November 1912, Volume 44, Issue 1
- 164-165 Reviews : Huey, Edmund B. Backward and Feeble-Minded Children. Pp. xii, 221. Price, $1.25. Baltimore: Warwick & York, 1912
by Albert H. Yoder - 165-165 Reviews : Jeffery, R. W. The New Europe, 1789-1889. Pp. viii, 401. Price $2.50. Bos ton : Houghton, Mifflin Company, 1911
by W.E. Lingelbach - 166-166 Reviews : Kawakami, K. K. American-Japanese Relations. Pp. 370. Price $2.00. New York: F. H. Revell Company, 1912
by G.B. Roorbach - 166-167 Reviews : King, Clyde L. (Ed.). The Regulation of Municipal Utilities. Pp. ix, 404. Price $1.50. New York : D. Appleton & Co., 1912
by John Martin - 167-168 Reviews : King, Irving. The Social Aspects of Education. Pp. xv, 425. Price $1.60. New York: Macmillan Company, 1912
by Albert H. Yoder - 168-169 Reviews : Klemm, L. R. Public Education in Germany and the United States. Pp. 350. Price $1.50. Boston: Richard G. Badger, 1911
by Frederic Ernest Farrington - 170-170 Reviews : Laughlin, J. Laurence. Banking Reform. Pp. xii, 428. Price $2.50. Chicago: The National Citizens' League, 1912
by E.M. Patterson - 170-171 Reviews : Learned, Henry B. The President's Cabinet. Pp. xii, 471. Price $2.50. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1912
by Chester Lloyd Jones - 171-172 Reviews : Lloyd, Caro. Henry Demarest Lloyd. Pp. xxvii, 698. Price $5.00. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1912
by A.P. Winston - 172-173 Reviews : Lowenthal, Esther. The Ricardian Socialists. Pp. 105. New York: Long mans, Green & Co., 1911
by Bruce D. Mudgett - 173-173 Reviews : McKeever, William A. Farm Boys and Girls. Pp. xviii, 326. Price $1.50. New York: Macmillan Company, 1912
by E.E. Smith - 174-175 Reviews : Maroks, Erich. Männer und Zeiten Aufsätze und Reden zur neueren Geschichte von Erich Marcks. (2 vols.) Pp. ix, 654. Price 10 marks. Leipzig: Quelle und Meyer, 1911
by Roscoe J. Ham - 175-176 Reviews : Miraglia, Luigi. Comparative Legal Philosophy. Pp. xl, 793. Price $4.75. Boston: The Boston Book Company, 1912
by Clyde L. King - 176-176 Reviews : Moore, John B. Four Phases of American Development. Pp. 218. Price $1.50. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1912
by Allen Johnson - 177-177 Reviews : Morris, Robert C. International Arbitrati.on and Procedure. Pp. x, 238. Price $1.35. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1911
by Chester Lloyd Jones - 177-178 Reviews : Moule, Arthur E. Half a Century in China. Pp. xii, 343. Price $2.00. New York: Hodder & Stoughton, 1912
by Chester Lloyd Jones - 178-179 Reviews : Munro, William B. The Initiative, Referendum and Recall. Pp. viii, 365. Price $1.50. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1912
by Clyde L. King - 179-179 Reviews : Notestein, W. A History of Witchcraft in England from 1558 to 1718. Pp. xiv, 442. Price $1.50. Washington: American Historical Association, 1911
by W.E. Lunt - 180-181 Reviews : Paullin, Charles O. Diplomatic Negotiations of American Naval Officers, 1778- 1883. Pp. 380. Price $2.00. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1912
by Charles E. Asnis - 181-182 Reviews : Porter, Robert P. The Full Recognition of Japan. Pp. x, 789. Price $4.00. New York: Oxford University Press, 1911
by G.B. Roorbach - 182-183 Reviews : Reinsch, Paul S. Public International Unions. Pp. viii, 189. Price $1.65. Boston: Ginn & Co., 1911
by Ellery C. Stowell - 183-184 Reviews : Roe, Gilbert E. Our Judicial Oligarchy. Pp. xiv, 239. Price $1.00. New York: B. W. Huebsch, 1912. Storey, M. The Reform of Legal Procedure. Pp. 263. Price $1.35. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1912
by Chester Lloyd Jones - 185-186 Reviews : Rowntree, B. S., and Lasker, B. Unemployment. Pp. xx, 317. Price $1.60. New York: Macmillan Company, 1911
by Roswell C. Mccrea - 186-187 Reviews : Saleilles, R. The Individualization of Punishment. Pp. xliv, 322. Price $4.50. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1911
by J.P. Lichtenberger - 187-187 Reviews : Scott, J. B. (Ed.). Fisheries Arbitration Argument of Elihu Root. Pp. cli, 523. Price $3.50. Boston: World Peace Foundation, 1912
by Chester Lloyd Jones - 188-188 Reviews : Shuster, W. Morgan. The Strangling of Persia. Pp. lxiii, 423. Price $2.50. New York: The Century Company, 1912
by Chester Lloyd Jones - 188-189 Reviews : Simons, A. M. Social Forces in American History. Pp. xiii, 325. Price $1.50. New York: Macmillan Company, 1911
by J.P. Lichtenberger - 189-190 Reviews : Smith, Justin H. The Annexation of Texas. Pp. ix, 496. Price $3.00. New York: Baker and Taylor Company, 1911
by R.W. Kelsey - 190-191 Reviews : Smith, Samuel G. Social Pathology. Pp. viii, 380. Price $2.00. New York: Macmillan Company, 1911
by Frank D. Watson - 191-192 Reviews : Stockton, F. T. The Closed Shop in American Trade Unions. Pp. xii, 187. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1911
by Frank D. Watson - 192-193 Reviews : Toulmin, Harry A. Social Historians. Pp. xi, 176. Price $1.50. Boston: R. G. Badger Company, 1911
by Francis D. Tyson - 193-195 Reviews : Uyehara, G. E. The Political Development of Japan, 1867-1909. Pp. xxiv, 296. Price $3.00. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co
by Ellery C. Stowell - 195-197 Reviews : Van Hise, Charles R. Concentration and Control-A Solution of the Trust Problem in the United States. Pp. xiii, 288. Price $2.00. New York: Macmillan Company, 1912
by W.S. Stevens - 197-197 Reviews : Vedder, H. C. Socialism and the Ethics of Jesus. Pp. xv, 527. Price $1.50. New York: Macmillan Company, 1912
by Scott Nearing - 198-198 Reviews : Walling, W. E. Socialism as It Is. Pp. xii, 452. Price $2.00. New York: Macmillan Company, 1912
by Ira B. Cross - 198-199 Reviews : Watson, David. Social Advance. Pp. xxi, 336. Price $1.50. New York: George H. Doran Company, 1911
by J.P. Lichtenberger - 199-201 Reviews : Weyl, Walter E. The New Democracy. Pp. viii, 370. Price $2.00. New York: Macmillan Company, 1912
by Frank D. Watson - 201-202 Reviews : Wicker, Cyrus F. Neutralization. Pp. viii, 91. Price, 4s. London: Oxford University Press, 1911
by Wm I. Hull - 202-203 Reviews : Wood, M. E. The New Italy. Pp. xiv, 406. Price $1.50. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1911
by Fiorello H. La guardia
September 1912, Volume 43, Issue 1
- 2-2 Book Department
by Roswell C. McCrea - 3-16 Functions of the Initiative, Referendum and Recall
by Jonathan Bourne JR - 17-31 The Initiative, Referendum and Recall
by George W. Guthrie - 32-48 The So-Called Progressive Movement: Its Real Nature, Causes and Significance
by Charles M. Hollingsworth - 49-64 Actual State Legislation
by John A. Lapp - 65-77 Direct Legislation and the Recall
by Henry Jones Ford - 81-109 Provisions for State-Wide Initiative and Referendum
by C.B. Galbreath - 110-145 The Initiative, Referendum and Recall in Switzerland
by William E. Rappard - 146-158 The Referendum and Initiative in Michigan
by John A. Fairlie - 159-178 Maine's Experience With the Initiative and Referendum
by J. William Black - 179-190 The Wisconsin Plan for the Initiative and Referendum
by S. Gale Lowrie - 191-202 The Initiative and Referendum Amendments in the Proposed Ohio Constitution
by Robert Crosser - 203-215 Some Considerations Upon the State-Wide Initiative and Referendum
by W.F. Dodd - 216-226 The Recall—Its Provisions and Significance
by H.S. Gilbertson - 227-236 The Working of the Recall in Seattle
by Fred Wayne Catlett - 239-277 The Judicial Recall—a Fallacy Repugnant To Constitutional Government
by Rome G. Brown - 278-285 Dangers That Lurk in the Recall of the Judiciary
by James A. Metcalf - 286-310 The Position of the Judiciary in the United States
by Alpheus Henry Snow - 311-325 A New Method of Constitutional Amendment By Popular Vote
by William Draper Lewis - 327-335 Book Department
by N/A - 336-338 Reviews : Hill, David Jayne. World Organization. Pp. ix, 214. New York: Columbia University Press, 1911
by Wm I. Hull - 338-339 Reviews : Hinsdale, Mary L. A History of the President's Cabinet. Pp. ix, 355. Ann
by Wm I. Hull - 339-340 Reviews : Hobhouse, L. T. Social Evolution and Political Theory. Pp. ix, 218. Price, $1.50. New York: Columbia University Press, 1911
by Thomas D. Eliot - 340-341 Reviews : Holmes, John H. The Revolutionary Function of the Modern Church. Pp. xi, 264. Price, $1.50. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1912
by Thomas D. Eliot - 341-342 Reviews : King, Henry C. The Moral and Religious Challenge of Our Times. Pp. xviii, 393. Price, $1.50. New York: Macmillan Company, 1911
by Francis D. Tyson - 342-344 Reviews : Lévy, Raphael-Georges. Banques d'Emission et Trésors Publics. Pp. xxiv, 625. Paris: Hachette & Co., 1911
by E.W. Kemmerer - 344-344 Reviews : Mercier, Charles. Crime and Insanity. Pp. 255. Price, 75 cents. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1911
by Maurice Parmelee - 345-345 Reviews : Oberholtzer, Ellis P. The Referendum, Initiative and Recall in America. Pp. xii, 533. Price, $2.25. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1911
by Clyde L. King - 345-346 Reviews : Whetham, W. C., and Catherine D. Heredity and Society. Pp. viii, 190. Price, $2.00. New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1912
by Carl Kelsey
January 1912, Volume 42, Issue 1
- 3-9 Harmful Effects of Industrial Combinations On Labor Conditions
by John Williams - 10-19 The United States Steel Corporation and Labor
by John A. Fitch - 20-24 Beneficial Effects of Industrial Combinations on Labor Conditions
by R.S. Woodward JR - 25-37 Big Business and Labor
by James T. McCleary - 38-47 The United States Steel Corporation and Labor Conditions
by Raynal C. Bolling - 48-59 Discussion
by N/A - 63-66 The Possibility of Competition in Commerce and Industry
by John Bates Clark - 67-73 Unfair Competition by Monopolistic Corporations
by Bruce Wyman - 74-82 Competition as a Safeguard to National Welfare
by Talcott Williams - 83-88 The Fallacy of "Big Business"
by E.S. Meade - 89-97 Competition: the Safeguard and Promoter of General Welfare
by George F. Canfield - 98-107 Publicity of Accounts of Industrial Corporations
by Miles M. Dawson - 108-115 Unregulated Competition Is Destructive of National Welfare
by Allen Ripley Foote - 119-124 The Benefits of Industrial Combinations
by J. Kirby JR - 125-133 Industrial Combines and National Progress
by J.K. Gwynn - 134-139 Contribution of Industrial Combinations to National Welfare
by Magnus W. Alexander - 140-146 Publicity in Affairs of Industrial Combinations
by James R. Garfield - 149-155 The Canadian Combines Investigation Act
by W.L. MacKenzie King - 156-171 Business and Politics at Home and Abroad
by Gilbert H. Montague - 172-182 Attitude of German People and Government Towards Trusts
by Rudolf Roesler - 183-201 Policies of Germany, England, Canada and the United States Towards Combinations
by Francis Walker - 202-215 Discussion
by N/A - 219-237 The Sherman Anti-Trust Law and the Business of the Country
by Joseph T. Talbert - 238-245 Government Regulation of Big Business in the Future
by Henry R. Seager - 246-250 Effect of the Anti-Trust Law on General Business
by Alexander D. Noyes - 251-262 The Bogey of the "Patent Monopoly"
by Gilbert H. Montague - 263-269 Discussion
by N/A - 273-276 The Administration's Theory of a Constructive Policy Concerning Combinations
by N/A - 277-283 The Administration's Theory of a Constructive Policy Concerning Combinations
by N/A - 284-288 Corporate Regulation—an Administrative Office
by Herbert Knox Smith - 289-295 Review and Criticism of Anti-Trust Legislation
by N/A - 296-302 Limitations of Anti-Trust Legislation
by James M. Beck - 303-309 Federal Incorporation of Interstate Corporations
by Ernest W. Roberts - 310-330 Control of Corporations, Persons and Firms Engaged in Interstate Commerce1
by John Sharp Williams - 331-333 Communication
by John C. Trautwine JR - 334-339 Fisher's "the Purchasing Power of Money."1
by W.G. Langworthy Taylor - 340-341 The Scope of the Sherman Act; the Intention of Its Framers. 1
by C.O. Gardner - 342-352 Notes
by N/A - 353-353 Reviews
by Walter S. Tower - 353-354 Ball, J. Dyer. The Chinese at Home. Pp. xii, 370. Price, $2.00. New York: F. H. Revell Company, 1912
by Cuthbert P. Newton - 354-355 Baring, Maurice. The Russian People. Pp. xix, 356. Price, $3.50. New York: George H. Doran Company, 1911
by Chester Lloyd Jones - 355-356 Boutroux, Emile. Science and Religion in Contemporary Philosophy. Pp. xi, 400. Price, $2.00. New York: Macmillan Company, 1911
by Roswell C. Mccitea - 356-357 Boyd, William. The Educational Theory of Jean Jacques Rousseau. Pp. xiii, 368. Price, $1.75. New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1911
by Anna Garlin Spencer - 357-358 Bradford, Ernest S. Commission Government in American Cities. Pp. xiv, 359. Price, $1.25. New York: Macmillan Company, 1911
by Clyde L. King - 358-359 Brode, H. British and German East Africa. Pp. xiv, 175. Price, $2.10. New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1911
by J. Paul Goode - 359-360 The Cambridge Medieval History. Volume I. Pp. xxii, 754. Price, $5.00. New York: Macmillan Company, 1911
by A.C. Howland - 361-361 Chamberlain, Lawrence. The Principles of Bond Investment. Pp. xiii, 551. Price, $5.00. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1911
by Thomas Conway Jr. - 362-363 Davenport, Charles B. Heredity in Relation to Eugenics. Pp. xi, 298. Price, $2.00. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1911
by Carl Kelsey - 363-364 Dickerson, Oliver M. American Colonial Government, I696-I765. Pp. 390. Price, $4.00. Cleveland: Arthur H. Clark Company, 1912
by W.E. Lunt - 364-364 Dingle, Edwin J. Across China on Foot. Pp. xvi, 446. Price, $3.50. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1911
by Chester Lloyd Jones - 365-366 Earp, E. L. The Social Engineer. Pp. xxiii, 326. Price, $1.50. New York. Eaton & Mains, 1912
by Carl Kelsey - 366-367 Ellis, H. The Problem of Race-Regeneration. Pp. 67. Saleeby, C. W. The Method of Race-Regeneration. Pp. 64. Newsholme, A. The Declining Birth-Rate. Pp. 60. Price, 50 cents each. New York: Moffat, Yard & Co., 1911
by Scott Nearing - 367-368 Ferriman, Z. D. Turkey and the Turks. Pp. ix, 334. Price, $3.00. New York: James Pott & Co., 1911
by Chester Lloyd Jones - 368-368 Fisher, Herbert A. L. Political Unions. Pp. 31. Price, 35 cents. New York: Oxford University Press, 1911. De Fronsac, Viscount. Liberalism and Wreck of Empire. Pp. 91
by W.E. Lunt - 368-369 Forbush, W. B. The Coming Generation. Pp. xix, 402. Price, $1.50. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1912
by Scott Nearing - 369-369 Geil, W. E. Eighteen Capitals of China. Pp. xx, 429. Price, $5.00. Phila delphia : J. B. Lippincott Company, 1911
by Cuthbert P. Newton - 370-370 Gephart, W. F. Principles of Insurance. Pp. xv, 313. Price, $1.60. New York: Macmillan Company, 1911
by Bruce D. Mudgett - 371-372 Goodnow, Frank J. Social Reform and the Constitution. Pp. xxi, 365. Price, $1.50. New York: Macmillan Company, 1911
by Clyde L. King - 372-373 Goodrich, J. K. The Coming China. Pp. xx, 298. Price, $1.50. Chicago: A. C. McClurg Company, 1911
by J.P. Lichtenberger - 373-374 Lindsay, Forbes. Cuba and her People of To-day. Pp. xii, 329. Price $3.00. Boston: L. C. Page & Co., 1911
by J. Paul Goode - 374-374 Winter, Nevin O. Argentina and Her People of To-day. Pp. xiv, 421. Price, $3.00. Boston: L. C. Page & Co., 1911
by Walter S. Tower - 375-377 Report of the Annual Meeting Committee
by N/A
May 1912, Volume 41, Issue 1
- 1-1 Book Department
by Roswell C. McCrea - 3-8 Efficiency in City Government
by Henry Bruère - 9-22 How a City's Social Program Expands When Facts of Needs Are Learned
by S. Josephine Baker - 23-39 The Need for Coordinating Municipal, State and National Activities
by Frederick A. Cleveland - 43-56 Efficiency Through Accounting
by William A. Prendergast - 57-63 Results Obtainable Through Reorganization of Accounting Methods
by B.J. Taussig - 64-68 The Application To a Municipality of Modern Methods of Accounting and Reporting
by John M. Walton - 69-70 Efficiency in Child Saving
by Joseph S. Neff - 71-77 Efficiency in the Fiscal Operations of Cities
by Edmund D. Fisher - 78-85 Economy and Efficiency in the Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, New York City
by J. Leggett Pultz - 86-92 Efficiency in Water Revenue Collection
by J.H. Clowes - 93-102 Securing Efficiency Through a Standard Testing Laboratory
by Otto H. Klein - 103-114 The Problem of Securing Efficiency in Municipal Labor
by Benjamin F. Welton - 115-126 Efficiency in Highway Administration With Special Reference To Pavements
by E.P. Goodrich & W.B. Holton - 127-137 Standardization of Specifications for Public Works
by William H. Connell - 138-150 Efficiency in Budget Making
by Herbert R. Sands & Fred W. Lindars - 151-157 Efficiency Value of the Budget Exhibit
by J. Harold Braddock - 158-175 Attaining Efficiency in City School Systems
by Frank P. Bachman - 176-192 Effective Charity Administration
by L.A. Halbert - 193-203 Efficiency in County Government
by Otho Grandford Cartwright - 204-212 A Proposed Municipal Administrative Code for New Jersey Cities
by D.O. Decker - 213-217 Efficient Supervision of Weights and Measures
by Fritz Reichmann - 218-232 Securing Efficient Administration Under the Commission Plan
by Frederick W. Donnelly - 235-244 The New York Bureau of Municipal Research
by George B. Hopkins - 245-261 The Outlook for Municipal Efficiency in Philadelphia
by Jesse D. Burks - 262-269 The Cincinnati Bureau of Municipal Research
by Rufus E. Miles - 270-278 The Milwaukee Bureau of Economy and Efficiency
by J.E. Treleven - 281-303 Investigations as a Means of Securing Administrative Efficiency
by Charles E. Merriam - 304-306 A National Fund for Promoting Efficient Municipal Accounting and Reporting
by U.L. Leonhauser - 307-312 Training Men and Women for Public Service
by William H. Allen - 313-316 Religion's Reply To Economics
by John Haynes Holmes - 317-333 Notes
by N/A - 333-334 REVIEWS Ashley, W. J. British Dominions. Pp. xxviii, 276. Price, $1.80. New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1911
by Chester Lloyd Jones - 334-334 Bingham, H. Across South America. Pp. xvi, 405. Price, $3.50. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin Company, 1911
by Walter S. Tower - 335-336 Childs, Richard S. Short Ballot Principles. Pp. viii, 171. Price, $1.00. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin Company, 1911
by Chester Lloyd Jones - 336-336 Clemenceau, Georges. South America of To-day. Pp. xxii, 434. Price, $2.00. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1911
by Henry Gil - 337-338 Coulter, John Lee. Co-operation Among Farmers. Pp. vii, 281. Price, 75 cents. New York: Sturgis & Walton Company, 1911
by James B. Morman - 338-339 Dawbarn, C. France and the French. Pp. xi, 322. Price, $2.50. New York ; Macmillan Company, 1911
by Chester Lloyd Jones - 339-340 Dodd, Agnes F. History of Money in the British Empire and the United States. Pp. xiv, 356. Price, $1.60. New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1911
by Don C. Barrett - 340-340 Forman, S. E. The American Republic. Pp. xviii, 359. Price, $1.10. New York: Century Company, 1911
by Raymond Garfield Gettell - 340-342 Groat, George G. Attitude of American Courts in Labor Cases. Pp. ix, 400. Price, $3.00. New York: Columbia University, 1911
by Lindley D. Clark - 342-343 Guenther, Louis. Investments and Speculation. Pp. 396. Chicago: La Salle Extension University
by Lawrence Chamberlain - 343-344 Henderson, C. H. Pay Day. Pp. vi, 339. Price, $1.50. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin Company, 1911
by Scott Nearing - 344-345 Herter, C. A. Biological Aspects of Human Problems. Pp. xvi, 344. Price, $1.50. New York: Macmillan Company, 1911
by Carl Kelsey - 345-346 Hull, G. H. Industrial Depressions. Pp. xiv, 287. Price, $2.95. New York: F. A. Stokes Company, 1911
by W.S. Stevens - 346-347 Jenks, J. W., and Lauck, W. Jett. The Immigration Problem. Pp. xvi, 496. Price, $1.75. New York: Funk & Wagnalls Company, 1912
by Henry Pratt Fairchild - 347-348 Lowell, Percival. The Soul of the Far East. Pp. x, 266. Price, $1.60. New York: Macmillan Company, 1911. Hart, Albert Bushnell. The Obvious Orient. Pp. x, 369. Price, $1.50. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1911
by A.P. Winston - 348-349 Reed, A. Z. The Territorial Basis of Government under the State Con stitutions. Pp. 250. New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1911
by Raymond Garfield Gettell - 349-350 Saleeby, C. W. Woman and Womanhood. Pp. 398. Price, $2.50. New York: Mitchell Kennerley, 1911
by Scott Nearing - 350-351 Semple, E. C. Influences of Geographic Environment on the Basis of Rat zel's System of Anthropo-Geography. Pp. xvi, 683. Price, $4.00. New York : Henry Holt & Co., 1911
by G.B. Roorbach - 351-352 Vrooman, F. B. The New Politics. Pp. 300. Price, $1.50. New York: Oxford University Press, 1911
by Charles G. Haines - 352-355 Weill, G. Histoire du Mouvement Social en France. Second Edition. Pp. ii, 563. Price, 10 francs. Paris : Felix Alcan, 1911
by Edward S. Meade - 356-359 Report of the Board of Directors of the American Academy of Political and Social Science for the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1911
by N/A
March 1912, Volume 40, Issue 1
- 3-11 Conditions and Needs of Country Life
by John M. Gillette - 12-18 Rural Sociology as a College Discipline
by Kenyon L. Butterfield - 19-20 Education for Agriculture
by F.B. Mumford - 21-25 Economic Significance of Changes in Country Population
by T.N. Carver - 29-39 Farm Tenancy in the United States
by Benjamin Horace Hibbard - 40-44 Agricultural Laborers in the United States
by John Lee Coulter - 45-50 Scientific Farming
by Eugene Davenport - 51-57 Good Roads Movement
by Harold Parker - 58-68 Co-Operative Movements Among Farmers
by E.K. Eyerly - 69-80 Immigrant Rural Communities
by Alexander E. Cance - 81-89 The Rural Negro Community
by Booker T. Washington - 90-99 Southern Agriculture, Plantation System, and the Negro Problem
by Lewis Cecil Gray - 100-109 The United States Department of Agriculture
by A.C. True - 110-116 Origin and Growth of Rural Conferences
by Clarence Sears Kates - 119-130 Social Life in the Country
by Warren H. Wilson