2023, Issue 3
- 311-356 The rise and fall of inflation. New lessons for monetary policy?
by Ignazio Visco - 357-382 Job satisfaction and employees’ aspirations in Europe: Exploring the role of workplace gender composition
by Gaetano Francesco Coppeta & Barbara Pistoresi - 383-414 La riforma del prelievo sul reddito di impresa: alcune considerazioni tra neutralità e politica industriale (Corporate Tax Reform: Balancing Neutrality and Industrial Policy)
by Francesca Gastaldi & Maria Grazia Pazienza - 415-436 Modifiche all’IRPEF e decontribuzioni nel 2024: gli impatti sui redditi delle persone fisiche (Revisions in Personal Income Tax and Social Contribution Reductions in Italy in 2024: The Effects on Net Personal Incomes)
by Francesco Figari & Carlo V. Fiorio & Giovanna Scarchilli
2023, Issue 2
- 151-156 Introduction
by Daniele Checchi - 157-186 Beyond the Classroom: Global Competencies and the Path to Higher Education
by Andrea Guariso & Mariapia Mendola - 187-220 Higher Education Enrollment: the Role of Information and Stereotypes
by Maria De Paola & Antonio Filippin - 221-260 Tracking and Academic Prospects
by Daniele Checchi & Tommaso Frattini - 261-306 Financial Constraints and University Attendance in Europe: can Financial Institutions Lend a Hand?
by Massimo Anelli & Daniel Kreisman
2023, Issue 1
- 3-40 On the Design of Grant Assignment Rules
by Francesca Modena & Santiago Pereda-Fernández & Giulia Martina Tanzi - 41-90 Per chi suona la campan(ell)a? La dotazione di infrastrutture scolastiche in Italia (For whom the bell tolls? The availability of school infrastructures in Italy)
by Mauro Bucci & Luigi Gazzano & Elena Gennari & Adele Grompone & Giorgio Ivaldi & Giovanna Messina & Giacomo Ziglio - 91-120 Back to Tinbergen and Theil: A Model of Conflict Resolution for Policy Games
by Guido Candela & Massimiliano Castellani & Antonello E. Scorcu - 121-146 New Evidence on the Service Lives of Capital Goods of Italian Firms
by Elena Mattevi & Lucia Modugno
2022, Issue 3
- 283-302 Adaptation to Weather Shocks Through Labor Reallocation: Evidence from Italy
by Alessandro Olper & Federico Zilia & Paolo Nota & Valentina Raimondi - 303-328 Trust in local institutions and citizens'subjective well-being: evidence from the case of Modena
by Gaetano Francesco Coppeta & Eleonora Costantini & Barbara Pistoresi - 329-376 L'assegno unico e universale e la revisione dell'IRPEF del 2022: un'analisi di equità ed efficienza per le famiglie di lavoratori dipendenti (the unique and universal familiy allowance and the revision of personal income tax in Italy: an equity and efficiency analysis for employees)
by Dalila De Rosa & Gloria Di Caprera & Francesco Figari & Carlo Fiorio & Marco Manzo & Elena Miola & Giorgio Mongelli & Chiara Subrizi - 377-421 L'ineguale trattamento degli eguali: impatto delle recenti modifiche al sistema tax-benefit in Italia (The unequal treatment of equals: impact of recent changes to the tax-benefit system in Italy)
by Stefano Boscolo
2022, Issue 2
- 157-188 The role of household sentiments and expectations during the Covid-19 crisis: evidence from the special survey of Italian households
by Andrea Neri & Federico Tullio - 189-228 International investment agreements and FDI inflows in Africa
by Luigi Benfratello & Anna D'Ambrosio & Alida Sangrigoli - 229-252 Energy intensity convergence and its long-run minimum
by Johannes Emmerling & Enrica De Cian & Maurizio Malpede - 253-278 The impact of EU-ETS on trade: Evidence on Italian manufacturing firms
by Andrea Locatelli & Giovanni Marin & Alessandro Palma & Giulio Dal Savio
2022, Issue 1
- 3-40 Remote working during COVID-19 outbreak: workers' well-being and productivity
by Paola Biasi & Daniele Checchi & Maria De Paola - 41-66 Besides promising economic growth, will the Italian NRRP also produce fewer emissions
by Ilenia Romani & Marzio Galeotti & Alessandro Lanza - 67-90 Does a flexible retirement age increase pension expenditure? Some evidence and suggestions for the italian social security system
by Carlo Mazzaferro - 91-152 La sanità italiana all’appuntamento con la pandemia: debolezze strutturali e prospettive di riforma (The Italian health service at the rendezvous with the pandemic: Structural weaknesses and prospects for reform)
by Luciana Aimone Gigio & Giorgio Ivaldi & Anna Laura Mancini & Giovanna Messina
2021, Issue 3
- 273-288 Introduction
by Marcello Messori & Roberto Tamborini - 289-312 Monetary policy during the pandemic: fit for purpose?
by Cristophe Blot & Caroline Bozou & Jérôme Creel - 313-338 Monetary policy in the time of Covid-19, or how uncertainty is here to stay
by Maria Demertzis & Marta Domínguez-Jiménez - 339-356 Shocks in Europe, changes in uncertainty, and policies
by Pierpaolo Benigno & Paolo Canofari & Giovanni Di Bartolomeo & Marcello Messori - 357-372 The ECB's new definition of price stability: better but short of specifics
by Charles Wyplosz - 373-388 Including the owner-occupied housing costs in the EU's consumer price index: some technical and policy remarks
by Luigi Bonatti & Andrea Fracasso - 389-406 Inflation expectations: models and measures
by Cinzia Alcidi & Daniel Gros & Farzaneh Shamsfakhr
2021, Issue 2
- 151-186 The (little) reallocation potential of workers most hit by the COVID-19 crisis
by Gaetano Basso & Adele Grompone & Francesca Modena - 187-214 Potential efficiency gains and expenditure savings in the Italian Regional Healthcare Systems
by Dino Rizzi & Michele Zanette - 215-252 Financial literacy in Italy: The results of the Bank of Italy’s 2020 survey
by Giovanni D'Alessio & Riccardo De Bonis & Andrea Neri & Cristiana Rampazzi - 253-268 Detrazione unica ed imposta negativa per riformare l'IRPEF (Unique tax credit and negative income tax to reform the Italian personal income tax)
by Luisa Loiacono & Leonzio Rizzo & Riccardo Secomandi
2021, Issue 1
- 13-42 The effect of research evaluation exercises on research output: fifteen years of evidence from Italy
by Massimiliano Bratti & Cicero Tindaro & Enrico Lippo & Carmela Anna Nappi & Matteo Turri - 43-82 On the horizontal inequity effect of the erosion of the pit base: the case of Italy
by Stefano Boscolo - 83-120 From persons to places: interregional redistribution by personal public expenditure programmes
by Caterina Ferrario & Alberto Zanardi - 121-148 Reddito di Cittadinanza, caratteristiche socio-economiche e capitale sociale (Citizens’ Income, socio-economic characteristics, and social capital)
by Daniele Checchi & Giuseppe Pio Dachille & Maria De Paola
2020, Issue 3
- 277-294 Acting for gender equality: Evidence, gaps and prospects for real change in economic policy
by Tindara Addabbo & Gulay Gunluk-Senesen & Angela O'Hagan - 295-316 Employment fluctuations and gender segmentation in the Italian labour market
by Gabriella Berloffa & Enrico Tundis & Enrico Zaninotto - 317-339 Is universal education and care for children aged 0-3 feasible? The case of Spain
by Cristina Castellanos-Serrano - 341-363 Working hours adjustment and gender profiles during the crises: The case of Turkey
by Yelda Yucel - 365-388 Gender differences in children's domestic work: evidence from Turkey
by Yasemin Dildar - 389-416 Gender responsive budgeting and rights-based monitoring
by Ermira Lubani & Blerina Xhani & Emel Memiş - 417-437 Budgeting for gender equality in Research Performing Organizations
by Tindara Addabbo & Valeria Naciti & Guido Noto & Carlo Vermiglio
2020, Issue 2
- 163-182 The gender gap in employment and earnings security in Europe
by Gabriella Berloffa & Eleonora Matteazzi & Alina Sandor & Paola Villa - 183-228 Una riflessione sul bilancio di genere in Italia (A critical appraisal of the Italian gender budget report)
by Maria Cecilia Guerra & Eleonora Romano - 229-257 Long term non-employment: A comparative exploration on Italy, Germany and Spain. Is it a lifetime disease?
by Bruno Contini & José Ignacio García Pérez & Toralf Pusch & Roberto Quaranta - 259-273 Cronyism and Education: Evidence from Italy
by Livio Ferrante & Maria Rosaria Pappalardo
2020, Issue 1
- 3-33 La resilienza del sistema italiano di protezione sociale all'inizio della crisi COVID-19: evidenze territoriali (The resilience of the Italian social protection system at the beginning of COVID-19 outbreak: territorial evidence)
by Francesco Figari & Carlo Fiorio & Luca Gandullia & Carlotta Montorsi - 35-62 Pension policy in Europe and the United States – Towards a new public-private pension mix
by Elsa Fornero & Christina Benita Wilke - 63-99 Asymmetric Decentralization: Some Insights for the Italian Case
by Lisa Grazzini & Patrizia Lattarulo & Marika Macchi & Alessandro Petretto - 101-140 A comparative evaluation of poverty measures in the Italian Survey of Household Income and Wealth
by Giovanni D'Alessio - 141-158 Per una riforma dell’IRPEF: la progressività continua dell’aliquota media (Towards a reform of the Italian personal income tax: The progressive average tax rate as a continuous function)
by Ernesto Longobardi & Corrado Pollastri & Alberto Zanardi
2019, Issue 3
- 313-334 EMU, Macroeconomics and Children
by Anthony B. Atkinson - 335-366 Older People Health and Access to Healthcare: A Retrospective Look at Inequality Dynamics over the Past Decade
by Dino Rizzi & Carlo Simionato & Francesca Zantomio - 367-394 Investigating the Spatial Patterns of Regional Fiscal Residua in Italy
by Paolo Di Caro & Ugo Fratesi - 395-442 Promemoria per una riforma fiscale: Discussione e replica dell’autore (A Briefing for a Tax System Reform: Discussion and Author’s Reply, in Italian)
by Vieri Ceriani & Paolo Liberati & Giuseppe Melis & Paolo Sestito & Alberto Zanardi & Vincenzo Visco
2019, Issue 2
- 159-172 Interregional Disparities in Italy: Structural Changes and Public Policies: A Brief Introduction
by Luigi Cannari & Gianfranco Viesti & Alberto Zanardi - 173-208 The Geography of Italian Income Inequality: Recent Trends and the Role of Employment
by Emanuele Ciani & Roberto Torrini - 209-242 TFP Differentials across Italian Macro-Regions: An Analysis of Manufacturing Corporations between 1995 and 2015
by Andrea Locatelli & Emanuele Ciani & Marcello Pagnini - 243-266 Interregional Net Fiscal Flows in Years 2007-2015. Italy and Germany at the Mirror
by Carmelo Petraglia & Domenico Scalera - 267-310 Interregional Redistribution and Fiscal Policy in Italy
by Giovanni Vittorino
2019, Issue 1
- 3-26 Are Regional Policies Effective? An Empirical Evaluation on the Diffusion of the Effects of R&D Incentives
by Daniele Di Gennaro & Guido Pellegrini - 27-54 Infrastructures and Income Inequality: The Case of Italian Provinces
by Alexandra D'Onofrio & Paolo E. Giordani - 55-94 Italian Regions in Global Value Chains: An Input-Output Approach
by Chiara Bentivogli & Tommaso Ferraresi & Paola Monti & Renato Paniccià & Stefano Rosignoli - 95-128 Heterogeneous Fall in Manufacturing Productive Capacity During the 2008-2013 Italian Double-Dip Recession
by Andrea Locatelli & Libero Monteforte & Giordano Zevi - 131-154 Promemoria per una riforma fiscale (A Briefing for a Tax System Reform)
by Vincenzo Visco
2018, Issue 3
- 211-214 Evalutating Public Policies with Counterfactual Econometric Methods: A Brief Introduction
by Guido De Blasio & Maria De Paola & Vincenzo Scoppa - 215-240 Are Vocational Training Programmes Worth Their Cost? Evidence from a Cost-Benefit Analysis
by Martina Bazzoli & Silvia De Poli & Enrico Rettore & Antonio Schizzerotto - 241-272 What Training for the Unemployed? An Impact Evaluation for Targeting Training Courses
by Silvia Duranti & Maria Luisa Maitino & Valentina Patacchini & Carla Rampichini & Nicola Sciclone - 273-296 Employment Effects of Vocational Training: An Evaluation Using Propensity Score Matching
by Luisa Donato & Maria Cristina Migliore & Samuele Poy - 297-326 Council Size, Government Spending and Efficiency. Evidence from a Quasi-experimental Design for Italian Municipalities
by Marco Alberto De Benedetto - 327-344 The Impact of a New Airport on International Tourism: The Case of Ragusa (Sicily, Italy)
by Francesco David & Giuseppe Saporito
2018, Issue 2
- 103-134 The Impact of REI on Italian Households' Income: A Micro and Macro Evaluation
by Massimo Baldini & Elizabeth Jane Casabianca & Elena Giarda & Lorenzo Lusignoli - 135-164 Assessing the Impact of Collective Bargaining Wage Floors on Undeclared Employment in Italy
by Emanuele Albarosa - 165-194 Household Investments through Italian Asset Management Products
by Andrea Cardillo & Massimo Coletta - 195-206 Decentralization, Autonomy, Independence. To What Extent Can a Formal Constitution Be Stretched Out?
by Antonio Abatemarco & Sergio Beraldo
2018, Issue 1
- 3-22 Which Gap? Alternative Estimations of the Potential Output and the Output Gap in the Italian Economy
by Cecilia Frale & Sergio De Nardis - 23-44 The Drop in Non-Financial Firms' Cost of Credit: A Cross-Country Analysis
by Paolo Finaldi Russo & Fabio Parlapiano - 45-78 The Family as an Informal Market and the (Low) Mobility of the Italian Young
by Flavia Coda Moscarola & Elsa Fornero & Mariacristina Rossi - 79-98 Growth, Environmental Policy and Structural Change in a Small-Open Economy
by Wei-Bin Zhang - 99-99 Referees 2016-17
by Politica economica
2017, Issue 3
- 259-268 Constitutions as Incomplete Social Contracts
by Daniel Montolio & Gilberto Turati - 269-288 Italy: Fiscal Federalism and the Division between North and South
by Massimo Bordignon - 289-304 Some Comments on Territorial Conflicts and Economic Issues: The Catalonia-Spain Case
by Antoni Castells - 305-344 Fiscal Decentralization and the Cycle in Spain: An Empirical Analysis of Fiscal Policy Responses
by Joan Maria Mussons Olivella - 345-374 Catalan Grievances: Do Fiscal Flows Matter?
by Núria Bosch & Marta Espasa - 375-398 Comparing the Efficiency of Hospitals in Italy and Spain: A Non-parametric Approach
by Marco F. Martorana
2017, Issue 2
- 127-128 Non-Performing Loans and Judicial Procedures: A Tribute to Andrea Generale
by Ignazio Visco - 129-156 Bank Loan Recovery and Credit Markets: Evidence from Bank Survey Data
by Andrea Generale & Giorgio Gobbi - 157-188 The Management of Non-Performing Loans: A Survey among the Main Italian Banks
by Luisa Carpinelli & Giuseppe Cascarino & Silvia Giacomelli & Valerio Vacca - 189-222 Structural Divergences, Institutional Fragilities and Foreign Debt in the Euro Area Crisis
by Pompeo Della Posta - 223-224 Sezione: commenti e replica degli autori / Forum: Comments and Authors' Replies
by Politica economica - 225-255 Special Issue on Understanding Human Capital in Italy: Comments and Guest Editor's Reply (in Italian)
by Manuela Ghizzoni & Luigi Guerra & Attilio Oliva & Giorgio Rembado & Francesco Sinopoli & Paolo Sestito
2017, Issue 1
- 3-12 Understanding Human Capital in Italy: An Introduction
by Paolo Sestito - 12-58 Different Teachers for Different Students? Evidence on Teacher-Student Matching and its Consequences in the Italian Case
by Giovanni Abbiati & Gianluca Argentin & Tiziano Gerosa - 59-72 Teacher Motivation and Student Learning
by Gianna Barbieri & Claudio Rossetti & Paolo Sestito - 73-96 New Evidence on Interregional Mobility of Students in Tertiary Education: The Case of Italy
by Ilaria De Angelis & Vincenzo Mariani & Roberto Torrini - 97-123 Chicken or the Egg? Human Capital Demand and Supply
by Fabrizio Colonna
2016, Issue 3
- 375-386 New Institutions for an Effective EU and EMU Governance: A Brief Introduction
by Andrea Boitani & Roberto Tamborini - 387-412 Only Institutions Grow Wiser. Profiles for the EU Fiscal Architecture
by Luisa Giuriato - 413-440 From Governance to Government? Steps Towards a Genuine Monetary Union
by Francesco Nicoli - 441-462 The Coherence of the EU's Fiscal Constitution: An Empirical Assessment
by Hansjörg Blöchliger & Jaroslaw Kantorowicz - 463-488 Risk Reduction and Risk Sharing in the Governance of the Euro Area
by Fabrizio Balassone & Sara Cecchetti & Martina Cecioni & Marika Cioffi & Wanda Cornacchia & Flavia Corneli & Gabriele Semeraro - 489-510 Aspects of Economic Governance in the Euro Area: Restoring Internal and External Balances
by Nicos Christodoulakis - 511-538 Competitiveness and the EMU: At the Roots of the Euro Area Crisis
by Leila Simona Talani - 539-554 Euro Area Inflation and ECB Policy in a Global Environment
by Christophe Blot & Jérôme Creel & Paul Hubert & Fabien Labondance & Xavier Lagot - 555-574 Public Capital Expenditure and Debt Dynamics: Evidence from the EU
by Antra Bhatt Hakhu & Alessandro Piergallini & Pasquale Scaramozzino - 575-595 EMU Reform and Resilience in a Re-Dimensioned EU
by Annette Bongardt & Francisco Torres
2016, Issue 2
- 167-178 Industrial Policies in Advanced Countries: A Brief Introduction
by Mariana Mazzucato & Fabrizio Onida & Gianfranco Viesti - 179-210 Fiber to the People: The Development of the Ultra-Broadband Network in Italy
by Carlo Cambini & Michele Polo & Antonio Sassano - 211-252 The Role of Industrial Policies in the Development of a Competitive Wind Energy Industry: The Danish and Chinese Sectoral Innovation Systems
by Enrico Botta - 253-296 Industrial Policies for Biotechnology: Limits and New Perspectives
by Luigi Orsenigo - 297-330 Innovative Start-Ups in Italy: Their Special Features and the Effects of the 2102 Law
by Paolo Finaldi Russo & Silvia Magri & Cristiana Rampazzi - 331-350 Socio-Economic Conditions and Mortality in Italy
by Luigi Cannari & Giovanni D'Alessio - 351-370 The Italian Constitutional Reform: Consequences for the Public Finance System
by Giuseppe Pisauro
2016, Issue 1
- 3-26 Gender Gaps and Gender Differences in Preferences and Attitudes: Evidence from Italy
by Maria De Paola - 27-46 Human Capital Mix and Temporary Contracts: Implications for Productivity and Inequality
by Fabio Berton & Francesco Devicienti & Lia Pacelli - 47-64 Civic Capital and Development: Italy, 1951-2001
by Giuseppe Albanese & Guido de Blasio - 65-122 La misurazione multidimensionale della povertà in istruzione in Italia Multidimensional Measurement of Educational Poverty in Italy
by Larysa Minzyuk & Felice Russo - 127-162 Labour, Profit and Housing Rent Shares in Italian GDP: Long-Run Trends and Recent Patterns: Comments and Reply
by Roberto Cellini & Sergio De Nardis & Giovanna Labartino & Francesca Mazzolari & Roberto Monducci & Paolo Onofri & Luca Paolazzi & Roberto Torrini
2015, Issue 3
- 275-314 Labour, Profit and Housing Rent Shares in Italian GDP: Long-Run Trends and Recent Patterns
by Roberto Torrini - 315-354 A Profile of the Italian Multinational Firms
by Riccardo Cristadoro & Leandro D'Aurizio - 355-376 The Determinants of Local Tax Setting in the Event of a Tax System under Reform: The Case of Italian Municipal Property Tax
by Corrado Pollastri & Alberto Zanardi - 377-420 Do Women Prefer Pink? The Effect of a Gender Stereotypical Stock Portfolio on Investing Decisions
by Henriëtte Prast & Mariacristina Rossi & Costanza Torricelli & Dario Sansone - 421-458 I debiti commerciali delle amministrazioni pubbliche italiane: un problema ancora irrisolto
by Leandro D'Aurizio & Domenico Depalo & Sandro Momigliano & Emilio Vadalà
2015, Issue 2
- 125-134 Gender Budgeting: Insights from Current Methodologies and Experiences in Europe
by Tindara Addabbo & Gulay Gunluk-Senesen & Angela O'Hagan - 135-154 The Big Picture Makes a Big Difference: Taking into Account Changed Framework Conditions for Budgetary Policies at European Level in Gender Responsive Budgeting
by Elisabeth Klatzer & Christa Schlager - 155-174 A Macro-Micro Classical Political-Economy Approach to Well-Being Gender Budgets
by Antonella Picchio - 175-194 Gender Budgeting in Turkey: An Assessment of Local Practices from the Well-Being Perspective
by Gulay Gunluk-Senesen & Yelda Yucel & Aysegul Yakar-Onal & Burcu Yakut-Cakar & Nuray Ergunes - 195-212 Gender Budgeting in Education from a Wellbeing Approach: An Application to Italy and Spain
by Tindara Addabbo & Paula Rodríguez-Modroño & Lina Gálvez-Muñoz - 213-232 Gender Mainstreaming in Public Financing of Universities: Central Findings for Germany
by Birgit Erbe - 233-252 Favourable Conditions for the Adoption and Implementation of Gender Budgeting: Insights from Comparative Analysis
by Angela O'Hagan - 253-271 Progress in the Andalusian GRB Practice: Gender Budgeting Audits
by María José Gualda-Romero & Buenaventura Aguilera-Díaz & Paula Cirujano-Campano
2015, Issue 1
- 3-26 Territories' Attractiveness: Contextual Factors
by Chiara Bentivogli & Luca Cherubini & Giovanni Iuzzolino - 27-76 Energy Poverty in Italy
by Ivan Faiella & Luciano Lavecchia - 77-96 Aligning Taxation and International Financial Reporting Standards: Evidence from Italian Listed Companies
by Giovanna Gavana & Gabriele Guggiola & Anna Marenzi - 97-120 Gender Inequalities and Labour Market Inclusion. An Integrated Approach to Vocational Training in Piedmont
by Greta Falavigna & Elena Ragazzi & Lisa Sella
2014, Issue 2-3
- 171-174 Institutions and Inequality
by Daniele Checchi & Marco Leonardi - 175-202 Households' Saving and Debt in Italy
by Tullio Jappelli & Immacolata Marino & Mario Padula - 203-234 The Italian Household Consumption: A Comparison Among Recessions
by Lisa Rodano & Concetta Rondinelli - 235-260 On the Structure of Italian Households: Consumption Patterns During the Recent Crises
by Concetta Rondinelli - 261-298 Does Capitalism Enhance the Labor Share? A Critique of Young and Lawson (2014)
by Hector Sala & Pedro Trivín - 299-339 On-the-Job Search and Optimal Schooling under Uncertainty and Irreversibility
by Anna Zaharieva
2014, Issue 1
- 3-4 Editor's Note
by Giuseppe Marotta - 5-50 Metrics of Innovation: Measuring the Italian Gap
by Michele Benvenuti & Luca Casolaro & Elena Gennari - 51-72 Managing the Baby Boomer Demographic Wave in Defined Contribution Pension Systems
by Massimo Angrisani & Cinzia Di Palo - 73-106 Size and Territorial Spillovers in Municipalities' Spending on Infrastructures: Theory and Empirics
by Massimiliano Ferraresi & Leonzio Rizzo - 107-136 Airport Infrastructures and Tourism. A Choice Experiment for a Comparative Evaluation of the Siena Airport Project
by Salvatore Bimonte & Silvia Ferrini & Gaetano Grilli - 137-166 Contributions and Labour Cost Data from Individual Social Security Administrative Data
by Elisa Grand & Roberto Quaranta
2013, Issue 3
- 241-268 What After Fornero's Reform
by Sandro Gronchi & Raimondo Manca - 269-292 Evaluating consumer incentives: the Italian case of building renovations
by Fabio Berton & Alessandro Cavallari - 293-318 Tourism Tax: Public Spending and Taxation in Tourism Destinations
by Guido Candela & Massimiliano Castellani & Maurizio Mussoni - 319-351 The impact of CAP's «second pillar» transfers on agricultural employment in the 2000-2006 programming cycle: the case of Sardinian municipalities
by Ivan Etzo & Antonella Mandarino & Paolo Mattana
2013, Issue 2
- 151-180 Does immigration causes the regional economic growth? The place of origin is a selective factor of territorial dynamics
by Claudio Di Berardino & Alessandro Sarra - 181-198 The effect of subsidies for transformations to permanent contracts. First evidence from an Italian policy
by Bruno Anastasia & Anna Giraldo & Adriano Paggiaro - 199-214 The short-term effects of Emilia's earthquake on regional economic growth
by Guglielmo Barone & Federica Benni & Cristina Brasili & Sauro Mocetti - 215-235 Veni, vidi, ICI. Is there any trade-off between land use and local taxation?
by Salvatore Bimonte & Arsenio Stabile
2013, Issue 1
- 5-56 The State and the territories
by Gianfranco Cerea - 57-90 The relative efficiency of regional fiscal policies
by Michele Zanette - 91-118 The estimate of the tax gap: An application in Tuscany
by Leonardo Ghezzi & Letizia Ravagli & Stefano Rosignoli & Nicola Sciclone - 119-143 Electoral rules and Corruption: The role of Political Competition
by Maria Rosaria Alfano & Anna Laura Baraldi & Claudia Cantabene
2012, Issue 3
- 273-306 The European Redemption Fund: A Comparison of Two Proposals
by Carmelo Pierpaolo Parello & Vincenzo Visco - 307-343 The geography of income inequality in Italy
by Paolo Acciari & Sauro Mocetti - 343-369 Fiscal needs and standard costs: an empirical analysis for Italian municipalities of Puglia
by Massimiliano Ferraresi & Leonzio Rizzo - 369-395 Expectations, Employment and Prices: A Suggested Interpretation of the New «Farmerian» Economics
by Marco Guerrazzi
2012, Issue 2
- 135-156 Workforce disposal, long-term unemployment and out-of-labor force in Italy: new data for economic policy
by Bruno Contini & Elisa Grand - 157-168 Is it possible to make tax evaders pay more by shifting taxation from income to consumption?
by Giampaolo Arachi & Massimo D'Antoni - 169-196 Health care and fiscal federalism: Paradoxes of recent reform in Italy
by Enza Caruso & Nerina Dirindin - 197-228 Expenditure rules for a sounder fiscal position: New perspectives for Italy
by Alessandra Cepparulo & Luisa Giuriato - 229-266 Income disparities in the enlarged EU: National convergence and regional divergence
by Claudio Di Berardino & Giuseppe Mauro
2012, Issue 1
- 5-48 For a Fistful of Euros. Histories of Ordinary Unemployment
by Roberto Leonbruni & Adriano Paggiaro & Ugo Trivellato - 49-76 The comparison between the normal and the special VAT scheme. An application to the art market
by Guido Candela & Emanuela Randon & Antonello E. Scorcu - 77-102 On the optimal size of local jurisdiction: the case of Italian provinces
by Guglielmo Barone - 103-129 Measures of labour underutilization: a european comparison
by Elisabetta Olivieri & Marco Paccagnella
2011, Issue 3
- 297-322 Inequality and poverty during the recession in Italy
by Massimo Baldini & Emanuele Ciani - 323-344 The federalism of oil and environmental policy in Italy
by Giorgio Brosio & Aldo Vannini - 345-374 Intergenerational propagation of inequalities in Italy: education, occupation, earnings
by Michele Raitano - 375-412 Municipal capitalism and its economic and financial effects: understanding the direct and indirect impacts on municipal finances
by Luisa Sciandra
2011, Issue 2
- 171-196 Tax-incentivized vouchers favouring work-life balance: implementation and prospects for Italy
by Luca Beltrametti & Donatella Fresu & Alberto Zanardi - 197-218 Hiring subsidies vs activation. The effectiveness of two programs to favour stable jobs
by Valentina Battiloro & Luca Mo Costabella - 219-254 Standard Spending Needs of Italian Municipalities
by Dino Rizzi & Michele Zanette - 255-290 The experience of Spending Review in Italy: problems and challenges for the future
by Daniela Monacelli & Aline Pennisi
2011, Issue 1
- 5-24 The evolution of the taxation of business income in Italy
by Vincenzo Visco - 25-48 The decomposition of the redistributive effect into vertical effect, horizontal effect and reranking: the state of the art and the application to the Italian case
by Simone Pellegrino & Achille Vernizzi - 49-82 Duration dependence in the exit from a temporary job: does contract type matter?
by Giulio Bosio - 83-124 The job search in Italy: public, private and informal recruitment channels
by Emiliano Mandrone - 125-164 Cost Benefit Analysis of Transport Mega Projects and Wider Economic Effects: a Review
by Francesca Cattaneo & Marco Percoco
2010, Issue 3
- 325-338 The International Financial Crisis: an Excursus from Herodotus to Plutarch, with a stop at Goldfinger
by Giorgio Basevi - 339-358 The duties of the sovereign: A brief guide to the literature
by Roberto Artoni & Alessandra Casarico - 359-388 Educational achievements and social origins in Italy
by Daniele Checchi - 389-408 Conflict of interest and coordination in public good provision
by Nicola Acocella & Giovanni Di Bartolomeo - 409-440 Weight for citations or weights for numerousness? Evaluating Italy's academic economists
by Maria Cristina Marcuzzo & Giulia Zacchia
2010, Issue 2
- 151-152 Introduction
by Politica economica - 153-156 Presentation
by Pierre Carniti - 157-178 Factor shares dynamics in Italy
by Roberto Torrini