March 1925, Volume 118, Issue 1
- 184-185 JEROME, HARRY. Statistical Method. Pp. xxiv, 395. Price, $4.00. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1984
by Robert Riegel - 185-186 KOHLER, ERIC L., and PETTENGILL, PAUL W. Principles of Auditing. Pp. 231, ix, plus 96 pages of facsimile audit reports, audit working papers, schedules and statements. Price, $4.00. Chicago: A. W. Shaw Company
by Hiram T. Scovill - 186-187 RIEGEL, ROBERT. Elements of Business Statistics. Pp. xx, 549. Price, $4.00. New York : D. Appleton & Company
by N/A
January 1925, Volume 117, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by Clyde L. King - 1-21 The Farm Income Situation
by Robert J. McFall - 22-26 The Purchasing Power of the Farmer's Dollar From 1913 to Date
by A.B. Genung - 27-34 Income from Agricultural Production
by L.H. Bean & O.C. Stine - 35-40 Interest and Taxes in Relation to Farm Income
by L.M. Graves - 41-44 Taxes in Relation to Earnings of Farm Real Estate
by C.O. Brannen - 45-51 The Trend in Land Values and Land Utilization
by George S. Wehrwein - 52-60 Migration To and From Our Farms
by Charles L. Stewart - 61-68 The Trend in Tenancy and Ownership
by A.M. Loomis - 69-77 Agricultural Credit Facilities—Are They Ample?
by A.D. Welton - 78-87 Farmers as Managers
by W.M. Jardine - 88-93 The Services of American Agricultural Colleges
by A.C. True - 94-120 Crop Insurance—Its Recent Accomplishments and Its Possibilities
by G. Wright Hoffman - 121-123 The Agricultural Situation as Viewed by a Western Senator
by Arthur Capper - 124-128 A National Agricultural Program1
by Henry C. Wallace - 129-155 The Farmer's Foreign Market
by Robert J. McFall - 156-165 A Domestic Market for American Farm Products
by L.C. Gray - 166-176 The American Farmer and the Tariff
by Charles W. Holman - 177-183 Measuring the Spread from Farmer to Consumer
by Walter P. Hedden - 184-200 Costs and Margins in Marketing
by John D. Black & H. Bruce Price - 201-207 The Extent of Co-operative Marketing Among Farmers Today and the Results Secured by Co-operative Associations
by Benjamin H. Hibbard - 208-216 Financial Gains of Marketing Successfully Through Co-operation
by Theodore Macklin - 217-226 Possibilities and Limitations of Co-operative Marketing
by H.E. Erdman - 227-230 Sound Principles in Co-operative Legislation
by John D. Miller - 231-242 Marketing Fluid Milk in Philadelphia An Experience in Sales Co-operation
by R.W. Balderston - 243-247 Supply and Price Interactions in Farm and City Products
by H.A. Wallace - 248-254 Fitting Production to the Market
by Robert J. McFall - 255-257 The Place of Advertising in American Agriculture
by George F. Johnson - 258-264 Scientific Nutrition and the Farm Output
by E.V. Mccollum - 265-270 Fertilizer Use in the United States
by Sidney B. Haskell - 271-277 Extending Farm Diversification Westward and North- westward Into the Great Plains Region and the Spring Wheat Area
by John Lee Coulter - 278-284 The Relation of Local Farm Output to the Local Product
by John M. Mckee - 285-292 A Balanced Agricultural Output in the United States
by W.J. Spillman - 293-301 Book Department
by N/A
November 1924, Volume 116, Issue 1
- 1-8 The Motor's Part in Transportation
by Roy D. Chapin - 9-12 The Automobile and Allied Trades and Industries
by Alfred H. Swayne - 12-17 The Automobile and American Agriculture
by John M. Mckee - 18-21 The Motor's Part in Public Health
by John C. Long - 21-25 The Automobile and the Pioneer
by William Joseph Showalter - 25-31 Linking Up Railroad and Water Transportation
by Dorsey W. Hyde JR - 32-34 The Automobile and Recreation
by M.H. James - 34-36 The Economic Future of the Automobile Industry
by Charles Clifton - 37-43 Machinery and Its Effect upon the Workers in the Automotive Industry
by Charles Reitell - 44-49 Financing the Sale of Automobiles
by J.A. Estey - 49-57 Financing the Automobile
by Henry G. Hodges - 58-60 The Automobile and the " Home " of the Future
by John F. Harbeson - 60-62 The Purity of Roadside Drinking Water What Pennsylvania Is Doing
by W.G. Turnbull - 62-66 Camping Sites in Public Parks and Forests
by L.F. Kneipp - 66-68 The Automobile and the Traveling Library
by Katherine Tappert - 69-80 Consolidation of Schools and Pupil Transportation The Use of the Automobile in Education
by Leroy A. King - 80-82 Influence of the Automobile on the City Church
by James J. Coale - 83-86 What the Automobile Has Done To and For the Country Church
by Warren H. Wilson - 87-89 Function of the Motor Truck in Reducing Cost and Preventing Congestion of Freight in Railroad Terminals
by T.C. Powell - 89-95 Distribution of Gasoline and Methods of Price Control
by Huston Thompson - 95-101 The Billboard and the Public Highways
by J. Horace McFarland - 101-106 The Taxicab—Its Service and Regulation
by William A. Schnader - 107-112 Public Regulation of Motor Bus Service
by Delos F. Wilcox - 113-127 The Highway Business
by William H. Connell - 127-132 Highway Transportation
by J. Gordon Mckay - 132-140 Highway Location
by W.W. Crosby - 141-159 Taxation of Motor Vehicles in the United States
by James W. Follin - 160-168 The Financing of Highways
by T.H. Macdonald - 169-174 The Storage of Dead Vehicles on Roadways
by William P. Eno - 174-185 Safeguarding Traffic
by George M. Graham - 185-190 Traffic Violations and the Court
by Solon E. Rose - 191-194 The Automobile and the Police
by Arch Mandel - 194-198 Protective Measures for the Automobile and Its Owner
by E. Austin Baughman - 199-205 The Automobile and Community Planning
by John Ihlder - 205-214 Traffic-Transportation Planning and Metropolitan Development
by J. Rowland Bibbins - 214-223 The New York City Motor Traffic Problem
by Harold M. Lewis - 224-231 The Plan of Chicago in 1924 With Special Reference to Traffic Problems and How They Are Being Met
by E.S. Taylor - 231-235 The Plan of Philadelphia
by John Irwin Bright - 235-240 Philadelphia's Traffic Problems and Their Solution
by J. Borton Weeks - 241-243 The Traffic Problems in Detroit and How They Are Met
by T. Glenn Phillips - 244-246 Reduction of Street Traffic Congestion by Proper Street Design
by Harland Bartholomew - 246-250 The Traffic Commission of Los Angeles Its Work on the Traffic Problem
by Paul G. Hoffman - 251-254 The Export Trade in Automobiles
by H.H. Kelly - 254-258 The Relation of the Automobile Industry to International Problems of Oil and Rubber
by Harry T. Collings - 259-261 The Rubber Industry and the Automobile
by J. Walter Drake - 262-263 The Development of the Foreign Oil Policy of the United States
by Henry C. Morris - 264-266 What is the Job of the Trade Association?
by Alfred Reeves - 266-268 Serving the Motorist The Work of the National Motorists' Association
by Richard H. Lee - 269-274 Services of the American Automobile Association
by Ernest N. Smith - 274-279 The Place of the University in Good Roads and Automobile Transportation
by Arthur H. Blanchard - 280-280 Heber Blankernhorn. The Strike for Union. A Study of the Non-Union Question in Coal and the Problems of a Democratic Movement. Based on the Record of the Somerset Strike, 1923-24. Pp. 259. Price, $2.25. Published for the Bureau of Industrial Research, by the H. W. Wilson Company. New York: 1924
by S. Perlman - 280-280 Joseph, H. W. B. The Labor Theory of Value in Karl Marx. Pp. 176. Price, $2.00. New York: Oxford University, American Branch, 1923
by Fred E. Haynes - 280-281 Downey, E. H. Workmen's Compensation. Pp. xxv, 223. Price, $2.00. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1924
by John R. Commons - 281-284 Lubin, Isador. Miners' Wages and the Cost of Coal. Pp. 316. Price, $2.50. New York : McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1924
by W.E. Fisher - 284-285 Yost, Casper S. The Principles of Journalism. Pp. vii, 170. Price, $1.50. New York: D. Appleton & Company, 1924. CRAWFORD, NELSON ANTRIM. The Ethics of Journalism. Pp. viii, 264. Price, $2.75. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1924
by Leslie Higginbotham - 285-285 McCullough, J. E. Home, the Savior of Civilization. Pp. 633. Washington, D. C. Southern Cooperative League, 1924
by N/A - 285-286 Malbone, Graham W. Jr., assisted by Robert C. Binkley. New Governments of Central Europe. (American Political Sci
by Ralston Hayden - 286-286 Arbitration Treaties Among the American Nations. Edited by William R. Manning. Pp. 472. Price, $3.50. New York: Oxford University Press. American Branch
by N/A - 286-287 Mowat, R. B. The European States System. [The World's Manuals series.] Pp. 96. Price, $1.00. New York: Oxford University Press, American Branch, 1923
by D.R. Moore - 287-287 Lane, Tamar. What's Wrong With the Movies? Pp. 254. Los Angeles: The Waverly Company, 1923
by Donald Young - 287-287 Blanc, Elsie Terry. The Co-Operative Movement in Russia. Pp. 324. Price, $2.50. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1924
by Kenneth D. Miller
September 1924, Volume 115, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by Herbert W. Hess - 1-7 Selling Distribution and its New Economics
by Herbert W. Hess - 8-20 Political and Governmental Tendencies in Their Relation to Increased Wealth
by Clyde L. King - 21-31 Sales Policies and the Federal Trade Commission
by James T. Young - 32-37 Banking and its Relation to New Wealth
by Frank Parker - 38-46 Chemistry as a Source of New Wealth
by Ivor Griffith - 47-51 The Place of Human Sciences in Modern Organized Business
by Edwin B. Twitmyer - 52-56 The Place of Beauty in the Business World
by Huger Elliott - 57-64 The Effect of Scientific Food Consumption in Increasing Wealth
by Carl L. Alsberg - 65-69 Creative Wealth Factors in Modern Scientific Clothes Consumption
by Frank F. Wieder - 70-73 Wealth-Contributing Factors in the Building of Modern Homes
by Brenton G. Wallace - 74-82 New Wealth, New Standards of Living and Changed Family Budgets
by Christine Frederick - 83-94 Breaking Down Sales Resistance in Industrial Selling. A Survey of the Buying Habits of Industry
by Malcolm Muir - 95-98 The Place of the Modern Distributive Survey in Relation to Maximum Sales
by Edwin G. Booz - 99-105 Geographical Aspects of Industrial United States in Relation to Increased Wealth
by Alfred G. White - 106-115 Scientific Marketing of Farm Products as Illustrated by the Marketing of Eggs
by Earl W. Benjamin - 116-123 The Contribution of the Association of National Advertisers to Better Present Business Practices
by John Sullivan - 124-129 What the American Association of Advertising Agencies Does to Make Advertising Scientifically More Effective
by Stanley Resor - 130-135 Statistics in Market Studies
by Paul T. Cherington - 136-141 Modern Distribution Demands upon the Chamber of Commerce
by Julius H. Barnes - 142-160 Business Forecasting and its Relation to Modern Selling
by Roger W. Babson - 161-173 The Truth-in-Advertising Movement as it Affects the Wealth-Producing Factors in the Community
by H.J. Donnelly JR - 174-182 The Modern Sales Manager and his Developing Technique
by J. Russell Doubman - 183-189 The Modern Advertising Agency and its Contribution to Creative Wealth Activities
by H.H. Kynett - 190-198 The Producer and his Sales Problems in Relation to Wholesaler, Retailer, and Consumer
by John C. Frazee - 199-204 Are There too Many Retailers?
by L.D.H. Weld - 205-211 Modern Distributive Demands on Education
by F.R. Cawl - 212-215 The Automobile Industry and its Wealth-Contributing Factors
by Clifton Reeves - 216-219 Sales Managers' Quotas
by C.N. Stone - 220-225 The Chain Store and Distribution
by Walter S. Hayward - 226-235 The Justification of the Chain Store in Our Present System of Distribution
by E.C. Sams - 236-240 How Co-operation Works in the Grocery Business
by Herbert W. Hess - 241-247 Foreign Trade and Increased National Wealth
by Harry T. Collings - 248-252 Bibliography
by John R. Whitaker - 253-254 Mangold, George B. Problems of Child Welfare. Revised edition. Pp. xviii, 602. Price, $3.00. New York City: The Macmillan Company, 1924. MATEER, FLORENCE. The Unstable Child. Pp. xii, 471. Price, $2.75. New York City: D. Appleton and Company, 1924. JOINT COMMITTEE ON METHODS OF PREVENTING DELIQUENCY. Three Problem Children. Pp. 146. New York City: The Commonwealth Fund
by James H.S. Bossard - 254-256 Henry George's Progress and Poverty. An abridgement authorized by Anna George de Mille. Pp. 214. Price, $1.00. New York: Harcourt, Brace & Company, 1924
by William Lloyd Garrison - 256-257 Calder, John. Capital's Duty to the Wage-Earner. A Manual of Principles and Practice on Handling the Human Factors in Industry. Pp. 326. Price, $2.25. New York: Longmans, Green and Company, 1923
by N.I. Stone - 257-259 Lowell, Abbott Lawrence. Public Opinion in War and Peace. Pp. 302. Price, $2.50. Harvard University Press, 1924
by Robert E. Park - 259-260 Davenport, E. H. and Cooke, SIDNEY RUSSELL. The Oil Trusts and Anglo-American Relations. Pp. 201 and pp. 62 appendices. Price, $2.50. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1924
by Harry T. Collings - 260-260 Delbrück, Hans. Government and the Will of the People. Academic lectures. Translated into English with notes and glossary of political names and terms, by Roy S. MacElwee. Pp. xiii, 192. Price, $3.50. New York: Oxford University Press, American Branch, 1923
by Karl F. Geiser
July 1924, Volume 114, Issue 1_suppl
- 1-1 The American Academy of Political and Social Science
by N/A - 4-4 Preface
by George F. Kohn - 5-77 The Organization and the Work of the League of Nations
by George F. Kohn
July 1924, Volume 114, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by L.S. Rowe - 1-6 Economic and Trade Position of Germany
by H.G. Moulton - 7-9 The Effect of Germany's Industrial Condition
by General Henry T. Allen - 10-14 The Dawes Report and After
by Ernest Minor Patterson - 15-25 The Dawes Report — A Business Man's View
by J. Henry Scattergood - 26-28 Effect of French Policies on Present-Day European Situation
by Pierrepont B. Noyes - 29-35 The Justification of French Policy
by Frederick H. Allen - 36-43 What Else Could France Have Done?
by John Jacob Rogers - 44-48 French Policy Since the Armistice
by Oscar T. Crosby - 49-55 Conditions in Russia and the Value of its Future Development
by Hon. James A. Frear - 56-61 The Underlying Economic Factors in the Russian Situation
by Leo Pasvolsky - 62-69 Political Organization of the Soviet Power
by Robert F. Kelley - 70-75 The Attitude of the United States Government Towards the Soviet Régime
by Evan E. Young - 76-84 Should America Recognize Russia?
by Jerome Davis - 85-88 Efforts of the Soviet Government to Block American Aid to Russia
by Colonel Philip Mathews - 89-91 Past and Present-Day Influence on Russia with a Glance at the Future
by Boris E. Shatzky - 92-96 The United States and Russia Some Considerations on Recognition
by George Earle Raiguel - 97-101 Fundamentals in the Foreign Policy of the United States
by Philip Marshall Brown - 102-104 Memel: A European Aspect of the League
by Arthur Bullard - 105-109 Adapting Our Foreign Policy to World Facts
by Stephen P. Duggan - 110-114 European Agriculture and the American Export Trade in Food Products
by Alfred Pearce Dennis - 115-119 Why Enter Europe?
by William Hard - 120-121 Extent and Limits of International Co-operation
by Victor Rosewater - 122-125 The Permanent Court of International Justice and World Peace
by Manley O. Hudson - 126-127 Arbitration as a War Substitute
by Ruth Morgan - 128-131 The Obligation of the United States Toward the World Court
by Hon. OgdenL. Mills - 132-134 The Way Toward Peace
by His Excellency - 135-143 The Movement Toward an International Court
by Hon. Simeon D. Fess - 144-146 A Ten-Year Look Ahead
by Bruce Bliven - 147-149 The Permanent Court of International Justice as an American Proposition
by William I. Hull - 150-152 The Press as a Preventive of War
by W.E. Lingelbach - 153-154 Security and Understanding Lead Toward World Peace
by Charles G. Fenwick - 155-155 Patten, Simon Nelson. Essays in Economic Theory. Pp. 399. Price, $3.50. New York: A. A. Knopf, 1924
by Carl Kelsey - 155-156 Short, Lloyd Milton. The Development of National Administrative Organization in the United States (A Study by the Institute for Government Research). Pp. 480. Price, $5.00. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1923
by Otto T. Mallery - 156-156 Custis, Vanderveer. The Foundations of National Industrial Efficiency . Pp. xiv, 324. Price, $2.25. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1923
by N/A - 156-156 Nahoum, Jules. The Key to National Prosperity. Pp. xiii, 381. Price, $6.00. New York: E. P. Dutton & Company, 1923
by N/A - 157-157 Reyes, José S. Legislative History of America's Economic Policy Toward the Philippines. Pp. 205. Columbia University Studies in History, Economics and Public Law. New York : Longmans, Green & Company, 1923
by Charles Groves Haines - 157-158 A History of Organized Felony and Folly. New York, 1923
by Clyde L. King - 158-158 Hastings, Hudson Bridge. Costs and Profits. Their Relation to Business Cycles. Pp. x, 168. Price, $2.50. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1923
by N/A - 158-158 Wymond, Charles. Atlas of Traffic Maps. Price, $4.50. Chicago: LaSalle University Press
by N/A - 158-158 Strayer, George D. and Haig, Robert Murray. The Financing of Education in the State of New York. Pp. xiii, 205. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1923
by Clyde L. King - 159-159 Chatburn, George R., A.M., C.E. Highways and Highway Transportation. Pp. xx, 472. Price, $3.15. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1923
by Clyde L. King - 159-159 Wissler, Clark, PH.D. Man and Culture. Pp. xi, 371. Price, $2.75. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1923
by Clyde L. King - 159-159 Barnes, Harry, Elmer. Sociology and Political Theory. Pp. xiii, 260. Price, $2.50. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1924
by N/A - 159-160 Fuller, Raymond G. Child Labor and the Constitution. Pp. xiii, 323. Price, $2.50. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1923
by James H.S. Bossard - 160-161 MacDonald, William. The Intellectual Worker and His Work. Pp. 351. Price, $2.50. New York: The Macmillan Company
by Gordon S. Watkins - 161-162 Shaw, Elton, Raymond. Prohibition: Going or Coming? Pp. 493. Price, $2.00. Berwyn, Ill.: Shaw Publishing Company
by Benjamin H. Williams - 162-162 Earle, Edward Mead. Turkey, The Great Powers, and the Bagdad Railway. A Study in Imperialism. Pp. xiii, 364. Price, $2.25. The Macmillan Company
by C.G. Fenwick - 162-163 Beard, Charles A. The Administration and Politics of Tokio. A Survey and Opinions. Pp. vii. Price, $2.50. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1923
by Karl F. Geiser - 163-163 Nichols, Jeannette Paddock, PH.D. Alaska. Pp. 456. Price, $7.50. Cleveland: The Arthur H. Clark Company, 1923
by H.C. Nixon - 164-164 Hildebrand, Arthur Sturgis. Blue Water. Pp. 318. Price, $3.00. New York: Harcourt, Brace & Company
by N/A - 164-164 Mussolini, As Revealed in his Political Speeches November 1914 to August 1923. Edited by Barone Bernado Quaranta di San Severino. Pp. 374. Price, $3.50. New York: E. P. Dutton & Company
by N/A - 164-164 East, Edward M. Mankind at the Cross-roads. With maps and diagrams. Pp. viii, 360. Price, $3.50. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons
by Ernest Minor Patterson - 165-165 Morse, Anson, Daniel. Parties and Party Leaders. Pp. xlii, 267. Boston: Marshall Jones Company, 1923
by N/A - 165-165 Ross, Edward Ayles Worth. The Russian Soviet Republic. Pp. xvi. 405. Price, $3.00. New York: The Century Company, 1923
by Herbert Adolphus Miller - 165-166 Eldridge, Seba. Political Action—A Naturalistic Interpretation of the Labor Movement in Relation to the State. Pp. 368. Price, $2.00. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company
by Harold F. Gosnell - 166-166 Rockefeller, John D., jr. The Personal Relationship in Industry. One hundred twenty pages and appendix containing Plan of Representation of Employes in the coal and iron mines of the Colorado Fuel and Iron Company of Colorado and Wyoming. Price, $1.75. New York: Boni & Liveright, 1923
by Otto T. Mallery