2008, Volume 2007, Issue 3
- 287-316 Macroeconomic Forecasting: Debunking a Few Old Wives' Tales
by Stefano Siviero & Daniele Terlizzese - 317-331 Nonparametric Forecasting of the Manufacturing Output Growth with Firm-level Survey Data
by Gérard Biau & Olivier Biau & Laurent Rouvière - 333-366 Dating EU15 monthly business cycle jointly using GDP and IPI
by Monica Billio & Massimiliano Caporin & Guido Cazzavillan - 367-386 The Cyclical and Trend Behavour of Australian Investment and Savings
by Bruce Felmingham & Arusha Cooray - 387-399 Internet Business Tendency Surveys
by Anna Stangl
2008, Volume 2007, Issue 2
- 155-173 How Tight is the Labour Market?: Sources of Changes in the Aggregate Exit Rate from Unemployment across the Business Cycle
by Simen Gaure & Knut Røed - 175-197 Inventories and Business Cycle Volatility: An Analysis Based on ISAE Survey Data
by Marco Malgarini - 199-215 The Economic Sentiment Indicator: Leading Indicator - Properties in Old and New EU Member States
by Maria Antoinette Silgoner - 217-233 An Evaluation of Japanese Leading Indicators
by Hiroshi Yamada & Yuzo Honda & Yasuyoshi Tokutsu - 235-266 Current Period Performance of OECD Composite Leading Indicators
by Ronny Nilsson & Emmanuelle Guidetti
2007, Volume 2007, Issue 1
- 7-42 Consumer Sentiment Surveys: Worldwide Review and Assessment
by Richard Curtin - 43-77 Deviation Cycles in Manufacturing: Business Cycle Measurement and Leading Indicators
by Ard H. J. den Reijer - 79-98 Comparing Probability Forecasts in Markov Regime Switching Business Cycle Models
by Daniel R. Smith & Allan Layton - 99-119 Improving Timeliness for Short-Term Economic Statistics
by Richard McKenzie - 121-135 Cyclical Fluctuations in CIS Economies
by Péter Benczúr & Emin Muradov & Attila Rátfai
2006, Volume 2005, Issue 3
- 321-352 Quantifying Inflation Expectations with the Carlson-Parkin Method: A Survey-based Determination of the Just Noticeable Difference
by Steffen Henzel & Timo Wollmershäuser - 353-371 Detection of the Industrial Business Cycle using SETAR Models
by Laurent Ferrara & Dominique Guégan - 373-405 Spatial and Temporal Time Series Conversion: A Consistent Estimator of the Error Variance-Covariance Matrix
by Massimo Gerli & Giovanni Marini - 407-429 Extracting a Common Cycle from Series with Different Frequency: An Application to the Italian Economy
by Edoardo Otranto - 431-443 Another Look at the Ifo Business Cycle Clock
by Klaus Abberger
2006, Volume 2005, Issue 2
- 157-183 Forecast Evaluation of European Commission Survey Indicators
by Christian Gayer - 185-212 Inflation Targeting and Consumer Inflation Expectations in Poland: A Success Story?
by Tomasz Lysiak - 213-247 A Generalized Dynamic Factor Model for the Belgian Economy: Identification of the Business Cycle and GDP Growth Forecasts
by Christophe van Nieuwenhuyze - 249-276 Optimism, Pessimism and the Unforeseen: Modelling an Endogenous Business Cycle Driven by Strong Beliefs
by Friedrich L. Sell - 277-305 Forecasting Corporate Investment: An Indicator Based on Revisions in the French Investment Survey
by Nicolas Ferrari
2005, Volume 2005, Issue 1
- 7-41 Business Cycles in the New EU Member Countries and their Conformity with the Euro Area
by Michael Artis & Massimiliano Marcellino & Tommaso Proietti - 43-69 Towards a Monthly Business Cycle Chronology for the Euro Area
by Emanuel Mönch & Harald Uhlig - 71-87 Out-of-sample Performance of Leading Indicators for the German Business Cycle: Single vs. Combined Forecasts
by Christian Dreger & Christian Schumacher - 89-123 Benchmarking Systems of Seasonally Adjusted Time Series
by Tommaso di Fonzo & Marco Marini - 125-142 New Design of the ISAE Manufacturing Survey
by Marco Malgarini & Patrizia Margani & Bianca Maria Martelli
2005, Volume 2004, Issue 3
- 275-307 Reconsidering the Evidence: Are Euro Area Business Cycles Converging?
by Michael Massmann & James Mitchell - 309-336 Business Cycle Indexes: Does a Heap of Data Help?
by Robert Inklaar & Jan Jacobs & Ward Romp - 337-361 Real-Time Data and Business Cycle Analysis in Germany
by Sarah Box - 363-385 Revision of National Accounts: Swedish Expenditure Accounts and GDP
by Lars-Erik Öller & Karl-Gustav Hansson - 387-407 New Bank Lending Survey of the Eurosystem: Interpretation and Use of First Results for Germany
by Hannah Sabine Hempell
2004, Volume 2004, Issue 2
- 147-170 Consumer Sentiment and Economic Activity: A Cross Country Comparison
by Roberto Golinelli & Giuseppe Parigi - 171-191 Real-Time Tests of the Leading Economic Index: Do Changes in the Index Composition Matter?
by Robert H. McGuckin & Ataman Ozyildirim - 193-225 Detecting Cyclical Turning Points: The ABCD Approach and Two Probabilistic Indicators
by Jacques Anas & Laurent Ferrara - 227-257 Markov Switching Models for GDP Growth in a Small Open Economy: The New Zealand Experience
by Robert A. Buckle & David Haugh & Peter Thomson
2004, Volume 2004, Issue 1
- 13-41 Survey Expectations, Rationality and the Dynamics of Euro Area Inflation
by Magnus Forsells & Geoff Kenny - 43-69 Modelling Short-term Interest Rates in the Euro Area Using Business Survey Data
by Renata Grzeda Latocha & Gernot Nerb - 71-92 Quantification of Qualitative Survey Data and Test of Consistent Expectations: A New Likelihood Approach
by Christian M. Dahl & Lin Xia - 93-108 Detection of Turning Points in Business Cycles
by Eva Andersson & David Bock & Marianne Frisén - 109-131 Coincident and Leading Indicators of Manufacturing Industry
by Richard Etter & Michael Graff