEY, Ph. D. Accompanied by a Supplementary Bibliography of the Anthropology and Ethnology of Europe, published by the Public Library of the City of Boston. Pp. xxxii, 624; x, I60. Price, $6.00. New York : D. Appleton & Co., I899. The Races of Man: An Outline of Anthropology and Ethnography. By J. DBNIKER, Sc. D. With I76 illustrations and two maps. Pp. xxiii, 6II. Price, 6s. London: Walter Scott, Ltd., I900
by Samuel McCune Lindsay - 129-133 China, the Long-Lived Empire. By Miss E. R. SCIDMORE. Pp. xv, 459. Price, $2.50. New York: The Century Company, I900. Village Life in China: A Study in Sociology. By ARTHUR H. SMITH, D. D. Pp. 360. Price, $2.00. New York: Fleming H. Revell Company. Overland to China. By ARCHIBALD R. COLQUHOUN. Pp. xii, 465. Price, $3.00. New York: Harpers & Bros., I900
by Jos. French Johnson - 133-136 Exercises in Economics. By W. G. LANGWORTHY TAYLOR. Pp. I20. Lincoln, Nebraska: The University Publishing Co., I900
by J.E. Hagerty - 136-138 Lohnpolitik und Lohntheorie, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Minimallohnes. By DR. OTTO VON ZWIEDENECK-SÜDENHORST. Pp. xiv, 4I0. Price, 9 mk. Leipzig: Dùncker & Humblot, I900
by Ernbst L. Bogart - 139-150 Notes
by N/A - 151-158 II. Theoretical Sociology
by N/A - 158-172 III. Philanthropy, Charities and Social Problems
by N/A - 173-178 IV. Colonies and Colonial Government
by N/A
December 1900, Volume 16, Issue 14_suppl
- 3-4 Preface
by N/A - 7-15 CHAPTER I. CONVENTION OF LONDON, February 27, I884
by N/A - 16-46 Chapter II
by S.J.P. Kruger & W.J. Leyds - 47-56 Chapter III
by N/A - 57-61 Chapter IV
by N/A - 62-64 Chapter V
by N/A - 65-72 Chapter VI
by N/A
November 1900, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 1-59 Political and Social Science
by Edward Sherwood Meade - 60-76 Law and Practice of the United States in the Acquisition and Government of Dependent Territory
by Carl Becker - 77-90 Drunkenness and the Weather
by Edwin G. Dexter - 91-101 Cultural Factors in the Chinese Crisis
by Paui S. Reinsch - 102-106 Personal Notes
by N/A - 107-137 Book Department
by N/A - 138-149 Notes On Municipal Government
by N/A - 150-159 Sociological Notes
by N/A
September 1900, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 1-12 Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. Politics and Administration
by Henry Jones Ford - 13-35 The Law of the Value of Money
by Charges A. Conant - 36-50 Natural Rights
by A. Inglis Clark - 51-66 The Ethical and Political Principles of "Expansion."
by Talcott Williams - 67-96 Representation in State Legislatures. Iv. the Western States
by Gnorgb H. Haynes - 97-111 Personal Notes. America
by N/A - 112-138 Book Department
by N/A - 139-151 Notes On Municipal Government. American Cities
by N/A - 152-165 Sociological Notes
by N/A
July 1900, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 1-32 Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
by W.E. Lingulbach - 33-49 The Currency Law of I900
by Roland P. Fatknur - 49-55 Appendix
by N/A - 56-92 The American Newspaper: a Study in Social Psychology
by Delos F. Wilcox - 93-119 Representation in State Legislatures
by George H. Haynes - 120-128 Book Department
by N/A - 128-129 Reviews : Builders of Nova Scotia. A Historical Review. By SIR. JOHN G, BOURINOT, K. C. M. G. (Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada, I899.) Pp. I97. Toronto: The Copp-Clark Co., I900
by Thomas J. Shahan - 129-133 Reviews : Monopolies and Trusts. By PROFESSOR. R. T. FLY. Pages viii, 278. Price, $I.25. New York: The Macmillan Company, I900
by Edward W. Brmis - 133-137 Reviews : The Economics of Distribution. By JOHN A. HOBSON. Pp. 361. Price, $I.25. New York: The Macmillan Company, I900
by John R. Commons - 137-139 Reviews : Anthropogeographie. Erster Theil: Grundzüge der Anwendung der Erdkundeauf die Geschiclite. By Dr. FRIEDRICH RATZEL. Pro fessor of Geography at the University of Leipzig. Second edition. 8vo. pp. 604. Price, 14 marks. Stuttgart: J. Engelhorn, 1899
by Ellen C. Semple - 139-145 Reviews : The Distribution of Income. By WILLIAM SMART. Pp. XV, 341. Price, $I.60. London and New York: The Macmillan Company, 1899
by Henry R. Seager - 145-147 Reviews : The Future of the American Negro. By BOOKER T. WASHINGTON. Pp. x, 244. Price, $I.50. Boston : Small, Maynard & Co., I899
by W.S. Scarborough - 148-163 Notes On Municipal Government
by N/A - 164-174 Sociological Notes
by N/A
December 1900, Volume 15, Issue 13_suppl
- 9-20 The Possibilities and Limitations of Mun Icipai, Control
by L.S. Rows - 23-29 The Control of Public Service Corpora Tions. Financial Control- Capitalization
by Bird S. Coler - 33-59 The Difficulties of Control as Illus Trated in the History of Gas Companies
by John H. Gray - 63-76 Regulation of Cost and Quality of Service as Illustrated By Street Railway Companies
by Fredicric W. Spbirs - 79-104 The Influence of Corporations On Political Life
by William Lindsay - 109-119 Industrials as Investments for Small Capital
by James B. Dill - 123-135 The Evolution of Mercantile Business
by John Wanamaker - 139-149 The Interest of Labor in the Economies of Railroad Consolidation
by Wm H. Baldwin - 155-167 The Industrial Ascendency of the United States
by Nelson W. Aldrich - 171-184 The Tariff Policy of Our New Possessions
by Robert P. Porter - 187-199 The Next Steps in Tariff Reform
by C.R. Miller - 203-208 FOURTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE American Academy of Political and Social Science
by S.M. Lindsay & Roland P. Falkner & Simon N. Patten & Leo S. Rowe & Henry R. Seager & Clinton Rogers Woodruff
May 1900, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 1-42 The Government of a typical prussian city-halle a/s
by Edmund J. James - 43-68 Tendencies in the Taxation of Trans Portation Companies in the United States
by Roswell C. McCrea - 69-92 Proportional Representation and the Debates Upon the Electoral Ques Tion in Belgium
by Ernest Mahaim - 93-113 Representation in the Legislatures of the North Central States
by George H. Haynes - 114-120 Briefer Communications
by Frederic Emory - 121-125 Some Original and Peculiar Features in the Nebraska Constitution
by Charles Sumner Lobingier - 125-128 Street Railway Policy in Berlin
by Edmund J. James - 129-138 Book Department
by N/A - 138-141 Reviews : Growth of Nationality in the United States: A Social Study. By JOHN BASCOM. Pp. ix, 2I3. Price, $I.25. New York: G. P. Put nam's Sons, 1899
by Carl Becker - 141-142 Reviews : English Political Philosophy from Hobbes to Maine. By WILLIAM GRAHAM, M. A., Professor of Jurisprudence and Political Economy at Queen's College, Belfast. Pp. xxx, 415. Price, I0s. 6d. Lon don: Edward Arnold, 1899
by Benjamin F. Shambaugh - 142-145 Reviews : Studies in State Taxation, with particular reference to the Southern States. By Graduates and Students of the Johns Hopkins Univer sity. Edited by J. H. HOLLANDER. Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science. Series XVIII. Nos. I, 2, 3, 4. Pp. 253. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, I900
by J.A. Hill - 145-149 Reviews : The Economic Writings of Sir William Petty, together with Obser vations Upon the Bills of Mortality, More Probably by Captain John Graunt. Edited by CHARLES HENRY HULL, Ph. D. Two volumes. Pp. xci, 3I3+387. Price, $6.00. Cambridge: University Press. New York: The Macmillan Company, I899
by Henry R. Seager - 149-151 Reviews : First Principles in Politics. By WILIIAM SAMUEL LILLY. 8vo. Pp. 322. Price, $2.50. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, I899
by W.W. Willoughby - 151-153 Reviews : The United Kingdom: A Political History. By GOLDWIN SMITH. Two volumes. Pp. x, 650,482. Price, $4.00. New York: Macmillan Co., I899
by Allen Johnson - 153-154 Reviews : Principles of Scientific Socialism. By Rev. CHARLES H. VAIL. Commonwealth Library. Pp. 237. Price, $I.00; paper, 35 cents. New York: Commonwealth Company, 1899
by John L. Stewart - 154-155 Reviews : The Story of France, from the Earliest Times to the Consulate of Napoleon Bonaparte. By THOMAS E. WATSON. Two vols., pp. xv, 712; x, 1,076. Price, $5.00. New York: The Macmillan Com pany, I899
by Merrick Whitcomb - 156-157 Reviews : The Expansion of England (I500-I870). By WILLIAM HARRISON WOODWARD. The Cambridge Press Series for Schools and Training Colleges. Pp. x, 376, with seven maps. Price, 4s. Cambridge: University Press, 1899
by Cheesman A. Hurrick - 158-172 Notes On Municipal Government
by N/A - 173-185 Sociological Notes
by N/A
March 1900, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 1-15 Political Evolution and Civil Service Reform
by Henry Jones Ford - 16-26 Political and Municipal Legislation in I899
by Robert H. Whitten - 27-41 The Administration of City Schools
by James T. Young - 42-59 The Financial Relation of the Depart Ment of Education To the City Government
by L.S. Rowe - 60-63 Representation in State Legislatures
by N/A - 64-91 Representation in the Legislatures of the North Atlantic States
by George H. Haynes - 92-112 A Decade of Economic Theory
by Richard T. Ely - 113-142 Book Department
by N/A - 143-149 Notes On Municipal Government
by N/A - 150-152 Foreign Cities
by N/A - 153-166 Sociological Notes
by N/A
January 1900, Volume 15, Issue 1
- -38 The South African Conflict—Its Legal and Political Aspect
by Frederick A. Cleveland - 38-40 Bibliography
by N/A - 41-50 Railway Discriminations and Industrial Combinations
by Charles A. Prouty - 51-68 The Rise of the National Board of Health
by William H. Allen - 69-80 The Chicago Trust Conference
by R.I. Holaind - 81-87 The International Commercial Congress— Philadelphia, October, I899
by Wilfred H. Schoff - 88-90 Personal Notes
by N/A - 91-97 Book Department
by N/A - 97-98 Reviews : The Evolulion of the English House. By SIDNEY O. ADDY, M. A. Pp. 223. Price, $I.50. New York: Macmillan Company, I899
by F.E. Horack - 99-100 Reviews : A History of Greece for High Schools and Academies. By G. W. BOTSFORD, Ph. D. Pp. xiii, 38I. Price, $I. I0. New York: MacMillan Company, I899
by William A. Lamberton - 100-102 Reviews : The Philadelphia Negro: A Social Study. By W. E. BURGHARDT DU BOIS, Ph. D. Pp. xx, 423. Price, paper, $2.00; cloth, $2.50. Philadelphia: Publications of the University of Pennsylvania, I899
by Phrcy N. Booth - 103-105 Reviews : Zur Frage der Lohnermittelung. Eine methodologisch-kritische Untersuchung. By FRANZ EULENBERG. Pp. vi, I50. Price, 3 marks. Jena: Gustav Fischer, 1899. Ueber Einige Bestimmungsgründe des Arbeitslohnes. By JOHN C. LEMBKE. Pp. vi, 128. Price, 2.50 marks. Jena: Gustav Fischer, 1899
by Ernest L. Bogart - 105-106 Reviews : Natural Law and Legal Praclice. Lectures delivered at the Law School of Georgetown University. By RENÉ I. HOLAIND, S. J., Professor of Ethics and Sociology, Woodstock College; Lecturer on Natural and Canon Law, Georgetown University. 8vo. pp. 344. Price, $I.75. New York: Benziger Brothers, 1899
by James H. Hyslop - 106-108 Reviews : Select Charters and Other Documents Illustrative of American History, I606-I775. Edited, with Notes, by WILLIAM MACDONALD, Professor of History and Political Science in Bowdoin College. Pp. ix, 40I. Price, $2.00. New York and London: The Macmillan Company, 1899
by Herman V. Ames - 108-110 Reviews : Statistics and Economics. By RICHMOND MAVO-SMITH. Pp. 467. Price, $3.00. New York: Macmillan Company, 1899
by Roland P. Falkner - 110-111 Reviews : The History of South Carolina under the Royal Government, I7I9-I776. By EDWARD MCCRADY, President of the Historical Society of South Carolina. Pp. 847. Price, $3.50. New York: The Macmillan Company, I899
by William E. Mikell - 111-113 Reviews : Rivers of North America. A Reading Lesson for Students of Geography and Geology. By ISRAEL C. RUSSELL, LL. D., Professor of Geology, University of Michigan. Pages xv, 327. Price, $I.75. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1898. Earth Sculpture, or Origin of Land Forms. By JAMES GEIKIE, LL. D., D. C. L., F. R. S. Pages xiii, 397. Price, $I.75. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1898
by Emory R. Johnson