March 1930, Volume 148, Issue 1
- 56-60 Limitations to Private Property Rights in Land in the United States
by W.C. Plummer - 61-66 The Distinction Between Value and Valuation and Its Application to Real Estate
by Weldon Hoot - 67-81 The Unearned Increment in Land Values and Its Social Implications
by William N. Loucks - 82-87 Land Value Insurance: Its Organization and Its Operation
by H.H. Richardson - 88-96 Commonly Accepted Evidences of Real Estate Value for Purposes of Taxation
by David T. Rowlands - 97-105 A Scientific Approach to Real Estate Valuation
by Walter W. Pollock - 106-114 The Interdependence of Land and Public Utilities
by Paul J. Raver - 115-119 A National Land Policy to Conserve Land Values
by Benjamin H. Hibbard - 120-132 The Influence of Public Improvements on Land Values
by Herbert D. Simpson - 133-138 Blighted Areas and Their Effects Upon Urban Land Utilization
by C. Louis Knight - 139-144 The Operation of the Graded Tax Law in Pittsburgh
by Thomas C. McMahon - 145-156 A Critical Analysis of the Operation of the Pittsburgh Graded Tax Law
by Edward F. Daume - 157-164 Inadequacy of Actual Selling Price of Real Estate as Evidence of Fair Present Value for Purposes of Taxation
by Karl Scholz - 165-169 Taxing Land Values and Taxing Building Values
by Richard T. Ely - 170-176 Trends in Urban Real Estate Values, Past and Future
by Stanley L. Mcmichael - 177-183 The Going Value of Real Estate
by Philip H. Cornick - 184-198 Tenancy Versus Ownership as a Problem in Urban Land Utilization
by George S. Wehrwein & Coleman Woodbury - 199-206 Public Guidance in Urban Land Utilization
by Samuel Price Wetfierill JR - 207-211 The Surplus Farm Lands
by Bernhard Ostrolenk - 212-218 Tenancy Versus Ownership as a Problem in the Utilization of Farm Real Estate
by L.C. Gray - 219-224 The Overhead Costs of Farm Real Estate Ownership
by Bernhard Ostrolenk - 225-232 A Comparison Between Urban and Rural Taxation on Real Estate Values
by M. Slade Kendrick - 233-243 Farm Real Estate Values and Farm Income
by E.H. Wiecking - 247-285 Commercial Arbitration: A Practical Plan
by John R. Abersold - 286-289 HAZLEWOOD, CRAIG B. The Bank and Its Directors. Pp. x, 251. New York: The Ronald Press Company, 1929. $3.50
by B. Westerfield - 289-289 ANGELL, NORMAN. The Story of Money. Pp. xvi, 411. New York : Frederick A. Stokes Company, 1929. $5.00
by James D. Magee - 289-290 STEINMETZ, S. RUDOLF. Soziologie des Krieges. Pp. xii, 704. Leipzig: J. A. Barth, 1929. M.42
by Pitirim A. Sorokin - 290-291 STRATTON, GEORGE M. Social Psychology of International Conduct. Pp. x, 387 New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1929. $3.00
by Johannes Mattern - 291-292 BUELL, RAYMOND L. International Relations. Pp. xix, 838. Revised edition. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1929. $5.00
by J.W. Garner - 292-292 POTTER, PITMAN B. This World of Nations : Foundations, Institutions, Practices. Pp. xix, 366. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1929. $4.00
by H.K. Norton - 292-294 SMITH, MUNROE. The Development of European Law. Pp. xxvi, 316. New York: Columbia University Press, 1928. $3.75
by Max Radin - 294-294 SCHEIDEMANN, PHILIPP. The Making of New Germany: The Memoirs of Philipp Scheidemann. 2 volumes. New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1929. $10.00
by Ferdinand Schevill - 294-295 The Soviet Union Looks Ahead: The Five-Year Plan for Economic Construction. Pp. xii, 275. New York: Horace Liveright, 1929. $2.50
by Karl Scholz - 295-295 GOOCH, G. P., and TEMPERLEY, HAROLD (Eds.). The Near East: The Macedonian Problem and the Annexation of Bosnia, 1903-1909. Pp. lxix, 886. London: H. M. Stationery Office, 1928. 18s. (Vol. V of British Documents on the Origins of the War, 1898-1914
by W. Leon Godshall - 295-296 MINNEY, R. J. Shiva; or, The Future of India. Pp. 96. New York: E. P. Dutton and Company, 1929. $1.00
by Maurice Parmelee - 296-296 SELEKMAN, BEN M. and SYLVIA K. British Industry Today. Pp. 290. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1929. $3.00
by Burton R. Morley - 296-297 WATKINS, GORDON S. Labor Management. Pp. xiii, 726. Chicago: A. W. Shaw Company, 1928
by Frank B. Ward - 297-297 LYTLE, CHARLES WALTER. Wage Incentive Methods: Their Selection, Installation, and Operation. Pp. vii, 457. New York: The Ronald Press Company, 1929. $7.50
by Charles N. Underwood - 297-298 WHITE, LEONARD D. The Prestige Value of Public Employment in Chicago. Pp. xix, 183. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1929. $2.50
by Clinton Rogers Woodruff - 298-298 PRICE, GEORGE M. Labor Protection in Soviet Russia. Pp. 128. New York: International Publishers, 1928. $1.25
by Henry R. Seager - 298-299 PERSON, H. S. (Ed.). Scientific Management in American Industry. By the Taylor Society. Pp. xix, 479. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1929. $4.00
by Erwin H. Schell - 299-299 BOGART, ERNEST L., and LANDON, CHARLES E. Modern Industry. Pp. x, 593. New York: Longmans, Green and Company, 1927. $3.75
by F.S. Warner - 299-299 HARING, CHESTER E. The Manufacturer and His Outlets. Pp. xii, 190. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1929. $3.00
by Ralph F. Breyer - 299-300 HALL, LINCOLN W. An Approach to Definite Forecasting. Pp. ix, 142. Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 1929. $3.00
by D.H. Davenport - 300-300 MCMILLEN, WHEELER. Too Many Farmers. Pp. xi, 340. New York: William Morrow and Company, 1929. $2.00
by Bernhard Ostrolenk - 300-301 COMISH, NEWEL H. Coöperative Marketing of Agricultural Products. Pp. xxii, 479. New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1929. $3.50
by Ralph F. Breyer - 301-301 LYON, LEVERETT S. Some Trends in the Marlceting of Canned Foods. Pp. 63. Washington: The Brookings Institution (Pamphlet Series, vol. 1, no. 4), 1929. 50 cents
by Ralph F. Breyer - 301-301 GOLDSTEIN, B. F. Marketing: A Farmer's Problem. Pp. xiv, 330. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1928. $3.50
by G. Wright Hoffman - 301-302 LOWIE, ROBERT H. Are We Civilized? Human Culture in Perspective. Pp. xiii, 306. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1929. $3.50
by Margaret Mead - 302-303 SCHELER, MAX. Mensch und Geschichte. Pp. 60. Zürich: Verlag der Neuen Schweizer Rundschau, 1929. 6.25 francs. BURCKHARDT, JACOB. Griechische Kulturgeschichte. Edited by Rudolf Marx. 3 volumes. Leipzig; Alfred Kröner Verlag, 1929. M.17. STEINHAUSEN, GEORG. Geschichte der deutschen Kultur. Pp. x, 685. 3rd edition. Leipzig: Bibliographisches Institut, 1929. M.26
by Howard P. Becker - 303-304 LUNDBERG, GEORGE A., BAIN, READ, and ANDERSON, NELS. Trends in American Sociology. Pp. xii, 443. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1929
by L.L. Bernard - 304-305 SOROKIN, PITLRIM, and ZIMMERMAN, CARLE C. Principles of Rural-Urban Sociology. Pp. xv, 652. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1929. $4.50
by Floyd N. House - 305-305 LIBBY, WALTER. Introduction to Contemporary Civilization. Pp. xiii, 272, xix. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1929. HAWKES, ERNEST W., and JOHNS, RALPH L. Orientation for College Freshmen. Pp. viii, 310. New York: The Ronald Press Company, 1929. $3.00
by Ralph P. Holben - 305-306 DONOVAN, FRANCES R. The Saleslady. Pp. xi, 267. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1929. $3.00
by Howard P. Becker - 306-306 HURLOCK, ELIZABETH B. The Psychology of Dress: An Analysis of Fashion and Its Motive. Pp. viii, 244. New York: The Ronald Press Company, 1929. $3.50
by Gordon W. Allport - 306-307 LYNCH, DENIS T. An Epoch and a Man: Martin Van Buren and His Times. Pp. ix, 566. New York: Horace Liveright, 1929. $5.00
by Alphonse B. Miller - 307-307 MOSHER, WILLIAM E., et al. Electrical Utilities: The Crisis in Public Control. Pp. xx, 335. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1929. $4.00
by John A. Dewhurst - 307-307 PELL, JOHN. Ethan Allen. Pp. xii, 331. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1929. $5.00
by Douglas L. Hunt - 308-308 TRIBOLET, LESLIE B. The International Aspects of Electrical Communications in the Pacific Area. Pp. vi, 282. Baltimore : The Johns Hopkins Press, 1929. $2.50
by M.C. Rorty - 308-308 PFEIFFER, ALEXANDER. New York Law of Real Estate Brokerage. Pp. xii, 140. New York: The Ronald Press Company, 1929. $4.00
by S. Homer Smith - 308-309 HYPPS, FRANK T. Federal Regulation of Railroad Construction and Abandonment under the Transportation Act of 1920. Pp. 82. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1929
by T.W. Van Metre - 309-309 HENRY, ARNOLD K. The Panama Canal and the Intercoastal Trade. Pp. 108. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1929
by C.B. Goshorn - 309-309 WRIGHT, BENJAMIN F. A Source Book of American Political Theory. Pp. xi, 644. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1929. $3.75
by Lane W. Lancaster - 309-313 FLÃœGEL, FELIX, and FAULKNER, HAROLD U. Readings in the Economic and Social History of the United States. Pp. ix, 978. New York : Harper and Brothers, 1929. $3.75
by Witt Bowden
January 1930, Volume 147, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by John G. Hervey - 1-11 The Changing Economic Order
by Leon C. Marshall - 12-25 The Economic Philosophy of Anti-Trust Legislation
by Myron W. Watkins - 26-31 The True and Limited Function of Anti-Trust Statutes
by Jesse W. Barrett - 32-39 Special Privilege Under Our Federal Anti-Trust Laws
by George A. Fernley - 40-50 The Relation of Patents to Industrial Monopolies
by Floyd L. Vaughan - 51-60 Trade Union Activities and the Sherman Law
by Murray T. Quigg - 61-66 The Changing Economics of the Supreme Court
by Emerson P. Schmidt - 67-77 Anti-Trust Laws and Conservation of Minerals
by John G. Hervey - 78-83 The Anti-Trust Laws and the Oil Industry
by Charles B. Steele - 84-88 Some Trends in the Bituminous Coal Industry
by Harry L. Gandy - 89-94 The Merger Movement in the Motion Picture Industry
by Ralph Culver Bennett - 95-102 The Influence of Anti-Trust Legislation Upon the Technique of Industrial Organizations
by J. George Frederick - 103-110 Changing Investments and the Anti-Trust Laws
by Edward W. Carter - 111-116 The Effects of the Administration of the Anti-Trust Laws Upon Labor and Services
by Wheeler P. Bloodgood - 117-124 Some Reciprocal Effects of Our Anti-Trust Laws, with Special Reference to Australia
by D.B. Copland & J.G. Norris - 125-137 A Contrast Between the Anti-Trust Laws of Foreign Countries and of the United States
by Felix H. Levy - 138-145 The Need for a Commerce Court
by William J. Donovan - 146-149 Advisory Councils to Government
by Nathan B. Williams - 150-159 Regulated Monopoly versus Enforced Competition
by Frederick F. Blachly & Miriam E. Oatman - 160-170 Public Encouragement of Monopoly in the Utility Industries
by Charles S. Hyneman - 171-178 Who Shall Administer the Anti-Trust Laws?
by James T. Young - 179-184 Enforcement of Anti-Trust Laws by the Courts or a Commission: A Comparison
by Gilbert H. Montague - 185-188 Organized Labor Demands Repeal of the Sherman Act
by Matthew Woll - 189-194 Needed Changes in the Anti-Trust Laws
by Rush C. Butler - 195-202 What the Anti-Trust Laws Should Be
by Walter Gordon Merritt - 204-227 Reviews
by N/A
November 1929, Volume 146, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by Thorsten Sellin - 1-27 Municipal Police Administration
by Bruce Smith - 28-33 The Sheriff and the Constable
by Raymond Moley - 34-40 The State Police
by Lynn G. Adams - 41-54 Federal Police
by A. Lbert - 55-62 The Private Police of Pennsylvania
by Jeremiah P. Shalloo - 63-73 The Control and the Discipline of Police Forces
by Donald C. Stone - 74-95 Police Statistics
by Bennet Mead - 96-103 The Annual Police Report
by L.S. Timmerman - 104-114 The Policewoman
by Eleonore L. Hutzel - 115-120 The Police, Crime and Politics
by Charles E. Merriam - 121-127 The International Association of Chiefs of Police and Other American Police Organizations
by Lent D. Upson - 128-134 Police Journalism in the United States
by Donald Young - 135-146 The Policeman's Hire
by William C. Beyer & Helen C. Toerring - 147-159 The Use of Scientific Tests in the Selection and Promotion of Police
by L.J. O'Rourke - 160-165 Psychological Methods in the Selection of Policemen in Europe
by Morris S. Viteles - 166-169 Police Training
by Cornelius F. Cahalane - 170-176 The Police Training School
by George T. Ragsdale - 177-192 The English Police System
by A.L. Dixon - 193-198 The School of Criminology and of Scientific Police of Belgium
by Gustave De Rechter - 199-204 Criminalistic Institutes and Laboratories
by Siegfried Türkel - 205-213 Criminal Identification
by J. Edgar Hoover - 214-218 The Technique of the American Detective
by Duncan Matheson - 219-222 The Technique of Investigation of the English Detective
by F.J. Crawley - 223-236 The Technique of Criminal Investigation in Germany
by Robert Heindl - 237-248 Science and Criminal Investigation
by Harry Söderman - 249-257 Medical Science in the Service of the State
by George Burgess Magrath - 258-268 Psychology in Criminal Investigation
by John A. Larson - 269-283 Book Department
by N/A
October 1929, Volume 145, Issue 2
- 1-8 Constitutional Development and Political Ideals
by N/A - 9-18 The Indian Constitution
by Tej Bahadur Sapru - 19-26 The Army and Navy in India
by P.S. Sivaswamy Aiyar - 27-35 Emigration
by Devaprasad Sarbadhikary - 36-44 Local Self-Government in India
by S.N. Mallik - 45-58 The Internal States of India
by Keralaputra - 59-67 Communications—Railways
by D.Y. Anderson - 68-71 Indian Mercantile Marine
by Seth Narottam Morarjee - 72-81 The Agriculture of India
by H.H. Mann - 82-89 Famines and Standards of Living
by V.N. Mehta - 90-100 Industry and Commerce
by Lalubhia Samaldas - 101-114 Money Reconstruction in India (1925-27)
by J.C. Coyajee - 115-123 Public Finance in India
by George Findlay Shirras - 124-129 Unemployment in India
by A.G. Clow - 130-137 Primary and Secondary Education
by E.F. Oaten - 138-150 The Indian Universities
by P.J. Hartog - 151-160 Technical and Vocational Education
by A.T. Weston - 161-168 Origin and Growth of Journalism Among Indians
by Ramananda Chatterjee - 169-174 Origin and Growth of Journalism Among Europeans
by A.H. Watson - 175-180 Hindu-Moslem Unity
by Victor Alexander George Robert Lytton - 181-182 Backward and Untouchable Classes
by Mahatma M.K. Gandhi - 183-187 Caste System and Its Relation to Social and Economic Life
by M.D. Altekar - 188-195 Europeanization and the Ancient Culture of India
by The Late Lala Lajpat Rai
September 1929, Volume 145, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by John S. Bradway - 1-6 A Lawyer Looks at the Field of Legal-Social Work
by Edward Lindsey - 7-11 The Field Occupied Jointly by Law and Social Service A Social Worker Looks at the Field
by Joel D. Hunter - 12-16 The Legal Aid Worker Looks at the Field
by Allen Wardwell - 17-22 The Historical Steps by Which Law and Social Work Are Coming Together
by Robert W. Kelso - 23-30 Psychiatry as an Aid to the Administration of Criminal Justice
by Winfred Overholser - 31-36 The Field of Public Welfare
by Fred R. Johnson - 37-49 Population and the Administration of Justice
by John S. Bradway - 50-54 Legal Aid Service in the Criminal Courts
by Timothy Newell Pfeiffer - 55-61 Law Under the Microscope
by Reginald Heber Smith - 62-67 The Need for Specialization in Legal Aid Cases
by Samuel B. Horovitz - 68-73 Crime Commissions as Aids in the Legal-Social Field
by Wayne L. Morse & Raymond C. Moley - 74-79 The Old Justice and the New Order
by George W. Kirchwey - 80-97 The Juvenile Court at the Bar
by J. Prentice Murphy - 98-104 Family Desertion (Report on a Study of 423 Cases
by Charles Zunser - 105-113 The Technique Involved in Making a Legal-Social Investigation
by Alice Waldo - 114-120 New Developments in Law Schools
by Justin Miller - 121-124 The Study of Law in Schools of Social Work
by Kenneth L.N. Pray - 125-129 New Developments in the Departments of Sociology in Relation to Courses in the Law School
by John Lewis Gillin - 130-136 The Legal-Social Field in Practice—the Field in a Large City
by W. Bruce Cobb - 137-142 Law and Social Work in a Rural Community
by Margaret B. Hay - 143-149 The Problem of Financing Legal-Social Work
by William J. Norton - 153-201 Possible Extension of the Human Life Cycle
by Eugene Lyman Fisk - 202-202 JONES, THOMAS JESSE. Essentials of Civilization. Pp. xxvii, 267. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1929
by Frank Alexander Ross - 202-202 MADARIAGA, SALVADOR DE. Disarmament. Pp. 364. Price, $5.00. New York: Coward-McCann
by L.S. Rowe - 202-203 ZORBAUGH, HARVEY WARREN. Gold Coast and Slum, A Sociological Study of Chicago's Near North Side. Pp. xii, 287. Price, $3.00. Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1929
by Howard P. Becker - 203-204 DENNY, HAROLD NORMAN. Dollars for Bullets. The Story of American Rule in Nicaragua. Pp. x, 411. Price, $4.00. New York: Lincoln MacVeagh, The Dial Press, 1929
by Douglas L. Hunt - 204-204 REDLICH, MARCELLYS DONALD. International Law as a Substitute for Diplomacy. Pp. xi, 208. Price, $3.00. Chicago: Independent Publishing Company, 1928
by Amry Vandenbosch - 204-204 CONDLIFFE, J. B. Problems of the Pacific. Proceedings of the Second Conference of the Institute of Pacific Relations, Honolulu, Hawaii, July 15-29, 1927. Pp. xiv, 630. Price, $3.00. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1928
by Thorsten Sellin - 204-205 MACLEOD, WILLIAM CHRISTIE. The American Indian Frontier. Pp. xxiii, 598. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1928
by Donald Young - 205-205 RALSTON, JACKSON H. International Arbitration from Athens to Locarno. Pp. xvi, 420. Price, $5.00. Stanford University Press, 1929
by John G. Hervey - 205-206 GEE, WILSON. R. E. Park (Sociology); A. A. Young (Economics); C. Wissler (Anthropology); R. E. Chaddock (Statis-tics); R. S. Woodworth (Psychology); R. Pound (Jurisprudence); A. M. Schlesinger (History); J. Dewey (Philosophy); C. A. Beard (Political Science). Research in the Social Sciences. Its Fundamental Methods an / Objectives. Pp. 305. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1929
by George A. Lundberg - 206-206 ABEL, THEODORE. Systematic Sociology in Germany. Pp. 169. Price; $3.00. New York: Columbia University Press, 1929
by Howard P. Becker - 207-207 BELL, KENNETH N., and MORRELL, W. P. Select Documents on British Colonial Policy, 1830-1860. Price, $8.50. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1928
by G. Davies - 207-208 LAUCK, W. JETT. The New Industrial Revolution and Wages. Pp. ix, 380. Price, $2.50. New York: Funk and Wagnalls, 1929
by W.E. Butt - 208-208 WARE, NORMAN J. The Labor Movement in the United States, 1860-1895. Pp. xviii, 409. Price, $3.00. New York and London : D. Appleton and Company, 1929
by Charles S. Tippetts - 208-208 LUNDBERG, GEORGE A. Social Research: A Study in Methods of Gathering Data. Pp. xi, 380. New York: Longmans, Green and Company, 1929
by Stuart A. Rice - 208-209 OFFUTT, MILTON. The Protection of Citizens Abroad by the Armed Forces of the United States. Pp. viii, 170. Baltimore : Johns Hopkins Press, 1928
by John G. Hervey - 209-209 WATKINS, LEONARD L. Bankers' Balances. Pp. xvi, 429. Price, $6.00. Chicago: A. W. Shaw, 1929
by Wright Hoffman - 209-209 BRUNNER, EDMUND DES. Immigrant Farmers and Their Children: With Four Studies of Immigrant Communities. Pp. xvii, 277. New York: Doubleday, Doran & Company, Inc., 1989
by N/A - 209-209 McKENZIE, R. D. Oriental Exclusion. Pp. viii, 200. Price, $2.00. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1928
by Thorsten Sellin - 210-210 HOTCHKISS, HENRY G. A Treatise on Aviation Law. Pp. 492. Baker, Voorhis & Co., 1928
by Charles C. Rohlfing - 210-210 COMER, JOHN PRESTON. Legislative Functions of National Administrative Authorities. (Columbia Studies in History, Economics, and Public Law, No. 289.) Pp. 274. Price, $4.00. New York: Columbia University Press, 1927
by Edward Carter - 210-210 MAZE, COLEMAN L., and GLOVER, JOHN G. How to Analyze Costs. Pp. xiii, 389. Price, $5.00. New York: The Ronald Press Co., 1929
by A.T. Cameron - 210-211 PINK, LOUIS H. The New Day in Housing. Pp. 207. Price, $3.50. New York: The John Day Co., Inc., 1928. TOWNROE, B. S. The Slum Problem. Pp. 220. Price, 6s. London: Longmans, Green and Company, 1928
by N/A - 211-211 Propagating Crime Through the Jail and Other Institutions for Short-Term Offenders. Pp. 31. New York: The National Crime Commission, 1928
by N/A - 211-211 BASSETT, EDWARD M., and WILLIAMS, FRANK B. Zoning Cases in the United States. Pp. 59. New York: Regional Plan of New York and Its Environs, 1928
by N/A - 211-211 United States Department of Commerce Standards Yearbook, 1929. Pp. vi, 401
by Richard H. Lansburgh - 211-211 FISHER, IRVING. The Money Illusion. Pp. xv, 245. Price, $2.00. New York: Adelphi Co.. 1928
by N/A - 211-211 BOND, F. D. Stock Movements and Speculation. Pp. 194. Price, $2.50. New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1928
by G. Wright Hoffman - 211-212 HARTMAN, DENNIS. Index of United States Board of Tax Appeals. Pp. 191. Price, $4.00. Washington: Legal Publishing Society, Inc
by N/A
July 1929, Volume 144, Issue 1
- 1-5 Difficulties Involved in Reaching a Final Solution of the Reparations Problem
by Harold G. Moulton - 6-10 Danger Signals in the Present International Financial Situation
by Louis T. McFadden - 11-13 Some Basic Facts in Our International Relations
by William C. Redfield - 14-17 A Practical View of Reparations
by Garrard Winston