- 08021 Effizienzaspekte alternativer Streitbeilegung
by Roland Kirstein - 08020 Persuasion in Experimental Ultimatum Games
by Ola Andersson & Matteo M. Galizzi & Tim Hoppe & Sebastian Kranz & Karen van der Wiel & Erik Wengström - 08019 The Immigrant Wage Gap in Germany
by Alisher Aldashev & Johannes Gernandt & Stephan L. Thomsen - 08018 Explaining the Employability Gap of Short-term and Long-term Unemployed Persons
by Stephan L. Thomsen - 08017 Trust and Adaptive Learning in Implicit Contracts
by Christian Lukas & Jens Robert Schöndube - 08016 Setup Cost Reduction and Supply Chain Coordination in Case of Asymmetric Information
by Karl Inderfurth & Guido Voigt - 08015 SLOPPGEN: A Problem Generator for the Two-Dimensional Rectangular Single Large Object Placement Problem With a Single Defect
by Vera Neidlein & Gerhard Wäscher - 08014 Linear Programming for a Cutting Problem in the Wood Processing Industry – A Case Study
by Sören Koch & Sebastian König & Gerhard Wäscher - 08013 Scarring or Scaring? The Psychological Impact of Past Unemployment and Future Unemployment Risk
by Andreas Knabe & Steffen Rätzel - 08012 Revenue Sharing, Competitive Balance and the Contest Success Function
by Marco Runkel - 08011 Non-uniqueness of non-extensive entropy under Rényi's recipe
by Sönke Hoffmann - 08010 Information Revelation in an Online Auction with Common Values
by Sascha Füllbrunn - 08009 Labor Supply and Growth Effects of Environmental Policy under Technological Risk
by Christiane Clemens & Karen Pittel - 08008 Borrowing Constraints, Entrepreneurial Risks, and the Wealth Distribution in a Heterogeneous Agent Model
by Christiane Clemens & Maik Heinemann - 08007 Who has really paid for the Reconstruction of East Germany? Expected and Realized Returns on Real Estate Investments in East and West Germany in the 1990s
by Tina Bensemann & Dirk Kiesewetter - 08006 Attraction to Chance in Germany and Australia. An experimental study of cultural differences
by Eike B. Kroll & Bodo Vogt - 08005 Vielfalt auf dem Arbeitsmarkt: Personalplanerische und arbeitsmarkttheoretische Überlegungen zur “Erosion” des Normalarbeitsverhältnisses
by Thomas Spengler - 08003 Bayesianische Steuerbehörden und das Tax Payer Puzzle
by Roland Kirstein - 08002 The “Rainmaker’s Dilemma:” Bad Debt Loss Insurance in Settlement and Litigation
by Roland Kirstein & Annette Kirstein & Hans Gerhard - 08001 The Impact of Cheap Talk on Supply Chain Performance in Case of Asymmetric Information: An Experimental Investigation
by Karl Inderfurth & Abdolkarim Sadrieh & Guido Voigt
- 07029 Die Wirkung der Marke auf die Produktwahrnehmung – Empirische Befunde von Produkttests im deutschen Zigarettenmarkt
by Holger Müller - 07027 Country-Specific Effects of Reputation and Information: A Comparison of Online Auctions in Germany, the UK, and the US
by Christopher Schlägel & Birgitta Wolff - 07026 Early versus late effort in dynamic agencies with learning about productivity
by Jens Robert Schöndube - 07025 Collusion or Sniping in simultaneous ascending Auctions
by Sascha Füllbrunn - 07024 An experimental investigation of collusion in hard-close auctions: partners and friends
by Sascha Füllbrunn & Tibor Neugebauer - 07023 Do Consumers’ Stated Preferences in Choice Models Depend on Differences in Stimulus Presentation: 2D versus 3D Presentation?
by Alma Berneburg - 07022 Empirische Befunde der experimentellen Preisforschung: Wirkung der Transaktionskonsequenz und materieller Anreize auf das Entscheidungsverhalten in Kaufsimulationen
by Holger Müller - 07021 Internationaler Müllhandel aus Sicht der ökonomischen Analyse des Rechts
by Roland Kirstein - 07020 Subsidizing Extra Jobs: Promoting Employment by Taming the Unions
by Andreas Knabe & Ronnie Schöb - 07019 Union Wages, Hours of Work and the Effectiveness of Partial Coordination Agreements
by Sven Wehke - 07018 Language Usage, Participation, Employment and Earnings
by Alisher Aldashev & Johannes Gernandt & Stephan L. Thomsen - 07017 Dividend Yield and Stability versus Performance at the German Stock Market
by Antje Henne & Sebastian Ostrowski & Peter Reichling - 07016 Zur optimalen Parametrisierung der Lagerkennlinie nach Nyhuis/Wiendahl
by Karl Inderfurth & Tobias Schulz - 07015 A sceptic comment on "A sceptic´s comment on the study of economics"
by Jeanette Brosig & Timo Heinrich & Thomas Riechmann & Ronnie Schöb & Joachim Weimann - 07014 Iterative Reasoning in an Experimental "Lemons" Market
by Annette Kirstein & Roland Kirstein - 07013 Profiles of stress: an empirical comparison of employee stress factor diferences in Germany and the US
by Marijaana Gunkel & Edward J. Lusk & Birgitta Wolff - 07012 Quantifying the psychological costs of unemployment: the role of permanent income
by Andreas Knabe & Steffen Rätzel - 07011 An Experimental Assessment of Confederate Reserve Price Bids in Online Auction
by Tim Hoppe & Abdolkarim Sadrieh - 07010 Fighting Tax Competition in the Presence of Unemployment: Complete versus Partial Tax Coordination
by Sven Wehke - 07009 Involuntary Unemployment in a Competitive Labour Market
by Gangolf Groh - 07008 Tourenplanung für den Menübringdienst des Deutschen Roten Kreuzes Magdeburg - Eine Fallstudie
by Heike Haußner & Jessica Knauel & Gerhard Wäscher - 07007 Ist das staatliche Eingreifen ins Gründungsgeschehen theoretisch legitimiert?
by Jörn Hendrich Block & Thorsten Staak & Philipp Tilleßen - 07006 Corporate Governance, Reputation Concerns, and Herd Behavior
by Barbara Schöndube-Pirchegger - 07005 Selfish in the end? An investigation of consistency and stability of individual behaviour
by Jeanette Brosig & Thomas Riechmann & Joachim Weimann - 07004 Inefficient Intra-Firm Incentives Can Stabilize Cartels in Cournot Oligopolies
by Roland Kirstein & Annette Kirstein - 07002 Transfers, non-tradable goods and a distorted economy in eastern Germany
by Harald Simons - 07001 Sharing and Anti-Sharing in Teams
by Roland Kirstein & Robert D. Cooter
- 06024 Sudden Termination Auctions – An Experimental Study
by Sascha Füllbrunn & Abdolkarim Sadrieh