2011, Volume 7, Issue 02
- 3-12 Changes in the Regional Differences of the Labor Market in Hungary During the Millennium Change, Especially the Employment Impact of Financial Crisis in the First Decade of the 21th Century
by Zsuzsanna Dabasi Halász - 13-20 Direct and Indirect Effects of Accessibility: Infrastructure and Regional Access
by Ildikó Győrffy - 21-28 Theoretical Dilemmas of the Natural Monopolistic Position of Network Based Public Utilities
by Ágnes Kádár Horváth - 29-37 Research and Development Activity Matrix
by László Molnár - 39-45 Changing World, Unchanging Accounting? Cost Systems for Hungarian Agricultural Companies
by Zoltán Musinszki - 47-54 A Comparison of Experts' and Entrepreneurs' Opinions on International Business Activity
by Andrea S. Gubik - 55-60 The Development of Institutions for Serbia Organic Food Market Considering the Accession to EU
by Tomislav Sudarevic - 61-68 An Analysis of the Capital Structure of the Hungarian Corporate Sector
by Judit Szemán - 69-78 Empirical Analysis of Public Energy Consumption - The Case of a Hungarian Village -
by Petra Petrovics & Roland Szilágyi - 79-86 A Case Study of Privatization without Consideration: The Failure of Voucher Privatization in the Czech Republic
by László Török - 87-97 Web 2.0 Technologies in Internal and External Communications in the Banking Sector
by Marton Sakal & Predrag Matkovic & Pere Tumbas
2011, Volume 7, Issue 01
- 5-15 Evolution and Characteristics of Territorial Economic Disparities in Romania
by József Benedek & Ibolya Kurkó - 17-27 Elements of Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) in the Hungarian Local Development
by Éva G. Fekete - 29-34 The Role of Human Resources in the European Union's Growth Strategy from the Perspective of Hungarian Regional Inequalities
by Ágnes Hegyi-Kéri - 35-40 Contributions to the Issue of Regional Economic Growth and Equilibrium
by György Kocziszky - 41-50 Hungarian Clearing Turnover in the Context of the Past Fifteen Years
by Levente Kovács & Zsolt Pál - 51-57 Spatial Effects of Industrial Restructuring in the Visegrád Countries
by Dániel Kuttor - 59-65 Employment Position in the Hungarian Least Developed Micro-regions (LHH)
by Katalin Lipták - 67-75 United States and China: Changing in World Economic Positions?
by Zoltán Nagy & Tekla Sebestyén Szép - 77-83 Study of the Utilisation of Commercial Accommodations with Special Regard to Northern Hungary and Northern Great Plain
by Zsolt Péter - 85-92 The Methodological Development of Regional Sustainability Analysis
by Judit Roncz & Klára Szita Tóthné - 93-100 Differences in the Characteristics of Impoverishment Between Northern Hungary and Southern Great Plain
by Eszter Siposné Nándori
2010, Volume 6, Issue 02
- 3-9 The IMF, the EU and the Sovereign Borrower: the Case of Hungary 2008-2010
by Péter Ákos Bod - 11-18 Successful Knowledge Management an Knowledge Sharing in Hungarian Enterprises
by Zoltán Gaál & Lajos Szabó & Nóra Obermayer-Kovács & Anikó Csepregi - 19-25 Regional Systems - How to Make Them Work?
by Oto Hudec - 27-30 Development of Dynamic and Comparative Functions of Estimation of Innovative Potential
by Oleksandra Kosenko - 31-35 New Model of Current Account Balances
by Levente Kovács - 37-47 Separating the Measurement and Evaluation of Intellectual Capital Elements with Evaluator Functions
by János Kövesi & Tamás Jónás & Zsuzsanna Eszter Tóth - 49-55 The Level of Investment Layout in European Union Farms
by Dariusz Kusz - 57-61 The Consequences of the Diversity of Innovation Development in Industry
by Olga Ivanivna Maslak - 63-68 Monitoring of Efficiency of Innovative Activity of Industrial Enterprise
by Petro Pererva & Karin Schimpf & Ivan Gladenko - 69-76 Empirically Based Asset Management Decision Support for Reliable and Cost Effective Asset Operation
by Michael Schenk & Frank Ryll - 77-85 The Short Put Ladder Strategy and its Application in Trading and Hedging
by Vincent Soltés & Omer Faraj S. Amaitiek - 85-91 Pharmaceutical Market(ing): Theory and Reality
by Stevan Vasiljev & Darko Pantelic - 93-100 Die demographische und wirtschaftliche Grundlagen einer integrierten Entwicklungspolitik in ländlichen Räumen Rumäniens
by József Benedek
2010, Volume 5, Issue 01
- 3-9 Places and Possibilities of Higher Education Concerning Life Long Learning (New Challenges - Change of Paradigm)
by Lajos Besenyei - 11-17 Long Run Growth Effects of Fiscal Policy - a Case Study of Hungary
by Adrienn Erős - 19-23 Availability Ranking and Regional Disparities of the Transport Infrastructure in Northern Hungary
by Ildikó Győrffy - 25-36 Myth and Reality: Impact of Fiscal Transfers on Regional Convergence
by György Kocziszky - 37-41 What Do the Business Results for 2007 Reveal? A Macro-analysis Based on Company Balance-sheets
by Tamás Mellár - 43-49 Functional Food Marketing - The Hungarian Market Case
by Szabolcs Nagy - 51-57 An Empirical Study of the Development of Information and Communication Technology in Hungary
by Péter Sasvári - 59-65 An Analysis of Diversity Management Through Cultural Dimensions
by Ana Sperancin - 67-74 The Concept and Development Tendencies of Corporate Social Responsibility
by Krisztina Szegedi - 75-80 A Regional Evaluation of Sustainability with Special Regard to Social Aspects
by Klára Szita Tóthné & Eszter Siposné Nándori - 81-84 An Investigation into Methods of Restructuring and Reorganizing Industrial Enterprises
by Vyacheslav Tovazhnyanskiy
2007, Volume 4, Issue 01
- 3-9 Expectations and Strategies of Enterprises in the Period of Joining the European Union
by Károly Balaton - 11-15 Single Area Payment - as One of the Supports of Agricultrure in the European Union - 25
by Peter Bielik & Natália Turceková - 17-23 Solitude Standing Coaching as a New Leadership Development Method
by Éva Heidrich - 25-38 International Management and Marketing in Regional Trade within V4 Countries: Focus on Slovak - Hungarian Trade Flows
by Elena Horská & Iveta Ubreziová - 29-35 Scinetific Problems of Modern Approach of Net Present Value
by Mária Illés - 37-41 Genetic Algorithms as Optimalisation Procedures
by Sándor Karajz - 43-52 Chances of Convergence of the Region of Northern Hungary
by György Kocziszky - 53-60 E-business Diffusion in Hungarian SMEs: Challenges and Opportunities
by András Nemeslaki - 61-66 Nvos (Networked Virtual Organisations) and Other Forms of Networks Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the Web of New Cooperation Forms
by Erzsébet Noszkay - 67-73 Foreign Direct Investments and Mergers and Acquisitions in Slovakia
by Vincent Soltés & Gerhard Pürstinger - 75-80 Quality Management in Public Service
by József Topár
2005, Volume 3, Issue 01
- 3-8 Interpreting a Regional Knowledge Centre
by Lajos Besenyei - 9-15 Using VAR to Determine the Value of a Company
by Sándor Bozsik & Judit Szemán - 17-22 Change by Successful Projects - IT and Change Projects in Hungary
by Csaba Deák - 23-29 Enterprises in Hungary from a Global Perspective - The Examination of Strategical Possibilities and Threats
by Gyula Fülöp & László Hernádi & Ildikó Perge - 31-35 The Acceptability of Foreign Retail Chains by the Inhabitants of Slovakia
by Vladimír Gazda & Vanda Lieskovská & Marian Rimarcík - 37-43 Analysis of Community Development Financial Institutions in the Slovak Republic
by Oto Hudec & Natasa Urbancíková - 45-50 The Structural Problems of Pricing Approach in Hungary
by Mária Illés - 51-59 Competence-Based View in the Marketing Theory
by István Piskóti - 60-64 Sustainability Dilemmas of our EU-Accession
by János Szlávik - 65-70 Changes in Labour Market, Job Creation and Job Destruction from the Change of Regime till Nowadays
by Gizella Sikora Tóthné - 71-74 Financial Controls, an Old Function in a New Role
by András Vigvári - 75-80 Impact of EU Enlargement on Business Environment of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Slovakia
by Ján Vravec & Marián Gál & Tomás Sabol
2004, Volume 2, Issue 01
- 3-8 New Trends in Foreign Direct Investment Flovs in Hungary
by Péter Ákos Bod - 9-15 Does it Really Make a Difference? On the Cultural Characteristics of Service and Production Companies
by Balázs Heidrich & Alíz Somogyi - 17-24 Social Policy in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) in 1990s
by János Hoós - 25-29 Towards the information society
by Sándor Illés - 31-37 Hungarian medium-sized and large enterprises in private ownership from the EU perspective
by Tamás Mészáros & Zoltán Pitti - 39-44 Preconditions for the Realization of Socio-Economic Modernization in Hungary
by Erzsébet Nováky - 45-49 The Future of Accounting Expectations and Possibilites in the Integration
by Tibor Pál - 51-58 The Changing Tendencies of Economic Organizations, where are the Borders?
by István Szintay - 59-66 Transition and Global Transformation
by László Tóth - 67-74 Effects of Life Cycle Analysis on Environment and Economy
by Klára Szita Tóthné - 75-82 Organisational Self - Evaluation as a Possible Tool of Organisational Analysis
by Mariann Veresné Somosi - 83-89 The winners and the losers of Romanian economic transition
by Mária Vincze
2002, Volume 1, Issue 01
- 3-8 Some Methodological Questions of the Preparation of Forecasts
by Lajos Besenyei - 9-14 Environmental and Organizational Factors of Mergers and Acquisitions - Acculturation as a Cultural Change Process. Theory Methodology Practice
by Balázs Heidrich - 15-19 Fundamental Differences of the Discount Rate
by Mária Illés - 21-26 New Economy - New Answers in Economics
by Aladár Nagy - 27-32 Arbitrage Theorem and its Applications
by Tamás Nagy - 33-40 The Attempt to Revitalize Keynes' Theory
by Zsuzsa Ortutay - 41-46 Business Consulting in a Hungarian County
by Ildikó Pelczné Gáll & Ágnes Tokár-Szadai - 47-50 Application of the Economic Value Added Model on Determination of the Value of Businesses
by Vincent Soltés & Michal Soltés - 51-58 Knowledge Management Strategies
by Dezső Szakály - 59-74 Integrated Management Model for the Police of the Hungarian Republic
by István Szintay & Mariann Veresné Somosi - 75-80 Is, Could Be or Will Be There Globalisation Economics?
by László Tóth - 81-87 The Role of European Employment Strategy in Knowledge Transfer Based on the Example of Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County
by Gizella Sikora Tóthné