- 385 Methodology for Trend Estimation
by D.S.G. Pollock - 384 Computers and the Demand for Skilled Labour: Industry and Establishment-Level Panel Evidence for the UK
by J.E. Haskel & Y. Heden - 383 A Bargaining Model of Farrell Inefficiency
by J.E. Haskel & A. Sanchis - 382 On Macro Modelling of Transition Economies
by Duo Qin - 381 EU Participation and the External Trade of Greece: An Appraisal of the Evidence
by M.G. Arghyrou - 380 Incentives, Allocation and Labour-Market Reforms During Transition: The Case of Urban China, 1986-1990
by D.P. Coady & L. Wang - 379 Do Boundedly Rational People Imitate?
by A. Bosch-Domènech & N.J. Vriend - 378 Trend Estimation and De-Trending Using Bidirectional Filtering
by D.S.G. Pollock - 377 Soft Budget Constraint and the Optimal Choices of R&D Projects Financing
by H. Huang & C. Xu - 376 Trading Volume, Open Interest, and Price Volatility on the LIFFE Cocoa Market
by C.L. Gilbert
- 375 Does Privatisation Remove Working Practices? Evidence from UK Establishments
by A. Sanchis - 374 A Model of Bargaining with the Possibility of Arbitration
by P. Manzini & M. Mariotti - 373 Casual Relationships Between Public Expenditure, Public Receipts and Gross Domestic Product: The Case of Greece
by M.G. Arghyrou - 372 The Interaction of Fiscal and Monetary Policies in a World with Uncertainty
by C. Beddies - 371 Determinants of Capital Flight and Implications for Policy
by D. Trinder - 370 Earnings' Inequality During Transition: Urban China 1986-1990
by D.P. Coady & L. Wang - 369 The Error Term in the History of Time Series Econometrics
by D. Qin & C.L. Gilbert - 368 A Critique on Macroeconometric Modelling of Structural Changes
by D. Qin - 367 Evolution of Industrial Interdependence in Chile: 1960-90. A Comparison with Taiwan and South Korea
by J.M. Albala-Bertrand - 366 Cournot-Nash Equilibria in Limit Exchange Economies with Complete Markets and Consistent Prices
by G. Codognato & S. Ghosal - 365 Research Report 1996
by R. Disney - 364 Privatisation and Strategic Monitoring
by B. Nomer & R. Disney & C.J. Ellis - 363 Informed Futures Market Speculation: Coffee and Cocoa, 1993-95
by C.L. Gilbert - 362 Greece and the European Monetary Union: An Explorative Essay
by I.A. Mourmouras & M.G. Arghyrou - 361 Decentralised Policymaking in a Game-Theoretic Model with Capital Accumulation
by I.A. Mourmouras & S. Ghosh - 360 Central Bank Independence: A Review of Theories
by I.A. Mourmouras - 359 Buyers' and Sellers' Cartels on Markets with Indivisible Goods
by F. Bloch & S. Ghosal
- 358 Exchange Controls, Macroeconomic Integration and the Interdependence of European Equity Markets
by P.L. Chelley-Steeley & J.M. Steeley - 357 Non-ferrous Metals Price Volatility: A Fractionally Integrated Process?
by G.P. Teyssière & C.L. Gilbert & C. Brunetti - 356 Estimation of Polynomial Trends
by D.S.G. Pollock - 355 Data Transformation and De-Trending in Econometrics
by D.S.G. Pollock - 354 Structural Change in Chile: 1960-1990. An Input-Output Approach
by J.M. Albala-Bertrand - 352 Two Essays on the Methodology of Econometrics
by C.L. Gilbert & D. Qin - 351 Is the European Social Model Fragmenting?
by J. Grahl & P. Teague - 350 Price Inertia in OECD Countries
by C. Martin - 349 Alternative Models for Estimating Real Interest Rates and the Real Term Structure from U.K. Index-Linked Bonds
by C.L. Gilbert - 348 Double Long-Memory Financial Time Series
by G. Teyssière - 347 Are Metals Prices Becoming More Volatile?
by C. Brunetti & C.L. Gilbert - 346 Consumption and Asset Pricing: What Do UK Data Tell Us?
by A. Roy - 345 The Measurability of Budget Related Rent-Seeking
by R.J. Allard
- 344 The Decline in Unskilled Employment in UK Manufacturing
by J.E. Haskel - 343 Stable Trading Structures in Bilateral Oligopolies
by F. Bloch & S. Ghosal - 342 Monetary Policy Delegation and Optimal Wage Indexation
by I. Mourmouras - 341 Monetary Policy Credibility, Inflation and Long-Run Growth
by I. Mourmouras - 340 The Role of Temporal Aggregation in Asset Pricing Tests
by A. Roy - 339 A Satisficing Model of Learning in Extensive Form Games
by Y. Kim - 338 Stabilisation Policy and Unemployment in Imperfectly Competitive Economies
by C. Martin & G.J. Bratsiotis - 337 Should the UK Adopt the Social Chapter?
by C. Martin & B. Kersley - 336 Regions and Citizenship in the European Union
by J. Grahl - 335 Fourier Methods: A Survey
by D.S.G. Pollock
- 334 Efficiency Wages and Labour Demand
by C. Martin - 333 Inflation, Exchange Rates and Central-Bank Policy in a Transition Economy: An Analysis of the Latvian Experience, 1992-1994
by A. Vanags & J. Garry - 332 Lectures in Time-Series Analysis and Forecasting. Book I. (reprint of Working Paper No. 289)
by D.S.G. Pollock - 331 The Price of Justice: Regulating the Market for Civil Justice
by H. Gravelle - 330 Changing Quality
by L. Filippini - 329 Cartels, Contracts and Centralization: The Transition to Futures Trading for Primary Commodities
by J.E. Haskel & A. Powell - 328 Do Other Firms Matter in Oligopolies?
by J.E. Haskel & P. Scaramozzino - 327 Aggregate Demand and Agricultural Output in a Developing Economy: The Short Run
by R. Hopkins - 326 Linear Filters: A Survey
by D.S.G. Pollock - 325 Nonoptimal Nash Bargaining Solutions
by M. Mariotti - 324 Price Formation in an Open Economy Theory and Evidence for the UK, 1951-91
by C. Martin - 323 Should the UK adopt the Social Chapter?
by C. Martin & B. Kersey - 322 Changes in Political Regimes, Wage-Setting, and the Path of the Optimal Exchange Rate
by G. Bratsiotis - 321 Unanimity and the Nash Bargaining Solution
by M. Mariotti - 320 Why the Greek Government Must Grant Political and Economic Independence to the Central Bank of Greece
by I. Mourmouras - 319 Four Essays in the Theory of Macroeconomic Policy
by I. Mourmouras - 318 Has Bayesian Estimation Principle Ever Used Bayes' Rule?
by D. Qin - 317 Risk Aversion and the Full Costs of Rent-Seeking
by R.J. Allard - 316 Disequilibrium Policy Effects on Money Demand Relationship: Evidence from Three Economies
by D. Qin - 315 Will Skill Shortages End the Recovery?
by J.E. Haskel & C. Martin - 314 Bayesian Inference and Asset Pricing
by A. Roy - 313 Duration Modeling with Unobserved Heterogeneity with Applications to Vacancies in Marseilles
by G. Teyssière - 312 Time Series Analysis of Market Power: Evidence from G-7 Manufacturing
by M. Beccarello - 311 The Political Economy of Exchange Rate Management
by C.L. Gilbert - 310 Is the Fisher Effect Real? Evidence from UK Real and Nominal Bonds
by C.L. Gilbert & S. Yeoward - 309 Is UK Manufacturing Leaner and Fitter?
by J.E. Haskel & C. Martin - 308 The Winners and Losers from UK Privatisation
by J.E. Haskel - 307 Turnover Costs and the Labour Demand Curve
by C. Martin
- 306 Independence and Monotonicity in Axiomatic Bargaining Theory
by M. Mariotti - 305 Privatisation and X-inefficiency: A Bargaining Approach
by J.E. Haske & A. Sanchis Llopis - 304 Metaphors for Time-Series Analysis
by D.S.G. Pollock - 303 On "On the Interpretation of the Nash Bargaining Solution and its Extension to Non-Expected Utility Preference" by A. Rubinstein, Z. Safra & W. Thomson
by M. Mariotti - 302 Rise of Bayesian Econometrics
by D. Qin - 301 Specification of Stochastic Contests: Tournaments, Patent Races and Lotteries
by R.J. Allard - 300 Skill Shortages, Productivity Growth and Wage Inflation in UK Manufacturing
by J.E. Haskel & C. Martin - 299 Staggered and Synchronous Wage Contracts: Supply Shocks, Union and Bank Preferences, and Macroeconomic Performance
by G.J. Bratsiotis - 298 Matching Process in the Labour Market in Marseilles. An Econometric Study
by G. Teyssière - 297 Unions Cash Flow and Investment Decisions: Evidence from Italian Firm Data
by G. Urga - 296 Can Excess Sensitivity Be Interpreted as the Proportion of Income Accruing to Liquidity Constrained Consumers?
by A. Lopez Mejia - 295 Near Rationality and the Consumption Function: The U.K. Evidence
by A. Lopez Mejia - 294 The Spatial Peak-Load Problem of Mass Transit Networks
by A. Vanags & J. Carbajo - 293 The Nash Solution and Independence of Revealed Irrelevant Alternatives
by M. Mariotti - 292 Panel Data vs Time Series Regression Analysis: An Aggregation Issue
by G. Urga & G. Parigi - 291 Smoothing with Cubic Splines
by D.S.G. Pollock - 290 Untitled
by D.S.G. Pollock - 289 Lectures in Time-Series Analysis and Forecasting. Book I
by D.S.G. Pollock - 288 Stability Conditions for Linear Stochastic Models
by D.S.G. Pollock - 287 The Misspecification of Dynamic Regression Models
by D.S.G. Pollock - 286 The Effects of Privatisation, Restructuring and Competition on Productivity Growth in UK Public Corporations
by J.E. Haskel & S. Syzmanski
- 285 Balanced Equilibrium: A Theory of Behaviour in Games
by M. Mariotti - 284 On the Decision Theoretic Foundations of Game Theory
by M. Mariotti - 283 A Difficulty with the Theory of Social Situations
by M. Mariotti - 282 The Econometrics of Panel Data: A Selective Introduction
by G. Urga - 281 Money Demand in China: The Effect of Economic Reform
by D.Quo & T. Wang & M. Zhou & G. Liu - 280 On Commons' Tragedies and Myopic Preemption: the Case of a Fishery
by J. Pena - 279 Deficits, Money Growth and Inflation in Italy 1865-1990
by C. Favero & F. Spinelli - 278 Natural Disasters in Latin America: Economic Patterns and Performance Rules
by J.M. Albala-Bertrand - 277 Price, Marginal Cost and the Business Cycle
by J.E. Haskel & C. Martin & I. Small - 276 Price Flexibility and Market Structure: A Critique and new results for the UK
by J.E. Haskel & C. Martin - 275 Agricultural, Exchange Rates and Macroeconomic Policy in a Developing Economy. The Case of Peru
by R. Hopkins - 274 Central Bank Independence, Policy Reforms and the Credibility of Public Debt Stabilizations
by I. Mourmouras & D.M. Su - 273 UK Privatisation: Process and Outcomes
by J.E. Haskel - 272 Should Governments Learn to Live with Inflation?: Comment on Fischer and Summers
by I. Mourmouras - 271 Why Did UK Manufacturing Profitability Rise over the 1980s?
by J.E. Haskel - 270 Error Correction and Forward-looking Models for the U.K. Consumers' Expenditure
by C. Favero - 269 Contract Markets & Competition: A Note
by J.E. Haskel & A. Powell - 268 Are Natural Disaster Situations a Formidable Obstacle to Growth? A Macroeconomic Model
by J.M. Albala-Bertrand - 267 Productivity Growth and Measurement Error
by I. Small - 266 The Costs of Commodity Price Uncertainty and Instability
by A. Powell - 265 Is the Picture of Unemployment Changing?
by T. Butcher - 264 Inflation, Adjustment Costs and Price-Cost Margins
by C. Martin - 263 Price Adjustment and Market Structure
by C. Martin - 262 Involuntary Unemployment - A Historical Note
by B.A. Corry - 261 Trading Forward in an Imperfect Market: The Case of Electricity in Britain
by A. Powell - 260 Do Skill Shortages Reduce Productivity? Theory and Evidence from the UK
by C. Martin & J.E. Haskel - 259 Unconstrained Optimisation
by D.S.G. Pollock - 258 Trade Unions and Liberalisation of International Trade
by J. Driffill & F. van der Ploeg - 257 Construction of an Input-output Table of the Guatemalan Economy
by V. Bulmer-Thomas & D. Martin - 256 Uncertainty and Irreversible Investment an Empirical Analysis of Development of Oil Fields in the UKCS
by C. Favero & M.H. Pesaran & S. Sharma - 255 Life after Debt - The New Economic Trajectory in Latin America
by V. Bulmer-Thomas - 254 No Win, No Fee : Some Economics of Contingent Legal Fees
by H. Gravelle & M. Waterson - 253 Privatisation, Liberalisation, Wages and Employment: Theory and Evidence for the UK
by J.E. Haskel & S. Szymanski - 252 Privatization, Jobs and Wages
by J.E. Haskel & S. Szymanski - 251 Capacity and Competition: Empirical Evidence on UK Panel Data
by J.E. Haskel & C. Martin - 250 The Economic Consequences of Skill Shortages
by J.E. Haskel & C. Martin - 249 Some Analytical Patterns of Disaster
by J.M. Albala-Bertrand - 248 Commodity Markets, Commodity Futures and International Commodity Policy
by C.L. Gilbert - 247 A Conceptual Framework for the Analysis of Disasters in Economy and Society
by J.M. Albala-Bertrand
- 246 A Synopsis of the Smoothing Formulae Associated with the Kalman Filter
by H.R. Merkus & D.S.G. Pollock & A.F. de Vos - 245 Product Price and Advice Quality: Implications of the Commission System in Life Assurance
by H.S.E. Gravelle - 244 Remunerating Information Providers: Commissions versus Fees in Life Assurance
by H.S.E. Gravelle - 243 Productive Structures: Mexico and the NICs. An Intertemporal and International Study
by F. Aroche-Reyes - 242 Macroeconomic Policy & Game Theory
by J. Driffill - 241 A Solution to the Problem of Input-output Matrix Triangularization
by O. Haltia - 240 Should Marketing Boards Stabilize Prices through Forward Purchases?
by C.L. Gilbert - 239 Excess Smoothness, Excess Sensitivity of Consumption and Financial Liberalization: The U.K. Evidence
by A. Lopez-Mejia - 237 On Wage Indexing, Policy Credibility and Inflation
by I. Mourmouras - 236 Margins Concentration Unions and the Business Cycle: Theory and Evidence for Britain
by C. Martin & J.E. Haskel - 236 Margins Concentration Unions and the Business Cycle: Theory and Evidence for Britain
by C. Martin & J.E. Haskel - 234 Combined Search/Experience Products: Does Too Much Competition Distort R&D?
by R.J. Allard - 233 Lagged Dependent Variables Distributed Lags and Autoregressive Residuals
by D.S.G. Pollock - 232 Nonlinear Optimisation
by D.S.G. Pollock - 231 Domestic Price Stabilization Policies for Developing Countries
by C.L. Gilbert - 230 Consumption and the Sale of the Crown's Land
by C.A. Favero - 229 Taxation and the Optimization of Oil Exploration and Production: The U.K. Continental Shelf
by C. Favero - 228 On the Criteria Function for Arma Estimation
by D.S.G. Pollock - 227 An Index for Multivariate Statistical Analysis
by D.S.G. Pollock
- 226 The Causes of Skill Shortages in Britain
by J.E. Haskel & C. Martin - 225 The Efficiency Implications of Cost Shifting Rules
by H.S.E. Gravelle - 224 Stabilization Policy and the Real Effects of Nominal Shocks
by C.A. Favero & F.C. Bagliano - 223 Oil Investment in the North Sea
by C.A. Favero & H.S. Pesaran - 222 Imperfect Competition, Work Practices and Productivity Growth
by J.E. Haskel - 221 Pricing and Product Market Structure in Open Economies
by C. Martin & G. Agolosskouf - 220 Testing the Lucas Critique: A Review
by C.A. Favero & D.F. Hendry - 219 The Choice of Invoicing Currency in International Trade: A New Approach
by C. Tsoukis - 218 The Inter-Industry Wage Structure: Evidence for Britain
by J.E. Haskel & C. Martin - 217 External Constraints on European Unemployment
by G. Alogosskoufis & C. Martin - 216 The Efficiency of Rationing by Waiting for Health Care
by H.S.E. Gravelle - 215 An Economic Evaluation of the Screening for Hearing Loss in Infants
by J. Brown - 214 Skill Shortages, The Goods Market & UK Employment
by C. Martin
- 213 Changes in Regime and the Term Structure: A Note
by J. Driffill - 212 Testing the Lucas Critique: A Review
by C.A. Favero & D.F. Hendry - 211 Comparative Advantage in the Provision International Transport Services
by A. Vanags - 210 Rationing Trials by Waiting: Welfare Implications
by H.S.E. Gravelle - 209 Unemployment Compensation and Labour Market Transitions: A Critical Review
by A.B. Atkinson & J. Micklewright - 208 The Response of Primary Commodity Prices to Exchange Rate Changes
by C.L. Gilbert - 207 Difficulties in Reading Menger
by M. Alter - 206 Do Economics Test Theories - Demand Analysis and Consumption Analysis as Tests of Theories of Economic Methodology
by C.L. Gilbert - 205 The Welfare Economics of Controls on Commissions
by H.S.E. Gravelle - 204 Futures Trading, Storage and Price Stabilization
by C.L. Gilbert - 203 A Mixed-Radix Fast Fourier Transform and a Base-2 Fast Fourier Transform
by D.S.G. Pollock - 202 The Misspecification of Arma Models
by D.S.G. Pollock - 201 Biquadratic Functions: Stationary and Invertibility in Estimated Time-Series Models
by D.S.G. Pollock - 200 Insurance Law and Adverse Selection
by H.S.E. Gravelle - 199 An Exposition of Some Basic Analytics of Observability in Insurance Contracts
by H.S.E. Gravelle - 198 Rationing Access to Civil Justice: Implications for Reform of the Legal System
by H.S.E. Gravelle - 197 Money Demand Instability, and Rational Expectations Policy Regimes: The Case of Italy: 1964-86
by C.A. Favero & F.C. Bagliano - 194 Economic Theory and Econometric Models
by C.L. Gilbert - 193 What Do We Know about Menger?
by M. Alter - 192 Modelling Expectations Formation in Primary Commodity Markets
by C.L. Gilbert & T. Palaskas - 191 Price Inflexibility and Market Structure in the Non-agricultural Sector: A Test Using Nigerian Data
by A. Salami - 190 The Occupational Success of Young Men Who Left School at Sixteen
by S. Connolly & J. Micklewright & S. Nickell - 189 The Estimation of Disequilibrium Models with Dispersed Trading
by C. Martin - 188 The Effects of Rationing and Spillovers on Employment in UK Manufacturing
by C. Martin
- 195 Unemployment and Early School Leaving Evidence from the Family Expenditure Survey 1978-84
by J. Micklewright - 187 Effective Demands and Spillovers
by C. Martin & R. Portes - 186 Adverse Selection and Insurance Law
by H. Gravelle - 185 Schooling Choice, Educational Maintenance and Panel Attrition
by J. Micklewright