2024, Volume 53, Issue 4
- 1-5 Withdrawn as duplicate: The Legal Concept of Work
by Emily Rose - 577-612 From Prevention to Empowerment: A New Model for UK Labour Law
by Zoe Adams - 613-637 Less or More Labour Law for Social Change?
by Maja Breznik - 638-678 Quality, Formality and the Evolution of International Labour Law: The New ILO Quality Apprenticeships Standard
by Deirdre McCann & Andrew Stewart - 679-710 The Problems and Paradoxes with the EU’s Regulation of Traineeships: A Way Forward
by Joanna Helme - 711-745 Academic Freedom and Protected Philosophical Belief: Strengthening the Legal Analysis
by Naomi Waltham-Smith & James Murray - 746-761 The Status of European Works Councils in UK Law Post-Brexit: A Commentary on EasyJet PLC v EasyJet European Works Council and Olsten (UK) Holdings Limited v Adecco Group European Works Council
by Rebecca Zahn - 762-783 Extending Statutory Protection to Action Short of Dismissal for Participating in Industrial Action: The Supreme Court on the Right to Strike in Secretary of State for Business and Trade v Mercer
by Astrid Sanders - 784-795 ‘The Simple Things You See Are All Complicated’: Thoughts on Deliveroo1
by Gwyneth Pitt - 796-809 TUPE’s public–private divide: Bicknell (1) The British Medical Association (2) v NHS Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Integrated Commissioning Board
by Charles Wynn-Evans - 810-823 The Grainger Test Challenged? Thomas v Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
by James Murray - 824-839 Environment and Sustainability in the Italian Constitutional Reform: A New Perspective on Labour Law?
by Bianca Maria Minetti - 840-858 Scores as Decisions? Article 22 GDPR and the Judgment of the CJEU in SCHUFA Holding (Scoring) in the Labour Context
by Asymina Aza - 859-863 Your Boss Is an Algorithm: Artificial Intelligence, Platform Work and Labour
by Qingqin Zhang
2024, Volume 53, Issue 3
- 331-369 ‘Fire and Rehire’: Four Lessons from Australia
by Marilyn J Pittard & K D Ewing - 370-406 Implementation Behaviours and a Strength-Based Approach to Equality and Human Rights Implementation
by David Barrett - 407-446 Access to Work for Those Seeking Asylum: Concerns Arising from British and Swedish Legal Strategies
by Petra Herzfeld Olsson & Tonia Novitz - 447-480 Is it Discriminatory to Mistreat a Migrant Domestic Worker? The Cases of Taiwo and Onu
by Michael Connolly - 481-504 The Global Gig Economy: How Transport Platform Companies Adapt to Regulatory Challenges—A Comparative Analysis of Six Countries
by James Muldoon & Ping Sun - 505-523 The Worker Protection (Amendment of Equality Act) Act 2023: Implications for Protection Against Sexual Harassment
by Nicole Busby - 524-542 Domino Dancing: Mutuality of Obligation and Determining Employment Status in Ireland
by Michael Doherty - 543-559 Procurement and the ‘London Living Wage’: Boohene v Royal Parks Ltd
by A C L Davies - 560-564 The Legal Concept of Work
by Emily Rose - 565-568 Patterns of Exploitation: Understanding Migrant Worker Rights in Advanced Democracies
by Manoj Dias-Abey - 569-575 Interpreting Discrimination Law Creatively: Statutory Discrimination Law in the UK, Canada and Australia
by Catriona Cannon
2024, Volume 53, Issue 2
- 125-156 An Implied Term of Procedural Fairness During Disciplinary Processes: Into Contracts of Employment and Beyond?
by Philippa Collins & Gabrielle Golding - 157-172 Disavowing an Implied Term of Fairness
by Douglas Brodie - 173-205 Whistleblowing Litigation and Legislation in Ireland: Are There Lessons to be Learned?
by Lauren Kierans - 206-238 Does Labour Law Trust Workers? Questioning Underlying Assumptions Behind Managerial Prerogatives
by Valerio De Stefano & Ilda Durri & Charalampos Stylogi & Mathias Wouters - 239-267 Protected Beliefs Under the Equality Act: Grainger Questioned
by Keith Patten - 268-284 Working Time Remedies Beyond Brexit: Chief Constable of the Police Service of Northern Ireland and Another v Agnew and Others
by Lisa Rodgers & Oxana Golynker - 285-304 Discrimination and Manifestation of Belief: Higgs v Farmor’s School
by Michael Foran - 305-320 OP v Commune d’Ans: Another Step in the Wrong Direction for Headscarf-Wearing Women
by Erica HowardEmerita - 321-326 The Impact of Supreme Courts on the Development of Labour Law in Europe
by Joanna Helme - 327-330 Landmark Cases in Labour Law
by Meemi Matero
2024, Volume 53, Issue 1
- 1-2 Special Issue on Migration and Exploitation in Employment: Editorial Introduction
by Arwen Joyce & Bernard Ryan - 3-33 Consent to Labour Exploitation
by Maayan Niezna - 34-62 Reducing Worker Exploitation in Time-Limited, Low-Wage Visa Schemes: Lessons from South Korea and Thailand
by Arwen Joyce - 63-93 Migrant Work, Gender and the Hostile Environment: A Human Rights Analysis
by Natalie Sedacca - 94-115 One Man, Two Guvnors: Revisiting the Principle Against Two Employers
by Charles Wynn-Evans - 116-119 Decent Work in the Digital Age: European and Comparative Perspectives
by Ou Lin - 120-123 EU Collective Labour Law
by Michael Doherty
2023, Volume 52, Issue 3
- 513-559 Crossing the Rubicon: The Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Act 2023 as an Authoritarian Crucible
by Ioannis Katsaroumpas - 560-594 Legal Mobilisations, Trade Unions and Radical Social Change: A Case Study of the IWGB
by Zoe Adams - 595-634 Pay Transparency, Information Access Rights and Data Protection Law: Exploring Viable Alternatives to Disclosure Orders in Equal Pay Litigation
by Victoria Hooton & Henry Pearce - 635-664 Perceived Disability Discrimination and the Deficient Equality Act: Interpretive and Legislative Remedies
by Michael Connolly - 665-695 Towards a More Effective Health and Safety Regime for UK Workplaces Post COVID-19
by A C L Davies & Lisa Rodgers - 696-720 The Curious Case of Judicial Interpretation and Labour Flexibility in India
by Girish Balasubramanian & Surendra Babu Talluri & Santanu Sarkar - 721-750 Subordination Theory in Practice: An Empirical Analysis of Chinese Courts’ Approaches to Classifying Labour Relationships in Platform Cases
by Qi Zheng & Jianning Su - 751-775 PAYEr Beware: Analysing the Treatment of Employment Status in Atholl House and Kickabout
by Hitesh Dhorajiwala - 776-790 The Vicissitudes of (Working) Life: Employee Economic Well-being, Risk Allocation and Indemnification
by Charles Wynn-Evans - 791-811 The Higher Education (Freedom of Speech) Act 2023: An Employment Focused Overview
by James Murray - 812-817 Devolution and Employment Standards
by Sonia Mckay & Sian Moore - 818-822 Private Regulation of Labor Standards in Global Supply Chains: Problems, Progress, and Prospects
by Dovelyn Rannveig Mendoza - 823-827 In the Name of Liberty. The Argument for Universal Unionization
by Alan Bogg - 828-833 Structural Injustice and Workers’ Rights
by Guy Davidov - 834-838 For Labor to Build On: Wars, Depression, and Pandemic
by Cynthia Estlund
2023, Volume 52, Issue 2
- 283-311 Strategic Injustice and the 1984–85 Miners’ Strike in Scotland
by Jim Phillips - 312-341 Introducing Fair Work through ‘Soft’ Regulation in Outsourced Public Service Networks: Explaining Unintended Outcomes in the Implementation of the Scottish Living Wage Policy
by Ian Cunningham & Philip James & Alina Baluch & Anne-Marie Cullen - 342-370 The Expansion of Wage Theft Legislation in Common Law Countries—Should Ireland be Next?
by Michelle O’Sullivan - 371-408 How Effective Is Private Dispute Resolution? Evidence From Ireland
by William K Roche - 409-450 Nothing to Lose but Their Restraints of Trade: Lessons for Employment Non-Compete Clauses from EU Competition Law
by Christopher Mcmahon & Alan Eustace - 451-462 Domestic Servitude and Diplomatic Immunity: The Decision of the UK Supreme Court in Basfar v Wong
by Rosana Garciandia - 463-476 Going Against the Grain of International Labour Law Standards: Criminalisation of Strike Action Within the Healthcare Sector in Zimbabwe (Health Service Amendment Act, 2022)
by Simbarashe Tavuyanago - 477-500 The Sword and the Shield: The Directive on Adequate Minimum Wages in the EU
by Luca Ratti - 501-503 The Effective Enforcement of EU Labour Law
by Phil Syrpis - 503-506 The Future of Unions and Worker Representation: The Digital Picket Line
by Valerio De Stefano - 508-511 Putting Human Rights to Work: Labour Law, the ECHR, and the Employment Relation
by David Cabrelli
2023, Volume 52, Issue 1
- 1-33 We’re Miles Apart: Disproportionate Deductions from Wages, Industrial Action and Human Rights
by David Mead - 34-67 Energy Transition: A Labour Law Retrospective
by Paolo Tomassetti - 68-106 Silencing at Work: Sexual Harassment, Workplace Misconduct and NDAs
by Lizzie Barmes - 107-148 Gendered Distributive Injustice in Production Networks: Implications for the Regulation of Precarious Work
by Shelley Marshall & Kate Taylor & Sara Tödt - 149-178 Shared Parental Leave: Can Transferable Maternity Leave Ever Encourage Fathers to Care?
by Gemma Mitchell - 179-213 Nonwaivability of Labour Rights, Individual Waivers and the Emancipatory Function of Labour Law
by Vladimir Bogoeski - 214-229 Menopause at Work: An Analysis of the Current Law and Proposals for Reform
by Katie Myhill & Kate Sang - 230-245 Trade Union Activities, Industrial Action and the Human Rights Act
by K D Ewing - 246-272 Every Little Helps: Permanent Benefits, Contract Interpretation, and ‘Fire and Rehire’
by Alan Bogg & Douglas Brodie - 273-277 Migrant Domestic Workers in Europe: Law and the Construction of VulnerabilityEveryday Transgressions: Domestic Workers’ Transnational Challenge to International Labour Law
by Manoj Dias-Abey - 278-281 The Redress of Law: Globalisation, Constitutionalism and Market Capture
by Luca Siliquini-Cinelli
2022, Volume 51, Issue 4
- 771-801 Domestic Workers, the ‘Family Worker’ Exemption from Minimum Wage, and Gendered Devaluation of Women’s Work
by Natalie Sedacca - 802-830 The Influence of the EU on UK Labour Law—Before and After Brexit
by Phil Syrpis - 831-854 Labour Protection of Platform Workers in China: Legal Innovations and Emerging Trends
by Zengyi Xie - 855-903 Modern Slavery and Directors’ Disqualification: A Convergence of Opportunity and Challenge
by Blanca Mamutse - 904-926 Undermining the Role of Women in the Economy: The Interplay Between Paid Work and Unpaid Care Work in India
by Neha Vyas - 927-954 Migrant Workers and Wage Theft: Is Legal Action an Effective Form of Collective Action?
by Michelle O’Sullivan & Juliet MacMahon - 955-966 Uber BV v Aslam: ‘[W]ork relations … cannot safely be left to contractual regulation’1
by Jeremias Adams-Prassl - 967-984 Going Beyond the Right to Disconnect in a Flexible World: Light and Shadows in the Portuguese Reform
by Mauro Pucheta & Ana Cristina Ribeiro Costa
2022, Volume 51, Issue 3
- 511-559 Will Robots Automate Your Job Away? Full Employment, Basic Income and Economic Democracy
by Ewan McGaughey - 560-597 Worlds of Labour: Introducing the Standard-Setting, Privileging and Equalising Typology as a Measure of Legal Segmentation in Labour Law
by Irene Dingeldey & Heiner Fechner & Jean-Yves Gerlitz & Jenny Hahs & Ulrich Mückenberger - 598-625 Finding Fault in the Law of Unfair Dismissal: The Insubstantiality of Reasons for Dismissal
by Philippa M Collins - 626-642 Canadian Jurisprudence and the Employment Contract
by Douglas Brodie - 643-671 Ceding Control and Taking it Back: The Origins of Free Movement in EU Law
by Catherine Barnard & Sarah Fraser Butlin - 672-695 Reconceptualising the Nautical Fault Exception in the Fog of Emerging Technologies
by Melis Ozdel - 696-716 Discrimination by Legal Design? UK Supreme Court in Mencap v Tomlinson-Blake Finds Care Workers are Not Protected by Minimum Wage Law for Sleep-in Shifts
by Ljb Hayes - 717-743 Employment Status and Trade Union Rights: Applying Occam’s Razor
by Alan Bogg & Michael Ford Q - 744-761 From ‘Code’ to ‘Guidance’: Revising the Instrument on Data and Employment
by Aislinn Kelly-Lyth & Halefom Abraha & Jeremias Adams-Prassl - 762-765 Criminality at Work
by Samantha Currie - 766-770 A History of Regulating Working Families: Strains, Stereotypes, Strategies and Solutions
by Ania Zbyszewska
2022, Volume 51, Issue 2
- 235-276 The ABC Test: A New Model for Employment Status Determination?
by Guy Davidov & Pnina Alon-Shenker - 277-317 Scapegoats and Guinea Pigs: Free Movement as a Pathway to Confined Labour Market Citizenship for European Union Accession Migrants in the UK
by Samantha Currie - 318-345 An Uncertain Future for EU-Level Collective Bargaining: The New Rules of the Game After EPSU
by Manuel Antonio García Muñoz Alhambra - 346-374 Is There ‘No Place in the Work Context’ for Religious Proselytism?
by Andrew Hambler - 375-402 Union Freedoms in the Armed Forces: Still a Taboo?
by Maurizio Falsone - 403-434 Stress at Work: Individuals or Structures?
by A C L Davies - 435-463 Regulating On-demand Work in China: Just Getting Started?
by Ou Lin - 464-477 Collectivism in Labour Law: Only by Exception
by Douglas Brodie - 478-493 Towards a European Employment Status: The EU Proposal for a Directive on Improving Working Conditions in Platform Work
by Annika Rosin - 494-499 Problems Continue in the Horticulture Sector: the Seasonal Workers Pilot Review 2019
by A C L Davies - 500-504 Labour Exploitation in Human Trafficking Law
by Maayan Niezna - 505-509 Human Rights Unbound: A Theory of Extraterritoriality
by Sandhya Drew
2022, Volume 51, Issue 1
- 1-37 Should ‘Gender Critical’ Views about Trans People Be Protected as Philosophical Beliefs in the Workplace? Lessons for the Future from Forstater, Mackereth and Higgs
by Sharon Cowan & Sean Morris - 38-61 Legal Expertise: A Critical Resource for Trade Unionists? Insights into the Confédération Française Démocratique du Travail
by Cécile Guillaume - 62-83 Stigma and Whistleblowing: Should Punitive Damages be Available in Retaliation Cases?
by David Lewis - 84-108 Impacts of Digitalisation on Employment Relationships and the Need for more Democracy at Work
by Kurt Pärli - 109-137 ‘Business Risk-Assumption’ as a Criterion for the Determination of EU Employment Status: A Critical Evaluation
by Despoina Georgiou - 138-165 Posting Highly Mobile Workers: Between Labour Law Territoriality and Supply Chains of Logistics Work—A Critical Reading of Dobersberger
by Andrea Iossa - 166-173 Inching Forward: Preliminary Victory for Equal Value at Tesco and Asda
by Sandra Fredman - 174-193 A Critical Analysis of the Mauritius Workers’ Rights (Working from Home) Regulations 2020 in the Wake of COVID-19
by Ambareen Beebeejaun & R P Gunputh - 194-218 No Turning Back from Social Europe: A New Interpretation of the Refurbished Posted Workers Directive in Hungary and Poland
by Marta Lasek-Markey - 219-222 Labour Rights and the Catholic Church – The International Labour Organisation, the Holy See and Catholic Social Teaching
by Mark Bell - 223-225 Walter Citrine. Forgotten Statesman of the Trades Union Congress
by Rebecca Zahn - 226-229 Jobs and Homes. Stories of the Law in Lockdown
by Ed Kirton-Darling - 230-234 The Future of the Employment Contract
by Hugh Collins
2021, Volume 50, Issue 4
- 503-505 Special Issue, Work on Demand: Editorial Introduction
by Ruth Dukes & Gregoris Ioannou & Eleanor Kirk - 506-531 Race and Colonialism in the Construction of Labour Markets and Precarity
by Diamond Ashiagbor - 532-557 Determining the Impact of Migration on Labour Markets: The Mediating Role of Legal Institutions
by Manoj Dias-Abey - 558-582 Contracting for Work in Tourism and Catering in Greece: Beyond a State/Market Dichotomy
by Gregoris Ioannou - 583-609 Law and Legalities at Work: HR Practitioners as Quasi-Legal Professionals
by Eleanor Kirk - 610-635 Before the Gig Economy: UK Employment Policy and the Casual Labour Question
by Noel Whiteside - 636-661 Gig Work as a Manifestation of Short- Termism: Crafting a Sustainable Regulatory Agenda
by Tonia Novitz - 662-688 Trade Unions and Platform Workers in the UK: Worker Representation in the Shadow of the Law
by Alessio Bertolini & Ruth Dukes - 689-705 Agreement to Discuss: The Social Partners Address the Digitalisation of Work
by David Mangan
2021, Volume 50, Issue 3
- 343-374 International Employment Cases Post-Brexit: Choice of Law, Territorial Scope, Jurisdiction and Enforcement
by Louise Merrett - 375-404 Boosting Union Membership: Reconciling Liberal and Social Democratic Conceptions of Freedom of Association via a Union Default
by Mark Harcourt & Gregor Gall & Nisha Novell & Margaret Wilson - 405-433 Legal Consciousness and the Sociology of Labour Law
by Eleanor Kirk - 434-466 Labour Law, Capitalism and the Juridical Form: Taking a Critical Approach to Questions of Labour Law Reform
by Zoe Adams - 467-491 Workers’ Rights: A Public Health Issue: R (on the application of The Independent Workers’ Union of Great Britain) v The Secretary of State for Work and Pensions
by Catherine Hobby - 492-502 Protection of Trade Union Activities or Managerial Prerogative? Trouble with Email Lists in University College London v Brown
by Tonia Novitz
2021, Volume 50, Issue 2
- 159-195 Corporate Governance, Employee Voice and the Interests of Employees: The Broken Promise of a ‘World Leading Package of Corporate Reforms’
by Charlotte Villiers - 196-225 Protecting Solitary Beliefs Against Indirect Discrimination
by John Adenitire - 226-263 The ‘Range of Reasonable Responses’ Test: A Poor Substitution for the Statutory Language
by Aaron Baker - 264-305 Adapting Labour Law to Complex Organisational Settings of the Enterprise: Why Rethinking the Concept of the Employer is Not Enough
by Giovanni Gaudio - 306-323 The First Revision of the Hofmann Case Law on Maternity Leave and Discrimination Against Fathers: Care-Giving as the Pivot?
by Miguel De La Corte-Rodríguez - 324-329 ‘Technology Managing People’: An Urgent Agenda for Labour Law
by Joe Atkinson - 330-335 New Developments in the Campaign against Unwanted Workplace Banter
by Sam Middlemiss - 336-340 The 2020 Judicial Attitude Survey Reveals the Views of Employment Judges
by Susan Corby
2021, Volume 50, Issue 1
- 1-35 Freedom of Religious Association: Towards a Purposive Interpretation of the Employment Equality Exceptions
by Catriona Cannon - 36-69 An Emerging Human Right to Protection against Unjustified Dismissal
by Hugh Collins - 70-103 A Solution to Fissuring? Revisiting the Concept of the Joint Employer
by Charles Wynn-Evans - 104-117 Belief vs. Action in Ladele, Ngole and Forstater
by Robert Wintemute - 118-124 Response to Bogg and Ewing, ‘Collective Bargaining and Individual Contracts in Kostal UK Ltd v Dunkley A Wilson and Palmer for the Twenty-First Century’
by John Bowers QC - 125-129 Kostal UK Ltd v Dunkley: A Reply to John Bowers QC
by Alan Bogg & Keith Ewing - 130-157 Leaving a Legacy: Recent Jurisprudence of the European Court on Transfer of Undertakings
by John McMullen