- 202501 Perception of the CERN/LHC: Evidence from French Media Articles
by Louis Colnot
- 202401 Some questions on the future of R&D on Covid-19 vaccines. A conversation between Massimo Florio and Giuseppe Remuzzi
by Massimo Florio & Giuseppe Remuzzi
- 202301 CBA in decision-making processes of EU-27
by Massimo Florio & Raffaele Articolo
- 202202 European pharmaceutical research and development. Could a public infrastructure overcome market failures?
by Massimo Florio & Chiara Pancotti - 202201 Estimation of SDR in selected countries
by Jessica Catalano & Chiara Pancotti
- 202102 The impact of space procurement on suppliers: Evidence from Italy
by Jessica Catalano & Francesco Giffoni & Paolo Castelnovo - 202101 Patterns of development in the European biopharmaceutical industry. A network analysis of cross-sectoral linkages (2000-2016)
by Emanuela Sirtori & Alessandra Caputo & Domenico Scalera
- 202001 Assessing the impact of megatrends on regional industrial transformations
by Emanuela Sirtori & Louis Colnot - 201902 Understanding transport project appraisal in its institutional dimension
by Chiara Pancotti & Matteo Pedralli & Geert Smit & Silvia Vignetti - 201901 The Contribution of Cohesion Policy to Digitalisation: an Adequate Approach?
by Julie Pellegrin & Louis Colnot
- 201601 Exploring Cost-Benefit Analysis of Research, Development and Innovation Infrastructures: An Evaluation Framework
by Massimo Florio & Chiara Pancotti & Emanuela Sirtori & Silvia Vignetti & Stefano Forte
- 201501 A place-based strategy to smart specialisation: the case of Apulia
by Chiara Pancotti & Emanuela Sirtori & Silvia Vignetti
- 201403 Research intensive clusters and regional innovation systems: a case study of mechatronics in Apulia
by Massimo Florio & Julie Pellegrin & Emanuela Sirtori - 201402 Le privatizzazioni: un bilancio critico
by Massimo Florio - 201401 The return of public enterprise
by Massimo Florio
- 201305 Long term impact of a major infrastructure project: the port of Gioia Tauro
by Mario Genco & Emanuela Sirtori & Silvia Vignetti - 201304 Privatizzazioni e debito pubblico
by Massimo Florio - 201303 The social cost of capital: recent estimates for the EU countries
by Massimo Florio & Emanuela Sirtori - 201302 The use of ex post Cost-Benefit Analysis to assess the long-term effects of Major Infrastructure Projects
by Massimo Florio & Silvia Vignetti - 201301 Infrastructure investment long term contribution: Economic development and wellbeing
by Gelsomina Catalano & Davide Sartori
- 201202 Methodologies to assess the impact of infrastructure projects in international development evaluation
by Julie Pellegrin & Emanuela Sirtori - 201201 Valutazione dell'impatto delle regole fiscali europee nei Paesi dell'area Euro
by Chiara Pancotti
- 201104 Appunti su a New View of Economic Growth di Maurice Fitzgerald Scott
by Massimo Florio - 201103 Le radici distributive della crisi infinita - Income distribution: the roots of the neverending crisis
by Massimo Florio - 201102 Studio di un indicatore per la valutazione del rischio delprogetto nella metodologia dell’analisi costi benefici - Proposed risk indicators in the cost-benefit analisys methodology
by Mario Genco - 201101 Additionality and regional development: are EU Structural Funds complements or substitutes of national Public Finance?
by Chiara Del Bo & Massimo Florio & Silvia Vignetti & Emanuela Sirtori
- 201004 La teoria economica del fattore imprenditoriale. Note a margine di alcune letture suggerite - The economic theory of the entrepreneurial factor. Notes on a small reading list
by Massimo Florio - 201003 Infrastructure investment opportunities in the New EU Member States: the role of regional policies
by Silvia Vignetti & Emanuela Sirtori - 201002 What lessons to draw from multiple regional case studies: between comparability and specificity
by Julie Pellegrin & Gelsomina Catalano - 201001 Getting Incentives Right: do we need ex post CBA?
by Massimo Florio & Davide Sartori
- 200909 Multi-level governance of large transport infrastructures: efficiency or transparency?
by Davide Sartori - 200908 Building a bridge across CBA traditions: the contribution of EU Regional Policy
by Massimo Florio & Silvia Vignetti - 200904 The competitive repositioning of automotive firms in Turin: innovation, internationalisation and the role of ICT
by Massimo Florio & Cristina Castelli & Anna Giunta - 200903 The Natuzzi Group and the Bari-Matera (Italy) upholstered furniture district. A case study of internationalisation in a traditional industry
by Giovanni Barbiano di Belgiojoso & Sara Colautti & Massimo Florio & Cristina Castelli - 200902 Internationalisation in the household appliances sector in Fabriano (Italy). A case study
by Gianluca Lavezzari & Sara Paoletti & Massimo Florio & Pietro Possenti - 200901 Internationalisation modes and determinants. The case of Italian automotive firms
by Emanuele Bacchiocchi & Massimo Florio & Anna Giunta
- 200905 Social Cost-Benefit Analysis for infrastructure projects: a case study in the war affected reas of Croatia
by Alessandro Valenza & Silvia Vignetti
- 200906 The regional competitiveness and employment objective and policy prioritisation
by Silvia Vignetti & Emanuele Ozzimo
- 200907 Effectiveness evaluation of the ICE (Italian institute of foreing trade) promotional programme: case study
by Silvia Vignetti & Alessandro Valenza & Cristina Castelli