November 1922, Volume 104, Issue 1
- 178-178 Latané, John H. from Isolation to Leadership. Revised. A Review of American Foreign Policy. Pp. 296. Price, $1.20. Garden City: Doubleday, Page and Co., 1922
by C.G. Fenwick - 178-179 The Official Report of the Ninth National Foreign Trade Convention. (Held at Philadelphia, Pa., May 10, 11, 12, 1922: and issued by the Secretary, National Foreign Trade Convention Headquarters, India House, Hanover Sq. N.Y
by Frank Buffington Vrooman - 179-179 Druey, Aubrey. World Metric Standardization: an Urgent Issue. Pp. 525, illustrated. Price, $5.00. San Francisco, Cal.: World Metric Standardization Council, 1922
by N/A - 179-180 Lauck, W. Jett, and Watts, Claude S. The Industrial Code. Pp. 578. Price, $4.00. New York: Funk & Wagnalls Company, 1922
by Otto T. Mallery - 180-181 Dodd, Walter F. State Government. Pp. xiii, 578. Price, $3.75. New York: The Century Company, 1922
by Allan F. Saunders - 181-181 Albrigth, George Leslie. Official Explorations for Pacific Railroads. Pp. vii, 187. Price, $1.50, in paper cover. Berkeley, California: University of California Press, 1921
by N/A - 187-221 Attendance in Four Textile Mills in Philadelphia by the Industrial Research Department Wharton School of Finance and Commerce University of Pennsylvania
by Anne Bezanson & Joseph H. Willits & France Chalufour & Leda F. White - 222-222 Index to Supplement
by N/A
September 1922, Volume 103, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by Clyde L. King - 1-7 The Moral Diagnosis
by J. Kerby - 8-15 Industrial Conflict and the Local Community
by Edward T. Devine - 16-21 The State and Industrial Conflict
by W. Jett Lauck - 22-26 The Trade Agreement Between Employers and Employees
by John P. Frey - 27-33 Collective Agreements in the Men's Clothing Industry
by W.E. Hotchkiss - 34-39 Employee Representation
by Walter Gordon Merritt - 40-44 Moral Influences in the Adjustment of Industrial Disputes
by Basil M. Manly - 45-48 Industry as a Service
by Fred J. Miller - 49-54 Social Concepts in Economic Theory
by Samuel McCune Lindsay - 55-57 Property From a Christian Standpoint
by Richmond Dean - 58-59 An Employer's View of Property
by Henry S. Dennison - 60-64 Industrial Conditions as a Community Problem With Particular Reference to Child Labor
by Florence Kelley - 65-69 The Employers' Responsibility to the Community
by Sam A. Lewisohn - 70-75 Labor's Responsibility to the Community
by Joseph Husslein - 76-80 The Teaching of the Catholic Church
by John A. Ryan - 81-85 The Teaching of the Protestant Church
by F. Ernest Johnson - 86-89 Judaism and the Industrial Crisis
by Sidney E. Goldstein - 90-95 A Churchman's View of the Church's Function
by Cook Morehouse - 96-100 The Function of the Church in Industry
by Harry F. Ward - 101-104 An Employer's View of the Church's Function in Relation to Industry
by John J. Eagan - 105-107 An Employer's View of the Church's Function in Industry
by P.H. Callahan - 108-111 Labor's View of the Church's Function with Regard to Industrial Relations
by John A. Voll - 112-116 Labor's View of the Function of the Church
by A.J. Muste - 117-121 The Churches' Ministry to Workers
by G.S. Lackland - 122-124 The Pastor and the Workingmen of His Parish
by Edwin V. O'Hara - 125-129 Policy and Program of the Protestant Churches
by Worth M. Tippy - 130-133 The Program and Activities of the National Catholic Welfare Council
by R.A. Mcgowan - 134-137 Industrial Program of the Young Men's Christian Association
by Charles R. Towson - 138-140 The Industrial Policies of the Young Women's Christian Association
by Florence Simms - 141-143 Summary and Afterword
by John A. Ryan & F. Ernest Johnson - 144-147 EMERSON, WILLIAM R. P., M. D. Nutrition and Growth in Children. Pp. xxix, 342. Price, $2.50. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1922. HUNT, JEAN LEE, JOHNSON, BUFFORD J., LINCOLN, EDITH M. Health Education and the Nutrition Class. Pp. xv, 281. Price, $3.50. New York: E. P. Dutton & Company, 1922. THE NATIONAL CHILD HEALTH COUNCIL. Child Health in Erie County, New York. Pp. 90. Washington, D. C., Supplement to Mother and Child, Magazine of the American Child Hygiene Association, May, 1922. SOUTH CAROLINA MENTAL HYGIENE COM MITTEE. A Report of the South Caro lina Mental Hygiene Survey. Pp. 73. Columbia, South Carolina : South Caro lina Board of Public Welfare, Quarterly Bulletin No. 1, Vol. 111, 1922. WOOLLEY, HELEN T., PH.D., and HART, HORNELL. Feeble-Minded Ex-School Chil dren : A Study of Children Who Have Been Students In Cincinnati Special Schools. Pp. 237 to 263. Cincinnati: Studies From The Helen S. Traounstine Foundation, Vol. 1, No. 7, April, 1921. GREEN, GEORGE H. Psychanalysis In The Class Room. Pp. xi, 272. Price, $1.75. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1922
by James H.S. Bossard - 147-148 NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF COMMERCE BUREAU OF BUSINESS RE SEARCH, HORACE SECRIST, DIRECTOR, IN COÖPERATION WITH THE NATIONAL AS SOCIATION OF RETAIL CLOTHIERS. Costs, Merchandising Practices, Advertising and Sales in the Retail Distribution of Clothing. 6 Vol. Pp. 662. Price, $15.00. New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1921
by Herbert W. Hess - 148-149 IRELAND, ALLEYNE. Democracy and the Human Equation. Pp. 251. Price, $3.00. New York: E. P. Dutton and Company, 1921
by N/A - 149-149 MAYERS, LEWIS, PH.D., LL.B. The Fed eral Service. Pp. xvi, 607. Price, $5.00. New York: D. Appleton & Company, 1922
by N/A - 149-150 FURNISS, EDGAR S. Foreign Exchange. Pp. x, 409. Price, $2.50. Boston: Hough ton Mifflin Company, 1922
by Harry T. Collings - 150-150 VANDENBERG, ARTHUR HENDRICK. The Greatest American—Alexander Hamilton. Pp. xvi, 353. Price, $2.50. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1922
by N/A - 150-151 CLARK, JR., W. IRVING, M. D., F. A. C.. S. Health Service in Industry. Pp. 168. Price, $2.00. New York: The Macmil lan Co., 1922
by Joseph H. Willits - 151-151 HOURWICH, ISAAC A. Immigration and Labor. Second Edition. Pp. xxxii, 574. Price, $6.00. New York: B. W. Huebsch, 1922
by N/A - 151-151 JENKS, J. W. and LAUCK, W. J. The Im migration Problem. First Edition, re vised and enlarged by Smith, Rufus D. Pp. xxvii, 655. Price, $3.00. New York: Funk & Wagnalls Co., 1922
by N/A - 151-153 PATTEN, SIMON N. Mud Hollow. Pp. 384. Price, $1.90. Philadelphia: Dorrance and Company, 1922
by Joseph H. Willits - 153-153 J. WALTER THOMPSON COMPANY. Popula tion and its Distribution. Pp. 335. Price, $5.00. New York: J. Walter Thompson Company, 1921
by N/A - 153-154 LIPPMAN, WALTER. Public Opinion. Pp. ix, 427. Price, $2.75. New York: Har court, Brace and Company, 1922
by Clyde L. King - 154-155 G. STANLEY HALL, PH.D., LL.D. Sene scence. Pp. xxvi, 518. Price, $5.00. New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1922
by Herbert W. Hess - 155-155 TUMULTY, JOSEPH P. Woodrow Wilson as I Know Him. Pp. xvi, 553. Price, $5.00. Garden City, New York: Double- day Page and Company, 1921
by N/A
July 1922, Volume 102, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by L.S. Rowe - 1-13 Economic and Financial Reconstruction of Czechoslovakia
by Bedrich Stepánek - 13-16 Suggested Measures for World-wide Cooperation
by Signor Francesco Quattrone - 16-20 Economic Reconstruction of Germany
by Karl Lang - 20-26 Possibilities of the Economic and Financial Reconstruction of Austria
by Edgar L.G. Prochnik - 26-32 The Industrial and Financial Situation in Great Britain and its Remedies
by John Joyce Broderick - 32-39 The Finance and Currency Situation in Poland
by E. Dana Durand - 40-41 Foreword
by Thomas Sterling - 42-49 Interest and Exchange Rates and Reparation Payments
by Albert Strauss - 49-54 America's Coöperation Indispensable to International Security
by Pierpont B. Noyes - 54-60 Is American Prosperity Dependent Upon the Rehabilitation of Europe?
by Samuel M. Vauclain - 60-64 America's Interest in the Rehabilitation of Europe
by William S. Culbertson - 64-72 Europe and the Development of American Foreign Trade
by G.B. Roorbach - 72-79 America's Prosperity and the Rehabilitation of Europe—Labor's Point of View
by Chester M. Wright - 80-85 Our Unfunded Trade Balance and the Stabilization of Exchange
by Edmund Platt - 85-100 America and the Debts of Europe
by John F. Sinclair - 100-102 Inter-Allied Debts and Reparation Payments as International Securities
by Frederick C. Goodenough - 103-108 Appendix
by N/A - 108-115 An Analysis of the International War Debt Situation
by R.C. Leffingwell - 115-120 The Public Financial Burdens of the Principal Countries of the World
by L.R. Gottlieb - 121-126 Character of American Influence on Eastern Europe in the Near Future
by Elmer Davis - 126-130 America and the Attempt at Genoa
by James G. Mcdonald - 131-137 Russia as the Chief Obstacle to European Rehabilitation—From the Labor Viewpoint
by William English Walling - 137-142 The World's Need of International Citizenship
by Annot Robinson - 142-144 The New International Spirit and the Failure of Nationalism
by Mlle. Therese Pottecher-Arnould - 145-146 Germany's Part in World Reconstruction
by Fraulein Gertrud Baer - 147-151 The Rehabilitation of Europe Dependent upon America
by Sir George Paish - 152-156 America's Coöperation Needed for the Rehabilitation of Europe
by George N. Barnes - 156-162 Self-Help Before American Cooperation in the Rehabilitation of Europe
by John Jacob Rogers - 162-168 Reconstruction of International Good Will
by Huston Thompson - 168-174 The Interdependence of the United States and Europe
by Fred I. Kent - 175-177 America's Coöperation in European Rehabilitation Primarily Dependent on Europe
by James Speyer - 177-183 America's Coöperation a Prerequisite to European Rehabilitation
by Silas H. Strawn - 183-189 Is American Coöperation Necessary for European Rehabilitation?
by Edward A. Filene - 190-193 Democracy, Foreign Policy and the Split Personality of the Modern Statesman
by Walter Lippmann - 193-200 Russian Rehabilitation a Prerequisite to World Prosperity
by Captain Paxton Hibben - 200-205 What Can Be Done for Russia?
by Baron S.A. Korff - 205-207 Shell-Shocked America
by Bruce Bliven - 208-208 Armstrong, George S. Essentials of Industrial Costing. Pp. 297. Price, $5.00. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1921
by Thomas A. Budd - 208-209 Fassett, Charles M. Handbook of Municipal Government. Pp. 160. Price, $1.50. Assets of the Ideal City. Pp. 160. Price, $1.50. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1922
by Lane W. Lancaster - 209-209 David, Donald Kirk. Retail Stores Management Problems. Pp. XXIX, 1050. Price, $6.75. Chicago: A. W. Shaw Company, 1922
by R.H. Lansburgh - 209-210 Richmond, Mary E. What Is Social Case Work? Pp. 268. Price, $1.00. New York City: Russell Sage Foundation, 1922
by James H.S. Bossard - 210-212 Ellwood, Charles A. The Reconstruc tion of Religion, a Sociological View. Pp. xv, 323. Price, $2.25. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1922
by James H.S. Bossard
May 1922, Volume 101, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by Clyde L. King - 1-5 The Significance of the Professional Ideal Professional Ethics and the Public Interest
by Robert D. Kohn - 5-15 The Social Significance of Professional Ethics
by R.M. Mac Iver - 16-29 The Ethics of the Legal Profession
by Henry W. Jessup - 29-32 The Need for Standards of Ethics for Judges
by Edward A. Harriman - 33-44 Group Organizations Among Lawyers
by Herbert Harley - 44-48 Unlawful Practice of the Law Must Be Prevented
by Julius Henry Cohen - 48-50 A Selected Bibliography on Legal Ethics
by N/A - 51-67 The Professional Organizations, Training and Ethical Codes of Physicians, Dentists, Nurses and Pharmacists
by A.D. Whiting - 68-72 Ethics and the Engineering Profession
by Morris Llewellyn Cooke - 72-76 The Ethics of the Mechanical Engineer
by Calvin W. Rice - 76-89 Ethics of the Engineering Profession
by Frederick Haynes Newell - 89-94 Procedure in Developing Ethical Standards Adopted by the American Association of Engineers
by H.W. Clausen - 94-96 Shall Corporations Be Authorized to Practise Engineering?
by William J. Wilgus - 97-104 A Proposed Code of Ethics for All Engineers
by A.G. Christie - 105-107 Public Interest and the Architect
by M.B. Medary JR - 108-114 The Ethical Standards of the Architects and the Procedure for Their Enforcement
by Horace W. Sellers - 114-120 The Architectural Student and His Relation to Professional Practice
by Emil Lorch - 121-126 Codes of Ethics for the Teaching Profession
by George Gailey Chambers - 127-137 The Principles of Academic Freedom and Tenure of the American Association of University Professors
by F.S. Deibler - 138-146 The Ethics of Librarianship A Proposal for a Revised Code
by Charles Knowles Bolton - 147-152 The Ethics of the Ministry
by S.Z. Batten - 152-157 Ethics in the Public Service
by William C. Beyer - 158-168 The Professional Organization of Social Work
by Mary Van Kleeck & Graham Romeyn Taylor - 169-169 Foreword: Ethics in Journalism
by E.J. Mehren - 170-179 The Social Value of a Code of Ethics for Journalists
by Eric W. Allen - 179-187 The Practice of the Kansas Code of Ethics for Newspapers
by Alfred G. Hill - 188-195 The Ethics of Industrial Publishing
by Henry H. Norris - 196-202 Ethics of Accountancy
by Edward P. Moxey JR - 203-207 The Profession of Commerce in the Making
by F.M. Feiker - 208-211 The Canons of Commercial Ethics
by J.H. Tregoe - 211-220 History and Present Status of the " Truth-in-Advertising" Movement
by Herbert W. Hess - 221-223 Better Ethical Standards for Business The Purpose of the Commercial Standards Council
by Williams Haynes - 223-228 A Simple Code of Business Ethics
by Edward A. Filene - 228-236 Campaign of the International Association of Rotary Clubs for the Writing of Codes of Standards of Practice for Each Business and Profession
by Guy Gundaker - 237-240 China, Our Chief Far East Problem
by W.W. Willoughby - 240-242 China and Her Reconstruction 1
by Admiral Tsai - 242-248 The Future of Chinese Democracy
by Alfred Sze - 249-253 Constitutional Government for China1
by John C. Ferguson - 254-300 Appendix
by N/A - 301-301 Capes, William Parr. The Modern City and Its Government. Pp. xv, 250. Price, $5.00. New York: Dutton, 1922
by Lane W. Lancaster - 301-302 Vinogradoff, Sir, Paul. Outlines of Historical Jurisprudence. Volume One; Introduction, Tribal Law. Pp. ix, 428. Oxford University Press, 1920
by C.H. Maxson - 302-303 Finer, Herman. Foreign Governments at Work. Pp. 84. Oxford University Press, 1921
by Isaac J. Cox - 304-305 Westerfield, R. B. Banking Principles and Practice. Pp. xxxii, 1370. In five volumes, not sold separately. Price, $12.00. New York: The Ronald Press Co., 1921
by Morgan B. Cushing - 305-305 Nicholson, J. Shield. The Revival of Marxism. Pp. 145. Price, $2.25. New York: E. P. Dutton and Company, 1921
by Ernest M. Patterson - 305-306 Friedman, Elisha M. International Finance and Its Reorganization. Pp. xli, 703. Price, $7.00. New York: E. P. Dutton and Company, 1922
by Ernest M. Patterson - 306-306 Robinson, Louis N. Penology in the United States. Pp. ix, 344. Price, $3.00. Philadelphia: The John C. Winston Company, 1921
by Carl Kelsey - 306-307 Reinsch, Paul Samuel. An American Diplomat in China. Pp. xii, 396. Price, $4.00. New York: Doubleday Page and Company, 1922
by W.W. Willoughby - 307-309 Lincoln, Edmond Earle. Problems in Business Finance. Pp. 1, 525. Price, $5.00. Chicago: A. W. Shaw Company, 1921
by E.S. Meade
March 1922, Volume 100, Issue 1
- 1-4 Russia Under the Bolsheviks
by Marguerite E. Harrison - 5-9 The Evolution of New Russia
by Paul Miliukov - 10-12 Russia in the Fabric of International Finance
by Arthur Bullard - 13-13 Foreword
by Clyde L. King - 15-18 A Method of Grading and Valuing Operations
by Frank J. Becvar - 19-24 Analyzing, Grading and Valuing Operations in a Modern Manufacturing Organization
by A.B. Rich - 24-29 Bases for Determining Wage-Rates
by R.M. Hudson - 29-36 The Bases Used by Department Stores in Establishing Wage-Rates
by Philip J. Reilly - 37-51 Relative Rating Versus Cost of Living as a Basis of Adjusting Wage-Rates
by Thomas W. Mitchell - 51-53 Wage Adjustment
by Sanford E. Thompson - 54-55 The Development and Accessibility of Production Records Essential to Intelligent and Just Determination of Wage-Rates
by Samuel Gompers - 55-57 Relative Rating Leaves the Main Industrial Problem Untouched
by A.J. Portenar - 57-63 The Requirements of a Policy of Wage Settlement
by Herbert Feis - 63-77 The Effort of the Worker to Improve His Own Condition is Indispensable
by Horace B. Drury - 77-79 The Equilibrium Wage
by T.N. Carver - 79-85 Factors Determining Real Wages
by Ernest Minor Patterson - 85-94 The Relation Between Wages and National Productivity
by George Soule - 95-102 Unemployment and Its Alleviation
by B. Seebohm Rowntree - 102-105 Regularization of Industry Against Unemployment
by Henry S. Dennison - 105-107 The Russian Famine Region
by Vernon Kellogg - 109-109 The American Intervention in Haiti and the Dominican Republic
by Carl Kelsey - 110-110 Foreword
by L.S. Rowe - 111-114 Introduction
by N/A - 115-117 The Island
by N/A - 118-134 The Haitians
by N/A - 134-144 The Military Intervention
by N/A - 144-154 The Civil Side of the Intervention
by N/A - 154-161 The Financial Problem of Haiti
by N/A - 161-165 A Summary and Some Suggestions
by N/A - 166-176 The Dominicans
by N/A - 177-189 The Military Government
by N/A - 189-191 The Financial Situation
by N/A - 191-194 Proposals for Withdrawal
by N/A - 195-199 Some Reflections on Our Policy
by N/A - 200-202 Book Notes
by N/A - 203-204 Waste in Industry. Published by the Federated American Engineering Societies. Pp. 406. Price, $4.00. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co. Inc., 1921
by Bruce D. Mudgett - 204-204 WHITE, PERCIVAL. Market Analysis. Its Principles and Methods. Pp. 340. Price, $3.50. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co. Inc., 1921
by Bruce D. Mudgett - 204-205 POSTGATE, R. W. Revolution from 1789 to 1906. Documents selected and edited with notes and introductions. Pp. xvi, 400. Price, $4.50. New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1921
by Ernest Minor Patterson - 205-205 RATHENAU, WALTER. In Days To Come. Pp. 286. Price, $5.00. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Incorporated, 1921
by Ernest Minor Patterson - 205-206 JONES, WALTER. Capital and Labor, Their Duties and Responsibilities. Pp. viii, 168. Price, 2/6. London: P. S. King & Son, Ltd., 1921
by Raymond T. Bye - 206-206 SIMPSON, KEMPER. Economics for the Accountant. Pp. 206. Price, $2.00. New York: D. Appleton & Company, 1921
by Thomas A. Budd - 207-208 UNITED STATES INTERDEPARTMENTAL SOCIAL HYGIENE BOARD. Annual Report, 1921. Pp. 198. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1921. FUNK, JOHN CLARENCE. Vice and Health. Pp. 174. Price, $1.50. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1921. MANGOLD, GEORGE B., PH. D. Children Born Out of Wedlock: A Sociological Study of Illegitimacy, With Particular Reference to the United Statas. Pp. x, 214. Price, $1.50. Columbia, Missouri: University of Missouri Studies, Volume III, Number 3, Social Science Series, 1921
by James H.S. Bossard - 208-209 TOSDAL, HARRY R. Problems in Sales Management. Pp. 672. Price, $5.00. Chicago: A. W. Shaw Company, 1921
by Herbert W. Hess - 209-209 POWELL, FRED WILBUR. The Railroads of Mexico. Pp. vii, 226. Boston: The Stratford Company, 1921
by Harry T. Collings - 210-210 TURNER, JOHN ROSCOE. The Ricardian Rent Theory. Pp. xix, 221. Price, $4.00. New York: The New York University Press, 1921
by Harry T. Collings - 210-211 BOWLEY, ARTHUR L. Elements of Statistics 4th Edition, revised. Pp. xi, 459. Price, 24s. London: P. S. King & Son Ltd., 1921
by Bruce D. Mudgett - 211-213 TAUSSIG, FRANK WILLIAM. Selected Readings in International Trade and Tariff Problems. Pp. x, 566. New York: Ginn and Company, 1921. BARNES, H. E. The Social History of the Western World. An Outline Syllabus. Pp. xii, 126. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1921. MITCHELL, WESLEY C., et al. The Income in the United States. Its Amount and Distribution, 1909-1919. Volume I. New York: Harcourt, Brace & Company, 1921
by Karl Scholz - 214-215 Report of the Board of Directors of the American Academy of Political and Social Science for the Year Ending December 31, 1921
by Edward P. Moxey
January 1922, Volume 99, Issue 1
- 1-1 The Integrity of the Federal Reserve System
by A.D. Welton & C.H. Crennan - 1-16 Outline of Banking History
by B.H. Beckhart - 17-26 The Studies of the National Monetary Commission
by N.A. Weston - 26-29 The National Citizens' League
by Harry A. Wheeler - 29-36 The Educational Campaign for Banking Reform
by A.D. Welton