1997, Volume 1997, Issue 2
- 239-254 Reklama v situaci dynamického duopolu
[Advertising in a Dynamic Duopoly]
by María Paz Espinosa & Petr Mariel - 255-268 Vstup do Európskej Únie - ekonomická nevyhnutnou alebo politická ambícia Slovenskej republiky?
[Entrance to the European Union - Economic Inevitability or Political Ambition of the Slovak Republic?]
by Peter Baláž - 269-280 Vývoj ruského nemarxistického ekonomického myšlení: 1890-1939
[Development of Russian Non-Marxists Thinking: 1890-1939]
by Karel Půlpán - 281-290 Regresní analýza nestacionárních ekonomických časových řad
[Regressive Analysis of Non-stationary Economic Time Series]
by Josef Arlt
1997, Volume 1997, Issue 1
- 29-45 Technologie a tržní struktura
[Technology and Market Structure]
by John Sutton - 46-58 Regulace nabídky peněz prostřednictvím monetární báze
[Long Run Relationship between the High-Power Money and the Money Supply]
by Eva Ferreira-Garcia & María-José Gutiérrez & Marta Regúlez - 59-73 Zamyšlení nad ekonomickou transformací
[Deliberations on Economic Transformation]
by Čestmír Kožušník - 74-84 Co nás může naučit čínská strategie přechodu k tržní ekonomice?
[What can be learned from the chinese transition strategy to a market economy?]
by Jan Adam - 85-96 Trh práce v Japonsku
[The Labour Market in Japan]
by Michaela Janečková & Roland Berger - 97-118 Teorie ekonomické rovnováhy
[Economic Equilibrium Theory of Leon Walrase]
by Robert Holman
0000, Volume preprint
- 859 Political Economy of Environmental Poverty: The Role of Political Risk and Income Level
by Xiaohan Gu & Fanrong Li & Weizheng Wang & Xiao Gu - 868 Racing Towards Carbon Neutrality: Synergy Between Environmental Poverty, Environmental Regulations, Financial Constraints and Political Instability
by Yuan Zhu & Jiapeng Dai - 896 Country-level Risk and Green Energy Transition: Evaluating Political Risk and Human Capital in OECD Economies
by Xinling Wang & Yufei Gan & Yun Zhou & Dingwen Si & Xiangying Cui & Jiale Yan - 922 Inverted U-shape Impact of China's Manufacturing Digitization on Low-carbon Environmental Governance Performance
by Xuegang Zhan & Rita Yi Man Li & Jing Xia - 949 Political Institutions and Environmental Sustainability: Asymmetric Effect of Institutional Quality Indicators on Ecological Degradation
by Peng Zhang & Yasir Habib & Minhaj Ali & Kishwar Ali - 956 Role of Institutions and Environmental Poverty in Influencing Climate-related Migration
by Kateryna Shymanska - 965 Political Risk and Sustainable Development: Digitization and Environmental Policy Stringency
by Chong Zhang & Menglu Zhang & Yunqiu Zhan & Jiale Yan - 1075 Does Mineral Resources Utilization and Governance Policy Induce Income Inequality: Contextual Findings from Historical Data of China
by Xiaoyi Ren & Chen Wang & László Vasa