1993, Volume 3
- 0041 A Five-Year Projection for a Restructured Cuba
by Ernest H. Preeg - 0042 Renacimiento de la agricultura cubana
by Raul Fernández - 0043 The Political Economy of State-Owned Enterprises
by Carlos Seiglie & Luis Locay - 0044 Privatización de la propiedad mercantil e industrial en la Cuba post Castro: un modelo de implementación
by Julio Romañach, Jr. - 0045 Legal Changes in the Area of Labor Relations
by Efrén Córdova - 0046 Posibles problemas que confrontaremos en Cuba: sus soluciones
by Gregorio Escagedo, Jr. - 0047 Water, Development, and Environment in Cuba; A First Look
by Sergio Díaz-Briquets & Jorge F. Pérez-López - 0048 The "Cuba in Transition Project: Conclusions and Policy Options of the Economic Cluster
by Sergio Díaz-Briquets - 0049 Retos y oportunidades para Puerto Rico de una apertura de la economía cubana
by Evaldo A. Cabarrouy & Félix Cué - 0050 Organization and Performance of Cuban Agriculture at Different Levels of State Intervention
by Ricardo A. Puerta & José Alvarez - 0051 The Registry of [Real] Property in the Castro Regime
by Oscar A. Salas - 0052 The End is Near?: Why Cuban Socialism Failed!
by Sergio G. Roca - 0053 Volume 3 Appendix A: Cuban Development and the Sugar Economy: The Effects on Cuban Development of Changing International Economic Relations
by Joshua Himes - 0054 Economic Policy in Cuba's Transition to a Market Economy: Lessons from the Russian Experience
by Ernesto Hernández-Catá - 0055 Requirements for Lifting the U.S. Trade Embargo Against Cuba
by Matías F. Travieso-Díaz - 0056 Report of the Cuban American National Foundation's Blue Ribbon Commission
by Domingo Moreira - 0057 Hemispheric Trade Alignments and the Trade Options for Post-transition Cuba
by Joseph M. Perry & Louis A. Woods & Jeffrey W. Steagall - 0058 Transition in Cuba: A Comprehensive Stabilization Proposal and some Key Issues
by Rolando H. Castañeda & George Plinio Montalván - 0059 Cuba Trade Policy in a Transition
by Nicolás Rivero
1992, Volume 2
- 0027 An Economic Evaluation of the Foreign Investment Law of Cuba
by Armando M. Lago - 0028 Thoughts on the Cuban Sugar Industry
by Nicolás Rivero - 0029 Revolutionary Propensity, Possible Outcomes and the Political Climate for Cuba's National Reconstruction
by Ernesto F. Betancourt - 0030 Una política o un sistema monetario óptimo
by Juan Luis Moreno Villalaz - 0031 Cuba's Sugar Industry in the 1990s: Potential Exports to the U.S. and World Markets
by José Alvarez - 0032 Cuba: Fundamentos de una propuesta para el establecimiento y desarrollo de una economía social de mercado
by Rolando H. Castañeda - 0033 Non-Walrasian Properties of the Cuban Economy: Rationing, Labor Supply and Output
by Jorge A. Sanguinetty - 0034 The Farmers' Free Market: A Rejected Approach but a Possible Solution
by José F. Alonso - 0035 Legal Issues Raised by the Transition: Cuba from Marxism to Democracy, 199?-200?
by Nestor Enrique Cruz - 0036 Current Political and Economic Trends in Cuba
by José F. Alonso
1991, Volume 1
- 0001 Abstracts of Main Presentations: The Current Economic Situation in Cuba
by ASCE Editors - 0002 Comments by Lorenzo Perez on The New Institutional Economics and the Study of the Cuban Economy
by Lorenzo Pérez - 0003 Comments by Lorenzo Perez on Towards a Market Economy in Cuba? Social and Political Consideration
by Lorenzo Pérez - 0004 Comments by Elias R. Ason on "Long-Term Objectives and Transitional Policies: A Reflection on Pazos' Economic Problems of Cuba"
by Elias R. Ason - 0005 El desarrollo de una economía de mercado: El caso de Cuba
by Jorge A. Sanguinetty - 0006 Comments by Jose Ramon de la Torre on "Lessons from Privatization in Eastern Europe and Latin America" by Luis Luis
by Jose Ramon de la Torre - 0007 Cuban Economic Outcomes in the United States, 1960-1990
by Jorge Salazar-Carrillo - 0008 The Effect of Learning English on the Earnings of Hispanic Men
by Luis Locay & Arthur Diamond - 0009 The Industry Composition of Production and the Distribution of Income by Race and Ethnicity in Miami
by Robert D. Cruz - 0010 Comments by Antonio Gayoso on Notas sobre una estrategia agropecuaria para Cuba
by Antonio Gayoso - 0011 Notes On An Agricultural Strategy For Cuba
by Raul Fernández - 0012 Tables for Cuba's Transition to Market-Based Energy Prices
by Jorge F. Pérez-López - 0013 Cuba's Transition to Market-Based Energy Prices
by Jorge F. Pérez-López - 0014 Comments on the Espino and Perez-Lopez papers for the proceedings
by Juan J. Buttari - 0015 The Cuban Sugar Industry in a Changing World
by Jose Alonso & Nicolás Rivero - 0016 Comments on Problemas económicos de Cuba en el período de transición
by Felipe Pazos - 0017 Membership Requirements in the IMF: Possible Implications for Cuba
by Joaquín P. Pujol - 0018 Tables for International Tourism in Cuba: An Economic Development Strategy?
by María Dolores Espino - 0019 Some Lessons of Soviet Economic Reform
by Kent Osband - 0020 Lessons from Privatization in Eastern Europe and Latin America
by Luis R. Luis - 0021 The New Institutional Economics and the Study of the Cuban Economy
by Roger R. Betancourt - 0022 International Tourism in Cuba: An Economic Development Strategy?
by María Dolores Espino - 0023 Towards a Market Economy in Cuba? Social and Political Consideration
by Marifeli Perez-Stable - 0024 Problemas económicos de Cuba en el período de transición
by Felipe Pazos - 0025 Notas sobre una estrategia agropecuaria para Cuba
by Raul Fernández - 0026 Long-Term Objectives and Transitional Policies: A Reflection on Pazos' Economic Problems of Cuba
by Ernesto Hernández-Catá