June 2015, Volume XXXIV, Issue 1
- 2-3 Introduzione
by Donato IACOBUCCI - 4-20 Gestire le competenze: la sfida dell'impresa;moderna
by Alfonso GAMBARDELLA - 21-33 I valori dei marchigiani. Le due velocita' della ripresa
by Censis - 34-38 Saluto del Rettore
by Sauro LONGHI - 39-50 Tavola Rotonda: I valori dei Marchigiani
by Mario BARTOCCI & Matteo ORAZI & Gian Mario SPACCA & Giuseppe DE RITA - 51-71 Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). Alcune riflessioni sulle implicazioni per l'industria europea e americana
November 2014, Volume XXXIII, Issue 1
- 1-13 The Eurozone crisis: A near-perfect case of mismanagement
by Charles WYPLOSZ - 14-36 Trade and change: A meso perspective from four Italian provinces
by Luca DE BENEDICTIS & Massimo TAMBERI & Marco LAVORATORNOVO - 37-63 The evolution of migration flows in Europe and Italy
by Giulia BETTIN & Eralba CELA - 64-82 La banda larga del Veneto: stato, orientamenti e politiche
by Nicola MATTEUCCI - 84-104 The long and the short of it: The value of the concept of the longue dure'e in the analysis of contemporary economic development and decline
by Michael BLIM & Gianluca GOFFI
December 2013, Volume XXXII, Issue 2
- 1-5 Introduction
by Donato IACOBUCCI - 6-16 The entrepreneurial society & the role of the University
by David B. AUDRETSCH - 17-45 Evaluating policies for innovation and university-firm relations. An investigation on the attitude of Italian academic entrepreneurs towards collaborations with firms
by Elisa BARBIERI & Lauretta RUBINI & Alessandra MICOZZI - 46-690 The economic and social value of fostering entrepreneurs in a regional system: the role of education
by Sabrina DUBBINI & Alessandra MICOZZI & Francesca MICOZZI - 70-91 Il viaggiatore del gusto: indagine sulle motivazioni al consume turistico della gastronomia locale
by Sebastiano PATTI & Antonio MESSINA - 93-117 Le difficolta' dell'artigianato marchigiano in un'analisi di lungo periodo
by Gianluca GOFFI & Giovanni DINI
June 2013, Volume XXXII, Issue 1
- 1-36 Competitivita, crescita e vincolo della bilancia dei pagamenti nell'area euro
by Marco CRIVELLINI - 37-48 Alcuni profili economici della riforma IMU: un case study su Ancona e Senigallia
by Fabio FIORILLO & Dario ROMANO - 49-78 L'economia di Ancona dall'Unita al XXI secolo. Prerogative, vincoli, illusioni
by Roberto GIULIANELLI - 79-95 Factors affecting the entrepreneurial dynamics in Italy: a comparison across European countries
by Alessandra MICOZZI - 96-125 Il sistema economico delle Marche. Artigianato e mercato del lavoro dagli anni Novanta alla crisi attuale
by Gianluca GOFFI
December 2012, Volume XXXI, Issue 2
- 1-8 Family Firms, Entrepreneurship and Economic Development
by Marco CUCCULELLI - 9-24 Sustaining trust as informal governance;mechanism: a competitive edge for family firms?
by Jorg FREILING & S.M. LAUDIEN - 25-38 Fostering entrepreneurial learning in family business through a community of practice approach - Case study of Romanian family business
by Ioan S. FOTEA & S. FOTEA & S. VADUVA & I. POP - 39-51 Family and non-family businesses on internal factors of entrepreneurship
by Nelson DUARTE & F. DINIZ - 52-59 Determinants of family business internationalization. Review of existing research
by Katarzyna ZANIEWSKA - 61-73 Obstacles and future prospects of women entrepreneurs: the Turkish context
by Meltem INCE - 74-86 Attitudes of Hungarian higher education students on taking over family ?rms
by Adrienn REISINGER - 87-108 Entrepreneurial attitude of the youngest members of family businesses: a theoretical approach
by Juan J. JIMENEZ-MORENO & A.M. USSMAN - 109-128 The dynamics of succession in family businesses in Poland - Empirical results
by Aleksander SURDEJ & K. WACHH - 129-154 Donne e lavoro in Italia e nelle Marche. Il punto sulle dif?colta e sulle prospettive
by Gianluca GOFFI
June 2012, Volume XXXI, Issue 1
- 1-29 Does the underground economy hold back;financial deepening? Evidence from the Italian credit market [L'economia sommersa Š un freno per lo sviluppo finanziario? Evidenze dai mercati locali del credito in Italia]
by Giorgio GOBBI & Roberta ZIZZA - 30-52 Effetti distributivi degli affitti figurativi in Italia: un'analisi territoriale e per sottogruppi [Measuring the distributional effects of imputed rent in Italy: a subgroup analysis]
by Chiara GIGLIARANO - 53-68 Sociologia ed Economia: universi separati o nuova alleanza? [Sociology and Economics: Separate Universes or New Covenant?]
by Francesco ORAZI - 69-89 Italian FDIs in China: analysis and implications for the new EU investment policy [Gli IDE Italiani in Cina: analisi ed implicazioni per la nuova politica UE sugli investimenti]
by Enrico VANINO - 90-113 Italy in the space (of products) [Italia nello spazio (dei prodotti)]
December 2011, Volume XXX, Issue 2
- 1-3 Nota editoriale
by Marco CUCCULELLI & Donato IACOBUCCI & Andrea Filippo PRESBITERO - 4-41 Tavola rotonda: "Conviene all'Europa salvare la Grecia?" [Roundtable: "Does Europe need to bailout Greece?"]
by Pietro ALESSANDRINI & Michele FRATIANNI & Pier Franco GIORGI & Francesco MARCHIONNE & Pietro MARCOLINI & Luca PAPI - 42-61 Chi sono i lavoratori poveri? [Who are the working poor?]
by Giovanni DI BARTOLOMEO & Anna DI BARTOLOMEO & Marcello PEDACI - 62-82 Labour flows from the new EU Member States into UK and Italy: Characteristics and economic specialisation
by Giulia BETTIN - 83-110 L'artigianato nelle Marche: tra crisi e rilancio [The handicraft sector in the Marche region from the crisis to a way out]
by Fabrizio POMPEI & Francesco VENTURINI - 111-143 Donne e fecondita' nelle Marche nel Secondo Dopoguerra [Employment, education and fertility in Marche region in the second half of XX century]
by Barbara ZAGAGLIA & Marcantonio CALTABIANO