January 1974, Volume 16, Issue 6
- 45-48 The Looming Shortage of Primary Processing Capacity
by Saul Nelson - 49-53 A Tax Cut to Avert Stagflation
by Sidney Weintraub - 54-55 Could Phase III Have Been Saved?
by Daniel J. B. Mitchell - 55-56 Taxes People Pay: An Eleven Country Comparison
by S. M. Miller & Paolo Roberti - 57-60 Setting National Priorities: The 1974 Budget by Edward R. Fried, Alice M. Rivlin, Charles L. Schultze, Nancy Teeters
by Arnold H. Packer - 60-62 Further Essays in Monetary Economics by Harry G. Johnson
by Donald J. Mathieson - 62-64 Letters
by The Editors
May 1974, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 3-5 From the Editor:
by The Editors - 6-10 The New Protectionism
by Walter Adams - 11-17 The Economics of Women’s Liberation
by Barbara R. Bergmann - 18-25 What’s Wrong with American Economics?
by Leon H. Keyserling - 26-31 Growth and Antigrowth: What Are the Issues?
by E. J. Mishan - 32-41 Let’s Tailor the Policies to Fit the Problems
by Walter W. Heller - 42-47 The Development Outlook for Poor Countries: Technology Is the Key
by H. W. Singer - 49-62 We Need a $3.50 Minimum Wage
by Thomas Vietorisz - 63-66 Socialist Economics: Selected Readings by Alex Nove, D. M. Nuti
by Joseph S. Berliner - 66-69 Managerial Comparisons of Four Developed Countries: France, Britain, United States, and Russia by David Granick
by J. Boddewyn - 69-70 The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes. Volume XIV. Economic Articles and Correspondence: The General Theory and After. Part II, Defense and Development by Donald Moggridge
by Robert Lekachman - 71-72 Letters
by The Editors
November 1973, Volume 16, Issue 5
- 3-5 From the Editor:
by The Editors - 6-13 Inflation and the New Economy
by Thomas Balogh - 14-20 Have Swedish Women Achieved Equality?
by Nancy S. Barrett - 21-28 Mr. Nixon and the Market’s Last Stand
by Melville J. Ulmer - 29-37 Facing Inflation
by Milton Friedman - 38-44 Bonanzas for Business Investment
by Robert Eisner - 45-51 Rich Farmers and the Hungry Poor
by Ernest W. Grove - 52-58 Transportation in Yugoslavia
by Alan Abouchar - 59-61 With SSI, Who Needs Social Security?
by Robert J. Myers - 62-65 The New Inflation: Causes, Effects, Cures by G. L. Bach
by Solomon Fabricant - 65-67 Autobiography of an Economist by Lord Robbins
by John Midgley - 67-68 Letters
by The Editors
September 1973, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 3-6 From the Editor:
by The Editors - 8-15 The Once and Future City
by Bennett Harrison - 16-21 Property Taxation: What’s Good and What’s Bad
by C. Lowell Harriss - 22-27 Arms for a Time of Peace
by Murray L. Weidenbaum - 28-37 Conversation with an Inconvenient Economist
by John Kenneth Galbraith - 38-44 Nationalism or Continentalism? Canadians React to U.S. Investment
by John Fayerweather - 45-51 The Changing Structure of Collective Bargaining
by Jack Barbash - 52-56 Manpower Training: Boon, Not Boondoggle
by Eli Ginzberg - 57-60 Attention, Monopolists: Senator Hart Is Watching
by David Schwartzman - 61-66 Three Variations on Samuelson’s Ninth
by Wallace C. Peterson & Howard J. Sherman & Donald N. McCloskey - 67-68 Letters
by Robert Lekachman
July 1973, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 3-5 From the Editor: Why Economists Disagree
by The Editors - 6-17 Japan’s Economic Future
by Henry Rosovsky - 18-22 Social Security: Unfair to Those Who Pay It; Unfair to Those Who Receive It
by Carolyn Shaw Bell - 23-31 The Futility of International Monetary Reform
by Jack N. Behrman - 32-39 Love, Fear and the Economist
by Kenneth E. Boulding - 40-44 The Wage-Price Control Experiment—Did It Work?
by Edgar L. Feige & Douglas K. Pearce - 45-51 Growth and Environmental Problems of Noncapitalist Nations
by Marshall I. Goldman - 52-57 Corporate Social Responsibility without Corporate Suicide
by Louis O. Kelso & Patricia Hetter - 59-63 The New Product Safety Law
by The Editors - 64-66 The Worldly Philosophers: The Lives, Times and Ideas of the Great Economic Thinkers 4th ed. by Robert L. Heilbroner
by Benjamin Ward - 66-68 The Money Lords: The Great Finance Capitalists 1925-1950 by Matthew Josephson
by Stanley H. Brown - 69-72 Letters
by The Editors
March 1973, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 3-4 To the Lilies of the Field Who Toil Not
by The Editors - 6-12 What Have We Learned about Inflation?
by Henry C. Wallich & Mable I. Wallich - 13-19 Can You Forecast the Stock Market?
by Peter L. Bernstein - 20-31 The Economy of China: A Tourist’s View
by James Tobin - 32-38 The Principles Behind the Policies
by Herbert Stein - 39-50 Is the End of the World at Hand?
by Robert M. Solow - 52-56 The Intelligent Reader’s Guide to the International Monetary Muddle
by Anwar Shaikh - 57-59 The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes
by Robert Lekachman - 59-62 Inequality: A Reassessment of the Effect of Family and Schooling in America by Christopher Jencks
by John D. Owen - 62-65 Redistribution to the Rich and the Poor: The Grants Economics of Income Distribution by Kenneth E. Boulding, Martin Pfaff
by Lynn Turgeon - 65-69 What’s Wrong with Economics? by Benjamin Ward
by Martin Bronfenbrenner - 70-71 Letters
by The Editors
July 1967, Volume 15, Issue 6
- 1-1 Publisher’s Note
by The Editors - 4-7 Letters to the Editor
by The Editors - 8-11 The Trouble with Steel
by Richard S. Thorn - 12-15 Why Merge Commerce and Labor?
by Theodore J. Lowi - 16-18 For $avings Banks and $&L’s the Choice Is Change…or Else…
by Saul B. Klaman & Donald E. Lawson - 19-21 Crisis in Our Medical Services
by Rashi Fein - 22-28 Is Business Losing Out
by James Clark & Lindon E. Saline - 30-33 After Vietnam, What Next for the Economy?
by Paul W. McCracken - 34-37 The Supersonic Transport–Not All smooth Flying
by Richard Hellman - 38-41 The Business Diversification Binge
by Neil W. Chamberlain - 43-46 Explaining the U.S. Economy–But How?
by Leonard S. Silk
May 1967, Volume 15, Issue 5
- 3-50 Economic Affairs
by The Editors - 6-32 Letters to the Editor
by The Editors - 10-34 Latin America
by P. N. Rosenstein-Rodon - 12-37 Vietnam and the Great Income Reshuffle
by Jesse Burkhead - 14-38 How to Raise a Small Army in a Large Country
by Robert Lekachman - 18-24 Those Economic Reforms Behind the Iron Curtain
by Abram Bergson & John M. Montias & Arthur Smithies - 25-40 The World Housing Crisis
by Charles Abrams - 27-41 Is There Really an Antitrust Case against Advertising?
by William N. Leonard - 30-43 The Economic Case for Birth Control
by Stephen Enke - 44-48 How Revolutionary Is the Labor Movement?
by Solomon Barkin
March 1967, Volume 15, Issue 4
- 3-54 Economic Affairs
by The Editors - 6-7 Letters to the Editor
by The Editors - 8-37 Federal Loan Programs, Budgetary Myths and a Move toward Reality
by Robert C. Turner - 10-39 Should We Fear for Our Economic Future? Or Invest “Saved Resources” for a More Meaningful Affluence?
by Joseph J. Spengler - 13-41 Southeast Asia
by Benjamin Higgins & Jean Higgins - 15-43 Voluntary Foreign Investment Curbs
by Benjamin J. Cohen - 18-45 The Crisis in Patents
by Reynold Bennett & Frederic O. Hess - 22-25 National Economic Problems and Prospects
by The Editors - 26-45 The Century of Man
by Ben Wattenberg - 28-46 Rumbles from the Rank and File
by A. H. Raskin - 31-47 Should the Government Subsidize Social Scientists?
by Sanford A. Lakoff - 49-52 The New Economist in Action
by Sir Roy Harrod
January 1967, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 5-5 Letters to the Editor
by The Editors - 6-9 Why Foreign Aid Is in Trouble
by Jacob J. Kaplan - 10-37 The End of the Marxist Affair
by Leon Herman - 12-39 The Great farm Tax Mystery
by Hendrik S. Houthakker - 14-42 What’s so Bad about Insider Trading?
by Henry G. Manne - 18-21 The Public Sector Is Still Starved
by John Kenneth Galbraith - 22-25 The Economic Case for the Great Society
by John R. Stark - 26-27 Labor Flexes Its Muscles
by The Editors - 28-40 Much ADO about 14b
by Mack A. Moore - 30-42 The Primrose Path to Economic Development
by Arthur Smithies - 32-41 Employment Agencies: Public vs. Private
by Leonard P. Adams - 45-47 Automations Double-Edged Sword
by Walter S. Buckingham - 48-48 Wanting Everything and Losing Balance
by The Editors
November 1966, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 2-44 Letters to the Editor
by The Editors - 4-51 Inflation and the New Economics
by Alvin H. Hansen - 8-11 The High Cost of the Supermarket Revolution
by Colston E. Warne - 12-42 Pragmatic Marxism–Peking Style
by Jan S. Prybyla - 16-44 Let’s Try a Value-Added Tax
by Arnold C. Harberger - 20-50 Is There Really an Urban Crisis?
by Daniel Patrick Moynihan - 24-48 Monetary Policy’s Unfair Burden
by Lawrence S. Ritter - 28-54 The Kennedy Round on the Ropes?
by The Editors - 32-35 The American Economy ……..1980
by Clopper Almon - 37-53 The Many Faces of Incomes Policy
by David C. Smith - 57-59 The Americanization of J. M. Keynes
by Calvin B. Hoover - 60-60 Football on Capitol Hill
by The Editors
September 1966, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 2-48 Letters to the Editor
by The Editors - 5-8 The Big Cities’ Big Problem
by John F. Kain - 9-49 The Planners of the Western World
by Robert Lekachman - 12-46 Why Not Featherbedding?
by Louis O. Kels - 15-44 The Coming Social Security Debate
by Merton C. Bernstein - 18-21 The Antitrust Laws Should Be Changed
by Adolf. A. Berle - 22-25 American Agriculture in a Hungry World
by Don Paarlberg - 26-29 The Liberal Case for a Federal Sales Tax
by Harold M. Somers - 30-31 The Banks Scramble for Money
by The Editors - 33-36 What the SEC Doesn’t Know!
by Sidney M. Robbins - 38-51 Those Battered Guideposts
by Alan Greenspan - 53-55 The Power to Tax
by Mortimer M. Caplin - 56-56 Always a Price
by The Editors
July 1966, Volume 14, Issue 6
- 2-4 Letters to the Editor
by The Editors - 5-8 The Knowledge Boom
by Kenneth E. Boulding - 9-12 The Real Strength of Red China
by Wilfred Malenbaum - 13-15 Why the Negative Income Tax Won’t Work
by Thomas K. Hitch - 16-42 What’s Wrong with Our Tax System
by Frank Fernbach & Joseph Pechman & Martin Gainsbrugh - 21-41 The White House and the Fed
by Leo Fishman - 24-25 Trading with the Soviet Bloc
by The Editors - 26-28 Mr. Kosygin Faces Reality
by Harry Schwartz - 29-41 Now Is the Time to Lick Hard-Core Unemployment
by Albert Rees - 32-44 Government Investment: How Scientific Can It Be?
by Neil W. Chamberlain - 36-43 The Invisible Scar
by Caroline Bird - 45-47 An Economist Looks at Wall Street
by Poter L. Bernstein - 48-48 Legacy of the Thirties
by The Editors
May 1966, Volume 14, Issue 5
- 2-4 Letters to the Editor
by The Editors - 5-38 The Great AT&T Investigation
by Ben W. Lewis - 8-40 Let’s have a State of the Union Message
by Bertram M. Gross - 11-39 Why Business Buys the New Economics
by Seymour E. Harris - 14-16 How Good Are Government Statistics?
by Arthur M. Ross - 18-21 Can the Auto Boom Last Forever?
by Daniel B. Suits - 22-40 Mr. Martin’s Sacred Cow
by Michael D. Reagan - 26-27 The Trust Busters and the Merger Boom
by The Editors - 28-43 Western Economics in a Non-Western Setting
by Everett E. Hagen - 32-41 Guns and … Butter or OLEO?
by Richard A. Musgrave - 35-44 The Defense Business: A Far Cry from Adam Smith
by Murrey L. Weidenbaum - 45-47 The Best Laid Plans
by Charles P. Kindleberger - 48-48 Cooling Off the Economy
by The Editors
March 1966, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 2-44 Letters to the Editor
by The Editors - 4-7 The Money Managers and the Boom
by Allan H. Meltzer - 8-37 Decision Making in a Vacuum
by J. M. Culbertson - 12-43 Overhauling the Nation’s Maritime Policy
by Leonard A. Rapping - 16-19 Business and the Great Society
by Armand G. Erpf - 20-23 Private-But Not for Profit!
by Charles E. Lindblom - 24-25 The Johnson Budget: How Realistic?
by The Editors - 26-40 The Corporate Tax Cut: What Business Did with the “Windfall”
by Richard E. Slitor - 30-43 A Mayor Looks at Urban Renewal
by Henry W. Maier - 33-39 Economic Illiteracy: What We Don’t Know Will Hurt Us
by G. L. Bach - 35-44 Breaking the Age Barrier
by Clarence D. Long - 45-47 Malthus Revisited—Again!
by Karl Brandt - 48-48 Who Says We Don’t Know?
by The Editors
January 1966, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 2-32 Letters to the Editor
by The Editors - 4-6 The Public Side of Private Business
by Neil W. Chamberlain - 7-41 Our Hard-Pressed State and Local Governments
by Harvey E. Brazer - 10-39 Communism Tries the Profit System
by Nicolas Spulber - 12-39 Let Us Use Our Manpower Resources
by Eli Ginzberg - 14-16 New Look at the Budget Bureau
by Charles L. Schultze - 17-43 The Shaky Case for Antitrust
by Donald Dewey - 20-44 How Accurate Are the Forecasts?
by Victor Zarnowitz - 24-25 Productivity: Key to Price Stability
by The Editors - 26-44 The Other Canada’s Economic Face
by Benjamin Higgins - 29-44 An End to Innocence
by M. J. Rossant - 45-47 Dissenters from the Great Society
by Henry S. Reuss - 48-48 The Real Cost of Vietnam
by The Editors
November 1965, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 2-3 Letters to the Editor
by The Editors - 4-7 The Record Upswing—It Didn’t Just Happen!
by Hubert H. Humphrey - 8-11 What the Steel Settlement Means
by Robert Lekachman - 13-16 Multinational Corporations in a Nationalistic World
by Howe Martyn - 17-48 Where Do We Go from Here? Reforming the International Monetary System
by Fritz Machlup & Robert Triffin & Emile Despres & Henry C. Wallich - 24-27 Farmers and the Great Society
by Dale E. Hathaway - 28-29 Today’s Unemployment and Tomorrow’s Labor Force
by The Editors - 30-33 Educating the Electorate: The Employment Act after 20 Years
by William C. Freund - 35-38 The Case for Competition
by Lester G. Telser