- 2007-016 Interregional diversity of fairness concerns - An online ultimatum experiment
by Sebastian J. Goerg & Werner Güth & Gari Walkowitz & Torsten Weiland - 2007-015 Smart capital in German start-ups - an empirical analysis
by Dorothea Schaefer & Dirk Schilder - 2007-014 Competition in product design: An experiment exploring innovation behavior
by Uwe Cantner & Werner Güth & Andreas Nicklisch & Torsten Weiland - 2007-013 Knowledge and its Economic Characteristics - A Conceptual Clarification
by Ulrich Witt & Tom Broekel & Thomas Brenner - 2007-012 Biodiversity, International Tourism and development
by Andreas Freytag & Christoph Vietze - 2007-011 Do Consumers Pay Voluntarily? The Case of Online Music
by Tobias Regner & Javier A. Barria - 2007-010 Parametric Contest Success Functions
by Birendra K. Rai & Rajiv Sarin - 2007-009 Globalization and Employment: Imported Skill Biased Technological Change in Developing Countries
by Andrea Conte & Marco Vivarelli - 2007-008 Moral Hazard and Clear Conscience
by Topi Miettinen - 2007-007 Personal Identity in the Dictator Game
by Fernando Aguiar & Pablo Branas-Garza & Maria Paz Espinosa & Luis M. Miller - 2007-006 What determines the efficiency of regional innovation systems?
by Michael Fritsch & Viktor Slavtchev - 2007-005 Let Me See You! A Video Experiment on the Social Dimension of Risk Preferences
by Werner Gueth & M. Vittoria Levati & Matteo Ploner - 2007-004 The Benefits of Being Economics Professor A (and not Z)
by C. Mirjam van Praag & Bernard M.S. van Praag - 2007-003 Globalization and the Rise of the Entrepreneurial Economy
by David B. Audretsch & Mark Sanders - 2007-002 Monetary Commitment, Institutional Constraints and Inflation: Empirical Evidence for OECD Countries since the 1970s
by Andreas Freytag & Friedrich Schneider - 2007-001 The Geography and the Effect of Creative People in Germany
by Michael Fritsch