- 07-11 Are Pollution Permits a Cure for Unregulated Growth Diseases ?
by Alain Jean-Marie & Philippe Fabien Prieur & Philippe Mabel Tidball - 07-10 L’étude des cycles de KONDRATIEFF nous permet-elle d’en savoir plus sur la nature sociale de la monnaie ?
by Philippe Jourdon - 07-09 Do binding agreements solve the social dilemma?
by Emmanuel Sol & Sylvie Thoron & Marc Willinger - 07-08 The economics of the telethon: leadership, reciprocity and moral motivation
by David Masclet & Marc Willinger & Charles Figuières - 07-07 Agri-environmental auctions with synergies
by Sandra Saïd & Sophie Thoyer - 07-06 The role of players’ identification in the population on the trusting and the trustworthy behavior an experimental investigation
by Dimitri Dubois & Marc Willinger - 07-05 Public infrastructure, non cooperative investments and endogeneous growth
by Charles Figuières & Fabien Prieur & Mabel Tidball - 07-04 Another experimental look at reciprocal behavior: indirect reciprocity
by Bonein Aurélie & Serra Daniel - 07-03 Educational Mismatches, Wages and Economic Growth: A Causal Analysis for the French Case since 1980
by Jean-Pascal Guironnet & Magali Jaoul-Grammare - 07-02 Social Preferences on Public Intervention: an empirical investigation based on French Data
by Romina Boarini & Christine Le Clainche - 07-01 Test d’inférence statistique de l’indice multidimensionnel flou de pauvreté appliqué à l’Argentine
by Maria-Noel Pi Alprein & Michel Terraza
- 06-13 Voluntary Matching Grants can Forestall Social Dumping
by Jacques Drèze & Charles Figuières & Jean Hindriks - 06-12 Misreporting, Retroactive Audit and Redistribution
by Sandrine Spaeter & Marc Willinger - 06-11 Designing Water Markets to Manage Coupled Externalities : a Preliminary Analysis
by Sophie Legras & Robert Lifran - 06-10 An empirical study of determinants in decision-making process
by Aurélie Bonein - 06-09 Structure and bargaining power in multilateral negotiations : Application to water management policies in France
by Leo K. Simon & Sophie Thoyer & Sylvie Morardet & Rachael E. Goodhue & Patrick Rio & Gordon C. Rausser - 06-08 Merger Remedies at the European Commission: A Multinomial Logit Analysis
by Patrice Bougette & Stéphane Turolla - 06-07 Agriculture production versus biodiversity protection: what role for north-south unconditional transfers?
by Stéphanie Aulong & Charles Figuières & Sophie Thoyer - 06-06 Efficiency inducing taxation for polluting oligopolists: the irrelevance of privatization
by Denis Claude & Mabel Tidball - 06-05 Capacité d’utilisation du capital humain et croissance de la productivité française de 1980 à 2002
by Jean-Pascal Guironnet - 06-04 Does Contributing Sequentially Increase the Level of Cooperation in Public Goods Games ? An Experimental Investigation
by David Masclet & Marc Willinger - 06-03 Sustainable exploitation of a natural resource: a satisfying use of Chichilnisky's criterion
by Charles Figuières & Mabel Tidball - 06-02 L'influence de la connaissance du genre du partenaire dans les relations de confiance et de réciprocité: une étude expérimentale
by Aurélie Bonein & Daniel Serra - 06-01 Mesures de biodiversité et politiques de conservation : des notions complexes présentées dans un exemple simple
by Stéphanie Aulong & Katrin Erdlenbruch & Charles Figuières
- 05-10 Human Capital Allocation and Overeducation: A Measure of French Productivity
by Jean-Pascal Guironnet & Nicolas Peypoch - 05-09 Updating Choquet valuation and discounting information arrivals
by André Lapied & Robert Kast - 05-08 Negotiation processes for the protection of biodiversity
by Stéphanie Aulong & Charles Figuières & Robert Lifran - 05-07 Le contrôle a posteriori des concentrations peut-il augmenter l'efficacité des politiques de concurrence ?
by Patrice Bougette & Florent Vénayre - 05-06 Une analyse textuelle des obligations des chaînes hertziennes françaises
by Cédric Doliger & Marion Vidal - 05-05 Analyse cliométrique des cycles de croissance de l’éducation en France (1815-2003) : Vers un modèle à seuil autorégressif
by Jean-Pascal Guironnet - 05-04 La sur-éducation en France : vers une dévalorisation des diplômes du supérieur ?
by Jean-Pascal Guironnet - 05-03 Mesure multidimensionnelle de la pauvreté en Argentine
by Maria-Noel Pi Alperin & Françoise Seyte & Michel Terraza - 05-02 Obtaining a Unique, Efficient Norm Through Negotiation by Linking Porposals
by Nicolas Quérou - 05-01 Multi-Unit Auctions to Allocate Water Scarcity Simulating bidding behaviour with agent based models
by Sophie Thoyer & Atakelty Hailu