November 1963, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 27-29 Escalator Clauses Can Be Self-Defeating
by Kenyon E. Poole - 29-31 Spreading the Work Won’t Create More Jobs
by Sidney C. Sufrin - 31-34 Social Security Taxes:
by John Regan Stark - 34-37 New Jobs for the Structurally Unemployed
by Daniel E. Diamond - 38-39 Politics, Unions and the New Nations
by Everett M. Kassalow - 40-40 Economic News Notes
by The Editors
October 1963, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-1 Aggregate Demand
by The Editors - 2-3 Letters to the Editor
by The Editors - 4-7 Tax Coordination Is the Next Step
by Carl S. Shoup - 8-11 Collecting Taxes South of the Sahara
by John F. Due - 11-15 The Economics of Supersonics
by Samuel B. Richmond - 15-19 Welfare State—American Style
by Louis O. Kelso - 20-23 Evaluating the Employment Act
by Paul H. Douglas - 24-27 Subsidizing Industry at Expense
by Roland I. Robinson - 27-30 The Legacy of Juan Peron
by Morris A. Horowitz - 31-34 Youth Without a Future
by Eli Ginzberg - 34-37 Is Compulsory Arbitration the Answer?
by Frank Traver de Vyver - 38-39 Energy Consumption and Economic Growth
by William H. Peterson - 40-40 Economic News Notes
by The Editors
August 1963, Volume 11, Issue 10
- 1-1 The Underdeveloped
by The Editors - 2-3 Letters to the Editor
by The Editors - 4-7 What Happened to the Great Leap Forward?
by Choh-Ming Li - 8-10 A Problem Prolonged, Not Solved
by Sidney C. Sufrin - 11-13 Antitrust Laws and Mass Media
by Harvey J. Levin - 13-16 What Is Cybernetics?
by Jack J. Honomichl - 17-17 Economic News Notes
by The Editors - 18-21 Economic Policy: Kennedy vs. Eisenhower
by Raymond J. Saulnier - 22-25 U. S. Ideology vs. European Pragmatism
by Everett M. Kassalow - 25-27 Bank Failures:
by Joseph C. Potter - 28-31 The Fine Line between Politics and Economics
by E. Ray Canterbery - 32-34 A National Science Policy Is Needed
by Joseph W. Duncan - 35-38 Will Planning Predominate?
by Karl W. Roskamp - 38-40 Understanding Our Economy
by Robert Lekachman
June 1963, Volume 11, Issue 9
- 1-1 The Home Front
by The Editors - 2-3 Letters to the Editor
by The Editors - 4-7 Too Much Defense Spending?—
by Seymour Melman - 7-11 The Price of Progress
by Harold Wolozin - 11-14 What Is a
by Paul J. Adam - 15-17 Economic Ideas of Undergraduates
by Andrew Hacker - 18-21 Improving the Economy’s Performance
by Charls E. Walker - 22-24 The U.S. as a Tourist Mecca
by P. Sargant Florence - 25-25 Economic News Notes
by The Editors - 26-29 Which Road for Burma?
by John H. Badgley - 29-31 Management through Mathematics
by George S. Odiorne - 31-34 New Dimension in Free Enterprise
by J. David Morrissy - 35-38 World Disparities in Technology
by Michel Perbos - 38-40 Comes the Millenium
by Harold M. Edelstein
May 1963, Volume 11, Issue 8
- 1-1 The Market Place
by The Editors - 2-3 Letters to the Editor
by Bertram M. Gross & Thomas B. Curtis & Henry C. Wallich & Leon Keyserling & James W. Fesler & Luther Gulick & John C. Honey - 4-7 Britain’s Exclusion and U.S. Trade Policy
by Irving B. Kravis - 8-11 Threat to American Agriculture?
by Lawrence W. Witt - 12-15 Rear-Guard Action against Technology
by Paul A. Weinstein - 15-18 Should a Tax Cut Be Permanent?
by Arthur Smithies - 19-19 Economic News Notes
by The Editors - 20-21 Marketing in the Sixties
by Herbert L. Barnet - 22-24 Keynes and the Economy of the Sixties
by Kenyon E. Poole - 25-27 Challenge to American Business
by Sidney C. Sufrin - 27-30 Alliance with Whom?
by Jack Baranson - 30-33 Too Much Faith in Stock Indexes
by Joseph C. Potter - 34-36 Government's Role in the Technological Revolution
by Ernest Spaeth - 36-40 The Knowledge Industry
by Kenneth E. Boulding
April 1963, Volume 11, Issue 7
- 1-1 Economic Education
by The Editors - 2-3 Letters to the Editor
by Bertram M. Gross - 4-7 What Ever Happened to Radio?
by Fredric Stuart - 8-10 Can ‘Guidelines’ Solve the Problem?
by Philip Taft - 11-14 Kennedy's Economic Strategy
by Otto Eckstein - 14-16 Automation Is Nothing New
by Robert Lekachman - 17-17 Economic News Notes
by The Editors - 18-20 Khrushchev’s Administrative ‘Reforms’
by Howard R. Swearer - 21-24 Area Redevelopment Act—
by Conley H. Dillon - 24-27 Impact of ‘Right-To-Work’ Laws
by Milton J. Nadworny - 27-30 African Paths to Development
by Arnold Rivkin - 30-34 Ideology and Consensus
by John C. Schramm - 35-38 Innovation:
by Carol Van Alstyne - 38-40 Fiscal Policy in Postwar Recessions
by Kenyon E. Poole
March 1963, Volume 11, Issue 6
- 2-2 Whose Capital?
by The Editors - 3-3 Letters to the Editor
by The Editors - 4-6 The Great Economic Race
by Abram Bergson - 6-10 Mergers: Threat to Free Enterprise?
by Richard J. Barber - 10-13 How Much Is an Executive Worth?
by George S. Odiorne - 13-16 Independence Does Not Bring Utopia
by Joachim Joesten - 17-17 Economic News Notes
by The Editors - 18-21 Training Tomorrow's Executive
by Joseph H. Taggart - 22-25 What a Tax Cut Can and Cannot Do
by C. Lowell Harriss - 26-27 Automation:
by Ithiel de Sola Pool - 28-32 Oil Imports: Protectionism vs. National Security
by Alan R. Plotnick - 32-34 Close the ‘Tourist Gap’—Stop the Dollar Drain
by Roy G. Poulsen - 35-38 Institutionalizing Innovation
by Andre Saumier - 38-40 Economics of Nuclear Energy
by Matthew M. Mestrovic
February 1963, Volume 11, Issue 5
- 2-2 The Tax Issue
by The Editors - 3-3 Letters to the Editor
by The Editors - 4-7 Reapportionment:
by Andrew Hacker - 7-10 The Economy in ’63
by Kenyon E. Poole - 10-13 New Look for the Employment Act
by Bertram M. Gross - 14-17 The World Bank in a Changing World
by Raymond F. Mikesell - 18-21 The Business of Books
by Cass Canfield - 22-24 Monetary Policy on the New Frontier
by Sidney Weintraub - 25-25 Economic News Notes
by The Editors - 26-29 Trade Unions in the Developing Nations
by Everett M. Kassalow - 29-33 Last Year’s Stock Slide—
by Walter A. Everitt - 33-36 Commodity Agreements Are the Answer
by Karl Brandt - 37-39 The Technological Revolution
by George W. James - 40-40 U. S. Trade Policy
by William Diebold
January 1963, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 2-2 The Russian Economy
by The Editors - 3-3 Letters to the Editor
by The Editors - 4-7 Debt Management Comes of Age
by Tilford C. Gaines - 7-11 How Effective Is Soviet Foreign Aid?
by Marshall I. Goldman - 12-15 Labor's Legislative Goals
by A.H. Raskin - 15-17 Recipes for Growth — What Are the Consequences?
by Robert Lekachman - 18-21 The Power Controversy: Public vs. Private
by Charles F. Avila - 22-24 Poverty in the Affluent Society
by Robert Theobald - 24-27 The Forecaster’s Crystal Ball
by John McKnight - 27-30 Where There’s a Will . .
by Sidney C. Sufrin - 31-31 Economic News Notes
by The Editors - 32-34 New Super Salesmen
by Stanley Arnold - 35-37 Brazil: Too Many Economic Pressures?
by George I. Blanksten - 38-40 Politics, Money and Arms
by Anthony J. Wiener
December 1962, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 2-2 West Is West
by The Editors - 3-3 Letters to the Editor
by The Editors - 4-7 Ivan Can Read, but Can He Think?
by Nicholas DeWitt - 7-11 Knocking Down the Straw Men
by John R. Meyer - 11-14 Has Kennedy Stopped Inflation?
by E. Ray Canterbery - 14-17 Labor Relations:
by Sidney C. Sufrin - 18-21 Economic Policy and Education: Two Roles of CED
by Alfred C. Neal - 22-25 Planning:
by Paul Alpert - 25-27 Devaluation Is the Answer
by Robert Z. Aliber - 27-30 Obtaining Consent in a Free Society
by L.L.L. Golden - 31-31 Economic News Notes
by The Editors - 32-34 —A New Approach Is Necessary
by Jack Baranson - 35-39 Productivity and Prices
by Solomon Fabricant - 39-40 How Much
by Henry C. Wallich
November 1962, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 2-2 The Economy
by The Editors - 3-3 Letters to the Editor
by The Editors - 4-7 Rail Mergers:
by Willliam N. Leonard - 8-11 Afghanistan in the Bear’s Embrace?
by Denis Warner - 11-14 Government’s Role in a Free Economy
by Gerhard Colm - 15-17 More Profits—More Growth?
by Hans Apel - 18-21 How Effective Is the U.S. Overseas Information Program?
by Bert Goss & William A. Durbin - 22-25 Crisis in Canada’s Economy
by Thomas L. Powrie - 25-29 Automation Comes to the Supermarket
by Ben B. Seligman - 29-31 Practical Decisions from the Ivory Tower
by Leonard S. Silk - 32-32 Economic News Notes
by The Editors - 33-34 Necessity:
by Jacob Schmookler - 35-38 Productivity and Wages
by Solomon Fabricant - 39-40 Work and Leisure
by Peter L. Bernstein
October 1962, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 2-2 Economics on TV
by The Editors - 3-3 Letters to the Editor
by The Editors - 4-6 A Permanent Tax Cut Now
by Alvin H. Hansen - 6-9 Does Maturity Bring Stagnation?
by Graham Hutton - 10-12 Should We Devalue the Dollar?
by Hendrik S. Houthakker - 13-15 Madison Avenue U.S.S.R
by Marshall I. Goldman - 16-19 Federal Bank Supervision
by James Louis Robertson - 20-22 Is the Trade Expansion Act the Answer?
by William C. Freund - 23-23 Economic News Notes
by The Editors - 24-26 Vital Cog in the Nation's Economy
by Roy E. Moor - 26-29 More Education, More Pay
by Edward Townsend - 29-32 The Fashion-Conscious American Male
by Bernard L. Salesky - 33-34 Competition and Monopoly
by Mark S. Massel - 35-39 Productivity:
by Solomon Fabricant - 40-40 Trade Union Economics
by Richard A. Lester
August 1962, Volume 10, Issue 10
- 4-4 Wall Street
by The Editors - 5-5 Letters to the Editor
by The Editors - 6-9 Do Bank Mergers Lessen Competition?
by Marvin E. Rozen - 10-12 Interview with a Soviet Planner
by Stuart Chase - 12-15 Government Purchases and Depressed Areas
by Conley H. Dillon - 15-17 Automation–
by Arthur J. Goldberg - 18-21 U.S. Foreign Economic Policy
by Alfred Von Klemperer - 22-25 Are We Exporting Jobs?
by John Fayerweather - 26-29 Shortsighted Approach to the Payments Deficit
by Jack F. Bennett - 29-33 National Planning in a Free Economy
by Thomas Wilson - 33-36 Streamlining Railroad Work Rules
by Joseph A. Loftus - 37-40 Exports–
by Alexander Lamfalussy - 40-43 The Shift to Services:
by Daniel E. Diamond - 44-46 Sinews of Soviet Strength
by Peter Wiles - 47-48 Economic Affairs/
by The Editors
June 1962, Volume 10, Issue 9
- 4-4 The Schools
by The Editors - 5-5 Letters to the Editor
by The Editors - 6-9 The Farm Problem Is Hopeless
by Hendrik S. Houthakker - 9-13 The Economics of Disarmament
by Emile Benoit - 13-16 Ends vs. Means in Modern Management
by George S. Odiorne - 16-19 Wall Street on the Witness Stand
by Frank Graner - 20-23 Government and the Arts
by August Heckscher - 24-27 Productivity-No Guidepost for Wage Settlements
by Jules Backman - 27-31 Machine Tools: A Backward Industry
by Seymour Melman - 31-34 Stockpiling—What Now?
by David N. Milstein - 34-37 New Help for Dollars and Sterling
by Imanuel Wexler - 37-40 Full Employment on a World-Wide Scale
by Solomon Barkin - 41-44 Schurr, Netschert, et al.: Energy in the American Economy, 1850-1975
by Milton Lipton - 45-46 Two-Thirds of a Nation …
by Gerald R. Rosen - 47-50 Economic Affairs / A Monthly Analysis
by The Editors
May 1962, Volume 10, Issue 8
- 4-4 Friday the 13th
by The Editors - 5-5 Letters to the Editor
by The Editors - 6-9 Why Are the Airlines in Trouble?
by Samuel B. Richmond - 10-13 Wall Street: Where Logic May Be Fatal
by Peter Wyckoff - 13-16 Computing the Consumer Price Index
by Ewan Clague - 16-19 The Budget Doesn't Tell Us Enough
by Roy E. Moor - 20-23 The Impact of Automation
by John I Snyder - 24-27 TV Can Be Better
by Harvey J. Levin