- 43 Provider Type and Depression Treatment Adequacy
by Thomas J. Kniesner & Regina H. Powers & Thomas W. Croghan
- 66 Income and the Use of Prescription Drugs by the Elderly: Evidence from the Notch Cohorts
by John R. Moran & Kosali Ilayperuma Simon - 65 Duration Data from the National Long-Term Care Survey: Foundation for a Dynamic Multiple-Indicator Model of ADL Dependency
by James N. Laditka & Douglas A. Wolf - 64 Do We Invest Less Time in Children? Trends in Parental Time in Selected Industrialized Countries Since the 1960's
by Anne H. Gauthier & Timothy M. Smeeding & Frank F. Furstenberg, Jr. - 63 Welfare State Expenditures and the Distribution of Child Opportunities
by Irwin Garfinkel & Lee Rainwater & Timothy M. Smeeding - 62 School Finance, Equivalent Educational Expenditure, and Income Distribution: Equal Dollars or Equal Chances for Success?
by Kathryn Wilson & Kristina Lambright & Timothy M. Smeeding - 61 Taxes, Deadweight Loss and Intertemporal Female Labor Supply: Evidence from Panel Data
by Anil Kumar - 60 How Much More Does a Disadvantaged Student Cost?
by William D. Duncombe & John Yinger - 59 Maternal Employment and Adolescent Self-Care
by Leonard M. Lopoo - 58 Social Interaction and the Health Insurance Choices of the Elderly
by Eldar Beiseitov & Jeffrey D. Kubik & John R. Moran
- 57 Agglomeration, Labor Supply, and the Urban Rat Race
by Stuart S. Rosenthal & William C. Strange - 56 Geography, Industrial Organization, and Agglomeration
by Stuart S. Rosenthal & William C. Strange - 55 Does Whole-School Reform Boost Student Performance? The Case of New York City
by Robert Bifulco & William Duncombe & John Yinger - 54 The Effect of Income Taxation on Consumption and Labor Supply
by Jamaes P. Ziliak & Thomas J. Kniesner - 53 Do Public Expenditures Improve Child Outcomes in the U.S.? A Comparison across Fifty States
by Kristen Harknett & Irwin Garfinkel & Jay Bainbridge & Timothy Smeeding & Nancy Folbre & Sara McLanahan - 52 Data Mining Mining Data: MSHA Enforcement Efforts, Underground Coal Mine Safety, and New Health Policy Implications
by Thomas J. Kniesner & John D. Leeth - 51 Social Interaction in Labor Supply
by Andrzej Grodner & Thomas J. Kniesner - 50 Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth: The Proof Is in the Productivity
by Douglas Holtz-Eakin & Chihwa Kao - 49 On the Measurement of Job Risk in Hedonic Wage Models
by Dan A. Black & Thomas J. Kniesner
- 48 Globalization, Inequality, and the Rich Countries of the G-20: Evidence from the Luxembourg Income Study (LIS)
by Timothy M. Smeeding - 47 Psychotherapy in Antidepressant Patients
by Regina H. Powers & Thomas J. Kniesner & Thomas J. Croghan - 46 Economic Position Does Not Matter: A Cost-Benefit Analysis
by Keith J. Crocker & John R. Moran - 45 Contracting with Limited Commitment: Evidence from Employment-Based Health Insurance Contracts
by Keith J. Crocker & John R. Moran - 44 Estimating the Cost of an Adequate Education in New York
by William Duncombe
- 42 Nominal Loss Aversion, Housing Equity Constraints, and Household Mobility: Evidence from the United States
by Gary Engelhardt - 41 Private Philanthropy and the Economics of Public Radio
by Arthur C. Brooks - 40 Lethal Elections: Gubernatorial Politics and the Timing of Executions
by Jeffrey D. Kubik & John R. Moran - 39 Can Policy Changes Be Treated as Natural Experiments? Evidence from State Excise Taxes
by Jeffrey D. Kubik & John R. Moran - 38 Explicit Versus Implicit Income Insurance
by Thomas J. Kniesner & James P. Z‎iliak - 37 Intergenerational Labor Market and Welfare Consequences of Poor Health
by Thomas J. Kniesner & Anthony T. LoSasso - 36 Asymptotic Inference in Censored Regression MOdels Revisited
by Chihwa Kao - 35 Some New Approaches to Formulate and Estimate Friction-Bernoulli Jump Diffusion and Friction-GARCH
by Chihwa Kao - 34 Geography, Industrial Organization, and Agglomeration Heteroskedasticity Models with Estimates of the Variances of Foreign Exchange Rates
by Chihwa Kao - 33 Does School Consolidation Cut Costs?
by William Duncombe & John Yinger
- 32 Wavelet-Based Testing for Serial Correlation of Unknown Form in Panel Models
by Yongmiao Hong & Chihwa Kao - 31 Slippery When Wet: The Effects of Local Alcohol Access Laws on Highway Safety
by Reagan Baughman & Michael Conlin & Stacy Dickert-Conlin & John Pepper - 30 How Well Can We Track Cohabitation Using the SIPP? A Consideration of Direct and Inferred Measures
by Reagan Baughman & Stacy Dickert-Conlin & Scott Houser - 29 Microdata Panel Data and Public Policy: National and Cross-National Perspectives
by Robert Carroll & Douglas Holtz-Eakin & Mark Rider & Harvey S. Rosen - 28 Generational Conflict, Human Capital Accumulation, and Economic Growth
by Douglas Holtz-Eakin & Mary E. Lovely & Mehmet Serkan Tosun - 27 Worldwide Population Aging: Endogenous Policy Formation and Capital Market Transmissions in the Presence of Symmetric Demographic Shocks
by Mehmet Serkan Tosun - 26 Antidepressant Treatment for Depression: Total Charges and Therapy Duration
by Deborah G. Dobrez & Catherine A. Melfi & Thomas W. Croghan & Thomas J. Kniesner & Robert L. Obenchain - 25 Unfinished Business: Inadequate Health Coverage for Privately Insured, Seriously Ill Children
by Nancy Swigonski & Eleanor D. Kinney & Deborah A. Freund & Thomas J. Kniesner - 24 Now You See It, Now You Don't: Why Do Real Estate Agents Withhold Available Houses from Black Customers?
by Jan Ondrich & Stephen Ross & John Yinger - 23 Microdata Panel Data and Public Policy: National and Cross-National Perspectives
by Richard V. Burkhauser & Timothy M. Smeeding - 22 Determinants of Medical Costs Following A Diagnosis of Depression
by Regina H. Powers & Thomas J. Kniesner & Thomas W. Croghan - 21 Tax Reform and Automatic Stabilization
by Thomas J. Kniesner & James P. Ziliak - 20 Does Chronic Illness Affect the Adequacy of Health Insurance Coverage?
by Kevin T. Stroupe & Eleanor D. Kinney & Thomas J. Kniesner - 19 Chronic Illness and Health Insurance-Related Job Lock
by Kevin T. Stroupe & Eleanor D. Kinney & Thomas J. Kniesner - 18 The Impact of Hospital Quality-Related Practices on Health Outcomes
by Deborah A. Freund & Frank R. Lichtenberg - 17 Pharmaceuticals and the Elderly: A Comparative Analysis
by Deborah A. Freund & Don Willison & Grant D. Reeher & Bernie O'Brien & Jarold Cosby & Amy Ferraro - 16 Nonstationary Panels, Cointegration in Panels and Dynamic Panels: A Survey
by Badi H. Baltagi & Chihwa Kao - 15 Testing for Structural Change of a Time Trend Regression in Panel Data
by Jamie Emerson & Chihwa Kao
- 14 Geography, Industrial Organization, and Agglomeration
by Stuart S. Rosenthal & William C. Strange - 13 The EITC: Expectation, Knowledge, Use, and Economic and Social Mobility
by Timothy M. Smeeding & Katherin Ross Phillips & Michael O'Connor - 12 Demographics of the Gay and Lesbian Population in the United States: Evidence from Available Systematic Data Sources
by Dan Black & Gary Gates & Seth Sanders & Lowell Taylor - 11 Cash Constraints and Business Start-ups: Deutschmarks versus Dollars
by Douglas Holtz-Eakin & Harvey Rosen - 10 Estate Taxes, Life Insurance, and Small Business
by Douglas Holtz-Eakin & John Phillips & Harvey Rosen - 9 The Role of Relative Cohort Size and Relative Income in the Demographic Transition
by Diane Macunovich - 8 Relative Cohort Size: Source of a Unifying Theory of Global Fertility Transition
by Diane Macunovich - 7 The Baby Boom As It Ages: How Has It Affected Patterns of Consumptions and Savings in the United States?
by Diane Macunovich - 6 The Fortune of One's Birth: Relative Cohort Size and the Youth Labor Market in the United States
by Diane Macunovich - 5 Testing the Stability of a Production Function with Urbanization as a Shift Factor: An Application of Non-Stationary Panel Data Techniques
by Suzanne McCoskey & Chihwa Kao - 4 International R&D Spillovers: An Application of Estimation and Inference in Panel Cointegration
by Chihwa Kao & Min-Hsien Chiang & Bangtian Chen - 3 A Monte Carlo Comparison of Tests for Cointegration in Panel Data
by Suzanne McCoskey & Chihwa Kao - 2 On the Estimation and Inference of a Cointegrated Regression in Panel Data
by Chihwa Kao & Min-Hsien Chiang - 1 On the Estimation of a Linear Time Trend Regression with a One-Way Error Component Model in the Presence of Serially Correlated Errors
by Chihwa Kao & Jamie Emerson