- 372-392 The Prospects for International Liquidity and the Future Evolution of the International Payments System
In: International Trade Theory in a Developing World
by C. P. Kindleberger - 393-564 Summary Record of the Debate
In: International Trade Theory in a Developing World
by Douglas C. Hague
- 3-18 A General Survey of Post-War Inflation
In: Inflation
by Émile James - 19-36 Internal Factors Causing and Propagating Inflation: I
In: Inflation
by Gottfried Haberler - 37-53 Internal Factors Causing and Propagating Inflation: II
In: Inflation
by J. C. R. Dow - 54-62 Internal Factors Causing and Propagating Inflation: III
In: Inflation
by G. Ugo Papi - 63-72 The Effects of Post-War Inflation on Business Cycles and Economic Growth
In: Inflation
by Howard S. Ellis - 73-92 The Effects of Post-War Inflation on the Distribution of Income
In: Inflation
by Jürg Niehans - 95-111 The Problem of Fixing a Norm for the Value of Money
In: Inflation
by Erik Lindahl - 112-126 Should we Have Index Loans?
In: Inflation
by Guy Arvidsson - 129-146 The Co-Ordination of Policies for full Employment and Price Stability
In: Inflation
by James S. Duesenberry - 147-163 Monetary Policy — as a Weapon Against Inflation
In: Inflation
by Erik Lundberg - 164-184 The Control of Inflation by Monetary and Credit Policy
In: Inflation
by Jacques Rueff - 185-197 Fiscal Policy as a Weapon to Control Inflation
In: Inflation
by Fritz Neumark - 198-217 The Relative Responsibilities of Governments and Central Banks in Controlling Aggregate Demand
In: Inflation
by M. W. Holtrop - 221-232 Labour Union Power and Cost-Inflation
In: Inflation
by Edward H. Chamberlin - 233-247 Wages and Inflation
In: Inflation
by Jorgen Pedersen - 248-263 Wage Inflation in Post-War Finland
In: Inflation
by Bruno Suviranta - 267-284 The Interaction of Inflation in Different Countries
In: Inflation
by Paolo Baffi - 285-292 The Rôle of the International Monetary Fund in Promoting Price Stability
In: Inflation
by Walter R. Gardner - 293-303 The Rôle of International Organizations in Promoting Price Stability
In: Inflation
by Hans Möller - 304-314 Improving World Liquidity
In: Inflation
by Robert Triffin - 317-331 The Applicability of ‘Orthodox Monetary Remedies’ to Developed and Under-Developed Countries
In: Inflation
by Arthur W. Marget - 332-341 Problems of Inflation Under Socialism
In: Inflation
by Bronislaw Oyrzanowski - 342-358 Inflation in Latin America
In: Inflation
by Eugenio Gudin - 361-506 Summary Record of the Debate
In: Inflation
by Douglas C. Hague
- 1-28 The Theoretical Interpretation of Latin American Economic Development
In: Economic Development for Latin America
by Alexandre Kafka - 3-17 The Essentials of Capital Theory
In: The Theory of Capital
by Friedrich Lutz - 18-31 The Measurement of Capital in Relation to the Measurement of Other Economic Aggregates
In: The Theory of Capital
by John R. Hicks - 29-56 Global Programming as an Instrument of Economic Development Policy
In: Economic Development for Latin America
by José Antonio Mayobre - 32-57 The Evaluation of ‘Social Income’: Capital Formation and Wealth
In: The Theory of Capital
by Paul A. Samuelson - 57-81 Notes on the Theory of the ‘Big Push’
In: Economic Development for Latin America
by P. N. Rosenstein-Rodan - 58-72 Appraisal of the Labour-Saving and Capital-Saving Character of Innovations
In: The Theory of Capital
by William Fellner - 75-94 On Measuring Capital
In: The Theory of Capital
by Tibor Barna - 82-109 Inflation and Balanced Growth
In: Economic Development for Latin America
by Roberto Oliveira Campos - 95-117 The Capital-Output Ratio in the United States: Its Variation and Stability
In: The Theory of Capital
by Evsey D. Domar - 110-138 The Role of Capital in Economic Development
In: Economic Development for Latin America
by Maurice Byé - 118-140 Long-Term Growth and Capital Formation in Germany
In: The Theory of Capital
by Walther G. Hoffmann - 139-167 The Servicing of Foreign Capital Inflows by Under-Developed Countries
In: Economic Development for Latin America
by Gerald M. Alter - 143-160 Capital Intensity and the Combination of Factors of Production
In: The Theory of Capital
by Alain BarrÈre - 161-174 An Analysis of A Market for Investment Goods
In: The Theory of Capital
by Bjorn Thalberg - 168-200 Financial Institutions and Economic Development
In: Economic Development for Latin America
by Javier Márquez - 177-222 Capital Accumulation and Economic Growth
In: The Theory of Capital
by Nicholas Kaldor - 201-233 Private Versus Public Foreign Investment in Under-Developed Areas
In: Economic Development for Latin America
by Felipe Pazos - 223-244 A Dynamic Growth Model Involving A Production Function
In: The Theory of Capital
by David Champernowne - 234-274 International Trade Theory and Development Policy
In: Economic Development for Latin America
by Ragnar Nurkse - 245-265 Notes Toward A Wicksellian Model of Distributive Shares
In: The Theory of Capital
by Robert M. Solow - 269-285 Categories Of Capitalists in the Theory of the Distribution of the National Income
In: The Theory of Capital
by Jean Marchal - 275-307 Terms of Trade and Economic Development
In: Economic Development for Latin America
by Gottfried Haberler - 289-403 Summary Record Of The Debate
In: The Theory of Capital
by Douglas C. Hague - 308-341 Economic Prospects of Primary Products
In: Economic Development for Latin America
by Theodore W. Schultz - 342-365 Stabilization of Proceeds from Raw Material Exports
In: Economic Development for Latin America
by Henry C. Wallich - 366-398 Investment Priorities
In: Economic Development for Latin America
by Jorge Ahumada - 399-429 Agricultural Versus Industrial Development
In: Economic Development for Latin America
by P. R. Brahmananda - 430-469 Exchange Controls and Economic Development
In: Economic Development for Latin America
by Jorge Marshall
- 1-13 The Concept of the Nation and Its Relevance to Economic Analysis
In: Economic Consequences of the Size of Nations
by I. Svennilson - 14-32 Economic Growth Of Small Nations
In: Economic Consequences of the Size of Nations
by S. Kuznets - 35-53 Study of the Size and Efficiency of the American Economy
In: Economic Consequences of the Size of Nations
by S. Fabricant - 54-77 Study of the Efficiency of a Small Nation: Switzerland
In: Economic Consequences of the Size of Nations
by W. A. Jöhr & F. Kneschaurek - 78-92 Study of the Efficiency of a Small Nation: Belgium
In: Economic Consequences of the Size of Nations
by L. Duquesne Vinelle - 95-116 Are the Economies of Scale Unlimited?
In: Economic Consequences of the Size of Nations
by J. Jewkes - 117-130 Size of Markets, Scale of Firms, and the Character of Competition
In: Economic Consequences of the Size of Nations
by C. D. Edwards - 133-150 The Problems of Developing Countries
In: Economic Consequences of the Size of Nations
by C. N. Vakil & P. R. Brahmananda - 151-167 The Experience of Italy
In: Economic Consequences of the Size of Nations
by V. A. Marsan - 168-181 Size and Viability: The Lesson of Austria
In: Economic Consequences of the Size of Nations
by K. W. Rothschild - 182-189 The Problems of Portuguese Economic Development
In: Economic Consequences of the Size of Nations
by L. T. Pinto - 190-199 The Size of the Economy and Its Relation to Stability and Steady Progress: I
In: Economic Consequences of the Size of Nations
by L. Tarshis - 200-219 The Size of the Economy and Its Relation to Stability and Steady Progress: II
In: Economic Consequences of the Size of Nations
by G. Leduc & J. Weiller - 223-240 The Size of the Nation and the Cost of Administration
In: Economic Consequences of the Size of Nations
by E. A. G. Robinson - 241-243 Note on Size of States and Cost of Administration in Australia
In: Economic Consequences of the Size of Nations
by W. Prest - 247-264 The Size of the Nation and Its Vulnerability to Economic Nationalism
In: Economic Consequences of the Size of Nations
by R. Triffin - 265-281 How Far Can Foreign Trade and Customs Agreements Confer Upon Small Nations the Advantages of Large Nations?
In: Economic Consequences of the Size of Nations
by G. Marcy - 282-290 International Trade and Economic Integration as a Means of Over-Coming the Disadvantages of a Small Nation
In: Economic Consequences of the Size of Nations
by T. Scitovsky - 291-329 The Intra-Bloc Trade of Benelux
In: Economic Consequences of the Size of Nations
by P. J. Verdoorn - 333-438 Summary Record Of The Debate
In: Economic Consequences of the Size of Nations
by Douglas Hague
- 1-15 Three Extracts on Public Finance
In: Classics in the Theory of Public Finance
by Adolph Wagner - 3-6 Opening of the Congress
In: Stability and Progress in the World Economy
by Giuseppe Ugo Papi - 3-16 Migration and International Investment
In: Economics of International Migration
by Brinley Thomas - 7-18 Stability and Progress: The Richer Countries’ Problem
In: Stability and Progress in the World Economy
by Dennis Robertson - 16-27 Contribution to the Theory of the Distribution of Public Expenditure
In: Classics in the Theory of Public Finance
by Maffeo Pantaleoni - 17-51 Effects Produced in Receiving Countries by Pre-1939 Immigration
In: Economics of International Migration
by J. J. Spengler - 19-38 The Discussion on Sir Dennis Robertson’S Paper
In: Stability and Progress in the World Economy
by Douglas Hague - 28-36 On Taxation
In: Classics in the Theory of Public Finance
by Lorenz Stein - 37-47 The Formation of the Prices of Public Goods
In: Classics in the Theory of Public Finance
by Ugo Mazzola - 41-65 Stability and Progress: The Poorer Countries’ Problem
In: Stability and Progress in the World Economy
by Jacob Viner - 48-71 On Progressive Taxation
In: Classics in the Theory of Public Finance
by Arnold Jacob Cohen Stuart - 52-62 Immigration, Capital Formation, and Inflationary Pressure
In: Economics of International Migration
by Abba P. Lerner - 65-76 Great Britain
In: Economics of International Migration
by Julius Isaac - 66-101 The Discussion on Professor Viner’S Paper
In: Stability and Progress in the World Economy
by Douglas Hague - 72-118 A New Principle of Just Taxation
In: Classics in the Theory of Public Finance
by Knut Wicksell - 77-84 Eire
In: Economics of International Migration
by J. F. Meenan - 85-95 Italy
In: Economics of International Migration
by G. Parenti - 96-107 Netherlands
In: Economics of International Migration
by E. W. Hofstee - 105-126 The Quest for Stability: The Real Factors
In: Stability and Progress in the World Economy
by FranÇois Perroux - 108-129 The Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration
In: Economics of International Migration
by Pierre Jacobsen - 119-136 The Pure Theory of Taxation
In: Classics in the Theory of Public Finance
by Francis Ysidro Edgeworth - 127-147 The Discussion on Professor Perroux’S Paper
In: Stability and Progress in the World Economy
by Douglas Hague - 133-145 United States
In: Economics of International Migration
by Ernest Rubin - 137-151 The Fundamental Principles of a Pure Theory of Public Finance
In: Classics in the Theory of Public Finance
by Giovanni Montemartini - 146-162 Canada
In: Economics of International Migration
by Mabel F. Timlin - 151-178 Monetary Factors Affecting Economic Stability
In: Stability and Progress in the World Economy
by Gottfried Haberler - 152-164 On Taxation in General
In: Classics in the Theory of Public Finance
by Paul Leroy-Beaulieu - 163-172 Australia
In: Economics of International Migration
by W. D. Borrie - 165-167 On Public Needs
In: Classics in the Theory of Public Finance
by Enrico Barone - 168-176 Just Taxation—A Positive Solution
In: Classics in the Theory of Public Finance
by Erik Lindahl - 173-184 South Africa
In: Economics of International Migration
by H. M. Robertson - 177-189 The Valuation Theory of Taxation
In: Classics in the Theory of Public Finance
by Emil Sax - 179-207 The Discussion On Professor Haberler’S Paper
In: Stability and Progress in the World Economy
by Douglas Hague - 185-193 Brazil
In: Economics of International Migration
by Fernando Bastos Ávila - 190-201 The Theory of the Public Economy
In: Classics in the Theory of Public Finance
by Friedrich Wieser - 197-214 Migration and the German Economy
In: Economics of International Migration
by Hilde Wander - 202-213 A Sociological Approach to Problems of Public Finance
In: Classics in the Theory of Public Finance
by Rudolf Goldscheid - 211-226 International Stability and the National Economy
In: Stability and Progress in the World Economy
by Erik Lundberg - 214-232 Some Controversial Questions in the Theory of Taxation
In: Classics in the Theory of Public Finance
by Erik Lindahl - 215-224 Regional Aspects of Immigration into France
In: Economics of International Migration
by Xavier Lannes - 225-237 Migration and the Economy of Eastern Europe
In: Economics of International Migration
by J. Zubrzycki - 227-257 The Discussion On Professor Lundberg’S Paper
In: Stability and Progress in the World Economy
by Douglas Hague - 233-241 Communal Economy and Market Economy
In: Classics in the Theory of Public Finance
by Hans Ritschl - 238-248 Intra-European Migration and the Prospects of Integration
In: Economics of International Migration
by Friedrich Edding - 251-272 Migration Problems of the Far East
In: Economics of International Migration
by T. H. Silcock - 273-282 Migration and the Economy of Indonesia
In: Economics of International Migration
by Nathan Keyfitz - 283-294 The Impact on India of Population Transfers in 1947 and After
In: Economics of International Migration
by P. R. Brahmananda - 297-302 Psycho-Social Aspects of Migration
In: Economics of International Migration
by Alfred Sauvy - 303-312 Social Problems of Absorption Since 1945
In: Economics of International Migration
by Witold Langrod - 313-344 Immigration into Israel
In: Economics of International Migration
by R. Bachi - 347-361 Are There Preferable Alternatives to International Migration as an Aid to Economic Development?
In: Economics of International Migration
by Howard S. Ellis - 365-480 Summary Record of the Debate
In: Economics of International Migration
by Douglas Hague
- 3-27 The Task of Contemporary Wage Theory
In: The Theory of Wage Determination
by John T. Dunlop - 31-38 The Determination of the General Level of Wage Rates
In: The Theory of Wage Determination
by Harry G. Johnson - 39-47 Approaches to the Determination of the General Level of Wage Rates
In: The Theory of Wage Determination
by Innocenzo Gasparini - 48-65 The Long-Term Movement of Real Wages
In: The Theory of Wage Determination
by E. H. Phelps Brown - 66-78 Full Employment and Wage Stability
In: The Theory of Wage Determination
by Bent Hansen - 79-90 Wage Policy and Full Employment
In: The Theory of Wage Determination
by Valentin F. Wagner - 91-104 Wage Rates in a Model of the System
In: The Theory of Wage Determination
by Wilhelm Krelle - 107-122 Trade Union Behaviour and Wage Determination in Great Britain
In: The Theory of Wage Determination
by B. C. Roberts - 123-135 Inflation and Wage Differentials in Great Britain
In: The Theory of Wage Determination
by H. A. Turner - 136-147 An Analysis of Union Models as Illustrated by French Experience
In: The Theory of Wage Determination
by Hubert Brochier - 148-170 Wage Theory and Social Groups
In: The Theory of Wage Determination
by Jean Marchal - 173-193 Wage Relationships —The Comparative Impact of Market and Power Forces
In: The Theory of Wage Determination
by Clark Kerr - 194-221 The Impact of Collective Bargaining on the Wage Structure in the United States
In: The Theory of Wage Determination
by Lloyd G. Reynolds - 222-237 Unionism and the Wage Structure in Sweden
In: The Theory of Wage Determination
by Gösta Rehn - 238-250 The Evolution of Wage Differentials: A Study of British Data
In: The Theory of Wage Determination
by G. Rottier - 251-263 Structural Inflation And The Economic Function Of Wages: The French Example
In: The Theory of Wage Determination
by François Perroux - 264-277 The Effects of Inflation on the Wage Structure of France
In: The Theory of Wage Determination
by François Sellier - 281-291 Approaches to the Theory Of Bargaining
In: The Theory of Wage Determination
by K. W. Rothschild - 292-314 The Nature of the Bargaining Process
In: The Theory of Wage Determination
by G. L. S. Shackle - 317-326 Labour Market Theory and Empirical Research
In: The Theory of Wage Determination
by Charles A. Myers - 327-333 Aggregate and Particular Labour Supply Curves
In: The Theory of Wage Determination
by Giovanni Demaria - 337-430 Report on the Proceedings
In: The Theory of Wage Determination
by John T. Dunlop
- 3-10 The Business Cycle in the Post-War World
In: The Business Cycle in the Post-War World
by D. H. Robertson - 11-36 Post-War Economic Tendencies in the United States
In: The Business Cycle in the Post-War World
by William Fellner - 37-54 Industrial Fluctuations in the United Kingdom, 1946–52
In: The Business Cycle in the Post-War World
by E. A. G. Robinson - 55-77 Business Cycle Experiences in Sweden, with Special Reference to Economic Policy Issues
In: The Business Cycle in the Post-War World
by Erik Lundberg - 78-99 A Study of Post-War Industrial Fluctuations in Denmark
In: The Business Cycle in the Post-War World
by Jørgen Pedersen - 100-121 Business Cycles in Post-War France
In: The Business Cycle in the Post-War World
by André Piatier - 122-154 Analysis of Economic Developments in Western Germany Since the Currency Reform of 1948
In: The Business Cycle in the Post-War World
by Erich Preiser & Wilhelm Krelle - 155-177 Business Fluctuations in the Italian Economy
In: The Business Cycle in the Post-War World
by Pasquale Saraceno - 178-200 Business Cycles in Post-War Japan
In: The Business Cycle in the Post-War World
by Shigeto Tsuru - 203-221 A Model Of Cyclical Growth
In: The Business Cycle in the Post-War World
by R. M. Goodwin - 222-245 Statistical Testing of Business Cycle Theory: The Econometric Method
In: The Business Cycle in the Post-War World
by Lawrence R. Klein - 246-265 The Post-War International Cycle
In: The Business Cycle in the Post-War World
by J. J. Polak - 266-282 A Note on the International Impact of Cyclical Movements
In: The Business Cycle in the Post-War World
by Nicholas Kaldor - 283-310 Investment Opportunities in the United States Before and After World War II
In: The Business Cycle in the Post-War World
by R. A. Gordon - 315-355 Summary Record of the Debate
In: The Business Cycle in the Post-War World
by A. D. Knox
- 3-20 Monopoly And Competition In Canada
In: Monopoly and Competition and their Regulation
by V. W. Bladen - 21-42 Monopoly and Competition in France
In: Monopoly and Competition and their Regulation
by Robert Goetz-Girey - 43-60 Monopoly and Competition in Italy
In: Monopoly and Competition and their Regulation
by F. Vito - 61-87 Monopoly and Competition in the Union of South Africa
In: Monopoly and Competition and their Regulation
by W. F. Steenkamp - 88-109 Monopoly and Competition in the United Kingdom
In: Monopoly and Competition and their Regulation
by G. C. Allen - 110-140 Monopoly and Competition in the United States of America
In: Monopoly and Competition and their Regulation
by R. B. Heflebower - 141-167 Monopoly and Competition in Western Germany
In: Monopoly and Competition and their Regulation
by Franz Boehm - 168-187 Monopoly and Competition in Scandinavia
In: Monopoly and Competition and their Regulation
by Hans Brems - 188-200 Issues in the Monopoly Problem
In: Monopoly and Competition and their Regulation
by Corwin D. Edwards - 203-214 Real Economies of Integration and Large-Scale Production Versus Advantages of Domination
In: Monopoly and Competition and their Regulation
by Erich Schneider - 215-241 Conditions of Entry and the Emergence of Monopoly
In: Monopoly and Competition and their Regulation
by Joe S. Bain - 245-254 The Impossibility of Competition
In: Monopoly and Competition and their Regulation
by Joan Robinson - 255-267 Measuring the Degree of Monopoly and Competition
In: Monopoly and Competition and their Regulation
by Edward H. Chamberlin - 271-280 Monopoly, Efficiency, And the Structure of Industry
In: Monopoly and Competition and their Regulation
by Ingvar Svennilson - 281-300 Monopolistic and Imperfect Competition in Retail Trade
In: Monopoly and Competition and their Regulation
by Jane Aubert-Krier - 301-314 The Wastes of Competition
In: Monopoly and Competition and their Regulation
by Kurt Rothschild - 317-337 Competition and the Objectives of Government Policy
In: Monopoly and Competition and their Regulation
by J. M. Clark - 338-356 Regulation Of Competition
In: Monopoly and Competition and their Regulation
by W. A. Jöhr - 359-382 Preventing Monopoly — Canadian Techniques
In: Monopoly and Competition and their Regulation
by F. A. McGregor - 385-397 Monopoly and the Problem of Economic Stability
In: Monopoly and Competition and their Regulation
by Fritz Machlup - 398-420 Monopoly and Rigidities in the Economic System
In: Monopoly and Competition and their Regulation
by Siro Lombardini - 421-456 Monopoly: Impediment or Stimulus to Economic Progress?
In: Monopoly and Competition and their Regulation
by P. Hennipman - 459-470 Recent British Experience in Nationalization
In: Monopoly and Competition and their Regulation
by W. Arthur Lewis - 471-489 Nationalization in France
In: Monopoly and Competition and their Regulation
by J. M. Jeanneney - 493-540 Summary Record of the Debate
In: Monopoly and Competition and their Regulation
by Elizabeth Henderson