2018, Volume 28
- 1210 Cuba in Transition: Volume 28 Cover Page
by ASCE Editors - 1211 Cuba in Transition: Volume 28 Acknowledgements
by ASCE Editors - 1212 Cuba in Transition: Volume 28 Table of Contents
by ASCE Editors - 1213 Cuba in Transition: Volume 28 Conference Program - Cuba: After Raúl?
by ASCE Editors - 1214 Cuba: Los Retos Económicos del Gobierno de Miguel Díaz-Canel
by Omar Everleny Pérez Villanueva - 1215 Cuba 2018: Entre la Continuidad y la Oportunidad
by Dagoberto Valdés Hernández - 1216 Cuban Peso Unification: Managed Rate and Monetary Analysis
by Luis R. Luis - 1217 A Note On The Algebra of Multiple Exchange Rates
by Gabriel Di Bella & Francesco Grigoli & Rafael Romeu - 1218 Cuba’s Currency Dilemma: To Converge - How and When
by Armando S. Linde - 1219 Evaluating Castros’ Cuba, Franco’s Spain and Pinochet’s Chile: Economic, Social, and Political Indicators
by Alfred G. Cuzán - 1220 The Value of Faith-Based Organizations in Civil Society Development and The Cuban Economy
by Teo A. Babun, Jr. - 1221 Compañeros Que Nos “Atienden” y Europeos Que Nos "Acompañan": Expresión Digital de la Vida Diaria y Humor Negro Bajo la Economía de la Miseria Cubana
by Soren Triff - 1222 The Role of Fake News in The Genesis of The Cuban Revolution: A Comparison of Cuba, Florida and France Around 1950
by Nicolás Sánchez & Michael Gendre - 1223 La Agricultura en Cuba: Transformaciones, Resultados y Retos
by Armando Nova González - 1224 Experiencias en la Instrumentación de Huertos Típicos en Cuba Para Contribuir a Mejorar Las Necesidades Nutricionales
by Tomas L. Depestre & Jesús R. Savón & José F. Alonso & Olimpia Gómez & Mayte Piñón - 1225 Principal Elements of Agricultural Reforms in Transition Economies: Implications For Cuba?
by Mario A. González-Corzo - 1226 Características Principales del Modelo de Producción de Frutas y Vegetales en Cuba Antes de 1959
by Juan Tomás Sánchez & Mario A. González-Corzo - 1227 Dilemmas of a Cuban Transition: Will History Repeat Itself?
by Vadim Grishin - 1228 Propuesta Para la Creación de un Sistema Bancario y de un Mercado de Capitales en Cuba
by Lorenzo L. Pérez - 1229 Cuba’s Economic Liberalization and The Perils to Security and Legality
by Vidal Romero - 1230 Growth and Policy-Induced Distortions in The Cuban Economy: an Econometric Approach
by Ernesto Hernández-Catá - 1231 Comparing The Quality of Education in Pre- and Post-Revolutionary Cuba Using U.S. Labor Market Outcomes
by Luis Locay & John Devereux - 1232 El Marco Legal Actual de Las Ied en Cuba
by Rafael Andrés Velázquez Pérez - 1233 Mercado Laboral Cubano: Distorsiones y Retos
by Tamarys L. Bahamonde - 1234 The Role of Congress in U.S. Policy Toward Cuba
by Mark P. Sullivan - 1235 The Global Economy and Cuba: Stasis and Hard Choices
by Larry Catá Backer - 1236 Five Keys to Presidential Change in Cuba
by Arturo López-Levy & Rolf Otto Niederstrasser - 1237 Cuba’s Political and Economic Arteriosclerosis - It Is Not Just The Castros
by Gary H. Maybarduk - 1238 Cuban Tourism Industry in The Eye of The Storm
by Emilio Morales - 1239 Experiencias de Cuentapropistas
by Ted A. Henken - 1240 Utilizing Intersectionality to Analyze Social Diversity in Cuban Self-Employment
by John Vertovec - 1241 Cuban Demography and Economic Consequences
by Humberto Barreto - 1242 Who Migrated From Cuba to The U.S? The Role of Education On The Probability to Migrate
by Aleida Cobas-Valdés & Mario A. González-Corzo - 1243 “The Revenge of The Jealous Bureaucrat”: A Critical Analysis of Cuba’S New Rules For Cuentapropistas
by Ted A. Henken - 1244 Cuba in Transition: Volume 28 Appendix A: About The Authors
by ASCE Editors
2017, Volume 27
- 1167 Cuba In Transition: Volume 27
by ASCE Editors - 1168 Table Of Contents
by ASCE Editors - 1169 Association For The Study Of The Cuban Economy
by ASCE Editors - 1170 Conference Program: Cuba: Navigating In A Turbulent World
by ASCE Editors - 1171 Social Welfare And Structural Reforms In Cuba, 2006-2017
by Carmelo Mesa-Lago - 1172 La Economía Cubana: Situación Actual Y ¿Qué Se Podría Hacer?
by Omar Everleny Pérez Villanueva - 1173 Cuba's Never-Ending External Sector Crisis
by Jorge F. Pérez-López - 1174 Cuba's Capital Account Of The Balance Of Payments
by Luis R. Luis - 1175 Reforming Cuba's Exchange System: The Perils Of Gradualism
by Ernesto Hernández-Catá - 1176 Operational Issues Of Currency Unification In Cuba: A Note
by Gabriel Di Bella & Rafael Romeu - 1177 Who Are Cuba's Independent Farmers?
by William A. Messina, Jr. - 1178 Marabú, Charcoal, Exports And Dollars
by José F. Alonso - 1179 Producciones De Tomate Y Pimiento En El Trópico: Realidades Y Dificultades
by Olimpia Gómez & Tomás Depestre & Mayte Piñón - 1180 Usufruct Farming In Cuba: Recent Developments And Future Prospects
by Mario González-Corzo - 1181 Cultura Y Educación En El Futuro De Cuba: Visión Y Propuestas
by Dagoberto Valdés Hernández - 1182 La Educación Ética Y Cívica: Una Solución A La Crisis Económica Y De Valores En Cuba
by Yoandy Izquierdo Toledo - 1183 Economic Reforms In Cuba: What's Next?
by Vadim Grishin - 1184 The Algorithms Of Ideology In Economic Planning: A Critical Look At Cuba's National Economic And Social Development Plan 2030
by Larry Catá Backer - 1185 Influencing Havana: Is It Possible?
by Gary H. Maybarduk, Ph.D - 1186 The Soft-Swift Transition Sandwiched Between Two Mutually Exclusive Models
by Juan Tomás Sánchez - 1187 El Cuentapropismo: Limitantes Sistemáticos Y Perspectivas De Desarrollo
by Reinaldo E. Cosano Alén - 1188 Presencia Del Trabajo Por Cuenta Propia En El Sector Del Transporte En Cuba
by Julio Cesar Fariñas Pérez - 1189 ¿Nominalistas O Realistas? Los Modernos Teólogos De La Economía Cubana
by Alina B. López Hernández - 1190 Recognizing The Obvious While Muddling The Waters: Cuba's Housing Sector Reforms
by Sergio Díaz-Briquets - 1191 Drinking Water In Cuba And United States-Cuba Relations: A Neo-Functional Approach
by Enrique S. Pumar & Helena M. Solo-Gabriele & Joseph B. Treaster - 1192 Water Disinfection Systems For Cuban Churches
by Gabriel A. Ferrer - 1193 Rehabilitating Water Filter Systems With Potential CubaApplications
by Thomas Getting & John Geibel & Mainor Vega & Robert Wiley III & Hernán Cortés A. - 1194 Cuba's Normalization Policy In A Trump Administration: Political Economy Perspectives
by Roger R. Betancourt - 1195 Economic Relations Between Cuba And The United States: From Irrational Exuberance To A Cool Shower
by Ernesto Hernández-Catá - 1196 U.S.-Cuba Business Relations Under The Obama Administration And Prospects Under The Trump Administration
by Paolo Spadoni - 1197 Success Characteristics Of Market Entry In Cuban Tourism
by Janet L. Walsh - 1198 Peripheral Ideas That Won't Fly?: Eu Foreign Policy Decisions On Cuba And Us Influence (2008-2010)
by Pablo A. Boorsma Mendoza - 1199 Thaw And Reforms Create A Middle Class And New Balance Of Power In The Cuban Economy
by Emilio Morales - 1200 What If Fulgencio Batista Had Been Black?
by Nicolás Sánchez - 1201 Vaclav Havel's Legacy And The Future Of Cuba
by Martin Palouš - 1202 La Formación Del Liderazgo En La Sociedad Civil: Una Necesidad Imprescindible Para La Cuba Presente Y Futura
by Joanna Columbié Grave de Peralta - 1203 Cuban And U.S. Health Care Systems 1900-2016: Similarities, Differences, And Efficiencies
by Rodolfo J. Stusser - 1204 Cuban Studies And The Siren Song Of La Revolución
by Yvon Grenier - 1205 Entre Guetos Judíos Y Encierros Cubanos: La Vida Diaria Y El Artículo De Costumbres Digital Bajo La Economía De La Miseria
by Soren Triff - 1206 El Sector Transporte Cubano Y Su Compromiso Con El Desarrollo Económico
by Buenaventura Rubén Rigol Cardona & Erik Reyes Gómez - 1207 Sociedad Civil Fortalecida, Una Necesidad Imprescindible En El Futuro Democrático De Cuba
by Laritza Diversent - 1208 The State Of The U.S. Constitutional Right To Travel To Cuba
by Fred Viera - 1209 Appendix A: About The Authors
by ASCE Editors
2016, Volume 26
- 1122 Mapping Cuba's Twentieth-Century Architecture
by Josef Asteinza - 1123 2016 Preface
by ASCE Editors - 1124 Urban Agriculture in Cuba: An Update
by Mario A. González-Corzo - 1125 Internet en el Entorno Empresarial Cubano: Una Visión Introductoria
by Lázaro J. Blanco Encinosa - 1126 2016 Conference Program Cuba: Assessing the Reforms
by ASCE Editors - 1127 Los Problemas de la Economía No Resueltos por el VII Congreso
by Osmar Laffita Rojas - 1128 Cuban Immigrants in the United States: What Determines their Earnings Distribution?
by Aleida Cobas-Valdés - 1129 Historic Infrastructure Rehabilitation with Fabric Reinforced Cementitious Matrix (FRCM) Composites
by Diana Arboleda & Francisco De Caso & Antonio Nanni - 1130 Population Ageing in Cuba: Policy Options from a Global Perspective
by Sergio Díaz-Briquets - 1131 Volume 26 Appendix A: About the Authors
by ASCE Editors - 1132 Perceptions of Water Quality in Cuba as Reported by Users: Preliminary Findings of the Cuba Water Project
by Enrique S. Pumar & Helena M. Solo-Gabriele & Joseph B. Treaster - 1133 Cuba en el 2030: El papel de las Micro, Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas en la Aspiración al Desarrollo
by Omar Everleny Pérez Villanueva - 1134 Comments on U.S. International Trade Commission's "Overview of Cuban Imports of Goods and Services and Effects of U.S. Restrictions"
by Gary H. Maybarduk - 1135 Cuban Monetary Unification: Zeroing In on Why There Has Been Zero Day Zero in Cuba
by Roberto Orro Fernández - 1136 Heridas Que No Sanan: Dilemas de la Justicia Transicional
by Fredo Arias King - 1137 Notes on the Production of Some Horticultural Crops in Cuba
by Mayte Piñón Gómez & Olimpia Gómez Consuegra - 1138 Cuba: Las Cuentas y los Cuentos de las Reformas
by Vicente Botín - 1139 Cuba's VII Party Congress - Listening to Raúl
by Gary H. Maybarduk - 1140 La Anhelada Reconciliación Nacional: Retos, Realidades y Esperanzas
by Pbro. Mario Félix Lleonart Barroso - 1141 Returning Guantanamo Bay to Cuban Control
by Michael J. Strauss - 1142 US-Cuba Differendum: Settling Claims-Default Judgments
by Rolando Anillo-Badia - 1143 La Ley Cubana de Inversiones Extranjeras: Significado e Implicaciones
by Jorge A. Sanguinetty - 1144 Havana's Wastewater Treatment Plants: Changes Over Time and Estimate of Replacement Cost
by Nayara Sabrina de Freitas Alves & Alexandra Westbrook - 1145 Desarrollo del Turismo en Cuba: Tendencias, Políticas e Impactos Futuros
by José Luis Perelló Cabrera - 1146 Temas and Anathemas: Depoliticization and "Newspeak" in Cuba's Social Sciences and Humanities
by Yvon Grenier - 1147 Cuba, Brasil y el Puerto de Mariel
by Jorge Hernández Fonseca - 1148 La Justicia Transicional en un Contexto Universal: Lecciones para Cuba
by Maria Werlau - 1149 Transformando el Aparato de Seguridad Cubano: Retos y Realidades
by Enrique García - 1150 The Performance of Cuba's Gross Domestic Product, 2015-16: The Role of External Factors, Business Confidence and Domestic Policies
by Pavel Vidal Alejandro & Ernesto Hernández-Catá - 1151 Cuba y Venezuela: Una Relación Compleja
by Carlos A. Romero - 1152 Overview of Cuban Imports of Goods and Services and Effects of U.S. Restrictions
by Heidi Colby-Oizumi - 1153 Estrategia Para el Desarrollo de las Mipymes en Matanzas: Resultados y Tendencias
by Janettee M. García Cobas - 1154 El Trabajo por Cuenta Propia Después de las Reformas de Raúl Castro: Un Balance
by Yailenis Mulet Concepción - 1155 USA-Cuba Migration Policy: A Political Economy View
by Roger R. Betancourt - 1156 Embracing a 21st Century Planning Marxism Model: The Cuban Communist Party Confronts Crisis, Challenge and Change in its 7th Congress
by Larry Catá Backer - 1157 The Impossible Triangle: Miami's Cubans and the US-Cuba Re-establishment of Relations
by Silvia Pedraza - 1158 The Restructuring of the Cuban Sugar Agroindustry: A Progress Report
by Jorge F. Pérez-López - 1159 Assessing Cuba's Reforms: Great Expectations, But How Real Are They?
by Joaquín P. Pujol - 1160 Comments on "The Restructuring of the Cuban Sugar Agroindustry: A Progress Report" by Pérez-López
by José F. Alonso - 1161 Commentary on Michael Strauss's Essay: "Returning Guantanamo Bay to Cuban Control"
by Larry Catá Backer - 1162 Gobierno Cubano, ¿Congela o Descongela los Límites del Sector Privado en la Era del Deshielo?
by Emilio Morales - 1163 A Nation's Debate: What to Expect?
by Domingo Amuchástegui - 1164 El Otro Racismo: El Papel del Discurso Revolucionario en la Economía de la Identidad Cubana
by Soren Triff - 1165 Algunas Consideraciones Sobre Ciencia, Tecnología, Innovación Tecnológica y Medio Ambiente en el Desarrollo Próspero y Sostenible Cubano
by Eduardo López Bastida - 1166 Comments on U.S. International Trade Commission's "Overview of Cuban Imports of Goods and Services and Effects of U.S. Restrictions"
by Gary H. Maybarduk
2015, Volume 25
- 1082 Cuba's Influence in American Academia
by Julio M. Shiling - 1083 Reliable Partners, Not Carpetbaggers
by Domingo Amuchástegui - 1084 Revisiting the Seven Threads in the Labyrinth of the Cuban Revolution
by Luis Martínez-Fernández - 1085 Measures to Deal with an Aging Population: International Experiences and Lessons for Cuba
by Sergio Díaz-Briquets - 1086 Hybrid Economy in Cuba and North Korea: Key to the Longevity of Two Regimes and Difference
by Young-Ja Park - 1087 La Penetración del Servicio de Inteligencia de Cuba en el Sector Académico de Estados Unidos
by Orlando Brito Pestana - 1088 Luchas y Exitos de las Diásporas Cubana
by Lisa Clarke - 1089 Impacto Social y Educacional de los Programas de Solidaridad y Entrenamiento Pedagógico del Proyecto Juárez Lincoln Martí, en América Latina
by Zoila B. Romeu & Jorge L. Romeu - 1090 U.S.-Cuba BIT: A Guarantee in Reestablishing Trade Relations
by Rolando Anillo-Badia - 1091 Preparing for a Full Restoration of Economic Relations between Cuba and the United States
by Ernesto Hernández-Catá - 1092 Volume 25 Appendix A: About the Authors
by ASCE Editors - 1093 Establishing Ground Rules for Political Risk Claims about Cuba
by José Gabilondo - 1094 The Logical Fallacy of the New U.S.-Cuba Policy and its Security Implications
by José Azel - 1095 Foreign Investment in Cuba's "Updating" of Its Economic Model
by Jorge F. Pérez-López - 1096 Factores Atípicos de las Relaciones Internacionales Económicas de Cuba: El Rol de los Servicios Cubanos de Inteligencia
by Enrique García - 1097 Los Once Millones de Abajo o la Reforma del Estado
by Juan Tomás Sánchez - 1098 Economic Consequences of Cuba-U.S. Reconciliation
by Luis R. Luis - 1099 Historical Progress Of U.S.-Cuba Relationship: Implication for U.S.-North Korea Case
by Wootae Lee - 1100 El Sector Privado y el Turismo en Cuba Ante un Escenario de Relaciones con Estados Unidos
by José Luis Perelló Cabrera - 1101 Global Corporate Social Responsibility (GCSR) Standards With Cuban Characteristics: What Normalization Means for Transnational Enterprise Activity in Cuba
by Larry Catá Backer - 1102 The Small Heresies of Leonardo Padura Fuentes
by Yvon Grenier - 1103 When Reforms Are Not: Recent Policy Development in Cuba and the Implications for the Future
by Enrique S. Pumar - 1104 Los Grandes Retos del Deshielo
by Emilio Morales - 1105 2015 Conference Program
by ASCE Editors - 1106 Estimating Disguised Unemployment in Cuba
by Ernesto Hernández-Catá - 1107 La Economía Política del Embargo o Bloqueo Interno
by Jorge A. Sanguinetty - 1108 Resolving U.S. Expropriation Claims Against Cuba: A Very Modest Proposal
by Matías F. Travieso-Díaz - 1109 Cuba-United States Academic Exchanges: Personal Experiences in the Health Sector in Cuba 1962-2009 and in the United States
by Rodolfo J. Stusser - 1110 2015 Preface
by ASCE Editors - 1111 Why Cuba is a State Sponsor of Terror
by Joseph M. Humire - 1112 Reflections on the State of the Cuban Economy
by Carlos Seiglie - 1113 The National Security Implications of the President's New Cuba Policy
by Ana Quintana - 1114 Entrepreneurship in Post-Socialist Economies: Lessons for Cuba
by Mario A. González-Corzo - 1115 Cuba y la Economía de la Cultura: Problemáticas y Perspectivas
by Rosendo Romero Suárez - 1116 Intelectuales "Progresistas" Cubanos en Internet ante la Emergente Economía de la Cultura
by Soren Triff - 1117 Lessons from Cuba's Party-Military Relations and a Tale of "Two Fronts Line" in North Korea
by Jung-chul Lee - 1118 ¿Es la Economía o es la Política?: La Ilusoria Inversión de K. Marx
by Alexis Jardines - 1119 Bienal de la Habana, 1984: Art Curators as State Researchers
by Paloma Checa-Gismero - 1120 A Framework for Assessing the Impact of U.S. Restrictions on Telecommunication Exports to Cuba
by Larry S. Daley - 1121 The Military, Ideological Frameworks and Familial Marxism: A Comment on Jung-chul Lee,"A Lesson from Cuba's Party-Military Relations and a Tale of Two Fronts Line' in North Korea
by Larry Catá Backer
2014, Volume 24
- 1022 Cuba's Perplexing Changes: Is the Society in Crisis?
by Joaquín P. Pujol - 1023 Political Implications of Recent Economic Reform Trends in Cuba: The 2014 Status
by Vegard Bye - 1024 Cuba's Growth Strategy: Human Capital and Foreign Investment
by Luis R. Luis - 1025 Volume 24 Appendix A: About the Authors
by ASCE Editors - 1026 The Institutional Structure of Production in the Cuban Economy
by Ernesto Hernández-Catá - 1027 Cuba y Su Comercio Internacional
by Orlando Freire Santana - 1028 The Cuban Economy 15 Years Later: On Firmer Ground, But Much Still To Do
by Gary H. Maybarduk - 1029 Self-Employment in Cuba: Results of a Survey
by Maybell Padilla Pérez - 1030 Does Cuba Have a Future in Manufacturing?
by Archibald R. M. Ritter - 1031 Los Derechos Laborales en Cuba Frente a la Ley de Inversión Extranjera
by Jesús R. Mercader Uguina - 1032 Internet, Cine Independiente y Actualización Económica
by Soren Triff - 1033 Self-Employment in Today's Cuba: Quantitative Expansion Amid Qualitative Limitation
by Ted A. Henken & Archibald R. M. Ritter - 1034 Steps to Economic Normalization with Cuba: A Roadmap for US Policymakers
by Gary Hufbauer & Barbara Kotschwar & Cathleen Cimino - 1035 2014 Preface
by ASCE Editors - 1036 La Ley Cubana de la Inversión Extranjera: ¿A Quién Debe Servir?
by José Manuel Pallí - 1037 Réplica a Sanguinetty
by José Manuel Pallí - 1038 Inversiones, ¿Para Qué?
by Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo - 1039 El Reflejo del Presente Proceso de Reformas : "Actualización" : en la Prensa Cubana
by Vicente Morín Aguado - 1040 The Port of Mariel and Cuba-Brazil's Unusual "Medical Cooperation"
by Maria Werlau - 1041 Cultural Policy, Participation and the Gatekeeper State in Cuba
by Yvon Grenier - 1042 La Evolución del Derecho Civil Cubano y la Ley De Inversión Extranjera en Cuba: Un Camino por Recorrer
by María Elena Cobas Cobiella - 1043 Where Are We? The State of Negotiation of a New Treaty Between the European Union and Cuba
by Martin Palouš - 1044 Cuba's Housing Situation: A Perspective from the 2002 and 2012 Censuses
by Sergio Díaz-Briquets - 1045 The Cuban Communist Party: Current Status and Future Reform
by Larry Catá Backer - 1046 Cuba: Apuntes Para el Debate sobre Oposición Leal y Soberanía Desde el Derecho Internacional y el Modelo de la Declaración Universal de Derechos Humanos
by Arturo López-Levy - 1047 The Position of Cuba's Independent Trade Unions on Foreign Investment : The Special Economic Development Zone Mariel (ZDEM)
by Victor Manuel Domínguez García - 1048 Cuba en Transicion y las Relaciones Cuba-Estados Unidos
by Miriam Leiva - 1049 Oposición Cubana: Una Mirada al Futuro
by Roberto Veiga González - 1050 Cuba's Evolving Agricultural Import Patterns
by William A. Messina, Jr. - 1051 2014 Conference Program
by ASCE Editors - 1052 Investment Incentives of the ZED Mariel: Will Foreign Investors Take the Bait?
by Jorge F. Pérez-López - 1053 La ZEDM: Un Proyecto Dependiente de las Libertades Fundamentales
by Dimas Castellanos - 1054 Cuba: Assessment of the New Tax Law of 2012
by Lorenzo Pérez - 1055 Los Cambios en Cuba Hacia un Verdadero Desarrollo Humano Integral
by Jorge Ignacio Guillén Martínez - 1056 U.S. Socialism in Cuba: Implications of Prohibiting the Private Sector at Guantanamo Bay
by Michael J. Strauss - 1057 Cuba: Tres Fábulas Sobre las "Actualizaciones" Raulistas
by Rolando H. Castañeda