March 2003, Volume 46, Issue 1
- 17-25 Global Governance in the Information Age
by Wolfgang Kleinw&aauml;chter - 26-29 The Genesis of a Global Public Sphere
by Rudolf Stichweh - 30-40 Mediating Citizenship: On-line journalism and the public sphere new voices
by Stuart Allan - 41-48 India and Pakistan: From transitional to network societies?
by Keval J Kumar - 49-54 Whose Global Knowledge?: Women navigating the net
by Leslie Regan Shade - 55-60 Revolution in Business and Finance
by Hazel Henderson - 61-65 Money, the ‘ICT Revolution’ and Economics
by Claudio Sardoni - 66-73 Fighting Back: The growth of alternative trade
by Mark S LeClair - 74-79 The Impact of Transnational Discourses on Local Community Organizing
by Wendy Harcourt - 80-87 Development and its Discontents: Civil society as the new lexicon
by Indrajit Roy - 88-93 The NGO Phenomenon and Political Culture in the Third World
by Sangeeta Kamat - 95-101 Indigenous Economic and Human Development in Northern Australia
by Don Fuller & Eileen Cummings - 102-106 Obstacles to Mexico City's Democratic Transition: Citizens, culture and political relations
by Héctor Tejera Gaona - 107-111 Civic Disobedience of Malay Muslims in Post-September 11th Singapore
by Kam-Yee Law - 112-117 Global Transition Strategies in Eastern Europe: Moving to market relations
by John Marangos - 119-121 Book Review
by Ingrid Volkmer - 122-123 Book Shelf
by Wendy Harcourt
December 2002, Volume 45, Issue 4
- 3-4 Editorial: In Search of a Democratic Information Age
by Wendy Harcourt - 5-9 Social Development, Information and Knowledge: Whatever happened to communication?
by Cees J Hamelink - 10-16 Global Governance and Knowledge Societies
by Philippe Quéau - 17-22 Post-September 11th: New concepts of information
by Roberto Savio - 23-28 Closing the Gaps: Women, communications and technology
by Gillian Youngs - 29-34 Information Technology for Development: From charity to sustainability
by Jon Guice & Kyle Eischen - 35-40 Latin American Social Movements Take on the Net
by Sally Burch - 41-48 Net Gains for Women in Africa
by Jennifer Radloff & Natasha Primo - 49-54 Technological Diffusion: Tapping the wealth of Africans in the diaspora
by Christian N Madu - 55-60 Connecting Voices and Expanding Horizons
by Anju Vyas - 61-63 Community Learning by Radio and the Internet
by David Wortley - 64-68 The Future of ICT-related Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in Remote Scottish Islands
by Wolfgang Greller & Mary MacKay - 69-73 Community Radio for Change and Development
by Colin Fraser & Sonia Restrepo-Estrada - 74-79 Forging a Sustainable Development Model: The Malaysian way
by Rasian Ahmad - 80-81 Book Shelf
by Evelyn Schiele - 85-85 Last Word: ICTs as an Engine for Development in the 21st Century
by Pierre Gagné
September 2002, Volume 45, Issue 3
- 3-5 Editorial: Sustainable Development: Who Cares?
by Wendy Harcourt - 6-11 Expectations of the World Summit on Sustainable Development
by Ashok Khosla - 12-17 Fairness in a Fragile World: The Johannesburg Agenda
by Wolfgang Sachs - 18-23 On the Road to Johannesburg
by Sascha Muller-Kraenner - 24-27 Rights and Development: The UN's role in global governance
by Devaki Jain - 28-32 The Women's Action Agenda for a Healthy and Peaceful Planet
by Thais Corrall - 33-38 The UN's Global Compact, Corporate Accountability and the Johannesburg Earth Summit
by Kenny Bruno & Joshua Karliner - 39-42 Rio +10 and the Greenwash of Corporate Globalization
by Oliver Hoedeman - 43-46 Strengthening the Role of Health in Sustainable Development: From Rio to Johannesburg
by Yasmin Von Schirnding - 47-53 Post-Rio ‘Sustainable Consumption’: Establishing coherence and a common platform
by John Manoochehri - 54-58 Reflections on Sustainability from the Trenches
by Carlos Zorrilla - 59-63 The Global Attack on Natural Resources
by Ricardo Cifuentes Villarroel - 64-69 Conviviality in Global Cultural Development: Diversity, freedom and agency
by James Shorthose - 70-75 China and Chaos
by John E Coulter - 76-80 The Anomalous Nature of Development Success: A case study from China
by Seth Cook & Huilan Wei - 81-85 Turbulence and Change in the Pacific
by Heather Wallace - 86-89 Partnerships for Sustainable Livelihoods in the Fight for Food Security
by Binayak Rajbhandari - 90-92 The Dalits of Nepal and Their Struggles for Social Justice
by Hira Vishwakarma - 93-101 Measuring Poverty in Europe
by Marcella Corsi & Kristian Orsini - 102-106 Globalization, Universities and Sustainable Human Development
by Robert Forrant & Jean L Pyle - 107-112 The Universe and the University
by Paul Streeten - 113-118 The University, Public Interest Research and Advocacy Assistance for Sustainable Development
by Cathy Crumbley & Joel Tickner - 119-123 Immigrants, Sustainability and Emerging Roles for Universities
by Linda Silka - 124-129 Converging Interests and Complementary Strengths: Universities and civil society organizations in India
by Jamuna Ramakrishna - 130-140 Book Reviews
by Elena Mancusi-Materi - 146-149 Media and Environmental Health: Whose responsibility?
by Theodora Koller
June 2002, Volume 45, Issue 2
- 3-5 Editorial: From Uncertainty to Transformation: Civil Responses to September 11th
by Wendy Harcourt - 6-10 Between McWorld and Jihad
by Naomi Klein - 11-16 Globalization, Inequality and Global Protest
by Amartya K Sen - 17-20 A Tripartite Approach to Social and Economic Justice
by Juan Somavía - 21-24 No Alternatives without Diversity
by Lourdes Arizpe - 25-27 An African Perspective on Contemporary Terrorism
by Mahmood Mamdani - 28-31 From Empire to Community: Living the future into being
by David Korten - 32-35 Will September 11th Save the G8 from Oblivion?
by Nicola Bullard - 36-39 Behind the Flames of Terrorism: Reparations versus retribution
by Ali Mazrui & Albert Luthuli & Andrew D White - 40-45 Phantom Towers: Feminist reflections on the battle between global capitalism and fundamentalist terrorism
by Rosalind P Petchesky - 46-52 Feminism as Transformational Politics: Towards possibilities for another world
by Peggy Antrobus - 53-57 Trade, Human Rights and an Alternative World Order: The role of civil society
by Jacqueline Pitanguy & Rosana Heringer - 58-64 World System Futures: After the terror
by Sohail Inayatullah - 65-67 The USA, the West and the Rest of the World: A research agenda for peace
by Johan Galtung - 68-70 A DAWN Genderscape on Globalization and Fundamentalism
by Sonia Corrêa - 71-75 The Courage to Re-discuss Ourselves: The politics of justice
by Lamis Al-Shejni - 76-79 The Light of History: Reflections on Durban and September 11th
by Linda Burnham - 80-81 Reparations Are Due: The Durban Conference Against Racism
by Fatma Alloo - 82-83 Is Another World Possible?: ‘Kama huna kitu kabisa huwezi kupata haki’
by Mwajuma Saiddy Masaiganah - 84-88 Food Security and Nutrition at the Heart of ‘Another World’
by Flavio Luiz S Valente - 89-95 Sustainable Food Security: Moving beyond business as usual
by Per Pinstrup-Andersen - 97-98 ATTAC: A citizens' movement for global justice responds to September 11th
by Susan George - 99-104 What Strategy for the ‘Another World is Possible’ Movements after September 11th?
by Franck Amalric - 105-108 The Campus Movement for Peace and Justice: One US response to September 11th
by Michael Osterweil & Rashmi Varma - 113-116 Book Review
by Michal Osterweil - 117-119 Book Shelf
by Lila Rabinovich - 127-128 Voices of Sanity: Reaching out for peace
by Kumla Bhasin & Smitu Kothari & Bindia Thapar
March 2002, Volume 45, Issue 1
- 5-6 Editorial: Social Justice at the Crossroads
by Wendy Harcourt - 7-14 Women and the Politics of Place
by Wendy Harcourt & Arturo Escobar - 14-18 Women and the Politics of Place: A comment
by Arif Dirlik - 18-22 Women and the Politics of Place: Ruminations and responses
by Julie Graham - 22-24 The Politics of Place and the Power of the Weaker
by Lourdes Arizpe - 24-25 Don't Let's Counterpose Place and Space
by Doreen B Massey - 25-27 Responses
by Arturo Escobar & Wendy Harcourt - 28-36 Environmental Social Movements and the Politics of Place
by Arturo Escobar & Dianne Rocheleau & Smitu Kothari - 36-42 Fleshly Politics: Women's bodies, politics and globalization
by Wendy Harcourt & Khawar Mumtaz - 42-47 Women's Networking and Alliance Building: The politics of organizing in and around place
by Wendy Harcourt & Lila Rabinovich & Fatma Alloo - 47-53 The Colour of the Earth: Indigenous women ‘before the law’
by Marisa Belausteguigoitia - 54-59 Embodying Post-Development: Bodies in places, places in bodies
by Yvonne Underhill-Sem - 60-67 Women and the Defence of Place in Colombian Black Movement Struggles
by Libia Grueso & Leyla Andrea Arroyo - 67-73 Women's Networking and Alliance Building in Post-War Central America
by Ilja Luciak - 74-79 Women, Identity and Activism in Asian and Pacific Community Economies
by Katherine Gibson - 80-84 Women Migrant Workers Transforming Local Communities: The Iloilo women's group
by May-an Villalba - 84-87 Pedagogical Working on Place: Women's economic activism in rural China
by Lau Kin Chi - 88-92 Pots, Plates and Tinpis: New income flows and the strengthening of women's gendered identities in Papua New Guinea
by Gina Koczberski - 93-98 ‘To Veil or Not To Veil Is Not the Question’: Palestinian refugee women's voices on other matters
by Randa Farah - 99-104 Fractured Narratives: Notes on women in conflict in Sri Lanka and Pakistan
by Nefloufer De Mel - 105-110 Floating Upwards from History: Afghan women's experience of displacement
by Saba Gul Khattak - 110-117 Challenging Place: Leaving home for sex
by Laura Ma Agustín - 117-120 This Place Could Be Our Place? The experience of Filipinas in Italy (Interview with Charito Basa)
by Wendy Harcourt - 121-125 Race and Gender in the Limits of Place-based Politics
by Roxann Prazniak - 126-131 The Network ‘Women Living Under Muslim Laws’: Strengthening local struggles through cross-boundary networking
by Cassandra Balchin - 132-136 Bridges Over Troubled Waters: South Asian women's movements confronting globalization
by Kalyani Menon-Sen - 137-142 European Women in Defence of Place: Resource centres in Finland
by Liisa Horelli - 148-151 Women Negotiating Place: A Review of current feminist writings
by Michael Osterweil - 152-154 Book Shelf
by Wendy Harcourt & Lila Rabinovich - 159-160 Do You Remember?
by Fonu Bain-Vete
December 2001, Volume 44, Issue 4
- 3-5 Editorial: People not Commodities: The political challenge of food Security
by Wendy Harcourt & Elena Mancusi-Materi - 6-16 Strategically Speaking: The World Food Summit, five years later and Responses to Franck Amalric
by Franck Amalric - 17-22 Ecotechnology: Meeting global and local challenges of food insecurity and poverty
by MS Swaminathan - 24-28 Food Security and Sustainable Livelihoods: The policy challenge
by Anne M Thomson - 29-33 Food Sovereignty: A vital requirement for food security in the context of globalization
by Francisco Menezes - 34-39 Internal Displacement: Livelihood saving responses
by Deborah Hines - 40-46 Promoting the Survival of Rural Mothers with HIV/AIDS: A development strategy for Southern Africa
by Samantha Page - 52-55 Seeds in Women's Hands: A symbol of food security and solidarity
by Farida Akhter - 57-60 Reducing Hunger: Putting food aid into broader contexts
by Stuart J Clark & C Stuart Taylor - 61-66 Producer Organizations and Agricultural Technology in West Africa: Institutions that give farmers a voice
by Karim Hussein - 67-72 Bio-intensive Farming and Community Animation for Food Security and Sustainable Livelihoods
by Binayak Rajbhandari - 73-78 Linking Food Security, Environment and Culture in Pakistan
by Shahid Zia & Mushtaq Gadi - 79-84 Land Tenure, Food Security and Rural Development in China
by Roy Prosternan - 85-89 Pastoralism Beyond the Past
by Marjan Leneman & Robin S Reid - 90-92 Women's Micro-enterprises for Food Security in India
by Vanita Viswanath - 93-96 Civil Society Breakdown: Food security in the ‘new’ Indonesia
by Lenard Milich - 98-116 SID On-line Dialogue
by Ivana Milojevic - 117-123 Book Shelf
by Derek Yach & Helen Green & Elena Mancusi-Materi & Claudio Schuftan
September 2001, Volume 44, Issue 3
- 3-5 Editorial Note: At the Heart of Body Politics
by Wendy Harcourt - 6-8 Fighting Violence Against Women
by Lenore Manderson - 9-14 Building a Movement of Men Working to End Violence Against Women
by Michael Kaufman - 15-20 The Eyes are Silent…The Heart Desires to Speak: Exploring masculinities in South Asia
by Rahul Roy - 21-24 The Culture of Masculinity in an Australian Indigenous Community
by Jan Hammill - 25-29 She Made Me Go out of My Mind: Marital violence from the male point of view
by Norma Fuller - 30-35 Carita's War
by Carolyn Nordstrom - 36-41 Information Communications Technologies and Violence Against Women
by Susanne Hamm - 42-47 Men's Collective Anti-violence Activism and the Struggle for Gender Justice
by Michael Flood - 48-53 Needed: A culture of masculinity for the fulfilment of human rights
by Ruth Finney Hayward - 54-58 Violence Against Women: Men and the social imaginary
by Diane Almeras - 59-63 Domestic Violence Strategies and Actions in Suriname
by Carla Bakboord - 64-68 Reflections on Gender Violence in the South African Public Health Agenda
by Rachel Jewkes - 69-73 The Continuum of Violence Against Women in Eritrea
by Rachel Odede & Eden Asghedom - 74-78 Breaking Cultural and Social Taboos: The fight against FGM in Egypt
by Fatma Khafagi - 79-81 The Woman Friendly Hospital Initiative in Bangladesh: A strategy for addressing violence against women
by YA Haque - 82-84 Violence Against Women: Initiatives in the 1990s
by Sumati Nair - 85-89 Men Stopping Men's Violence to Women
by Jeff Hearn - 90-93 The Men Against Violence Against Women Movement in Namibia
by Willem Odendal - 94-98 ‘Cool Your Head, Man’: Preventing gender based violence in favelas
by Gary Barker - 99-103 Violence and the Crisis of Masculinity in the USA, Australia and Mongolia
by Dale Hurst - 104-106 ‘I Want to Recover Those Things I Damaged’: The experience of men's groups working to stop violence in Mexico
by Robert Garda - 107-110 Sex Workers and Violence Against Women: Utopic visions or battle of the sexes?
by Laura Ma Agustin - 111-113 Countering Violence Against Women in Rajasthan: Problems, strategies and hazards
by Alice Garg - 114-116 Men Are Not My Project: A view from Zimbabwe
by Everjoice Win - 117-120 Legal Responses to Rape in Mexico: Lessons from the year 2000
by Rosario Taracena - 121-124 The UNFPA's Practical Approach to Integrating GBV Assessment into Reproductive Health
by Lynne Stevens - 125-128 Strategies to End Gender Based Violence: The USAID approach
by F Catherine Johnson - 129-132 The World Health Organization Addressing Violence Against Women
by Claudia Garcia-Moreno - 133-136 Key Websites and NGO Newsletters on VAW and Men's Groups
by Elisabeth-Jane Milne - 142-147 Sexual Violence Against Women: A Working bibliography
by Linda Rae Bennett & Justine Cannon & Maureen Singer
June 2001, Volume 44, Issue 2
- 3-6 Editorial Note: The intersection of child rights and women's rights
by Wendy Harcourt - 7-14 Guest Editorial: Women's rights and children's rights: challenges and opportunities
by Judith Evans - 15-21 Realizing Human Rights of Women and Children: Some reflections on law and policy
by Savitri Gooneskere - 23-27 Flexible Mothering: Articulating rights and negotiating ideologies in Nicaragua
by Julie Cupples - 28-34 Parental Resistance to Child Rights: The case of Jamaica
by Janet Brown - 35-40 Linking Children's and Women's Rights: An early childhood perspective
by Bernard P Y Combes - 41-46 Uncovering Pathways for Girls' Education: Gender equity and early childhood development
by Andrea Bosch - 47-51 Gender Equality and the Rights of Women and Girls
by Joan French - 53-57 Women and Children's Well-being in the Age of Globalization: A focus on St Vincent and the Grenadines and small island developing states
by Peggy Antrobus - 58-62 Children's Rights and Women's Rights: Some connections and disconnections
by Devaki Jain - 63-68 Today's Girl, Tomorrow's Woman
by Marilyn Thomson & Lena Karlsson - 69-74 Granny Rights: Combatting the granny burnout syndrome among Australian Indigenous communities
by Jan Hammill - 75-80 Young Garment Workers in Bangladesh: Raising the rights question
by Susan Bissell - 81-85 Child Care in Australia: The rights of children and child care workers
by Berenice Nyland - 86-92 Balancing Household Needs and Human Rights of Working Families
by Charlotte Johnson-Welch & Richard Strickland - 93-98 Breastfeeding: A human rights issue?
by George Kent - 99-103 Strengthening the Rights of Children and Women in Bolivia
by Nancy Salinas Ardaya & Claudia Schachinger - 104-106 The Gender Age Gap: Marriage and rights in the Côte d'Ivoire
by Richard Tiemoko - 107-110 Economic Disempowerment, Women's and Children's Rights in Zimbabwe
by Saliwe M Kawewe - 111-116 Comparative Review of Children's Rights and Women's Rights in Korea
by Sondra Seung Ja Doe
March 2001, Volume 44, Issue 1
- 5-7 Editorial Note: Freedom for the Poor
by Wendy Harcourt - 8-9 Guest Editorial: Partnership in Health and Poverty
by D Nabarro - 15-21 ‘Consultations with the Poor’ from a Health Perspective
by Deepa Narayan - 22-30 Becoming Poverty Focused: Implications for health actors
by Eleanor Fisher & Jeremy Holland & Sarah James - 31-35 Social Capital for Health and Human Development
by Ichiro Kawachi - 36-43 A New Health Opportunity
by David E Bloom & David Canning - 44-50 Social Policies and Investment in Health
by Jan Vandemoortele - 51-57 Health, Poverty and Dignified Living
by Charles Omondi Oyaya & Dan CO Kaseje - 59-65 Chronic Disease and Disability of the Poor: Tackling the challenge
by Derek Yach - 66-72 Communicable Disease and Disability of the Poor
by Sergio Spinaci & David Heymann - 73-76 Globalization and the Health of the Poor
by Nick Drager & David Woodward & Robert Beaglehole & Debra Lipson - 77-84 Global Public Goods and the Poor
by Inge Kaul - 85-90 Women's Health, Poverty and Globalization
by Wendy Harcourt