- 2002/12 Use of Plant-Level Micro-Data for the Evaluation of SME Innovation Policy in Japan
by Kazuyuki Motohashi - 2002/11 Competition Policy and Innovation
by Carl Shapiro - 2002/10 ICT Skills and Employment
by Vladimir López-Bassols - 2002/9 Taxation, SMEs and Entrepreneurship
by Duanjie Chen & Franck Lee & Jack M. Mintz - 2002/8 Linking Innovation to Productivity Growth Using Two Waves of the Community Innovation Survey
by George van Leeuwen - 2002/7 Statistics on New Enterprises, Entrepreneurs and Survival of Start-Ups: The Danish Experience
by Peter Bøegh Nielsen - 2002/6 The Role of Exit and Entry in Australian Productivity Growth
by Dean Parham - 2002/5 The OECD Technology Concordance (OTC): Patents by Industry of Manufacture and Sector of Use
by Daniel K. N. Johnson - 2002/4 Global Industrial Restructuring: Implications for Small Firms
by Kentaro Sakai - 2002/3 The Importance of Entry to Canadian Manufacuring, with an Appendix on Measurement Issues
by John R. Baldwin & Desmond Beckstead & Andrée Girard - 2002/2 Plant Turnover and Productivity Growth in Canadian Manufacturing
by John R. Baldwin & Wulong Gu - 2002/1 Impact of the Adoption of Advanced Information and Communication Technologies on Firm Performance in the Canadian Manufacturing Sector
by John R. Baldwin & David Sabourin
- 2001/7 ICT Investment and Economic Growth in the 1990s: Is the United States a Unique Case? A Comparative Study of Nine OECD Countries
by Alessandra Colecchia & Paul Schreyer - 2001/6 Biotechnology Statistics in OECD Member Countries: Compendium of Existing National Statistics
by Brigitte van Beuzekom - 2001/5 The Renewal of the Old Economy: An International Comparative Perspective
by Bart van Ark - 2001/4 Productivity Growth in ICT-producing and ICT-using Industries: A Source of Growth Differentials in the OECD?
by Dirk Pilat & Franck Lee - 2001/3 R&D and Productivity Growth: Panel Data Analysis of 16 OECD Countries
by Dominique Guellec & Bruno van Pottelsberghe de la Potterie - 2001/2 Linking Entrepreneurship to Growth
by David B. Audretsch & Roy Thurik - 2001/1 Economic Growth and Technological Change: An Evolutionary Interpretation
by Bart Verspagen
- 2000/7 The Internationalisation of Venture Capital Activity in OECD Countries: Implications for Measurement and Policy
by Günseli Baygan & Michael Freudenberg - 2000/6 Biotechnology Statistics in OECD Member Countries: An Inventory
by Brigitte van Beuzekom - 2000/5 International Strategic Alliances: Their Role in Industrial Globalisation
by Nam-Hoon Kang & Kentaro Sakai - 2000/4 The Impact of Public R&D Expenditure on Business R&D
by Dominique Guellec & Bruno van Pottelsberghe de la Potterie - 2000/3 High-Growth Firms and Employment
by Paul Schreyer - 2000/2 The Contribution of Information and Communication Technology to Output Growth: A Study of the G7 Countries
by Paul Schreyer - 2000/1 Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions: Their Role in Industrial Globalisation
by Nam-Hoon Kang & Sara Johansson
- 1999/3 Foreign Direct Investment and International Trade: Complements or Substitutes?
by Lionel Fontagné - 1999/2 The Globalisation of Industry in the OECD Countries
by Thomas Hatzichronoglou - 1999/1 Description of National Innovation Surveys Carried Out, or Foreseen, in 1997-99 in OECD Non-CIS-2 Participants and NESTI Observer Countries
by Geneviève Muzart
- 1998/5 Assessment of the Belgian S&T Statistical System and Priorities for Development Work: An OECD Perspective
by Bruno van Pottelsberghe de la Potterie - 1998/4 OECD Data on Skills: Employment by Industry and Occupation
by Oecd - 1998/3 Institutional Arrangements for Access to Confidential Micro-Level Data in OECD Countries
by Kazuyuki Motohashi - 1998/2 Information and Communication Technology and the Measurement of Real Output, Final Demand and Productivity
by Paul Schreyer - 1998/1 Relative Trade-Weighted Unit Labour Costs by Industry
by Karine Lepron & Paul Schreyer
- 1997/2 Revision of the High-Technology Sector and Product Classification
by Thomas Hatzichronoglou - 1997/1 Bibliometric Indicators and Analysis of Research Systems: Methods and Examples
by Yoshiko Okubo
- 1996/8 The Evolution of Skills in OECD Countries and the Role of Technology
by Alessandra Colecchia & George Papaconstantinou - 1996/7 Measuring R&D in the Services
by Alison Young - 1996/6 Factors Influencing the Steel Work Force: 1980 to 1995
by Donald F. Barnett - 1996/5 Globalisation and Competitiveness: Relevant Indicators
by Thomas Hatzichronoglou - 1996/4 SMEs and Employment Creation: Overview of Selected Quantitative Studies in OECD Member Countries
by Paul Schreyer - 1996/3 Short-Term Indicators: Using Qualitative Indicators to Update Production Indices
by Paul Schreyer & Corinne Emery - 1996/2 The Impact of R&D and Technology Diffusion on Productivity Growth: Evidence for 10 OECD Countries in the 1970s and 1980s
by Norihisa Sakurai & Evangelos Ioannidis & George Papaconstantinou - 1996/1 Embodied Technology Diffusion: An Empirical Analysis for 10 OECD Countries
by George Papaconstantinou & Norihisa Sakurai & Andrew Wyckoff